Phys527 Final Presentation Tong Zhu
Phys527 Final Presentation Tong Zhu
Phys527 Final Presentation Tong Zhu
Monte Carlo method is a generic numerical method for a variety of mathematical problems based on computer generation of random numbers. Direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method is the Monte Carlo method for simulation of dilute gas ows on molecular level, i.e. on the level of individual molecules.
Dilute Gas
Dilute gas is a gas where the density parameter (volume fraction) is small (1) = nd3 1
n is the numerical concentration of gas molecule, d is the diameter of gas molecules. In dilute gas, only binary collisions between gas molecules are important. In Earth atmosphere, air can be considered as a dilute gas at any altitude, e.g. on the Earth surface, = 1.4 103 .
There are various collision models, Hard sphere(HS), Variable Hard Sphere(VHS) and Variable Soft Sphere(VSS) models are among the most popular ones. HS model is used here in which particles are considered to be solid balls of xed radius. In a binary collision of the ith and j th particle, the collision cross-section can be obtained as: 2 ( r + r ) in which ri and rj are the radii T = i j 4 of the two particles.
The collision pairs are selected using the Acceptance-rejection method. We calculate this value: (T cr ) for each pair of particles and accept the pair for collision when (2) T cr RN D < (T cr )max
is satised. cr the relative velocity (magnitude) of a pair of particles; RN D is a computer-generated random number.
dt The selection of a time-step that is less than the mean collision time (The mean time between collisions for a particle) is of primary importance. Mean free path The mean distance traveled by a particle before it collides with another 1) pairs are tested for particle. Not all N (N 2 collision, but only those within the mean free path as we are considering collisions within the mean collision time. (This is important for a Direct Simulation"!)
A Simplied Two-dimensional DSMC Model p. 8/16
First, Fig. 2 shows the visualization of the particle motions of the DSMC and MD methods and we can see that the DSMC methods does not have a non-zero minimum distance between two particles, which is the result of decoupled movement and collision of particles. If we are to follow the trajectory of a particle, we can see the randomness of its movement due to the collisions selected by Monte Carlo methods.
A Simplied Two-dimensional DSMC Model p. 9/16
Second, Fig. 3 shows the comparison of Vx histograms between the DSMC and MD methods and we can see that they essentially agree with each other for this simulation condition, which suggests that the current DSMC method thermalizes the system properly.
Here we are studying the effect of Ncoll number of collisions to perform within each time step dt. Fig. 4 shows the comparison among Ncoll =1, Ncoll =10 and Ncoll =100 for the DSMC method. We can see that there is some difference in the probability distribution of Vx and we need to be careful in the selection of Ncoll .
Figure 4: The effect of Ncoll number of collisions within each time step dt.
Future work
In the book Molecular Gas Dynamics and the Direct Simulation of Gas Flows (by G.A.Bird), more advanced discussions of DSMC methods are presented and can be used to accurately simulate the system of dilute gas. Future work will include a standard way to divide the computation domain into cells of approximately the size of mean free path which has the following merits: Enabling more efcient selection of collision pairs. Enabling a better estimation of number of collisions Ncoll to perform based on the cell size and particle number density.
A Simplied Two-dimensional DSMC Model p. 15/16
Thank you!