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International Journal of Pharmacy Research 2013; 1:15-18

International Journal of Pharmacy Research

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Original Research

Development of UV-Spectrophotometric Methods for Analysis of Safinamide Mesylate in Bulk and Tablets
Bhushan J. Mali1, Vivekkumar K. Redasani*1, Atul A. Shirkhedkar1, Amod S. Patil1
1. Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, R. C. Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Shirpur, 425 405, Maharashtra, India

Abstract To develop and validate UV- Spectrophotometric methods for the estimation of Safinamide mesylate in bulk and tablets. In methanol, Safinamide mesylate showed maximum absorption at wavelength 226 nm. In Method A (Zero order spectroscopy) estimation of Safinamide mesylate was performed at 226 nm while in Method B, the zero order derivative spectrum was derivatized into first order derivative spectrum (scaling factor 2) and maximum amplitude at 235 nm was selected for analysis and in Method C, Area under curve of zero order spectrum of Safinamide mesylate was selected in the wavelength range of 227.60-242.20 nm. The drug was found to obey Beer- Lamberts law in the concentration range of 4 - 24 g/mL for all three methods. The correlation coefficients were found to be 0.9997, 0.9999 and 0.9997 by Method A, B and C, respectively. All the methods were validated with respect to accuracy, precision and ruggedness. The mean % recoveries were found satisfactory for all three methods. Thus proposed methods have been successfully applied for the estimation of Safinamide mesylate in bulk and tablet dosage form. Keywords Safinamide mesylate, UV spectroscopy, Derivative spectroscopy, Area under curve INTRODUCTION Safinamide mesylate (SAF) is an orally available derivative from chemical class of amino amides, with multiple mechanisms of action involving inhibition of MAO-B and Dopamine reuptake used in the treatment of epilepsy and Parkinsons disease. Chemically, Safinamide mesylate is, (S)-(+)-2-[4-(3-uorobenzyloxybenzylamino) propanamide] methanesulfonate (1:1 salt). The chemical structure is shown in Figure 1 [1, 2]. and bioassay of Safinamide mesylate in biological fluids of humans and various animal species [4]. HPTLC method for determination of Safinamide mesylate in bulk and in tablets has been reported [5]. To our knowledge so far no Spectrophotometric methods are available for analysis of SAF. Hence an attempt has been made to develop new simple and economical UV- Spectrophotometric methods for its estimation in pharmaceutical formulation with good accuracy, precision and economy so as to utilize it in routine analysis of the drug. The proposed methods were validated as per the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) guidelines. [6]. MATERIALS AND METHODS Chemicals and Reagents: Safinamide mesylate was kindly gifted from Alkem Pharmaceuticals, Mumbai (Maharashtra), India. Safinamide mesylate tablets were obtained from commercial sources within their shelf life period. The Fig. 1. Chemical Structure of Safinamide Mesylate Literature survey revealed a validated chiral liquid chromatographic method for the enantiomeric separation of Safinamide mesylate [3] Address for correspondence R. C. Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Karwand Naka, Shirpur, Dist.: Dhule (MS) India 425 405 Mobile: +91-9822027806; Fax: +912563255189 Email: minvi224@rediffmail.com solvent Methanol used was of HPLC grade. Instrumentation: Shimadzu UV-2450 double beam spectrophotometer (Japan) with 1 cm path length supported by Shimadzu UV-Probe software, version 2.21 with 1 cm matched quartz cells having the silicon photodiode detector was used for all spectrophotometric estimations. Weighing balance used was Shimadzu AUX-120 (Japan).

Mali et al. / International Journal of Pharmacy Research 2013; 1:15-18

Experimental: Preparation of standard stock solution: An accurately weighed quantity of 10 mg SAF was transferred to 100 ml volumetric flasks, dissolved in methanol and volume was made up to mark with the same solvent to obtain a working standard having concentration 100 g/mL. Study of linearity curves: Method A (Zero - order spectrometry): Series dilutions of standard solutions were prepared in 10 ml volumetric flasks with methanol to get the concentration ranging from 4 - 24 g/mL. The above solutions were scanned over the range of 400 200 nm. The max was found to be 226 nm (Figure 2a). The calibration curve was constructed by plotting concentration against absorbance at 226 nm. Method B (First - order derivative spectrometry): The above mentioned zero-order spectrums were derivatized to get first-order derivative spectra (Figure 2b). The dA/d of the corresponding maximum amplitude at 235 nm were measured. The calibration curve was constructed by plotting concentration against amplitude. Method C (Zero order UV- Spectrometry Area under Curve): The AUC method involves the measurement of area (Figure 2c) with respect to the selected wavelength region (227.60 - 242.20 nm). The calibration curve was constructed by plotting concentration against AUC. Analysis of tablet formulation: Twenty tablets were accurately weighed and powered and the quantity equivalent to 10 mg of SAF was transferred to a 100 ml volumetric flask and volume make up to 50 ml with methanol and sonicated for 20 min. The solution was filtered through Whatmann filter paper no. 41 and the residue was washed thoroughly with methanol. The filtrate and the washings were combined in a 100 ml volumetric flask and diluted to the mark with methanol. From this solution 1.2 mL was transferred to 10 mL volumetric flask and diluted up to mark with the methanol. The resulting solution was analyzed by UV Spectrophotometer. Method Validation: Accuracy (Recovery Studies): To the pre-analyzed sample solutions, a known amount of standard stock solution was added at different levels i.e. 80, 100 and 120 %. The solutions were reanalyzed by proposed methods. Precision: Precision of the method was studied as intra-day and inter-day variations. Intra-day precision was determined by analyzing the 8, 12 and 16 g/mL of SAF solutions for three times in the same day. Inter-

