SAP Real Time Project Interview Questions
SAP Real Time Project Interview Questions
SAP Real Time Project Interview Questions
SAP Real Time Project Interview Questions, Dear ABAPER's this post gives the list of SAP ABAP Project Real time Questions and Answers which are asked in various interviews by the top MNC companies.
Q). what is Code Review? Before we send the source Code for testing, it should be reviewed First to avoid the frequent changes in the Source Code. Code Should be reviewed by another Sr.Team Member. The Objective of the Source Code is to make sure that the Custom Program should follow both Naming and Coding Standards.
Q). what are the Different Types of Projects in SAP? There are three types Of Projects in SAP. Implementation Project Up gradation Support Project
Implementation Project SAP Project which starts from the Scratch i.e. moving to the SAP Software from the Old System. Which Contains all the below activities
b) Gather the requirements from the end users and Fix the GAPs (the differences between the Customer requirement and the solution offered in SAP) and Prepare the Functional Specification.
c) Develop the Solutions either through configure the System or through Custom Developments (Programs).
f) Test custom developments again in the Testing Environment and transport it.
Up gradation Project It Starts, After Completing the First level Implementation , for the further Developments and also to Change the Custom Programs to
improve the Performance of the Programs and to Move from Current SAP Version to the Latest Version.
Activities: 1) Develop the Custom Developments to meet the new Customer Requirements. 2) Change the Existing Programs to Improve the Performance of the Custom Programs. 3) Testing and Transportation is required here also.
Support Project Note: This Phase Starts after Go-Live. The Projects, which supports the Client after Implementation. This is Post Go-live Activities.
Activities: 1) Provide the 24 * 7 Support to the Client/Customers Business. 2) 3) 4) Analyze the Tickets/Issues. Solve the Tickets by changing the related Development. Test it and Migrate it Day-to-Day
Q) Whom to you Communicate for the Issues / More information About Functional Specification? Ans: To the Functional Owner (Functional Consultant) who prepared the Functional Specification.
Q) When do you communicate with End Users? Ans : In the Ideal Cases, The ABAPers Never Communicate to the end users from Off-shore. ABAPer Often Communicate with them from Onsite To check the technical feasibility of the user requirements.
Q) What is Go-Live Activity? Ans: Go-Live is the Activity of transporting custom Developments from Testing Environment to the Production Environment.
Q) What is Full Life-Cycle Implementation ? Ans: Full Life-Cycle Implementation is , Transport the Custom Developments from Development to Testing and from Testing to Production. So that , in One Project Implementation , We can Many Full-Life Cycle Implementations.
Example : Migrating all the SD Custom Developments to Production, (Cycle1) Migrating all the MM Custom Developments to Production, (Cycle2)
Q) What is Change Request? Ans: It is not the different type of transport request no. And it is not at all a transport request. The Functional Specification for the custom Development is Called Work Request and if the Specification is Changed to meet the additional requirements then we call Changed Specification as Change Request.
Q) What is the time required to Develop a Report? Ans: It Completely depends on the Complexity of the Report. It Can Start from 1 Days to <n> Days. In General, The Low Complexity report takes 1 to 3 Man Days, The medium Complexity report takes 4 to 7 Man Days, The High Complexity report takes 7 to <n> Man Days.
Is the Clients Place. Some Functional Consultants and Senior Technical(ABAP) Consults works here.
Role of Functional Consultants : a) Functional consultants Customize the SAP System i.e. Define the Clients Organization Structure in SAP. b) The Functional Consultants Discuss with the End Users and Gather the requirements and Analyze them and Suggest the already available Solutions in SAP and train them on the same at end of the Project Implementation through End User Training. c) Functional Consultants Fix the GAPs (The Differences Between the Current Requirements and the Solutions available in SAP, Because the SAP Solutions may fit to the User Requirements Exactly. d) Document the Above requirement i.e. FS(Functional Specification). e) Test the Custom Development with Functional Test Cases and also Prepare the Test Data .
ODC(Offshore Development Center ) Is the Software Organization which implements SAP for the Clients . Ex: Satyam Computers, Infosys, CAP Gemini etc..
Q).What is Issue Log ? Ans : It is the Document to Log all the Issues
Q). What is Flow of Work in your Project ? Ans : It Includes all the area where the ABAPer Involves. -> Receive the Functional Specification from Onsite. -> Either we receive the FS Directly from the Technical Consultant through Mail or we need to Download the Same from the Clients Site If Available. -> Analyze the FS and Prepare the Brief and Detailed Technical Specification. -> Log the Issues in a Issue Log. (an EXCEL Document to Maintain the Issues) and Send the same to the onsite. -> Send the TS to Onsite for Validation .Start the Coding Simultaneously. -> Discuss with Onsite people for the Issues Clarification if the Issues not resolved in time.(When the Issue is not turned back from Onsite with Solutions in Time).
-> After Completion of the Source Code,Send it for Code Review and Prepare the other Delivery Documents -> Rework after Code review and Quality Check and Complete it. -> Inform to your team lead about the Completion of the Same, So that we can ask the Onsite People for Testing. -> Rework After Testing if Any. -> Release the Custom Development (Corresponding Request No).
Q). Who is your Team Lead , Project Lead, Project Manager ? Ans : If Possible, try to gather the Correct information. If it is Really difficult to gather then give Some other friends details who can handle the situation effectively.
