FDA Submissions NCI IND

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The key takeaways are that the document provides guidance on regulatory submissions for an Investigational New Drug (IND) application to the FDA, including an overview of the pre-IND process and requirements for an IND submission.

The purpose of the document is to provide sponsors with guidance on the regulatory process and requirements for submitting an Investigational New Drug (IND) application to the FDA to conduct clinical trials.

The pre-IND process involves requesting a pre-IND meeting with the FDA to discuss the proposed clinical trial design and requirements. It also involves submitting a pre-IND information package to the FDA in preparation for the pre-IND meeting.


Sponsors Guide
Regulatory Submissions
for an
New Drug
Sponsors Guide
Regulatory Submissions
for an
New Drug
Biological Resources Branch, DCTD,
Biopharmaceutical Development Program,
SAIC-Frederick, Inc.
Biological Resources Branch, DCTD,
Biopharmaceutical Development Program,
SAIC-Frederick, Inc.
Document No. RA-001
Revision: Rev 01

The Sponsors Guide
Regulatory Submissions
for an
Investigational New Drug

Publication Date: March 2005

This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the
National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, under Contract NO1-CO-

The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the view or policies of
the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does the mention of trade
names, commercial products, or organization may imply endorsement of the US

Compiled by Karyol Poole, Regulatory Affairs, Biopharmaceutical Development
Program, SAIC-Frederick, Inc., in support of projects for the DTP/BRB,
Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 ....................................................................................................... 6
I. Introduction.................................................................................................. 6
II. Background ................................................................................................. 8
III. Chapter References .................................................................................. 12
IV. Additional Product Development References ............................................ 13
Chapter 2 ..................................................................................................... 14
I. The Pre-Investigational New Drug Application (Pre-IND)
Process ..................................................................................................... 14
A. Overview............................................................................................... 14
B. Pre-IND Meeting Request Letter ........................................................... 15
1. Contents of a Pre-IND Meeting Request Letter ............................... 15
2. Submission of a Pre-IND Meeting Request Letter ........................... 16
C. Confirmation Letter from the FDA ......................................................... 17
D. Pre-IND Information Package ............................................................... 17
1. Description....................................................................................... 17
2. Contents .......................................................................................... 18
E. The Pre-IND Meeting ............................................................................ 19
II. Chapter References .................................................................................. 20
III. Guidance Documents Applicable to the Pre-IND Process......................... 20
Chapter 3 ..................................................................................................... 22
I. Investigational New Drug Application (IND)............................................... 22
A. Overview............................................................................................... 22
B. FDA Regulatory Jurisdiction of Products............................................... 22
C. Contents of an IND................................................................................ 24
1. Cover letter ...................................................................................... 25
2. Item 1: Cover Sheet (Form FDA 1571) [21 CFR
312.23(a)(2)] .................................................................................... 25
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Table of Contents

3. Item 2: Table of Contents [21 CFR 312.23(a)(2)]............................. 26
4. Item 3: Introductory Statement and General
Investigational Plan [21 CFR 312.23(a)(3)]...................................... 26
5. Item 4: [Reserved] ........................................................................... 27
6. Item 5: Investigators Brochure [21 CFR 312.23(a)(5)] .................... 27
7. Item 6: Protocol [21 CFR 312.23(a)(6)]............................................ 27
7.1 The Role of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) ...................... 29
8. Item 7: Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Control Data [21
CFR 312.23(a)(7)]............................................................................ 30
9. Item 8: Pharmacology and Toxicology Data [21 CFR
312.23(a)(8)] .................................................................................... 30
10. Item 9: Previous Human Experience [21 CFR
312.23(a)(9)] .................................................................................... 31
11. Item 10: Additional Information [21 CFR 312.23(a)(10)] .................. 32
12. Item 11: Relevant Information [21 CFR 312.23(a)(11)] .................... 32
D. Submitting and Processing an IND........................................................ 32
E. Addressing a Clinical Hold Letter .......................................................... 34
F. Amendments to the IND........................................................................ 35
1. Protocol Amendments 21 CFR 312.30 ............................................ 35
2. Informational Amendments 21 CFR 312.31..................................... 36
3. Safety Reports 21 CFR 312.32........................................................ 36
4. Annual Reports 21 CFR 312.33....................................................... 37
G. Closing an IND...................................................................................... 38
II. Chapter References .................................................................................. 38
III. Guidance Documents Applicable to INDs.................................................. 42
Chapter 4 ..................................................................................................... 44
I. Drug Master File Submission [21 CFR 314.420] ....................................... 44
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Table of Contents

A. Drug Master File (DMF)......................................................................... 44
1. Overview.......................................................................................... 44
2. Types of DMF .................................................................................. 44
3. Content of a DMF ............................................................................ 45
4. Submitting a DMF............................................................................ 46
B. Cross-Reference Letter ......................................................................... 46
II. Chapter References .................................................................................. 47
III. Guidance Documents Applicable to Drug Master Files ............................. 47
Chapter 5 ..................................................................................................... 48
I. Time Line for Pre-IND and IND Process.................................................... 48

Figure 1: New Drug Development Time Line...................................................... 11

Table 1: Abbreviations..................................................................................... 7
Table 2: Flowchart and Time Line for Pre-IND and IND Process................... 48
Table 3: General Comparison of Drugs and Biologics................................... 53

Appendix 1: Glossary ..................................................................................... 52
Appendix 2: A Short List of Government Agencies and Programs
Related to Drug Discovery and Development ............................ 61
Appendix 3: Sample Pre-IND Meeting Request Letter ................................... 67
Appendix 4: Pre-IND Meeting Confirmation Letter Example .......................... 72
Appendix 5: Sample Pre-IND Information Package Table of
Contents..................................................................................... 74
Appendix 6: Form FDA 1571.......................................................................... 76
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Table of Contents

Appendix 7: IND Template ............................................................................. 79
Appendix 8: Example IND Cover Letter ......................................................... 95
Appendix 9: Form FDA 1572.......................................................................... 99
Appendix 10: Example Drug/Biologic Master File Cross-Reference
Letter ........................................................................................ 102
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 1

I. Introduction
An Investigational New Drug Application (IND), also known as a Notice of
Claimed Investigational Exemption for a New Drug, is a request for authorization
from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to administer an investigational
drug or biologic product to humans. This authorization must be obtained prior to
interstate shipment and administration of any new drug or biological product that
is not otherwise the subject of an approved New Drug Application (NDA) or
Biologics License Application (BLA). Because federal law requires an FDA-
approved marketing application prior to the introduction or delivery of a drug into
interstate commerce, the IND is a means by which the sponsor can request an
exemption from this law to ship investigational products across state lines. This
request for exemption is obtained from the FDA through a defined regulatory
process. This Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational
New Drug is provided to assist with the pre-IND and initial IND submission
process. The focus of this guide is the submission process for an investigator-
held IND.

In addition to the information contained in this guide, the IND sponsor and clinical
investigators must possess a thorough understanding of the regulations
pertaining to the use of investigational agents in humans (Title 21 of the Code of
Federal Regulations [CFR]). The IND regulations are located in 21 CFR 312; the
informed consent regulations can be found in 21 CFR 50, Protection of Human
Subjects; and regulations regarding Institutional Review Boards are found in 21
CFR 56.

Refer to the following FDA Web sites for additional information regarding the
IND: http://www.fda.gov/cder/regulatory/applications/ind_page_1.htm and

Table 1 contains a list of abbreviations used in this guide.

A glossary is provided in Appendix 1 to define key terms. A short list of
government agencies and programs related to drug discovery and development
is provided in Appendix 2. A CD-ROM containing an electronic version of this
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Chapter 1. Introduction

document is included at the back of this document to provide access to the
hyperlinked information.

Table 1: Abbreviations
Abbreviation Definition
AE Adverse Experience/Adverse Event
AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
BDP Biopharmaceutical Development Program
BLA Biologics License Application
BRB Biological Resources Branch
BRM Biological Response Modifier
CBER Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research
CDER Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
CDRH Center for Devices and Radiological Health
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CMC Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Control
CGCP Current Good Clinical Practices
CGLP Current Good Laboratory Practices
CGMP Current Good Manufacturing Practices
CRO Contract Research Organization
CTEP Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program
DMF Drug Master File
DTP Developmental Therapeutics Program
eIND Electronic Investigational New Drug Application
FDA Food and Drug Administration
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
IB Investigator Brochure
ICH International Conference on Harmonisation
IIP Inter-Institute Program for the Development of AIDS-related Therapeutics
IND Investigational New Drug Application
IRB Institutional Review Board
IV Intravenously
kD Kilodalton(s)
NCI National Cancer Institute
NDA New Drug Application
NIH National Institutes of Health
OHRP Office for Human Research Protections
ORM Office of Review Management
PDUFA Prescription Drug User Fee Act
Pre-IND Pre-Investigational New Drug Application
RAID Rapid Access to Intervention Development
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Chapter 1. Background

Table 1: Abbreviations (continued)
Abbreviation Definition
R*A*N*D Rapid Access to NCI Discovery Resources
RAPID Rapid Access to Preventive Intervention Development
RPM Regulatory Project Manager
SAIC Science Applications International Corporation
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
SOPP Standard Operating Procedures and Policies
The Act The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act
US United States
USC United States Code

II. Background
The pharmaceutical development process should be designed and implemented
with the goal of a successful license submission in mind. A successful
development process collects data regarding the effects of a promising new drug
in animals and humans to demonstrate that the new drug is safe and effective
when used under specific conditions, and produces a drug product that has been
manufactured appropriately. The planning for the most efficient development
process should begin by focusing on the goalplan backward, and execute

Another characteristic of a successful pharmaceutical development process is
the need for an integrated team approach. Expertise from project management,
manufacturing, nonclinical, clinical, and regulatory disciplines each plays a key
role. Assembling the team early in the development process allows for an
integrated approach.

The general phases of drug development include discovery, nonclinical
development, clinical development, filing for licensure, approval/licensure, and
post-approval. The discovery process includes the basic research where drug
selection, and preliminary process and analytical methods development occur.
The idea of planning backward and executing forward begins at the discovery
phase with selection of a drug candidate that has been sufficiently studied to
support proceeding further in development.

The nonclinical development phase includes laboratory and animal studies.
During the nonclinical development process, the animal model and analytical
methods are developed, product is produced, and toxicology and pharmacology
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Chapter 1. Background

studies are conducted in the appropriate model animals. The test article (drug
product) used in nonclinical testing should be characterized according to the
guidelines contained in 21 CFR 58 Subpart F. For those toxicology and
pharmacology studies that will be used to support the Investigational New Drug
Application (IND), the product should be manufactured following the same
process as the planned clinical product. Because humans cannot be exposed to
risks that have not been evaluated in nonclinical studies, at least a draft of the
clinical protocol should be available before the nonclinical plan is prepared. This
allows an understanding of the desired clinical conditions so that the nonclinical
plan for testing in animals is developed to support these conditions for human
testing. Further, the nonclinical development plan must be designed to provide
sufficient safety data to support the IND that is submitted to the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) prior to conducting human clinical studies. Early
communication with the FDA is a regulatory strategy that can help develop an
adequate nonclinical development plan and is discussed further in chapter 2 of
this guide.

Nonclinical development is followed by submission of the IND to the FDA. The
FDA has 30 days in which to review the IND. The FDA may either allow the
investigational new drug to proceed into the clinic or place the drug on clinical
hold if safety concerns need to be resolved. The IND is discussed further in
chapter 3 of this guide.

The drug is tested for safety and efficacy in humans during the four phases of
clinical development. A sound clinical program depends on a planned logical
sequence of events that will assure the accuracy and validity of the clinical data
while protecting the rights and safety of clinical research subjects. The drug
product used in clinical testing should be manufactured according to the Current
Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP) guidelines found in 21 CFR 211.
A Phase 1 clinical study introduces the investigational drug into humans. In
general, Phase 1 studies are conducted to investigate safety/tolerability
(maximum tolerated dose in humans) and pharmacokinetics, and occur after
animal tissue and whole animal studies have determined that the drug
appears safe and effective for its intended use. In terms of new anticancer
agents, Phase 1 trials determine a safe dose for Phase 2 trials, define acute
effects on normal tissues, and provide evidence of anticancer activity.
Anticancer drugs have demonstrated evidence of significant activity in animal
models during nonclinical testing, and as such, have therapeutic intent in
Phase 1 clinical trials (Christian and Shoemaker 2002).
Phase 2 clinical studies in general continue safety monitoring and
pharmacokinetics assessment. Phase 2 studies of anticancer drugs are used
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Chapter 1. Background

to confirm that the drug has anticancer activity and to estimate the response
rate in a defined patient population (Christian and Shoemaker 2002).
Phase 3 clinical studies are the pivotal studies used to form the clinical basis
for licensure and are designed to evaluate efficacy, safety, and
pharmacokinetics. If significant anticancer activity is observed during Phase
2 studies, Phase 3 trials are used to compare the efficacy of the new drug
with that of a standard or control to determine if the new drug provides
increased patient benefit (Christian and Shoemaker 2002).

At the completion of Phase 3, an application for licensure is submitted to the
FDA, using either a Biologics License Application (BLA) or a New Drug
Application (NDA). The FDA must be able to determine if the product is: (1) safe
and effective as indicated and if the benefits outweigh the risks; (2) labeled
correctly; (3) characterized adequately to validate the drugs identity, strength,
quality, potency and purity properties; and (4) manufactured according to
CGMPs. Phase 4 studies occur after licensure and are designed to track and
provide data concerning long-term or less common side effects.

Figure 1 shows a time line and major milestones for the pharmaceutical
development process.

In summary, planning ahead and using an integrated team approach to
pharmaceutical development are key concepts that can increase the probability
of success. Careful consideration of the final goal at each step in the
development process can eliminate costly and time-consuming errors. For
example, the amount of drug that is manufactured for nonclinical and clinical
studies is calculated on the respective clinical and nonclinical protocols.
Changes to the clinical plan and/or nonclinical plan after completion of the
manufacturing step could be devastating if more drug is needed for the new plan.
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Chapter 1. Background

Figure 1: New Drug Development Time Line
Reference: http://www.fda.gov/fdac/graphics/newdrugspecial/drugchart.pdf.

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Chapter 1. Chapter References

III. Chapter References
Reference materials are presented in the order in which they first appear in the

1. 21 CFR 312.

2. 21 CFR 50.

3. 21 CFR 56.

