Review of Systems Software: Parameter Sample Setting Risk
Review of Systems Software: Parameter Sample Setting Risk
Review of Systems Software: Parameter Sample Setting Risk
do basic housekeeping chores such as sorting and copying, (3) program library software that controls and monitors storage of programs, and (4) access control software that controls logical access to programs and data files. When auditing through the computer, auditors will want to review the systems software documentation. In addition, auditors will request management to provide certain output or runs from the software. For instance, the auditor will ask the information systems manager for a listing of all parameters or password characteristics designated in the system. Parameter Minimum password length Required password change Minimum before change Definition Minimum number characters required Requires users change passwords specific intervals interval Minimum number password days before user change password Sample Setting of 6 digits to 60 days at of 1 day can Risk Short passwords are more easily guessed Compromised passwords can be used forever If a user believes someone has learned the password, how much time must pass before it can be changed? Passwords such as AAAAAA are easily guessed Protects against use of birthdates or other easily guessed numbers Hackers use standard dictionaries to find passwords Passwords ensure accountability in addition to providing access
Minimum number of Specifies how many 2 characters repeating characters characters may be allowed repeated within the password Alphabetic characters Passwords may not Alpha consist of only numbers Dictionary entries Passwords cannot be ROOTTOOT dictionary words Only bona fide users are Employee given passwords
Systems software usually generates automatic outputs that are important for monitoring a companys computer system. In auditing the computers system, an auditor will want to inspect these outputs, which include logs and incident reports.
Validating Users and Access Privileges An IT auditor needs to make sure that all computer system users are valid and that each has access privileges appropriate to his or her job responsibilities. Systems software generally includes access control software that determines how the system administrator acts up and controls user IDs, user profiles, and passwords. The IT auditor should verify that the software parameters are set appropriately and that IT staff are using them appropriately. Continuous Auditing Some audit tools can be installed within an information system itself to achieve continuous auditing or real time assurance. Five specific approaches for continuous auditing are: (1) embedded audit modules or audit books, (2) exception reporting, (3) transaction tagging, (4) the snapshot technique, and (5) continuous and intermittent simulation.