Pupe 09-10 Worksheet 3 (C) Key

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Oct. 3! 009

PART A- C"#$% T%&t: R%'( t)% t%*t +%"#, '-( t).-/ #0 t)% ,#1( ,).c) +%&t 0.t& %'c) &2'c%. U&% #-"3 ONE ,#1( .- %'c) &2'c%. Ten years ago, Paul Freeman was so poor that he oul!n"t #$% AFFORD to go on hol&!ay unless he staye! w&th relat&'es( )e l&'e! &n a t&ny house w&th three *r&en!s an! #+% COULD only ,uy lothes &* they were 'ery heap( #-% HOWEVER, he ha! #.% ALWA4S wante! to set up h&s own ,us&ness an!, e'entually, he #/% DECIDED to go *or &t( It wasn"t easy, an! he oul!n"t r&s0 #1% 5U4ING anyth&ng e2pens&'e &n ase he nee!e! the money *or the ,us&ness( To!ay, howe'er, he &s wealth&er #3% THAN he e'er &mag&ne! he woul! ,e( Paul"s story onta&ns a #4% FEW use*ul lessons( I* you want to ,e r& h, &t !oesn"t #5%MATTER what you pro!u e, as #$6% LONG as there &s a mar0et *or &t( You m&ght ha'e !&**& ult&es &n the ,eg&nn&ng, ,ut you shoul! ne'er #$$% GIVE up( I* you"re *&n!&ng &t har! #$+% TO get ,y, #$-% TR4 to ,e pat&ent( Then, &* you are are*ul w&th money, you shoul! soon start to #$.% 5E su ess*ul( E'en now, Paul #$/% NEVER//RAREL4//SELDOM goes on hol&!ay( So, why #$1% DOESN6T th&s su ess*ul entrepreneur ta0e hol&!ays7 Perhaps &t &s ,e ause he #$1% HAS &n'este! some o* h&s money &n houses( As0 yoursel* th&s8 &* you 9 l&0e Paul: ha! lu2ur&ous homes &n ;ama& a, Flor&!a, Sw&t<erlan! an! Fran e, how many hol&!ays #$3% WOULD you nee!7 PART 5: F."" .- t)% +"'-/& ,.t) t)% c#11%ct 2'&t t%-&% 0#17 #0 t)% 8%1+& .- t)% +#*. %-( 92 1%'".$% 7'/% 7'-':% c'tc) &/.( :#;* < 1'.+1%'/ 0'"" #00 /-#, 2"'c3c"% 1.(% -#t %*2%ct &2%-( ,#-(%1 0#1:%t (%c.(%

Th&s t&me last year I #$%WAS C4CLING &n the ra&n along a ountry roa! &n Fran e w&th a *r&en! o* m&ne( =e #+% HAD DECIDED to go on a y l&ng hol&!ay &n Norman!y( Ne&ther o* us #-% HAD 5EEN to Fran e ,e*ore, ,ut we #.% KNEW some Fren h *rom our t&me at s hool an! we #/% HAD MANAGED to ,rush up on the ,as& s, ,ut we #1% WERE WONDERING &* we #3% HAD MADE the r&ght !e &s&on( =e #4% HAD PLANNED our route are*ully &n a!'an e, ,ut we #5% HAD FORGOTTEN one &mportant th&ng, the weather( It #$6% HAD RAINED// HAD 5EEN RAINING sol&!ly s&n e our arr&'al an! that n&ght we #$$% ENDED UP sleep&ng &n the wa&t&ng room at a ra&lway stat&on( Then the ne2t morn&ng as we #$+% WERE RIDING !own a steep h&ll, my ,&0e #$-%SKIDDED on the wet roa! an! I #$.% FELL OFF ( I #$/% REALISED &mme!&ately that I #$1% HAD 5ROKEN my arm, an! a*ter a '&s&t to the lo al hosp&tal I #$3% CAUGHT the ne2t tra&n to >ala&s *or the *erry home( Un*ortunately my parents #$4% WERE NOT E=PECTING me home *or a *ortn&ght, an! #$5% HAD GONE away on hol&!ay( So I #+6% SPENT a m&sera,le ouple o* wee0s alone, rea!&ng Teach Yourself French PART C - WORD 5UILDING: R%'( t)% t%*t +%"#,. U&% t)% ,#1( :.8%- .- c'2.t'"& 't t)% %-( #0 %'c) ".-% t# 0#17 ' ,#1( t)'t 0.t& .- t)% &2'c% .- t)% &'7% ".-%. N# 2#.-t& ,."" +% :.8%- 0#1 t)% 7.&&2%""%( ,#1(&. Some young people to!ay are #$% TIRED o* the same ol! pro,lems &n the&r #+% RELATIONSHIPS w&th *r&en!s, an! are loo0&ng *or ways to ma0e #-% IMPROVEMENTS &n the&r personal l&'es( ?ne way that an &nsp&r&ng an! #.% CREATIVE group o* s hool 0&!s ame up w&th was to esta,l&sh a new #/% UNWRITTEN o!e to *ollow( Though &t was not state! on paper, &t has wor0e! *or 0&!s( It has ,een a *antast& ultural an! #1% SOCIAL re'olut&on *or the area"s teenagers( The regulat&ons !on"t tell anyone what to !o, ,ut they !o pro'&!e some use*ul an! pra t& al gu&!an e &n terms o* the 0&n! o* #3% 5EHAVIOUR that teenagers want to re e&'e *rom ea h other( @ase! on respe t an! #4% HONEST4, the o!e &s help&ng to promote a greater sp&r&t o* #5% KINDNESS &n an age where too o*ten people are only a,out themsel'es( TIRE RELATE IMPROVE CREATE WRITE SOCIALI>E