4. Investigational New Drug (IND) Application Process. FDA Web site
address: http://www.fda.gov/cder/regulatory/applications/ind_page_1.htm.

5. Information on Submitting an Investigational New Drug Application
for a Biological Product. FDA Web site address:

6. 21 CFR 58 Subpart F.

7. 21 CFR 211.

8. Christian M, Shoemaker D. 2002. The Investigators Handbook: A Manual
for Participants in Clinical Trials of Investigational Agents Sponsored by
DCTD, NCI. Available from: National Cancer Institute, Cancer Therapy
Evaluation Program, via the Internet at

9. New Drug Development Time Line. FDA Web site address:

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Chapter 1. Additional Product Development References

IV. Additional Product Development References
1. Biologics Development: A Regulatory Overview, Revised Second Edition.
Mark Mathieu, Editor. Parexel, Waltham, MA. 1997.

2. Expediting Drug and Biologics Development: A Strategic Approach,
Second Edition. Steven E. Linberg, Editor. Parexel, Waltham, MA. 1999.

3. Good Laboratory Practice Regulations, Third Edition. Sandy Weinberg,
Editor. Marcel Dekker, New York, NY. 2002.

4. New Drug Development: A Regulatory Overview, Revised Fifth Edition.
Mark Mathieu, Editor. Parexel, Waltham, MA. 2000.

5. Understanding BiopharmaceuticalsManufacturing and Regulatory
Issues. Grindley and Ogden, Editors. Interpharm Press, Denver, CO.
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Chapter 2. The Pre-IND Process

Chapter 2

I. The Pre-Investigational New Drug Application (Pre-IND) Process
A. Overview
Pre-IND meetings are conducted with the appropriate FDA review division (Refer
to Chapter 3: Investigational New Drug Application [IND]; Section B. FDA
Regulatory Jurisdiction of Products to determine the appropriate review division).
The sponsor of the drug typically requests these meetings. Meetings at such an
early stage in the drug development process are useful opportunities for open
discussion about testing and data requirements, and any scientific issues that
may need to be resolved prior to IND submission. Pre-IND meetings are not
required by the FDA, but are highly recommended in order to expedite the drug
development process. The timing of the pre-IND meeting is dependent on the
issues for discussion and is often held from six months to one year prior to the
planned IND submission.

Three types of meetings can occur between a drug sponsor and the FDA: Type
A, Type B, and Type C. A Type A meeting is one that is immediately necessary
for an otherwise stalled drug development program to proceed (for example:
clinical hold discussions). Type B meetings include pre-IND meetings, certain
end-of-Phase 1 meetings, end-of-Phase 2/pre-Phase 3 meetings, and pre-
NDA/BLA meetings. A Type C meeting is any other type of meeting with the
FDA that does not fall in the Type A or B categories (for example, discussion of a
request for reduced testing of a CGMP drug product).

The sponsor may request a meeting with the FDA prior to submitting the IND (a
pre-IND meeting). The purpose of the meeting varies with each product and
could include discussion of nonclinical safety study issues; Chemistry,
Manufacturing, and Control (CMC) issues; clinical trial design issues related to
the investigational drug; or identification of potential clinical hold issues. The
meeting may also provide an opportunity for discussing the best approach for
presentation and formatting of data in the IND. [21CFR 312.82(a)]. For
additional information regarding formal meetings between drug sponsors and the
FDA, refer to Guidance for Industry: Formal Meetings with Sponsors and
Applicants for PDUFA Products (February 2000).
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Chapter 2. The Pre-IND Process

The pre-IND process consists of two main submissions to the FDA: (1) the pre-
IND meeting request letter and (2) the pre-IND meeting information package.
Both of these items are discussed in more detail in the following sections.
B. Pre-IND Meeting Request Letter
The sponsor prepares the pre-IND meeting request letter and sends it to the FDA
to obtain a date and time for the pre-IND meeting. The letter contains a brief
overview of the purpose of the meeting.
1. Contents of a Pre-IND Meeting Request Letter
The meeting request letter should include adequate information for the FDA to
determine if the meeting is necessary and to identify appropriate FDA meeting

The following items should be included in a meeting request. A sample pre-IND
meeting request letter can be found in appendix 3.

Product name and IND application number (if applicable).
Chemical name (description of molecular entity) and structure.
Proposed indication(s).
The type of meeting being requested (Type B).
A brief statement of the purpose of the meeting. This statement can
include a discussion of the types of completed or planned studies or data
that the sponsor or applicant intends to discuss at the meeting; the
general nature of the critical questions and proposals to be asked at the
meeting; and how the meeting fits into the overall development plans.
A list of the specific objectives expected from the meeting.
A preliminary proposed agenda, including estimated amounts of time
needed for each agenda item and designated speaker(s). It is
recommended that very little time be spent introducing the proposed
indication/clinical trial and supporting data so that the FDA can spend time
responding to the critical questions.
A draft list of specific questions, grouped by Chemistry, Manufacturing,
and Controls (CMC); Nonclinical; and Clinical.
A list of the individuals (including titles and affiliations) who will attend the
proposed meeting from the sponsors or applicants organization and
A list of FDA personnel or disciplines requested to be present at the
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Chapter 2. The Pre-IND Process

The estimated date on which the Pre-IND Meeting Information Package
will be sent to the FDA. Generally, it is stated that this information
package will be provided four weeks prior to the scheduled meeting date.
A list of suggested dates and meeting times. The FDA generally
schedules Type B meetings to occur within 6090 days from its receipt of
the written request for a meeting. Therefore, suggested dates should be
about 6090 days from when the meeting request letter is sent to the
FDA. An information package MUST be sent to the FDA four weeks prior
to your meeting date; therefore, when determining suggested meeting
dates, it is essential that you take into account when the package will be
2. Submission of a Pre-IND Meeting Request Letter
The drug sponsor who would like to meet with the FDA should submit a written
request (letter or facsimile) to the appropriate FDA office as follows:

Send requests for meetings with the Center for Biologics Evaluation and
Research (CBER) to the appropriate applications Division Director in the
office with review responsibility for the product. The CBER organizational
chart can be found at http://www.fda.gov/cber/inside/orgchart.pdf.
Send requests for meetings with the Center for Drug Evaluation and
Research (CDER) to the appropriate Division Director within the Office of
Review Management (ORM). The CDER organizational charts can be
found at www.fda.gov/cder/cderorg.htm.
Direct questions about the assignment of specific products to CBER or
CDER to the center jurisdiction officers at:

CBER Ombudsman ......................... 301-827-0379

CDER Ombudsman ......................... 301-594-5480

Prior to faxing a written request for a meeting, the drug sponsor should contact
the appropriate review division to determine to whom the fax should be directed
and to arrange for confirmation of receipt of the fax. All faxed meeting requests
should subsequently be submitted in hard copy to the review division as
described above.

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Chapter 2. The Pre-IND Process

CDER offers a Pre-IND Consultation Program to foster early communications
between sponsors and new drug review divisions in order to provide guidance on
the data necessary to warrant IND submission. The review divisions are
organized generally along therapeutic class and can each be contacted using the
designated Pre-IND Consultation List.
C. Confirmation Letter from the FDA
The FDA will generally respond to a request for a pre-IND meeting within 14 days
of receipt of the meeting request letter. The sponsor will receive the response in
the form of a letter from the FDA announcing the pre-IND meeting, date, time,
meeting leader and other FDA attendees; contact information; whether the
meeting will occur in person or as a teleconference; meeting dial-in information if
the meeting is to occur as a teleconference; date by which the pre-IND
information package should be received at the FDA; and the number of copies of
the pre-IND information package required. It is important to note that the date
selected by the FDA may or may not be one of the dates and/or times suggested
in the sponsors meeting request letter. In some cases, where a teleconference
is selected as the meeting style, dial-in information is not provided (especially if
many parties need to dial in) in the FDA meeting confirmation letter. In such
case, it is the sponsors responsibility to arrange for a dial-in number for the
scheduled teleconference and notify the FDA (at the contact information listed on
the confirmation letter) and all other attendees.

An example FDA meeting confirmation letter is shown in appendix 4.
D. Pre-IND Information Package
1. Description
A Pre-IND Information Package is information provided by a sponsor to the FDA
as background information for a pre-IND meeting. The information package
should contain all information that the FDA would need to respond to the
questions proposed for the meeting. The Pre-IND Information Package must be
received at the FDA at least four weeks prior to the scheduled meeting date. The
FDA may postpone or cancel a meeting if supporting documentation essential for
a productive meeting has not been received by the agency within the prescribed
time frame. If this happens, another meeting request letter must be sent to the
FDA to obtain a new meeting date.
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Chapter 2. The Pre-IND Process

2. Contents
Although the contents of the information package will vary, depending on the
product, indication, phase of drug development, and issues to be discussed,
information packages generally include the items in the following list. Refer to
appendix 5 for an example of a table of contents for a Meeting Information

(1) Cover letter. Clearly identify the date, time, and subject of the pre-
IND meeting.
(2) Form 1571 (A blank form 1571 is included in appendix 6, and can
also be found on the FDA Web site
(3) Product name and application number.
(4) Chemical name and structure.
(5) Proposed indication(s).
(6) Dosage form, route of administration and dosing regimen
(frequency and duration).
(7) A brief statement of the purpose of the meeting. This statement
could include a discussion of the types of completed or planned
studies or data that the sponsor or applicant intends to discuss at
the meeting, the general nature of the critical questions to be
asked, and where the meeting fits in overall development plans.
(8) A list of specific objectives/outcomes expected from the meeting.
(9) A proposed agenda, including estimated amounts of time needed
for each agenda item and designated speaker(s).
(10) A list of specific questions grouped by discipline.
(11) Clinical protocol and/or data summary (as appropriate).
(12) Nonclinical protocol and/or data summary (as appropriate).
(13) Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls information (as

The information contained in the Pre-IND Meeting Information Package should
contain the most current and accurate information available to the sponsor. If
specific guidance regarding the contents of the information package is desired,
contact the FDA regulatory project manager (RPM) assigned to the submission.
Normally, the RPM is identified in the Pre-IND meeting confirmation letter as the
meeting leader. However, if the product is in the early stages of development
and no project manager has been assigned, contact the appropriate CBER or
CDER office to which the pre-IND meeting request letter was sent.

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Chapter 2. The Pre-IND Process

Sponsors should coordinate the agenda and the content of the information
package to expedite review of the material and discussion at the meeting. The
FDA will lead the pre-IND meeting and typically does not wish to hear a
presentation of the information package. The FDA has already reviewed the
information in the package and prefers to address the questions raised by the
applicant as listed in the information package. To facilitate the FDAs review, the
sponsor should organize the contents of the information package according to
the proposed agenda. A fully paginated document with a table of contents,
appropriate indices, appendices, cross-references, and tabs differentiating
sections is recommended. Paper copies of the information package should be
provided for each FDA participant listed in the meeting confirmation letter, with
an extra five copies for consultation purposes. The FDA project manager or
division contact can advise on the number of copies needed (this information is
usually included in the meeting confirmation letter) and whether an electronic
copy is appropriate.
E. The Pre-IND Meeting
The pre-IND meeting, usually designated to last for one hour, is a formal meeting
between the FDA and the sponsor. Pre-IND meetings are generally held by
teleconference unless there are special circumstances. The FDA may send
responses to the sponsors questions and any additional comments in advance
of the scheduled pre-IND meeting. If this occurs and if there are no additional
concerns, the sponsor has the option of canceling the meeting. This frequently
occurs with drugs, but is rare for biologics.

The sponsor should be prepared to discuss any information contained in the Pre-
IND Information Package with the FDA at the pre-IND meeting. Representatives
who could provide additional information and discussion (for example,
manufacturing, nonclinical, and clinical representatives) should be invited to
attend the meeting.

The pre-IND meeting is led by the FDA Regulatory Project Manager and
generally begins with everyone introducing himself or herself; it then addresses
each of the sponsors questions submitted as part of the pre-IND meeting
information package. Do not plan a presentation or overview of the information
for the pre-IND meeting. Assume the FDA has read the pre-IND meeting
information package and is familiar with the issues.

At the conclusion of the pre-IND meeting, an opportunity is given to allow the
sponsor to ask any additional questions, and arrangements are made to provide
official FDA meeting minutes within 30 days of the meeting. Even though official
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Chapter 2. The Pre-IND Process

meeting minutes are provided from the FDA, it is a good idea to generate internal
meeting minutes in order to begin addressing issues discussed as soon as
II. Chapter References
Reference materials are presented in the order in which they first appear in the

1. 21CFR 312.82(a).

2. FDA Guidance for Industry: Formal Meetings with Sponsors and
Applicants for PDUFA Products (February 2000). FDA Web site address:

3. FDA Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research Organizational Chart.
FDA Web site address: http://www.fda.gov/cber/inside/orgchart.pdf.

4. FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Organizational Chart. FDA
Web site address: www.fda.gov/cder/cderorg.htm.

5. FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Ombudsman. FDA Web
site address: http://www.fda.gov/cder/ombud/default.htm.

6. FDA Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research Ombudsman. FDA
Web site address: http://www.fda.gov/cber/inside/ombudsman.htm.

7. CDER Pre-IND Consultation Program Pre-IND Consultation List. FDA
Web site address: http://www.fda.gov/cder/regulatory/applications/Pre-

8. Form FDA 1571. FDA Web site address:
III. Guidance Documents Applicable to the Pre-IND Process
The following FDA guidance documents can be used for reference in the pre-IND

1. Guidance for Industry: Formal Meetings with Sponsors and Applicants for
PDUFA Products (February 2000)

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Chapter 2. The Pre-IND Process

2. Guidance for Industry: IND Meetings for Human Drugs and Biologics
Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls Information

3. Guidance for Industry on Content and Format of Phase I Investigational
New Drug Applications (INDs) for Phase I Studies of Drugs, Including
Well-Characterized, Therapeutic, Biotechnology-Derived Products
(November 1995).

4. FDA Guidance for Industry on CMC Content and Format of Investigational
New Drug Applications (INDs) for Phase 2 and 3 Studies of Drugs,
Including Specified Therapeutic Biotechnology-derived Products (Draft,
February 1999).

