PRSTS304A Commission/decommission Security Equipment/system: Release: 1
PRSTS304A Commission/decommission Security Equipment/system: Release: 1
PRSTS304A Commission/decommission Security Equipment/system: Release: 1
Release: 1
Modification History
Not applicable.
Unit Descriptor
This competency standard covers the skills and knowledge required to commission and decommission a range of security equipment and systems. It requires the ability to clearly identify and follow correct commissioning/decommissioning procedures, use safe and efficient work practices, maintain a hazard-free work area, accurately document and maintain information systems. This work would be carried out under routine supervision within organisational guidelines and applies in extra low voltage as defined through the Australian Standards As 2201 (1986) environments. Functional Area: Core, Technical Security This competency standard covers the skills and knowledge required to commission and decommission a range of security equipment and systems. It requires the ability to clearly identify and follow correct commissioning/decommissioning procedures, use safe and efficient work practices, maintain a hazard-free work area, accurately document and maintain information systems. This work would be carried out under routine supervision within organisational guidelines and applies in extra low voltage as defined through the Australian Standards As 2201 (1986) environments. Functional Area: Core, Technical Security
Licensing/Regulatory Information
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Prepare for commissioning / 1.1 Work order is reviewed and clarified with decommissioning appropriate person(s) as required in accordance with organisational requirements 1.2 Commissioning / decommissioning requirements of security equipment / systems are identified and confirmed in accordance with organisational procedures 1.3 Tools, equipment and materials are selected appropriate to job requirements and checked for operational effectiveness in accordance with manufacturer's specifications and organisational procedures 1.4 Potential and existing risks and hazards associated with security equipment / systems are identified and managed in accordance with OHS policies and procedures and organisational requirements 1.5 Suitable personal protective equipment is selected, used and maintained in accordance with OHS and organisational requirements 1.6 Personal limitations in commissioning / decommissioning security equipment / systems are promptly identified and assistance is sought from appropriate person(s) in accordance with organisational procedures
2.1 Correct security equipment / system operational and testing procedures are observed and followed in accordance with manufacturer's specifications and work order 2.2 Testing confirms that security equipment / system meets installation performance specifications, industry and legislative requirements
2.3 Customisation of security equipment / system to match client requirements is completed as required in accordance with manufacturer's specifications and work order 2.4 Malfunctions or deviations from specifications are identified and rectified or reported in accordance with organisational procedures 2.5 Client hand-over of commissioned security equipment / system is undertaken in accordance with legislative and organisational requirements and relevant industry standards 2.6 Safe operating practices are observed to remove risk of injury to self, others or security equipment / system in accordance with OHS and organisational requirements 3 Decommission security equipment / system 3.1 Isolation procedures to protect the functioning or operation of existing structures are confirmed with appropriate person(s) and implemented in accordance with site procedures 3.2 Security equipment / system to be decommissioned is accessed in accordance with manufacturer's specifications and minimises disruption to client, services or normal work routines 3.3 Correct security equipment / system decommissioning procedures are observed and followed in accordance with manufacturer's specifications, OHS, legislative and organisational requirements 3.4 Clear and concise communication is maintained with appropriate person(s) during decommissioning procedures in accordance with client and organisational requirements 3.5 Safe operating practices are observed to remove risk of injury to self, others or security equipment / system in accordance with OHS and organisational requirements
4.1 Removal of decommissioned security equipment / system or components is arranged in accordance with work order, OHS and organisational procedures 4.2 Notification of work completion is made to appropriate person(s) in accordance with client and organisational procedures 4.3 Results of commissioning and other relevant documentation is completed and processed in accordance with industry, legislative and organisational requirements 4.4 Work area, tools and equipment are cleaned and stored in a secure and safe location in accordance with organisational requirements 4.5 Waste from commissioning / decommissioning activities is collected, treated and disposed of or recycled in accordance with organisational procedures and environmental policies
Evidence Guide
The Evidence Guide identifies the requirements to be demonstrated to confirm competence for this unit. Assessment must confirm sufficient ability to use appropriate skills and knowledge to commission or decommission a range of security equipment and systems. Assessment of performance should be over a period of time covering all categories within the Range of Variables statements that are applicable in the learning environment. What critical aspects are required for evidence of competency? Clearly identify commissioning/decommissioning requirements of security equipment/systems from work order and organise appropriate tools, equipment and materials to carry out work. Follow safe and efficient work practices in the use of tools and equipment and accurately identify and manage risks and hazards to commissioning/decommissioning work and work areas. Access security equipment/systems and methodically carry out commissioning/decommissioning procedures with minimal disruption to client services, existing structures or normal work routines. Hand-over