Dark World

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Dark World

Kajal Sandrilene
A SanRae Publication
Dark World
Kajal Sandrilene
Copyright 2014 Kajal Sandrilene of SanRae Enterprise
All rights reserved by the Author
Wattpad Edition
All characters and events in this
novel are fctitious and resemblance to real persons, living or dead, are purely
coincidental. No part of this story may be reproduced, stored or transmitted
without the prior permission in writing from the author. Your support and respect
for the property of this author is appreciated.
Cover Page
Kajal Sandrilene
Cover Image
Authors Notes: I found this picture on the internet and I was playing around with FotoFlexer, and I thought,
Hey, I should make a short story called Dark World! And here it is. I started ofcially January 13, 2014, I
just didnt really know what I wanted it to really be about, and its taken me a pretty long time to put all of my
thoughts onto paper and in a proper story that I think is good enough to share with people. But, if youve read
this far, I think you should really consider fnishing the book, because it is pretty good. But, if youve read this far,
I think you should really consider fnishing the book, because it is pretty good.
KiRae Neals Notes: I liked it. For a short story, I liked the idea of it. Good Job Sis! You coming up in the world:)
I dedicate this book to everyone reading it! I appreciate you taking the time to read this. Tank you all
Mother always told me there was a place other than our world. She always told me there was, somewhere
out there, a world we arent able to slip our greedy human fngers on.
And in that world, they are probably so much like us, she once told me with a wide smile on her face.
And there might even be a nice little girl about your age, whos hearing the same thing from her mom.
I remember sitting next to her, amazed, eating up every word of it. My young mind soared with the mil-
lions of possibilities.
Really, I giggled, trying to escape my mothers active hands. Mother gently tickled my sides my neck,
and I squealed, unable to stop her.
Tis is how its been with us since forever. We can sit and talk all day, no matter what we were talking
Once we settled down, I lay my head in Mothers lap and she smiled up at the stars.
Mommy, is there really a girl like me somewhere we dont know? I asked, holding my small hands up at
the sky.
Tere sure is. But no one on earth knows where or who she is. Because if they did, then all they would
want to do is control them and make them slaves.
Tats not nice, a said harshly, sticking my tongue out. I want her to be my friend. I cuddle into my
mothers side and close my eyes.
Well, not everyone is like my Savanna.
When my mother died only seven months later, and not knowing what else to do with myself, I blamed
her. I blamed everything that was going wrong with me on her. And I lost all belief in anything that I couldnt
see. I mean, what is anything that cant be seen? NOTHING!
Maybe Im being a little harsh? Yeah, right. Im just stating the facts here. But nothing prepared me for the
mystery that awaited me in my room. Im moving a little too fast here. Why dont I slow down?
My name is Savanna Makaela Swann. Im 15 and a sophomore in high school. I make decent grades, I
guess. Tey could be better of course, but I try. I have one best friend, Conner. Hes a wicked scientifc brainiac,
and I love that dude with all my heart.
Well, were at the mall talking about... well... Im not exactly sure. But Conner was explaining something
to me, which only made me even more confused. I watch as his eyes sparkle as he explains, throwing his hands
every which way and gestures out his explanations.
And then the sun and moon cross each other, thats when the earth begins to --
Alright, Conner. Tats enough, I said putting my hand up and laughing. I dont even remember how
we started this conversation, dude. Conner rose an eyebrow. He shook his head, grinning a little.
I dont know what Im going to do with you, Savannaswann, Conner said, running my frst and last
name together in one word like he liked to do.
Yeah, and I dont know what Im going to do with you buddy. We both laughed as we stood so we could
leave. Conner saw me home, just like he does every night. Today was a little diferent though. We stood in an
awkward silence at my front door. He seemed to want to say something, but not know exactly how to say what-
ever it was. At frst I wait patiently , trying to let him put his thoughts together and tell me what ever it was. But
afer standing at the door for some time, I raise my eyebrow, anticipating his speech, and when there wasnt one,
I sighed.
