DIY Geiger Counter Radiation Detector Kit Ver.2
DIY Geiger Counter Radiation Detector Kit Ver.2
DIY Geiger Counter Radiation Detector Kit Ver.2
Arduino Compatible
ver. 2.01
Component !it:
R1, R2 Resistor 33K
R3, R21 Resistor 1K
R+ Resistor 3K
R5 Resistor 100K
R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, R15 Resistor 10N
R16, R22 Resistor 10K
R18 Resistor +7K
R17, R19, R20 Resistor +70K
P1 variable Resistor Potentiometer 3296W 100 ohm
C3, C+, C12, C10, C11 Ceramic Disc Capacitor 100nF 50v (10+)
C1, C2 Electrolytic Capacitor 100uF
C5 Nultilayer Ceramic Capacitor 1nF 50v (102)
C6, C7, C8 Nultilayer Ceramic Capacitor 10nF 1Kv (103)
C9 Ceramic Disc Capacitor 270pF 50v (271)
D1, D2, D3 1N+937, Ultra Fast Diode
T2 NPSA+2, High voltage NPN Transistor
T1, T3, T+ 2N390+, Generic NPN Transistor
TS555CN CNOS 555 Timer !C, x2
LED1, LED2 3mm Led
L1 100uH, Axial !nductor
L2 10mH, Ferrite Core !nductor
High Quality PCB
Piezo Buzzer, x1
Tube Holder Clips, x2
8 Pin D!P !C Socket, x2
Slide Switch, OnfOff, x1
Nale Pin Header Pins, +pin x1, 3pin x2, 2pin x1
Terminal Block, x1
USB Type B Socket, x1
Jumper Cup, x1
N3 Standoff, x+
N3 Screw, x+
$ei%er &ube '#& included(
&echnical "peci)ication:
Geiger Tube PCB Compatibility: STS-5, SBN-20 or J305
Geiger Tube voltage Compatibility: tubes with anode voltages 350-500v
Supply voltage: 5v USB; +x 1.2v Battery; 3x 1.5v Battery
Supply Current: 12mA-30mA
PCB Dimensions: 120 x 50 mm
Led and Sound Radiation !ndication
Arduino Compatible
!ncludes High !mpedance voltage Divider
Kit Introduction:
This is simple D!Y Geiger Counter Kit that includes a manufactured PCB and components for
soldering. Geiger tube must be purchased separately.
The kit can drive any Geiger Tube that needs between 350-+80v DC anode voltage. High voltage is
calibrated with P1.
For normal operation the high voltage do not need to be stabilized, so several volts drifts will not
affect the results, since the voltage is in tube plateau. TS555CN generate square waves drives
NPSA+2 transistor to produce high voltage spikes over 10mH inductor. Ultra fast diodes rectify and
multiply the AC spikes. Since Geiger tube consume only several uA, it do not need large capacitors.
10nF capacitor will supply the required current for the tube.
Pulse registration circuit stage is build with T3 key transistor and second TS555CN !C. 555 is one-
shot multivibrator (50ms pulse stretcher).
The concept of the kit is only visual and sound indication of ionizing radiation. This is not a
dosimeter device that will measure the dose or level, but it can be connected to Arduino and used
in different ways.
Aemblin% and "olderin%:
Please follow our assembling and soldering instruction steps. Print out the circuit and keep it in
front of you during the soldering for easy reference.
Remember, do clean solder work and install right components in the right place, !t is always hard
to unsolder components from the PCB. We cannot be responsible if you'll overheat your PCB or will
damage the kit components by incorrect soldering. Double check yourself before you solder. Use a
solder with Rosin Core Flux. Some industrial flux has several Nega-ohms resistance and requires
special cleaning that cannot be performed at home.
Take your time when performing solder work. !t should take about a hour to complete the kit.
Do not apply too much solder. A good joint should look like:
We advice you to use 0.8mm or 1.00mm thickness lead solder wire with low melt point, such as:
60f+0 186 Celsius (386 Fahrenheit)
63f37 183 Celsius (361 Fahrenheit)
!f you'll need to remove excess solder from the pad, use desoldering tools (braid wick or small
pump). Flux can be cleaned with soft brush and isopropyl alcohol (!PA99, isopropanol).
Start soldering the resistors. All horizontal components should be soldered first.
Next, solder all capacitors and L1 coil. NOTE: the PCB has C* marked capacitors that should be
installed only with NE555 timers, NOT with the included CNOS TS555 timers!
The PCB has space for high impedance voltage divider. The kit include six (6) 10N resistors, but
the PCB allows installation up to ten 10N resistors. To calibrate high voltage we do not need all 10
resistors; 60N divider is enough. Please solder six (6) 10N resistors as shown on the photo: R6,
R7, R8, R9, R10, R15
The finished board before washing.