security equipment/system to client ensuring a full and complete understanding of equipment/system operations and functions through the provision of clear and effective instructions, information and/or training. Clean and store tools and equipment, reinstate work area in a clear and safe condition, and prepare and submit all required documentation in an accurate and prompt manner. What specific knowledge is needed to achieve the performance criteria ? Knowledge and understanding are essential to apply this standard in the workplace, to transfer the skills to other contexts and to deal with unplanned events. The knowledge requirements for this competency standard are listed below: types, functions and requirements of security equipment/systems methods and procedures to commission/decommission security equipment/systems security equipment/system configurations and programs risks and hazards associated with commissioning/decommissioning work types and functions of tools, equipment and testing devices types and functions of keypad and control panels earthing systems, arrangements and requirements electrical concepts (voltage, current, resistance and impedance) electrical connections and types of electrical circuits cable identification and handling requirements building construction methods and types types and functions of computer software technical terminology procedures for working in confined spaces organisational and client confidentiality requirements OHS requirements and safe work practices relevant legislative including Australian Standards, building codes and Australian Communications Authority (ACA) cabling standards. What specific skills are needed to achieve the performance criteria? To achieve the performance criteria, some specific skills are required. These include the ability to: read and interpret plans and specifications
select and use suitable tools and equipment methodically prioritise and organise work tasks effectively operate security equipment/systems download/upload information test security equipment systems and read a multimeter accurately identify and correctly handle cables customise equipment/systems to client requirements communicate in a clear and concise manner and provide effective training/instructions to clients safely disable security equipment/systems solder, weld and carry out basic carpentry solve routine problems estimate resource requirements apply safe and efficient work practices. What resources may be required for assessment? Access to a suitable venue and equipment. Access to plain English version of relevant statutes and procedures. Assignment instructions, work plans and schedules, policy documents and duty statements. Assessment instruments, including personal planner and assessment record book. Access to a registered provider of assessment services. What is required to achieve consistency of performance? For valid and reliable assessment of this unit, the competency should be demonstrated over a period of time and observed by the assessor. The competency is to be demonstrated in a range of situations, which may include involvement in related activities normally experienced in the workplace. Evidence of underpinning knowledge understanding of processes and principles can be gained through thorough questioning and by observation of previous work. Assessment against this unit may involve the following: Continuous assessment in a setting that simulates the conditions of performance described in the elements, performance criteria and range of variables statement that make up the unit. Continuous assessment in the workplace, taking into account the range of variables affecting performance. Self-assessment on the same terms as those described above. Simulated assessment or critical incident assessment, provided that the critical incident involves assessment against performance criteria and an evaluation of underpinning knowledge and skill required to achieve the required performance outcomes. Key competency levels There are a number of processes that are learnt throughout work and life which are required in all jobs. They are fundamental processes and generally transferable to other work functions. Some of these are covered by the key competencies, although others may be added. Information below highlights how these processes are applied in this competency standard. 1 - perform the process 2 - perform and administer the process 3 - perform, administer and design the process How can communication of ideas and information be applied? (2) Clear instructions, explanations and training may be provided to clients to ensure a complete understanding of the functions and operations of security equipment/systems. How can information be collected, analysed and organised? (2)
Test data may be interpreted and analysed to confirm commissioned security equipment/system meets installation performance specifications. How are activities planned and organised? (2) Access to security equipment/systems may be organised with minimal disruption to client services, existing structures or normal work routines. How can team work be applied? (2) Communication may be organised and maintained with relevant persons throughout decommissioning procedures. How can the use of mathematical ideas and techniques be applied? (2) Mathematical techniques may be used to accurately estimate resource requirements and prioritise work tasks. How can problem solving skills be applied? (2) Malfunctions or deficiencies in the performance or operational effectiveness of security equipment/system and/or components are promptly identified and reported for remedial action. How can the use of technology be applied? (2) Technology may be used to communicate, source and record information. It may also be used to carry out testing activities. The Evidence Guide identifies the requirements to be demonstrated to confirm competence for this unit. Assessment must confirm sufficient ability to use appropriate skills and knowledge to commission or decommission a range of security equipment and systems. Assessment of performance should be over a period of time covering all categories within the Range of Variables statements that are applicable in the learning environment. What critical aspects are required for evidence of competency? Clearly identify commissioning/decommissioning