Biomes of The World Project
Biomes of The World Project
Biomes of The World Project
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Due Date ____________ Biome _____________________ Group Members ________________ P% &ose: Identify the unique characteristics of the worlds major biomes including en ironmental factors! nati e organism and geographic location Ge'e (! G%i"e!i'es) "# $ou may choose to wor% indi idually or with the group you are presently assigned& '# $ou will choose one ("# biome or aquatic ecosystem on which to do your research ) all biomes can be found in your te*tboo% outlines on page +,- and ecosystems on pages +,. ) +/+& Based on how you decide to wor% ) I will need a 0tic%et out1 by 2riday 2eb "+th indicating the biome you will be wor%ing on and your method of presentation& 3his way all biomes will be co ered equally& -# 2or your selected biome4 ecosystem you will include your research ) biotic and abiotic factors of your biome which includes! climate! geographic location! nati e plants and wildlife +# $our information must be presented in such a way to create a tra el ad ertisement that will attract isitors to your biome& 5# $ou may choose to present your research through ("# one of the following ways: a& 6owerpoint 6resentation b& 7ideo c& 3ri8fold 6oster Board d& 3ri)fold tra el brochure e& 9ong (original lyrics: original music optional#
TYPES O* ECOSYSTE+S *RESHWATER 6onds and ;a%es >etlands and ?stuary =i ers and 9treams TYPES O* BIO+ES 3undra Desert Grasslands 3aiga Deciduous 2orest 3ropical =ainforest +ARINE <oral =eefs @ceans
I'st %$tio's: <reate a dynamic method of presentation ) use ery colorful pictures and graphics throughout the project& Be ery creati e! thin% out side the bo* 888 for e*ample if you are using the poster ) create a -D poster! by ma%ing things mo e or gi ing them te*ture when touched& $our 6roject Must Include the 2ollowing Information: "# Biomes location on ?arth a& >here is it (geographical distribution# b& >hat are the abiotic factorsA c& >hat are the nati e plants and their adaptations to li e thereA d& >hat are the nati e animals and their adaptations to li e thereA e& Gi e ' e*amples of cooperation and competition between and among species '# Bttractions43our 6ac%ages (what so e*citing about your biomeA >hy should people come# a& Bd ertise your biomes recreational acti ities b& 6ubliciCe points of interest c& 9uggest other biomes nearby for side trips -# >eather =eport (used to assist tourists in pac%ing their gear# a& >hat is the a erage precipitationA b& >hat is the a erage temperatureA c& 9uggest supplies4gear that tourists should bring to ma%e their trip more enjoyable +# >arnings a& >hat are some threats to this biomeA b& Bre there any endangered speciesA c& Is there a fear of climate change of this biomeA 5# Bnalysis4? aluation a& >hy is this biome globally importantA (at least " paragraph e*planation# ,# In class 6resentation where applicable and rubric to follow& GRA,ING 3his assignment is worth a total of 1-. points: -.pts8 project and presentation -.pts8written research! including at least - references (>i%ipedia is NOT a referenceD# -.pts8group cooperation4participation