M A English (Previous) Sem I & II (80+20) 2011-12

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Outline of Test, Syllabi and Courses of Reading for M.A. (Previous) English irst and Se!

ond Se"ester E#a"inations (effe!tive fro" the A!ade"i! session 2011-12). OUTLINES OF TEST FIRST SEMESTER
Ma#. Mar$s CO&RSE'%( CO&RSE'%%( CO&RSE'%%%( CO&RSE'%7( CO&RSE'7( )%TERAT&RE %* E*+)%S,( -../'-00/ (PART'%) )%TERAT&RE %* E*+)%S,( -00/'-451 (PART'%) )%TERAT&RE %* E*+)%S,( -451'-5-6 (PART'%) )%TERAT&RE %* E*+)%S,( -5-6'2/// (PART'%) ST&89 O A +E*RE (OPT%O*'i) %CT%O*(PART'%) ST&89 O A +E*RE (OPT%O*'ii) 8RAMA(PART'%) ST&89 O A +E*RE (OPT%O*'iii) POETR9(PART'%) End Se"ester E#a" 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ %nternal Assess"ent 2/ 2/ 2/ 2/ 2/ 2/ 2/ Ti"e 3 ,ours 3 ,ours 3 ,ours 3 ,ours 3 ,ours 3 ,ours 3 ,ours

-// -// -// -// -// -// -//

Ma#. Mar$s CO&RSE'7%( CO&RSE'7%%( CO&RSE'7%%%( CO&RSE'%:( CO&RSE':( )%TERAT&RE %* E*+)%S,( -../'-00/ (PART'%%) )%TERAT&RE %* E*+)%S,( -00/'-451 (PART'%%) )%TERAT&RE %* E*+)%S,( -451'-5-6 (PART'%%) )%TERAT&RE %* E*+)%S,( -5-6'2/// (PART'%%) ST&89 O A +E*RE (OPT%O*'i) %CT%O*(PART' %%) ST&89 O A +E*RE (OPT%O*'ii) 8RAMA(PART' %%) ST&89 O A +E*RE (OPT%O*'iii) POETR9(PART'

-// -// -// -// -// -// -//

End Se"ester E#a" 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/

%nternal Assess"ent 2/ 2/ 2/ 2/ 2/ 2/ 2/

Ti"e 3 ,ours 3 ,ours 3 ,ours 3 ,ours 3 ,ours 3 ,ours 3 ,ours


COURSE-I: LITERATURE IN ENGLISH: 1550-1660 (Par -I) Ma!. Mar"# : 100 E$% S&'&# &r E!a' : (0 I$ &r$a) A##&##'&$ : 20 T*'& : + H,-r#

*ote( (To be ;rinted in the <uestion ;a;er) -. A !andidate shall atte";t . <uestions in all. 2. All <uestions !arry e<ual "ar$s.

NOTE .,r Pa/&r-S& &r#: -. There shall be one <uestion =ith internal !hoi!e on ea!h of the five units ;res!ribed in the syllabus. 2. >uestion *o. . =ill !over the short ite"s ;res!ribed in unit . of the syllabus. This <uestion shall !arry 0 ite"s out of =hi!h the !andidates shall be re<uired to =rite short notes (of about -./ =ords ea!h) on four ite"s. &nit'%( Phili; Sidney( The follo=ing Sonnets fro" Astro;hel and Stella are ;res!ribed( ?*ot at first sight, nor =ith a dribbed shot?, ?7ertue alas, no= let "e ta$e so"e rest?, ?%t is "ost true, that eyes are for"ed to serve?,?Reason, in faith thou art =ell serv@d, that still?, ?Alas have % not ;aine enough "y friend?, ?9our =ords "y friend (right healthful Causti$s) bla"e?, ?This night =hile slee;e begins =ith heavy Aings?, ?Stella oft sees the 7erie fa!e of Ao?, ?*o "ore, "y dear, no "ore these Counsels trie?, ?8esire, though "y o%d Co";anion art?. Bohn 8onne( The follo=ing ;oe"s fro" The Meta;hysi!al Poets ed. ,elen +ardner (Penguin) are ;res!ribed( ?The lea?, ?The +ood Morro=?, ?Song( +o and Cat!h a alling Star?, ?The Sun Rising?, ?The CanoniCation?, ?A 7aledi!tion( orbidding Mourning?, ?The E#tasie?, ?Datter My ,eart( Three Person@ d +od?.