5. FDA Guidance for Industry on Fast Track Drug Development Programs:
Designation, Development and Application Review (November 1998)
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Chapter 3. Investigational New Drug Application (IND)

Chapter 3

I. Investigational New Drug Application (IND)
A. Overview
Under current regulations, any use in the United States (US) of a drug product
not previously authorized for marketing in the US first requires submission of an
IND to the FDA unless exempted per 21 CFR 312.2 . This guide outlines the
content of an IND according to the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 21
CFR 312.23. Related guidance documents are listed at the end of this chapter.

The specific content of the IND differs for different products and depends on the
phase of the investigation, the extent of human study, the duration of the
investigation, the nature and source of the drug substance, and the dosage form
of the drug product. Combination products should be discussed with the FDA
early in the product development process to determine the proper submission to
B. FDA Regulatory Jurisdiction of Products
The regulatory responsibility, review and continuing oversight for drugs and
biological products are divided between the Center for Biologics Evaluation and
Research (CBER) and the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER).
On June 30, 2003, the FDA transferred to CDER some of the therapeutic
biological products that had been reviewed and regulated by CBER. CDER now
has regulatory responsibility, including premarket review and continuing
oversight, over the transferred products. For additional information, the following
FDA Web site is provided: http://www.fda.gov/cber/transfer/transfer.htm.)

The lists below identify general categories of products regulated by CBER and

CDER regulates:
Monoclonal antibodies for in-vivo use.
Proteins intended for therapeutic use, including cytokines (e.g.,
interferons), enzymes (e.g., thrombolytics), and other novel proteins,
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Chapter 3. Investigational New Drug Application (IND)

except for those that are specifically assigned to CBER (e.g., vaccines
and blood products). This category includes therapeutic proteins derived
from plants, animals, or microorganisms, and recombinant versions of
these products.
Immunomodulators (non-vaccine and non-allergenic products intended to
treat disease by inhibiting or modifying a pre-existing immune response).
Growth factors, cytokines, and monoclonal antibodies intended to
mobilize, stimulate, decrease or otherwise alter the production of
hematopoietic cells in vivo (for the purpose of being harvested for use in
the production of a therapeutic cellular or blood product), may be
regulated in combination with the therapeutic cellular or blood product, as
appropriate. Sponsors of products that fit this description should contact
the center jurisdiction officers for guidance on appropriate center

CBER regulates:
Cellular products, including products composed of human, bacterial or
animal cells (such as pancreatic islet cells for transplantation), or from
physical parts of those cells (such as whole cells, cell fragments, or other
components intended for use as preventative or therapeutic vaccines).
Vaccines (products intended to induce or increase an antigen-specific
immune response for prophylactic or therapeutic immunization, regardless
of the composition or method of manufacture).
Allergenic extracts used for the diagnosis and treatment of allergic
diseases and allergen patch tests.
Antitoxins, antivenins, and venoms.
Blood, blood components, plasma-derived products (for example, albumin,
immunoglobulins, clotting factors, fibrin sealants, proteinase inhibitors),
including recombinant and transgenic versions of plasma derivatives (for
example, clotting factors), blood substitutes, plasma volume expanders,
human or animal polyclonal antibody preparations, including radiolabeled
or conjugated forms, and certain fibrinolytics such as plasma-derived
plasmin and red cell reagents.
Gene therapy products.

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Chapter 3. Investigational New Drug Application (IND)

Questions about the assignment of specific products to CBER or CDER, or
combination products that may include devices should be directed to the center
jurisdiction officers at:

CBER Ombudsman ......................... 301-827-0379

CDER Ombudsman ......................... 301-594-5480

CDRH Ombudsman ... 301-827-7991
C. Contents of an IND
The contents of an IND (per 21 CFR 312.23) include the following sections and
are discussed in more detail below. An IND template is provided in appendix 7
and contains additional instructions for use in preparing each section of the IND.

Cover Letter
Item 1: Cover Sheet (Form FDA 1571)
Item 2: Table of Contents
Item 3: Introductory Statement and General Investigational Plan
Item 4: Reserved
Item 5: Investigators Brochure
Item 6: Protocol
Item 7: Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Control Data
Item 8: Pharmacology and Toxicology Data
Item 9: Previous Human Experience
Item 10: Additional Information
Item 11: Relevant Information

In the preparation of an initial IND submission, information that has been
previously submitted to the FDA under other INDs or drug master files (DMFs)
may be incorporated by reference. For example, manufacturing information may
have been previously submitted to the FDA in a DMF format (refer to chapter 4).
Using a cross-reference letter that is prepared by the DMF sponsor, submitted to
the FDA, and copied to the IND sponsor, this information can be incorporated
into an IND. A copy of the cross-reference letter would then be included in the
IND in place of the information required. More information regarding DMFs and
cross-reference letters can be found in chapter 4.
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Chapter 3. Investigational New Drug Application (IND)

1. Cover letter
Although not specifically required by the Code of Federal Regulations, a cover
letter should be included with an IND submission. A templated example of a
cover letter is included in appendix 8. This letter should be printed on official
letterhead from the IND sponsor. The template includes instructions for the
cover letter contents; however, any additional information the sponsor believes is
pertinent can be added.
2. Item 1: Cover Sheet (Form FDA 1571) [21 CFR 312.23(a)(1)]
A cover sheet (Form FDA 1571) [21 CFR 312.23(a)(1)] is required. A blank Form
FDA 1571 is included as appendix 6. A current Form FDA 1571 and instructions
for its completion can be obtained using the following Web site:

A Form FDA 1571 cover sheet for the IND contains the following information:

The name, address, and telephone number of the sponsor; date of IND
submission; the name of the investigational new drug; the IND number
if previously assigned; and the indications covered by the IND
The phase of clinical investigation to be conducted.
A commitment not to begin the clinical trial until the IND is in effect.
A commitment that the Institutional Review Board (IRB) will be
responsible for the review and approval of the clinical trial in
accordance with requirements of 21 CFR 56.
A commitment to conduct the clinical trial in compliance with all
regulatory requirements.
The name and title of the person responsible for monitoring the clinical
The name and title of the person responsible for monitoring the safety
of the drug being administered in the clinical trial.
The name and address of the contract research organization (CRO)
and the CROs responsibilities, if applicable.
The signature of the sponsor or the sponsors representative. In
signing the form, the sponsor agrees to the conditions stipulated on the

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Chapter 3. Investigational New Drug Application (IND)

3. Item 2: Table of Contents [21 CFR 312.23(a)(2)]
This section contains a complete table of contents for the IND. Each major
section (item number) should also have a table of contents. The tables of
contents should be complete and reflect the correct content and page number of
each subsection.
4. Item 3: Introductory Statement and General Investigational
Plan [21 CFR 312.23(a)(3)]
This section contains a brief introductory statement (less than ten pages). The
brief introductory statement should contain the following basic information:

The name of the drug and all active ingredients;
The drugs pharmacological class;
The structural formula, if known;
The formulation of the dosage form to be used;
The route of administration; and
The objectives and planned duration of the clinical investigation.

The introductory statement also includes a summary of:
Previous human experience with the drug referencing other pertinent INDs
and investigational or marketing experience in other countries;
Any instances where the drug has been withdrawn from investigation or
marketing in any country for any reason related to safety or efficacy
including identification of the countries where the drug was withdrawn and
the reason for the withdrawal; and
The investigational plan for the coming year containing the following
The study rationale,
The indication(s) to be studied,
The general approach of the evaluation,
The kinds of clinical trials to be conducted in the first year,
The estimated number of patients, and
The anticipated risks.

A general investigational plan is also included in this section of the IND. General
information regarding the investigational plan is appropriate for the early phases
of clinical study. A more detailed investigational plan can be designed based on
the results of initial studies.
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Chapter 3. Investigational New Drug Application (IND)

5. Item 4: [Reserved]
This section is reserved by the FDA for future use. Only provide a cover page for
this section; no additional information is required.
6. Item 5: Investigators Brochure [21 CFR 312.23(a)(5)]
An investigators brochure (IB) contains clinical and nonclinical information
relevant to the study of the product in humans compiled by the sponsor to
provide to the investigators and others involved in the clinical trial. The intent of
the IB is to describe the rationale for key features of the clinical protocol in order
to facilitate compliance. The type and extent of information available for inclusion
in the IB varies with the stage of the development of the drug. Sponsor-
investigators are not required to submit an IB to the IND.

An IB generally contains the following information:

Drug substance and formulation description, including the structural
formula, if known;
Pharmacological and toxicological effects in animals and if known, in
Pharmacokinetics and biological disposition of the drug in animals, and
if known, in humans;
Safety and efficacy information in humans summarized from prior
clinical studies; and
Anticipated risks and side effects, precautions or special monitoring to
be done.

An outline of an IB is provided in appendix 7 as item 5 of the IND template
shown. The International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) Guideline for
Good Clinical Practice E6 provides additional general guidance on the
preparation and content of the investigators brochure.
7. Item 6: Protocol [21 CFR 312.23(a)(6)]
The clinical protocol is required to contain specific pieces of information:

The objective and purpose of the study;
The name, address, and qualifications of each investigator,
subinvestigator, research facility, and Institutional Review Board;
The number of subjects to be enrolled;
Inclusion and exclusion criteria for acceptability of study subjects;
A description of the control group;
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Chapter 3. Investigational New Drug Application (IND)

A description of the study design and blinding;
The method for determining the dose each patient will receive, the
planned maximum dose, and the duration of treatment;
A description of observations and measurements that will be made;
A description of the plan for monitoring the clinical study; and
A description of the clinical procedures and laboratory tests to be
conducted in association with the study.

Study protocols should be written with consideration given to human subject
research regulations. Such regulations can be found in the Code of Federal
Regulations (21 CFR 50), International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH)
Guidelines E6 and E8, and The Department of Health and Human Services 45
CFR 46.

This section of the IND (Item 6) should also include the following information:
A copy of the clinical protocol for the study;
Each investigators curriculum vitae;
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved informed consent form and
IRB approval letter, if available. If not available, the form and letter should be
submitted in an amendment to the IND when they become available;
Using Form FDA 1572, information specific to each investigator as part of the
investigational site documentation. A blank Form FDA 1572 is included in
appendix 9. A current Form FDA 1572 and instructions for its completion can
be obtained using the following Web site:
In signing the Form FDA 1572, the investigator is making certain
commitments that are outlined in item 9 of the form. These commitments
include agreement to:
Conduct the study(ies) according to the relevant, current protocol;
Change a protocol only after notifying the sponsor, except when
necessary to protect the safety, rights, or welfare of study subjects;
Conduct or supervise the investigation personally;
Inform study subjects that the drugs are being used for investigational
Ensure the Institutional Review Board approval according to 21 CFR 56 is
Ensure the informed consent process is conducted according to 21 CFR
Report adverse experiences that occur during the investigation according
to 21 CFR 312.64;
Have read and understood the investigators brochure;
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Chapter 3. Investigational New Drug Application (IND)

Assure that all associates, colleagues, and employees assisting in the
study are informed about their obligations to meet these commitments;
Maintain adequate and accurate records according to 21 CFR 312.62 and
make the records available for inspection according to 21 CFR 312.68;
Ensure that a 21 CFR Part 56-compliant Institutional Review Board will be
responsible for the initial and continuing review and approval of the
Promptly report changes in the research activity and all unanticipated
problems involving risks to human subjects or others to the IRB;
Obtain IRB approval before making any changes to the research except
where necessary to eliminate apparent immediate hazards to human
subjects; and
Comply with pertinent 21 CFR 312 requirements.
7.1 The Role of the Institutional Review Board (IRB)
The Code of Federal Regulations defines an Institutional Review Board (IRB) as
any board, committee, or other group formally designated by an institution to
review, to approve the initiation of, and to conduct periodic review of, biomedical
research involving human subjects. The primary purpose of such review is to
assure the protection of the rights and welfare of the human subjects [21 CFR

Additional information concerning the IRB and the associated approval process
can be found in the following FDA document: Guidance for Institutional Review
Boards and Clinical Investigators, 1998 Update, and in the Code of Federal
Regulations 21 CFR 50, 21 CFR 56, and 45 CFR 46.

In order to proceed through the process of administering an investigational new
drug in humans, a principal investigator must first gain approval from the IRB.
Because IRB procedures/meetings vary among institutions, the investigator
should consult his/her institution for specific procedures with respect to IRB
submissions. This approval is based on the IRBs review of the clinical protocol
that will be used to conduct the study. The criteria by which the IRB evaluates
the clinical protocol can be found in the Code of Federal Regulations [21 CFR

Following its review of the clinical protocol, the IRB can either approve the study,
request revisions to the study design, or disapprove the study entirely. The IRB
will send a letter to the investigator with its decision, and must identify the study
specifically using the IND number, protocol number and any other specific
identification. Since IRBs generally meet once a month, any requirements for
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Chapter 3. Investigational New Drug Application (IND)

revisions to gain approval can result in at least a 30-day delay. This is important
because the study cannot begin without IRB approval, even if the FDA has
allowed the IND to proceed.
8. Item 7: Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Control Data [21 CFR
This section describes the chemistry, manufacture, and control of the drug
substance and the drug product to assure the identification, quality, purity, and
strength of the investigational drug. The information contained in the Chemistry,
Manufacturing, and Control (CMC) section should address both the bulk drug
substance and the final drug product. Information pertinent to each includes the
name and address of the manufacturer, the methods of manufacture, container
and closure system description(s), the acceptance specifications and analytical
method descriptions, lot release data, and stability data demonstrating the drug
product will be stable throughout the course of the clinical trial.

The information requested in the FDAs March 6, 2000, Gene Therapy Letter
should be provided as part of the IND or a drug master file, if applicable.
Responses to items 15 of that letter can be cross-referenced to the
manufacturers drug master file, if available. Response to item 6 of that letter
should be included in item 10 of the IND.

