32 MM Cabinet
32 MM Cabinet
32 MM Cabinet
Although the European style of cabinetmaking has long been adopted by American manufacturers, it has not been taught, by and large, in U.S. woodworking classes.
Following World War II, Europe had to face the mass number of houses that had been destroyed. Because solid lumber was not abundantly available, European engineers devised an integrated system of hardware, materials, and machinery to use the particleboard sheets that were available. The result of their innovation has come to be known as the European cabinet system, or 32mm cabinet system. This new system more than modified former systems. It represented a new direction in philosophy, hardware, fasten-
ers, materials, joinery, and construction techniques. The European system maximized the efficient use of materials, time, equipment, and labor in producing residential and commercial cabinets that were both functional and attractive. As a result of the 32mm system, Europes cabinet industry could manufacture thousands of well-built cabinets that met universal specifications (Levine, 1988). Several fundamental differences separate European-style cabinets from traditional American cabinets. The Europeanstyle cabinet has no face frame and is often referred to as frame-less. The box is generally constructed of 5/8"- or 3/4"thick melamine-coated particleboard
joined by butt joints and Confirmat screws (Fig. 1). The particleboards exposed edges are generally edged-banded with wood or plastic (Photo 1). The toe kick is usually a separate frame, built independent of the cabinet and joined to the cabinet during installation. European-style door hinges are adjustable on three axes, which makes door alignment very simple and quick. The most fundamental difference, and from where the term 32mm system derives, is the fact that European cabinet design and construction is based on a grid of 5mm holes drilled on 32mm centers. A line boring machine drills these holes (Photo 2), drilling several holes at once
Philip Lundgren teaches woodworking at Skyline High School, Salt Lake City, UT. Kip Christensen and Ronald Gonzales are Professors of Technology Teacher Education at Brigham Young University, Provo, UT.
and easily indexing for another set to be drilled in perfect alignment. The holes are used for quick and accurate alignment during assembly and when workers attach door hinges, drawer glides, and adjustable shelf pins. Streamlined construction procedures, efficient use of materials, and the look of the finished product have all contributed to the popularization of the European style in the United States. Since World War II, many American cabinet manufacturers have implemented the concepts of the 32mm cabinet system. The results of a survey given to exhibitors at the 1997 Kitchen/Bath Industry Show in Chicago showed that approximately one fourth of the custom cabinets that the presenters produced were in the European style (Moss, 1997). The ratio of European-style cabinets to traditional cabinets is likely to be even higher in commercial applications.
woodworking teachers offer instruction in European cabinet design and construction. Furthermore, those high school cabinetmaking teachers who do teach the European system apparently do not use a standard curriculum. One of us (Lundgren), a woodworking instructor at Skyline High School in Salt Lake City, completed a thorough review of the literature in search of a published curriculum or textbook designed for classroom instruction usPhoto 2 Line boring machine ing the European cabinet system. Unable to find any available, he determined to develop his Basics of the European Cabinet System own. What began as a few instructional The basic European cabinet consists of handouts developed into a comprehensive The Making two sides (also called standards), a top curriculum supporting a popular and wellof a Curriculum (usually not included in American cabiattended high school cabinetmaking proWith the cabinet industry widely using nets), a bottom, and a back. (All of these gram. the European system, it is somewhat surpieces are made of 3/4" cabinet-grade Some fundamental concepts and critiprising that few of todays high school particleboard coated with fused melamine, cal dimensions that Lundgren uses as he also called MCP (melamine-coated teaches high school students panel).) about 32mm cabinet design and For the two sides, top, and bottom, the construction follow below. Note length of the piece equals the dimension that some adjustments to the Euparallel to the cabinets exposed front edge. ropean system must be made for The length of the sides equals the cabinets the cabinets to fit standard Amerifull height, top to bottom (not including can appliance and cabinet size the countertop or toe kick). The length of specifications. the cabinets top and bottom pieces equals Lundgrens cabinet design the cabinets width minus 1-1/2", or the embodies the European philosothickness of the sides. phy and components while inThe width of the sides, top, and bottom corporating customary Ameriequals the cabinets depth minus 3/4", or can measurements whenever the backs thickness. The back of the cabipossible. Calculating or memonet covers the back of the whole box, so its rizing conversion factors is undimensions equal the overall width and necessary. Metric measureheight of the cabinet (Fig. 3). ments are necessary only when The base cabinet with one drawer is the using specialized metric equipsimplest of base cabinets. It is the basic ment, such as the line boring European box with a piece called a stretcher and hinge machines. added. The stretcher separates the drawer For a standard American and door areas and strengthens the cabikitchen, base kitchen cabinets net. should stand 36" high, including For discussion purposes an 18"-wide the countertop and the toe kick. cabinet will be used. As noted earlier, the A standard toe kick is 4" high and basic cabinet consists of a top and bottom, a standard counter top is 1-1/2" two sides, and back; a standard kitchen thick. This leaves 30-1/2" for the cabinet should stand 30-1/2"; the side stanheight of the base cabinet itself. dards equal the cabinets height; and the Base cabinets are generally 24" sides width should equal the cabinets deep. A standard size upper cabidepth of 24", minus the 3/4" back. This net is generally 12" deep and 30" results in a side or standard of 23-1/4" 30high with 18" of space between 1/2"the size for all standard kitchen base the bottom of the upper cabinet cabinet sides. and the countertop (Fig. 2). Photo 1Student uses an edge-banding machine
The top and bottom share the 23-1/4" dimension in common with the sides. The other dimension is based on the cabinets width, in this case 18". The remaining dimension for the top and bottom equals 18" minus 1-1/2" (the thickness of two 3/4" sides), or 16-1/2". The back covers the whole cabinet so that its size measures 18" 30-1/2". The stretcher piece is 4" to 5" wide and 16-1/2" long, the same as the variable dimension of the top and bottom. Table 1 lists these pieces.
known as the float. The 4mm setting assures that the doors and drawer fronts mount properly to the cabinet, as shown in Fig. 3. This setting also provides for simple alignment of standard drawer heights, door heights, and drawer front heights. Note that the base cabinet with four drawers has drawer fronts with widths of 6", 7-1/4", and 9". There is a 1/4" space between drawers and doors. The drawer glides and the hinges fit nicely between the stretchers. Hinges and drawer glides are designed to have a 37mm backset to the line-bored holes. Drawer glides for standard kitchen base cabinets measure 550mm (22") long. The distance between the front and back mounting holes is 480mm. Adding the 37mm set back to the 480mm equals 517mm. Subtracting 517mm from 590mm (the width of the side panel) leaves 73mm. 73mm is the back set from the back of the side to the holes. Of course these holes are also referenced 4mm from the bottom.
Once the sheet components are cut to size, use a special stepped drill bit to drill pilot holes to receive the Confirmat screws. Then edge-band the exposed front edges and assemble the box. A wide variety of door and drawer styles may be used. The result is a custom cabinet produced with standard materials, equipment, and procedures. Using the cur-riculum he has developed, Lund-gren has worked with several groups of students at Skyline High School to successfully build custom cabinetwork in a number of new homes. All of these homes have had asking prices of over $300,000; one even sold for over $400,000 (See photo at beginning of article). References Levine, P. (1988). Making kitchen cabinets. Newtown CT.: Taunton Press Moss, A. M. (1997, July/August). Kitchens combine style, quality. Cabinet Maker, 53-60.
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