&nit'%ll( Bohn Milton( Paradise )ost, Doo$'% &nit'%7( Aillia" Sha$es;eare( T=elfth *ight &nit'7( Da!$ground Reading( Sha$es;eare@s Sonnet Se<uen!e, Cervantes@ 8on Oui#ote. Sidney@s Ar!adia. Montaigne, More@s &to;ia, Sonnets of Ayatt, Bohn let!her, ran!is Deau"ont, +orbodu! by Sa!$ville and *orton, The Pilgri"@s Progress.

0OO1S RECOMMENDED: -. 2. 3. 6. .. 0. 4. 1. Ba"es Reeves, A Short ,istory of English Poetry. Andre= Sanders, The Short O#ford ,istory of English )iterature. Boan Dennet, ive Meta;hysi!al Poets. Theodore Red;ath, The Songs and Sonnets of Bohn 8onne. Earl Miner, The Meta;hysi!al Mode fro" 8onne to Co=ley. Aillia" A. Ringler (ed.) The Poe"s of Sir Phili; Sidney. ,.D. Charlton, Sha$es;earean Co"edy. Bohn Pal"er, Co"i! Chara!ters in Sha$es;eare.

COURSE-II : LITERATURE IN ENGLISH: 1660-123( (Par -I) Ma!. Mar"# : 100 E$% S&'&# &r E!a' : (0 I$ &r$a) A##&##'&$ : 20 T*'& : + H,-r#

N, &( (To be ;rinted in the <uestion ;a;er) -. A !andidate shall atte";t . <uestions in all. 2. All <uestions !arry e<ual "ar$s. NOTE .,r Pa/&r-S& &r#: -. 2. There shall be one <uestion =ith internal !hoi!e on ea!h of the five units ;res!ribed in the syllabus. >uestion *o. . =ill !over the short ite"s ;res!ribed in unit . of the syllabus. This <uestion shall !arry 0 ite"s out of =hi!h the !andidates shall be re<uired to =rite short notes (of about -./ =ords ea!h) on four ite"s. Bohn 8ryden( Absalo" and A!hito;hel. Ale#ander Po;e( The Ra;e of the )o!$. Aillia" Congreve( The Aay of the =orld. Ri!hard Sheridan( The S!hool for S!andal. Da!$ground Reading( ,udibras, +ulliverEs Travels, Tho"as +ray, S"ollett, Tristra" Shandy. The +othi! *ovel, Pa"ela by Ri!hardson, Bohn +ay, Aillia" Ay!herley, Tho"as +ray.

&nit'% &nit'%% &nit'%%% &nit'%7 &nit'7

0OO1S RECOMMENDED: -. 2. 3. 6. .. D. 8obree, Restoration Co"edy. Bohn )ofties (ed.)( Restoration 8ra"a( Mode" Essays in Criti!is". %an Ba!$, Augustan Satire. ,ugh Aal$er, Satire and Satirists. Doris ord (ed.)( ro" 8ryden to Bohnson, the *e= Peli!an +uide to English )iterature, 7ol.6


LITERATURE IN ENGLISH: 123(-1314 (Par -I) Ma!. Mar"# : 100 E$% S&'&# &r E!a' : (0 I$ &r$a) A##&##'&$ : 20 T*'& : + H,-r#

N, &: (To be ;rinted in the <uestion ;a;er) -. A !andidate shall atte";t . <uestions in all. 2. All <uestions !arry e<ual "ar$s. NOTE .,r Pa/&r-S& &r#: -. There shall be one <uestion =ith internal !hoi!e on ea!h of the five units ;res!ribed in the syllabus. 2. >uestion *o. . =ill !over the short ite"s ;res!ribed in unit . of the syllabus. This <uestion shall !arry 0 ite"s out of =hi!h the !andidates shall be re<uired to =rite short notes (of about -./ =ords ea!h) on four ite"s. &nit'%( Aillia" Aords=orth( ?To the Cu!$oo?, ?The Solitary Rea;er?, ?8affodils?, ?Tintern Abbey?, ?Ode on %nti"ations of %""ortality?, ?Ode to 8uty?, ?*utting?, ?Strange its of Passion?, ?The Tables Turned?. &nit'%% Bohn Feats( ?On irst )oo$ing into Cha;"an@s ,o"er?, ?Ahen % have ears that % "ay Cease to DeG, HOde to a *ightingaleG, HOde on a +re!ian &rnG, HOde on Melan!holyG, HTo Autu"nG, HTo Psy!heG. &nit'%ll( Robert Dro=ning( ?Evelyn ,o;e?, ?)ove A"ong the Ruins?, ?My )ast 8u!hess?, ?The )ast Ride Together?, ?A +ra""arian@s uneral?, ?Por;hyria@s )over?, ?Rabbi Den ECra?. &nit'%7( &nit 7( Charles 8i!$ens ( ,ard Ti"es

