7 Pearson Square
7 Pearson Square
7 Pearson Square
The Pearson square or box method of balancing rations is a simple procedure that has been used for many years. It is of greatest value when only two ingredients are to be mixed. In taking a close look at the square, several numbers are in and around the square. Probably one of the more important numbers is the number that appears in the middle of the square. This number represents the nutritional requirement of an animal for a specific nutrient. It may be crude protein or TDN, amino acids, minerals or vitamins.
Sample Problem
Formulate 600 lbs of a 26% CP ration using CSM (54% CP) and Barley (8% CP).
Barley 8%
Barley 8%
28 parts Barley
Barley 8%
28 parts Barley
5th, add up total parts CSM and Barley for the new feed:
CSM 18%
26% +
CSM 54%
Barley 8%
We also know from the problem that we need 600 lbs of the new feed.
This is the easy part!
28 parts / 46 total parts x 100 = 60.87%
18 parts / 46 total parts x 100 = 39.13 %
CSM: we determined 234.78 lbs needed; from the problem we know CSM is 54% CP;
234.78 x 0.54 = 126.78
These two answers should add to give the percent CP we were looking for:
29.22 + 126.78 = 156 156 lb CP / 600 total lb feed x 100 = 26% CP
Remember the steps:
1. Set up the square and label it: the labels stay the same going across! 2. Subtract going DIAGONALLY 3. Get total parts 4. Find each feed % from the total parts 5. Convert the % to lbs based on total amount feed we need 6. Check your answer!
Alfalfa Hay 89% 33 parts Alfalfa Hay
Corn 22% 34 parts Corn
67 total parts Alfalfa: 33 parts / 67 total x 100 = 49.25%; 300 lbs x .4925 =147.75 lbs Corn: 34 parts / 67 total x 100 = 50.75%; 300 lbs x .5075 = 152.25 lbs
Check the answer: alfalfa: 147.75lbs x .89 TDN = 131.49 lb TDN corn: 152.25 lbs x .22 TDN = 33.49 lb TDN 131.49 + 33.49 = 164.98 total TDN / 300 lb feed x 100 = 55% TDN
1) CP requirement for cattle is 14%. You decide to feed the following ration: Corn 8.5% CP and Alfalfa 18% CP. You want to mix a feed that is 500 lbs.
2) The CP requirement is 14%. This farmer wants to feed soybean meal (SM) with a CP of 45% and corn that has a 10% CP. The farmer need 1000 lbs. 3) Make 2 of your own feed rations.