SOA Solutions White Paper
SOA Solutions White Paper
SOA Solutions White Paper
White paper
March 2006
Best practices for service-oriented model development
with IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory software.
Contents An important capability of IBM WebSphere® Portlet Factory software is its
support of a two-level services architecture that provides a clean separation of
2 Introduction the presentation user interface (UI) from the back-end data access and busi-
3 Overview ness logic, for delivery of service-oriented architecture (SOA) applications.
4 How it works
5 Feature details WebSphere Portlet Factory software’s service-oriented architecture defines
6 Basic steps service provider models that access back-end data and services and ser-
13 Dynamic service swapping vice consumer or presentation models that provide the front-end Web user
13 Documentation builder interface. WebSphere Portlet Factory software automates the generation of
15 Conclusion both these layers as well as all the necessary artifacts to enable loose cou-
pling between them. This clean separation of layers, combined with a new
set of SOA-specific WebSphere Portlet Factory features allows developers
to decouple implementation and testing of the UI from the back-end access
and to streamline SOA development and deployment. This paper gives an
overview of these capabilities and how they can be used to easily create and
help manage applications within an SOA environment.
Best practices for service-oriented model development
with IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory software.
The goals of WebSphere Portlet Factory software’s supporting features for
service-oriented architectures are to:
The approach is simple and natural: you create models that are either service
providers (back-end data access) or service consumers (front-end presentation)
and then combine them (flexibly) both for application testing and for deploy-
ment. Using this methodology, teams of developers can work independently
on the layers and don’t need to constantly coordinate and adjust to modifica-
tions made on the other side. Additionally, development can proceed without
requiring access to the targeted back-end systems, simplifying life consider-
ably for all, especially for the UI team. There are a number of new WebSphere
Portlet Factory builders and supporting features that enable this methodology
and expand on previous versions of service-oriented support.
Best practices for service-oriented model development
with IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory software.
How it works
Service provider models define a service within the Web application
(WebApp); the model (and thus the service) is then referenced by service con-
sumer models. The service can provide one or more operations (similar to the
operations within a WSDL service). The service can return whatever results
are required within an application, including gathering data from multiple
back ends or databases and combining it in whatever form is required. It is
often useful to define a service with multiple, related operations, even if the
data sources represent more than one back-end system. For example a cus-
tomer information service might define operations to return a customer list
(based on search criteria), customer detailed information, customer orders,
customer complaints, and so on. A product service might define operations for
products by category, products by price, product inventory, product costs or
product sales performance.
Service consumer models, as their name implies, use one or more service
consumer builders to invoke the service operations made available by service
provider models. Usually (but not necessarily), a service consumer model will
generate a UI, obtaining data via the service provider and then using whatever
other builders are needed to generate pages with the forms, views, graphs and
so on, that comprise the presentation layer. The provider/consumer builder set
provides insulation to UI models, and loose enough coupling between UI and
service models to allow substitution of an alternate service provider model,
even during run time.
Best practices for service-oriented model development
with IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory software.
Feature details
There are two core builders for the service layer:
• Service consumer builder. This builder makes all the operations defined
in a service provider model available for use. It enables other builders to
reference all the information provided by the service, including the input
and output schemas, the operations and the associated variables. With the
service consumer builder making the data available to the page automation
system, the entire array of page automation builders can be used to generate
pages. For example, the view and form builder can reference service infor-
mation, including the input and result schemas, and automatically generate
complex presentation elements such as forms and list views.
Best practices for service-oriented model development
with IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory software.
Basic steps
This example shows a pair of simple service provider and service consumer
(presentation) models. It uses a Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) database
connection in the service layer (SQL call builder), although the service could
just as easily use any WebSphere Portlet Factory integration builders such as
SAP, IBM Lotus® Domino® software, PeopleSoft, Web services or any integra-
tion builders created for proprietary back ends.
1. Create the service layer (service provider model) with three builders:
a. Integration builder (ex., SAP, SQL, Lotus Domino server) or method
b. Service definition builder
c. Service operation builder(s)
2. Use the service operations in the presentation model, with these builders:
a. Service consumer builder
b. V
arious page automation builders (ex., view and form, record list
and details)
Best practices for service-oriented model development
with IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory software.
Once these core pieces are in place, you can then add other builders to
enhance the service or consumer side as desired.
Figure 1 illustrates these two simple models and the major artifacts they
create or use in the WebApp.
Presentation model InputPage
• Service consumer
Declares use of the service “Customers”
Figure 1
Best practices for service-oriented model development
with IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory software.