0OO1S RECOMMENDED: -.C.M.Do=ra( The Ro"anti! %"agination. 2.Ba"es Reeves( A Short ,istory of English Poetry. 3.M.,. Abra"s( English Ro"anti! Poets(Modern Essays in Criti!is". 6.E. Datho and D. 8obree( The 7i!torians and After -13/'-5-6. .. .R.)eavis( *e= Dearings in English Poetry. 0.+.,.,art"an( Aords=orth@s Poetry. -414'-136. 4. .A.Dateson( Aords=orth( A Re'%nter;retation. 1.Aa%ter Ba!$son Date, Ed.( Feats (T=entieth Century 7ie=s Series). 5.+.S. raser( Bohn Feats( Odes (Caseboo$ Series).

Da!$ground Reading( The Ro"anti! Move"ent, ren!h Revolution, 7i!torian Co";ro"ise, PreRa;haelites, Aillia" Dla$e, Sa"uel Taylor Coleridge, P.D.Shelley, )ord Dyron, Aillia" Co=;er, Robert Durns.

-/. --. -2. -3.

,.Dloo" and Muni!h, eds.( Robert Dro=ning( A Colle!tion of Criti!al Essays. Dorid ord, ed( The *e= Peli!an +uide to English )iterature 7olu"es . and 0. .R. and >.8. )eavis( 8i!$ens( The *ovelist. Ste;han ,all, ed.( Charles 8i!$ens (Penguin Criti!al Anthologies).

C,-r#& IV:

LITERATURE IN ENGLISH: 1314-2000 (Par -I) Ma!. Mar"# : 100 E$% S&'&# &r E!a' : (0 I$ &r$a) A##&##'&$ : 20 T*'& : + H,-r#

N, &: (To be ;rinted in the <uestion ;a;er) -. A !andidate shall atte";t . <uestions in all. 2. All <uestions !arry e<ual "ar$s. NOTE .,r Pa/&r-S& &r#: -. There shall be one <uestion =ith internal !hoi!e on ea!h of the five units ;res!ribed in the syllabus. 2. >uestion *o. . =ill !over the short ite"s ;res!ribed in unit . of the syllabus. This <uestion shall !arry 0 ite"s out of =hi!h the !andidates shall be re<uired to =rite short notes (of about -./ =ords ea!h) on four ite"s.

&nit %
&nit %%


T.S. Eliot( The Aaste )and Phili; )ar$in( ?*o Road?, Poetry of 8e;artures?, ?+oing, +oing?, ?8e!e;tions?, ?*e#t Please?, ?%f My 8arling?, ?Reasons for Attendan!e?, ?Aedding Aind?, ?Chur!h +oing?, ?The Old ools?. *issi" ECe$iel ?The 8ouble ,orror?, ?On Meeting a Pedant?, ?*othingness?, ?Trans"utation?, ?A Short Story?, ?)a"entation?, ?Ahat rightens Me?, ?A Morning Aal$?, ?The Patriot?, ?&ndertrail Prisoners?, ?8e!laration?. E.M. orster( A Passage to %ndia. Da!$ground Reading( To The )ight house, The Po=er and the +lorv, The Ser;ent and the Ro;e, The Rainbo=, Buly@s Peo;le, )oo$ Da!$ in Anger, 7iIay Tendul$ar, Manohar Malgon$ar, Ruth Bhabvala, My E#;eri"ents =ith Truth by M.F. +andhi.



&nit %7 &nit 7

( (

0OO1S RECOMMENDED -. 2. 3. 6. .. 0. 4. C.D. Co# and Arnold P. ,in!hlife (eds.)( T.S. Eliot( The Aaste )and (Caseboo$ Series). Bay Martin (ed.) ( A Colle!tion of Criti!al Essays On The Aaste )and? (T=entieth Century %nter;retations) Ste;hen Reagan (ed.)( Phili; )ar$in (*e= Case Doo$ Series, -554). Chetan Farnani( *issi" ECe$iel (*e= 8elhi( Arnold ,eine"ann, -546). Dru!e Fing( Three %ndian Poets (O&P, -556). F.A. +ransden( E.M. orster (Ariters and Criti!s Series). Mal!ol" Dradbury, ed.( orster( A Colle!tion of Criti!al Essays (T=entieth Century 7ie=s Series).

