MEC105: Basic Workshop Practice
MEC105: Basic Workshop Practice
MEC105: Basic Workshop Practice
. (B.ENG, M.Sc)
1. Obedience: This is the first and most important rule in the workshop. Instructions
given by authorized workshop personnel are to be carried out in so far as they are
correcting even if not convenient or pleasing. This applies to all rules of safety as well
as operation, maintenance, repairs, etc.
2. Humility: Be ready to learn from others at all times. All workshop staffs are to be
given their due respect and recognition rather than be despised. It takes time and
experience to develop workshop skill. IF IN DOUBT, ASK Confidence is
necessary to work well in workshop but over-confidence can be very costly.
3. Cooperation: Self-centeredness may not prove disadvantageous in other places but in
workshop, you must cooperate with others to achieve anything tangible and have
consideration for their safety before doing anything. Report any tool damaged by you
to the workshop staff immediately.
4. Horseplay: No horseplay in the shop.
5. Disturbance: Do not disturb anybody in your neighborhood in the workshop and do
not distract his attention. Dont touch a machine under operation by a worker without
his consent and if you must talk to him, seek his audience.
6. Fiddling: Dont fiddle with any switch, lever or tool. Press no switch and shift no
lever except it is safe to do so and that you are aware of its functions and the
consequent action. Handle tools only when and you need them.
3. Illumination must be good for effective working with the least strain. Most
fluorescent lighting in the workshop have twin lamp to avoid dangers of false sight of
fast-moving machines due to stroboscopic effect.
4. The body of a machine is metal. Electric shorts to the body of the machine could
serious shocks. This is why all electricity supplies to the shop are earthed. Further
precaution is taken by wearing shoes without metal parts at the sole.
5. Electric shock victims should be given artificial respiration after isolating from the
shock source. Report immediately and take to clinic.
6. Wear masks when working in areas filled with noxious fumes and gases.
7. Know the point of isolation of electric power from all machine tools and external to it
so these can be stopped when necessary without getting to them.
The traditional system of units which are still commonly used today include the c.g.s
(centimeter-gram-second) system, the m.k.s (metre-kilogram-pound) system, the British
Imperial or
f.p.s (foot-pound-second) system.
The c.g.s System of Units:
In the c.g.s system, the basic quantities length, mass and time are measured in
centimeter (cm), gram (g) and second(s) respectively. The unit represents a rather
small scale of measurement. The system is very popular with the physicist.
The Imperial (British) or F.p.s. System of Units:
The elementary units for length and mass in the F.p.s system are the foot (ft) and
the pound (Ib) respectively. These units are of the right order of magnitude for use
by engineers. Unfortunately, however, the relationships between the various
named units such as Ib, stone, cwt, ton (for masses) do not often have uniform
relating factors thereby problem and unnecessary strain on the memory.
The use of the F.p.s. system has been phased out to a large degree already even in
the U.K. In Nigeria, a decision was taken to phase out its use and adopt in its
place the S.I units.
The S.I. Units:
This is an internal system of units, which, essentially is a modified or rationalized
form of the metric m.k.s system of units. The S.I. system of units is gaining
worldwide acceptance and is popular with scientist and engineers alike. Its
interrelations work in tens thus making conversions to the various named units of
the system very easy.
Furthermore, the metre, kilogram is of the right kind of order of magnitude for
measurements in engineering.
The use of standard metric multiples widens the range over which measurements
can made. The commonly used multiples with their associated names are listed
It is possible to make conversion from one system of unit to another. One of the
technique that can be use to achieve the conversion is outlined below:
Any physical quantity may be thought of as a number multiplied by unit
Unit names may be treated as if they were algebraic quantities
Relationships between units of the same kind are to be expressed by unity
Example 1 : A motorcycle uses fuel at the rate of 15 km/litre. What is the consumption
rate in mile/gallon? (Assume that 1-gallon is 4.546 litres and that 1-mile is 1.609 km)
Rate of fuel consumption = 15 km/litre
We want mile in place of km and gallon in place of litre
if 1 mile =1.609 km,
1 = 1 mile
1.609 km
Similarly, if 1 gallon = 4.546 litres = 1 = 1 gallon
4.546 litre
Thus the fuel consumption rate = 15 km 1 mile
litre 1.609 km
= 42.38 mile /gallon
4.546 litre
1 gallon
The basic unit of length is the metre (abbreviation; m). The metre has been defined in
terms of a wavelength of light, being the length equal to 1650763.73 vacuum wavelength
of orange radiation of krypton 86 under given reference conditions.
by this definition, the standard metre has become of no further use. In industrial
measurement technology, standard gauges are used to represent the unit of measure, these
gauges can be measured by comparison with wavelengths in official physics laboratories.
