Mufon UFO Journal

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Mufon UFO Journal

Official Publication of the Mutual UFO Network Since 1967

Number 286
February 1992


December 1,1989
Mufon UFO Journal
February 1992 Number 286





IN OTHERS' WORDS Lucius Parish 13


UFOs OVER SPACE & TIME Bob Gribble 15

LETTERS Hopkins, Druffel, Wingfield, Klass, Randle, Coddington 18



EDITOR Copyright 1992 by the Mutual UFO Network.

Dennis W. Stacy All Rights Reserved.

No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the written permission
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one article, provided the author is credited, and the statement, "Copyright 1992 by the Mutual
Walter H. Andrus, Jr. UFO Network, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, Texas 78155," is included.

COLUMNISTS The contents of the MUFON UFO Journal are determined by the editors and do not necessarily
reflect the official position of the Mutual UFO Network.
Walter N. Webb
Robert Gribble The Mutual UFO Network, Inc. is exempt from Federal Income Tax under Section 501
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(USPS 002-970)
(ISSN 0270-6822) The MUFON UFO JOURNAL is published monthly by the Mutual UFO
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Bill Hamilton
has been an unprecedented year for sightings all day with her. That evening we had a local certified hyp-
and encounters in the Antelope Valley of Cali- notherapist, Miranda Cunha, regress Pam through the inci-
fornia embracing the cities of Palmdale, Lancaster, and dent. We discovered a mental block in the missing time period.
Rosamond. A few tidbits emerged from this session. It seems Pam believes
I was investigating the reports of sightings associated with that she may have been taken to a base inside the Tehachapis
a Northrop Skunkworks facility in the Tehachapi Mountains (the second case that reported this) and that she was cautioned
on the north side of the valley when I heard about two not to reveal what she knows. She felt very threatened by this
witnesses who had experiences of missing time. These two incident.
women, Pam and Jackie, lived within eyeball range of the This is just a brief recounting of only one of Pam's en-
facility and had experienced a number of strange events. In counters, but significant for its mention of human involve-
addition, Jackie, who could see the facility clearly from her ment and its disturbing implications. Pam is a good observer
property in the high desert, reported two daylight sightings. and very precise about her experiences. Jackie reports see-
In each case she contends that she witnessed a large disk as- ing Pam's yard enveloped in a fog that same night, but does
cend from the facility and move eastward along the base of not remember seeing the lights which may have been directed
the Tehachapis. Construction workers have informed me that downward and obscured by the fogscreen put out by the ob-
the facility itself has several underground levels. ject. Since that night Pam has also been buzzed by low-flying
On the evening of May 14, 1991, Pam had her strangest en- helicopters. One military helicopter hovered less than a hun-
counter ever. Shortly after 11:00 p.m. she reports that three dred feet over her yard. Her yard comprises two-and-a-half
"grays" appeared by her bedside and started to lift her off acres of desert property.
the bed. She lives in a large, custom-built pentagonal desert Since there have been some remarkable sightings over this
home that has one large room without partitions. The kit- area during the year and Pam's account raises many ques-
chen, bedroom and living room are open to one another. She tions, I would like to proceed by relating other events that
started to struggle with the grays — the four-and-a-half-foot enlarge the scope considerably.
category — when she spotted a human in the living room On May 28th, the night of a full moon, I went to a certain
area. A man, dressed all in black, was holding observation area in the Antelope Valley just west
a device that resembled a small TV and dan- SKYWATCHERS of the city of Lancaster and south of the Nor-
gling a cord. Pam heard the man say, "you have FLOCK TO thorp facility in the Tehachapi mountain range.
no electricity." ANTELOPE Joined by three other observers we saw our first
At this point she somehow freed herself from VALLEY aerial light emerge at the crest of the mountains
the entities and went to grab a light cord that south of us. The light was white with an amber
would switch on a light from her twelve-volt system. The light tinge. It moved west above the mountain ridge, reached a cer-
would not come on. She then yelled for her husband to tain point, then started strobing fluorescent red and white
awaken. Events then took a bizarre turn. lights.
Hearing her 100-pound Labrador barking in the yard, she As it continued to move west, then northwest, it began to
and her husband went to the north-facing kitchen window. jump and dance in erratic movements. When it reached the
Her attention was drawn to a man who lay prone on a pro- far end of the west valley I could see a silhouette against the
jecting part of the roof near a ladder. The man was dressed twilight blue sky. The object appeared to be boomerang-
in full-dress Air Force blues. The three grays were now on shaped with several strobe lights dancing around its perimeter.
the ground below the man as well as a K-9 sentry dog that This object suddenly and instantaneously vanished. A sec-
was poised to attack Pam's dog, Casey. In the sky over the ond and third object appeared above the same mountains and
yard there were a number of red lights. The man yelled to followed roughly the same pattern of activity except that they
the grays, "get her out of the house," while Pam yelled back, continued on their course to disappear in the distance. The
"don't kill my dog." wild "jumpers" were sometimes so erratic that normal air-
In the wake of this panic, Pam next remembers standing craft could not withstand the structural stresses that would
alone outside and behind their generator shack. The man, result from such rapid changes in motion.
the dog, the grays, and her husband were no longer in sight. On the following night, with thirteen other witnesses
Red lights were revolving above her and a thick fog was gathered at our desert observation post, I viewed a spectacular
emanating from ports set around the large craft hovering light show starting in the same way as the previous night.
above. Her next memory was that of awakening, seated on
her bed at 3:50 a.m. Hamilton is a MUFON Field Investigator from Glendale, California.
I had arrived at Pam's place the next morning and spent

