Moral Journal
Moral Journal
Moral Journal
This journal is discussed about the theories and also opinions of psychologist and also
the member of philosophies around the world. These is considered as a debate because they
have been debating over which theory is better for centuries, so that they could determine
what are moral education and character education. Library shelves are filled with persuasive
arguments about the proper focus: moral judgment, moral sensitivity, moral values, moral
emotion, moral reasoning, moral intention, and moral action. Each focus corresponds to a
“school of thought” or cluster of psychological and philosophical explanations of morality
and/or moral development. Each has a basic assumption about human nature (good, bad,
neither good nor bad) and related prescriptions for social action and educating children.
The purpose of this paper has been to be suggestive and open-ended rather than
definitive and conclusive. It is not the author’s intention to describe in detail all aspects of
theories of moral and character development or suggest a best approach to its maturation.
However, we do believe there are some broad guidelines that can be followed and specific
programs that can be emulated.
We must agree and share the opinions drawn by other researchers that experiential
learning opportunities for moral action must be available to youth of all ages within schools
and communities where all adults provide moral guidance. At a minimum we believe that
character education programs should focus on the internal processes of knowing, thinking,
and judging; feeling and expressing empathy and valuing; planning and committing to a set of
ethical values or moral decisions; and explicitly putting knowledge, values, and commitments
into action. We also suggest that encouraging a sense of moral identity, especially seeing
oneself as a virtuous person, is important.