COURSE-V: STUD5 OF A GENRE (OPTION-*) FICTION (PART -I) Ma!. Mar"# : 100 E$% S&'&# &r E!a' : (0 I$ &r$a) A##&##'&$ : 20 T*'& : + H,-r#

N, &: (To be ;rinted in the <uestion ;a;er) -. A !andidate shall atte";t . <uestions in all. 2. All <uestions !arry e<ual "ar$s. NOTE .,r Pa/&r-S& &r#: -. 2. There shall be one <uestion =ith internal !hoi!e on ea!h of the five units ;res!ribed in the syllabus. >uestion *o. . =ill !over the short ite"s ;res!ribed in unit . of the syllabus. This <uestion shall !arry 0 ite"s out of =hi!h the !andidates shall be re<uired to =rite short notes (of about -./ =ords ea!h) on four ite"s. )auren!e Sterne ( Tristra" Shandy 8ostoevs$y ( Cri"e and Punish"ent Bane Austen ( E""a Charles 8i!$ens ( +reat E#;e!tations Da!$ground Reading( Moll landers, 8on >ui#ote, Pa"ela, Authering ,eights, The Sun Also Rises, The Plague, Charlotte Dronte, Pre" Chand, Mada"e Dovary, ,er"an Melville.

&nit'% &nit'%% &nit'%%% &nit'%7 &nit'7

0OO1S RECOMMENDED: -. Arnold Fettle( An %ntrodu!tion to the English *ovel 7o& ()ondon( ,ut!hinson &niversity )ibrary, -5.-). 2. Andre= ,. Aright( Bane Austen@s *ovels (Penguin Doo$s). 3. lan Aatt ed.( Bane Austen (T=entieth Century 7ie=s Series). 6. .R. and >.8. )eavis( 8i!$ens the *ovelist (Penguin, -54/). .. Ste;hen Aall, ed.( Charles 8i!$ens (Penguin, -54/).

COURSE-V: STUD5 OF A GENRE (OPTION-**) DRAMA (PART-I) Ma!. Mar"# : 100 E$% S&'&# &r E!a' : (0 I$ &r$a) A##&##'&$ : 20 T*'& : + H,-r#

N, &: (To be ;rinted in the <uestion ;a;er) -. A !andidate shall atte";t . <uestions in all. 2. All <uestions !arry e<ual "ar$s. NOTE .,r Pa/&r-S& &r#:


There shall be one <uestion =ith internal !hoi!e on ea!h of the five units

;res!ribed in the syllabus.

>uestion *o. . =ill !over the short ite"s ;res!ribed in unit . of the syllabus. This <uestion shall !arry 0 ite"s out of =hi!h the !andidates shall be re<uired to =rite short notes (of about -./ =ords ea!h) on four ite"s. So;ho!les ( Oedi;us Re# Falidasa ( AbhiInanasha$untala" %bsen ( A 8oll@s ,ouse Dre!ht ( Mother Courage and her Children Da!$ground Reading( Pot of +old, Mudrara$shasa", ,a"let, 8o!tor austus, Aillia" Congreve, Moliere, Aristotle@s Poeti!s, *atyashastra, E;i! Theatre, Bohn Osborne

&nit'%( &nit'%%( &nit'%%%( &nit'%7( &nit'7(


-. 2. 3.
6. .. 0.

Bohn +assner( An Anthology. %ntrodu!tion to the 8ra"a, ,olt, Rinehart and Ainston, %n!., *e= 9or$, -503. Darrett ,. Clar$, ed. Aorld 8ra"a, 8over Publi!ations %n!., -533. Darret ,. Clar$ and +eorge reedlay, Eds. ' A ,istorv of Modern 8ra"a A;;leton' Century'Crofts, %n!., *e= 9or$, -564. Ba"es Red"ond, ed. The"es in 8ra"a, Ca"bridge &niversity Press, -51/. To" . 8river. The Sense of ,istory in +ree$ and Sha$es;earean 8ra"a. Colu"bia &niversity Press, *e= 9or$, -50-. Dharat +u;t'8ra"ati! Con!e;ts +ree$ J %ndian( A Study of The Poeti!s
and the *atyasastra, 8F, Print Aorld (P) )td., *e= 8elhi ' -556.

1. 5.

Fenneth Muir ' )ast Periods of Sha$es;eare Ra!ine. %bsen, Aayne &niversity Press, -50-. .). )u!as, Tragedy, The ,ogarth Press )ondon, -5.4. Taisha Abraha", Ed. e"inist Theorv and Modern 8ra"a, Pen!raft %nternational, 8elhi, -551.

