Francisco Goya: Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes Is An Innovative Spanish Painter and Etcher

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Machedon Maximilian XI F

Francisco Goya

Francisco Jos de Goya y Lucientes is an innovative !anish !ainter and etcher" one o# the tri$mvirate % incl$din& 'l Greco and (ie&o )el*+,$e+ % o# &reat !anish masters- M$ch in the art o# Goya is derived #rom that o# )el*+,$e+. /$st as m$ch in the art o# the 10th-cent$ry French master 1do$ard Manet and the 22th-cent$ry &eni$s 3a4lo 3icasso is ta5en #rom Goya- 6rained in a mediocre rococo artistic milie$. Goya trans#ormed this o#ten #rivolo$s style and created 7or5s. s$ch as the #amo$s Third of May, 1808 (1814. 3rado. Madrid). that have as &reat an im!act today as 7hen they 7ere created-

Third of May, 1808 Goya8s !$r!ose 7as to commemorate the !anish 7ar o# li4eration. d$rin& 7hich a n$m4er o# innocent civilians 7ere shot 4y soldiers #rom 9a!oleon8s army- :t this late sta&e in Goya8s career.

he had 4ecome cynical a4o$t the #ate o# the h$man race. and this attit$de is re#lected in the ra7. ex!ressive ,$ality o# the !aintin& style in this !iece-

':;<= 6;:I9I9G :9( FI; 6 3;>?'@6 Goya 7as 4orn in the small :ra&onese to7n o# F$endetodos (near Aara&o+a) on March B2. 1746- Cis #ather 7as a !ainter and a &ilder o# altar!ieces. and his mother 7as descended #rom a #amily o# minor :ra&onese no4ility- Facts o# GoyaDs childhood are scarceCe attended school in Aara&o+a at the 'sc$elas 3ias- GoyaDs #ormal artistic ed$cation commenced 7hen. at the a&e o# 14. he 7as a!!renticed to a local master. ?osE <$+an. a com!etent altho$&h little-5no7n !ainter in 7hose st$dio Goya s!ent #o$r yearsIn 176B the yo$n& artist 7ent to Madrid. 7here he ho!ed to 7in a !ri+e at the :cademy o# an Fernando (#o$nded 17F2)- :ltho$&h he did not 7in the desired a7ard. he did ma5e the ac,$aintance o# Francisco Gaye$. an artist also #rom :ra&Hn. 7ho 7as 7or5in& at the co$rt in the academic manner im!orted to !ain 4y the German !ainter :nton ;a!hael Men&s- Gaye$ (the 4rother o# GoyaDs 7i#e) 7as in#l$ential in #ormin& GoyaDs early style and 7as res!onsi4le #or his !artici!ation in an im!ortant commission. the #resco decoration (1771. 1782-1782) o# the @h$rch o# the )ir&in in 'l 3ilar in Aara&o+aIn 1771 Goya 7ent to Italy #or a!!roximately one year- Cis activity there is relatively o4sc$re" he s!ent some months in ;ome and also entered a com!osition at the 3arma :cademy com!etition. in 7hich he 7as s$ccess#$l- ;et$rnin& to !ain a4o$t 177B. Goya !artici!ated in several other #resco !ro/ects. incl$din& that #or the @harterho$se o# :$la (ei. near Aara&o+a. in 1774. 7here his !aintin&s !re#i&$re those o# his &reatest #resco !ro/ect. exec$ted in the @h$rch o# an :ntonio de la Florida. Madrid. in 1708- It 7as at this time that Goya 4e&an to do !rints a#ter !aintin&s 4y )el*+,$e+. 7ho 7o$ld remain. alon& 7ith ;em4randt. his &reatest so$rce o# ins!iration-

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Gy 1786 Goya 7as 7or5in& in an o##icial ca!acity #or Jin& @harles III. the most enli&htened !anish monarch o# the 18th cent$ry- Goya 7as a!!ointed #irst co$rt !ainter in