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 286 February 1992

Researchers and abductees (including Pam and Jackie) were One of the most spectacular sightings occurred on
present. We saw between 25 and 30 objects. Several of these November 4th. While driving to work in the morning, Pam
danced and zig-zagged at all compass1 directions. spotted a triangular shape over the Antelope Valley Freeway
One or two of the objects also disappeared when in clear (Highway 14) at 7:11 a.m. It gave off a bright flash of gold
view. In addition to the strobing jumpers, we saw what ap- and green. She was headed south on 60th Street west when
peared to be a large craft manuevering to the east. It appeared the triangular object appeared. She then entered the freeway
to be triangular with a steady fluorescent red light on the right traveling south toward Lancaster. At 7:18 a.m. a very large
and an aquamarine-colored light on its left tip. charcoal-black, arrowhead-shaped vehicle passed over her
This object flew both forwards and backwards as well as pickup truck which was headed north and passing over the
gliding silently sideways. It turned and tilted until it came Avenue H overpass. It had no windows or openings. Run-
to the south end of the street as if it were peering at us. It ning the whole length of the bottom of the craft was a tubular
then tilted on its edge and turned to proceed back to its point structure.
of origin. I snapped four photos at that instant, but the lights The craft had no vertical stabilizers and made no sound.
failed to register on 1000 ASA Ektar film. It was traveling very slow. She estimated its altitude as 300
This light show lasted two-and-one-half hours. At one point to 500 feet (very low) and its dimensions as a football field
two Air Force jets crossed from northwest to southeast and in length (300 ft.) and as wide as the freeway, including the
returned, but did not attempt to close with any of the UFOs. central corridor and pullovers (about 80 ft.) She exited at
Avenue I and pulled into an ARCO station and quickly jumped