COURSE-V: STUD5 OF A GENRE (OPTION-***) POETR5 (PART-I) Ma!. Mar"# : 100 E$% S&'&# &r E!a' : (0 I$ &r$a) A##&##'&$ : 20 T*'& : + H,-r#

N, &( (To be ;rinted in the <uestion ;a;er) -. A !andidate shall atte";t . <uestions in all. 2. All <uestions !arry e<ual "ar$s. NOTE .,r Pa/&r-S& &r#:


There shall be one <uestion =ith internal !hoi!e on ea!h of the five units ;res!ribed in the syllabus. >uestion *o. . =ill !over the short ite"s ;res!ribed in unit . of the syllabus. This <uestion shall !arry 0 ite"s out of =hi!h the !andidates shall be re<uired to =rite short notes (of about -./ =ords ea!h) on four ite"s. Bohn Milton ( Paradise )ost'Doo$ -Falidas ( Meghdoot(tr) M.R. Fale Bohn Feats ( ?The Eve of St. Agnes? Ale#ander Po;e ( 8un!iad Da!$ground Reading( ,o"er, Mahabharata, The airie Oueene, Chau!er, ,ora!e, The Ri"e of the An!ient Mariner, +halib, Ru"i, )angston ,ughes, Ogden *ash, Confessional Poetry.

&nit'%( &nit'%%( &nit'%%%( &nit'%7( &nit'7(

0OO1S RECOMMENDED: -. 3. 6. .. 0. 4.


E"ile )egouis( A Short ,istory of English )iterature (O#ford( The Clorenden Press). Mallinath and rev. *arayan Ra" (ed.) Meghduta =ith Co""entaries. Draha" Shan$ar Shastri (ed.), Meghduta =ith four Co""entaries. Arthur E. Dar$er (ed.), Milton( Modern Essays in Criti!is" (O&P( )ondon). 8aniss 8anielson (ed.), The Co"bridge Co";anion to Milton (Ca"bridge &niversity Press( Ca"bridge). Reuben Arthur Dro=er, Ale#ander Po;e( The Poetry of Allusion (The Clarenden Press( O#ford). Ba"es Southerland (ed.) The 8un!iad (Methuen J Co. )td.( )ondon).


Ma!. Mar"# : 100 E$% S&'&# &r E!a' : (0 I$ &r$a) A##&##'&$ : 20 T*'& : + H,-r# N, &: (To be ;rinted in the <uestion ;a;er) -. A !andidate shall atte";t . <uestions in all. 2. All <uestions !arry e<ual "ar$s. NOTE .,r Pa/&r-S& &r#: -. There shall be one <uestion =ith internal !hoi!e on ea!h of the five units ;res!ribed in the syllabus. 2. >uestion *o. . =ill !over the short ite"s ;res!ribed in unit . of the syllabus. This <uestion shall !arry 0 ite"s out of =hi!h the !andidates shall be re<uired to =rite short notes (of about -./ =ords ea!h) on four ite"s. &nit'%( Aillia" Sha$es;eare &nit'%%( Den Bonson &nit'%%%( Bohn Aebster &nit'%7( (i) ran!is Da!on Fing )ear 7ol;one The 8u!hess of Malfi ?Of &nity in Religion?, ?Of riendshi;?, ?Of A"bition?,
?Of +reat Pla!e?, HOf Studies?, ?Of Truth?,

(ii) Ma!hiavelli &nit'7( Da!$ground Reading(

E#!er;ts fro" The Prin!e

Mi!hael 8rayton, Bohn )yly@s Eu;hues, Tho"as Fyd@s The S;anish TragedyK Eras"us@ The Praise of olly, Marlo=e@s 8o!tor austus, Robert +reene, Cavalier Poets, Fing Ba"es@ Dible, Bonson@s Mas<ues, Tho"as 8e$$er. 0OO1S RECOMMENDED: -. Do=ers, redson(EliCabethan Revenge Tragedy. 2. Ellis' or"or, &na(The Ba!obean 8ra"a. 3. Ribner %rving(Ba!obean Tragedy(The >uest for Moral Order. 6. Dradley, A.C. (Sha$es;earean Tragedy. .. ,arbage, Alfred (ed.)( T=entieth Century 7ie=s on Sha$es;eare.