The flat angle is taken as a unit for which the arc radius ratio has the value 1. This unit
is called the radian (abbreviation: rad). Using this definition, the measurement of an
angle is reduced to that of two lengths.
The right angle (sign: ^) is equal to 0.5 times a radian: 1^ = /2 rad.
The degree (sign: o) is equal to the 90th part of a fight angle: 1o = /180 rad.
The grade (sign: g) is equal to the 100th part of a right angle: 1g = /200 rad.
In manufacture, angles are generally indicated in degrees. The degree is divided into
minutes (sign: , 1o = 60 ) and into seconds (sign: , 1 = 60 ). The degree can also be
divided in the decimal system, for example: 30030 = 30 30 =30.5o; 1o45 = 1o 45
with reasonable strength and toughness are important, for example in body work,
tubing, brackets.
2. Medium Carbon Steel: It consists of 0.25%-0.55% carbon. This grade of steel is
stronger and harder than mild steel. The hardness and strength of the steels in this
range can be increased by quenching the metal from red heat. If this process is then to
follow by tempering, the ductility of the steel can be improved at the expense of its
hardness and strength. The typical uses of M.C.S. are keys, dowels, chain wheels,
crankshafts, connecting rods, front acle beams, push rods, gears and transmission
3. High Carbon Steel: The high-carbon steel consists of 0.55-1.5 carbon, thus causing
increased hardness and strength of the metal, with a loss in ductility. The steel can be
heat-treated to obtain similar results to that of M.C.S. Typical uses are leaf and coil
springs and torsion bars.
4. Cast Iron: It contains from about 21/2%-4% carbon together with small quantities of
silicon, sulphur, phosphorus and manganese. Its melting point is 1,2000c
-The carbon content makes the fe flow more easily when molten, but strength of final
component is reduced.
-There are two types: 1. Grey cast Iron, 2. White cast Iron.
-Grey cast fe is cheap, flow readily into intricate moulds, can be easily machined, and
due to presence of free carbon in the form of graphite forms excellent bearing
-By placing metal chills in the sand mould, the hardness of the cast Iron can be led
due to the sudden cooling, and this procedure is often employed to produce wearresisting surfaces.
5. Malleable Cast Iron: Malleable cast iron has improved tensile strength, brittleness and
Ductility compared to Cast Iron.
-Because of the above fact, Malleable Iron is used for parts that have to withstand
-It is easy to machine and comparatively inexpensive.
-Its typical uses are for differential casing, and differential carriers, rear axle casings,
wheel hubs.
6. Brasses: brasses are formed when copper is alloyed with Zinc. Those containing less
than 36% zinc are widely used for cold working. Above this proportion, harder and
stronger brasses are obtained which are usually worked hot. Brass can be
strengthened by the addition of aluminum, tin, iron, and manganese to form the hightensile brasses.
7. Bronze: Bronze was originally an alloy of copper and tin, but the word has come to
be used for copper alloys containing no tin. Gunmetal, frequently used for
corrosion-resisting castings, contains about 10% tin and 2% zinc. Phosphorus bronze
usually has about 10% tin with 0.5% phosphorus. An important series of copper
alloys is the aluminum bronzes containing from 6% to 11% aluminum. Those with
the higher proportions often have additions of fe and nick and can have their strength
considerably increased by heat treatment.
8. Wrought Iron: The wrought iron contains 99% iron with slight impurities (iron
silicate). It is Malleable and ductile with a high tensile strength. It quickly recover
from overstrain.
-When heated remains in a pasty state the melting point is reached. Hence it forge
welds wall. It cannot be cast.
-It machines well but with a poor finish and
-Pins when being filled
-It is used for Haulage gear, anchor chains, crane hooks, boilerplates.
9. Nickel Steels: Nickel Steel contains Iron with 6 to 30% nickel
-Nickels refines grain structure and increase the strength.
-Corrosion resistant and heat.
-It is used for turbine blades, car engine valves.
10. Nickel-Chrome Steels: It contains Iron with 1 to 5% nickel and up to 2% chromium
-It is corrosion resistant, air hardening.
-It is used for heavily loaded machinery, armour plate.
11. Aluminum Alloys: There is about 40 standard aluminum alloys of with about half are
used for casting and half for wrought work.
-The commonest casting alloy is LM4. This is composed of 92% Al, 5% Si and 3%
Cu. Another common casting alloy is LM6, composed of 88% Al with 12% Si. This
latter alloy is very free flowing when cast.
12. Duralumin is the oldest Al alloy still in use and is used for pressings and sheet metal
work but not for casting, it is made up of 4% copper, 0.5% each of silicon, manganese
and magnesium with the remainder aluminum.