You ok, buddy? I ask touching his shoulder lightly. Conner looked at my hand, and nodded.
Yeah, Im fne. I rose my eyebrow.
Um, I just want to let you know Im not convinced. Conner looked up at me and plastered a goofy
grin on his face, making me laugh hard. Dude, youve got some serious issues. Afer our laughter died down, I
hugged Conner. I pulled him right into a bear hug, wrapping my small arms around his slenderly muscular ones.
Te boys a nerd, but he does keep his body up to par!
Conner, I began slowly. You are the best friend a girl can have. Youre the best guy in this world, and I
mean it. I can totally depend on you to listen to me act like a female about every little thing. You even still stand
by me when Im on the verge of destroying you during my period. Youre always there, and I know I can trust
you. Youre an awesome guy, Conner. So thank you. Tank you for everything.
Hey, thats what best friends are for, right Savannaswann? Conner wrapped his arms tightly around me,
sending his husky cologne whifng in my nose. Besides. You might end up crying if I werent. I pulled away
from Conner a narrowed my eyes at him. I smacked his shoulder, and he barked out a laugh.
Gosh, Conner, you are such a guy! I said, trying not to laugh. Conner gasped and pretended to look
And here I thought you said I was the best, and now you say Im such a guy?
Tats because you are. Im going in now. Tanks for walking me home.
No problem., Conner said, grinning from ear to ear. Ill come get you tomorrow morning for school.
Alright, dude. See you then, I said, smiling before turning to unlock the door.
Being the person he is, Conner didnt leave until I looked out of my bedroom window to let him know I
was safe. I waved, and he returned it, and walked over to is car and pulled of.
Just as soon as he was gone, its as if he set of an alarm to tell the annoying ones Im home and settled in.
Because there was a loud rapping on my door about fve seconds afer he pulled of.
What! I yelled irritably. My door swung open, without any regards to my privacy, revealing my step-
mother, Gardina.
Afer Mom died, Dad got really depressed and started blaming everything on his self. He started drinking
a lot. But, he found this chick about a year afer Moms death, and claimed to fall madly in love with her, and he
married her afer only six months of talking to her. Gardina and I dont get along. Shes constantly putting outra-
geous thoughts in his head. She thinks because she married my Dad means she has total control over me and my
being. Pft.
Hey, Slut, your father wants you downstairs in the kitchen right now, she said putting her hand on her
Not as much of a slut you are, I mumbled as I shufed to the kitchen to see what my father wanted. My
little sister was sitting on the sofa, her eyes barely staying open.
Baby girl, go to bed, I said lifing her from the couch. She shook her head, pushing me away.
Cant. Daddy just woke me up when you got home and told me to come down here.
Um... why? Te poor thing just shrugged her shoulders and continued to fght with her sleep. I stormed
to the kitchen where my father sat at the dinner table with his hands folded on the top of the table.
Why isnt she sleeping. She has school tomorrow, and its afer eight.
Yeah, youre right. And thats the problem. Youre always out late with that... boy. He referred to Conner
as if his name tasted bad.
His name is Conner. And hes been my best friend since kindergarten. You know that. I shook my head
when he grunted. Ten Gardina put her little two cents in.
Well, honey, she began You shouldnt be out that late with any boy. Because Were more than sure
youre doing things with this boy.
Tat boys name is Conner, I repeated. And what things are you claiming Im doing with this boy?
Savanna, dont play stupid with us. We know youre having sex with that boy!
What?! I screeched. I glared at Dad. You let her make you think Im going behind your back sleeping
around? God, Dad. And here I thought you still had a little trust in me! I shot my look over to Gardina, and
stepped closer to her, my fnger pointing into her throat.
And you! Feeding him these stupid ideas! Im not sleeping with him! Hes my best friend. Im sick of you
assuming things and thinking youre better than me. You arent anything to me but my fathers second choice.