Q).Explain the Tickets in Support Projects ? Ans : The Issues that takes place after Go-Live(Support) are Called Tickets. Tickets come into Picture in Support Projects Only. Note : The Tickets are divided into the below types base on their Complexity.
1. Critical.
2. Urgent. 3. High.
4. Medium 5. Low. The response times and resolution times again are defined based on the clients requirement and the charges and . 1) First Level Ticketing: Not severe problem. Routine errors. Mostly handled by Service desk arrangement of the company (if have one). Eg: a) Say Credit limit block in working on certain documents?
b) Pricing Condition Record not found even though conditions are maintained?
In the 4th phase of ASAP Implementation Methodology( i.e. Final Preparations for GO-LIVE) SAP has clearly specified that a Service desk needs to be arranged for any sort of Implementation for better handling of Production errors. Service desk lies within the client.
2) Second Level Ticketing: Some sort of serious problems. Those Could not be solved by Service Desk. Should be referred to the Service Company . Eg: a) Credit Exposure (especially open values) doesn't update perfectly to KNKK Table.
d) New product has been added to our selling range. Need to include this into SAP. (Material Masters, Division attachments, Stock Handling etc.)
Problems could not be solved by both of the above, are referred to Online Service Support (OSS) of SAP Itself. SAP tries to solve the Problem, sometimes by providing the perfect OSS Notes, fits to the error and rarely SAP logs into our Servers (via remote log-on)for post mortem the problem. (The Medical check-up client, connections, Login id and Passwords stuff are to be provided to SAP whenever they need or at the time of opening OSS Message.) There are lots of OSS Notes on each issue, SAP Top Notes and Notes explaining about the process of raising a OSS Message. Sometimes SAP Charges to the client / Service company depending on the Agreement made at the time of buying License from SAP. Eg: 1) Business Transaction for the Currency 'EUR' is not possible. Check OSS Note - This comes at the time of making Billing.
2) Transaction MMPI- Periods cannot be opened See OSS Note.There are many other examples on the issue. 4) Fourth Level Ticketing: Where rarely, problems reach this level. Those problem needs may be re-engineering of the business process due to change in the Business strategy. Up gradation to new Version.
Ans: Doing an EPC would ensure the removal of mistakles we tend to overlook when we do the code-walk-through or initial testing. The program, although syntactically correct may have some unnecessary code, unused variables etc. EPC, advantages are
With the help of EPC we can find out the Absolete(Out Dated) stmts Authorization checks
through this we can increase the consistency of the program and the performance can also be increased. For this Execute SE38 then program then check a EPC.
Difference Between EPC and Code Inspector : Code inspector is the tool that gives you a picture of what could be the pain points in terms of performance of the program. It tells you the execution time, etc, that determine the performance of the program.
Syntactical check
Security check
Performance check
Search Function
Extended Program Check give information of the possible errors that can cause a short dump of the program during execution like Call function interface errors, Program interface errors, etc. Also info about the translations and texts is given in it
Syntactical check
Q) What is ASAP Methodology? Ans : The ASAP solution was developed to ensure the successful, ontime delivery of a project. SAP delivers the AcceleratedSAP (ASAP) methodology for project management and system implementation.
Developed by SAP to optimize the success of implementing the SAP Business Suite, ASAP streamlines the implementation by providing templates, methods, tools, and accelerators that have been built on the success of thousands of previous SAP implementations. The ASAP methodology adheres to a specific road map that addresses the following five general phases:
1. Project Preparation, in which the project team is identified and mobilized, the project standards are defined, and the project work environment is set up; 2. Blueprint, in which the business processes are defined and the business blueprint document is designed;
3. Realization, in which the system is configured, knowledge transfer occurs, extensive unit testing is completed, and data mappings and data requirements for migration are defined;
4. Final Preparation, in which final integration testing, stress testing, and conversion testing are conducted, and all end users are trained; and
5. Go-Live and Support, in which the data is migrated from the legacy systems, the new system is activated, and postimplementation support is provided. ASAP incorporates standard design templates and accelerators covering every functional area within the system, as well as supporting all implementation processes.
Q). What is Code Inspector? Ans : The Code Inspector (transaction code SCI) is a tool for checking Repository objects regarding performance, security, syntax, and adherence to name conventions.
Using the Code Inspector (transaction code SCI), you can check individual objects or Set Of Objects for performance, security, syntax, and adherence to name conventions.
There are messages that are always important, that always need action,like:
-> performance error and warning messages regarding missing index support;
-> calling functions with a wrong interface (will lead to run time errors)
-> using obsolete statements (like on change) and functions (like ws_download)
-> bad error handling: no checking of return codes after SQL statements, CALL FUNCTION statements etc -> inefficient internal table use (sequential access to internal tables will lead to serious performance problems if the internal table is large and the access is done repeatedly)
Q) What is OSS Note? Ans : Problems could not be solved by both of the above, are referred to Online Service Support (OSS) of SAP Itself. SAP tries to solve the Problem, sometimes by providing the perfect OSS Notes, fits to the error and rarely SAP logs into our Servers (via remote log-on)for post mortem the problem.
(The Medical check-up client, connections, Login id and Passwords stuff are to be provided to SAP whenever they need or at the time of opening OSS Message.) There are lots of OSS Notes on each issue, SAP Top Notes and Notes explaining about the process of raising a OSS Message. Sometimes SAP Charges to the client / Service company depending on the Agreement made at the time of buying License from SAP.
Note : We Can check all the available OSS Notes through SAP Transaction SNOTE.