The amount of supporting CMC information varies with the investigational phase,
the scope and duration, and the dosage form used for the clinical trial. The FDA
provides guidance for the content of CMC information for Phase 1 studies of
drugs in the guidance document entitled Content and Format of Investigational
New Drug Applications (INDs) for Phase 1 Studies of Drugs, Including Well-
Characterized, Therapeutic, Biotechnology-derived Products, November 1995;
Phase 2 and 3 studies of drugs in the guidance document entitled INDs for
Phase 2 and 3 Studies of Drugs, Including Specified Therapeutic Biotechnology-
Derived ProductsChemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls Content and Format,
February 1999; and gene therapy products in the guidance document entitled
Draft Guidance for FDA Review Staff and Sponsors: Content and Review of
Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Control (CMC) Information for Human Gene
Therapy Investigational New Drug Applications (INDs).
9. Item 8: Pharmacology and Toxicology Data [21 CFR
Item 8 includes a discussion of pharmacological and toxicological studies
conducted in vitro or in vivo to demonstrate the safety and possibly the efficacy in
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Chapter 3. Investigational New Drug Application (IND)

animals of the investigational agent. Most nonclinical safety studies must be
conducted in compliance with Good Laboratory Practices as outlined in 21 CFR

Pharmacokinetic effects and mechanism(s) of action studies of the drug in
animals may be described in this section. Toxicological effects of the drug
should be provided in a report that contains an integrated summary. The
summary is written as appropriate to the investigational phase and considers
such elements as:

Acute, subacute, and chronic toxicity tests;
Tests of the effect on reproductive health and the developing fetus;
Tests related to the mode of administration or conditions of use;
Any in vitro studies, such as tissue reactivity; and
A full tabulation of data suitable for detailed review (GLP Study

The extent of the pharmacological and toxicological study requirements varies
with the phase of the clinical study. As drug development proceeds, the sponsor
submits updated pharmacology and toxicology information in an amendment to
the IND. Additional pharmacology and toxicology guidance can be found in the
guidance document entitled Content and Format of Investigational New Drug
Applications (INDs) for Phase 1 Studies of Drugs, Including Well-Characterized,
Therapeutic, Biotechnology-derived Products, November 1995.
10. Item 9: Previous Human Experience [21 CFR 312.23(a)(9)]
This section contains a summary of previous human experience with the
proposed investigational drug, if any, including:

Experience related to the safety of the proposed investigation resulting
from previous investigations or marketing with the investigational drug. If
the investigational drug is a combination of drugs, then each active drug
component is addressed in these terms.
Information from previous controlled clinical trials relevant to the drugs
efficacy for the proposed investigational use. If the investigational drug is
a combination of drugs, then each active drug component is addressed in
these terms.
Marketing outside of the US, including a list of the countries where the
drug has been marketed. A list of the countries where the drug has been
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Chapter 3. Investigational New Drug Application (IND)

withdrawn from the market is included where the reason for withdrawal
pertains to safety or efficacy.

A statement should also be made if there is no previous human experience with
the proposed investigational drug.
11. Item 10: Additional Information [21 CFR 312.23(a)(10)]
Information on special topics is included in this section, such as:

Drug dependence and abuse potential;
Radioactive drugs;
Pediatric studies;
Other information to aid in the evaluation of the safety, design, and ability
of the proposed study to support marketing of the investigational drug; and
Pertinent references.
12. Item 11: Relevant information [21 CFR 312.23(a)(11)]
Any other relevant information required for review of the application if requested
by the FDA.
D. Submitting and Processing an IND
After the IND is completed and assembled, the final formatting and processing
begins as follows.
Page numbering: The pages are numbered in sequential order. The page
number should be accurately reflected in the table of contents (IND item 2).
There should also be a table of contents for each item section within the
IND with correct page numbering listed.
Section dividers: Include tabs prior to the first page of each item number in
the IND and the table of contents. The tab should be labeled with the
section or table of contents title for ease of navigation through the IND.
Material in a foreign language: An accurate complete English translation is
submitted with each part of the IND that is not written in English.
Number of copies: An original and two copies of all submissions to the IND
file, including the original IND and all amendments and reports, are
submitted to the FDA.
Numbering of IND submissions: Beginning with the initial IND, serial
numbering with a three digit serial number is required for each submission
relating to an IND. The initial IND is numbered 000, and each subsequent
submission (amendments, reports, correspondence, etc.) is chronologically
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Chapter 3. Investigational New Drug Application (IND)

Electronic submissions: If an electronic submission is made, no hard copies
are needed. Refer to the following Web site for additional information
regarding electronic submissions http://www.fda.gov/cber/gdlns/eind.htm.
An electronic IND demonstration is available at
Address for IND submission: The current address for submission of an IND
should be confirmed by consulting the FDA Web site. At the time of
publication of this guide, the addresses were as follows:

For a Drug:

Food and Drug Administration Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Central Document Room
5901-B Ammendale Road
Beltsville, Md. 20705-1266

For a Therapeutic Biological Product Regulated by CDER:
CDER Therapeutic Biological Products Document Room
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Food and Drug Administration
12229 Wilkins Avenue
Rockville, MD 20852

For a Biologic Regulated by CBER:

Food and Drug Administration
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research,
HFM-99, Room 200N
1401 Rockville Pike
Rockville, MD 20852-1448

Upon receipt of the IND at the FDA, an IND number is assigned and a regulatory
project manager (RPM) receives the IND submission. The RPM will issue a
letter to the sponsor within approximately two weeks after receipt of the IND.
This letter will indicate the date the FDA received the IND (receipt date), the IND
number, and the name and contact information of the RPM. It is important to
remember that the 30-day clock is based on the FDA receipt date, not the date
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Chapter 3. Investigational New Drug Application (IND)

the sponsor sent the IND to the FDA. If the sponsor does not receive a letter of
FDA receipt within two weeks after submission, the sponsor should contact the
FDA and request a copy of the letter.

The RPM handles the administrative processing of the IND, serves as a
regulatory contact, and delegates review team assignments. The review team
includes the RPM, a product reviewer, a pharmacology/toxicology reviewer, a
clinical reviewer, and a statistical reviewer. The FDA has a 30-day review clock
based on the date of receipt of the IND at the FDA. If the RPM has not relayed
any comments regarding the IND by the third week after submission, the sponsor
should contact the RPM to determine if the FDA has any issues with the IND.
The sponsor should contact the RPM again at the 30-day mark to ensure that the
FDA agrees it is safe to proceed with the clinical trial.

During this 30-day review period at the FDA, the IND is divided and distributed to
the FDA review team. The IND is reviewed with an emphasis on the safety of the
pharmaceutical for the study subjects and comments are prepared. The FDA
may communicate directly with the sponsor to receive clarification or resolution of
issues. The FDA can send comments to the sponsor for resolution. Depending
on the severity of the issues on which the FDA comments, the IND may be
allowed to go into effect and proceed to the clinical trial at the end of the 30-day
review period, or a clinical hold may be issued which does not allow the clinical
study to proceed. A complete, easy-to-read, understandable IND with a detailed,
accurate table of contents is necessary in order for the FDA to review the IND
completely and could result in fewer questions to the sponsor during the 30-day
review period.
E. Addressing a Clinical Hold Letter
Upon receipt of an FDA Clinical Hold Letter, a sponsor will prepare an
amendment to the IND addressing the clinical hold issues. The appropriate FDA
reviewer will evaluate the amendment to determine if the response is complete.
When the clinical hold issues are addressed to the satisfaction of the FDA
reviewer(s), the FDA responds to the sponsor in writing within 30 days of receipt
of the amendment. If the clinical hold issues have not been addressed to the
satisfaction of the FDA reviewers, then the product remains on clinical hold.

Additional clinical hold information can be found in:

The Guidance for Industry: Submitting and Reviewing Complete
Responses to Clinical Hold,
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Chapter 3. Investigational New Drug Application (IND)

CBER SOPP 8201: Issuance of and Response to Clinical Hold Letters for
IND Applications,
Submitting and Reviewing Complete Responses to Clinical Holds, and
21 CFR 312.42 Clinical Holds and Requests for Modification.
F. Amendments to the IND
An IND is a dynamic document that is continually being amended with new
information as the drug development proceeds. Many types of submissions are
used to update an IND. These can include: protocol amendments, informational
amendments, safety reports and annual reports. These updates, which the IND
sponsor prepares, should be serially numbered (for example, if the IND was
serial no. 000, then the first amendment would be serial no. 001), and should be
submitted to the FDA in hard copy format in triplicate (the original and two
copies). An appropriately completed Form FDA 1571, indicating the type of
amendment, should accompany each submission. A blank Form FDA 1571 is
included as appendix 6. A current Form FDA 1571 and instructions for its
completion can be obtained using the following Web site:
An amendment to an IND is submitted and processed in the same way as an
1. Protocol Amendments 21 CFR 312.30
A protocol amendment is used by the sponsor after an IND has gone into effect
to report a new clinical protocol, changes in an existing clinical protocol, or when
a new investigator is added to the study. A protocol amendment submitted to the
FDA must be clearly identified as such (for example: Protocol Amendment: New
Protocol, Protocol Amendment: Change in Protocol, or Protocol Amendment:
New Investigator). FDA review and IRB approval must be obtained prior to
initiation of a new clinical protocol. (Mathieu 2000) FDA review and IRB approval
may or may not be required immediately for a revision to an existing protocol if
the protocol change is intended to eliminate an apparent immediate hazard to
subjects 21 CFR 312.30(b)(2)(ii). In this case, the protocol change may be
implemented immediately, provided the FDA is subsequently notified using a
protocol amendment and the reviewing IRB is notified within 5 working days
according to 21 CFR 56.104(c).

Reporting a new clinical protocol using a protocol amendment is applicable when
a sponsor would like to conduct a new clinical study under an existing IND. A
copy of the new clinical protocol must be submitted to the FDA prior to initiation
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Chapter 3. Investigational New Drug Application (IND)

of the protocol; however, there is no 30-day waiting period for the submission of
a new protocol to an existing IND.

Changes to an existing clinical protocol are submitted to the FDA in a protocol
amendment if a change in a Phase 1 protocol significantly affects the safety of
human subjects, or if a Phase 2 or Phase 3 protocol is changed in such a way
that the safety of the human subjects, the scope of the investigation, or the
scientific quality of the study is significantly affected. The protocol amendment
must include a brief description of the change and refer to the active IND that
contains the clinical protocol by date and number.

A protocol amendment is used to report a new investigator when the sponsor has
added an investigator to conduct a clinical protocol already described in an active
IND. The sponsor must notify the FDA using a protocol amendment within 30
days of the addition of a new investigator to an ongoing study. The protocol
amendment must include the investigators name and qualifications to conduct
the study, reference to the submission containing the active clinical protocol, and
additional information required for all investigators as per 21 CFR 312.23
2. Informational Amendments 21 CFR 312.31
An informational amendment is used to submit any pertinent additional
information to the FDA not reportable using a protocol amendment, safety report,
or an annual report, such as new technical information or responses to FDA
comments. When an informational amendment is submitted, the submission
must be clearly identified as such (for example: Informational Amendment:
Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Control, Informational Amendment:
Pharmacology-Toxicology, Informational Amendment: Clinical) and include a
statement of the nature and purpose of the amendment, an organized
submission of the data, and a request for FDA comments on the information
submitted if so desired.
3. Safety Reports 21 CFR 312.32
Safety reports are written reports required for any adverse experience associated
with the use of the study drug that is both serious and unexpected. Safety
reports are also used to report results from animal testing that suggest a
significant risk for human subjects. These reports must be submitted to the FDA
as soon as possible, but no more than 15 calendar days after the sponsor is
initially notified of the adverse experience. The safety report must be clearly
identified as such (for example: IND Safety Report).
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Chapter 3. Investigational New Drug Application (IND)

A seven-day reporting period is required for any unexpected fatal or life-
threatening experience associated with the use of the drug in clinical studies
conducted under the IND. Seven-day safety reports are submitted as soon as
possible for no later than seven calendar days after the sponsor is initially notified
of the adverse experience.

The sponsor must investigate safety information received as soon as possible
and submit a report of the investigation and the results to the FDA in a safety
report amendment.
4. Annual Reports 21 CFR 312.33
Each IND sponsor is required to submit an annual report within 60 days of the
anniversary date that the IND went into effect. An annual report is a brief report
on the progress of the investigation and is submitted as an amendment to the
IND. Each annual report should include a brief summary of the status of each
study in progress or completed over the last year. This summary must include
the following items:
Title of the study;
Purpose of the study;
Identification of the patient population;
Study status: complete or in-progress;
Summary of the most frequent and most serious adverse experiences,
sorted by body system, in narrative or tabular form;
Summary of all IND safety reports submitted during the past year;
List of subjects who died during participation in the investigation, with
the cause of death listed for each subject;
List of subjects who dropped out of the study due to any adverse
experience, whether or not thought to be drug-related;
Description of information obtained pertinent to an understanding of
the drugs action(s);
List of the nonclinical studies completed or in progress during the past
year, with a summary of the major findings;
Summary of significant manufacturing or microbiological changes
made during the past year;
Description of the general investigational plan for the coming year
containing information required in 21 CFR 312.23(a)(3)(iv);
A description of the revised investigator brochure and a copy of the
new brochure, if applicable;
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Chapter 3. Investigational New Drug Application (IND)

Description of Phase 1 protocol changes made during the previous
year and not previously reported in a protocol amendment;
Summary of foreign marketing developments with the drug during the
past year, if applicable; and
Any outstanding business related to the IND for which the sponsor is
requesting a reply, comment, or meeting.

If an annual report is not received, subsequent actions by the FDA will follow,
including a Report Request Letter, a Pretermination Letter if the sponsor does
not reply within 30 days of the issuance of the Report Request Letter, or a
Termination Letter if the sponsor does not reply within 30 days of the issuance of
the Pretermination Letter.
G. Closing an IND
In the life cycle of an IND, there are several ways in which the IND can be
An IND may be inactivated at the request of the sponsor or the FDA if
there is no activity (for example, the IND has been on clinical hold for over
a year or no subjects have been enrolled for over 2 years) and may be
reactivated with proper documentation, subject to a 30-day review clock.
Sponsors are not required to submit an annual report to an inactive IND.
The FDA may terminate an IND that has been inactive for over 5 years.
An IND can be withdrawn at the sponsors request. In this case, the IND
cannot be reactivated, but can only be resumed with a new IND.
The FDA can terminate an IND on the grounds of safety; a study not
conducted according to the IND; an IND that contains false statements; a
product that is not effective (as determined in a Phase 3 efficacy study); or
failure to submit progress reports. In this case, the FDA orders the
sponsor to end all clinical investigations. The IND can only be reinstated if
a hearing is held and all parties are in agreement that the issue has been
II. Chapter References
Reference materials are presented in the order in which they first appear in the

1. 21 CFR 312.2.

2. 21 CFR 312.23.
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Chapter 3. Investigational New Drug Application (IND)

3. FDA Office of Combination Products. FDA Web site address:

4. Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) Organizational
Chart. FDA Web site address:

5. Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) Organizational Chart.
FDA Web site address: http://www.fda.gov/cder/cderorg.htm.