• Service test builder. The service test builder lets you automatically
generate the pages and code required for testing all the operations defined
within a service, including the specification of default inputs for testing each
operation. The service test builder allows you to easily validate your back-
end functionality with complete independence from any presentation layer,
and without having to build a separate test harness. You can also generate
“headless” methods that call the service operations directly, a capability
that is useful for establishing automated testing of services, without having
to view browser pages.
• Service documentation builder. The service documentation builder
automatically generates service documentation on both sides of this dual
architecture. It will create information about the service and its operations,
including inputs and results, for services created by a service provider model
or for services used by a service consumer model. Alternatively, a separate
documentation model can be used to generate the document for any services
within the WebApp.
• Dynamic service mapping. This powerful feature enables you to dynami-
cally manage equivalent services, by letting you swap the actual service
provider model used whenever a service is referenced, either at design
time or at run time. A service mapping registry, a simple XML file, is used
to specify which model should be used to supply the referenced service.
This service mapping capability automatically supports scenarios such as:
– Using a stub service model for much of the provider implementation effort
and swapping in actual connectivity only to test out what you have built.
Best practices for service-oriented model development
with IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory software.
Page 10
– Using a stub service model for the development and testing of the presen-
tation models, then simply modifying the service mapping file to enable
the real service (with real connectivity) to be used.
– Switching to an alternate service implementation (for example, to use
a different back end) at any time, without needing to modify any of the
presentation models. This enables substitutable services, either during appli-
cation development or for a deployed application. The only requirement is
that the selected model implements the same service provider interface.
Using these additional capabilities, there are six basic steps to create a flexible
SOA-based application:
1. Create the service layer (service provider model) with three builders:
a. Integration builder (ex., SAP, SQL, Lotus Domino server) or method
b. Service definition builder
c. Service operation builder(s)
2. Test the service operations right in the service provider model, add:
a. Service test builder (or checkbox in service definition)
3. Use the service operations in the presentation model, with these builders:
a. Service consumer builder
b. Various page builders (ex., view and form, record, list and detail)
6. Optionally use service mapping registry to use the stub service model
or to switch between service implementations. Set mappings in:
a. XML files in WEB-INF/config/service_mappings
Best practices for service-oriented model development
with IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory software.
Page 12
Of course, these examples are still just the basics. While most service provider
models will remain fairly simple, presentation models will be arbitrarily more
complex, depending on the application requirements.
• Service consumer
Declares use of the service “Customers”
Figure 2
Best practices for service-oriented model development
with IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory software.
Page 13
Production-1 model consumer model
SAP getCustomers service User interface
Production-2 model
JDBC getCustomers
Figure 3
Documentation builder
On page 14 is a sample of the documentation produced by the service
documentation builder.
Best practices for service-oriented model development
with IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory software.
Page 14
Services used
Model: services/CustomerProvider
Service : customerList
Operation : execute
Parameters : Name Variable Type Direction
Results customerListTransformXml customerListTransformSchema/Customers Output
Service : customerSearch
Operation : execute
Parameters : Name Variable Type Direction
Inputs customerSearchInputs customerSearchInputs Input
Results customerSearchTransformXml customerSearchTransformSchema/Customers Output
Service : publicService
Operation : getCustomerList
Parameters : Name Variable Type Direction
Results getCustomerListResults customerListTransformSchema/Customers Output
Operation : findCustomers
Parameters : Name Variable Type Direction
Inputs getCustomerListResults customerSearchInputs/customerSearchInputs Input
Results findCustomersResults customerSearchTransformSchema/Customers Output
Service : nonPublicService
Operation :
Parameters : Name Variable Type Direction
Model: MyProvider1
Service : List
Operation : execute
Parameters : Name Variable Type Direction
Results ListTransformXml ListTransformSchema/Addresses Output
Service : Details
Operation : execute
Parameters : Name Variable Type Direction
Inputs DetailsInputs DetailsInputs/DetailsInputs Input
Results DetailsTransformXml DetailsTransformSchema/Addresses Output
Service : Addrs
Operation : execute
Parameters : Name Variable Type Direction
Inputs getDetailsInputs DetailsInputs/DetailsInputs Input
Results getDetailsResults DetailsTransformSchema/Addresses Output
Service : getList
Operation : execute
Parameters : Name Variable Type Direction
Results getListResults ListTransformSchema/Addresses Output
Best practices for service-oriented model development
with IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory software.
Page 15
With IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory software’s delivery of SOA-based port-
lets, the time needed to implement composite applications can be significantly
reduced because it provides tools and technology to leverage this new develop-
ment paradigm – as well as boosting developer productivity by reducing the
associated skills required to enable the integration of established applications.
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