SOP For Cleaning of Clinker Cooler Discharge
SOP For Cleaning of Clinker Cooler Discharge
SOP For Cleaning of Clinker Cooler Discharge
!te: 01.11."010 #OP$PROD$01 Issue% B&: M.R A''(ove% B&: )OD (P(o%uct o*) #OP +OR CLEARIN, O+ COOLER DI#C)AR,E
Scope Responsibility Accountability PPE: :
This SOP is applicable to Safe working for clearing the cooler discharge.
Section Head Pyro.
: CCR executive. :
1. 2. !. ". $.
Kevelar suit, Safety hel et, Safety shoe, #ask. %sbestos &loves.
1. 2. !. ". $.
Risks associated
Mitigating Measures
(urn in,ury T(! * *- *ee%s: 1. /ire fighting 2. 1 ergency preparedness !. 'T pu p operation ". %ir blaster operation
1. 2. !. ".
Shut down the kiln operation. 23 to be taken for cooler drive, 4P3 and clinker crusher. Take &eneral and confined space work per it. 'se Proper PP1 5 tools.
DALMIA CEMENT (B) LIMITED CEMENT PLANT ARIYALUR PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT Issue No. 01 Rev. No: 00 Effect ve D!te: 01.11."010 #OP$PROD$01 Issue% B&: M.R A''(ove% B&: )OD (P(o%uct o*) #OP +OR CLEARIN, O+ COOLER DI#C)AR,E
$. 7. 8. 9. 3ooler 64 fan to be operated with ini u suction. %ir cannon to be switched off and the residual air to be vented out. 6nlet valve to be isolated 5 cross check with pressure gauge. Keep the vent valve in open condition for safer side. distance0.
1<. 6nspection door to be opened for cleaning the =a ing. 3heck the draft at door area by kiln hood draft fro 33+ or ano eter. 11. (efore switching O; the 'T Pu p, check the )ose condition by check list and then switch O; the pu p. 12. The person, who is breaking the boulders, should be wearing hel et, gloves, asbestos fire suit, and shoes and should not be directly e*posed to the poking hole. 1!. 6f boulders are cleared, then ain door can be opened for cleaning the aterial. 1". %fter co pletion of ,a re oval close the door and keep all air canon air line valves in nor al operation condition. 1$. %ll first>aid edicines for burn in,uries are to be readily available near the area. 17. 1ither wireless ? phone should be available.
Emergency / Emergency Shut !!:
1. 6f burn in,ury is there, give /irst aid and infor to the Safety depart ent or 3all 1 ergency nu ber !1<9?:8$<:7!8<:?:8$<:7!871. 2. 6f any hose pipe got punctured or busted, then stop 'T pu p with the 1 ergency switch.
DALMIA CEMENT (B) LIMITED CEMENT PLANT ARIYALUR PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT Issue No. 01 Rev. No: 00 Effect ve D!te: 01.11."010 #OP$PROD$01 Issue% B&: M.R A''(ove% B&: )OD (P(o%uct o*) #OP +OR CLEARIN, O+ COOLER DI#C)AR,E
Job Safety Analysis Job: Clinker discharge jam cleaning +#*er%isor: +ection ,ngineer Date: 15 06 - 2012 Analysis by: !"! "athiresh k#mar! +ection: -$. $e%ie&ed by: '!Chandrasekaran! A**ro%ed by: "!/inayagam#rthi
(itle o) em*loyee doing job: Attendant $e01d2recommended Sequence of Basic Job Steps
#t on ,
De*artment: rocess
,: "e%elar s#it3 +a)ety helmet3 +a)ety shoe3 'ask 4 Asbestos 5lo%es! Potential Hazards
,7*os#re to clinker d#e to body not )#lly co%ered 8#rn inj#ry
Correcti!e Action
eriodic re*lacement! Don1t o*en the ins*ection door #ntil air canon is em*tied! "ee* the %ent %al%e o*en
;ot clinker s*ill o#t &hile o*eration o) the air canon 9nlet air line is leaking or )ailed
Cooler %ent )an may tri* and hot gases may *#)) o))!
+to* the last )o#r cooler )ans )or s#))icient s#ction in cooler
Clinker *iece can bo#nce and hit the *erson o%er the "e%elar s#it!