Re-check the orientation of all components. Before you insert TS555 !C's clean the PCB with
isopropyl alcohol and soft brush. Circuit produce high voltage; even rosin flux can affect the high
voltage converter stage. Several customers who did not washed the board reported the problem
with high voltage, so please WASH THE PCB before usage! !PA99 (isopropyl alcohol) are
The PCB should be free of flux and very clean.
Use a multimeter continuity test to ensure you do not have any short circuits. !nsert TS555 !C's in
proper orientation (notch toward the top). You can now to calibrate the high voltage.
You cannot measure high voltage directly with a typical voltmeter. !t will overload the circuit
because of low internal resistance of the multimeter. That's why you need to use high impedance
voltage divider.
The optimum for SBN-20 (STS-5) tube is +00v. You also can run the tube without any problem on
380v or +20v. We urge you not go above +20v for STS-5fSBN-20fJ305.
You can calibrate the kit with 1N or 10N multimeter. When measured after the 60N voltage
divider, +00v will read as 6.5v with a 1N multimeter and as 57v with a 10N multimeter. Calculate
true values with the formula :
*out + *read, --Rdivider . Rvoltmeter//Rvoltmeter/
You need to calibrate the high voltage 012#R1 installing Geiger tubes. The Hv calibration steps
1. Trim P1 potentiometer to approximately 50 ohm when kit power is off.
2. Connect positive Tube Clip to TP pins (R6) with a jumper wire.
3. Connect multimeter black probe to any GRN point
+. Connect multimeter red probe after R10 point
5. Set your multimeter on 20vf200v DC range.
6. Power up the device (PCB washed and !C555 installed).
7. Adjust voltage with P1 to 6.5v if you use 1N multimeter or adjust the voltage to 57v if you
use 10N multimeter. Use formula: vout = vread* ((60N + Rvoltmeter)fRvoltmeter)
&ube Intallation:
Geiger tubes are very fragile items. Handle with care!
Do a visual test: tube must be free of cracks and dents. Shake the tube; if there any sounds from
inside, the tube is damaged and should not be used.
Clean rust from tube terminals for good electrical contact.
The tube has anode (+) and cathode (-) sides. Anode side is marked on tube body and it
connected to R15 resistor.
During device testing and using ALWAYS remember about high voltage +00v presented! Do not
touch the tubes clips. Depend on your skin resistance and humidity you may feel the bite" of Hv,
so avoid touching the PCB with your hands or any metal items.
Because the signal from the tube captured on cathode, the circuit may be sensitive to static
electricity. Avoid touching Geiger Tube because it may cause false led flashing.
When you power up the radiation detector it will begin to register the normal background
radiation. For SBN-20f STS-5 is about 10-50 events per minute.
1. 500uS signal from tube on !NT pin. Use 10N probe.
2. 50mS pulse on pin#3 of !C2.
Arduino 3C4 Communication
The PCB has 3 pins for communication with NCU: !NT, GND, 5v. You can power up the kit from 5v
Arduino board directly. Or, if you use batteries for Geiger Kit, you have to connect only 2 pins to
Arduino: !NT and GND.
There is many different application you can use this kit, especially if you are software developer.
The board send 500uS high-low-high interrupts to Arduino. We offer 2 simple sketches as an
example, please modify it for your needs. We do not provide technical support for Arduino code.
You can learn more at:
Actually its possible to use this kit with any other microcontroller, not only Arduino boards because
it has the same principles, but if you are beginner it will be easy to start with Arduino.
The first example allows you to build your own simple dosimeter. The NCU will count pulses from
tube during 60 seconds and display CPN value. Hardware requirements: Geiger Kit with tube,
Arduino UNO board, 16x2 LCD display, 10K potentiometer, jumper wires.
**************ARDU!NO SKETCH FOR GE!GER COUNTER******************
Author: RH Electronics f
This sketch can be used with D!Y Geiger Counter board. !t allow
to receive CPN data during minute. You can modify the sketch
for your needs.