6. Transfer of Therapeutic Products to the Center for Drug Evaluation and
Research. FDA Web site address:

7. Role of the CDER Ombudsman. FDA Web site address:

8. Roles and Responsibilities of the CBER Ombudsman. FDA Web site
address: http://www.fda.gov/cber/inside/ombudsman.htm.

9. CDRH Ombudsman. FDA Web site address:

10. 21 CFR 312.23(a)(2).

11. FDA Form-1571. FDA Web site address:

12. 21 CFR 56.

13. 21 CFR 312.23(a)(3).

14. 21 CFR 312.23(a)(5).

15. International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) Guideline for Good
Clinical Practice E6. ICH Web site address: http://www.ich.org/.

16. 21 CFR 312.23 (a)(6).

17. 21 CFR 50.
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Chapter 3. Investigational New Drug Application (IND)

18. International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) Guideline for General
Considerations for Clinical Trials E8. ICH Web site address:

19. 45 CFR 46.

20. FDA Form-1572. FDA Web site Address:

21. 21 CFR 312.64.

22. 21 CFR 312.62.

23. 21 CFR 312.68.

24. 21 CFR 312.

25. 21 CFR 56.102(h).

26. FDA Guidance for Institutional Review Boards and Clinical Investigators,
1998 Update. FDA Web site address:

27. 21 CFR 56.111.

28. 21 CFR 312.23(a)(7).

29. FDAs March 6, 2000, Gene Therapy Letter. FDA Web site address:

30. FDA Guidance for Industry: Content and Format of Investigational New
Drug Applications (INDs) for Phase 1 Studies of Drugs, Including Well-
Characterized, Therapeutic, Biotechnology-derived Products, November
1995. FDA Web site address: http://www.fda.gov/cder/guidance/clin2.pdf.

31. FDA Guidance Document: INDs for Phase 2 and 3 Studies of Drugs,
Including Specified Therapeutic Biotechnology-Derived Products-
Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls Content and Format, February
1999. FDA Web site address:
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Chapter 3. Investigational New Drug Application (IND)

32. Draft Guidance for FDA Review Staff and Sponsors: Content and Review
of Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Control (CMC) Information for Human
Gene Therapy Investigational New Drug Applications (INDs). FDA Web
site address: http://www.fda.gov/cber/gdlns/cmcsomcell.pdf.

33. 21 CFR 312.23(a)(8).

34. 21 CFR 58.

35. 21 CFR 312.23(a)(9).

36. 21 CFR 312.23(a)(10).

37. 21 CFR 312.23(a)(11).

38. FDA CBER Electronic Investigational New Drug Application (eIND)
for a Biological Product. FDA Web site address:

39. Information on Submitting an Investigational New Drug Application
for a Biological Product: Electronic IND Demo. FDA Web site address:

40. Information for Sponsor-Investigators Submitting Investigational New Drug
Applications (INDs). FDA Web site address:

41. FDA CBER Transfer of Therapeutic Products to the Center for Drug
Evaluation and Research. FDA Web site address:

42. Manual of Standard Operating Procedures and Policies Communication
Investigational and Marketable Applications Submission of Regulatory
Documents to CBER. FDA Web site address:

43. FDA CBER Guidance for Industry: Submitting and Reviewing Complete
Responses to Clinical Hold. FDA Web site address:

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Chapter 3. Investigational New Drug Application (IND)

44. Manual of Standard Operating Procedures and Policies; Investigational
New Drugs; Issuance of and Response to Clinical Hold Letters for
Investigational New Drug Applications. FDA Web site address:

45. FDA Guidance for Industry: Submitting and Reviewing Complete
Responses to Clinical Holds. FDA Web site address:

46. 21 CFR 312.42.

47. 21 CFR 312.30.

48. Mathieu, M., The Investigational New Drug Application (IND) in New Drug
Development: A Regulatory Overview, Revised Fifth Edition: PAREXEL
International Corporation. Waltham, MA, USA, 2000.

49. 21 CFR 312.30(b)(2)(ii).

50. 21 CFR 56.104(c).

51. 21 CFR 312.23 (a)(6)(iii)(b).

52. 21 CFR 312.31.

53. 21 CFR 312.32.

54. 21 CFR 312.33.

55. 21 CFR 312.23(a)(3)(iv).
III. Guidance Documents Applicable to INDs
1. Content and Format of Investigational New Drug Applications (INDs) for
Phase 1 Studies of Drugs, Including Well-Characterized, Therapeutic,
Biotechnology-derived Products, Food and Drug Administration (FDA),
November 1995.

2. INDs for Phase 2 and 3 Studies of Drugs, Including Specified Therapeutic
Biotechnology-Derived ProductsChemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls
Content and Format, FDA, February 1999.

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Chapter 3. Investigational New Drug Application (IND)

3. Guideline for Good Clinical Practice (E6), International Conference on
Harmonisation (ICH), June 1996.

4. Draft Guidance for FDA Review Staff and Sponsors: Content and Review
of Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Control (CMC) Information for Human
Gene Therapy Investigational New Drug Applications (INDs).

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Chapter 4. Drug Master File Submission

Chapter 4

I. Drug Master File Submission [21 CFR 314.420]
A. Drug Master File (DMF)
1. Overview
A Drug Master File (DMF) is an alternate method for submitting product and/or
manufacturing information to the FDA. The DMF is a submission of information
to the FDA that may be used to provide confidential detailed information about
facilities, processes, or articles used in the manufacturing, processing,
packaging, and storing of human drugs and biological products. By referencing a
DMF, the sponsor submitting an IND can incorporate information from the DMF
into the IND (such as from a contract manufacturing organization or an excipient
producer), or the sponsor can authorize other entities to reference information
without direct disclosure of the information. This is accomplished using a cross-
reference letter prepared by the IND sponsor and submitted to the FDA on behalf
of his/her IND or on behalf of other entities. The FDA only reviews DMFs when a
cross-reference letter has been submitted. While DMFs are neither approved nor
disapproved by the FDA, the IND that cross-references the DMF may be placed
on clinical hold, due to deficiencies in the DMF.

A DMF is a good regulatory strategy if the study drug will be used in more than
one clinical study or for more than one indication. Additional information
regarding DMFs can be found at the following Web sites:
Guideline For Drug Master Files or Guidance for Industry Submitting Type V
Drug Master Files to the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research .
2. Types of DMF
The type of DMF to be submitted is determined by the subject matter covered in
the submission. The following types of DMFs may be submitted:
Type I: The provision for a Type I DMF has been removed by the
FDA as of July 10, 2000.
Type II: Drug substance, drug substance intermediate, and materials
used in their preparation, or drug product. The information
contained in the DMF should be limited to a single drug
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Chapter 4. Drug Master File Submission

intermediate, drug substance, drug product, or type of
material used in their preparation.
Type III: Packaging Material. Each packaging material should be
identified by the intended use, components, composition,
and controls for its release. The names of the suppliers or
manufacturers of the components used in preparing the
packaging material and the acceptance specifications should
also be given. Data supporting the acceptability of the
packaging material for its intended use should also be
Type IV: Excipient, colorant, flavor, essence, or materials used in their
preparation. Each additive should be identified and
characterized by its method of manufacture, release
specifications, and testing methods.
Type V: Other (for example, a facilities description). An entity
wishing to submit information and supporting data in a drug
master file (DMF) that is not covered by Types II through IV
DMFs must first submit a letter of intent to the Drug Master
File Staff at the Food and Drug Administration (5901-B
Ammendale Road, Beltsville, MD 20705-1266). The FDA
will then contact the entity representative to discuss the
proposed submission. Information on the following types of
facilities may be submitted in a Type V DMF without
submitting a letter of intent:
i. Facilities for production of gene- or cell-based
therapies for Phase1 and 2 clinical trials.
ii. Contract manufacturing facilities in support of Biologics
License Applications or Biologics License Application
3. Content of a DMF
Administrative information that is included in an original DMF includes:
DMF holder name and address,
Corporate headquarters name and address,
Manufacturing/processing facility name and address,
Name and address of contact for FDA correspondence, and
A signed statement by the holder certifying that the DMF is current and
that the DMF holder will comply with the statements made in it.

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Chapter 4. Drug Master File Submission

Further detailed information on the content of a DMF can be found in the Web
sites mentioned previously, The Guideline for Drug Master Files and the
Guidance for Industry Submitting Type V Drug Master Files to the Center for
Biologics Evaluation and Research .

A DMF must be updated regularly so that it remains current. An annual update
should be provided on the anniversary date of the original submission.
4. Submitting a DMF
A DMF is submitted to the FDA in two copies (the original and one copy). Each
page contained in the DMF is numbered sequentially, and the DMF contains an
updated, accurate table of contents. If the holder of the DMF (the individual,
partnership, corporation, or association that owns the DMF) adds, changes, or
deletes any information in the DMF, the holder provides written notification to
each entity authorized to reference that information.

The DMF must contain a complete list of each entity currently authorized to
incorporate by reference any information in the DMF and must be identified by
name, reference number, volume, and page number.

Each DMF submission must contain a transmittal letter that contains
administrative information about the submission. Information regarding the
content of the transmittal can be found in The Guideline for Drug Master Files.

The following address is used to submit a DMF to the FDA (Drug Master Files:
Important Address Information):

Food and Drug Administration
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Central Document Room
5901-B Ammendale Road
Beltsville MD 20705-1266
B. Cross-Reference Letter
A Cross-Reference Letter (also known as a Letter of Authorization) permits the
FDA to access and review a drug master file (DMF) or portions thereof, on behalf
of the person or company referencing the DMF (the applicant). The FDA will
review the DMF only when it is referred to in a submission. The person or
company who has submitted the DMF (the holder) must submit two copies of the
Cross-Reference Letter to the FDA, and send a copy to the applicant. The
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Chapter 4. Drug Master File Submission

applicant then submits the Cross-Reference Letter in his/her IND or other
appropriate application. This is the only mechanism triggering the review of the
DMF. An example of a cross-reference letter is included in appendix 10.
II. Chapter References
Reference materials are presented in the order in which they first appear in the

1. 21 CFR 314.420.

2. US FDA CDER Guideline For Drug Master Files Web site. FDA Web site
address: http://www.fda.gov/cder/guidance/dmf.htm.

3. FDA Guidance for Industry: Submitting Type V Drug Master Files to the
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research. FDA Web site address:

4. Drug Master Files: Important Address Information. FDA Web site
address: http://www.fda.gov/cder/dmf/.
III. Guidance Documents Applicable to Drug Master Files
1. Guideline for Drug Master Files, Food and Drug Administration (FDA),
September 1989.

2. Submitting Type V Drug Master Files to the Center for Biologics
Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), August
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Chapter 5. Time Line for Pre-IND and IND Process

Chapter 5

I. Time Line for Pre-IND and IND Process
Table 2 describes pharmaceutical development leading to the clinic and
milestones in the pre-IND and IND processes. The table illustrates the
interrelated disciplines that participate at each phase, and provides an estimated
time frame for each event.

Table 2: Flowchart and Time Line for Pre-IND and IND Process
Development Phase
Estimated Time
Basic research.
Preliminary process
and analytical
characterization to
support proceeding
further in
1-5 years*
Early Clinical Protocol

Early Manufacturing

Early Nonclinical




Draft clinical protocol.
Prepare nonclinical
plan to support
clinical protocol and
to provide sufficient
safety data to support
the IND.
Conduct nonclinical
process and
manufacture material
for nonclinical studies.
1-3 years*
*Hughes S, King S. 2001. Drug Development Today: Costs and Development Times. In: Mathieu
M, editor. Pharmaceutical R&D Statistical Sourcebook 2002/2003. Waltham, MA: PAREXEL
International Corporation. P 186.
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Chapter 5. Time Line for Pre-IND and IND Process

Table 2: Flowchart and Time Line for Pre-IND and IND Process (continued)
Development Phase
Estimated Time
The sponsor submits
pre-IND meeting
request letter
Pre-IND process
initiation. The pre-
IND is often held from
6 months to one year
prior to the planned
IND submission.
The FDA responds
with a meeting date
14 days after receipt
of the meeting
request letter, and
usually provides date
by which meeting
information package
is due to the FDA.
The sponsor submits
pre-IND Information
At least 30 days
before the designated
meeting date
The pre-IND meeting
Usually, 60-90 days
after receipt of the
meeting request
letter, on the date and
time specified by the
Pre-IND Meeting



A meeting summary
is received from the
30 days after the pre-
IND meeting
Final Clinical Protocol

Final CMC

Final Nonclinical



Finalize clinical
Conduct nonclinical
Manufacture material
for clinical studies.
6 months-1 year

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Chapter 5. Time Line for Pre-IND and IND Process

Table 2: Flowchart and Time Line for Pre-IND and IND Process (continued)
Development Phase
Estimated Time
The sponsor
addresses issues
identified at the pre-
IND meeting and
submits the IND
As soon as the IND is
completed and any
issues identified at
the pre-IND meeting
are addressed, the
IND can be
submitted. *
After a 30-day IND
review period, the
FDA allows the IND to
proceed or places the
product on clinical
hold. Comments that
dont mandate a
clinical hold can also
be received from the
30-day review period
The sponsor submits
an amendment to the
IND responding to
any clinical hold
issues, if applicable.
As soon as the
clinical hold issues
are addressed
IND Preparation and




After a 30-day IND
amendment review
period of responses
to clinical hold items,
the FDA allows the
IND to proceed or the
product remains on
clinical hold.
30-day review period
Clinical Trial Initiation Clinical
Upon resolution of
clinical hold issues,
the IND is allowed to
proceed into Phase 1
As soon as the
clinical hold issues
are addressed
*If the pre-IND meeting includes a discussion of the proposed toxicology plans to make sure they
are appropriate (correct animal model, dosing, etc.), the toxicology studies can then take at least
6 months to complete after the pre-IND meeting, including time to make revisions to the
toxicology protocol (approximately 2 months). In this case, the IND is usually filed approximately
9-12 months after the pre-IND meeting.
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug


Appendix 1: Glossary
Appendix 2: A Short List of Government Agencies and Programs Related to
Drug Discovery and Development

Appendix 3: Sample Pre-IND Meeting Request Letter
Appendix 4: Pre-IND Meeting Confirmation Letter Example
Appendix 5: Sample Pre-IND Information Package Table of Contents
Appendix 6: Form FDA 1571
Appendix 7: IND Template
Appendix 8: Example IND Cover Letter
Appendix 9: Form FDA 1572
Appendix 10: Example Drug/Biologic Master File Cross-Reference Letter

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 1. Glossary

Appendix 1: Glossary
This section defines key terms used in this document. The terms are listed in
alphabetical order.