PART D-REWRITE: C#72"%t% t)% &%c#-( &%-t%-c% &# t)'t .t )'& ' &.7."'1 7%'-.-: ,.t) t)% 0.1&t &%-t%-c%! 9&.-: t)% ,#1( :.8%-. 4#9 79&t 9&% +%t,%%- t,# '-( 0.8% ,#1(& .-c"9(.-: t)% ,#1( :.8%-. $: =e use! to spen! Sun!ay a*ternoons wor0&ng &n the gar!en( ;,#9"(< =e WOULD SPEND SUNDA4 AFTERNOONS wor0&ng &n the gar!en( +: Sally wasn"t always as ru!e as that( ;+%< Sally DIDN6T USE TO 5E as ru!e as that( -: I wasn"t 'ery 0een on sports &n those !ays( ;9&%< I DIDN6T USE TO 5E 'ery 0een on sports &n those !ays( .: )e always tal0e! pol&tely &n the past, ,ut he !oesn"t anymore( ;9&%(< )e USED TO TALK pol&tely( /: =ere you a smo0er &n the past7 ;9&%< A&! 4OU USE TO SMOKE 7 1: =hen Alan was a to!!ler, he always h&! ,eh&n! me whene'er a stranger ame &n( ;,#9"(< =hen Alan was a to!!ler, HE WOULD HIDE 5EHIND ME whene'er a stranger ame &n( 3: I use! to !o yoga( ;:'8%< I GAVE UP DOING 4OGA. 4: )er no'els were always o'errate!, ,ut now rea!ers ha'e awa0ene!( ;9&%(< )er no'els USED TO 5E OVERRATED ,ut now rea!ers ha'e awa0ene!( 5: =hen she yelle!, all the h&l!ren Bust shran0 &n the&r seats( ;,#9"(< =hen she yelle!, all the h&l!ren WOULD SHRINK IN THEIR SEATS. $6: My mum always ga'e me a ,ath on Fr&!ay n&ghts when I was l&ttle( ;,#9"(< My mum WOULD GIVE ME A 5ATH on Fr&!ay n&ghts when I was l&ttle( $$: She an"t seem to stop snee<&ng lately( ;+%%-< She HAS 5EEN SNEE>ING a lot lately( $+: I too0 o'er my oat ,ut &t wasn"t ne essary( #t'/%-< I NEEDN6T HAVE TAKEN my o'er oat( $-: I starte! go&ng a,roa! when I was ten( ;)'8%< I HAVE 5EEN GOING A5ROAD SINCE I was ten( $.: =e ,egan '&s&t&ng th&s resort ten years ago( ;+%%-< =e HAVE 5EEN VISITING th&s resort *or ten years( $/: I !on"t *&n! &t strange to stay &n lu2ury hotels( ;&t'3.-:< I AM USED TO STA4ING &n lu2ury hotels( $1: They say that CSawD &s the ,est horror mo'&e e'er ma!e( ;&922#&%(< CSawD IS SUPPOSED TO 5E the ,est horror mo'&e e'er ma!e(

P'1t E: R%2"'c% t)% 2)1'&% .- .t'".c t32%! 9&.-: ' 2)1'&'" 8%1+ 01#7 t)% +#* ,.t) t)% c#11%ct 0#17. @RINF UP #G+% @REAH A?=N #G+% >ARRY ?N >ARRY ?UT @RINF ?UT >ARRY ?FF @REAH INT? @REAH ?UT

$:I was late *or the meet&ng ,e ause my ar came to a stop ;5ROKE DOWN< an! I ha! to wal0 the rest o* the way( +:They are a*ra&! that war w&ll start ;5REAK OUT< ,etween the two ountr&es( -: =hen she saw h&m ly&ng !ea! she collapsed and burst into tears ;5ROKE DOWN<. .: They"re publishing ;5RINGING OUT< her new ,oo0 &n the spr&ng( /: The th&e'es must ha'e entered the house by force ;5ROKE INTO< the house an! stolen the papers( 1: They"'e ,een doing ;CARR4ING OUT< resear h &nto the e**e t o* hang&ng l&mate on the tr&,e"s way o* l&*e( 3: =hen her parents !&e!, she was taken care of and taught how to behave ;5ROUGHT UP< ,y her aunt an! un le( 4:I hope he !oesn"t raise ;5RING UP< that Euest&on at the meet&ng( 5: She continued ;CARRIED ON< when the rest o* us were rea!y to g&'e up( $6: Aon"t you th&n0 he handled very well ;CARRIED OFF< the !&**& ult s&tuat&on 'ery well7

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