LITERATURE IN ENGLISH: 1660-123( (Par -II) Ma!. Mar"# : 100 E$% S&'&# &r E!a' : (0 I$ &r$a) A##&##'&$ : 20 T*'& : + H,-r#

N, &: (To be ;rinted in the <uestion ;a;er) -. A !andidate shall atte";t . <uestions in all. 2. All <uestions !arry e<ual "ar$s. NOTE .,r Pa/&r-S& &r#: -. There shall be one <uestion =ith internal !hoi!e on ea!h of the five units ;res!ribed in the syllabus. 2. >uestion *o. . =ill !over the short ite"s ;res!ribed in unit . of the syllabus. This <uestion shall !arry 0 ite"s out of =hi!h the !andidates shall be re<uired to =rite short notes (of about -./ =ords ea!h) on four ite"s. &nit'%( &nit'%%( &nit'%%%( (i) 8aniel 8efoe( Robinson Crusoe. (i) ,enry ielding( To" Bones. (i) Bose;h Addison( ?The Ai"s of the S;e!tator?, ?Paradise )ost?, ?Sir Roger at the AssiCes?. (ii) Ri!hard Steele( ?The S;e!tator@s Club?, ?8uelling?. (iii) Sa"uel Bohnson( ?On i!tion?, ?Co=ley?, ?Milton? fro" )ives of the Poets. (i) Bean Ba!<ues Rousseau( Confessions. Da!$ground Reading( The 7anity of ,u"an Aishes, Collins, The 7i!ar of Aa$e field, Tartuffe, Dos=ell, Poeti! Satire in the neo'!-assi!al ;eriod, The Essays of Elia by Charles )a"b, Aillia" ,aClitt, Tho"as 8e >uin!ey, Tho"as Carlyle.

&nit'%7( &nit'7(

B. )annering( Studies in the Prose Style of Bose;h Addison lan Aatt( The Rise of the *ovel( Studies in 8efoe. Ri!hardson and ielding. .,.Ellis (ed.)( T=entieth Century %nter;retations of Robinson Crusoe. M.C.Dattestin (ed.)( T=entieth Century %nter;retations of To" Bones. Ernst Cassirer.( Rousseau. Fant. +oethe. Trans. Ba"es +utt"ann, Paul O. Fristeller, and Bohn ,. Randall, Br. 0. Doris ord (ed.)( ro" 8ryden to Bohnson. The *e= Peli!an +uide to English )iterature, 7o-. 6. -. 2. 3. 6. ..


LITERATURE IN ENGLISH: 123(-1314 (Par -II) Ma!. Mar"# : 100 E$% S&'&# &r E!a' : (0 I$ &r$a) A##&##'&$ : 20 T*'& : + H,-r#

N, &: (To be ;rinted in the <uestion ;a;er) -. A !andidate shall atte";t . <uestions in all. 2. All <uestions !arry e<ual "ar$s. NOTE .,r Pa/&r-S& &r#: -. 2. There shall be one <uestion =ith internal !hoi!e on ea!h of the five units ;res!ribed in the syllabus. >uestion *o. . =ill !over the short ite"s ;res!ribed in unit . of the syllabus. This <uestion shall !arry 0 ite"s out of =hi!h the !andidates shall be re<uired to =rite short notes (of about -./ =ords ea!h) on four ite"s. ( ( ( ( ( +eorge Eliot ( The Mill on the loss. Tho"as ,ardy ( Tess of dE&rbervilles. Dernard Sha= ( Ar"s and the Man. +ustav laubert ( Mada"e Dovary. S.T. Coleridge, Matthe= Arnold, Tho"as Carlyle, Authering ,eights, ,eart of 8ar$ness, Ann Rad!liffe, ran$enstein, Sir Aalter S!ott, EliCabeth +as$ell, 7anity air.

&nit'% &nit'%% &nit'%%% &nit'%7 &nit'7

0OO1S RECOMMENDED -. 2. 3. 6. .. 0. 4. 1. E. Datho and D. 8obree( The 7i!torians and After -13/'-5-6. 8avid Ce!il( Early 7i!torian *ovelists. Arnold Fettle( An %ntrodu!tion to English *ovel. 7 /-'+eorge R. Creeger ed.( +eorge Eliot( A Colle!tion of Criti!al Essays. Sir, )eslie Ste;hen( +eorge Eliot. 8avid Ce!il( ,ardy( The *ovelist. RB. Fauf"ann, ed.( +.D.Sha= (T=entieth Century 7ie=s Series). Ray"ond +irand, ed.( laubert (T=entieth Century 7ie=s Series).

