Boxing and Military Close Combat
Boxing and Military Close Combat
Boxing and Military Close Combat
ABSTRACT This paper will examine the more obscure aspects of Boxing as a martial science. It will illustrate that the martial history, tradition and virtue of boxing is an undeniable fact albeit one that is rarely, If ever, seriously acknowledged and understood. ! It will concentrate upon the military applications rather than the normal sporting elements (although it will touch upon certain aspects of sporting competition where deemed appropriate) demonstrating how it has been an integral part of the training of a warrior since ancient times, how it was used to develop ghting spirit and how it has continued to provide a major contribution to the origins and development of modern military close-combat techniques in much the same way as certain oriental martial arts. Competition has probably always been an integral part of the human condition. Indeed, isnt evolution itself, with its law of Natural Selection a competition to see who is the ttest, fastest, strongest and most suited to survive? Competition amongst the human race takes many forms with two of the most important ones being sport, whereby friends can compete with one another and, at the other end of the spectrum, war, whereby enemies can compete against each other. Boxing seems to have played an important role in each of these avenues of competition, and continues to be a popular sport both at the amatuer and professional level. Not too mention the thousands of illegal bare-knuckle prize ghts that take place every year in di"erent countries around the globe. However, its worth as a strictly military art of self defence seems to have become somewhat neglected and ignored. This is a great pity because, as we shall see from the following paper, it was for centuries one of the most important tools in the shaping and training of a warrior and, even in these modern days of smart weapons technologies it still has a lot to potentially o"er when it comes to instilling skill, determination and the ghting spirit into the hearts and minds of contemporary soldiers.
THE ANCIENT WORLD Boxing is one of the most ancient of all the martial arts, and has quite a clear and traceable history when compared to some other forms of combative systems. The term boxing itself derives from the box-like shape of the closed hand or st. In Latin, the st is called pugnus so hence the alternative term: pugilism. Pugnus itself derives from the Greek pugme, meaning st. Boxing was practiced in one form or another by most of the classical civilisations of antiquity including those of Egypt, Sumer (A form of boxing can be seen in Sumerian Carvings from the 3rd millennium BCE, while an Egyptian relief from about a thousand years later actually shows both participants and spectators. In each case the boxers are bare-sted) and Crete (where it is even possible to see boxers depicted wearing a primitive type of glove). Even more ancient than this, in 1927 the famous Archaeologist, Dr Ephraim Avigidor Speiser, discovered a Mesopotamian stone tablet while excavating an acient temple at Khafaje, which is situated very close to Baghdad, Iraq, that depicted two men preparing for a boxing match. This tablet is believed to be some 7000 years old! Fighting with the sts is also described in several ancient Indian texts including the Vedas, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. In addition, evidence has been found in certain excavations carried out at the site of two ancient cities called Mohenjadaro and Harappa in the Indus valley. However, although ghting using the closed sts would seem to come naturally to most human beings, it was perhaps in Greece that both the sport and science of Boxing began to gather widespread popularity and was organised and developed accordingly. It was in Greece that Boxing became an Olympic sport (688 BCE), and it was also in Greece that it was rened and recognised as being a valuable tool in the training of the warrior. Boxing is mentioned by Homer in the 13th book of the Iliad (Circa 675 BCE) wherein it is described as being part of the competitive games the Mycenaeans used to honour their dead. At this time, while there were some rules (such as forbidding any clinching or wrestling) there were absolutely no weight divisions, no rings, no rounds and certainly no referee. Boxers would simply pummel each another until one was eventually knocked out or gave up. Consequently, serious injuries and even death were not that uncommon. Pythagoras of Samos, who won the boxing crown at the 48th Olympiad (588 or 584 BCE), is recognised as being
