This document summarizes an American National Standard that specifies requirements for normalized high-strength low-alloy structural steel. It defines four grades of steel (A, C, D, and E) with varying minimum yield strengths. The steel must meet chemical composition limits, undergo normalization heat treatment, and pass tension tests to meet mechanical property requirements defined in the standard. It is intended for use in welded, riveted, or bolted construction where good notch toughness is desired at low temperatures.
This document summarizes an American National Standard that specifies requirements for normalized high-strength low-alloy structural steel. It defines four grades of steel (A, C, D, and E) with varying minimum yield strengths. The steel must meet chemical composition limits, undergo normalization heat treatment, and pass tension tests to meet mechanical property requirements defined in the standard. It is intended for use in welded, riveted, or bolted construction where good notch toughness is desired at low temperatures.
This document summarizes an American National Standard that specifies requirements for normalized high-strength low-alloy structural steel. It defines four grades of steel (A, C, D, and E) with varying minimum yield strengths. The steel must meet chemical composition limits, undergo normalization heat treatment, and pass tension tests to meet mechanical property requirements defined in the standard. It is intended for use in welded, riveted, or bolted construction where good notch toughness is desired at low temperatures.
This document summarizes an American National Standard that specifies requirements for normalized high-strength low-alloy structural steel. It defines four grades of steel (A, C, D, and E) with varying minimum yield strengths. The steel must meet chemical composition limits, undergo normalization heat treatment, and pass tension tests to meet mechanical property requirements defined in the standard. It is intended for use in welded, riveted, or bolted construction where good notch toughness is desired at low temperatures.
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The document outlines specifications for normalized high-strength low-alloy structural steel plates, shapes, and bars. It specifies chemical compositions, mechanical properties, heat treatment processes, and testing requirements according to ASTM standards.
The standard covers normalized high-strength low-alloy structural steel plates, shapes, and bars for welded, riveted, or bolted construction. It is intended for use in structures where notch toughness is important at temperatures as low as -50°F. Four grades - A, C, D, and E - are specified with different minimum yield strengths.
Grade A provides a minimum yield strength of 42 ksi up to 4 inches thick. Grades C and D provide minimum yield strengths of 50 ksi up to 2.5 inches thick and 46 ksi from 2.5 to 4 inches thick. Grade E provides minimum yield strengths of 60 ksi up to 4 inches thick and 55 ksi from 4 to 6 inches thick.
By Authority Of
Legally Binding Document By the Authority Vested By Part 5 of the United States Code 552(a) and Part 1 of the Code of Regulations 51 the attached document has been duly INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE and shall be considered legally binding upon all citizens and residents of the United States of America. HEED THIS NOTICE: Criminal penalties may apply for noncompliance. Official Incorporator: THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OFFICE OF THE FEDERAL REGISTER WASHINGTON, D.C. Document Name: CFR Section(s): Standards Body: e ASTM A633: Standard Specification for Normalized High-Strength Low Alloy Structural Steel 49 CFR 178.338-2(a) American Society for Testing and Materials AMERICAN NATIONAL ANSI/ASTM A 633 - 79a STANDARD Standard Specification for NORMALIZED HIGH-STRENGTH LOW-ALLOY STRUCTURAL STEEL 1 This ~ t a n d a r d is i.ssued under the fixed designation A 633; the'number immediately following the designation indicates the year of orIgmal adoptIon or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. 