N earby Palmdale is the site of a major L. A. Air Traf-

fic Control center as well as several aerospace
facilities and Air Force Plant 42. Edwards AFB is
a few miles to the north, near the town of Rosamond. Yet
no aircraft were sent out to intercept these strange aerial
out to look for the object. The object was nowhere in sight.
There have been other peculiar activities and light shows
reported to me from the east side of the valley. Some of these
sightings are in the vicinity of another secret underground
facility owned by the McDonnell-Douglas Corporation. Near
objects! this facility is El Mirage Dry Lake and Shadow Mountain.
I phoned Edwards AFB Public Affairs Office the next day A team of skywatchers from Victorville has seen many
and the officer on duty was extremely interested in our strange balls of light and one huge lighted craft near Shadow
sightings, but could offer no immediate explanation for them Mountain. They have also reported seeing an identical string
except to say that he was aware that the Antelope Valley had of lights on several occasions similar to the one we viewed
several secret projects that may involve advanced technology on July 25th.
aircraft and that he had no access to that sort of information. Another abduction case was reported in the Victorville area.
We feel that the people on these secret projects are well aware The abductee, Diane, reports being taken to an underground
of what is flying in the skies over Lancaster. facility jointly occupied by grays and men in Air Force
In the early morning hours of July 25th, Pam and I were uniforms. A Victorville psychotherapist is doing extensive
watching the valley skies as we had made it a sort of ritual work on this case. If we take these reports seriously and do
during the warm summer nights. At 12:45 a.m. a string of not dismiss them as a product of the witness's imagination,
gold-colored lights approached silently and rapidly from the then there are significant implications in the content of such
west, moving east. The golden lights were surrounded by a reports.
coronal field that may have been ionized layers of plasma. The few informants from the Aerospace sector who have
Some of this "plasma" appeared to be shedding from its source approached me have done little more than cautiously con-
and trailing behind. As the string reached the city limits of firm the existence of these underground areas, the reality of
Lancaster, the lights disappeared one by one. At least two the alien presence, and verified advanced technology projects.
other sighting parties were viewing this same light string from I am not advocating a wholesale belief in any conspiracy
separate locations. One of the other parties had a camcorder scenario nor do I believe all the tales I hear, but I am ad-
and starlight scope and videotaped this procession of lights. vocating a need for further careful and cautious investigation
I have a VMS copy of the tape. based on eyewitness testimony.
When one of the other witnesses mentioned the starlight The light shows over Lancaster continue. The "jumpers"
scope and its ability to enhance night photography to his are still seen frequently. Skywatchers are flocking to the
neighbor, his neighbor bought one and on the night of August Antelope Valley in hopes of seeing UFOs.
1st tested its ability to record the passage of an airliner over
downtown Lancaster. To his surprise a small lighted object UFOs, MJ-12 AND THE GOVERNMENT:
appeared and raced around the airliner, executing a sharp- A Report on Government Involvement in
angled, high-speed fly around and then faded out against the the UFO Crash Retrievals (113 pages)
background stars. I also have this segment on video and have by Grant Cameron and T. Scott Grain
shown it on San Diego's ABC affiliate Channel 10 which did Price: $19 plus $1.50 for postage and handling.
a special report on UFOs on their nightly news in late Order From: MUFON, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, TX 78155-4099