the rst truly "Technical Boxer", for he was a relatively small man standing about 5ft7in and weighing in at only 160 pounds who, never the less, beat numerous much larger contestants. As might be expected, it was the warlike Spartans who were to capitalise most with Boxing, recognising it as an e"ective means of instilling the ghting spirit in the recruit through not only building up levels of courage and tenacity, but also using it as a means of teaching the basics of ghting with the sword, spear and shield. In this manner boxing training became not only an e"ective unarmed ghting style in its own right, but also served in complimenting the e"ective use of certain weapons as part of an integrated system of combat training. Spartan society was extremely martial, and they trained hard and long to be e#cient soldiers on the battleeld. It is said that they were almost as dangerous unarmed as they were with a weapon. Indeed, this fact is remarked upon by the great historian Heroditus in his account of the battle of Thermopylae, wherein he says: Those that had them fought with their spears and, when their spears broke, they fought with their swords. When their swords broke, they fought with tooth, nail and st As the popularity of boxing grew it gradually became split and divided, with one branch maintaining the martial aspect in order to compliment the armed prowess of the Hoplite, and the other concentrating upon more sporting applications (albeit quite brutal ones!). Thus, you had the professional soldier on the one hand and the sportsperson on the other. Even Homer tells us of the di"erence between combat sports and actual combat when he describes the lament of the champion boxer Epeios who pleaded that his incompetence on the battleeld be excused because of his success in sport boxing, saying that it was not possible to be good at all things and that the only place where he wasnt able to ght well was the battleeld itself! (Iliad XXIII) However, he is also credited with designing and building the Trojan horse with the help of Athena, as is told in the (Odyssey IV.265" and Odyssey VIII.492") so, perhaps the poor fellow had a point after all, and we should let him o"! The Etruscans were particularly fond of boxing and were actually the very rst to introduce the term Pugilism a word that has long since become synonymous with the science and which continues to be used right up to the present day. Later, Boxing became an integral part of the training regime for the Roman Legionaries, with a particularly savage form being adapted for use in the so called games of the Arena. It eventually became popular throughout Rome, with all types of people participating including members of the aristocracy (A
ght between the agile Dares and the towering Entellus is described at length in the Roman national epic Aeneid!(1st century BCE) In 500 A.D., boxing was banned altogether by Holy Roman Emperor Theodoric the Great as being o"ensive to the creator as it disgured the face which was, after all, supposed to be the image of God. However, this edict had little e"ect outside the major cities of the Eastern Empire and, therefore, boxing continued to evolve as both a sport and a method of self defence throughout all of Europe but particularly in Italy and especially in the British Isles.
PRIZE FIGHTING ERA Boxing resurfaces in strength in England during the early 18th century as Bare-Knuckle Boxing sometimes also referred to as prize-ghting. The rst documented account of a bare-knuckle ght in England appeared back in 1681 in a newspaper called The London Protestant Mercury with the rst English champion being James Figg in 1719. As a well as being the rst boxing champion of England, James Figg was also a very adept cudgelghter and swordsman and was to play a pivotal role in the boxing renaissance. When he opened his school in London in 1719 Figg made a reasonable living out of teaching young gentleman the art of self-defence by applying the precepts of modern fencingfootwork, speed, and the straight lungeto st-ghting. This is interesting in that, as you will recall, Boxing was originally used in order to augment and enhance training with weapons in ancient Greece, whereas now, Boxers learned to throw straight punches, the basis of modern boxing, from fencers. To some extent, it could even be said that boxing replaced duelling with swords and pistols, allowing men of all social classes to defend themselves and their honour without necessarily having to severely maim or kill each other. Despite this connection with fencing, boxing encounters during this early modern era were largely unstructured and highly uncivilized. Boxers fought bare-knuckle (without gloves), and wrestling, choking, throwing, gouging, and purring (kicking and stomping on ones opponent with spiked boots) were commonplace so that, in some respects at least, it bore far more of a resemblance to the ancient Greek Pankration or Japanese Jiu-Jitsu than to the sport we all now know and accept as being boxing today.
