Lesson 4 - Procedural Fairness

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Lesson 4


What is procedural fairness?

Procedural fairness is also known as natural justice. It refers to the integrity of the processes involved in resolving disputes of a legal nature.

What is procedural fairness?


Key principles related to procedural fairness are: ! fairness ! transparency ! equality before the law ! freedom from bias ! the right to be heard ! a decision being based on relevant evidence.

Procedural fairness
Discuss procedural fairness in different situations: ! the Courts ! the workplace ! school ! immigration

Procedural Fairness Case Law: David Hicks

! ! ! ! http://www.amnesty.org.au/ hrs/comments/ david_hicks_the_story_so_f ar/ ! ! !

Procedural Fairness Case Law: David Hicks

Australian citizen Convicted by the military commission act 2006 Captured in Afghanistan in December 2001 by the afghan northern alliance who later sold him to the US military for US$1000 Designated an "enemy combatant" First charg filed in 2004 under a military commission system newly created. Proceedings failed in 2006. The Supreme Court ruled that the military commission was unconstitutional.

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Procedural Fairness Case Law: David Hicks

- held at Guantanamo Bay without charge for a considerable time (indefinite detentions common) - couldnt challenge being held on US soil because GB is not US soil. - not called prisoners as this would imply they were prisoners of war and would require protection under the Geneva Conventions - special military commissions rather than courts, limiting the amount of evidence admissible, and challenging the idea of a fair trial. - use of torture to gain evidence/ confessions

Procedural Fairness Case Law: David Hicks

Note that an examination of this case is not intended to explore the innocence or guilt of the accused, but rather to examine the legal process. Issues: ! legal representation ! a right to know the charges ! to have a hearing before the court ! the right to test evidence in cross examination

Procedural Fairness Written Activity

! Using examples, discuss the importance of

procedural fairness and its relationship to justice.

Rule of law
The rule of law means that everyone (citizens, the government, etc), is bound by and entitled to protection from the law.

The law must be:

! clear, predictable and accessible ! publicly made ! determined by community participation in the law making

process ! publicly adjudicated in courts independent from the executive arm of government ! able to result in dispute resolution that is fair and efficient.

Rule of law
Discussion: Explain why rule of law is important for society.

Rule of law
Explain why rule of law is important for society.
! create order ! sense of security ! reinforces the values of the majority of society ! protection for individuals

Rule of law
Relevant case: ! ICAC - Eddie Obeid, Ian Macdonald
! http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/icac-exposes-


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