requirements of security equipment/systems from work order and organise appropriate tools, equipment and materials to carry out work. Follow safe and efficient work practices in the use of tools and equipment and accurately identify and manage risks and hazards to commissioning/decommissioning work and work areas. Access security equipment/systems and methodically carry out commissioning/decommissioning procedures with minimal disruption to client services, existing structures or normal work routines. Hand-over security equipment/system to client ensuring a full and complete understanding of equipment/system operations and functions through the provision of clear and effective instructions, information and/or training. Clean and store tools and equipment, reinstate work area in a clear and safe condition, and prepare and submit all required documentation in an accurate and prompt manner. What specific knowledge is needed to achieve the performance criteria ? Knowledge and understanding are essential to apply this standard in the workplace, to transfer the skills to other contexts and to deal with unplanned events. The knowledge requirements for this competency standard are listed below: types, functions and requirements of security equipment/systems methods and procedures to commission/decommission security equipment/systems security equipment/system configurations and programs risks and hazards associated with commissioning/decommissioning work types and functions of tools, equipment and testing devices types and functions of keypad and control panels
earthing systems, arrangements and requirements electrical concepts (voltage, current, resistance and impedance) electrical connections and types of electrical circuits cable identification and handling requirements building construction methods and types types and functions of computer software technical terminology procedures for working in confined spaces organisational and client confidentiality requirements OHS requirements and safe work practices relevant legislative including Australian Standards, building codes and Australian Communications Authority (ACA) cabling standards. What specific skills are needed to achieve the performance criteria? To achieve the performance criteria, some specific skills are required. These include the ability to: read and interpret plans and specifications select and use suitable tools and equipment methodically prioritise and organise work tasks effectively operate security equipment/systems download/upload information test security equipment systems and read a multimeter accurately identify and correctly handle cables customise equipment/systems to client requirements communicate in a clear and concise manner and provide effective training/instructions to clients safely disable security equipment/systems solder, weld and carry out basic carpentry solve routine problems estimate resource requirements apply safe and efficient work practices. What resources may be required for assessment? Access to a suitable venue and equipment. Access to plain English version of relevant statutes and procedures. Assignment instructions, work plans and schedules, policy documents and duty statements. Assessment instruments, including personal planner and assessment record book. Access to a registered provider of assessment services. What is required to achieve consistency of performance? For valid and reliable assessment of this unit, the competency should be demonstrated over a period of time and observed by the assessor. The competency is to be demonstrated in a range of situations, which may include involvement in related activities normally experienced in the workplace. Evidence of underpinning knowledge understanding of processes and principles can be gained through thorough questioning and by observation of previous work. Assessment against this unit may involve the following: Continuous assessment in a setting that simulates the conditions of performance described in the elements, performance criteria and range of variables statement that make up the unit. Continuous assessment in the workplace, taking into account the range of variables affecting performance.
Self-assessment on the same terms as those described above. Simulated assessment or critical incident assessment, provided that the critical incident involves assessment against performance criteria and an evaluation of underpinning knowledge and skill required to achieve the required performance outcomes. Key competency levels There are a number of processes that are learnt throughout work and life which are required in all jobs. They are fundamental processes and generally transferable to other work functions. Some of these are covered by the key competencies, although others may be added. Information below highlights how these processes are applied in this competency standard. 1 - perform the process 2 - perform and administer the process 3 - perform, administer and design the process How can communication of ideas and information be applied? (2) Clear instructions, explanations and training may be provided to clients to ensure a complete understanding of the functions and operations of security equipment/systems. How can information be collected, analysed and organised? (2) Test data may be interpreted and analysed to confirm commissioned security equipment/system meets installation performance specifications. How are activities planned and organised? (2) Access to security equipment/systems may be organised with minimal disruption to client services, existing structures or normal work routines. How can team work be applied? (2) Communication may be organised and maintained with relevant persons throughout decommissioning procedures. How can the use of mathematical ideas and techniques be applied? (2) Mathematical techniques may be used to accurately estimate resource requirements and prioritise work tasks. How can problem solving skills be applied? (2) Malfunctions or deficiencies in the performance or operational effectiveness of security equipment/system and/or components are promptly identified and reported for remedial action. How can the use of technology be applied? (2) Technology may be used to communicate, source and record information. It may also be used to carry out testing activities.