Duralumin posses the following properties:
-Has the approx. strength of mild steel with the weight of aluminum.
-Very susceptible to corrosion over a period of time
-Age hardens.
13. Working Qualities of Duralumin: Bends, flods and works well cold but quickly work
hardens cannot by normal methods. Can be forged, stamped, spun, bent and
hammered to shape.
Aircraft parts, vehicle parts, pulleys, con. Rods, bolts, nuts, rivets, screws, etc.
Components where lightness of weight and strength are important.
14. Zinc Alloys: d are two standard Zinc casting alloys in common use; one with 3%
copper, 4%Al, 0.1% Mg and the remainder Zinc; the other with 0.1% Cu, 4%Al,
0.05% Mg and the remainder Zinc.
-The first mentioned alloy has greater strength than the latter, though it is not as
stable, losing some of this strength through ageing.
-Zinc alloys are susceptible to inter-crystalline corrosion and for this reason must be
made up from Zn which is at least 99.99% pure.
-Both alloys cast well taking a good finish and requiring only low casting
Accurate marking out is the first step in all processes and the methods and instruments
are common to all metal working crafts. Measurements are taken either from one edge
made straight or from a centerline. Scriber lines on non-ferrous metals and oxide covered
steels are readily visible but bright steel needs coating with copper sulphate solution or
engineers blue (Prussians blue oil paint) if the line is to be easily seen.
Measuring and testing are continuous processes throughout manufacture whether
working with hand tools or machines.
Degrees of accuracy are specified on the workshopdrawings. Measuring methods in order
of accuracy are:
Direct measurement from a rule
Calipers set to a rule
Calipers set to a plug gauge
Vernier calipers
Micrometer readings
Dial indicator gauge
Tools in good working condition are easier and safer to use.
The most important layout tool is the metal rule. This is obtainable in various sizes with a
wide choice of graduations made of carbon steel or stainless steel. The latter being well
worth the external expense. A metric scale and two types of imperial (mch) scale are
provided, one divided into tenths of an inch with sub-divisions down to 1/100 in, and the
other divided into sub-division of in, in, 1/8 in, 1/16 in and for parts of its length,
1/32 in and 1/64 in. The smallest division the eye can usefully distinguish is about
0.25mm and even this is difficult without the use of a magnifying lens. The markings
themselves are about 0.1mm wide; so further sub-division than 0.5mm serves no useful
purpose. In measuring a width by a rule, the greatest accuracy is obtained by working
between divisions and not the end. The end is only used when measuring to a shoulder or
when the rule is used as a scale to which a surface gauge or scribing block is set.
A pair of dividers has two pointed steel legs
attached at the top with a spring adjustment.
It is used for measuring between points,
transferring measurements directly from the
rule, and scribing arcs and circles. The legs
of dividers are hardened and ground to a
sharp point so they will remain accurate and
sharp for long time. A pair of dividers
should never be used as a scriber or prick
punch. In scribing an arc or circle, set the
dividers to the correct radius, one leg of the
dividers should be on the inch mark and the
other opened to the proper measurement
The body is made of steel with a scriber of
H.C.S. hardened and tempered to a straw.
The size is set by a steel rule using the finger
to support the leg. Odd-leg Calipers are used
1. Scribing lines parallel to given edge e.g.
center lines. Not very accurate for this
purpose because the Odd legs must be
held square to the edge for a true
measurement. When used for
centerlines, the center is found by frail
The Centre Punch is used to enlarge prick-punch holes to be drilled. The blunt point helps
the drill to get started. Striking the tool a sharp blow with a hammer makes the
indentation. If the mark is slightly off center, it can be corrected by tipping the punch and
lifting it toward the center.
The Vee block is made in pairs exactly alike in shape and size, and often with two vees,
one larger than the other. The sloping faces are at 900 with a groove at the base of the vee
for clearance. Small sizes are made of H.C.S. hardened and ground and provided with a
clamp for holding the work. Vee-Blocks of larger sizes are made of C.I. and are not
provided with a clamp because the weight of the work is enough to hold it in position.
The blocks are used for supporting round stock for marking out or for drilling.
Surface plates is used for: 1. Accurate marking out
2. Checking of surface for flat
3.Checking parts for alignment height etc.
It is made of C.I in sizes from 100 x150mm to 1m square. Various grades are made
grade A, plates being hand scraped accurate to less than 0.02mm. Lower grades are left
with a machine surface.