Adverse Experience/Adverse Event (AE)
Any adverse event associated with the use of a drug in humans, whether or not
considered drug related, including the following: An adverse event occurring in
the course of the use of a drug product in professional practice; an adverse event
occurring from drug overdose whether accidental or intentional; an adverse event
occurring from drug abuse; an adverse event occurring from drug withdrawal;
and any failure of expected pharmacological action. 21 CFR 310.305(b).

Amendment to an Investigational New Drug Application
Additions or changes to an Investigational New Drug Application (IND) or other
relevant information are reported to the Food and Drug Administration in an
amendment. Amendments to an IND include protocol amendments,
informational amendments, safety reports and annual reports and are discussed
in further detail in Chapter 3. 21 CFR 312.30 21 CFR 312.33.

Biologics are regulated by the Public Health Services Act and the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act. As such, biologics are subject to both biologic and drug
regulations. For the purposes of this document, the term drug will refer to both
drugs and biologics.

The Public Health Services Act defines biologics as a virus, therapeutic serum,
toxin, antitoxin, vaccine, blood, blood component or derivative, allergenic
product, or analogous product, or arsphenamine or derivative of arsphenamine
(or any other trivalent organic arsenic compound), applicable to the prevention,
treatment, or cure of a disease or condition of human beings. Table 3
characterizes and compares general properties of drugs and biologics.

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 1. Glossary

Table 3: General Comparison of Drugs and Biologics
Drugs Biologics
Synthetic Extracted from living tissue
Organic compounds Protein- or carbohydrate-based
Defined structure Tertiary structure
Chemical characteristics:
Molecular weight < 500 kilodaltons (kD)
Chemical characteristics:
Molecular weight > 500 kD
Stabile Labile
Not sensitive to heat Heat- and shear-sensitive

Clinical Hold
A clinical hold is an order issued by FDA to the sponsor to delay a proposed
clinical investigation or to suspend an ongoing investigation. The clinical hold
order may apply to one or more of the investigations covered by an IND. When a
proposed study is placed on clinical hold, subjects may not be given the
investigational drug. When an ongoing study is placed on clinical hold, no new
subjects may be recruited to the study and placed on the investigational drug;
patients already in the study should be taken off therapy involving the
investigational drug unless specifically permitted by FDA in the interest of patient
safety. 21 CFR 312.42.

A clinical hold may be either a complete clinical hold (a delay or suspension of all
clinical work requested under an IND) or a partial clinical hold (a delay or
suspension of only part of the clinical work requested under the IND). A clinical
hold (including a partial clinical hold) involves the Agency requiring additional
information and/or data, reviewing the additional information and/or data, and
after the review, informing the sponsor that they can proceed. Guidance for
Submitting and Reviewing Complete Responses to Clinical Holds.

Clinical Investigation
Any experiment in which a drug is administered or dispensed to, or used
involving, one or more human subjects. For the purposes of this part, an
experiment is any use of a drug except for the use of a marketed drug in the
course of medical practice. 21 CFR 312.3(b).

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 1. Glossary

Clinical Protocol
A clinical protocol is a written description of the investigational research to be
undertaken. The protocol provides the background, rationale, and objectives of
the clinical study and describes the design, methodology, and organization of the
study. A clinical protocol is reviewed and approved by the principal investigator,
IND sponsor, and Institutional Review Board. ICH E6 1.44.

Combination Product
As defined in 21 CFR 3.2(e), the term combination product includes:
(1) A product comprised of two or more regulated components, i.e., drug/device,
biologic/device, drug/biologic, or drug/device/biologic, that are physically,
chemically, or otherwise combined or mixed and produced as a single entity;
(2) Two or more separate products packaged together in a single package or as
a unit and comprised of drug and device products, device and biological
products, or biological and drug products;
(3) A drug, device, or biological product packaged separately that according to its
investigational plan or proposed labeling is intended for use only with an
approved individually specified drug, device, or biological product where both are
required to achieve the intended use, indication, or effect and where, upon
approval of the proposed product, the labeling of the approved product would
need to be changed, e.g., to reflect a change in intended use, dosage form,
strength, route of administration, or significant change in dose; or
(4) Any investigational drug, device, or biological product packaged separately
that according to its proposed labeling is for use only with another individually
specified investigational drug, device, or biological product where both are
required to achieve the intended use, indication, or effect.

Container Closure System
The sum of packaging components that together contains and protects the drug
substance or product. 21 CFR 600.3(bb).

Contract Research Organization
A contract research organization (CRO) consists of an independent contractor (a
person, organization or corporation) to the sponsor that has entered into a written
contractual agreement with a sponsor to perform one or more of the sponsors
responsibilities (such as design of the clinical protocol, selection of investigators
and study monitors, evaluation of reports, and preparation of submissions to the
FDA). Because responsibility as well as authority may be transferred, a CRO is
subject to the same regulatory actions as sponsors for any failure to perform any
of the obligations assumed. 21 CFR 312.3(b).

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 1. Glossary

Two provisions for debarment are made in the United States federal law,
mandatory and permissive. A permissive debarment is an action providing
restrictions that disqualify an individual, corporation, partnership, or association
from providing services in any capacity, directly or indirectly, in relation to an
approved or pending product license application. Mandatory debarment applies
to both individuals and corporations that have been convicted of a felony under
federal law relating to a product license application. In addition to debarment
authority, the FDA can impose civil penalties. (Regulatory Affairs Professional
Society. Fundamentals of Regulatory Affairs. Rockville, Maryland: Regulatory
Affairs Professional Society; 2001. 286 p.)

Drugs are regulated by the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (The Act).
The Act defines drugs as articles intended for use in the diagnosis, cure,
treatment, or prevention of disease in man and articles other than food that affect
the structure or any function of the body of man [21 USC 321(g)(1)]. For the
purposes of this document, the term drug refers to both drugs and biologics
because biologics are regulated by the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act,
as drugs; and the Public Health Services Act, as biologics. Table 3 characterizes
and compares general properties of drugs and biologics.

Drug Master File (DMF)
A Drug Master File is a submission of information to the FDA that may be used to
provide confidential detailed information about facilities, processes, or articles
used in the manufacturing, processing, packaging, and storing of human drugs
and biological products. Additional information about drug master files can be
found in Chapter 5. 21 CFR 314.420.

Drug Product
A drug product is a pharmaceutical product type that contains a drug substance,
generally, in association with excipients, that is ready for patient administration.
A drug product is a finished dosage form, for example, tablet, capsule, solution,
etc., that contains an active drug ingredient generally, but not necessarily, in
association with inactive ingredients. The term also includes a finished dosage
form that does not contain an active ingredient but is intended to be used as a
placebo. 21 CFR 314.3(b).

Drug Substance
A drug substance is any substance or mixture of substances intended to be used
in the manufacture of a drug product that is or becomes an active ingredient.
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 1. Glossary

Such substances demonstrate pharmacological activity or another direct effect in
the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease. The drug
substance can be composed of the desired product, product-related substances,
and product-related and process-related impurities. The drug substance may
also contain excipients including other components such as buffers. The drug
substance is subsequently formulated with excipients to produce the drug
product. 21 CFR 314.3(b).

An inert substance used as a diluent or vehicle for a drug.

Form FDA 1571
The Investigational New Drug Application Form FDA 1571 outlines the
information required in an IND by identifying the sponsor, investigational drug,
phase of investigation, and parties responsible for monitoring the conduct of the
trial. All sections on Form FDA 1571 must be addressed in the original IND
submission, and a Form FDA 1571 is required to be submitted with every
amendment to the IND.

Form FDA 1572
The Statement of Investigator Form FDA 1572 must be completed by each
investigator participating in a study and the original given to the IND sponsor.
The form provides a signed statement by each investigator containing his or her
contact and Institutional Review Board (IRB) information, and agreement to
conduct the study following regulations. The purpose of the form is to
demonstrate that the investigator is qualified by training, education, and
experience (ICH Guideline for Good Clinical Practice, E6).

Good Clinical Practices (GCP)
A standard for the design, conduct, performance, monitoring, auditing,
recording, analyses, and reporting of clinical trials that provides assurance that
the data and reported results are credible and accurate, and that the rights,
integrity, and confidentiality of trial subjects are protected. (ICH Guideline for
Good Clinical Practice, E6).

Good Laboratory Practices (GLP)
Good Laboratory Practices are described in the Code of Federal Regulations 21
CFR 58. GLPs are intended for use when conducting nonclinical laboratory
studies that support or are intended to support applications for research or
marketing permits for products regulated by the FDA, including food and color
additives, animal food additives, human and animal drugs, medical devices for
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 1. Glossary

human use, biological products, and electronic products. Compliance with this 21
CFR 58 is intended to assure the quality and integrity of the safety data filed with
the FDA. 21 CFR 58.

Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
The regulations set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations 21 CFR 210 and
211 contain the minimum Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP) for
Finished Pharmaceuticals. These sections of the CFR describe methods to be
used in, and the facilities or controls to be used for, the manufacture, processing,
packing, or holding of a drug to assure that the drug meets the requirements of
the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (The Act) in regard to safety, and has
the identity and strength and meets the quality and purity characteristics that it
purports or is represented to possess. The failure to comply with any regulation
set forth in 21 CFR 210 and 211 in the manufacture, processing, packing, or
holding of a drug shall render such drug to be adulterated under section
501(a)(2)(B) of The Act and such drug, as well as the person who is responsible
for the failure to comply, shall be subject to regulatory action. 21 CFR 210.1.

Institutional Review Board (IRB)
An Institutional Review Board is any board, committee, or other group formally
designated by an institution [and reportable to the institution] to review, to
approve the initiation of, and to conduct periodic review of, biomedical research
involving human subjects. The primary purpose of such review is to assure the
protection of the rights and welfare of the human subjects. The term has the
same meaning as the phrase institutional review committee as used in section
520(g) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. 21 CFR 56.102(a).

Investigational New Drug
An Investigational New Drug product for human use is a new drug, antibiotic, or
biologic used in a clinical investigation. This term is synonymous with
Investigational Drug. 21 CFR 312.3(b).

Investigational New Drug Application (IND)
An Investigational New Drug Application (IND) is required for each Investigational
New Drug. The IND is an application that a drug sponsor must submit to the
FDA 30 days before beginning clinical studies of new drugs in humans. The
purpose of the IND is to request authorization from the FDA to administer an
investigational drug in humans and includes the proposed clinical protocol;
supporting nonclinical studies; a general investigational plan; and chemistry,
manufacturing and control (CMC) information describing the composition,
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Appendix 1. Glossary

manufacture and control of the drug. This authorization is required prior to
distribution of the investigational drug. 21 CFR 312

Investigator IND
An Investigator IND is submitted by the physician who is initiating and conducting
a study using the Investigational New Drug (e.g., the principal investigator). The
principal investigator has direct oversight of the dispensation and administration
of the Investigational New Drug. The Investigator IND applies to both an
Investigational New Drug as well as an approved drug being considered for use
in a new indication or in a new patient population.

An investigator is an individual who actually conducts a clinical investigation (i.e.,
under whose immediate direction the drug is administered or dispensed to a
subject). In the event a team of individuals conducts an investigation, the
investigator is the responsible leader of the team. Subinvestigator includes any
other individual member of that team. 21 CFR 312.3(b).

Label means any display of written, printed, or graphic matter on the immediate
container of any article, or any such matter affixed to any consumer commodity
or affixed to or appearing upon a package containing any consumer commodity.
21 CFR 1.3.

Labeling includes all written, printed, or graphic matter accompanying an article
at any time while such article is in interstate commerce or held for sale after
shipment or delivery in interstate commerce. 21 CFR 1.3.

Life-threatening Adverse Drug Experience
Any adverse drug experience that places the patient or subject, in the view of
the investigator, at immediate risk of death from the reaction as it occurred, i.e., it
does not include a reaction that, had it occurred in a more severe form, might
have caused death. 21 CFR 312.32.

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Appendix 1. Glossary

The act of overseeing the progress of a clinical trial, and of ensuring that it is
conducted, recorded, and reported in accordance with the protocol, Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs), Good Clinical Practices (GCPs), and the
applicable regulatory requirements. (ICH Guideline for Good Clinical Practice,

The term nonclinical refers to testing performed prior to entering the Clinical
Trial phase of testing in humans. Nonclinical is synonymous with the term pre-
clinical for the purposes of this document. Nonclinical studies in animals are
designed to investigate pharmacological and toxicological properties of a drug.
The nonclinical phase of drug development also includes analytical methods
development, and production of the CGMP pilot lot of the drug.

Pre-IND Meeting
Part of the IND submission strategy is to confer with the FDA prior to the
submission of the IND at a pre-IND meeting. The purpose of a pre-IND meeting
is to present to the FDA chemistry, manufacturing and controls (CMC)
information and clinical and nonclinical data collected to date; and to seek their
guidance on specifically posed questions regarding the information and data
presented. The pre-IND meeting allows for early discussion and negotiation with
the FDA and can ultimately save time and money in the drug development
process by resolving issues prior to the IND filing. FDA Guidance for Industry:
IND Meetings for Human Drugs and Biologics Chemistry, Manufacturing, and
Controls Information. May 2001 and FDA Guidance for Industry: Formal
Meetings with Sponsors and Applicants for PDUFA Products.

Serious Adverse Drug Experience
Any adverse drug experience occurring at any dose that results in any of the
following outcomes: Death, a life-threatening adverse drug experience, inpatient
hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization, a persistent or
significant disability/incapacity, or a congenital anomaly/birth defect. Important
medical events that may not result in death, be life-threatening, or require
hospitalization may be considered a serious adverse drug experience when,
based upon appropriate medical judgment, they may jeopardize the patient or
subject and may require medical or surgical intervention to prevent one of the
outcomes listed in this definition. Examples of such medical events include
allergic bronchospasm requiring intensive treatment in an emergency room or at
home, blood dyscrasias or convulsions that do not result in inpatient
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Appendix 1. Glossary

hospitalization, or the development of drug dependency or drug abuse. 21 CFR

The sponsor of an investigational drug may be an individual, pharmaceutical
company, government agency, academic institution, private organization or other
organization that takes responsibility for the initiation, management, and/or
financing of a clinical investigation. 21 CFR 312.3(b).