Because obviously my mom was his frst!
Dont you dare speak to me in th at tone, young lady!
I will, and I am. Im not fnished either. Ever since you came here, you think you can control my life.
Newsfash, baby. You are NOT my mother, so stop trying to act like it. Youre Dads wife, and thats all. You are
nothing more to me, Gardina. Youre feelings and thoughts mean nothing to me, especially since youve been
treating me like crap on the bottom of your shoe since you said I do. With those fnal words, I glanced over at
Dad, who was fumbling around with his hands. I shook my head in disgust.
Honestly, Dad. I thought you were better than this. I walked out of the kitchen, my head held high. I
grabbed my sisters hand and took her up to my room and locked the door. I gave her a pillow and a blanket and
let her sleep at the bottom of my bed.
I sat on my bed, contemplating my life, and how nothing was really worth it anymore.
Why am I even still alive, I thought. Nothing has been going my way, and honestly, Im sick of everything.
Te only thing, the only ones, that has been keeping my sane are Hannah and Conner. If it werent for them, Im
sure I wouldve done something horrible.....
Like die.
Suddenly, Hannah threw herself into my arms and cried. She let out all of the emotions shed been holding in for
the past few weeks, letting it all go so she could just start this dreaded cycle over again.
Why did he choose her? Why did Daddy marry that witch?
Because, I began, just like every other time she asked this question. He needed to feel loved.
But we love him, she whispers.
I guess our love just wasnt good enough for him.
Afer a while, Hannah took her spot at the foot of my bed, wrapping herself into the blanket.
I hate her, Savanna, Hannah said as she snuggled in her blanket. I nodded.
Yeah, I know what you mean. But lets go to sleep now, sweetie. We both have school tomorrow.
Ok Vannie. Night Night.
Good night. I switched the lights of and let my dreams take me somewhere other than my house. But I
didnt need my dreams to take me anywhere just yet, because someone was in my room.
I watched from my corner in her closet. She had a little girl at the foot of her bed and it looked like she
was trying to comfort her.
Why did he choose her? the little girl asked, tears rimming her eyes. Why did Daddy marry that
Ouch. Te way she said witch disturbed me. She said it as if there was nothing worse than it.
Because, the elder one said. He needed to feel loved.
I grasped my pendant. Te pendant that the royal family that nursed me gave me. Te same pendant that
signifed love, the only love I ever knew. Love that was never happy. A sad, hurtful, truthful love. Nothing like the
love of these people.
Is this is what love really is? Because Ive never felt this before.
I watched as the older female rubbed the head of the little girl. Te scene was truly mystifying. I could see
something reach her eyes that Ive never seen before. Everything in her just shot out positive energy.
I hate her, Savanna, the little girl said, spitefully. Te elder girl nodded in agreement.
Yeah, I know what you mean. But lets go to sleep now, sweetie. We both have school tomorrow.
Ok Vannie. Night Night.
Good night.
Im Kantia Y029. Ive been trained by the Central Power to protect my world, Te Dark World, at
all costs. Even if its my life. It was pretty harsh to live with when I was growing up. Most kids my age were being
reminded of their manners and what not. But me? I was being trained at every second. I took high level basic
education classes. I was taking Alchemy 3 when I was 4 years old, and had way passed everyone in my Funda-
mentals of Fighting class.
To be told that my life would be to protect, kill, and be killed. Not that I had much of a choice though.
I was an abandoned kid. My Mom up and lef the day I was born, and she was never spotted again. I dont even
know her name. Ive always wished there was a way that I could fnd her, but nothing has come up. Nothing was
even lef behind to give a lead that she even existed, except me. I was raised in the Royal Court until I was eight.
Afer my eighth birthday, I was sent to the Central Power to begin my training, just like every other soon to be
Protector my age.