B 1700- Cis ta!estry cartoons exec$ted in the late 1782s and early 1702s 7ere hi&hly !raised #or their candid vie7s o# everyday !anish li#e- Kith these cartoons Goya revol$tioni+ed the ta!estry ind$stry. 7hich. $ntil that time. had slavishly re!rod$ced the Flemish &enre scenes o# the 17th-cent$ry !ainter (avid 6eniers- ome o# GoyaDs most 4ea$ti#$l !ortraits o# his #riends. mem4ers o# the co$rt. and the no4ility date #rom the 1782s- Kor5s s$ch as Marquesa de Pontejos (1786L. 9ational Gallery. Kashin&ton. (-@-) sho7 that Goya 7as then !aintin& in an ele&ant manner some7hat reminiscent o# the style o# his 'n&lish contem!orary 6homas Gains4oro$&h-

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In the 7inter o# 1702. 7hile on a visit to so$thern !ain. Goya contracted a serio$s disease that le#t him totally dea# and mar5ed a t$rnin& !oint in his career- : mood o# !essimism entered GoyaDs 7or5- Get7een 1707 and 1700 he dre7 and etched the #irst o# his &reat !rint series Los caprichos (6he @a!rices). 7hich. in their satirical h$mor. moc5 the social mores and s$!erstitions o# the time-

The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters (1707-00) is one o# a series o# etchin&s 4y Francisco de Goya- 6he title o# the series is <os @a!richos- 6he man in this !rint is 4elieved to 4e Goya himsel#. 7ho at that time 7as #eelin& a lac5 o# ho!e in man8s a4ility to rise a4ove mis#ort$ne-

<ater series. s$ch as Desastres de la guerra ((isasters o# Kar. 1812) and Disparates (:4s$rdities. 1822-182B). !resent more ca$stic commentaries on the ills and #ollies o# h$manity- 6he horrors o# 7ar#are 7ere o# &reat concern to Goya. 7ho o4served #irsthand the 4attles 4et7een French soldiers and !anish citi+ens d$rin& the 4loody years

4 o# the 9a!oleonic occ$!ation o# !ain- In 1814 he com!leted Second of May, 1808 and Third of May, 1808 (4oth 3rado)- 6hese !aintin&s de!ict horri#yin& and dramatically 4r$tal massacres o# &ro$!s o# $narmed !anish street #i&hters 4y French soldiers- Goth are !ainted. li5e so many later !ict$res 4y Goya. in thic5. 4old stro5es o# dar5 color !$nct$ated 4y 4rilliant yello7 and red hi&hli&htstrai&ht#or7ard candor and honesty are also !resent in GoyaDs later !ortraits. s$ch as a!ily of "harles #$ (1822. 3rado). in 7hich the royal #amily is sho7n in a com!letely $nideali+ed #ashion. ver&in& on caricat$re. as a &ro$! o# stri5in&ly homely individ$als-

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6he %lac& Paintings, scenes o# 7itchcra#t and other 4i+arre activities. are amon& the most o$tstandin& 7or5s o# the artistDs late years- 'xec$ted a4o$t 1822. these !aintin&s are no7 in the 3rado- >ri&inally !ainted in #resco on the 7alls o# GoyaDs co$ntry ho$se and no7 trans#erred to canvas. they attest to his !ro&ressively dar5enin& mood. !ossi4ly a&&ravated 4y an o!!ressive !olitical sit$ation in !ain that #orced him to leave #or France in 1824- In Gordea$x he too5 $! the then ne7 art o# litho&ra!hy. !rod$cin& a series o# 4$ll#i&ht scenes. considered amon& the #inest litho&ra!hs ever made- :ltho$&h he ret$rned to Madrid #or a 4rie# visit in 1826. he died in sel#-im!osed exile in Gordea$x t7o years later. on :!ril 16. 1828- Goya le#t no immediate #ollo7ers o# conse,$ence. 4$t his in#l$ence 7as stron&ly #elt in mid-10th-cent$ry !aintin& and !rintma5in& and in 22th-cent$ry art-

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