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Abhijit D. Jain: Brief Overview

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E-Mail: jain.abhijit@yahoo.com Mobile: +91-9920622625 / 9833399976

MM !"om #.$. Mittal %n&tit'te o! Mana(ement) %* an+ ,e&ea"ch.

'cce&&!'lly accom-li&he+ +i!!e"ent -"oject& +'"in( M./. /bilitie& in han+lin( m'lti-le -"io"itie& 0ith a bia& !o" action an+ a (en'ine inte"e&t in -e"&onal an+ -"o!e&&ional +e1elo-ment. .een -"oacti1e an+ !oc'&e+ a& a &t'+ent. /n ente"-"i&in( in+i1i+'al 0ith (oo+ inte"-e"&onal &2ill& 0ith &t"on( analytical) com-"ehen&i1e -"oblem &ol1in( abilitie& 3 a 0illin(ne&& to lea"n.

26th September 2009 - Till date Team Leader - Talent Que t S!luti!n *alent 4'e&t ol'tion& i& a 5e"!o"mance %m-"o1ement 6on&'ltancy that b"in(& an 'n+e"&tan+in( o! -eo-le an+

2no0& ho0 to c"eate hi(h--e"!o"mance team&. 7e !ollo0 a "i(o"o'& "ec"'itment -"oce&& to en&'"e that 0e att"act only the be&t can+i+ate& an+ -"o1i+e em-loye"& 0ith the "i(ht -eo-le to achie1e thei" b'&ine&& "e&'lt&. ,e&-on&ibilitie&: De"inin# $!le % /naly8in( an+ 'n+e"&tan+in( the +i!!e"ent "e9'i"ement& o! the client& an+ acco"+in(ly +ele(atin( "e&-on&ibilitie& to each team membe". 6on+'ctin( initial -ha&e o! &c"eenin( an+ &ho"t li&tin( com-etent can+i+ate& 0ith a -"elimina"y "o'n+ o! inte"1ie0 an+ e1al'atin( can+i+ate& ba&e+ on t"ait& li2e :'nctional #no0le+(e) ;e"bal 6omm'nication an+ .eha1io"al /&&e&&ment. $ene"atin( timely +aily acti1ity "e-o"t&. :"amin( the incenti1e &t"'ct'"e !o" the team) &ettin( thei" ta"(et& an+ 2ee-in( a t"ac2 o! thei" atten+ance. /naly8in( the -e"!o"mance o! e1e"y team membe" an+ moti1atin( them to achie1e the ta"(et& an+ the"eby inc"ea&e the e!!iciency. %n+'ction o! <e0 em-loyee& an+ -"e-a"in( =!!e" >ette"&. Mana(in( joinin( !o"malitie& an+ +oc'mentation.

&lient &!-!rdinati!n% >ea&e 0ith 6lient to 'n+e"&tan+ thei" "e9'i"ement& an+ !'"the" comm'nicate amon(&t team membe"&. ,e&ea"ch an+ analy&i& o! +i!!e"ent client& an+ the com-etito"& in the ma"2et. 6ollectin( timely !ee+bac2 !"om the client an+ ma2in( nece&&a"y chan(e& in o'" &ea"ch. 6oo"+inatin( 0ith the conce"ne+ ?, Mana(e" a& 0ell the can+i+ate till the !inal joinin(. ?an+le+ client& on a &ho"t +ea+line) an+ achie1e+ +e&i"e+ "e&'lt&) an+ clo&e+ '"(ent -o&ition&. $oo+ ,a--o"t b'il+in( an+ <et0o"2in(.

Supp!rt "un'ti!n % ?an+lin( client 9'e"ie& an+ 2ee-in( client& '-+ate+ on the ma"2et. '--o"t 6'&tome" e"1ice *eam 3 Man Mana(ement &2ill.

/ -a"t o! the t"ainin( -anel !o" initial ("oomin() an+ "e&-on&ible !o" han+lin( Em-loyee $"ie1ance&.

/ -a"t o! the inte"1ie0 -anel !o" the !inal &election.

Handled &ampu $e'ruitment Dri(e "!r )BA '!lle#e

pe'iali*ed in )ar+etin#.

@n+e"&tan+in( the "e9'i"ement& o! the client A;o+a!one E&&a"B an+ o! the M./ colle(e&. 6on+'cte+ $"o'- Ci&c'&&ion& +'"in( cam-'& "ec"'itment !o" elimination -'"-o&e. 6oo"+inatin( 0ith the 5lacement 6oo"+inato"& o! the "e&-ecti1e colle(e& an+ the client. ,e-"e&entin( *alent 4'e&t /ctin( a& ol'tion& an+ (i1in( a b"ie! -"e&entation abo't o'" com-any an+ ;o+a!one E&&a".

5=6 A in(le 5oint =! 6ontactB !o" any 2in+ o! in!o"mation to be -a&&e+ on to.

1. 2. 3. E. *elecom D ;o+a!one. ,eal E&tate D C. ,ealty) 6on0oo+ ,ealty) C. . #'l2a"ni. ,etail D /2ba" /lley& 3 Met"o - 6a&h 3 6a""y ?o&-itality D $"a1i&& $"o'-

-i!n &areer % H$ $e'ruiter .)a/0 2001- Au#u t 20092 ?an+le+ en+ to en+ "ec"'itment cycle in .5= ecto". t"eam&) 7i-"o) 3 $lobal e"1ice&) > 3 .. ?an+le+ +i!!e"ent client& li2e %ntelent) Fenta 5"i1ate >t+.)


t'+ie+ im-o"tant a&-ect o! ?'man ,e&o'"ce& on =nline *e&tin( !o" ,ec"'itment. /naly8e+ an+ -"e&ente+ +i!!e"ent ty-e& o! c'lt'"e& -"e1alent in an o"(ani8ation. EGamine+ the im-act o! 6o"-o"ate ocial ,e&-on&ibility on enhancin( 5"o!itability o! an o"(ani8ation.

6on1e"&ant 0ith all a&-ect& o! Mic"o&o!t =!!ice) 2007.

5a"tici-ate+ in o o o ="(ani8e+ o o ;a"io'& c'lt'"al e1ent& in colle(e. ale& 5"omotional /cti1itie& !o" 5o0e" ?o"&e) ony ."a1ia >6C A ol+ 35 >6CH& in 2 +ay&B %nte" 6olle(ia(e /+ - Ma+ ho0

%nte" 6olle(iate 6a""om) :ootball) *able *enni&) an+ 6"ic2et. ,e-"e&ente+ .ha"at 5et"ole'm !o" occe" *o'"nament&.

7on %nte" 6olle(e 6a""om 6ham-ion&hi-&. 7a& -o"t& %ncha"(e +'"in( $"a+'ation an+ M./.

Cate o! .i"th: 30th /-"il) 1982

>in('i&tic /bilitie&: 6ontact /++"e&&:

En(li&h) Ma"athi an+ ?in+i 6-501) $o"ai Man(alm'"ti 6? ) .e&i+e& $o"ai .'& Ce-ot) $o"ai ,oa+) .o"i1ali A7e&tB) M'mbai D E00091.

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