It was especially hard because I was the only girl in my whole group. And I was expected to excel just as
well as the boys. My life soon began to be nothing but constant practicing and training harder to get better. To
be better. To be the best. I went days without sleeping just to I could prepare myself for my life as a Protector. I
soon found my self going above and beyond the work of my peers. I was moved up, and fnished the training that
normally took nine years in just three. I was at the top of my graduation class and an A-Class legend. Tere has
never been another person to move so fast in the academy before. Te earliest was six years. Afer graduating,
I decided to also study magic, which I also breezed through in just three years. Te Central Power decided that
I was an important asset to the wellbeing of the Dark World, and they put all of my skills to work immediately,
training me more, and taking me into the deeper secrets of magic that the professors didnt bother to teach the
academy students.
Its been two years since my graduation from the Dark World Academy, and Im 15. Despite my hard
work and me being a well known Protector-Mage, this is my very frst real mission. And I cant skrew up.
Were counting on you Y029, Alfet B360 told me just before I lef. Dead or alive.
Sir. I remember responding.
I was so wrapped up in my thoughts, I didnt notice that I was becoming more and more visible to the
naked eye. And the older one was looking dead at me, her eyes bugging out of her head almost. She moved her
hand to the table near her bed, reaching aimlessly for something.
Well, I say coming out of my not so secret hiding spot. Since you already see me, I can just make this
easy, ok? But frst, lets lay out some ground rules. Shall we? I ficked my fngers at her nightstand, sliding it si-
lently to the foot of her bed. Rule one: dont touch anything. Keep your hands in your lap. Te girl glared at me,
but obeyed.
Next rule. Dont talk unless you are told. Dont do anything stupid and we can both get out of this situa-
tion alive.
And if I dont, she questioned, sassily. I whipped my fngers in her direction and sent sparks in the shape
of knives at her throat.
You just might die. Do you want to try it? Te girl gulped, and shook her head. I smirked.
Yep. Tats what I thought. Now, whats your name?
Savanna, she said in barely a whisper. I nod.
Alright, Savanna. Im going to take you to the Dark World. And you will come without any problems,
Yes. I walked to her bed and pulled her up by her arm, and heard a quiet rapping on the window out-
side. I glared at the males face, and glared at Savanna.
Who is he?! I shot at her, shoving her a little too violently towards the window.
My best friend, Conner, she said afer studying the face through the window.
Well, he cant know what Im doing unless hes going to be involved, so hes just got himself tied up in our
business. I focused my energy on the window, and it shot open and I let the air efortlessly thrust the boy in the
room at my feet. He looked up and fear pulsed through his veins.
What are you doing here, Conner? Savanna hissed, taking a step closer to us.
You lef your purse in my car, so I was coming to bring it back. Te boy held up a small black shoulder
purse and shook it in the air for Savanna to see.
Good timing on your part, my dear, I said grinning. We were just leaving. And now you get to come
with us!
And with those fnal words, I scooped up the little girl, and opened the portal to my world, dragging the
other two along with me.

I dont know where I am or how I got here, but I do know that Im not in my room anymore. And I might
not even be in my town, heck, much less my country. I took in my surroundings, and everything was.... Well, it
was dark. Te sky was a pale dark blue, and there was a black hole beneath my feet. I glanced over at Conner,
who was slumped in a neck breaking position on the ground, but was to sucked into looking at everything, Im
sure he wouldnt even notice if his neck cracked right now. I look up at Hannah, and shes still fast asleep in that
girls arms. Oh, that reminds me.
Hey! I shouted. Te girl glanced back at me. She looked about six. Her short fgure was a joke. But what
she did back there scared me, and Im not sure if I should be ofended by her, or just down right terrifed.
What? She asked, patiently, raising her eyebrows. Her whole demeanor was diferent from what it was
back there.
Who are you? And why did you just come in my room snatching me up and bringing me to this God
awful place? Te girl frowned, but it didnt really meet her eyes. Instead, her eyes looked almost sad. But in an
instant she was smiling.