day precision was determined by analyzing the 8, 12 and 16 g/mL of SAF solutions daily for three days. Ruggedness: Ruggedness of the proposed method was determined by analysis of aliquots from homogenous slot of 12 g/mL solution by two analyst using same operational and environmental conditions.

Fig. 2. a) Zero order spectrum of SAF at 226nm b) First Order Derivative Spectrum of SAF at 235 nm c) UV-Spectrum of SAF showing AUC. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The drug was found to obey Beer- Lamberts law in the concentration range of 4-24 g/mL for all three methods. characteristics of methods are shown in Table 1. The optical

Mali et al. / International Journal of Pharmacy Research 2013; 1:15-18

Table 3. Results of Precision Studies Table 1. Optical characteristics and statistical data of the regression equations Parameters Wavelength Method A 226 nm Method B 235 nm Method C 227.60 242.20 nm Linearity range Regression equation Coefficient of correlation B Analysis of tablet formulation: Amount found was found to be 100.12-101.60% with % RSD less than 2, so it was concluded that this method was specific for determination of SAF from pharmaceutical formulation. Validation: Accuracy: The proposed methods when used for extraction and subsequent estimation of drug from tablet dosage form, after adding a known amount of standard stock solution at different levels i.e. 80, 100 and 120 % to the pre-analyzed sample solutions, afforded a good recovery with % RSD less than 2 % indicating that the methods are more accurate. The results of recovery are shown in Table 2. Table 4. Results of Ruggedness Studies Method Table 2. Results of Recovery Studies Initial amount of drug [g/mL] A 8 Excess drug added [g/mL] 6.4 (80%) 8 (100%) 9.6 (120%) 6.4 (80%) B 8 8 (100%) 9.6 (120%) 6.4 (80%) C 8 8 (100%) 9.6 (120%) * mean of three estimations at each level Precision: The % RSD values in precision study were found to be less than 2 % indicating that the methods are more precise. The results depicted revealed high precision of the methods are presented in Table 3. Amount taken (g/mL) Analyst-1 Amount found (%) Mean SD %RSD* Analyst-2 Amount found (%) Mean SD 100.58 0.73 100.61 0.98 100.01 0.81 %RSD* 0.73 0.98 0.81 Ruggedness: The % RSD values of ruggedness study were found to be less than 2 % indicating that the methods are rugged. The results are shown in Table 4. C 4 - 24 nm 4 - 24 nm 4 - 24 nm 8 A 12 16 8 12 16 8 12 16 100.39 100.19 100.63 100.26 101.05 99.89 99.59 100.23 99.96 0.730 0.304 0.171 0.85 0.49 0.18 0.284 0.123 0.130 100.39 99.94 99.88 99.88 100.42 100.05 99.50 100.25 99.96 0.443 0.247 0.821 0.49 0.92 0.48 0.33 0.16 0.18 Mean SD %RSD* Mean SD %RSD* Methods Conc. (g/mL) Intraday Amount found (%) Interday Amount found (%)

Y = 0.0395 X Y = 0.0036 X Y = 0.0247 X + 0.0304 r2-= 0.999 + 0.0009 r2-= 0.999 + 0.0052 r2 = 0.999

*mean of three estimations at each level


% Recovery* 99.92 99.97 100.89 100.26 100.46 100.79 99.92 100.25 99.73


1.04 1.01 0.94 1.29 1.05 1.008 0.41 0.84 0.30

101.32 0.40 0.41 B 12 101.35 0.94 0.95 C 12 100.33 0.63 0.63 *mean of three estimations at each level CONCLUSION


The literature survey promoted us to develop UV spectrophotometric methods on SAF as no analytical method was reported for it. All three methods were developed and validated as per ICH guidelines and the methods were found to simple, precise, accurate and reproducible and can be used for determination of SAF in tablets. Moreover, proposed methods also indicate no interference of excipients when applied to tablet dosage form. Future plan includes development of same drug either in alone or in combination by more sophisticated techniques.

Mali et al. / International Journal of Pharmacy Research 2013; 1:15-18

Acknowledgements Authors are thankful to Alkem Pharmaceuticals Ltd (Mumbai, Maharashtra) for providing gift sample of Safinamide Mesylate.

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Article History Received: 28 May 2013 Revised: 14 June 2013 Accepted: 28 June 2013 International Journal of Pharmacy Research 2013; 1:15-18

Sources of Support: Nil; Conflict of Interest: None, Declared

Mali et al. / International Journal of Pharmacy Research 2013; 1:15-18

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