The plate is provided with three feet to prevent nock and give stability, and with two
handles for carrying it. The underside is ribbed to prevent warping and twisting of the top
Other micrometers for more accurate work have larger thimbles and barrels so that each
0.01mm unit on the thimble can be sub-divided into 10 equal parts each representing
Note: that the micrometer principle is based principally on bolt and nut and can be
explains as follows:
1. To provide linear movement of the anvil through rotary movement of a screw
2. To divide the pitch of the screw into a convenient number of equal parts of the
thimble, each of which represents the basic unit of measurement.
External Micrometer
The external micrometer used for the accurate measurement of external diameters or
length, to a limit of 0.01mm or 0.001mm. It has the following parts
Spindle (or Moving Anvil) and Screw: made of hardened steel with a grounded thread
Frame: Roughly semicircular in shape, holding anvil, barrel and lock nut.
Barrel or Sleeve: graduated in mm. The measurement there shows the main reading i.e.
the diameter of the distance between fixed and moving anvils
Thimble: It rotates around the barrel and is divided or graduated into fifty (50) equal
divisions, each equal to1/50 of a revolution.
Ratchet: This provides the correct feel
The vernier caliper consists the following parts:
1. Fixed Jaw
2. Sliding Jaw
3. Rule (on which the main scale
4. Vernier scale
5. Clamp
6. Head lock
7. Clamp lock
8. Fine Setting screw
It is made in sizes from 150mm upwards and used for measuring large external and
internal diameters over a wider range than is possible with a micrometer
The Vernier principle is applied to a protractor scale by having a vernier scale of suitable
radius sliding over the protractor scale. Most vernier protractor read to units of five
minutes of a degree.
The main scale is divided into 180 degrees round half the circumference of the outer ring.
The inner ring carries two Vernier scales, each of which reads either side of a common
zero. These scales should always be read in the same direction as the main scale.
Reading off the Vernier Protractor for the above Reading. The Reading on main scale
between zero on the main scale and the zero on the vernier scale = 530. Also continuing
in the same direction, there are 3 spaces between the vernier zero and the line on the
vernier, which coincides with a line on the main scale. Each of these spaces represents 5
minutes of one. The full reading is. 53 degree plus (3x5mm) = 53 degree 15 minutes
In the workshop, most of the shaping of metals involves cutting the metal, and stopping
this at the correct place.
The usual conception of cutting suggests cleaving the substance apart with a thin knife or
wedge. The action is quite different when we cut metals being move in the nature of
shearing than cutting process. Cutting operation is generally the removal of pieces of
metals from the parent metal inform of clips.
When the cut is under way, the clip presses heavily on the top face of the tool and
continuous shearing takes place across the zone severance of the clip from the workpiece. At the same time, the clip suffers severe pressure and this, in conjunction with the
shearing action, results in the clip being compressed to a shorter and thicker length as it
leaves the tool.
Cutting of metals is performed in two ways depending on the machine and cutting
operation being employed: (i) The work moving (rotating) while the cutting tool is
stationary (ii) The work is stationary by the cutting tool is rotating or reciprocating.
(b) DRAW FILING: Draw filing is used for finishing most surfaces, after being cross
filed flat, are draw file until all the cross filing marks disappear. The file is held at
right angle to the length of the metal and pushed back and forth along its length. The
hand should be held as close together as possible to reduce wobble.
Grades of file indicate the degree of coarseness of the teeth. The grade can be rough,
bastard, smooth, and dead smooth. Each grade of cut has teeth of different pitch in
different sizes.
A Twist drill cannot be relied upon to produce a hole
Very accurate in size and with a good finish for many
Purposes. When accurate holes are required, a reamer
must be used for finishing to size. A reamer will not
Drill a hole but will enlarge an existing hole making
it round, smooth and accurate in size. Reaming
however, will not correct any errors, which may be
in the hole with regard to its position, or direction
because the reamer merely follows the previously
drilled hole.
The accuracy with which a reamer cuts will depend
on its diameter
MACHINE REAMERS: The reamers have a mouse
taper shank and fit directly into the machine spindle,
e.g. the lathe tail stock. Some have straight flutes but
more often the flutes form a left hand helix or spinal.
If the helix were right hand, as a twist drill, the reamer
would try to screw itself into the metal.
HAND REAMERS: They are used by hand in a tap
Wrench. They may have straight or helical flute like
the machine reamers and they have the extreme end
tapered slightly to give it a lead into the hole.
Reamers are used with a clockwise or right-hand rotation and no backward turns are
necessary as with a tap. Cutting solution must be used as for drilling.
Internal Threads are cut by means of TAPS. This is by hand on bench, on lathe or on
drilling machine. A Tap may be regarded as a bolt with a perfect thread cut on it, which
has been provided with cutting edges and hardened, so that when it is screwed into a hole,
it cuts an internal thread, which will fit an external thread of the same size.
