The Basics: Management of Value: Polly Murphy, Maven Training

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The basics: Management of Value

Polly Murphy, Maven Training

White Paper September 2011

The Stationery Ofce 2011

2 The basics: Management of Value

Introduction 3 1 The MoV approach 1.1 The seven principles 1.2 The seven processes 2 Embedding and reviewing MoV 3 3 3 5 5

About the author

Acknowledgements 5 Trademarks and statements 5

The Stationery Ofce 2011

The basics: Management of Value 3

Management of Value (MoV ) is intended to help organizations to get the best value from something, whether this is a project or a programme, or a portfolio of work. MoV is not just about cutting costs, but, rather, concentrates on maximizing return on investment. What MoV does is to focus on the function, what things do, not just what they are. This allows an organization to explore different ways of achieving objectives, with a view to maximizing benets in the most costeffective way possible. MoV is based on long-established practices, across many industry sectors. The methods described in the MoV guide are not new. The MoV guide has been developed with a view to aligning these practices with existing Best Management Practice guidance, in order to help organizations to supplement their existing management approach.

1.2 The seven processes

The seven processes offer a series of logical steps to guide an organization through ways of collecting and analysing information to identify which delivery option gives the best value for money. In order to do this, there needs to be a clear view of why the project is needed so that the decision makers can review the options available and make a sensible and objective decision on whether to start an initiative and then, throughout the life of the project, whether to continue. 1 Frame the programme or project This involves gaining an understanding of the objectives and issues that need to be addressed, taking into account the organizational context and external factors. Information gained can be used to support or challenge the need for the project. 2 Gather information relating to the project Involve as many different stakeholders as possible in order to understand the expectations from the project under study, identify suitable team members, understand stakeholders needs and other project-related information. 3 Analyse information The MoV guide gives details of some of the more commonly used techniques, such as the function analysis system technique (FAST) or value trees. Function analysis (see Figure 1) is a key feature of MoV and is based on the following fundamental questions: What is the purpose? Until you understand the purpose of something, its value cannot be assessed How else could this be achieved? Once you understand the purpose, alternative ways of performing or delivering the function may be identied, which may perform better or be less costly. 4 Process information The MoV team uses the information to explore alternative proposals to improve value, typically through a series of meetings and workshops. New ideas will arise and often it is found that a function is not actually needed, so can be eliminated from the proposal. 5 Evaluate and select The MoV team evaluates the merits of the different options by assessing their performance against value drivers, to identify those that add most value. There are three main areas to consider: Balancing the needs of different stakeholders Balancing the use of (often scarce) resources Balancing the benets expected against the cost of money and resources to deliver.

1 The MoV approach

1.1 The seven principles
The seven principles underpin the whole approach. If the principles are not being applied, then MoV is not being properly used. This does not mean a bureaucratic overhead on an organization, because the principles are just common sense. 1 Align with organizations objectives this means that a consistent approach is applied across all projects and programmes 2 Focus on functions and required outcomes which means that we need to work out what we are trying to achieve before we start thinking about what to deliver 3 Balance the variables to maximize value effective stakeholder engagement will identify differing needs, to allow a balance of benets to be dened that is acceptable to everyone 4 Apply throughout the investment decision MoV is not just applied at the start of an initiative. Once a project is underway, progress should be continually monitored 5 Tailor to suit the subject a small and simple project is unlikely to require the same level of effort as a complex one 6 Learn from experience and improve performance build on the good experiences and avoid repeating mistakes 7 Assign clear roles and responsibilities and build a supportive culture without commitment and buy-in, MoV is unlikely to be wholly successful.

The Stationery Ofce 2011

4 The basics: Management of Value

Asking questions from right to left asking Why? leads to the task or ultimate business goal


1 Primary basic function

1.1 Second-level basic function 1.2 Second-level basic function 2.1 Second-level basic function 2.2 Second-level basic function 3.1 Second-level basic function 3.2 Second-level basic function 4.1 Second-level supporting function 4.2 Second-level supporting function 5.1 Second-level supporting function 5.2 Second-level supporting function 6.1 Second-level supporting function 6.2 Second-level supporting function

Asking questions from left to right asking How? leads to solutions

Primary basic business case objectives

2 Primary basic function

2.2.1 Third-level basic function 2.2.2 Third-level basic function

3 Primary basic function Higher-order function or customer needs 4 Primary supporting function

4.1.1 Third-level supporting function 4.1.2 Third-level supporting function

Main business driver

Generic primary supporting functions: Assure dependability Assure convenience Enhance product Please senses Satisfy customer

5 Primary supporting function

Scope line: non-negotiable to the left, open to change to the right

6 Primary supporting function

Figure 1 A customer FAST diagram

Crown copyright 2010. Reproduced under licence from OGC.

The Stationery Ofce 2011

The basics: Management of Value 5

Balance between benefits and expenditure

Balance between stakeholders

About the author

Polly Murphy is an accredited trainer in PRINCE2, Managing Successful Programmes (MSP), Management of Value (MoV ) and Management of Portfolios (MoP ), and lead trainer at Maven Training. She has considerable industry experience in both public and private sector organizations, including major airlines, and software development and consultancy organizations. This has given her a real-world appreciation of the value of the Best Management Practice guidance, and she welcomes the addition of Management of Value.


Satisfaction of needs (benefits) (monetary and non-monetary) Use of resources (expenditure) (money, people, time, energy and materials)
Balance between use of resources

Figure 2 Balancing the variables to maximize value

Crown copyright 2010. Reproduced under licence from OGC.

Value is the ratio of satisfaction of needs over use of resources (see Figure 2). 6 Develop value improving processes The MoV team develops the selected ideas into value-improving proposals for decision and implementation. 7 Implement and share outputs A plan for implementing the selected option is developed and implemented. A benets management process should be implemented to track achievement of expected benets. Ideally, the measures used to assess adding value will be the same as those already used by the project to track progress and assessment of benets. Where necessary, corrective action can be taken and the approach to the use of MoV within an organization can be rened.

Sourced by TSO and published on Our White Paper series should not be taken as constituting advice of any sort and no liability is accepted for any loss resulting from use of or reliance on its content. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information, TSO cannot accept responsibility for errors, omissions or inaccuracies. Content, diagrams, logos and jackets are correct at time of going to press but may be subject to change without notice. Copyright TSO. Reproduction in full or part is prohibited without prior consent from the TSO.

2 Embedding and reviewing MoV

MoV needs to be embedded into an organization and this requires a degree of effort and commitment from senior managers. Staff members will need training in MoV techniques. There may be barriers that need to be broken down before full implementation can be achieved, especially in organizations where projects have been delivered successfully using a more traditional approach. In these cases, MoV can be perceived as an additional overhead. Many organizations choose to follow a project-by-project approach. This can help to overcome opposition by proving the effectiveness of MoV in real-world situations. Whether an organization chooses a step-by-step approach, or a big bang approach to implementation, benets should soon be seen, including more effective use of resources and the development of a value-conscious culture.

Trademarks and statements

MoV is a Trade Mark of the Ofce of the Cabinet Ofce. MoP is a Trade Mark of the Cabinet Ofce. MSP is a Registered Trade Mark of the Cabinet Ofce. PRINCE2 is a Registered Trade Mark of the Cabinet Ofce. The Swirl logo is a Trade Mark of the Cabinet Ofce.

The Stationery Ofce 2011

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