Notice To Vacate To Tenants of Rented Premises
Notice To Vacate To Tenants of Rented Premises
Notice To Vacate To Tenants of Rented Premises
Residential Tenancies Act 1997 (the Act), Section 319 & Residential Tenancies Reg lations !""#, Reg lation 9
$arning% Enter text in spaces provided only. This form will be invalid if you remove or change any questions or other text. &se this form to give notice to vacate Note if you intend to list more than one reason for the tenant/s to vacate under sections 2 ! 2 "! 2 #! 2 $! 2 % or 2"&! you will need to use a Composite Notice to Vacate form available from 'onsumer (ffairs )ictoria.
*T 3 /0&/031
=age 1 of 1
!/9(!A)2premises sold ( nconditional contract) an unconditional contract for the sale of the premises was entered into on > /> />. 'lease note 2 this notice m#st &e $iven within 14 da"s a%ter an #nconditional contract o% sale is entered into+ !0"(1)2re6 ired for p 3lic p rposes the premises are the property of a public statutory authority and are required for public purposes immediately after the termination date. !01(1)&(3)(3)2end of a fi7ed term tenanc+ of less than 0 months we have a fixed term tenancy agreement of less than " months which ends on the termination date.@
!01(1)&(3)(a)2end of a fi7ed term tenanc+ of 0 months or more we have a fixed term tenancy agreement of " months or more which ends on the termination date.@ !0!(1)2tenant no longer eligi3le you are no longer eligible to rent the premises from the landlord which is a public statutory authority.
Tenant5s cop+
Tenant details
0. This notice is given to8 (tenant4s names
%. *eason for notice to vacate 0nsert the section n#m&er o% the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 and the reason %or the notice to vacate+ 8o# m#st also provide s#pportin$ %act#al in%ormation re$ardin$ the speci%ic premises to validate the reason $iven+ However/ i% the notice is $iven #nder S2)( o% the Act/ insert that section n#m&er and the words 5No reason is re7#ired6+
:andlord/o(ner/mortgagee details
.. 4 am giving you this notice as8 (mar. one onl" the landlord8 the owner8 the mortgagee8 . Bandlord/owner/mortgagee name8 (cannot &e an a$ent6s name 0&. This notice is given8 by hand8 by registered post8 on this date8 / /
". Bandlord/owner/mortgagee address for serving documents8 (can &e an a$ent6s address
02. Name of landlord! owner! mortgagee or agent signing this notice8 (incl#de the name o% the estate a$enc" where applica&le
Termination date
$. The Residential Tenancies Act 1997 requires me to give you at least8 (insert the n#m&er o% da"s notice that is re7#ired #nder the Act Days notice to vacate8 4 require you to vacate on8 / /
:andlord5s cop+
Tenant details
0. This notice is given to8 (tenant4s names
%. *eason for notice to vacate 0nsert the section n#m&er o% the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 and the reason %or the notice to vacate+ 8o# m#st also provide s#pportin$ %act#al in%ormation re$ardin$ the speci%ic premises to validate the reason $iven+ However/ i% the notice is $iven #nder S2)( o% the Act/ insert that section n#m&er and the words 5No reason is re7#ired6+
:andlord/o(ner/mortgagee details
.. 4 am giving you this notice as8 (mar. one onl" the landlord8 the owner8 the mortgagee8 . Bandlord/owner/mortgagee name8 (cannot &e an a$ent6s name 0&. This notice is given8 by hand8 by registered post8 on this date8 / /
". Bandlord/owner/mortgagee address for serving documents8 (can &e an a$ent6s address
02. Name of landlord! owner! mortgagee or agent signing this notice8 (incl#de the name o% the estate a$enc" where applica&le
Termination date
$. The Residential Tenancies Act 1997 requires me to give you at least8 (insert the n#m&er o% da"s notice that is re7#ired #nder the Act Days notice to vacate8 4 require you to vacate on8 / /
:andlord5s cop+
0nsert the section n#m&er o% the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 and the reason %or the notice to vacate+ 8o# m#st also provide s#pportin$ %act#al in%ormation re$ardin$ the speci%ic premises to validate the reason $iven+ However/ i% the notice is $iven #nder S2)( o% the Act/ insert that section n#m&er and the words 5No reason is re7#ired6+
:andlord/o(ner/mortgagee details
.. 4 am giving you this notice as8 (mar. one onl" the landlord8 the owner8 the mortgagee8 . Bandlord/owner/mortgagee name8 (cannot &e an a$ent6s name 0&. This notice is given8 by hand8 by registered post8 on this date8 / /
". Bandlord/owner/mortgagee address for serving documents8 (can &e an a$ent6s address
02. Name of landlord! owner! mortgagee or agent signing this notice8 (incl#de the name o% the estate a$enc" where applica&le
#. 'ontact telephone numbers for landlord/owner/mortgagee8 (can &e an a$ent6s telephone n#m&ers Cusiness hours8 (fter hours8 / / 1 1
Termination date
$. The Residential Tenancies Act 1997 requires me to give you at least8 (insert the n#m&er o% da"s notice that is re7#ired #nder the Act Days notice to vacate8 4 require you to vacate on8 / /