Taps are made of high-carbon-steel (H.C.S) or high-speed steel (H.S.S) hardened and
tempered. Both types are very brittle and need care in use. They are usually made in sets
of three to cut any particular size. These are:
Taper Taps: Taper for two thirds of their length and are used first, to start the cutting of
the thread. No other tap is necessary for tapping thin plate because the taper tap will cut
full thread at the top end.
Second Taps (intermediate Taps): Taper for one third of their length and follow the taper
taps in use. Some sets have these taps omitted.
Bottoming Taps (Plug Taps): These are parallel for their complete length except for a
chamfer lead. They are used last of the set and are always necessary when a blind hole
has to be tapped.
Procedure For Tapping
1. Tapping size hole must be drilled
smaller than screw size.
2. It is important that a tap should be
started with its Axis parallel with the
center line of the hole. As soon as the tap
cuts it should be tested for Alignment
with a try square.
3. Sufficient lubricant (cutting fluid) must
be applied.
4. Turn clockwise two thirds of a
revolution to cut the thread and back a
quarter turn to clear the swarfs/clip.
5. A Taper Tap run through quarter thin
work gives a full thread.
6. A Blind Hole is tapped by using all the
three taps in turn starting with the Taper
Tap. The swarfs/clip should be cleared
out frequently to prevent choking of the
TAPPING HOLE SIZE: The size must be calculated or checked on standard table or
chart if available. An oversize hole may result in broken tap or the tap may not enter the
To calculate the tapping hole size, any of the two below formula can be used.
1. T = D 2 (0.
Where T = Tapping hole diameter
D = Major diameter of thread
P = Pitch of thread required
0.54 = Constant for 1.5v thread
2. Example54P)
Calculate the tapping hole diameter to be drilled in a plate for a thread of M10x1.5. In
this example the major diameter is 10mm and the pitch is 1.5
Thus using formula No.1.
T = D 2 (0.54P)
= 10 2 (0.54 x1.5)
= 10 2 (0.810)
= 10 1.62
= 8.38
It is not possible to obtain the size 8.38mm drill bit, but this is close to 8.5mm diameter
drill. Thus, 8.5mm is chosen and use.
Using formula No. 2
= 10 1.5 = 8.5mm diameter hole
External Threads are cut by means of dies, which fit into die stocks. Dies have the size,
kind of thread and pitch marked on the leading face. This face has a chamfer lead to
enable the cutting to start more easily. It is important that the die be placed the right way
round in the stock so that the correct face starts the cutting.
Circular Dies (spot dies): They have a limited adjustment for size provided by the
adjustment screws. They are most often used in sizes below 12mm.
- Center screw expands die
- Side screws lock die
Rectangular Dies (two piece dies): The dies have two parts to each size, number 1 and 2.
A wide range of adjustment for size is possible. They are most often used for cutting
fairly large diameter threads.
Die Nuts (solid dies): Die nuts are not intended for cutting threads from the solid but for
rectifying damage to existing threads or running an existing thread down to size.
Taps and Dies are precision tools, they must be handle with care, they must not be
dropped because they are brittle, keep them clean and return into their respective boxes
after use.
When using these tools on machine, the revs/min must be greatly reduced with plenty
lubricant to avoid damages to the tools.
Turpentine or
Turpentine or
Soluble oil
Base or Body: This is a heavy hollow casting supporting the main parts. The ramoperating mechanism and often the motor drive is contained within the casting.
The Saddle: It is fixed to the front vertical face of the body. It can be raised and lowered
by hand and locked in position.
The Table: This is of machined cast iron, slotted on top, bottom and slides for the bolting
on of work. It is sometimes made to swivel and can be traversed sideways by hand or
power feed.
Ram: The base casting has slide ways machined on its top face to take the Ram, which
moves horizontally across it to supply the cutting power.
The Head: It can move vertically and is usually arranged so that it can swivel as well.
Vertical movement of the head is usually by hand although automatic feed is sometimes
Tool Box or Clapper Box: This is fixed to the head and can be swiveled and locked at an
angle to alter the position of the tool in relation to the work. The box carries the cutting
tool and swivels on a pin for relief and lift on the backstroke
Front Support or Table Steady: This supports the table during cutting operations
Bull wheel
Crank pin
Crank pivot
The Crank is slotted and rotates on the Pivot. It is connected to the bull wheel or crank
gear by means of crank pin. The link connects the crank to the ram. The length of stroke
of the ram is decided by the position of the crank pin in the slot of the bull wheel. The
further it is from the center the longer the stroke. This same mechanism ensures that the
idle return stroke is quicker than the forward cutting stroke.
Cutting Tools: They are basically the same shape as lathe tools but they are often deeper
and therefore stronger.
