Aa Afrg 000002
Aa Afrg 000002
Aa Afrg 000002
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AA_AFRG_000002 ISSUE 0
PAGE 3 3 5 8 31 45 49 51 52
This document is intended for Company use only. Reproduction for external use is allowed only under specific authorisation. Anglo American assumes no responsibility for the content and/or the implications of its use by third parties.
AA_AFRG_000002 ISSUE 0
To eliminate or minimise the risk of fatalities, injuries and incidents arising from the use of surface mobile equipment. This guideline refers to the implementation of the Anglo Fatal Risk Standard: Surface Mobile Equipment and should be read in conjunction with that Standard. The guidelines contained in this document are considered as "highly recommended" and deviations are to be documented and justified. Full adherence to these guidelines will not be a factor in determining compliance with the Standards, since alternative methods can be available if justified on a risk basis. In case of conflict with requirements of any other Anglo document or guideline, the following hierarchy will apply: 1. 2. 3. Anglo Safety Way Anglo Fatal Risk Standards Anglo Fatal Risk Guidelines ASW AFRS AFRG
It is important that when implementing Standards the organization takes cognizance of, and comply with the relevant legal requirements in the country of application.
This Standard applies to surface mobile equipment such as rear dump, belly dump and water trucks, graders, dozers, loaders and pressurised road and rail tankers. Where surface mobile equipment falls outside these groups (e.g. draglines, shovels, excavators, forklifts, mobile cranes, buses, backhoes, bobcats and other trucks larger than light vehicles), the application of some requirements of this Standard may not be practicable. In these cases, a risk-based approach shall be used to determine the level of compliance needed for each of the specific requirements. This Standard applies to all Anglo American Group managed businesses and operations, including contractors and visitors when involved in controlled activities. The purpose of this Guideline is to provide guidance and clarification on the requirements of the Anglo Fatal Risk Standard: SURFACE MOBILE EQUIPMENT, which describes the minimum acceptable requirements for operating surface mobile equipment for controlled activities within Anglo American. This guideline has been developed to provide more detail and clarification to the implementations of the requirements of the Standard. This should enable sites to be more aligned with each other on what the boundaries are with regards to meeting the requirements. This guideline is by no means exhaustive and will be updated periodically and supported by good practice sharing. It is not intended as a template for achieving compliance.
This document is intended for Company use only. Reproduction for external use is allowed only under specific authorisation. Anglo American assumes no responsibility for the content and/or the implications of its use by third parties.
AA_AFRG_000002 ISSUE 0
This document is structured using exactly the same numbering sequence as the Fatal Risk Standard document. Each requirement is repeated in a box, followed by a statement of intent. This is followed by discussion and clarification of that particular requirement with reference to other related requirements, Appendices, and other relevant documents. Appendices are used to reduce the size of this document, and allow more efficient continuous improvement. There are two questions to be asked in determining the application of the Surface Mobile Equipment Standard; Does this specific equipment classify as Surface Mobile Equipment for the purpose of this Standard? Is any of the equipment subject to the Surface Mobile Equipment Standard also subject to compliance with the requirements of another Fatal Risk Standard? These questions will be addressed in the following paragraphs. Recommended approach It would be advisable to start with a list of all the Surface Mobile Equipment as specified in section 2.2 of the Standard and to have this in a matrix format. Then check all the safety requirements as specified in section 1, 2, 3, 6 and 8 for each one of listed equipment. Consult the technical guideline for clarity and applicability (risk based) on each of these safety requirements as stipulated in section 2.2. Once this has been done is to assess whether natural replacement process of these equipment over the next three years will enable full compliance by 4 October 2010. It is recommend early interaction with the various OEMs should commence to enable timeouts equipment conversions as required in the AFRS for all new (to site) selection and acceptance processes to enable compliance to section 10 of the AFRS. This process will normally be done on a Divisional basis to ensure governance and coordination and enable cost effective outcomes. If identified that full compliance through natural turnover for some of the equipment is not achievable, a conversion program will have to be put in place with the OEMs or on site with the approval of an engineer, using the Guideline specifications. Once this process is underway a match need to be found between the listed equipment and their operating environments which include the requirements of sections 4, 5, 7, 14, 17, 18 and 20. This process will have to be vigorously subjected to the change management process requirements as per Standard 2 of ASW and section 4, 11 and 21 of the AFRS. The following task will be used to identify the inspection and maintenance requirements as described in the FRS. It is recommend to use FMECA risk assessment technique to determine the maintenance requirements this might have already been done and should possibly only be revised considering that some of the equipment will be required to be modified to comply.