1. Scope 1.1 This specification covers normalized high-strength low-alloy structural steel plates, shapes, and bars for welded, riveted, or bolted. construction. 1.2 This material is. particularly suited for service at low ambient tempenitures of -50F (-45C) and higher where notch toughness better than that expected in as-rolled material of a comparable strength level is desired. 1.3 Four grades, designated Grades A, C, D, and E (essentially fornier Specification A 633 without a grade designation) are covered by this specification. Grade A provides a mini- mum yield point of 42 ksi (290 MPa) in thick- nesses through 4 in. (102 mm), inclusive. Grades C and D provide .a minimum yield point of 50 ksi (345 MPa) in thicknesses up to 2.50 in. (64 mm), inclusive and 46.0 ksi (315 MPa) in thicknesses over 2.50 in. to 4.0 in., inclusive. Grade E provides a minimum yield point of 60 ksi (415 MPa) in thicknesses up td 4.0 in., inclusive and 55 ksi (380 MPa) in thicknesses over 4 in. to 6 in; (152 mm), inclu- sive. 1.4 Current practice normally limits plates furnished under this specificat.ion to the max- imum thicknesses shown in 1.3. The individual manufacturer should be consulted on size limi- tations for other product forms. ", NOTE-The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. . 2. Applicable Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: A 6, Specification for General Require"' ments for Rolled Steel Plates, Shapes, Sheet PiIjng, and Bars for Structural Use 2 E 112 Estimating the Average Grain Size of Metals 3 3. General Requirements for Delivery 3.1 Material furnished under this specifica- tion shall conform to the applicable require- ments of the current edition of Specification A 6. These include the requirements for analysis, test preparation, method of test, permissible variations in dimensions and weight, quality, repair, marking, inspection, retests, rejection, packaging and loading, etc. 4. Ordedng Information 4.1 The inquiry and prder shall indicate the following: 4.1.1 Quantity (weight or number of pieces), 4.1.2 N a,me of material, 4.1.3 Dimensions or size designation, 4.1.4 ASTM designation, date of issue, and grade, 4.1.5 Condition (heat treatment require- ments for material or test coupons, see 6.2), and 4.1.6 Supplementary requirements, if any. 5 .. Manufacture 5.1 Melting Process: 5.1. I The steel may be made by any of the following processes: open-hearth, basic-oxygen, or electric-furnace. '.' 1 This. speCification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee Acl :on Steel, Stainless Steel and Related Alloys, and is the dire"t responsibility of Subcommittee AOl.02 on Structural Steel, .' Current edition approved July 27 and August 31, 1979. Published October 1979. Originally published as A 633 - 70. Last previous edition A 633 - 78. 2 Aiinuizl Book of ASTM Standards; Pan 4 . ' .. "'1nhual Book of AST Standards, Part 1 L 628 5.1.2 The steel shall be made to a fine grain practice (see 8.1f 6. Heat Treatment 6.1 The material shall be normalized by heating to a suitable temperature which pro- duces an austenitic structure, but not exceeding 1700F (925q, holding a sufficient time to attain uniform heat throughout the material and cooling in air. 6.1.1 Grade E material over 3 in. (76 mm) in thickness shall be double normalized. 6.2 If the purchaser elects to perform the required heat treatment, the material shall be accepted on the basis of mill tests made from test coupons heat treated in accordance with the purchase order requirements. If the test coupon requirements are not indicated on the purchase order, the manufacturer shall heat treat the test coupons under conditions he considers appropriate. The manufacturer shall inform the purchaser of the heat-treatment procedure followed in heat treating the test coupons at the mill. A 633 7. Chemical Requirements 7.1 The heat analysis shall conform to the chemical composition requirements listed in Table 1. 7.2 The steel shall conform on product anal- ysis to the requirements prescribed in Table 1, su bject to the product analysis tolerances in Specification A 6. 