* LCD Connection:
* LCD RS pin to digital pin 9
* LCD Enable pin to digital pin 8
* LCD D+ pin to digital pin 7
* LCD D5 pin to digital pin 6
* LCD D6 pin to digital pin 5
* LCD D7 pin to digital pin 3
* LCD RfW pin to ground
* 10K resistor:
* ends to +5v and ground
* wiper to LCD vO pin (pin 3)
ff include the library code:
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#define PER!OD 60000.0 ff (60 sec) one minute measure period
volatile unsigned long CNT; ff variable for counting interrupts from dosimeter
unsigned long dispPeriod; ff variable for measuring time
unsigned long CPN; ff variable for measuring CPN
ff initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins
LiquidCrystal lcd(9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 3);
void setup() { ff setup
lcd.begin(16, 2);
CNT = 0;
CPN = 0;
dispPeriod = 0;
lcd.print(" RH Electronics ");
lcd.print(" Geiger Counter ");
attach!nterrupt(0,GetEvent,FALL!NG); ff Event on pin 2
void loop() {
lcd.setCursor(0,0); ff print text and CNT on the LCD
if (millis() >=dispPeriod + PER!OD) { ff !f one minute is over
cleanDisplay(); ff Clear LCD
ff Do something about accumulated CNT events....
lcd.setCursor(5, 0);
lcd.print(CPN); ffDisplay CPN
CNT = 0;
dispPeriod = millis();
void GetEvent(){ ff Get Event from Device
void cleanDisplay (){ ff Clear LCD routine
The second example allows you to connect the kit to your (COSN) monitoring
feed. For more technical information please visit xively website. RH Electronics monitoring feed can
be visited here:
Hardware requirements: Geiger Kit with tube, Arduino UNO board, W5100 Arduino Ethernet Shield,
jumper wires.
* Cosm Arduino sensor client example.
* Author: RH Electronics f
* This sketch can be used with D!Y Geiger Counter board.
* This sketch demonstrates connecting an Arduino to Cosm (,
* Full tutorial available here: https:ffcosm.comfdocsfquickstartfarduino.html
#include <SP!.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <HttpClient.h>
#include <Cosm.h>
#define AP!_KEY "AP! KEY" ff your Cosm AP! key
#define FEED_!D 123+56 ff your Cosm feed !D
volatile unsigned long CNT; ff variable for counting interrupts from dosimeter
ff NAC address for your Ethernet shield
byte mac[| = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED );
unsigned long lastConnectionTime = 0; ff last time we connected to Cosm
const unsigned long connection!nterval = 60000; ff delay between connecting to Cosm in milliseconds
ff Define the string for our datastream !D
char sensor!d[| = "CPN";
CosmDatastream datastreams[| = {
CosmDatastream(sensor!d, strlen(sensor!d), DATASTREAN_FLOAT),
ff Wrap the datastream into a feed
CosmFeed feed(FEED_!D, datastreams, 1 f* number of datastreams *f);
EthernetClient client;
CosmClient cosmclient(client);
void setup() {
ff put your setup code here, to run once:
CNT = 0;
attach!nterrupt(0,GetEvent,FALL!NG); ff Event on pin 2
while (Ethernet.begin(mac) != 1) {
Serial.println("Error getting !P address via DHCP, trying again...");
Serial.println("Network initialized");
void loop() {
ff main program loop
if (millis() - lastConnectionTime > connection!nterval) {
ff read a value from the pin
unsigned long sensorvalue;
sensorvalue = CNT; ffCPN
ff send it to Cosm
sensorvalue = 0;
ffCNT = 0;
CNT = 0;
lastConnectionTime = millis();
void sendData(int sensorvalue) {
int ret = cosmclient.put(feed, AP!_KEY);
void GetEvent(){ ff Get Event from Device
'eed help 5ith the DIY Kit you purchaed6
!f you soldered the kit according the circuit and manual, but it's not operate, recheck that all
components are in the correct place and correct polarity. !n you cannot identify the problem please
send a support request to us at:
"upport re7uet re7uirement:
!nclude your order number or eBay !D
Please describe your problem fully; attach screenshots or pictures and tell what you already
tried to do for resolving the problem.
Attach high resolution focused photos of your soldered kit, from both sides of the PCB.
Please wait up to 2+ hours for the response.
Please follow our support instruction because we can help you only if you'll work with
support team. !f you'll not provide a information for support team we'll not be able to
resolve the problem.
"everal advice )or ucce)ul 8it aemblin%:
Print the circuit schematic page from user manual and refer to it OFTEN during soldering.
Follow the User Nanual for assembling and calibration.
Take your time! Please do accurate soldering.
Use only Rosin Flux and Solder 60f+0 with low melt point.
Clean the PCB after soldering.
Locate and download components datasheets for reference.
Your )eedbac8 )or e0ay purchae.
!f you purchased our kit on eBay, we'll be very grateful for your positive feedback. Please leave us
5 star score positive feedback if you are satisfied with our product and service. !f there was any
problem with your purchase please contact us and we'll do our best to resolve it.
"hare your 5or8lo%(
You are invited to share the photos of your project. Please send it to us and we'll post the photos
on special page.
Dicount Coupon:
Nake a short review and get discount coupon for further purchase!
You cannot duplicate PCB design of the kit for commercial use.
Alex Boguslavsky
Thanks to David Child for editing this manual and making it more readable for native English