Animation: Synapse
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What is a synapse?
A synapse is the junction between 2 neurones. There is a very narrow gap of about 20nm
between neurones called the synaptic cleft.
The electrical signal (the action potential) The chemical messenger is called a
neurotransmitter stops and a chemical signal takes over to cross the gap between the cells
Designer signals
A Synapse
Pre-synaptic neurone = neurone sending impulse Post-synaptic neurone = neurone receiving impulse
Cholinergic Synapses
Acetylcholine is a
common transmitter. Synapses that have acetylcholine transmitter are called cholinergic synapses. more than 1 synapse.
This is an electron
micrograph of synapses between nerve fibres and a neurone cell body.
Ca2+ channel
Ca2+ ions flood into the terminal button This stimulates hundreds of synaptic vesicles, packed By exocytosis The Ca2+ ions are then pumped out again
2008 Paul Billiet ODWS
5. Neurotransmitter receptor sites on the postsynaptic membrane are ion channels. They open when the neurotransmitter binds
The neurotransmitter diffuses across cleft The neurotransmitter molecules bind with The receptor sites are part of a ligandgated ion channel specific receptor sites on postsynaptic membrane
to postsynaptic membrane
the nerve cell threshold, a full action potential will be produced This will travel away, down the postsynaptic neurone The action of the neurotransmitters stops: (i) as they dilute by diffusion in the synaptic cleft (ii) by hydrolysis through the action of enzymes there Important: The signal must not be perpetuated indefinitely
2008 Paul Billiet ODWS
Figure 48.15
Presynaptic cell
Postsynaptic cell
Axon 1
Postsynaptic membrane
Figure 48.16
Postsynaptic neuron
5 m
Neuromuscular Junctions
Same stages as
cholinergic synapses but in this case the postsynaptic membrane is the muscle fibre membrane, (Sarcolemma).
David B. Fankhauser, Ph.D., Professor of Biology and Chemistry, University of Cincinnati Clermont College
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