Environmental Chemistry Chm401
Environmental Chemistry Chm401
Environmental Chemistry Chm401
TEXTBOOKS: Environmental Chemistry: A Global Perspective 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press, G. W. vanLoon and S. J. Duffy. ISBN 978-0-19-922886-7 The textbook is available at the bookstore.
15 January Overview of course for the semester, review syllabus 17 January Lecture 1: Chapter 1 - Environmental chemistry: a global perspective 22 January Lecture 2: Chapter 2 - The Earths atmosphere 24 January Lecture 3: Chapter 3 - Stratospheric chemistry ozone 29 January Lecture 4: Chapter 4 - Tropospheric chemistry - smog Submission of project idea including one paragraph of discussion 31 January Lecture 5: Chapter 5 - Tropospheric chemistry - precipitation 5 February Lecture 6: Chapter 6 - Atmospheric aerosols 7 February Lecture 7: Chapter 7 - Indoor air pollution 12 February Lecture 8: Chapter 8 - Chemistry of global climate 14 February Exam 1: Material from 15th January 12th February. Problem Set 1 Due (Chapters 1-8) 19 February Session 1 of Student Project Presentations (Student Project Extended Abstract Due) 21 February Lecture 9: Global Climate Change 26 February Lecture 10: Chapter 9 - The hydrosphere 28 February Lecture 11: Chapter 10 Distribution of species in aquatic systems 5 March Lecture 11: Chapter 10 Distribution of species in aquatic systems 7 March Lecture 12: Chapter 11 - Gases in water 9-17 March SPRING BREAK 19 March Lecture 13: Chapter 12 - Organic matter in water 21 March Session 2 of Student Project Presentations 26 March Lecture 13: Chapter 13 - Metals in the hydrosphere 28 March Lecture 14: Chapter 14 - Environmental chemistry of colloids and surfaces 2 April Session 3 of Student Project Presentations 4 April Lecture 15: Chapter 15 - Microbiological processes 9 April Lecture 16: Chapter 20 - Organic biocides 4 April Exam 2: Material from 19st February 28th March. Problem Set 2 Due (Chapters 9-14) 16 April Lecture 17: Chapters 16 - Water pollution and wastewater treatment chemistry
18 April Session 4 of Student Project Presentations. 23 April Lecture 18: Chapter 19 Chemistry of solid wastes 25 April Lecture 19: Chapter 20 Class Discussion About Mankind and Earths Future and Final Exam Review Problem Set 3 Due (Chapters 15-17 & 19-20) 7 May Final Exam Period - 8:00AM-10:30AM Exam 3: Mainly on material from 4th April 25th April, including all student presentations from the semester. STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO ABIDE BY THE UNIVERSITY HONOR CODE. LECTURES: The lecture Power Point presentations along with other of the lecture notes will be available on the CHM 401 Blackboard site. The Power Point lectures will be available for viewing and downloading from Blackboard prior to the day of the lecture. EXAMS: All exams will be written and given in class. No make-up exams. PROJECTS: Each student is required to investigate a problem regarding any aspect of environmental chemistry he or she chooses. The investigation should include interviewing or discussing your topic with an expert in the field. The investigation must be presented in two parts: 1) a written extended abstract - which must be a properly formatted and written in accordance with directions given on the Blackboard site for this course, and 2) an oral presentation - which should follow the format of a short scientific meeting presentation. The presentation should be about 10 minutes, with 2 minutes for answering questions. PROBLEM SETS: Select problems mainly from the text will be assigned. These assignments will be listing on Blackboard. Some of these problems will be similar to those given on the exams. Problem sets will not be returned,
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