COURSE-I6 : LITERATURE IN ENGLISH: 1314-2000 (PART-II) Ma!. Mar"# : 100 E$% S&'&# &r E!a' : (0 I$ &r$a) A##&##'&$ : 20 T*'& : + H,-r# N, &: (To be ;rinted in the <uestion ;a;er) -. A !andidate shall atte";t . <uestions in all. 2. All <uestions !arry e<ual "ar$s. NOTE .,r Pa/&r-S& &r#: -. 2. There shall be one <uestion =ith internal !hoi!e on ea!h of the five units ;res!ribed in the syllabus. >uestion *o. . =ill !over the short ite"s ;res!ribed in unit . of the syllabus. This <uestion shall !arry 0 ite"s out of =hi!h the !andidates shall be re<uired to =rite short notes (of about -./ =ords ea!h) on four ite"s. +eorge Or=ell ( *ineteen Eighty our R.F. *arayan( The +uide Arthur Miller( 8eath of a Sales"an Albert Ca"us( The Outsider Da!$ground Reading( Aaiting for +odot, A.D. 9eats, Sylvia Plath, Adrienne Ri!h, Margaret At=oodK SaroIini *aidu, Carl Sandburg, Aole Soyin$a, Sea"us ,eaney, *irad C. Choudhary.

&nit'%( &nit'%%( &nit'%%%( &nit'%7( &nit'7(

0OO1S RECOMMENDED -. C.A.E. Digsby( An %ntrodu!tion to T=entieth Century A"eri!an 8ra"a. 2. Ray"ond Aillia"s( Or=ell ( ontana Pa;erba!$s). 3. rederi!$ R. Farl ( A Reader@s +uide to the Conte";orary English *ovel. 6. Aillia" Aalsh( R.F. *arayan( A Criti!al A;;roa!h (*e= 8elhi( Allied Publishers, -552)


STUD5 OF A GENRE (OPTION-*) FICTION (PART -II) Ma!. Mar"# : 100 E$% S&'&# &r E!a' : (0 I$ &r$a) A##&##'&$ : 20 T*'& : + H,-r#

N, &: (To be ;rinted in the <uestion ;a;er) -. A !andidate shall atte";t . <uestions in all. 2. All <uestions !arry e<ual "ar$s. NOTE .,r Pa/&r-S& &r#:


There shall be one <uestion =ith internal !hoi!e on ea!h of the five units ;res!ribed in the syllabus. >uestion *o. . =ill !over the short ite"s ;res!ribed in unit . of the syllabus. This <uestion shall !arry 0 ite"s out of =hi!h the !andidates shall be re<uired to =rite short notes (of about -./ =ords ea!h) on four ite"s. *athaniel ,a=thorne ( The S!arlet )etter 7irginia Aoolf ( Mrs. 8allo=ay 8.,. )a=ren!e( Sons and )overs 7.S. *ai;aul ( A ,ouse for Mr. Dis=as Da!$ground Reading( )ord of the lies, The Assistant, The ,u"an a!tor, Sa"s$ara, Midnight@s Children, The +od of S"all Things, As;e!ts of the *ovel, The %nheritan!e of )oss, B.M. CoetCee, Sadat ,assan Manto.

&nit'%( &nit'll ( &nit'%%%( &nit'%7 ( &nit'7(

0OO1S RECOMMENDED -. ,yatt ,. Aaggoner( ,a=thorne( A Criti!al Study (Dal$na; Press, -503). 2. 8avid 8ai!hes ( The *ovel and the Mode" Aorld (The &niversity of Chi!ago Press, -50/). 3. A.8. Moody( 7irginia Aoolf(Oliver and Doyd, -503). 6. Su Reid, ed. ( ,o=ay an< To the )ighthouse. (*e= Caseboo$s, -553). .. Anthony Deal ( 8.,. )a=ren!e (Oliver and Doyd, -50-). 0. )ilian eder( *ai;aul@s Truth (*e= 8elhi( %ndialog Publi!ations, 2//-).


Ma!. Mar"# : 100 E$% S&'&# &r E!a' : (0 I$ &r$a) A##&##'&$ : 20 T*'& : + H,-r# N, &( (To be ;rinted in the <uestion ;a;er) -. A !andidate shall atte";t . <uestions in all. 2. All <uestions !arry e<ual "ar$s. NOTE .,r Pa/&r-S& &r#:


There shall be one <uestion =ith internal !hoi!e on ea!h of the five units ;res!ribed in the syllabus. >uestion *o. . =ill !over the short ite"s ;res!ribed in unit . of the syllabus. This <uestion shall !arry 0 ite"s out of =hi!h the !andidates shall be re<uired to =rite short notes (of about -./ =ords ea!h) on four ite"s. Tennessee Aillia"s ( The +lass Menagerie Anton Che$hov ( The Cherry Or!hard Arnold Aes$er ( ,Chi;s =ith Everything Christo;her ry ( The )ady@s *ot or Durning Da!$ground Reading( O@*eill, Absurdist 8ra"a, Murder in The Cathedral, Chandali$a, Tughla$, Aole Soyin$a, Ed=ard Albee, Tennessee Aillia"s, Dernard Sha=, ,arold Pinter.

