Bill Stevenson: Physician

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Bill Stevenson

11/8-H, Southern Street, Richfield, MN 33000, United States email@exam le!com " #ellular $$$-%%%-&&&&& " Home $$$-%%%-&&&&

Job Objective
' osition in a (ell esta)lished medical or*ani+ation (here , can ha-e the o ro-idin* )etter health care facilities to the eo le! ortunit. of )ein* a art of

Qualification Highlights
" " " " " /-er four .ears ex erience as 0h.sician in a medical field! ,n-de th 1no(led*e of ad-ance and current medicine related rinci les, olices, methods! ')ilit. to *i-e demonstrations a)out the dru*s and rescri tions! 2ri-en rofessional (ith demonstrated trac1 record of 3xcellent com uter roficienc. and ex ertise in searchin* information throu*h (e) rocedures and

Employment History
St! 4eor*e #ommunit. Hos ital, Richfield, MN $005 to 0resent Physician " #hec1ed u atient and rescri)ed rele-ant harmaceuticals or referred to s ecialists! " Monitored medical treatments, dia*nosis and assessments of atient! " 3ducated atients on re-ention and detection of illness ). ro-idin* resources and materials to the atients and families " Maintained confidential documents of atient information accordin* to federal re*ulations and *uidelines " 0erformed health and sanitation ins ections and re ared recommendations and re orts as needed! National Hos ital, Richfield, MN $008 to $005 Physician " #onsulted (ith staff re*ardin* atient assessment, care, and education issues! " Re-ie(ed lon*-term cases re*ularl. that re6uire on*oin* medical attention " #onducted lanned (ee1l. (ard rounds for chec1in* ro*ress, monitorin* and allo(in* earl. dischar*e of atients under care! " 0artici ated in 6ualit. mana*ement, im ro-ement, and atient care ro*rams esta)lished ). the hos ital " Su er-ised the assessment and ro-ided ro er treatment to admitted atients 7ilton Medical #enter, Richfield, MN $008 to $008 Physician Assistant " 0erformed thera eutic rocedures, such as in9ections, immuni+ations, suturin* and (ound care, and infection mana*ement! " Made tentati-e dia*noses and decisions a)out mana*ement and treatment of atients! " 'ssisted h.sicians durin* sur*er. or com licated medical rocedures! " ,nter reted dia*nostic test results for de-iations from normal! " 0rescri)ed thera . or medication (ith h.sician a ro-al!

Academic Qualifications
State Uni-ersit., Richfield, MN M.S., Medical Science St! :ouis #olle*e, Richfield, MN B.S., Biology 2005


" 2isease 2ia*nosis ; <reatment " Medical #are Strate*ies 2e-elo ment " #lient Relationshi Mana*ement " #onfidentialit. 'ssurance " 'd-anced MS /ffice " 0ositi-e 0u)lic Relations " Stress Mana*ement " ,nfection #ontrol Standards " Medical Staff #oachin* " 0atience " <eam(or1 " Mana*in* ' ro-al 'cti-ities " =er)al ; 7ritten #ommunication S1ills " 0ro)lem Resolution

#ertified 0h.sician, State Medical ,nstitute, Richfield, MN, $008

!rofessional Affiliations
Mem)er, Societ. of 0h.sicians, Richfield, MN, $010

'-aila)le u on re6uest

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