Methodical Performance Troubleshooting

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Methodical Performance Troubleshooting

Arup Nanda

What this is about?
You noticed some degradation of performance What should you do next? Where to start What tool to use How to understand the root issue

Nothing N hi to buy b SQL*Plus and internal Oracle supplied utilities
May be extra-cost
Starting Performance Troubleshooting


Why Most Troubleshooting Fails

Not systematic or methodical Not looking at the right places Confusing Symptoms with Causes

Beginning Performance Tuning

Principle #1

Measure your challenge

Beginning Performance Tuning


Three approaches
Time Accounting
What happened e.g. a block was retrieved, 16 blocks were retrieved, no rows were returned, t d etc. t how much time was spent on each All three are vital and will be necessary to Wait Accounting assess performance What is the session waiting on e.g. wait for a block to be available, wait for a block to be retrieved from the other instance, etc. How much time it has waited already already, or waited in the past

Resource Accounting
What types of resources were consumed e.g. latches, logical I/Os, redo blocks, etc.

Whats a Wait?
A process in Oracle can only be in three states
Doing something Useful (consuming CPU) .. U Idle, Idle waiting for some work to be assigned .. I Waiting for something, e.g. .. W
a block from disk a lock a latch (could be waiting on CPU)

Response time = U + I + W We must accurately measure each component time before we decide what and how to tune


Wait Interface
Oracle provides an interface to check what these values are useful work, idle time and waits. The information is available in V$SESSION $
Was in V$SESSION_WAIT in pre-10g select sid, v.EVENT, v.state, wait_time, seconds_in_wait from v$session

event shows the event being waited on

However, its not really only for waits Its also for activities such as CPU

Wait Times
SECONDS_IN_WAIT shows the waits right now WAIT_TIME shows the last wait time STATE shows what is the session doing now
WAITING the session is waiting on that event right now
The amount of time it has been waiting so far is shown under SECONDS_IN_WAIT The column WAIT_TIME is not relevant

WAITED KNOWN TIME the session waited for some time on that event, but not just now
The amount of time it had waited is shown under WAIT_TIME WAIT TIME

WAITED SHORT TIME the session waited for some time on that event, but it was too short to be recorded
WAIT_TIME shows -1


Wait Time Accounting





Common Waits
db file sequential read Session waiting for an I/O to be complete enq: TX - row lock contention Session wants a lock held by a different session log file sync Session waiting for log buffer to be flushed to redo log file latch free Session S i iis waiting iti f for some llatch t h SQL*Net message from client Session waiting for work to be given
Beginning Performance Tuning 10


Locking Waits
Find out which session is locking this record
select blocking session blocking_instance, blocking_session, blocking instance seconds_in_wait from v$session where sid = <sid>

Find out who is holding the lock

Beginning Performance Tuning


SID the SID SERIAL# - Serial# of the session MACHINE the client that created the session TERMINAL terminal of the client PROGRAM the client program, e.g. TOAD.EXE STATUS Active/Inactive SQL_ID the SQL_ID PREV_SQL_ID the previous SQL
Beginning Performance Tuning 12


Getting the SQL

You can get the SQL from V$SQL
select sql_text, sql_fulltext from v$sql where sql_id = <sqlid>

Full Text
select SQL_TEXT from v$sqltext where h sql_id l id = <sqlid> < lid> order by piece

Beginning Performance Tuning


select sid, state, v.event, v.state, wait_time, seconds_in_wait from v$session where event not in ( 'SQL*Net message from client', 'SQL*Net message to client', 'rdbms ipc message' ) where state = 'WAITING'



High CPU
From OS top or similar commands find out the process ID Find out the session for that process
select sid, s.username, status, machine, state, seconds_in_wait, sql_id from v$session s, v$process p where p.spid = &spid and s.paddr s paddr = p.addr; p addr;

Beginning Performance Tuning


Stats of a Session
How much CPU the session has consumed How much of the came from the session View: V$SESSTAT

Beginning Performance Tuning



Understanding Statistics
V$SESSTAT shows the information except the name, which is shown in V$STATNAME V$MYSTAT $ shows the stats for the current session only
18:31:01 SQL> desc v$sesstat Name Null? Type ----------------- -------- ---------d v$statname $ t t SID NUMBERSQL> desc Null? STATISTIC# NUMBER Name VALUE NUMBER ----------------- -------STATISTIC# NAME CLASS STAT_ID



