165.zeppelin Reservation System

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Zeppelin Reservation System ABSTRACT The Zeppelin Reservation is an enterprise solution for managing customer and flight information

for an airline. The primary function of the portal is to manage flight information and perform reservations and cancellations. However, the duties in an airline also involve performing allied tasks, such as querying the status of flights, managing accounts of executives who perform the reservations, and generating reports to interpret airline performance. Airline reservation portals were developed as customi ed applications in which the airline employees primarily managed all customer data and processed customer requests. However, with the advent of the !nternet, it is possi"le to ena"le customers to access their data through a #e" site. This method of accessing information over the !nternet through #e" sites has "ecome all the easier with the advent of A$%.&'T. The pro(ect has "een planned to "e having the view of distri"uted architecture, with centrali ed storage of the data"ase. The application for the storage of the data has "een planned. )sing the constructs of *$+$,- $erver and all the user interfaces have "een designed using the A$%.&et technologies. The data"ase connectivity is planned using the .$,- /onnection0 methodology. The standards of security and data protective mechanism have "een given a "ig choice for proper usage. The application takes care of different modules and their associated reports, which are produced as per the applica"le strategies and standards that are put forwarded "y the administrative staff. The entire pro(ect has "een developed keeping in view of the distri"uted client server computing technology, in mind. The specification has "een normali ed up to 1&2 to eliminate all the anomalies that may arise due to the data"ase transaction that are executed "y the general users and the organi ational administration. The user interfaces are "rowser specific to give distri"uted accessi"ility for the overall system. The internal data"ase has "een selected as *$+$,- server 344.The "asic constructs of ta"le spaces, clusters and indexes have "een exploited to provide higher consistency and relia"ility for the data storage.

Contact: 040-40274843, 9533694296 Email id: academiclivepro(ects5gmail.com, www.logicsystems.org.in

Zeppelin Reservation System

The *$+$,- server 344 was a choice as it provides the constructs of high+level relia"ility and security. The total front end was dominated using the A$%.&et technologies. At all proper levels high care was taken to check that the system manages the data consistency with proper "usiness rules or validations. The data"ase connectivity was planned using the latest .$,- /onnection0 technology provided "y *icrosoft /orporation. The authentication and authori ation was crosschecked at all the relevant stages. The user level accessi"ility has "een restricted into two ones namely.

Pu !o"# o$ t%# P o&#ct: The Zeppelin Reservation is an enterprise solution for managing customer and flight information for an airline. The main purpose of this pro(ect is aimed at developing a system which reduces work "urden of employees of the organi ation. Airline reservation portals were developed as customi ed applications in which the airline employees primarily managed all customer data and processed customer requests. To overcome these difficulties and time "eing "est to use this type of application. E'(ST()* S+STE,: To maintaining records for all clients, online transactions are not possi"le. This system requires so much of manpower and lot of money. !t is a Time /onsuming process. !t is more difficult "y verifying all the information and making reports, for each and every transaction. 6ata Redundancy. Contact: 040-40274843, 9533694296 Email id: academiclivepro(ects5gmail.com, www.logicsystems.org.in

Zeppelin Reservation System -oss of Accuracy. -ess $ecurity.

,-./0ES: The system after careful analysis has "een identified to "e presented with the following modules7 2light details /ustomer 6escription Reservation 6escription /ancellation 6escription Report

T%# $li1%t d#tail": !t includes the originating flight terminal and destination terminal, along with stops in "etween, num"er of seats "ooked8availa"le seats "etween two destinations etc. Cu"tom# .#"c i!tion7 !t includes customer code, name, address and phone num"er. This information may "e used for keeping the records of customer for any emergency or for any other kind of information. R#"# 2ation .#"c i!tion: !t includes customer code num"er, flight num"er, date of "ooking, date of traveling, 9:ou may assume any other field8relation, if needed;. Canc#llation .#"c i!tion: !t includes customer code num"er, flight num"er, date of canceling, date of traveling, 9:ou may assume any other field8relation, if needed;.

Contact: 040-40274843, 9533694296 Email id: academiclivepro(ects5gmail.com, www.logicsystems.org.in

Zeppelin Reservation System R#!o t": This module contains all the information a"out the reports generated "y the admin "ased on the particular /ustomer, particular Reservation, and particular /ancellation all customers or 'mployees, all Request generated "y the /ustomers.

Admini"t ato : An Admin can login in to the Admin Home %age "y Typing )sername and %assword, and he can create, update, and delete a )sers %roducts or <thers. /"# ": )sers are required to give valid user details such as )sername and %assword to enter into his Homepage. Here )sers can "e -ogin and access their options. He can manage the we"site and give new ,ueries. And he can search for anything from anywhere and can post the query.

P o&#ct (n"t uction": =ased on the given requirements, conceptuali e the $olution Architecture. /hoose the domain of your interest otherwise develop the application for ultimatedotnet.com. 6epict the various architectural components, show interactions and connectedness and show internal and external elements. 6esign the we" services, we" methods and data"ase infrastructure needed "oth and client and server. %rovide an environment for up gradation of application for newer versions that are availa"le in the same domain as we" service target. PR-P-SE. S+STE,:

Contact: 040-40274843, 9533694296 Email id: academiclivepro(ects5gmail.com, www.logicsystems.org.in

Zeppelin Reservation System %roposed system is entirely computer "ased one. !n this all data is entered into computer and stored it allows to store large amount of data. $ince the system is developed to provide visual environment, it is very easy for the evaluator to get understand system.

S+STE, RE3/(RE,E)T SPEC(4(CAT(-): 5a d6a # R#7ui #m#nt": %entium !> $ystem with 3.? @HZ %rocessor RA* A@= H66 B4 @=

So$t6a # R#7ui #m#nt": #indows <perating $ystem934448C%; *icrosoft .&'T9A$%.&'T, /D.&'T; $,- $erver 344E 'nterprise 'dition >isual $tudio .&et 344? 'nterprise 'dition !nternet !nformation $erver E.4 9!!$;

Contact: 040-40274843, 9533694296 Email id: academiclivepro(ects5gmail.com, www.logicsystems.org.in

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