Im Kantia Y029! Te girl spoke proudly, her head held high, and her posture proper. She held her hand
up to her head in salute. But you can just call me Kantia.
Well, Kantia, Conner said, speaking up for the frst time since we lef my room. I dont exactly know
how you did this, but I do know that whatever youve done, youve managed to change the order of the molecu-
All I did was transport you.... Kantia said questioningly. Nothing special about rearranging your earth-
ly science.
Conner was fnally up on his feet and dusting his self of, even though there was really nothing to dust of,
for, as Ive said before, we were standing in a black hole.
Alright, little girl. Ive had just about enough of your bull--
Who are you calling little! she growled. Te atmosphere around Kantia turned dark. Te darkness
swirled violently through her hair, ready to pick a fght. Her cheeks and chest pufed out in anger and she looked
like she could rip my throat out.
W-what she really meant was, how old are you? Conner said, cheesing his butt of. And almost instant-
ly, the anger vanished, and Kantia was all bubbly again, as if nothing had ever happened. I rolled my eyes, and
started walking in the frst direction that appealed to me.
Well why didnt you say so silly? Im 15. I spun around and my eyes popped out of their sockets.
Say what?!!! I couldnt believe what she was saying.
I said Im 15 years old, just like you! I stared at her, in disbelief as she went on and on about when she
frst found out about me, and how she thought we could be friends.
And then I found out you were the subject of my mission, I thought it would be so cool! she said all in
one life-threatening breathe. So, I asked your mom what you--
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Hold your breath for a second. Did you just say my mom? I watched for a
sign, but Kantia totally froze up. She didnt say or do anything. Well? I press on. Instead of answering me, she
turns on her heels, and starts walking forward.
We should probably get going, Kantia said almost robotically. I dont think the Central Power would
want us to be late. With Hannah still in her arms; someway, somehow; she jumped up in the trees, and picks
some of the fruit there.
Wow, Conner mutters. Look at her go.
Oh my goodness, Conner, I scofed. I cant believe youre falling for her act.
What act, Savanna? Im pretty sure theres nothing thats an act about this girl. She isnt really playing any
I mean, look at her! She looks like she can be fve, dude!
Well, she obviously isnt, so just get on with the program so we can hurry up and move on with our nor-
mal everyday lives. I dont really want to be here, but I am. And so are you, so just deal. And with those heart-
breaking words, Conner steps to the trees that Kantia is moving carefully across, picking some weird looking
I cant believe it, I mumble. Conner is supposed to be my best friend, and hes never spoken to me like
this before. I mean, is it that hes a whole year older than me? No. Hes always been a whole year older than me,
but hes still never said anything to me like that before. I couldnt believe he just walked out on me like that!
Hey. Te girl, Kantia, jumped down from the tree she was in. I hadnt noticed that I started walking
aimlessly in their direction and that Id ended up right beneath the tree she was in. Kantia grinned eagerly from
ear to ear and held her hand out. I looked down at it, and there was one of the many large colorful orbs that were
in the trees. I looked back into her eyes, a question mark decorating my face.
Take it, she thrust her hand closer to me and placed it gently in my hand. Eat it.
What is it? I asked, not sure if I should eat it. I held it up to my nose, taking in its sweet, spicy smell.
Its called Izolle. Its one of the many fruit from the Izollen trees that only grow in the Izollen Country.
Its really spicy when you frst eat it, but once you swallow it, theres nothing but the sweet afer favor. Its very
unique and quite delicious. I eyed the girl suspiciously. Without a second thought, I threw the fruit down to the
ground and folded my arms over my chest.
I wont eat it. Kantia shrugged.
