Peach Leaf Curl
Peach Leaf Curl
Peach Leaf Curl
Peach leaf curl is one of the most gray and develops a powdery appear-
common and widespread diseases ance. Dry weather soon withers the
affecting peach plantings in the leaves causing them to fall early.
United States. Recognized as a However, cool weather delays defolia-
common peach trouble since 1821, tion.
it occurs in almost every region Young infected peach fruits become
where peaches are grown. It has distorted and seldom remain on the tree
been known by names such as, very long. Infected fruits show
curly leaf, curly blight, and leaf irregular, swollen, colored areas on
blister. their surfaces. These areas are usually
Although peach leaf curl is wrinkled, without the normal peach
primarily a foliage disease, it also fuzz, and look like they have been
may affect blossoms, young twigs, polished.
and fruit. The disease causes loss of
foliage early in the summer. This
stimulates the affected tree to Cause
produce another crop of leaves, Peach leaf curl is caused by the
resulting in decreased tree vigor. fungus Taphrina deformans. Spores of
Lowered tree vigor usually in-
Fruit Diseases creases the danger of winter injury.
Peach leaf curl is first noticed
early in the spring when leaves start
to unfold. Diseased leaves are
noticeably red and soon become
distorted, thickened, and greatly
curled as they develop. When
diseased leaves are fully developed,
they are lighter colored than
normal; frequently flushed with red;
and greatly curled, puckered, and
distorted (Figure 1).
Purdue University
Cooperative Extension Service Leaves infected with leaf curl are
also thicker than normal leaves and
have a firm and leathery consis-
tency. The entire leaf or any portion
of it may become infected. A few or
nearly all of the leaves on a tree
may fall, depending upon the
severity of the attack. As the
growing season advances, the upper Figure 1. Typical peach leaf curl symptoms;
surface of diseased leaves turns notice the curling and puckering.
the fungus are produced on the Fungicides registered for control of
peach leaf curl include liquid lime- References to products in this
surface of diseased leaves in
sulfur, chlorothalonil (Daconil, publication is not intended to
midsummer and give the leaf the
Bravo 720), ferbam, and copper- be an endorsement to the
powdery appearance previously
based fungicides (numerous trade exclusion of others which may
described. These spores are spread
names are available) including be similar. Persons using such
to all parts of the tree by winds and
Bordeaux mixture. Follow all label products assume responsibility
rains, becoming lodged under bud
instructions regarding amounts of for their use in accordance
scales and rough bark, and here they
pesticide to use, method of applica- with current label directions of
remain throughout the summer and
tion, and safety warnings. the manufacturer.
winter months. In the spring, when
the young peach buds begin to If a dormant spray has been
swell, germinating spores of the neglected, and disease develops,
fungus penetrate the young leaves, the fruit on affected trees should be
causing leaf curl infection. thinned to compensate for the loss
of leaves. In addition, fertilize and
water trees to help maintain tree
Management vigor—and be sure to get a leaf
Peach leaf curl can be prevented curl spray on next year!
by a single spray application made
in late fall, after leaf drop, or in late
winter, BEFORE bud swell. It is
critical that trees be sprayed before
buds begin to swell! If buds have
begun to swell or open, it is too late
to obtain satisfactory control of
peach leaf curl as infection has
already occurred. Control is impos-
sible once symptoms are visible.