Parallelism: Through wear in the front vertical slide and the weight of the table, there is
tendency for the table to sag at the front every time the vertical adjustment is used. The
amount of sag can be checked by mounting a dial gauge in the tool post and using the
reading as it is traversed over the table. If the front is low the bolts on the front table
support should be locked and the rear of the table lowered by the vertical adjustments
until the reading on the dial gauge is constant.
Squareness: When adjacent horizontal and vertical faces are to be shaped at one setting,
the vertical face will be machined square when the vertical feed motion of the head slide
is truly square to the table surface. When this slide has been set over to machine an
inclined surface, it can be readjusted to the perpendicular position with the aid of a dial
gauge and try square.
A Milling Machine may be defined as one whose main function is to produce flat
surfaces with a rotary cutter, by either a copying or a generating process.
Milling is a cutting operation in which each tooth of a multi-toothed rotating cutter
engages the work-piece in turn, and removes a relatively small amount of metal in the
form of a chip.
Milling operations can be broadly classified as end cutting and peripheral-cutting. Milling
is usually used to produce plane surfaces, or suitable combination of cutter and work-
piece movements, circular or part-circular surfaces. Vertical milling machines are also
used for drilling reaming and boring.
Milling machines can be classified into the Knee-and-column machines and bed-type
Knee-and-Column machines: These machines consist of two main parts as their names
suggest. The column is a massive casting that contains the drive, lubrication, and
transmission systems and supports the knee, which is carried on slides at the front of the
The knee is a casting, which in turn carries the table, it can be raised and lowered as
required and locked in position. The two basic machines in this group are the horizontal
milling machine and the vertical milling machine. In the horizontal machine, the cutter is
normally mounted on an arbor with its axis horizontal and peripheral-cutting cutters are
used. The arbor is supported by the over arm at its extreme end, and is driven by the
End-cutting cutters can be held in a short arbor, and used to machine vertical surfaces.
When its operation is done, the over arm is unlocked and pushed back to give more room
for the work-piece and the operator.
In the vertical milling machine, the cutter is held in an arbor with its axis vertical, it is
more usually end cutting, but special shank mounted peripheral-cutting cutters can be
used. The vertical milling machine is also needed for drilling, weaving and boring. It can
be used as a for of jig boring machine, if the table is positioned under the cutter by
using stops and end bars.
The Universal milling machine is similar to the horizontal milling machine, but the table
can be sung about a vertical axis and locked in position. It is used in conjunction with a
dividing head to generate helices, and is associated with the tool-room and similar small
production shape.
Bed-Type Machines: The knee and column machines are quickly set but tend to lack
rigidity. Unlike bed-type machine, this lack of rigidity is overcome to a large extent by
having the table support directly by the bed of the machine. This type is a form of
horizontal milling machine in which vertical adjustment is by movement or the spindle
and over arm. Its horizontal adjustment is usually by positioning the cutter along the
arbor. Adjustment for depth of cut is usually a fairly long operation, nut this machine is
used for production work, where the machine is set up for the production of a large
number of similar components, without the need to apply a large number of cuts.
The Milling cutters (especially side-and-face and helical) can be presented to work in two
ways known as up-cut milling and down-cut milling.
The down-cut milling is also called climb milling. The most important difference
between the two is the way and manner in which the forces are exerted whilst the cutting
is in progress and also the paths taken by each cutter relative to work piece.
The path taken by the cutter teeth and cutting must be considered in conjunction with the
material to be cut, the clamping system and the milling machine.
Up-cut milling - when this method is used, the cutter teeth enters the work at the bottom
of the cut and leave at the surface of the job. Each tooth enters sthe job gradually
production a chip which increases in thickness along its length. The horizontal cutting
force is directed against the movement of the table, so that backwash is the table met and
lead screw is taken up.
The milling machine table may be lifted due to vertical cutting force. It is essential that
the table and its mechanism must be in good condition and correctly adjusted to obtain a
better surface finish. This method is ideal for machine not lifted with backlash
elimination. The forces during up milling tend to lift work from the machine table. And
the start of the chip produces the finishes.
Down-cut (climb) milling machine milling cutters makes contact with the work surface
at the thickness point on the chip and leaves the work at the bottom of the cut. Rotation of
the cutter is in the same direction as the feed movement and there is a horizontal force
pulling the work under the cutter. If the machine is not fitted with backlash elimination,
the feed nation will be interrupted because of the cutter milling, the work and table along
to take up the backlash in the lead screws nut. This irregular movement may result in
poor surface finish and in machine vibration. The end of the chip produces the finished
surface. The forces during down milling tend to press the work down on to the table. If
the lead screw is in good order, down-cut milling is better in view of its forces.
