Work During Studies

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Working in the UK during your studies

Can I work while I study in the UK?

You can work while studying in the UK if: 1. You are on a Student or Tier 4 Student visa and 2. Your passport sticker or identity card says one of the following: No recourse to public funds. Work (and any changes) must be authorised or Work as in Tier 4 rules You cannot work if you are in the UK on a student visitor or tourist visa.

How many hours per week can I work as a student?

International students on a full time degree course can work: for a maximum 20 hours per week during term time full time during vacation (outside of term-time)

Term dates for Undergraduate Students are available from:

Masters (MSc) students are permitted to work full-time during Christmas and Easter vacations (see term dates above) and after their course end date (usually 31 August / 30 September). The only exception to this is on a work placement as described below. Postgraduate Research (PhD) Students: your vacation begins once you have completed all your academic requirements (i.e. submitted your thesis including final corrections). If your PhD supervisor agrees that you can take a short period of time off (as part of your annual vacation entitlement) and authorises this in writing, you can work full-time during this period.

What kind of work can I do during my studies?

You can do most kinds of work, but you must not:

be self-employed provide services as a professional sportsperson or entertainer take a full time permanent vacancy

Work placements
You can work full-time on a work placement if:

you have immigration permission (visa) as a Student/Tier 4 Student You must not spend more than 50% of the time on your course doing a work placement, or work placements. Your work placement must be an assessed part of your course, and it can take place at any point in your studies. Your employer is monitoring your attendance and reporting back to your department who remain responsible for you during the work placement.

Some UK companies offer students an opportunity to undertake an internship during their vacations. All student/Tier 4 student visa holders are permitted to undertake an internship during the Christmas and Easter holidays. However, only undergraduate students can undertake an internship during the summer vacation. MSc students who wish to undertake employment during the summer must adhere to the rules for work placements defined above.

Can I continue working after my course has ended?

Your student/Tier 4 student visa is likely to continue for up to 2-4 months after your course end date. Upon reaching your course end date (on in the case of PhD students completing your academic work, i.e. submitting your dissertation/thesis including final corrections) you can start working full time on a temporary contract up until your visa expiry date (usually October for Undergraduates and November/January for MSc students) for a maximum period of 4 months. You must not continue working after this period even if your student/Tier 4 student visa lasts for more than 4 months beyond our course end date. Once you reach your visa expiry date / the 4 month period after your course end date (whichever is sooner) you must either: Seek sponsorship from an employer for a Tier 2 General (Skilled Workers) visa. Seek sponsorship from Imperial College under Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) visa. Please note that there are limited places per participating institution. Investigate the possibility of a Tier 5 visa. Tier 5 covers temporary workers and the most relevant category within this tier for Imperial graduates is the "Tier 5 Temporary Worker Government Authorised Exchange. New Option: PhD students who will complete their degree after 6 April 2013 can apply for the Tier 4 Doctoral Extension Leave the UK.

Proof of eligibility to work in the UK

For more information please see: Working in the UK after your Studies If your employer has any further questions about your eligibility to work in the UK, please ask them to contact the UK Border Agency employers' helpline on 0300 123 4699 Opening Hours: Monday to Thursday 09:00 - 17:00 and Friday 09:00 to 16:30 (excluding public holidays)

Please be aware that any breach of your student/Tier 4 student visa (such as working more than 20 hours per week when you are not permitted to do so) is considered a serious immigration offence and must be declared on any future UK visa applications.
International Student Support, Room 301, Level 3, Sherfield Building South Kensington Campus, Imperial College London, SW7 2AZ Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 8040, Email:, Website:

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