A Sponsor-Investigator is an individual who is serving as the sponsor of the
investigational new drug application and conducts the clinical investigation. The
Sponsor-Investigator is the individual under whose immediate direction the
investigational drug is administered or dispensed. 21 CFR 312.3(b).

Test Article
Any food additive, color additive, drug, biological product, electronic product,
medical device for human use, or any other article subject to regulation under the
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act or the Public Health Service Act. 21 CFR

Unexpected Adverse Drug Experience
Any adverse drug experience, the specificity or severity of which is not
consistent with the current investigator brochure; or, if an investigator brochure is
not required or available, the specificity or severity of which is not consistent with
the risk information described in the general investigational plan or elsewhere in
the current application, as amended. For example, under this definition, hepatic
necrosis would be unexpected (by virtue of greater severity) if the investigator
brochure only referred to elevated hepatic enzymes or hepatitis. Similarly,
cerebral thromboembolism and cerebral vasculitis would be unexpected (by
virtue of greater specificity) if the investigator brochure only listed cerebral
vascular accidents. Unexpected, as used in this definition, refers to an adverse
drug experience that has not been previously observed (e.g., included in the
investigator brochure) rather than from the perspective of such experience not
being anticipated from the pharmacological properties of the pharmaceutical
product. 21 CFR 312.32.

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 2. A Short List of Government Agencies and Programs Related to Drug
Discovery and Development

Appendix 2: A Short List of Government Agencies and Programs Related to
Drug Discovery and Development
There are many mechanisms to gain access to programs that support the
development of promising new drugs. Grants and funding opportunities can be
researched on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Web page at
http://www.nih.gov/. Some key agencies and/or programs that are available to
assist researchers after funding has been established are described in this

Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP)
The mission of the Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP) is to improve the
lives of cancer patients by finding better ways to treat, control and cure cancer.
CTEP accomplishes this mission by funding an extensive national program of
cancer research and by sponsoring clinical trials to evaluate new anticancer
agents, with a particular emphasis on translational research to elucidate
molecular targets and mechanisms of drug effects.

CTEP uses a scientific process to accomplish its mission. Promising basic
scientific findings are identified and translated into clinical research, both by
identifying new agents for evaluation and by identifying biologic characteristics of
tumors that may be clinically exploited. Novel anticancer agents with distinctive
molecular targets, mechanisms of action, or properties are identified and
introduced into clinical trials, with prioritization of agents based on scientific
criteria and therapeutic needs. The antitumor activity of new anticancer agents is
systematically evaluated in clinical trials. Promising new cancer treatments are
rigorously compared to best available treatments in hypothesis-driven clinical
trials to reliably define superior treatments for specific types of cancer.

CTEP attempts to forge broad collaborations within the research community and
works extensively with the pharmaceutical/biotechnology industry to effectively
develop new cancer treatments. CTEP also seeks to involve outside experts and
patients or their advocates in the formulation of research priorities. In the
selection of clinical research for NCI sponsorship, CTEP attempts to fill critical
gaps in the national cancer research effort and to avoid duplication of ongoing
private sector efforts. In further efforts to control cancer, active new anticancer
agents are made available as rapidly and widely as possible for patients.

CTEPs Web site can be found at http://ctep.cancer.gov/.

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 2. A Short List of Government Agencies and Programs Related to Drug
Discovery and Development

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the federal scientific regulatory body
responsible for protecting the public health by assuring the safety and efficacy of
drugs, biologics, cosmetics, medical devices, food and radiological products.

The FDAs Web site can be found at http://www.fda.gov.

Inter-Institute Program for the Development of AIDS-related Therapeutics
The Inter-Institute Program for the Development of AIDS-related Therapies (IIP)
is sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the
National Cancer Institute. The IIP reviews investigators proposals to receive
drug development assistance for specific tasks they otherwise would not be able
to perform to translate basic research into clinical practice. The purpose of IIP is
to assist AIDS researchers in the nonclinical development of therapies for:

The treatment of HIV disease, AIDS-associated malignancies,
opportunistic infections and tuberculosis associated with AIDS; and
Microbicide-based HIV prevention strategies.

Some examples of tasks that could apply are:

High-throughput screen assay development,
Evaluation in animal efficacy models, and
CGMP scale-up synthesis of small molecules and biologics, clinical
dosage formulation and manufacturing, and current Good Laboratory
Practice (CGLP) toxicology.

Additional information is available at the following Web sites:
http://dtp.nci.nih.gov/docs/dart.html and

National Cancer Institute (NCI)/Rapid Access to Intervention Development
(RAID) Program
The goal of Rapid Access to Intervention Development (RAID) is the rapid
movement of novel molecules and concepts from the laboratory to the clinic for
proof-of-principle clinical trials using the NCIs contract research mechanisms.
RAID makes available to academic investigators, on a competitive basis, the
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Appendix 2. A Short List of Government Agencies and Programs Related to Drug
Discovery and Development

nonclinical development contract resources of NCIs Developmental
Therapeutics Program (DTP). RAID assists investigators who submit successful
proposals by providing any of the nonclinical development steps that may be
obstacles to clinical studies, as well as manufacture of CGMP clinical material for
Phase 1/Phase 2 clinical studies. Suitable agents for RAID include small
molecules, biologics or vaccines. For additional information on the process and
procedures of requests for RAID resources, visit the DTP Web site at

National Institutes of Health (NIH)/National Cancer Institute (NCI)/
Developmental Therapeutics Program (DTP)/Biological Resources Branch
The Biological Resources Branch (BRB) is one of the extramural arms of the
Developmental Therapeutics Program (DTP), NCI. The BRB supports
nonclinical and early clinical studies (e.g., Phase 1) of biological response
modifiers (BRMs) research in the biomedical community through a program of
grants and contracts. These studies assess the effects of novel biological agents
and explore relationships of biological responses with antitumor activity. An NCI
Nonclinical Repository distributes selected agents for peer-reviewed nonclinical
studies performed by both extramural and intramural investigators. Other
contracts support the production and in vivo evaluation of monoclonal antibodies,
immunoconjugates and other biologicals.

The NCI BRB Program staff provides oversight of the Biopharmaceutical
Development Program (BDP) at NCI-Frederick. The BDP produces a variety of
biopharmaceuticals under current CGMPs for Phase 1/Phase 2 human clinical
trials or advanced nonclinical animal testing. The BDP is a government-owned
contractor-operated facility. It is operated under contract by Science Applications
International Corporation (SAIC)-Frederick, Inc., providing operations and
technical support to NCI-Frederick.

The BRBs Web site can be found at http://web.ncifcrf.gov/research/brb/.

National Institutes of Health (NIH)/Rapid Access to Interventional
Development (RAID) Pilot Program
The NIH/RAID pilot program has been developed to make certain critical
resources available, on a competitive basis, for the development of new small
molecule therapeutic agents; and to reduce some of the common barriers
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Appendix 2. A Short List of Government Agencies and Programs Related to Drug
Discovery and Development

between laboratory discoveries and clinical trials of new therapeutic entities. The
resources of the National Cancer Institutes Developmental Therapeutics
Program (DTP) will be used for the NIH/RAID pilot program. Services provided
may include production, bulk supply, GMP manufacturing, formulation,
development of an assay suitable for pharmacokinetic testing, animal toxicology,
and regulatory support. While the NIH/RAID pilot program is not a grant
program, successful projects will gain access to the governments contract
resources, and assistance from the NIH in establishing and implementing a
product development plan. Selected projects will be supported by funds from the
NIH Roadmap and from individual Institutes in the specific disease areas relevant
to their mission. Additional information regarding the NIH/RAID pilot program
can be found at the following Web site: http://nihroadmap.nih.gov/raid/.

Rapid Access to NCI Discovery Resources (R*A*N*D)
The R*A*N*D program makes available to academic investigators, on a
competitive basis, the discovery, and early nonclinical development contract
resources of NCI's Developmental Therapeutics Program. The goal of R*A*N*D
is to remove the most common barriers between basic research findings and
their use for discovery of new molecular entities. Applications to the program are
requests for NCI drug discovery and development resources to conduct specific
tasks the applicants themselves are unable to carry out in their efforts to translate
basic research findings to the discovery of new drugs. Examples of tasks that
may be requested include:

Production/characterization of molecular target proteins,
High-throughput screening assay development,
Natural product isolation/characterization,
Synthesis of combinatorial libraries,
Computer modeling, and
Early pharmacology and in vivo efficacy studies.

For additional information on the process and procedures of requests for
R*A*N*D resources, visit the following Web site:

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Appendix 2. A Short List of Government Agencies and Programs Related to Drug
Discovery and Development

Rapid Access to Preventive Intervention Development (RAPID)
The Rapid Access to Preventive Intervention Development (RAPID) Program
makes the contract resources from NCI's Division of Cancer Prevention available
to academic and academically affiliated investigators for nonclinical and early
clinical drug development. RAPID objectives are to:

Assist expeditious movement of novel molecules and compounds from the
laboratory through Phase 1 clinical trials;
Assist investigators who submit successful requests by providing any, or
all, of the nonclinical and Phase 1 clinical developmental requirements
needed to move forward into Phase 2 clinical efficacy trials;
Support further development of the chemoprevention field;
Develop prerequisites for filing IND applications to initiate clinical trials;
Provide material for proof-of-principle clinical testing.

RAPID accomplishes the tasks that are rate-limiting in bringing discoveries from
the laboratory to the clinic. Ordinarily, these tasks will be accomplished by the
use of NCI chemopreventive agent development contracts and will be facilitated
by direct consultation of the originating laboratory with NCI staff. Such rate-
limiting tasks, necessary to accomplish project goals, will vary from project to
project and will be evaluated for support on a case-by-case basis. In some
cases, RAPID will support only one or two key missing steps necessary to bring
a compound into clinical efficacy testing; in other cases, it may be necessary to
supply the entire portfolio of development tasks needed to file an IND.

For additional information on the process and procedures of requests for RAPID
resources, visit the NCI Web site http://www3.cancer.gov/prevention/rapid.

Type 1 Diabetes Rapid Access to Intervention Development Program
The T1DRAID program is designed to assist with the translation of novel
therapeutic interventions for type 1 diabetes and its complications (either
synthetic, natural product, or biologic) to the clinic. Requests to T1DRAID are
brief, should clearly outline the resources required to ready the proposed
therapeutic agent for clinical trials, and are accepted twice yearly, on November
1 and April 1. The requests are reviewed by a panel of extramural experts.
Review criteria include strength of the scientific hypothesis, scientific novelty, and
cost/benefit considerations afforded by the proposal. While T1DRAID is not a
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Appendix 2. A Short List of Government Agencies and Programs Related to Drug
Discovery and Development

grant mechanism, approved requests to T1DRAID gain access to the drug
development contract resources of the National Cancer Institute's Developmental
Therapeutics Program (NCI DTP). Resources available to the originating
investigator may include GMP synthesized material, formulation research,
pharmacological methods, or IND-directed toxicology, for support of an
investigator-held IND application and clinical trials. T1DRAID does not sponsor
clinical trials; it sponsors the work needed to get ready to do clinical trials.
Additional information regarding the T1DRAID program can be found at the
following Web site: http://www.niddk.nih.gov/fund/diabetesspecialfunds/T1D-

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 3. Sample Pre-IND Meeting Request Letter

Appendix 3: Sample Pre-IND Meeting Request Letter
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 3. Sample Pre-IND Meeting Request Letter


[Dr. John Smith]
Division of Application Review and Policy
Office of Therapeutics Research and Review
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research
Food and Drug Administration
c/o Document Control Center (HFM-99)
Woodmont Office Center, Suite 200N
1401 Rockville Pike
Rockville, MD 20850

RE: Request for a Pre-IND Meeting (Type B) for [Add Product Name] as a
Treatment for [Add Treatment Type]

Dear [Dr. Smith]:

We would like to request a Pre-IND meeting with the FDA to discuss a proposed
IND to develop [Add product name] as a treatment for [add treatment type.]
[Next, you can briefly discuss current therapies for this disease and the benefits
of your product.]

The purpose of the proposed initial clinical study is to _____________________
[Mention safety and pharmacokinetics that will be evaluated. Mention the
indication and patient population to be studied. Keep this paragraph shortonly
a few sentences.]

[Product name] is _______________ [provide a brief description of the product
and its primary mode of action to be investigated].

[This third paragraph should briefly discuss the product, what it is or what it
reacts with that makes it useful. Identify anything unique about the product.
Include chemical name and structure.]

The purpose of this pre-IND meeting is to discuss issues concerning
____________ [nonclinical toxicology studies, proposed clinical trial design, any
CMC issues. This statement could include a discussion of the types of
completed or planned studies or data that the applicant intends to discuss at the
meeting, the general nature of the critical questions to be asked, and where the
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 3. Sample Pre-IND Meeting Request Letter

meeting fits in the overall development plans. Lastly, add a statement about
what objectives/outcomes you expect to get from the meeting. This can be a
general statement that you hope to gain input from the FDA concerning the
nonclinical tox studies, clinical trial protocol design, and CMC issues; or you can
state any specific issues you have.] A proposed agenda is attached, including
the estimated amounts of time needed for each agenda item and the designated
speaker. Also included is a list of the individuals who plan to attend the meeting,
and the proposed FDA staff that we would like to participate in the meeting.
Finally, a draft list of specific questions to be addressed at the meeting is

We would like to schedule a meeting for one of the following dates if
possible:___________________ [list at least 45 dates and timesmorning or
afternoonfor the meeting; the dates should be scheduled to occur within 60
days of the Agencys receipt of the written request for a meeting. Remember, for
a Type B meeting, the meeting information package must be submitted at least 4
weeks prior to your assigned meeting date by the FDA or they can cancel the
meeting; usually people pick dates 68 weeks out so they have at least two
weeks to submit the information package from the time they send in the letter.
Just make sure you will be ready to submit your information package at least four
weeks prior to your first proposed meeting date!] The meeting information
package will be submitted at least four weeks prior to the meeting date.

We appreciate your consideration of this Pre-IND meeting request. Please
contact _____________ at __________ to discuss meeting dates. If you need
any additional information in the interim, please do not hesitate to call me.