To operate this method successfully, it must be used on machines fitted with backlash
elimination. This is a device, which ensures that non-driving flanks of the lead screw
thread are confirm in contact.
Straddle Milling The rate of metal removal can be increased, if more than one cutter is
used at a time. In straddle milling, two cutters are mounted on the arbor, so that the faces
milled simultaneously but the cutters need to be separated by a distance of 77mm on the
machine arbor. It takes cut at one pass. This is important when a number of works have to
be machined.
The distance between the two cutters is controlled by a spacer piece and if matched or
mounted correctly, features such as spanner flats, squares and hexagons can be cut to two
faces at a time the work being held vertically in direct indexing head.
Gang milling It is economical where a considerable number of parts are to be
machined. Three or more cutters can be mounted on the arbor allowing several faces to
be machined simultaneously. But these cutters must be of correct appropriate diameters
and thickness since the shape of the surface is a copy of the form produced by the cutters
in combination.
The plain vice is normally limited to work piece whose faces and slots are to be machined
at right angles.
The swiveling machine vice is for work pieces that have to be machine at the angles other
than right angles, which is mounted on a rotary base, graduated in degrees, and is infact,
almost identical to the shaping machine vice. Though, the facility of swiveling through an
angle is some ways a disadvantage since the fixed alignment of the plain vices are lost.
Despite that the rotary base is provided with a scale of degree, it is not accurate enough to
be relied upon for squareness and parallelism.
For squareness, the fixed jaw should be checked with a dial gauge against the
longitudinal table motion. Smaller work piece are held in a machine vice, if the quantity
to be produced does not justify the manufacture of a milling fixture.
In drilling, two forces are required, a torque to provide the tangential cutting force and a
direct thrust normal to the work surface to feed in the drill. Thus, any drilling machine
must provide two motions to the drill.
1. A rotary motion whose speed is adjustable to give the required cutting speed and
whose power is sufficient to provide the necessary tangential force for cutting.
2. A linear motion for the feed.
If the machine is to produce accurate holes without exerting bending force on the drill:
(a) The drill must rotations its own axis, i.e. run true without eccentricity, which
demands an accurate drill-holding device.
(b) The drill must cut equally on both cutting edges.
(c) The feed motion must be along the line of the axis of the drill.
Furthermore, a rigid base or table must be provided on which the work can be fixed for
the drilling operation. This table must normally be at right angles to the axis of rotation of
the drill and therefore at right angles to the direction of feed.
These requirements are called the basic alignments of the machine. They are common to
all drilling machines, and machines differ only in size, power and the way the drill is
positioned over the work.
An auxiliary table is usually provided to which smaller work pieces can be clamped and
in some cases, where utilization is high, two such tables are used. One is placed on the
machine while drilling is in progress and the other is at one side, having the previous
work is completed the table are inter-changed by hoist, the radial arm being swung clear
for the purpose.
Taper Turning is the production of conical surface. When a tool is fed parallel to the
spindle, a cylinder is turned, if however, the tool is still kept in a horizontal plane through
the work axis, and moved at an angle with this axis, a conical surface will be produced.
Taper Turning
The Same effect will be obtained if the tool moves in its original direction and the work
axis is altered to be at an angle with the line of the tool motion.
A lap of 3mm or 5mm is usual for small work.
The corner lap is first bent up in folding bars.
Both types of lap are finished by soldering.
The allowance for a grooved seam is x on one
side of the development and 2x on the other
where x = seam size.
1. Mark out allowance and bends in opposite directions.
2. Fold both laps over scrap tin plate
3. Hook the two parts together and mallet to tighten the joint
4. Close down with a grooving tool.
Allowance for wiring is 21/2 x diameter Of wire,
this allowance being added to the given height or other
1. Mark out this allowance using dividers or odd legs
2. Bend over at right angles in the folding bars using
a mallet
3. Mallet down the allowance over a piece of scrap metal
approx. equal in thickness to the diameter of the wire.
4. Place wire in position and trap with mallet blows.
5. Bring to final shape on a flat stake, creasing iron or
with a tucking hammer or grooving tool
Where possible, it is best to do wiring in the flat before
any bending to shape. The joint of the wiring is so arranged
that it is hidden when the shape is finally formed, as at A.
Difficulty may be experienced in preventing the collapse of
the open part of the joint a. This may be overcome by
filling the gap with a waste piece of wire during the
shaping or filing half way through the wire at a, at a
convenient spot and breaking off the wire after bending
Circular work involving a grooved seam and wired edge gives difficulty when bringing
the joint together at A. Avoid this by cutting out an extra allowance for clearance
equaling x 2t where t = thickness of tinplate.
