Final Open 2

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Waynesburg University

Pre-Instructional Planning:
The thought process that leads to the development of
quality, meaningful lesson plans
Guiding questions that will provide the framework for the lesson.

(Respond to each question.)

Who are you teaching? (Identify student grade level as well as academic functioning level and specific needs of

individual students) Second grade students

Who (if anybody) will assist with the presentation of this lesson, and what will their role be? One instructional

Be able to identify different types of

What is the long range goal(s) that is tied to this lesson?

penguins as well as understand the similarities and differences between penguins

The students will be able watch and listen

What is the specific learning objective(s) for this lesson?

to a PowerPoint and recall atleast 50% of the facts by orally restating what they

This will
What prerequisite skills/knowledge will students need to effectively access and participate in this lesson?

be a unit. There are no prerequisite skills needed. I will teach students al l they
need to know

When within the stages of learning will this lesson be presented? (Is it a learning acquisition lesson, learning fluency

This will be taught the second or

lesson, learning maintenance lesson, or learning generalization lesson?)

third day of the unit to teach them about specific qualities of each penguin

When will this lesson be completed? (Will it be a one-day lesson or a multiple day lesson?) This will be a one
day lesson but we may come back to it throughout the unit

Where should this lesson be presented to ensure maximum student access and participation? (computer lab, classroom,

In the
science lab…) AND what materials will be needed? How will technology be incorporated into the lesson?

classroom. I will need my computer and a projector. Technology will be used

because I will be showing my students a Power Point.

Why are you planning to teach this lesson? Why must this information/skill be presented to the students?

learn about living and nonliving things in Science. We do a whole unit on

penguins in 1st grade. It is important for students to know this information
because they need to be able to distinguish between two similar animals and then
generalize all the information they learned in Science to other content areas.

3.3 Biological Science

How does this lesson relate to the PA Academic Standards?
3.3.4.A Knowthe similarities and differences of living things. Know that some organisms
have similar external characteristics (e.g., anatomical characteristics; appendages, type of
covering, body segments) and that similarities and differences are related to
environmental habitat.

It will relate to
How does this lesson relate to the previous lesson? How does this lesson relate to future lessons?
their Reading Story and Math word problems and there will be many Science
lessons on Penguins

There will be
How will you determine if students have met the lesson objective? (Think assessment)

assessments throughout the unit, for example: naming parts of penguins, naming
different types of penguins and etc. At the end of the unit, students will create
their own word document showing an understanding of the similarities and
differences of two penguins

How should this lesson be presented to ensure maximum student access and participation? (lecture, whole group

activities, small group activities, cooperative learning groups…) I

will use a variety of methods. I will
lecture in a small group setting, they will have the opportunity to work
independently and with cooperative learning groups, I will use visuals such as
Photo Story and PowerPoint and Word documents.
Lesson Planning
Waynesburg University

Writing the lesson plan:

Translating thoughts into a plan of action
Pennsylvania Academic Standard(s) addressed during this lesson:
(Provide Standard number and statement)
3.3 Biological Science
3.3.4.A Know the similarities and differences of living things. Know that some organisms
have similar external characteristics (e.g., anatomical characteristics; appendages, type of
covering, body segments) and that similarities and differences are related to
environmental habitat.

Lesson Objective(s)
(Stated in observable and measurable terms)
The student will be able to know and list the similarities and differences of living things
by completing a venn diagram with 90% accuracy.
The student will be able to identify 4 different penguins that were presented to them with
95% accuracy.
The student will be able to list one characteristic of each penguin with 90% accuracy

Assessment Plan
(What will be done to determine if lesson objectives have been met?)

I will use a variety of methods. I will lecture in a small group setting, they will
have the opportunity to work independently and with cooperative learning
groups, I will use visuals such as Photo Story and PowerPoint and Word

Teacher computer, student computers, paper, pencil, projector
Inclusion Techniques for Students with Special Needs:
This whole unit will be taught in a small group setting so students will have plenty of
one on one instruction with the teacher. There will be an aide in the room if students
have extra questions or need extra help. If students are having trouble, they may identify
only 2 or 3 penguins instead of 4. If they have trouble with a computer, I could print out
the venn diagram and let them fill it out with paper and pencil.
Enrichment Techniques:
If students get done early, they may research other penguins. If they get done with their
word project early, they may add pictures for extra credit. Students who are finished
early may help students who are having problems
Lesson Differentiation (What modifications/accommodations will be made to ensure that ALL students

have access to and are able to participate in the lesson):

This whole unit will be taught in a small group setting so students will have plenty of one
on one instruction with the teacher. There will be an aide in the room if students have
extra questions or need extra help. If students are having trouble, they may identify only
2 or 3 penguins instead of 4. If they have trouble with a computer, I could print out the
venn diagram and let them fill it out with paper and pencil.

Introduction/Motivational Activities/Anticipatory Set:

We will review our KWL chart and look at our Photo Story to remind us of the different types of
penguins. We will start thinking of some common characteristics of all penguins and make a list on the

Detailed Teaching Sequence:

(Provide sufficient detail that would enable a substitute to effectively present this lesson. Bulleted
statements are preferred)

1. Review KWL Chart

2. Review Photo Story
3. Make a list of common characteristics of all penguins on the board
4. Show Power Point on penguins and their characteristics.
5. Go to paper where each type of penguin is listed. Go over specific characteristics for
each penguin and list them under each penguin
6. In journals, have students write about what it would be like to have a penguin for a
Guided Practice/Independent Practice/Assessment Activities
As a group, we will review KWL chart, Photo Story and watch the Power Point
Independently, students will write in their journals and brainstorm common
characteristics of all penguins.
Assessment would be taken by whether or not the student participated and followed
directions while watching Power Point and reviewing old material and attempted their
journal entry.
Think of some more questions you would like to know about penguins. Start
adding to the last column in the KWL chart.

Lesson Planning
Waynesburg University

Post-Instructional Reflections and Evaluation:

Using self-evaluation to enhance professional development
What do I think about the overall lesson?

What were the lesson strengths, and what were the lesson limitations?

What if anything was missed/omitted during the pre-instructional planning?

What if anything was missed/omitted during the writing of the lesson plan?

Were the lesson objectives met?

What facilitated and/or hampered efforts to achieve the lesson objectives?

How effective was the Assessment Plan?

What facilitated and/or hampered the implementation of the Assessment Plan?

Did the lesson accommodations and modifications and the inclusion and enrichment techniques enable
ALL students to gain access to and participate in the lesson?

If I were to teach this lesson again, what would I do differently?

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