8. Metallurgical Structure 8.1 A ustenitic Grain Size-The steel shall have a carburized austenitic grain size of 5 or finer as determined on one test per heat in accordance with Methods E 112, Plate IV, using the McQuaid-Ehn Test. 8.2 The provisions of 8.1 need not apply when notch toughness requirements are speci- fied per Supplementary Requirement S 1. 9. Mechanical Requirements 9.1 Tension Tests-The material as repre- sented by the test specimens shall conform to the requirements listed in Table 2. SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTS S1. Notch Toughness Test S 1.1 Notch toughness tests may be specified in accordance with ASTM Specification A 673, for Sampling Procedure for Impact Testing of Structural Steel. 2 S2. Copper-Bearing Steel S2.1 In addition to the chemical composi- tion requirements in Table I, the steel shall have 0.20% minimum copper on heat analysis. Product analysis for copper shall be subject to the tolerances of Specification A 6. Standardized supplementary requirements for use at the option of the purcha:ser are listed in Specification A 6. Those which are considered suitable for use with this specifi- cation are listed below by title. Sl4. Bend Test. 629 ,E;lement Carboni,max '" Manganese: , I 'h in. (3K I mm) an? under in thickness Over i Y, 4 in. (ib2 mffi), inel Over 4 in. td 6 in; (152 mm), inel Pp,osphorus, m,ax Suiftir, max Silicon Vanadium Columbium Nitrogen Copper, max Nickel, max. .' Chromium, max' Molybdenlurt; A 633 TABLE; 1 I Chemic,a! "GradeA, % GradeC, % OJ,8 0.20 1.00-'-1.35 1.)5-1.50' 1.00-1.35 1.15_1.50" .. , 0.04 0.04 " 0.05 0.15-0.50 : 0.,05II\ax 0,01-0.05 too. .. , ," Graqe D, % 0.20 0.70-L3.5 Uib-1.60 0.04 0.05. 0.15:':0.50, 0.35 0.25 '0.25 0.08 ; . , 0.22 ,'t 1.15-pg 1.15-1.50 1.15-1.50 ,- '0,04 0.05 , I 0.15-0.50 Q.0l-Q.03 .... }. a Columbium may of 0.01-:0.05 %. ',., "I " " '. , h For Grade C manganese content 'may be inereas.edto 1.60J'0 the carl)pn, sontent does not 0:18%. ' ' ',i; , ' ; Ed,lemininmm total I\hqninumcontent shall be 0:018 %,' or the vanadiblh ni'ftogen ratio shall be",fj mininmm.' , \rleldpoini; triiti., bi(MPa):' 2.5 in. (89 mm) and under Over 2.5 in. to 4 in. (102 mm), inel Over 4 in. to 6 in. (152 mm), inel Tensile strength, ksi (MPa): 2.5 in. and under Oyer 2.5 in. to 4 in., inel 4'ln. to 6 in., inel Elongation in 8 in. or 200 mm, min, %'" jn 2 in. or ,50 mm,min. TABLE, 2 TensileRequirements a :" GradeA:' 42 (290) 42 (290) i Grades C I and D 50 (345) 46 (315) 63 to 83 (430 to 570) 70 to 90 (480 to 620) 63 to 83 (430 to 570) 65 to 85 (450 to 590) ,18 23 ,18 23 GradeE :60(415) 60(415) 55 (380) 80 to 100 (550 to 690) 80 to 1,00 (550 to 690) 75 to 95 (520 tli 660)' 18 23 a For plates wider than 24 in. (610 mm), the testdpedmen is taken in the traI;1sverse direction. See 11.2 of Specific!!" tion A 6. I.... ' ,-'.) , 'For material under 0/,. in. (8 mm) in thickness, a deduction of 1.25 percentage points shall be maddor 'each' in. (0.8 mm) in thickness under 0/,. in. , C For plates wider than 24 in. (610 mm), the elongation requirement is reduced two percentage points: 630, A 633 APPENDIX Xl. CHARPY V-NOTCH IMPACT TEST Xl.I The values shown in Table Xl are included only as information to the guarantees which are generally available. Mandatory conformance to anY of the values'listed is a mat.ter for agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer. TABLE Xl Charpy V-Notch Impact Test Minimum Energy Values (Average of Three Specimens) Test Temperature. of (0C) -75 (-59) -60 (-51) -50 (-46) -40 (-40) -30 (-34) o (-IS) 32 (0) 75 (24) Longitudinal Specimens. ftlbf (J) , 15 (20) 20 (27) 25 (34) 25 (34) 30 (41) 40 (54) 45 (61) 50 (6S) Transverse
ftlbf (J) 15 (20) 15 (20) 20 (27) 20 (27) 25 (34) 30 (41) 30 (41) 30 (41) The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical commillee, which you may allend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Commillee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa, 19103, which will schedule a further hearing regarding your comments. Failing satisfaction there, you may appeal to the ASTM Board of Directors. 631