Of course. I mean, if youd rather die in the most harsh way. Especially in front of your sister, in about
fve minutes. Your skin peeling and crackling, and your blood bubbling to the surface. Our air will eat you inside
out, starting with your throat. Itll suck your tongue down in your throat, chewing it away in the most painful
way possible, and--
ALRIGHT! Ill eat it! I yelled, snatching the green one out of her hands. I shuttered at the graphical de-
scriptions of my anticipated death if I didnt eat, and took a hearty bite into the fruit. As soon as the juice touched
my tongue, it burned. All the way down to my throat. I was tempted to spit it out, but as I thought of my horrid
death, I sucked everything up, and endured the burn. It felt like a never ending fre that I couldnt put out. Tat
was until I swallowed it. Te whole favor went in a diferent direction. It was like a bowl of sugar mixed with a
favor Ive never had before. Te taste was so amazing, I had to have another bite.
Its so good! I squeezed in between bites, savoring the sweetness that ran down my throat.
Its worth the burn isnt it? I nodded, still trying to fnish up the Izolle. Kantia sighed, sitting on the
ground cross legged.
It was my favorite fruit as a little girl. But I never got to taste it fresh. It was always packaged and shipped
to my home country. Well, the country that I was raised in anyway. I dont know what my home country is.
We sat in silence as I fnished up the fruit.
Hey, so, I was wondering, I began.
Yeah? Kantias eyes lit up.
Why did you take me?
Well... she trailed of, and looked in the sky. Her eyes suddenly widened, and she rose to her feet in a
heartbeat. Savanna, Conner. Lets go! Now! She jumped up in the trees, and took still sleeping Hannah, and
threw her across her shoulders, and began leaping efortlessly from tree to tree.
Come on! she pressed on Move it, move it, move it! Not knowing what else to do, Conner and I fol-
lowed Kantias lead, but on the ground. We walking through the Izollen trees, changing the course of our direc-
tion ever so ofen.
Why are we running, again? Conner panted.
I have no clue. Ask monkey girl up there. But as soon as the words lef my mouth, I regretted it, because
I could see why we were on the run.
Te loud, bloodcurdling bark flled my ears, and I screamed like a moron.
Dont look back! Kantia warned. Teyll turn you to stone! But before I knew what was happening,
Conner snapped his head around. His scream flled my being and stopped in mid-breath. I gasped, knowing his
I closed my eyes, determined to look forward only, still slapping my feet non stop against the dark
ground. My eyes widened, when I saw a large, Conner sized rock land in front of me. I stood there in horror. His
face was pain stricken and it was the very defnition of fear. His eyes were popped wide open, and in desperate
need of saving. I reached out to touch my best friend, but an over grown hound like foot came crashing down on
him, crumbling him. My body shook and I look up, following the limb.
Close your eyes, idiot! I snapped my eyes shut, not wanting the same fate as Conner, and ran, aimlessly, for
my life. I didnt know where I was going, but I knew I wanted to get as far away from the ferocious animals as I
Kantia! I screeched out Kantia! Please, help me! I could feel the stamina leaving me and my legs
beginning to give away from under me. I could feel my conscience slipping away from me, and I was sure that I
would be the next one to die. My eyelids lowered, and my legs wobbled. I could hear Kantias voice in the dark
distance, calling my name.
Kantia? I could feel my soul being sucked out. Sounds were becoming irrelevant to me, and I could no
longer hear a thing anyone was saying. I could feel my body coming to a stop
Just take care of Hannah, will ya? I pleaded silently, accepting my destiny.
Accepting my death.
Savanna?, I hushed voice called out to me.
Yes? Am I dead? I reached my hand out to the voice, hoping to fnd where it was coming from.
Savanna? I was on a cloud, it felt like. My hands touched a sof ground, and I--
Savanna! Wake up! My head popped up and I looked around. It looked like I was in a hospital room.
Te walls were a plain cream color, and I saw IV cords everywhere. Whispers sang a song through out my room.
I couldnt really hear everything they were saying, but I did catch little pieces.
Shes a human, isnt she? I heard one lady say.