Also, again like its early predecessor, prize-ghting had no written rules: There were no weight divisions, round limits, or referees. In general, it was extremely savage and very chaotic. The rst boxing rules, called the London Prize-Ring Rules, were introduced by the heavyweight champion Jack Broughton!in 1743 in an attempt to safe-guard ghters from serious injury and even death.!Under these rules, if a boxer was knocked to the ground and was not able to continue after 30 seconds, then they would be considered to have lost the bout. In addition, striking an opponent while they were down and grappling below the waist were strictly prohibited Although bare-knuckle ghting was in almost every aspect far more brutal than modern boxing, it did allow the ghters a single advantage not enjoyed by today's boxers: The London Prize Rules permitted the ghter to drop to one knee to begin a 30-second count at any time. Thus any ghter realizing he was in trouble had an opportunity to recover to a certain degree in this manner. This is in stark contrast to the modern sport of boxing, wherein Intentionally going down will cause the recovering ghter to lose points in the scoring system. Furthermore, as the contestants did not have heavy leather gloves and wrist-wraps to protect their hands, a certain amount of restraint was required when striking to the head. It is perhaps due to this that, although severe injuries were sometimes incurred by the ghters, there were no actual deaths ever recorded from bare knuckle ghting. This would later change drastically with the instroduction of the boxing glove, which protected the ghters hands so well they were able to execute fullforce punches to the head, with the result sometimes proving fatal. In 1838 the London Prize Ring rules were expanded and were subjected to further revision in 1853. These were eventually replaced by the famous Marquis of Queensberry rules in 1867 It was the introduction of this modern set of rules, together with a HighCourt ruling in 1882 which declared that bare-knuckle matches were an assault occasioning actual bodily harm, (despite the very clear consent of the ghters), that saw the gradual demise of prize ghting eventually giving birth to what we know as modern boxing That said, the e"ectiveness of even this modern, rened boxing as a martial science cannot be denied. For example: On December 31, 1908, in Paris, France, heavyweight boxer Sam McVey knocked out Jiu-Jitsuka Tano Matsuda (Jiu-Jitsu) in ten seconds. And, in another bout held on January 12, 1928, in Yokohama, Japan, Packey OGatty, a bantamweight boxer, knocked out
another Jiu-Jitsuka called Shimakado with a single punch in less than four seconds!
BARTITSU or BARITSU Mention must also be made here of a certain gentlemen by the name of Edward William Barton-Wright who, after returning to the UK from three years in Japan, incorporated certain boxing techniques into his new, exciting and eclectic martial art which he called Bartitsu. This was, perhaps, the original mixed martial arts (although its main goal was that of self-defence rather than any kind of sporting application) and was trully an ingenious inovation that incorporated ideas and techniques from fencing, wrestling, Jiu jitsu, savate, cane, boxing and even how to use your Bowler hat as a self defence tool! Bartitsu, (later to become known as Baritsu) provided people with a truly integrated form of self defence and became quite popular for a short period of time at the turning of the 19th to the 20th century, and it was this martial art that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle chose to arm his great literary creation Sherlock Holmes with. In The adventure of the empty house Holmes tells his friend, Dr. Watson about his victory over his nemesis and arch-enemy Professor Moriarty during their fateful encounter at the Reichenbach Falls, explaining it was thanks to Baritsu, or the Japanese system of wrestling, which has more than once been of use to me It is thanks to this mis-spelling that Bartitsu came to be remembered as Baritsu, and that the western inuences such as that of boxing, were almost completely disregarded in favour of the Oriental. Even so, this brief historical episode is still yet another endorsement to the continuing use of boxing as a martial art rather than simply a combat sport, and that is why I have alluded to it (albeit on passing) here.
THE MILITARY It was this obvious e"ectiveness, together with its strict set of Gentlemanly rules that caused the military, and especially the o#cer class, to recognise boxing as being of some very real worth in the basic training and battleeld prowess of their soldiers. However, there was one particular o#cer who saw even further: Captain William J. Jacomb.