This document is intended for Company use only. Reproduction for external use is allowed only under specific authorisation. Anglo American assumes no responsibility for the content and/or the implications of its use by third parties.
AA_AFRG_000002 ISSUE 0
None Controlled : Activities or Controlled sites Monitored Activities : Those where the Anglo American Group Company has the authority to determine how to manage the operation. It does not include monitored or uncontrolled activities. Those where Anglo American can exercise some influence but cannot set Policies and/or comprehensive Control Standards and/or directly supervise and enforce their application (i.e. contractor and supplier transporting their goods and/or personnel to or from controlled sites). Those where Anglo American does not set Policies or influence Control Standards and does not supervise safety performance. These include services provided by public Companies, activities performed at supplier or manufacturer shops, etc. Where there is uncertainty over whether the activity is controlled, monitored or uncontrolled, the matter should be referred to the Safety function for determination.
Uncontrolled Activities
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Anglo Fatal Risk Standards The occupant structure for SME large heavy mining equipment such as rear dump, belly dump, and water trucks, graders, dozers and loaders The design of equipment and process to allow the task and activities to be carried out by a person/s with the minimum of detrimental effect on their health and physical capabilities. Falling object protective structure Not viable, impractical unfeasible, unworkable, impossible,
FOPS Impracticable
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OEM Maintainability
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Original Equipment Manufacturer A measure of the ease or risk of accessing or maintaining/servicing equipment Roll-over protective structure
This document is intended for Company use only. Reproduction for external use is allowed only under specific authorisation. Anglo American assumes no responsibility for the content and/or the implications of its use by third parties.
AA_AFRG_000002 ISSUE 0
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Definition of Surface Mobile Equipment (SME) SME examples are included in Reference Document 1. a. Surface Mobile Equipment (SME) Inclusions This Standard applies to surface mobile equipment such as rear dump, belly dump and water trucks, graders, dozers, loaders, pressurized road and rail tankers. The above mentioned list includes the following categories: b. Anglo American owned or leased surface mobile equipment, Hire surface mobile equipment, Contractor or Supplier surface mobile equipment operating at controlled sites.
Surface Mobile Equipment - Exclusions Pertinent section in the Standard: Where surface mobile equipment falls outside these groups, for example but not confined to, draglines, shovels, excavators, forklifts, mobile cranes, buses, backhoes, bobcats, and other trucks larger than light vehicles, there may be some requirements of this standard that are not practicable. In these cases a risk-based approach shall be used to determine the level of compliance required with each of the specific requirements. The following equipment is not considered Surface Mobile Equipment for the purpose of this Standard: Aeronautical, Rail and marine equipment, Elevated work platforms, Mobile lifts, Scissor lifts and equipment whose prime activity is underground related. A crane is considered Surface Mobile Equipment when it is in motion over the ground, but the Lifting Operations Standards applies once that crane commences a lift.
Risk Management / Risk-based approach In accordance with the HIERARCHY OF CONTROLS the significant risks identified in the risk assessments should be dealt with as follows: ELIMINATE - The complete elimination of the hazard. SUBSTITUTE - Replacing the material or process with a less hazardous one. REDESIGN - Redesign the equipment or work process SEPARATE - Isolating the hazard by guarding or enclosing it
17 December 2008
Page 6 of 52
This document is intended for Company use only. Reproduction for external use is allowed only under specific authorisation. Anglo American assumes no responsibility for the content and/or the implications of its use by third parties.
AA_AFRG_000002 ISSUE 0