Marach Breakfast

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All menus include pint milk

March 2014 Breakfast & Lunch Menu

& Pepperoni Pi''a Sticks Banana Chicken Pasta W" Broccoli $arden $reens (range Wedges 37 Turkey Sausage 6inks Steamed Rice (range Wedges Teri Chicken Asian Noodles W" *gg Roll $arden Salad -iced Pears 3=

Subject to change without notice

3 Blueberry Pancake on a Stick Whole Wheat Toast Applesauce Fish Nuggets Steamed Rice Carrots Celery Stks Broccoli Florets Fruit !uice " Roll 34 +a%aiian Style Sausage Steamed Rice $rape !uice Tasty $olden Chicken Tenders Steamed Rice Broccoli Carrots Applesauce 3. SPR:N$ BR*A9 T:66 3;73;3# 7# Cinnamon Snack Wa22le Applesauce Turkey Sausage 6ink 5 Adults (nly Wiener :n Whole Wheat Bun Potato Rounds Baked Beans Apple Wedges 33 Pepperoni Pi''a Sti8 (range Wedges Baked Alaskan Pollock Steamed Rice Rainbo% Salad Baked Beans Tropical Pineapple

# Poultry Patty Steamed Rice $rape !uice Sloppy !oe S%eet Potato Rounds Spinach Romaine Salad Apple Wedges 33 Cinnamon Roll (range Wedges Pork Sausage Patty 5 Adults (nly So2t Shell Taco 6ettuce Tomato Potato Rounds Banana 3<

) Scrambled $reen *ggs +am Whole Wheat Toast Apple !uice BB, Pork Patty Sand%ich Baked Beans Corn -iced Pears 33 Breaded Break2ast Chicken Patty Steamed Rice 1i8ed Fruit 6ittle Corn -ogs Potato Smiles Baked Beans (range Wedges 74

! "DAY
. /ogurt Cinnamon Toast Pineapple Chunks (0en Baked Chicken Steamed Rice Three Bean Salad Tropical Pineapple 1u22in 3# 1ini Pancakes Banana Poultry Patty 5 Adults (nly 9alua Pork W" Cabbage Steamed Rice 6omi Tomato Tropical Pineapple Portuguese S%eet Roll 73

7& Break2ast Burrito Whole Wheat Toast -iced Pears Chicken Nuggets (n Shrd> Cabbage Steamed Rice Tossed $reens 1andarin (range Pineapple Chunks

7) +(6:-A/ PR:NC* 9?+:( -A/

7. Cereal /ogurt Banana Tuna on Whole Wheat Bun S%eet Potato Rounds Rainbo% Salad W" Tomato Fruit !uice

7< +a%aiian Style Sausage Steamed Rice (range !uice Creole 1acaroni 1i8ed $reen Salad Banana French Bread

:n accordance %ith Federal la% and ?> S> -epartment o2 Agriculture policy@ this institution is prohibited 2rom discriminating on the basis o2 race@ color@ national origin@ se8@ age or disability> To 2ile a complaint o2 discrimination@ %rite ?S-A@ -irector@ (22ice o2 AdAudication@ 3#44 :ndependence A0e>@ SW@ Washington@ -> C> 747&4;=#34 or call toll 2ree B<))C )37;===7 BDoiceC> :ndi0iduals %ho are hearing impaired or ha0e speech disabilities may contact ?S-A through the Federal Relay Ser0ice at B<44C <..;<33= or B<44C <#&;)33) BSpanishC> ?S-A is an eEual opportunity pro0ider and employer>


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Field trip to +a%aii Plantation Dillage Bpart o2 grade 3C +onolulu Theatre 2or /outh residency %ith *66 students begins $reen *ggs and +am break2ast Bpre;orderedC Tripod Sur0ey 2or all 9;& students Spring Picture;Taking Bthere is a schedule 2or classesC Read Aloud Program@ &F44;.F#& in the ca2eteria $rade & Science Fair@ &F44 p>m> Super *agle o2 the ,uarter assembly@ <F34 Field trip to +a%aii Plantation Dillage Bpart o2 grade 3C S& "N' B EA# ( NO S$HOOL Students return 2or ,uarter # HOL"DAY ( & "N$E #UHO DAY Break2ast %ith 1y Soldier BP&@ P)@ P34@ P33C School Community Council meeting@ 3F44 in the library

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