Use of Session Stats

Find out how much CPU was consumed already
select name, value from v$mystat y s, , v$statname n where s.statistic# = n.statistic# and upper(name) like '%CPU%' and sid = <SID>;

Some stats:
session logical reads CPU used by this session parse time cpu

Beginning Performance Tuning



System Statistics
Similar to events, there is also another view for system level stats - V$SYSSTAT
SQL> desc v$sysstat Name Null? ----------------- -------STATISTIC# NAME CLASS VALUE STAT_ID Type -----------NUMBER VARCHAR2(64) NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER

Note there is a NAME column This is a cumulative value


Statstic Value

Rate of Change is different


Session Events
What waits the session has encountered so far? View V$SESSION_EVENT
SQL> desc SQL d v$session_event $ i t Name Null? ----------------- -------SID EVENT TOTAL_WAITS TOTAL_TIMEOUTS TIME_WAITED AVERAGE_WAIT MAX_WAIT TIME_WAITED_MICRO EVENT_ID WAIT_CLASS_ID WAIT_CLASS# WAIT_CLASS Type -----------NUMBER VARCHAR2(64) NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER VARCHAR2(64) Session ID The wait event, e.g. library cache lock total number of times this session has waited total no. of times timeouts occurred for this the total time (in 100th of sec) waited the average wait per wait the h maximum i for f that h event same as time_waited; but in micro seconds the event ID of the event the class of the waits

V$EVENT_NAME has the event details joined on EVENT# column




Session Event
select event, total_waits, total_timeouts, 10*time_waited, 10*average_wait, 10*max_wait from v$session_event where sid = <SID>

EVENT TOTAL_WAITS TOTAL_TIMEOUTS 10*TIME_WAITED 10*AVERAGE_WAIT 10*MAX_WAIT ------------------------------ ----------- -------------- -------------- --------------- ----------db file sequential read 5 0 30 5.9 10 gc cr grant 2-way 2 0 0 1.3 0 row cache lock 1 0 0 1.3 0 library cache pin 5 0 10 1.2 0 library y cache lock 23 0 20 .8 0 SQL*Net message to client 46 0 0 0 0 SQL*Net more data to client 3 0 0 0 0 SQL*Net message from client 45 0 325100 7224.3 83050

10 was multiplied to convert the times to milliseconds


System Event
The V$SYSTEM_EVENT view shows the same waits for the entire instance
select event, total_waits, total_timeouts, 10*time_waited, 10*average_wait from v$system_event where event like 'gc%
EVENT TOTAL_WAITS TOTAL_TIMEOUTS 10*TIME_WAITED 10*AVERAGE_WAIT ---------------------------------------- ----------- -------------- -------------- --------------gcs remote message 3744149220 3391378512 1.2595E+10 3.4 gc buffer busy 2832149 14048 23739030 8.4 gc cr multi block request 62607541 120749 32769490 .5 gc current multi l i block bl k request 2434606 57 775560 .3 gc cr block 2-way 128246261 19168 77706850 .6 gc cr block 3-way 126605477 22339 124231140 1 .




Last 10 Waits
View V$SESSION_WAIT_HISTORY Shows last 10 waits for active sessions

Beginning Performance Tuning


Active Session History

Captures the state of all active sessions in memory Visible through V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY
Part of diagnostic and tuning pack. extra cost

Held for 30 minutes Then stored in AWR DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HIST

Beginning Performance Tuning




begin dbms monitor session trace enable( dbms_monitor.session_trace_enable( session_id => &sid, serial_num => &serial, waits => TRUE, binds => TRUE ); end;

Beginning Performance Tuning


Analyze Tracefile
TKPROF is the tool $ tkprof u/p <inputfile> <outputfile> <Outputfile> is a text file

Beginning Performance Tuning




Find out what is the immediate symptom CPU, I/O running high or a specific session is slow Find out who is consuming the most of the resource If a specific session is slow, find out what it is waiting on Get more information on the session
what h t all ll the th session i h has b been waiting iti on, what h t resources it has consumed so far, etc

Trace to get a timeline of events.

Beginning Performance Tuning 27

Thank You!
Blog: Arup.Blogspot.Com Twitter: arupnanda
Beginning Performance Tuning 28


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