Curriculum Vitæ: Ananthr@stanford - Edu
Curriculum Vitæ: Ananthr@stanford - Edu
Curriculum Vitæ: Ananthr@stanford - Edu
Cryptography & Security: I am interested in all aspects of cryptography. I work on robust constructions of deterministic and searchable encryption schemes. I also look at problems related to building novel cryptogrpahic primitives using lattice-based cryptography. Additionally, I am interested in exploring problems in cryptography motivated by privacy. I have worked on constructions and applications of pseudorandom and veriable random functions. In the distant past, I also worked on program obfuscation and veriable secret sharing.
Stanford University PhD candidate in Computer Science Advisor: Prof. Dan Boneh. CGPA: 4.02 / 4 Indian Institute of Technology, Madras B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering with minor in Physics Advisor: Prof. C. Pandu Rangan. CGPA: 9.83 / 10 Sep 2009 present Stanford, CA
1. Function-Private Subspace Membership Encryption and Its Applications with Dan Boneh and Gil Segev In Advances in Cryptology ASIACRYPT 2013 2. Function-Private Identity-Based Encryption: Hiding the Function in Functional Encryption with Dan Boneh and Gil Segev In Advances in Cryptology CRYPTO 2013 3. Message-Locked Encryption for Lock-Dependent Messages with Martin Abadi and Dan Boneh and Ilya Mironov and Gil Segev In Advances in Cryptology CRYPTO 2013 4. Key-Homomorphic PRFs and Their Applications with Dan Boneh and Kevin Lewi and Hart Montgomery In Advances in Cryptology CRYPTO 2013 5. Deterministic Public-Key Encryption for Adaptively Chosen Plaintext Distributions with Gil Segev and Salil Vadhan In Advances in Cryptology EUROCRYPT 2013 6. Algebraic Pseudorandom Functions with Improved Efciency from the Augmented Cascade with Dan Boneh and Hart Montgomery In proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) 2010 7. Obfuscating Straight Line Arithmetic Programs with Srivatsan Narayanan and Ramarathnam Venkatesan In proceedings of the 9th annual ACM workshop on Digital Rights Management (DRM) 2009 8. Privately Identifying Location Hotspots with Dan Boneh and Peter Chien
9. Lower Bounds for Round and Communication Complexities of Unconditional Veriable Secret Sharing with Srivatsan Narayanan and Pandu Rangan Technical report. 10. Bilinear Maps in Veriable Random Functions Technical report, CS259C/MATH 250: Elliptic Curves in Cryptography
Research Intern Security and Privacy group, Microsoft Research (MSR) Silicon Valley Advisors: Dr. Ilya Mironov and Dr. Gil Segev Jun 2012 Sep 2012 Mountain View, CA
Worked on improving the security denitions and more robust constructions of deterministic encryption schemes. In addition, looked at problems (including on-going research) related to secure deduplication of encrypted data and authenticated differential privacy. Course Assistant Department of Computer Science, Stanford University CS255: Introduction to Cryptography Jan 2011 Apr 2011, Jan 2012 Apr 2012 Stanford, CA
Work included help setting problem sets, teaching additional topics in sections, and grading. In 2012, I also helped with the online offering at particularly with setting problems and answering questions and clarications in forums. Research Intern Cryptography, Security and Algorithms group, Microsoft Research (MSR) India Advisors: Dr. Satya Lokam and Dr. Ramarathnam Venkatesan Worked on problems related to program obfuscation and white-boxing of code. May 2008 Aug 2008 Bangalore, India
Searching on Encrypted Data without Revealing the Search Predicate Invited talk, IT Security Entrepreneurs Forum Workshop, Stanford, Mar. 2013 Invited talk, Stanford Computer Forum Security Workshop, Apr. 2013 Stanford Security Lunch, Apr. 2013 Randomness Extractors in Cryptography: The Leftover Hash Lemma and Its Variants Stanford Security Lunch, Mar. 2013 Deterministic Public-Key Encryption for Adaptively Chosen Plaintext Distributions EUROCRYPT 2013 conference, Athens, Greece, May 2013 End-of-internship talk, Microsoft SVC, Oct. 2012 Stanford Security Lunch, Oct. 2012 Recent results and new directions in constructing Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments PhD Qualifying Exam talk, Stanford University, May 2012 Signature schemes from Lattices Invited talk, Indo-US workshop on lattice based cryptography, ISI Kolkata, Jan. 2012 Microsoft Research India, Jan. 2012 Algebraic Pseudorandom Functions with Improved Efciency from Augmented Cascade ACM CCS 2010 conference, Chicago, Il., Oct. 2010 Stanford Theory Lunch, June 2010 Microsoft Research India, Dec. 2010 Theoretical Computer Science Lab, IIT-Madras, Dec. 2010
Good knowledge of C/C++, Python Strong foundations in algorithms and data structures and past experience in socket and assembly programming Past experience in Perl, MySQL, x86 Assembly language, Prolog, LISP, Lex, Yacc 2