Dr. [fill in name]
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 3. Sample Pre-IND Meeting Request Letter

Sample Meeting Agenda and List of Participants Format


I. Introduction/Background Dr. name 3 minutes

II. Discussion on List of Questions All 57 minutes
CMC Issues
Nonclinical Issues
Clinical Trial Design

(List names of proposed attendees with their titles)

(List of any FDA individuals or specialty areas from which you would like
FDA personnel to participate in your meeting).

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 3. Sample Pre-IND Meeting Request Letter

DRAFT List of Specific Questions for Product Name Pre-IND Meeting
(List the questions and/or proposals you want addressed by the FDA.
Questions and/or proposals must be as specific, comprehensive, and
precise as possible to identify critical issues. You can list as many
questions as you think can be addressed within your meeting time frame.)

CMC Questions and/or Proposals:




Nonclinical Questions and/or Proposals:




Clinical Trial Design Questions and/or Proposals:




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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 4. Pre-IND Meeting Confirmation Letter Example

Appendix 4: Pre-IND Meeting Confirmation Letter Example
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Appendix 4. Pre-IND Meeting Confirmation Letter Example

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions
Appendix 5. Sample Pre-IND Information Package Table of Contents
Appendix 5: Sample Pre-IND Information Package Table of Contents
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 5. Sample Pre-IND Information Package Table of Contents

Sample Pre-IND Information Package Table of Contents

Cover Letter
Form FDA 1571
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction/background Information
2.0 Product name and application number
3.0 Chemical name and structure
4.0 Proposed indication
5.0 Dosage form, route of administration, and dosing regiment
6.0 Purpose of the meeting
7.0 Specific objectives/outcomes expected from the meeting
8.0 Agenda, attendees, and list of questions
8.1 Agenda
8.2 Attendees
8.3 List of questions
8.3.1 CMC questions
8.3.2 Nonclinical questions
8.3.3 Clinical trial design questions
9.0 Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Control Information
10.0 Nonclinical study summaries
10.1 Summary of nonclinical studies
10.1.1 Reactivity of [product name] with normal human tissues
10.1.2 In vitro studies
10.1.3 Animal experiments
10.2 Proposed Toxicology Protocol
11.0 Clinical study design

Note: This table of contents is provided as one example of a Pre-IND
Information Package Table of Contents. Other formats are acceptable if the
information content of the pre-IND information package is complete as outlined in
the FDA Guidance for Industry: Formal Meetings with Sponsors and Applicants
for PDUFA Products, and the table of contents accurately reflects the
organization of the document.
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 6. Form FDA 1571

Appendix 6: Form FDA 1571
A current FDA Form-1571 and instructions for its completion can be obtained
using the following Web site:
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Appendix 6. Form FDA 1571

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Appendix 6. Form FDA 1571

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 7. IND Template

Appendix 7: IND Template
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 7. IND Template

ITEM 1. Form FDA 1571

Instructions: This form can be downloaded from the FDA Web site at:

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 7. IND Template


[Note: volume numbers should be included in the table of contents where
multiple volumes are used.]

Item Page
1. FORM FDA 1571

6a. Study Protocol
6b. Investigator Data
6c. Facilities Data
6d. Institutional Review Board Data
7a. Drug Substance [Biologic Agent]
1. Letter of Authorization: XXXXXXXXXX
7b. Drug Product [Biologic Product]
1. Components and Composition

7c. Response to Gene Therapy Letter [gene transfer
INDs only]

7d. Environmental Analysis Requirements/Claim for

8a. Nonclinical Efficacy
8b. Pharmacology
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 7. IND Template

Item Page
1. Nonclinical Pharmacology Summary
8c. Toxicology

1. Nonclinical Toxicology Summary of


10a. [list all additional information in the table of contents;
some examples are listed below]

10b. Quality Assurance and Site Monitoring
10c. Publications

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 7. IND Template


[The text of Item 3 should be no more than 5 pages. Keep Previous Human
Experience to no more than 1 paragraph and Rationale to about 1 page.
Include minimal information on nonclinical toxicology and pharmacology studies,
just enough to justify dose, schedule, and route. Refer to Investigators Brochure
for this information, if applicable.]


The introductory statement should be brief and include the name of the drug and
all of the active ingredients, the drugs structural formula (if known), and the
drugs pharmacological class. Also include the formulation of the dosage form to
be used, the route of administration, and the duration and objectives of the
planned clinical trial.

A sample introductory paragraph follows:

This Investigational New Drug Application (IND) is being submitted to conduct
clinical studies of xxxxxx. Xxxxxx is a ... It blocks progression from the G
to the S phase of the cell cycle... Xxxxxx has shown activity against...

The proposed phase x study will assess the antitumor activity of xxxxxx, as
determined by progression-free survival, in patients with xxxxxx. Xxxxxx will be
administered intravenously (IV) using a ... schedule. Clinical and laboratory
toxicities will be characterized at each dose level.


Name: [Chemical or agent name; include all active

Code Name[s]: [NSC XXXXXX and/or other names]

Description: [Describe]

Molecular Formula: [Formula]

Chemical Structure: [If applicable]
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 7. IND Template

Pharmacologic Class: [Name the class]

Bulk Drug Substance: [Company, city, state]
[Biologic agent]

Product: [Company, city, state]

Formulation: Each 30 mL vial of [agent] contains the

Route of Administration: [Route]
Storage and Stability: XXXXXXX


Make a statement about whether the drug has been withdrawn from investigation
or marketing in any country for any reason related to safety or efficacy and the
reason for the withdrawal.



Indications to Be Studied

Study Objectives

Eligibility Criteria

Study Design

Estimated Number of Patients

Potential Adverse Experiences


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Appendix 7. IND Template


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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 7. IND Template



[Sponsor-Investigators are not required to submit an investigators
brochure (IB).]

See general outline below for an Investigators Brochure (IB). Refer to ICH
Guideline E6: Guideline for Good Clinical Practice for additional
information regarding the content of an Investigators Brochure.




General Approach
Mechanism of Action (Biologic activity for biologic IB)

Names and Description
Dosage Formulation (or how supplied)
Route of Administration
Storage and Handling

Introduction/Summary of Nonclinical Studies
Pharmacology (or efficacy)
Pharmacological Aspects/Significant Metabolites Studies
Therapeutic Activity and Safety Assessment Studies
Example: In Vitro Antitumor Studies or In Vitro Efficacy Studies, and
In Vivo Antitumor Studies or In Vivo Efficacy Studies
Pharmacokinetics and Drug Metabolism in Animals (this section usually
does not apply to biologic IBs and can be omitted)
A summary of the pharmacokinetics and biological transformation and
disposition including:
Analytical Methods
Pharmacokinetics in Mice
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 7. IND Template

Pharmacokinetics in Dogs
Summary of Nonclinical Pharmacokinetics or Conclusions
A summary of toxicological effects such as:
Toxicology in Mice
Toxicology in Dogs
Summary of Nonclinical Toxicology or Conclusions

Pharmacokinetics and Product Metabolism in Humans
Clinical Trials/Published Data
Sponsored Clinical Trials
Other (indicate type) Studies
Safety and Efficacy
Safety Information from Clinical Trials: A description of possible risks and
side effects to be anticipated on the basis of prior experience with the drug
under investigation or with related drugs, and of precautions or special
monitoring to be done as part of the investigational use of the drug.
Marketing Experience
Identify countries where investigational drug did and did not receive
market approval, and a summary of information resulting from the
marketed use.

Provides the investigator with a clear understanding of the possible risks
and adverse reactions, and of the specific tests, observations, and
precautions that may be needed for a clinical trial.


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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 7. IND Template


6a. Study Protocol
6b. Investigator Data
6c. Facilities Data
6d. Institutional Review Board Data

Instructions for Item 6:
A separate title page should be included in each section.
Item 6ainclude the protocol, informed consent, and Institutional Review
Board approved consent if available.
Item 6bInclude investigator informationForm FDA 1572, CV, any other
Item 6cList the institution where this study will be taking place and the
principal investigators name and title. Also, indicate established
procedures for determining the adequacy of the facilities used for the
conduct of clinical trials (i.e., peer review, etc.)
Item 6dPlease indicate established procedures for ensuring that the
research conducted under this IND is properly reviewed by an
appropriately constituted Institutional Review Board (IRB). Each
investigator who participates in NCI-supported clinical research must
conduct the research in an institution with an approved assurance from
the Department of Health and Human Services Office for Human
Research Protections (OHRP) at the National Institutes of Health. This is
in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 45 Part 46, and
Title 21, Parts 50 and 56. Include IRB approval if available at IND

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 7. IND Template


7a. Drug Substance [Biologic Agent]

1. Letter of Authorization to Cross-Reference IND
XX,XXX [BB-IND for biologics]: [Drug company
name], if applicable.

2. Description and Characterization
3. Name and Address of the Manufacturer
4. Methods of Manufacture
5. Analytical Methods and Specifications
6. Stability
7b. Drug Product [Biologic Product]
1. Components and Composition
2. Name and Address of the Manufacturer
3. General Manufacturing and Packaging Description
4. Analytical Methods and Specifications
5. Stability
Response to Gene Therapy Letter [gene transfer INDs

7d. Environmental Analysis Requirements/Claim for Exclusion


For Item 7d, see next page

If chemistry, manufacturing, and control services were provided by RAID, a
document will be provided for inclusion in the appropriate section of the IND.

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 7. IND Template

ITEM 7d. Environmental Analysis Requirements/Claim for

The [add sponsor name] requests a claim for categorical exclusion for this
proposed clinical trial as provided for in 21 CFR 25.31(e), in that the agent
shipped under this IND is intended to be used in clinical trials in which the
amount of waste expected to enter the environment may reasonably be expected
to be nontoxic. Furthermore, it is understood that the clinical supplies of [agent]
are to be used under the direction of qualified investigators (physicians, as well
as pharmacists and nurses) knowledgeable in the use and handling of
investigational anticancer agents.

[Describe procedures for drug disposition of unused clinical supplies of the agent.
Also describe waste handling and control procedures for the agent.]

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 7. IND Template


8a. Nonclinical Efficacy
8b. Pharmacology
1. Nonclinical Pharmacology Summary
8c. Toxicology
1. Nonclinical Toxicology Summary

For gene transfer INDs, add the following statement to Item 8c:

All animal safety information provided to [sponsor name] has been submitted as
described in 21 CFR 312.32-33.


If pharmacology and toxicology services were provided by RAID, a document will
be provided for inclusion in the appropriate sections of the IND.
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 7. IND Template


[If the IND is a cross-reference and an investigators brochure is included in the
IND, the text of Item 9 should be limited to 1 or 2 short paragraphs. Refer to
investigators brochure and summarize only clinical information that supplements
the brochure.]

[If the IND is not a cross-reference, the text of Item 9 should be limited to no
more than 1 page and used to summarize any relevant clinical information
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 7. IND Template


10a. Quality Assurance and Site Monitoring
10b. Publications


Add any additional pertinent information in this section, such as relevant
publications, letters of cross-reference (if not already included in other sections),

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 7. IND Template


Add any other relevant information required for review of the application if
requested by the FDA.

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 8. Example IND Cover Letter

Appendix 8: Example IND Cover Letter
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 8. Example IND Cover Letter


[FDA address: This will vary, depending on the nature of the product and the
disease indication.]

Steven K. Galson, M.D., M.Ph.
Food and Drug Administration
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Central Document Room
5901-B Ammendale Road
Beltsville, MD 20705-1266


Jesse Goodman, M.D.
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research
Attn: Office of Compliance and Biologics Quality
c/o Document Control Center (HFM-99)
Office Center, Suite 200N
1401 Rockville Pike
Rockville, MD 20852-1448

Subject: Notice of Claimed Investigational Exemption for a New Drug
(IND) Serial No. [0000] Vol. 1, pp. 1xxx; Vol. X, pp. 1xxx;
Title of IND

Dear Dr. Galson or Dr. Goodman:

[Company/Institution Name] hereby submits one original and two copies of a
Notice of Claimed Investigation Exemption for a New Drug (IND) for [insert IND
title here].

[Company/Institution Name] is sponsoring this IND to evaluate the administration
of [name of drug or biologic] for the treatment of [name of disease or condition].

Page 96 of 104
Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 8. Example IND Cover Letter

Steven K. Galson, M.D., M.Ph.; or Jesse Goodman, M.D.
Page 2

The proposed initial study under this IND will be conducted at the [name of
clinical site]. The principal investigator of this study is [name of principal
investigator], M.D. A signed Form FDA 1572 and investigators curricula vitae
are included as attachments to this letter.

[Add any pertinent information to which you would like to call to the FDAs
attention; some examples are given below]:

1. [Drug name] was manufactured by [manufacturers name]. Information
concerning the manufacture of this product is contained under item 7.

2. The adjuvant [adjuvants name] was manufactured by [adjuvant
manufacturers name, city, state]. A cross-reference letter to the
companys drug master file [DMF number] is enclosed under Item 7 of this

3. Clinical trials will not be initiated prior to thirty (30) days after receipt of this
IND by your Center. We will notify your Center if and for what reason the
investigation is discontinued. In addition, we will notify each investigator if
the investigation is discontinued or a Product License Application is

Please address all correspondence to:

[Sponsors name, affiliation, address, and contact information]

If you have any questions regarding this submission, please contact [name of
contact person] at [contact persons phone number] or [contact persons e-mail


[Name, title and affiliation of IND applicant]


Page 97 of 104
Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 8. Example IND Cover Letter

For gene transfer INDs, add:

The information requested in the FDAs March 6, 2000, Gene Therapy Letter has
been provided. Responses to items 15 of that letter can be found in the cross-
referenced manufacturers master file, BB-MF XXXX. Response to item 6 can be
found in [add this information to item 10 of the IND]. Lastly, all animal safety
information provided to [add sponsor name] has been submitted as described in
21 CFR 312.32-33 (response to item 7).
Page 98 of 104
Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 9. Form FDA 1572

Appendix 9: Form FDA 1572

A current Form FDA 1572 and instructions for its completion can be obtained
using the following Web site:
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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 9. Form FDA 1572

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 9. Form FDA 1572

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 10. Example Drug/Biologic Master File Cross-Reference Letter

Appendix 10: Example Drug/Biologic Master File Cross-Reference Letter

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 10. Example Drug/Biologic Master File Cross-Reference Letter

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Sponsors Guide to Regulatory Submissions for an Investigational New Drug
Appendix 10. Example Drug/Biologic Master File Cross-Reference Letter

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The Sponsors Guide to
Regulatory Submissions for
an Investigational New Drug

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