.....Commander Swanns oldest girl, I heard another say.
...almost died in the hands of wild crians....
...Kantias mission....
Savanna? Someone calling my name shook me out of my trance. I looked to my lef, where the voice
came from, and saw Hannah, standing above me, her face full of worry. I smiled up at her.
Hey, Han, I cringed as I tried to reach out to hug her.
Stop! she yelled at me. Kantia said you shouldnt move. You almost got killed.
Kantia? Where is she?
Talking to the Doctors about your release. She said we have to hurry up and get to--
Hey, Savanna, Kantia said, coming out of nowhere.
Hey, I sat up a little, trying to ignore the pain that was rippling through my right shoulder.
Are you ok? Im sorry I couldnt get to you faster. When I heard Conner scream, I tried to put Hannah
somewhere safe so I could get you guys, but I saw him in crumbles... and they were getting started on eating you,
and I just.... For the frst time, I saw Kantia break down. She dropped to her knees, sobbing and banging the
foor. Tis wasnt supposed to happen! Tey said we would be ok! she screamed, snifng.
Hey, it is ok, I whispered, reaching my hand down to Kantia. But she snatched away from me.
Its not ok! I got your best friend killed!
It wasnt your fault. You told us not to look back, but he was being stupid and did it anyway.
I should have been able to protect you. All three of you. Im not worthy! With those words, she stormed
out of the room, determination painted on her face. Without thinking, I got out of the bed, and snatched all of
the cords from my arms. I followed her lead, and spotted her walking into the bathroom. I ran to the door and
tried to open it, but it was locked. Fear then shot through me. What was she going to do in there? Nobody goes
in the bathroom, determined, unless...
Kantia! Open the door! I pleaded. Please! I banged with all of my strength, ignoring my own pain.
Kantia! I banged my good shoulder on the door trying to get the door to budge, but it didnt.
Youve got to keep trying! I thought fercely. She protected Hannah, and she saved me, and I wasnt going
to let her do this to herself. I tried again, slamming my weight against the door, and this time, it swung open,
taking in a portion of the frame. I ran towards Kantia, and snatched the knife out of her hands.
Give it to me! she screeched, swiping frantically at my face. Give it back!
No! I wont let you do this, Kantia! I snapped the thin blade of the handle, cutting myself in the pro-
cess, and shoved it down the trash shoot.
No!!! she howled as she watched it race down, never to be seen by her again. I dont deserve to live,
Savanna! I dont Kantia dropped to her knees, tears fowing down her dirty cheeks.
Kantia, please.
No! Youre mom should kill me. Head Commander will not be happy about this.
Head Commander? My Mom? Kantia wiped her face and nodded.
Youre Mom is Head Commander of the Dark World. She was brought to us and she told us to come get
you. Tat was my mission. To come and get you and your sister, Hannah, without disturbing your everyday lives.
But, I messed up by bringing Conner. But I didnt know what else to do with him. I put my hand on my chin,
nodding slowly.
Alright, Kantia. How about this? I can tell my mother not to do anything to you but make you be my
personal guard for the rest of our lives as your punishment? I smiled lit up her face.
You would do that for me? I nodded.
Of course. As long as you dont mind being my guardian... I trailed of.
Of course I want to be your guard. Tats been my dream ever since Ive found out about you. I smiled
and pulled her into a hug.
Im sure well be the best of friends.
But what about Conner? she asked, gloom washing across her. I smiled sadly.
Well, he wouldnt have been apart of my life anymore anyway. Ill just have to get over it. Images of
Conner being maliciously crumbled into dirt fashed in my head over and over again, and I could feel the tears
welling up in my eyes.
But he was your best friend.
I know. Now you will be my best friend. I have to learn to move forward Kantia. And so do you. But we
can do so together. Kantia sat back and looked at me.
Ive never met anyone so easy to forgive. But Im glad you forgive. Tank you.
No, Kantia. Tank you.

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