Difficult Planetary Aspects

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Difficult Planetary Aspects

By Virginia Reyer, longtime ASA member Sun Moon: disharmony relating to parents or to the early childhood, inner discontent and inner tension. Vitality and feeling. Touchy. Possessive. Sun Mercury conjunction: lack of clarity, absent-mindedness, inability to say no. Sun Venus semisquare: lazy and pleasure-seeking, sensual, irresponsible. Sun Mars: overstrain, overdoing and thus impairing the vitality. Bad temper. Minor accidents. Sun Jupiter: overconfidence, exaggeration, extravagance, imprudence. Relies too much on luck. Showy. Sun Saturn: karma, a hard life, lack of vitality, inhibition, separation, hereditary affliction, self-pity. Sun Uranus: a contradictory nature, impatient, self-willed, disruptive, unconventional, unusual and nervous, eccentric, abrupt. Sun Neptune: weakness, sensitivity, self-deception, easily influenced, day-dreaming, vagueness, drug addiction, hypochondriac, insanity, unusual, fearful. Sun Pluto: extremist, seduction, perversion, racketeering, obscene, recklessness, nonconformist,. Domineering, suspicious, jealous. Moon Mercury: restless, excitable, gossipy, critical, worrywart, indecisive, dishonest, immature. Moon Venus: lack of harmony in the home, moody, conflicts in love, uneasy expression of affection. Moon Mars: impulsive actions, strong excitability, quarrelsomeness, fluctuating energy. Irritability. Moon Jupiter: religious or legal conflicts, marital differences, wastefulness, indifference, injustice, unpopularity, over-confidence, poor loser. Lazy. Gambler, Selfrighteous, too blunt, conceited. Moon Saturn: lack of confidence, anxiety, feelings of inferiority, limitation, crystallization, slow, dull, greedy, rigid, vengeful, worries through the family. Isolation. Unsympathetic, resentful.

Moon Uranus: emotional tension, excessive self-will, stubbornness, fanaticism, unrest or restlessness, states of fear, upsets in the home. Perversion. Irresponsibility. Unconventionality, impractical ideas. Moon Neptune: incoherence, lack of stability, weakness, dishonesty, lack of confidence. Moon Pluto: extreme emotions and upsets, impulsive actions, personal insults, many upsets. Extreme. Mercury-Venus: an inclination for pleasure, luxury and light-hearted living. These two planets cannot be farther apart than 76 degrees. Mercury-Mars: irritability, temper, rashness, the tendency to exaggerate or magnify, love of quarrelling and fault-finding. Gets involved in controversies and lawsuits. Mercury-Jupiter: unreliability, tactlessness, self-conceit or arrogance, bluff, the mind is over-widened. Mercury-Saturn: inhibited mental development, hard times during infancy and adolescence, estrangement, distrust, shyness, a reserved disposition. Short journeys. Obstinacy. Mental loneliness. Mercury-Uranus: strong mental action through revolutionary thought, a revolutionary spirit and mind, too many irons in the fire, nervous haste, occasional confusion, tactlessness, brutal frankness, nervousness, upset and excitement. Mercury-Neptune: wrong thinking, faulty judgment, confused ideas and notions, a nervous sensitivity, insincerity, untruthfulness, disturbances which originate in the subconscious, self-deception. Touchiness induces escapism. Mercury-Pluto: the art of persuasion, irritability, impatience, over-estimation of self, disturbance of the nervous system through excessive eagerness, cunning, a plagiarist or demagogue, slyness, misrepresentation. Venus-Mars: a strong emotional and sexual life coupled with disharmonious tendencies, irritability, the inclination to exaggerate, excitability, lack of tact, a sudden outburst of extreme passion or sensuality followed by a quick reaction of coolness. Infidelity. Partnerships are not easy. Feelings are strong, but cause and receive hurt. Lack of tenderness and tact. Venus-Jupiter: easy charm will be intensified but overdone, an excessive expression of feeling, false conduct in relationships, a love conflict. Film-star mannerisms. Wastefulness. Desire for partnership is overdone. Troubles are caused by too many love affairs.