The First World War has gone down in the rocords as being the worst managed conict in history. This was largely due to the fact that most of the senior o#cers involved had undergone their basic training and fought their rst military campaigns in the 19th century. That meant they had cut their soldierly teeth upon massed cavalry charges and infantry organised into lines and squares, and so had thought that they could continue to engage the enemy in this manner in the 20th century, even with its machine guns, air support, communications, mustard-gas and modern artillery pieces. These outdated and obsolete strategies and tactics were to soon turn the battleelds of World War One into muddy, bloody acres of no-mans-land, honeycombed with thousands of trenches that actually ended up interlocking in some cases. In such an inhospitable and dangerous type of terrain it was not uncommon for patrols from opposing sides to bump into each other with little or even no warning. Consequently, the ghting was often of a very desperate nature, taking place at extremely close-quarters. It is as a direct result of this that both sides began experimenting with various hand to hand combat systems including japanese Jiu Jitsu, in order to help provide their troops with that much needed edge on the battleeld. William J. Jacomb was an o#cer in the Canadian army who had a lot of experience as a boxing coach at various universities as well as in the military. It had come to his attention that it was the soldiers who had a basic knowledge of boxing who also seemed to make the best bayonet ghters. He immediately started to design a programme of instruction for the army that combined standard boxing drills with the e#cient use of the bayonet and put forward a proposal to his superiors that this training should be made available to as many troops as possible. In 1916, Jacomb was appointed as an instructor to the Bayonet ghting and Physical Training Sta" of the Canadian Army in order to teach his methods of boxing/bayonet to a specially selected group of soldiers most of whom already possessed a certain amount of boxing training and experience, with the idea being that they would then return to their individual units as instructors in close-quarter combat. The students were divided into classes of 20 with each course being of 21 days duration during which time a lot a material had to be covered and learnt. Jacomb himself says: Physical courage is perhaps the most common of virtues, but the courage of a soldier, and especially in the bayonet ghter, is a courage borne of
condence and ability to ght and to defend himself. I do not believe there is any other form of exercise which develops this as quickly as the practice of boxing. Secondly, and fortunately, bayonet ghting is so near akin to boxing that the practice of boxing develops skill in bayonet in less time, with less expense, and with fewer casualties. As already stated, the urgent need and importance for e"ective hand to hand ghting (particularly Bayonet) had already been identied and acknowledged due to the nature of the conict and the appalling conditions in which it was fought, so Jacombss endeavours in this area were both supported and encouraged. The o#cial 1916 manual on Bayonet Training says that: The spirit of the bayonet must be inculcated into all ranks so that they will go forward with the aggressive determination and condence in superiority borne of continual practice, without which a bayonet assault will not be e"ective. From the outset, Jacombs course was well received and deemed to be an outstanding success turning out as it did condent and competent instructors for the army. Later, in 1918, Jacomb published a book entitled Boxing for Beginners outlining his methods. It consisted of three parts with the rst describing how to box, the second describing the relationship of boxing to bayonet ghting and the third on how to organise a boxing tournament. In his conclusion to the chapter regarding the relationship between boxing and bayonet ghting, Jacomb states the following: Every man who is going to carry a rie and bayonet should learn to box to help him use the bayonet. He should be taught by men who have had experience in boxing. His bayonet ghting should be taught by a teacher of that subject. If the instructor is good at both, so much the better. The pupil must always be taught that the point of his bayonet is the best end of his weapon. This is very similar to telling a boxer to keep his opponent on the end of the Left-jab or to concentrate on long-range Outghting. However, Jacomb did also demonstrate and teach how In-ghting boxing tactics and techniques could be adapted for use with a rie and bayonet, especially by utilising the butt- end of the rie to deliver Hooks and Upper-Cuts to dispatch a foe quickly and e#ciently. Captain Jacombs training courses were very well received, being a resounding success with the troops who found what they learned helped to keep them alive in the trenches.
CONCLUSION Boxing or, as it is sometimes (very rightfully) known: The noble art of self defence is, without a doubt, a true martial science. It has contributed to the training of soldiers almost since the beginning of recorded history. Whether it be aiding a Hoplite in e"ective sword and shield drills, a"ording the o#cer class a non-lethal alternative to duelling, or enhancing the use of the bayonet in 20th Century warfare. It has demonstrated its e"ectiveness on the battleeld, in the sporting arena (against other martial arts) and as an e"ective means of self defence, as taught by James Figg and others. Indeed, to this day, an extremely savage form of boxing known as ?Milling is used to help select soldiers for the elite airbone units of the Parachute Regiment in the United Kingdom, with similar applications being employed in the units of other armies around the word. I, myself, have experimented with boxing drills as a means teaching basic short-blade techniques, and have found this to be extremely worth-while. As a martial science that has proven itself consistently over literally thousands of years, it is my opinion that boxing still has a great deal to o"er. At the very least, it is a fantastic method for keeping t, healthy and focused and also improves balance, coordination and condence in the individual. Thus, by learning boxing a person will be far more able to defend themselves both on the street and in battle (we should remember here that successful bayonet charges have been recorded in both the Falklands (Guards Birgade/Parachute Regiment July 1982) and Iraq (Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders, May 2004). Boxing should be regarded as being much more than the sport we see. It is a bono de martial science, and should, therefore be accepted, respected and appreciated as being such.
