Cubic Splines
Cubic Splines
Cubic Splines
October 7, 2006
In this section, we introduce the concept of the cubic spline, and how they are implemented in Matlab. Of particular importance are the new Matlab data structures that we will see.
Denition: Given n data points, (x1 , y1 ), . . . , (xn , yn ), a cubic spline is a piecewise-dened function of the form: S1 (x) = y1 + b1 (x x1 ) + c1 (x x1 )2 + d1 (x x1 )3 S2 (x) = y2 + b2 (x x2 ) + c2 (x x2 )2 + d2 (x x2 )3 . . . . . . Sn1 (x) = yn1 + bn1 (x xn1 ) + cn1 (x xn1 )2 + dn1 (x xn1 )3 for x [x1 , x2 ] for x [x2 , x3 ] for x [xn1 , xn ]
The 3n 3 unknowns (bs, cs, ds) are chosen to satisfy the interpolation constraints and also some smoothness constraints: (Interpolation Conditions) We already have Si (xi ) = yi for i = 1 to n 1. In addition, we want the overall function to be continuous. At the interior points, Si (xi+1 ) = Si+1 (xi+1 ) = yi+1 and at the far right value of x, Sn1 (xn ) = yn Altogether, there are n 1 constraints here. (Smoothness Condition 1) At the interior points, Si (xi+1 ) = Si+1 (xi+1 ) There are n 2 constraints here. 1
(Smoothness Condition 2) At the interior points, Si (xi+1 ) = Si+1 (xi+1 ) There are n 2 constraints here. So far, we have (n 1) + (n 2) + (n 2) = 3n 5 constraints, but we have 3(n 1) = 3n 3 coecients. We need two more constraints to dene the cubics uniquely.
We can have dierent cubic splines depending on how we want to use our two extra constraints. Here are some common ones: (The Natural Spline) S1 (x1 ) = 0 = Sn1 (xn ) (The Clamped Spline) The user denes S1 (x1 ) and Sn1 (xn ) Not-A-Knot: The third derivatives match at x2 and xn1 - That is, S S 2 (x2 ) and S n2 (xn2 ) = S n1 (xn2 )
1 (x2 )
Normally, at this step we would include some data. Notice that with cubic splines, you probably would not use them without at least 5 data points. With 4 data points, we could use a single cubic, for example.
We just note here the derivative and antiderivative of each piece of the cubic spline,
and Si (x) = 2ci + 6di (x xi ) The antiderivative (note the shift): 1 1 1 Si (x) dx = yi (x xi ) + bi (x xi )2 + ci (x xi )3 + di (x xi )4 2 3 4 In particular, if we integrate over the interval [xi , xi+1 ] and the data is evenly spaced with width h, then: xi+1 1 1 1 Si (x) dx = yi h + bi h2 + ci h3 + di h4 2 3 4 xi
In Matlab, we can collect dierent types of data together into a single structure. For example, suppose that you have a vector x and a matrix A and several constants, a, b, c that you are going to be using over and over again. To wrap them up into a structure, you could write: Examp.x=x; Examp.A=A; Examp.constants=[a,b,c]; To access, for example, the (1, 3) element youve stored in the matrix A, you would type: Examp.A(1,3) You can create arrays of structures and structures within structures. For example, suppose we use the data tting tool in Matlab to create a spline: x=0:10; y=sin(x); plot(x,y,r*); Choose Tools -> Basic Fitting from the menus at the top of the gure. Click on the Spline Interpolant option, then click on the right arrow at the bottom right corner. We can save the spline structure by selecting Save to Workspace (You can uncheck the residuals boxes, just leave Save fit as a MATLAB struct named box. You can leave it named fit, then press OK. Close down the dialog boxes and plots and return to Matlab. Type in the word for the structure, fit and youll see a string, type: spline and another structure, coeff. That is, fit.coeff is itself a structure- Type that in, and youll see the contents: >> fit.coeff ans = form: pp breaks: [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] coefs: [10x4 double] pieces: 10 order: 4 dim: 1 The actual spline coecients are stored in the 10 4 array coefs. To see these, we would type: fit.coeff.coefs.