Venus-Saturn: partnerships bring responsibilities, sorrow and loss through affection. Life tends to be solitary. Emotional inhibitions. An unhealthy expression of the sex urge, self-torment. Scenes of jealousy. Separation in love. A sense of duty dominates the inclination of the heart. Venus-Uranus: a self-willed love nature, peculiar inclinations, inconstancy, the tendency to be swayed by ones feelings, nervousness caused by repressed emotional desires, the urge for independence in love. Partings are likely through unhappy causes. Slips away from one attraction and the quick forming of another. Venus-Neptune: confusion and deception occur in love affairs. Secret partnerships may be formed. A mistaken sense of love, lack of good taste. Indecision. Uncertainty, a seducible character, erotic aberrations. A difficult realization of ideals and wishes. A union with persons of a peculiar disposition. Venus-Pluto: fanatic love, a desire for sensual pleasure, lewd desire, extraordinary strains and stresses in love life. The state of being attracted to a lover by a kind of inner compulsion. Fanaticism in love life. Mars-Jupiter: an inclination toward wild extravagance of thought and deed. Extremism leads to over-strain. Rebelliousness against rules and regulations, as well as against superiors. Marital differences. Much pride. Mars-Saturn: harmful or destructive energy, inhibited or destroyed vitality. Periods of impotence and weakness alternating with periods of brutal or ruthless progress in advancement of life. All will-directed activity meets complete resistance. Tests of strength, disputes, separations. Hardness, harshness or bitterness. Mars-Uranus: explosive temper, willful impatience and nervous strain do not make for easy partnerships. Friends are antagonized by tactlessness, intolerance, and urge for freedom. Strong emotional tension, strains and stresses, disruptive behavior make relationships difficult. Mars-Neptune: misuse or abuse of physical energy or of self-destroying forces such as drugs or alcohol. Feeling of inferiority and lack of willpower lead to escapism. Mars-Pluto: extraordinary force, ruthlessness to others, brutality, cruelty, and sudden disasters. Explosive. Jupiter-Saturn: emotional tension and inhibitions, discontent, lack of self-confidence, self-destructive thoughts, an unsettled life with many changes. Angry upsets, vexation or annoyance. An insecure attitude with regard to others. Jupiter-Uranus: forceful, magnetic, determined, freedom-loving. Tendency to magnify things or exaggerate everything. Inconstancy. Tactlessness. The tendency to become

involved in arguments with others on questions of life-philosophy. Fortune hunter, adventurer. Jupiter-Neptune: escapism, treachery, foolishness, craziness, sleep will be over-heavy. Avoid drugs and alcohol. Jupiter exaggerates with the over-receptive sensitivity of Neptune. Gives dreaminess, a conflict between the ideal visualized and the very different reality, the inclination to revile or to idolize. An inclination to speculation or wastefulness. Harm or damage through thoughtfulness. Jupiter-Pluto: in pursuit of fanatical aims, the desire to exploit others. Conflicts with authorities. Can indicate arrest. Saturn-Uranus: nerves suffer badly. Nervous tension is likely, since freedom and limitation do not go easily together. Self-will and self-control do not blend and are apt to alternate. Should be careful of accidents and falls that break bones. Causes separations and limits on freedom. Saturn-Neptune: a struggle between the lower and higher nature, a frequent change of moods, distrust, insecurity, dissatisfaction. Painful and tormenting emotional inhibitions, undermining circumstances leading to a state of illness difficult to ascertain. Scandal. Saturn-Pluto: cruelty, hard labor, a hard and unfeeling disposition, cold-heartedness, severity, tendency to violence, a fanatical adherence to ones principles once they have been adopted. Loss of ones fortune. Being placed in difficult circumstances. Uranus-Neptune: difficulties are through maze-like worries but tend to clear up in the long run, through patient endurance and by keeping out of the limelight. Lacking control of the waking consciousness leads to want of clearness. Instability, lack of emotional balance, nervous sensitiveness, wrong ideas, one-sidedness. Lack of stamina and of vitality, confused psychic states, peculiar inclinations, losses. Sometimes scandal. Uranus-Pluto: impatience, the tendency to scatter ones energies, fanaticism, onesidedness, the mania of destruction, precipitate action. Acts of violence, upsets, subversive activities. The enforcement of abrupt decisions. Neptune-Pluto: a confused and hazy interpretation of soul-experiences, falsehood, fraud. The pursuit of fantastic ideas, self-torment, manias, a craving for alcohol or nicotine. Obsession, confusion, a grievous loss. Mystical peculiarities. Succumbing to strange influences.

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