References: Barton-Wright, E. W. March 1899 The new art of self-defence: How a man may defend himself against every form of attack. Pearsons Magazine 7 Beaumont, Ned. 1997. Championship Streetghting: Boxing as a Martial Art. Boulder: Paladin Press. Collins, Nigel. 1990. Boxing Babylon. New York: Citadel Press. Crowther, N. B. (2007). Sport in Ancient Times. Westport, Connecticut and London Press Dempsey, Jack. 1983. Championship Fighting: Explosive Punching and Aggressive Defense. Downey, CA: Centerline Press. Donnelly, N. 1881. Self Defence or the Art of Boxing, Weldon and Co Early, Gerald. 1994. The Culture of Bruising: Essays on Prizeghting, Literature, and Modern American Culture. Hopewell, NJ: Ecco Press.
Eustathius, 1324.18 (translation to English from Sweet, W. E. (1987). Sport and Recreation in Ancient Greece: A Sourcebook with Translations. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.) Frost, K. T. (1906). Greek Boxing. The Journal of Hellenic Studies Gilbey, John F. 1986. Western Boxing and World Wrestling: Story and Practice. Berkeley: North Atlantic Books. Ha!ner, C. and Lusitant, D. E. (Executive Producers). (1996). Blood and Honor at the First Olympics. [Motion Picture]. United States: Greystone Communications, Inc. Homer, the Iliad, Book 13 (Circa 750-650BC) Homer, the Odyssey IV .265! and Odyssey VIII.492! (Circa 750-650BC) Jacomb, William J. Boxing for Beginners. 1918. Lea & Febiger. Philadelphia and New York. Michel, E. B. Fencing, Boxing and Wrestling (Fourth edition), Part 2 Boxing and Sparring. 1897. Longmans, Green and Co ODell, Derek, and O. F. Snelling. 1995. The Boxing Album: An Illustrated History. New York: Smithmark Publishers.
Odd, Gilbert. 1989. The Encyclopedia of Boxing. Secaucus, NJ: Chartwell Books. Speiser, E. A. 1937 New dicoveries at Tepe Gawra amd Khafaje American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 41, No. 2 (Apr. - Jun.) Sweet, W. E. (1987). Sport and Recreation in Ancient Greece. New York: Oxford University Press. Virgil, Aeneid"(1st century BC)
Martial arts have always had, and must always retain, a certain amount of social and cultural relevance. They play a vital part of such things as sport, religion and warfare, and have been an integral part of the human condition for tens of thousands of years, inspiring invention and ingenuity, aiding people to both conquer and resist, to preserve and destroy in many cultures that can be found around the world, eventually giving birth to a set of rules regarding moral conduct and behaviour known coloqually as the Warrior code, to which the warrior caste would strictly adhere, and by which they would live and die. Therefore, engineering, science, technology and philosophy have all felt the invluence of the martial arts and, of course, visa versa. However, when we talk about warriors from the grass roots level, we need to ensure that the people chosen for such an illustrious way of life must be of good temperment and sound judgement and, above all, be made of the right stu". After all, having the responsibility of protecting your people is no easy task, and warfare is an extremely violent and bloody a"air indeed, so how do you prepare people for such work?
The answer lies in their selection and training which together make up a very e"ective ltering process, enabling the selectors to identify and discard those found not to be worthy or suited to such duties. This is were the basic and brutal hand to hand combat techniques come to the fore because they help prepare a person both mentally and physically for the life of a warrior. Boxing, with its attention to detail and underpinning aggression is perfect for this task. In addition, a good boxer will learn to use strategy and tactcs rather than simply relying solely upon brute force and technique, to eventually defeat an opponent and understand that, in order to realise victory, you must be prepared to su"er and weather a certain amount of pain and hardship. All of which are important lessons for the battleeld, right from the foot-soldier up to the commander-in-chief. Boxing, then, has played an important role in the development of the warrior in many cultures across the world for centuries, and has continued to make such contributions well into the 20th century. Laterly, mixed martial arts atheletes have come to appreciate the undoupted e"ectiveness of the leftjab or the right-hook and, in this manner, it continues to be pracriced by not only boxers per-say, but other combative atheletes as well. Even so, its more martial applications, such as being a tool for the training and selection of soldiers, and as part of an integrated system of combat, has become somewhat neglected over the past few years, with people being ignorant (or, perhaps even unwilling?) to acknowledge just how valuable boxing can be in a close combat situation, favouring instead the oriental systems. It is to help draw attention to this military application that this article has been written, and to raise awareness of the fact that boxing is, indeed, a true martial science and not simply an exciting and complex combat sport.