Range Statement
The Range of Variables provides information about the context in which the unit of competency is carried out. It allows for different work practices and work and knowledge requirements as well as for differences between organisations and workplaces. The following variables may be present for this particular unit: Work order information may relate to: work schedules completion dates job requirements and tasks specific client requirements access to site and specific site requirements resource requirements OHS requirements compliance with relevant legislation budget allocations warranties and service information. Appropriate person(s) may include: clients site managers project managers engineers and technicians technical experts line managers/supervisors colleagues regulatory personnel security consultants. Organisational requirements may relate to: legal and organisational operational policies and procedures operations manuals, induction and training materials insurance policy agreements client and organisational confidentiality requirements organisational goals, objectives, plans, systems and processes employer and employee rights and responsibilities own role, responsibility and delegation quality and continuous improvement processes and standards client service standards defined resource parameters OHS policies, procedures and programs emergency and evacuation procedures duty of care, code of conduct, code of ethics access and equity policy, principles and practice records and information systems and processes communication channels and reporting procedures. Commissioning requirements may relate to: equipment/system to be commissioned persons to be trained scheduling of commissioning
information/documentation to be handed over to client customisation monitoring and response procedures to be determined/clarified. Decommissioning may involve: disconnection disablement hardware/software changes adjustments reconnecting components to ensure correct operation and compliance with building codes and regulations removal of components downloading system information default system-held information. Security equipment and systems may include: detection devices, audible/visual warning devices cameras, monitors and control equipment control panels, intercoms wireless equipment, car alarms electronic readers, electronic recognition controls locks and locking systems grills, lighting, boom gates, turnstiles bank pop-up screens smoke detection devices electric/mechanical fire safety and fire locking systems power supplies, batteries security doors and door controls. Security systems may be: electronic mechanical computerised procedural. Tools and equipment may include: multimeter, F-set, cable testing equipment hand tools, power tools, fixing tools, crimp tools, IDS tools flexible rods, fishing tools strippers, router, file, followers, spirit level soldering iron, welder insulation mega ladder, scaffold, scissor lift, hoist, drop sheet, batteries personal protective equipment communications equipment. Materials may include: computer disks computer leads/cables interface PCBs keypads handheld programmers software.
Risks and hazards may include: non-compliance with building codes and regulations exposed electrical wiring manual handling chemical hazards (battery corrosion) exposure to: asbestos dust noise live power vermin water glass fibre building debris natural and other gas build-up. OHS policies and procedures may relate to: hazardous and risk assessment mechanisms implementation of safety regulations safety training safety systems incorporating: work clearance procedures isolation procedures gas and vapour monitoring/testing procedures use of protective equipment and clothing use of codes of practice. Personal protective clothing and equipment may include: masks, safety glasses, head protection, ear muffs safety boots, knee pads gloves witches hats, flashing lights warning signs and tapes fire extinguisher first aid kit. Applicable legislation, codes and national standards may relate to: compliance with Australian building codes and regulations compliance with Australian Communications Authority (ACA) cabling standards relevant Commonwealth/State/Territory legislation which affect organisational operation: Occupational Health and Safety and safe work practices environmental issues equal employment opportunity industrial relations anti-discrimination and diversity Australian Standards, quality assurance, licensing and certification requirements relevant industry Codes of Practice trade practices, award and enterprise agreements
privacy requirements, freedom of information. Customisation may involve: changing password or user code modifying system functions adding system functions changing volume or length of alarms. Hand-over procedures may include: comprehensive explanation/demonstration of security equipment/system operations and functions effective user training: verbal and written explanations, demonstration, practice, question and answer session. clear instructions on security equipment/system maintenance provision of all relevant information and documentation: manufacturer's and user manuals, maintenance requirements and contract, monitoring procedures and contract, keying plan, warranty requirements and contract, company contact details. Safe operating practices may include: working safely around electrical wiring, cables and overhead power lines working safely around tools and equipment hazard recognition emergency procedures awareness of electrical hazards following confined spaces procedures administering first aid. Removal may include: disconnection dismantling removal reconnecting components to ensure correct operation and compliance with building codes and regulations. Results of commissioning may include: commissioning undertaken persons equipment/system commissioned to date and time of commissioning information/documentation handed over to client job card customisation of equipment/system. Documentation may include: completion of work log details of system decommissioning/commissioning client approval for decommissioning client sign-off for commissioning adjustments made to security equipment/system section lists, zone lists, equipment lists fixings, job card adjustments to original cable plan. Disposal may involve:
