Wisdom of Life From - Bruno Groening

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Wisdom of Life, from Bruno Groening - Short Extracts

Trust and believe, the divine force helps and heals. There is much that cannot be explained, but nothing that cannot happen. Dear friends, to experience salvation - that is truth. The greatest doctor of all mankind is, and will remain, the Lord our God! one! is power, but health is omnipotence. To be rich is to be health!. "f !ou want to experience the divine, !ou have to strive for it. ind rules matter. The sole purpose of m! deeds and workings is to guide all people on this earth once again onto the right path, onto the divine path. This is the #great turnaround$. % health! spirit rules it$s bod!. an acts according to his will. %s the will, so the thought. The thought moves man to action. %s the cause, so the effect! The good can onl! be proven b! deeds. Let deeds speak for themselves. &ack to nature! &ack to God, our Lord! &ack to the belief in the goodness of man! 'lease do not be credulous! Toda!, " sa!, as " alwa!s do( )*ou don$t have to believe what " sa!! " do not demand it of !ou. &ut !ou have one dut!( to find proof for !ourselves) +obod! can heal, onl! one can do it, God! % noble person thinks of dut!. %n inferior person thinks of profit. an is a creature of love. ,hat has been created in love, can onl! live in love. -Love is God.. +othing is impossible for God! /ree !ourselves from hatred and env!, for !ou live 0ust as !ou are. 1atred and env! alwa!s produce 2uarrels and arguments.

Think about each word, each sentence that !ou speak and each thought !ou receive, whether the! are worth! to be admitted! %nd think about ever!thing in detail, whether !ou have acted correctl!! 3all !ourself to order dail!, that is to sa!, to God! 4eprimand !ourself! 5ver!one is the architect of his own fortune, for man will reap what he sows. "llness does not belong to man. 3ontinuous good overcomes all evil. The bod!, dear friends, is a gift from God. an needs power to absorb 0ust one thought, he needs energies, and thus he has to take care that he absorbs new energies dail!. Love life - God! God is ever!where. " do not want that even one person who belongs alread! toda! to m! 3ircle of /riends is still credulous! 1e should not be credulous! 1e has the dut!, like m!self, to convince himself of an!thing! *ou cannot serve two masters, m! dear friends, not 5vil on the one hand and God on the other hand! &eing connected with God - this, m! dear friends, is ever!thing! That which !ou absorb, what !ou accept, is what !ou get inside of !ou. "f !ou absorbed alwa!s the good and put the evil aside, !ou would alwa!s have the good. *ou had left God, and !ou also felt !ou had been left b! God, but now !ou are called back. God has created man to be beautiful, good and health!. That is what he wants him to be. "nitiall!, man was closel! connected with God6 there was onl! love, harmon! and health, ever!thing was one. &ut when the first man listened to and followed that voice, of that evil one, which spoke be!ond this unit!, this connection broke, and since then God lives here, and man there. % great rift developed between God and man. There is no longer a connection. an, depending onl! on himself, can be ver! faithful and pra!6 but he will, in the course of his life, alwa!s be tempted b! evil and be pulled down into the depths. 7n !our path of life, !ou have arrived there. *ou experience, misfortune, pain, and incurable suffering. " tell !ou( do not go an! deeper - but " appeal to !ou to change !our wa!s! 4ise, and " will build !ou a bridge across the rift. 3hange from the path of suffering to the divine path! 7n this one there is no misfortune, no pain, no such thing as )incurable) 8an!thing there is good. This path leads back to God! See Brunos website http://www.bruno-groening.org/english/

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