Chapter 1 - Fs
Chapter 1 - Fs
Chapter 1 - Fs
heartbeat and a proper balance of water in the body. The project foreseen to do something new and enhance the skills of producing a product made by local fruits which will helps the exceeding food business to make out more in the country. Brief Background Of the Study This chapter represents the historical thought on how to make banana jam and it emphasi*es on how banana jam became available in the market. It aims to produce the product in the market and captures the heart of the customer in its affordable price and good +uality. This can be a subsidiary to exclusive spread sell in the market in more reasonably price. ,s any other projects one of the main intentions is to gain mark up and be available in the market and uplift the knowledge in making innovative goods from the local products in the country. -aking jam out something or ideally in fruit is gradually making its name in the market to help farmers in fabricating their harvested goods such as bananas not just in exporting them but to find a way that its +uality can be seen in the country. The project will be targeted towards the young and adults who are extremely engage in this kind.
Definition of Terms
The ff. is defined conceptually according to their use in the study.
Saba (Cardaba) - it is a yellow color when ripe and dark green when it is not ripe and covered with a cone# shapes seed. The color of fruit saba is white inside and meat will feel soft sweet and smooth and tasty enough to be eaten directly. In this study refers to the main fruit. Pure honey Bee # is produced by bees as a food source this is one of the most commonly referred to. Jam # is made of chopped or crushed fruit and sugar and spreads easily. in this study refers the main product this business venture will produced Potassium # is also helps for reducing strokes and regulating blood pressure because of the way it promotes circulatory health. In this study refers to proper circulation of the body. Packaging # the activities of designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product. /efers to the outer part of the product. Target market # is a group of customers toward which a business has decided to aim its marketing efforts and ultimately its merchandise. In this study refers on how the product they will get. itamin B! # is a very good sources it has a beneficial role for the treatment of neuritis and anemia. In this study refers to the levels within the body. Preser"es # are spreads containing small whole fruit or uniform#si*e pieces in a clear slightly gelled syrup. The fruits should be tender and plump. ( %ractical &ood %reservation and %rocessing pg. 01!
Je##ies # are thick sweet spread by cooking fruit juice with sugar. , good product is clear and firm enough to hold its shape when turned out of the container yet +uivers when moved.
$everal factors were considered pertaining to the market technical management financial and socio# economics aspects of the study. -arket feasibility emphasi*es the customers) needs and wants and the willingness of the customers to accept the kind of product the firm will promote. It determines the demand and supply analysis of the product which is the basis to decide on whether it is really rational to establish the project or not. The technical feasibility pertains to the efficient way of allowing available resources to attain a certain level of output during a specified period. The output expectation from the production of a plant should correspond to the demand figure derived from the market study. This study is limited to the time study performed by the proponents. It is essential to consider the time consumption for every operation in order to evaluate how long the production will be. -anagement feasibility describes the techni+ue and expertise to achieve organi*ational goals. The selection of employees is based on the specified job +ualifications. The salaries and wages are in compliance with the government standards. The financial study includes a thorough coverage of all monetary information of the enterprises. It covers the detailed information on the total projected cost initial capital re+uirements sources of financing financial statement and financial analysis.
This study would be limited to the financial assumptions and the total projected cost. It explicates the product)s profitability. ,ssumptions are based on the ordinary course of business and the total costs consist of the fixed and variable cost. &inancial statements are based on accepted policies. "nexpected changes may also occur regarding the operation)s laws and policies which may lead to necessary revisions. $ocio#economic aspect covers the projects and programs which are for benefits of the public. This includes the employment of the people and the taxes to be generated that can contribute to the funds of the government with regards to the social and economic factors that the company may undertake. 7very single detail of the product was taken extra for consumers to have a carefree and delicious jam in the form of fruit specially the Banana Jam. 8ith presence of all this merits the study would still be affected by unforeseen and uncontrollable variables and changes that might occur in the near future. The proponents tested if saba fruit can also be used in making another variety of jam. $ince $aba banana is a very nutritious fruit and a great source of natural energy it can be more popular to consumer particularly to those who are health conscious person. ,nother important point in pursuing is to add a new variety of the product to generate higher income retailers. The proponents can also participate in trade shows to promote the product to earn more knowledge and strategically methods that will possibly place them to success if ever this business venture will find a good market position.