return to client destruction return to manufacturer special disposal requirements for hazardous components (radioactive components and batteries) return to store special storage and/or disposal requirements for classified or high security equipment/systems. The Range of Variables provides information about the context in which the unit of competency is carried out. It allows for different work practices and work and knowledge requirements as well as for differences between organisations and workplaces. The following variables may be present for this particular unit: Work order information may relate to: work schedules completion dates job requirements and tasks specific client requirements access to site and specific site requirements resource requirements OHS requirements compliance with relevant legislation budget allocations warranties and service information. Appropriate person(s) may include: clients site managers project managers engineers and technicians technical experts line managers/supervisors colleagues regulatory personnel security consultants. Organisational requirements may relate to: legal and organisational operational policies and procedures operations manuals, induction and training materials insurance policy agreements client and organisational confidentiality requirements organisational goals, objectives, plans, systems and processes employer and employee rights and responsibilities own role, responsibility and delegation quality and continuous improvement processes and standards client service standards defined resource parameters OHS policies, procedures and programs emergency and evacuation procedures duty of care, code of conduct, code of ethics access and equity policy, principles and practice
records and information systems and processes communication channels and reporting procedures. Commissioning requirements may relate to: equipment/system to be commissioned persons to be trained scheduling of commissioning information/documentation to be handed over to client customisation monitoring and response procedures to be determined/clarified. Decommissioning may involve: disconnection disablement hardware/software changes adjustments reconnecting components to ensure correct operation and compliance with building codes and regulations removal of components downloading system information default system-held information. Security equipment and systems may include: detection devices, audible/visual warning devices cameras, monitors and control equipment control panels, intercoms wireless equipment, car alarms electronic readers, electronic recognition controls locks and locking systems grills, lighting, boom gates, turnstiles bank pop-up screens smoke detection devices electric/mechanical fire safety and fire locking systems power supplies, batteries security doors and door controls. Security systems may be: electronic mechanical computerised procedural. Tools and equipment may include: multimeter, F-set, cable testing equipment hand tools, power tools, fixing tools, crimp tools, IDS tools flexible rods, fishing tools strippers, router, file, followers, spirit level soldering iron, welder insulation mega ladder, scaffold, scissor lift, hoist, drop sheet, batteries personal protective equipment communications equipment. Materials may include:
computer disks computer leads/cables interface PCBs keypads handheld programmers software. Risks and hazards may include: non-compliance with building codes and regulations exposed electrical wiring manual handling chemical hazards (battery corrosion) exposure to: asbestos dust noise live power vermin water glass fibre building debris natural and other gas build-up. OHS policies and procedures may relate to: hazardous and risk assessment mechanisms implementation of safety regulations safety training safety systems incorporating: work clearance procedures isolation procedures gas and vapour monitoring/testing procedures use of protective equipment and clothing use of codes of practice. Personal protective clothing and equipment may include: masks, safety glasses, head protection, ear muffs safety boots, knee pads gloves witches hats, flashing lights warning signs and tapes fire extinguisher first aid kit. Applicable legislation, codes and national standards may relate to: compliance with Australian building codes and regulations compliance with Australian Communications Authority (ACA) cabling standards relevant Commonwealth/State/Territory legislation which affect organisational operation: Occupational Health and Safety and safe work practices environmental issues equal employment opportunity
industrial relations anti-discrimination and diversity Australian Standards, quality assurance, licensing and certification requirements relevant industry Codes of Practice trade practices, award and enterprise agreements privacy requirements, freedom of information. Customisation may involve: changing password or user code modifying system functions adding system functions changing volume or length of alarms. Hand-over procedures may include: comprehensive explanation/demonstration of security equipment/system operations and functions effective user training: verbal and written explanations, demonstration, practice, question and answer session. clear instructions on security equipment/system maintenance provision of all relevant information and documentation: manufacturer's and user manuals, maintenance requirements and contract, monitoring procedures and contract, keying plan, warranty requirements and contract, company contact details. Safe operating practices may include: working safely around electrical wiring, cables and overhead power lines working safely around tools and equipment hazard recognition emergency procedures awareness of electrical hazards following confined spaces procedures administering first aid. Removal may include: disconnection dismantling removal reconnecting components to ensure correct operation and compliance with building codes and regulations. Results of commissioning may include: commissioning undertaken persons equipment/system commissioned to date and time of commissioning information/documentation handed over to client job card customisation of equipment/system. Documentation may include: completion of work log details of system decommissioning/commissioning client approval for decommissioning
client sign-off for commissioning adjustments made to security equipment/system section lists, zone lists, equipment lists fixings, job card adjustments to original cable plan. Disposal may involve: return to client destruction return to manufacturer special disposal requirements for hazardous components (radioactive components and batteries) return to store special storage and/or disposal requirements for classified or high security equipment/systems.
Unit Sector(s)
Not applicable.