&nit'%( &nit'%%( &nit'%%%( &nit'%7( &nit'7(

0OO1S RECOMMENDED -. 2. 3. 6. Allardy!e *i!oll, The Theorv of 8ra"a, 8oaba ,ouse, 8elhi, -555. T.R. ,enn C.RE. The ,arvest of Tragedy, Methuen, Co. )td., )ondon, -50-. Aillia" +. M!Colo", Tragedy, The Ma!"illan, Co., *e= 9or$, -5.4. 8onald Cline Stuart, The 8evelo;"ent of 8ra"ati! Art, 8over Publi!ations, %n!., *e= 9or$, -50/. .. E.A.E. Digsby, A Criti!al %ntrodu!tion to T=entieth Century A"eri!an 8ra"a, 7o-. %.

COURSE 6 : STUD5 OF A GENRE (OPTION-***) POETR5 (PART -II) Ma!. Mar"# : 100 E$% S&'&# &r E!a' : (0 I$ &r$a) A##&##'&$ : 20 T*'& : + H,-r# *ote( (To be ;rinted in the <uestion ;a;er) -. A !andidate shall atte";t . <uestions in all. 2. All <uestions !arry e<ual "ar$s. *OTE for Pa;er'Setters( -. 2. There shall be one <uestion =ith internal !hoi!e on ea!h of the five units ;res!ribed in the syllabus. >uestion *o. . =ill !over the short ite"s ;res!ribed in unit . of the syllabus. This <uestion shall !arry 0 ite"s out of =hi!h the !andidates shall be re<uired to =rite short notes (of about -./ =ords ea!h) on four ite"s.

&nit'%( +.M. ,o;$ins( The ollo=ing ;oe"s fro" Poe"s of +.M. ,o;$ins, by A.,. +ardner (O.&.P. )ondon) are ;res!ribed for study( ?+od@s +randeur?, ?The Aindhover?, ?Pied Deauty?, ?Dinsley Po;lars?, ?S;ring and all?, ?%nversnaid?, ?Thou art %ndeed Bust )ord?, ?Patien!e, ?,ard Thing?. &nit'%%( Matthe= Arnold( The follo=ing ;oe"s fro" ;res!ribed for study( ifteen Poets (O.&.P. Cal!utta) are

?The S!holar +i;sy?, ?Thyrsis?, ?Me"orial 7erses?, ?Sha$es;eare?, ?8over Dea!h?. &nit'%%%( Ailfred O=en( The follo=ing ;oe"s fro" Po!$et Doo$ of Modern 7erse (Aashington S<uare Press( *e= 9or$) are ;res!ribed( ?+reater )ove?, ?The Send Off@, ?The Sho=?, ?Anthe" for 8ee"ed 9outh?, ?Ar"s and The Doy?, ?Strange Meeting?, ?A;ologia Pro Poe"ate Meo?, ?8ul!e et 8e!oru" Est?, ?%nvensibility?. Aalla!e Stevens( The follo=ing ;oe"s fro" The Colle!ted Poe"s of Aalla!e Stevens (Tho"son Press %ndia )td.) are ;res!ribed( ?Earthy, Ane!dote?, ?The Sno= Man?, ?Sunday Morning?, ?The E";eror of %!e' Crea"?, ? are=ell to lorida?, ?Of Modern Poetry?, ?The Motive for Meta;hor?. Da!$ground Reading( %dvlls of the Fing, E"ily 8i!$inson, Aillia" Dla$e, +eorge ,erbert, R.*. Tagore, O"ar Fhayya", A"iri Dara$a, ECra Pound, Deat Poetry, Alfred Tennyson.



0OO1S RECOMMENDED -. 2. 3. 6. .. Andre= Sanders, The Short O#ford ,istory of English )iterature (O&P( )ondon). Fenneth Allott (ed.), The Poe"s of Matthe= Arnold ()ong"an )ondon). Bero"e ,a"ilton Du!$ley, The 7i!torian Te";er( A Study of )iterary Culture (Ca"bridge &niversity Press( Ca"bridge). Margret Dothral (ed.) +.M. ,o;$ins( Poe"s (Caseboo$). B. .B. Russell (ed.) +.M. ,o;$ins( Poe"s (Ma!"illan).

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