Suppose I want to delete the second column of the matrix A. In Matlab, I would type: A(:,2)=[]; Note the use of the colon, : to denote all rows. Also, note that delete means to remove that column altogether. Suppose I want to multiply the third column by 5, and put that column back into A: A(:,3)=5*A(:,3); If I want to divide the elements of column 1 by the elements of column 2: A(:,1)./A(:,2);
Piecewise Polynomials
Matlab has built-in commands for dealing with piecewise-dened polynomials, like cubic splines. A piecewise-dened polynomial is dened in Matlab by a vector containing the breaks and a matrix dening the polynomial coecients. Caution: A vector of coecients, like [3,2,1], over an interval like [2,3] is interpreted by the piecewise polynomial routines as: 3(x 2)2 + 2(x 2) + 1 NOT 3x2 + 2x + 1
Example: Constructing a piecewise polynomial by hand: Suppose we want to dene the following: P (x) = x2 3x + 1 3x 5 if x [1, 2) if x [2, 3]
(NOTE: In the Matlab documentation, it is unclear which function is used to evaluate the interior breaks. This is the way it is done- The intervals are all assumed to be of the form [a, b) except the last interval.) First we need to rewrite these1 : x2 3x + 1 = (x 1)2 (x 1) 1 and 3x 5 = 3(x 2) + 1 In Matlab, make the piecewise polynomial and plot the results: breaks=[1,2,3]; coefs=[1,-1,-1;0,3,1]; pp=mkpp(breaks,coefs); x=linspace(1,3); y=ppval(pp,x); plot(x,y);
Is there an easy way to do this? Use a Taylor expansion based at the left endpoint.
(Also see the help page for any of these commands). The spline command takes two forms, depending on what you want out: pp = spline(x,y) Builds the cubic spline using the data in x, y , and outputs the result as a piecewise polynomial, pp. See the previous section for how Matlab denes and works with piecewise dened functions. The second command does not give the piecewise dened polynomial, rather it just evaluates the cubic spline at given values of xin, dened below: yout = spline(x,y,xin) where the cubic spline uses the data in x and y , evaluates the cubic spline at data in the vector xin, and gives the result in yout.
Matlab Exercises
In these exercises, go ahead and assume that the spline was constructed using Matlabs default algorithm. 1. What avor of spline does Matlab use as its default? To verify your answer, look at the matrix of spline coecients. You might use the sine function as a quick example: x=0:10; y=sin(x); pp=spline(x,y); In particular, pay attention to the order of the coecients- Which column corresponds to constants? 2. How would we manipulate the coecients to get the rst, and second derivatives of a spline? Write functions dspline, d2spline whose input is the original spline structure (we called it pp in the previous exercise), and whose output will give you the derivatives as a piecewise polynomial structure. When you do this, you have a choice as to whether or not you want to change the degree of the polynomial. Below is a sample function that returns the third derivative, and leaves the degree as a cubic.
function pp=d3spline(pp) % function p2 = d3spline(pp) % Returns the piecewise polynomial that represents the third % derivative of the cubic spline in the data structure pp. % Example: x=0:10; y=sin(x); pp=spline(x,y); % p2=d3spline(pp); % xx=linspace(0,10); % yy=ppval(p2,xx); % plot(xx,yy); A=zeros(size(pp.coefs)); A(:,4)=6*pp.coefs(:,1); pp.coefs=A; %Initializes a matrix of zeros
3. Do the same thing as before, but implement the antiderivative of the spline. Call the function antispline, and assume the constant of integration is zero. Be sure you also change pp.order. Extra: If you plot the antiderivative, you will get a very choppy curve (because each piece starts at zero). Is it possible to change this so that you get a smooth curve starting at zero? How would this code then be used to numerically estimate a denite integral? 4. We said before that the cubic spline is not well dened at the knots. That is, for the knot xj , Matlab has to make a choice between using Sj or Sj +1 . We know that it doesnt make a dierence for the spline, its derivative or second derivative. Can you use the third derivative to determine which function is used at an interior point? Do it! 5. Use cubic splines and its antiderivative to estimate:
3 3
ex dx
using 20 evenly spaced points. You might check your answer using Maple: evalf(int(exp(-x^2),x=-3..3)); Another way to see how your estimate is doing is to re-do the estimate using more points.