This is a process of joining metals by means of an alloy. In soft soldering, solder
(soldering lead) is the alloy used to unite metals. Solder is an alloy of lead and tin and is
purchased in stick form. A heated copper bit (called soldering iron) is used to heat the
joint not melt the solder. To solder a joint, clean the two pieces of metal to be joined in
the viscosity of the joint and apply soldering flux. Heat the tinned soldering iron (to just
under a red hot heat) and quickly wipe it clean on a rag. Dip the bit into the flux and then
into the solder, to cause a small global of solder to adhere to it. Place the tip of the bit at
the end of the joint (the two pieces of metal to be joined may be held in position with
round nose plier) and leave it there for a few moment (to heat the joint) and then draw it
slowly along the joint.
Welding differs from soldering in that generally, no foreign metal is used to make the
joint. The parts are heated locally to melting point until they fuse and flow together. Thus
a welding joint should be continuous, and ideally, even microscopic joint should not
reveal the joint. As the weld proceeds, a filler rod of similar metal supplies additional
metal to fill the joint and make good any losses.
Heating must be very rapid to confirm it to a local area, and an oxy-acetylene flame or an
electric arc is used. In case of oxy-acetylene, the flame must be supplied by a correct
balance of oxygen and acetylene so that it is neither oxidizing nor carbonizing, since
either or these flames would weaken the weld.
In arc welding, the electrode is coated with a flux, which vaporizes and provides a
gaseous shield to prevent atmospheric attack.
Low-Pressure System
Low-pressure system. It is where the welding
process is carried out at fixed points on a
production line and large quantities of acetylene are required. The acetylene is produced
in a generator by the action of water on calcium
carbide and pipe to the work stations, a special
injector type of blow pipe being required. When
this method is used, the acetylene has to be by
passing through a purifier.
High-Pressure System
High-Pressure System. This is used
in general engineering maintenance
nod garage work. It has the great
advantages that it is portable,
requires no power supplied and the
capital cost of equipment is relatively low.
Before the gases are fed to the blowpipe, their pressure must be reduced by a pressure
regulator. By suitably adjusting the oxygen control in the blowpipe, three types of flames
can be produced.
-Oxidizing Flame excess oxygen
-Carbonizing Flame excess acetylene
-Neutral Flame Complete combusting with the minimum necessary oxygen
For most purposes, a neutral flame is desirable. If a carbonizing flame is used when
welding steel, the carbon content of the weld becomes greater than that of the parent
Basically, there are two methods that are employed for producing a weld by gas welding.
These are illustrated below. They are called leftward and rightward welding.
If iron or steel is heated almost to melting temperature and a stream of oxygen is then
played upon it, the metal is rapidly oxidized. The melting temperature of the iron oxide is
less than that of the metal from which it is formed, so the oxide, being in a liquid state, is
blown away from the zone by the stream of oxygen being used.
Thus, oxy-acetylene cutting blowpipe has two functions
(a) It must provide a suitable flame for pre-heating the metal and
(b) Provide a stream of oxygen for cutting.
The arc is generated by electrons flowing from the ve to +ve pole, and the electrical
energy is changed in the arc into heat and light. Two-third of the heat is developed near
the +ve pole, which burns into the form of a crater, the temperature near the crater being
about 3500-4000oC, which the remaining third is developed near to the ve pole. As a
result on electrode connected to the +ve pole will burn away 50 faster than if connected
to the ve pole. For this reason, it is usual to connect medium coated electrodes and bare
wire rod to the ve pole, so that they will not burn away quickly. Heavily coated
electrodes are connected to the +ve pole because, due to the extra heat required to melt
the heavy coating, they burn more slowly than other electrode.
Poor penetrating shallow crater metal heaps
up on plate with over-lap; arc has unsteady
spluttering sound.
becomes red hot, much spatten.
Too low voltage
This is term given to the deformation that occurs during welding which is either elastic or
plastic deformation caused by varying conditions of expansion and contraction, called
Residual Stresses.
Techniques Of Controlling Distortion: There are various ways of controlling the ample
effect that shall be discussed as follows:
Skip Welding: In this process a short length of weld is deposited in one part of the seam,
then the next length is done some distance away, keeping the sections as far away from
each other as possible, thus localizing the heat as shown below:
Pre-Heating: In the welding of cast iron with the blowpipe, pre-heating is always
necessary unless the casting is of simplest shape. The casting to be welded is heated into
its red-hot heat and the welding is then done at the state temperature.
Post-Heating: This is the heating of the welded cast iron and then controlling the rate of
cooling in a confined atmosphere the cooling is allowed to take place for 12, 24, or 36
hours, according to the size and shape of the cast.