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 286 February 1992

Wim van Utrecht

O n November 29, 1989, hundreds of people living in

and near the small city of Eupen, Belgium, witnessed
the passage of huge, triangular aircraft equipped
with bright spotlights. The event marked the beginning of one
of Europe's biggest "UFO flaps" ever. In the early stages,
UFO. People who had never made a habit of looking skywards
were now surprised by the variety of luminous phenomena that
could be seen in the course of a single night. As months went
by it became clear that the popularity of SOBERS had strong-
ly influenced the course of events. Twenty years ago, a similar
most of the reports emanated from the eastern regions of situation had occurred when the publicity following the in-
Belgium. But in the course of the months that followed, other itial creation of SOBERS set fire to a local outburst of UFO
parts of the country, and especially the areas around Brussels reports. Conceivably, the wave of sightings that was now
and Liege, also became the seat of unusual observations. flooding the country would never have had the same magnitude
Because of certain sensational aspects, the flap caught the if the group had not been promoting it so vigourously.
attention of news agencies in all corners of the world. Jour- By the spring of 1991 things had quieted down a little and
nalists were impressed by the fact that there had been several SOBERS announced that a detailed report about the events
occasions on which jet-fighters had taken off in an attempt would soon be published. On October 17, a book more than
to identify inexplicable lights. Equally exceptional: policemen, 500 pages thick was presented to the press. The title read: Vague
military personnel and scientists also claimed to have seen d'OVNIsur la Belgique - Un dossier exceptionel (UFO Flap
the unknown objects manoeuvring through the sky. Further- over Belgium - An Exceptional File). The book was sold out
more, almost all witnesses unanimously spoke of triangular in no time.
platforms with bright, white lights in each corner and a red,
pulsating light in the middle.
As for the physical evidence, the sky watches had produced
dozens of photographs and approximately 30 video-films.
Aside from this, a handful of radar tapes had been made
available for analysis. By the spring of 1990, the situation was
T he introduction to the SOBERS book is written by Dr.
Jean-Pierre Petit, Director of a research division at the
French Centre National de Recherche Spatial (CNRS-
National Center for Space Studies). Further scientific contribu-
tions included papers by Auguste Meessen, Professor in physics
such that many Belgians spent long hours outdoors, hoping at the Universite Catholique de Louvain and Leon Brenig,
to catch a glimpse of the bizarre craft. But perhaps the most physicist at the Universite Libre de Bruxelles. SOBEPS
unique aspect of all was the collaboration that had been set associates Bougard, Clerebaut, Vertongen and Ferryn signed
up between the national Royal Air Force and a Brussels-based most of the other chapters. Major-general Wilfried de Brouwer
UFO group named SOBERS* wrote the postscript of the book. As an aviator, de Brouwer
As UFO reports kept pouring in for more than a year and had coordinated a sky watch during which, for the first time
a half, the popularity of SOBERS increased at an equivalent in history, ufologists and airmen joined forces. The authors
pace. Interviews with members of the group were published almost unanimously concluded that, in view of the evidence,
in almost every journal and magazine in the country. Usual- the extraterrestrial hypothesis seemed the most likely solution.
ly the group's address and phone number were given in case Naturally, this was too much to swallow for the scientific com-
readers wanted to report a personal experience. On radio and munity in our country.
television, ufologists answered questions about the possibility On October 26, 1991, the newspaper La Wallonie noted the
of an alien presence in our skies. On two occasions, first in following news: at the instance of astrophysicist Andre
December 1989 and again in June of 1990, the U.S. Air Force Lausberg, ten Belgian scientists had signed a declaration in
assured our Ministry of Defense that the F-1T7A Stealth fighter which the SOBEPS report was heavily criticized. Professor
— believed by some investigators to be at the heart of the Meessen and Dr. Petit were especially reprimanded for their
sightings — "has never flown in the European theater." This rash statements and pseudo-scientific approach. In a way, the
leaves unanswered, of course, the question of whether some scientific community had set up a tribunal that would deal with
other Stealth platform might have. All this time the scien- members who were supposedly feeding pseudo-scientific in-
tific community kept silent, with the exception of some formation to the public.
weather-prophets, who tried to calm down the situation by While highly respected by European ufologists, Meessen and
speaking of inversion layers and sea plankton ... Petit may not be household names to most overseas readers,
Under these circumstances, speculation and suggestion were so some background information may be in order.
given free play and it did not take long before almost any light Before he launched himself into the investigation of the
in the sky which could not be readily identified was labeled a Belgian UFO flap, Professor Meessen had already written
Wim van Utrecht directs the Groep Voor Vreemde Luchtverschjjnselen
* SOBERS - Societe Beige d'Etude des Phenomenes Spatiaux (Belgian
(Group for the Study of Strange Aerial Phenomena) in Antwerpen
Society for the Study of Space Phenomena): Avenue Paul Janson 74, B-1070,
(Antwerp), Belgium.
Bruxelles, Belgium.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 286 February 1992

theoretical and technical papers on UFOs for Inforespace, THE UMMO VIRUS SEEMS TO HAVE AFFECTED
the journal edited by SOBEPS. Although written in an OTHER SCIENTISTS AT THE SPACE CENTER
academic style, Meessen's work is almost entirely based on AS WELL. A DEVELOPMENT THAT MAY SOON
unverified witness accounts published in dubious UFO RESULT IN A PURIFICATION PROCESS.
A second reproach that can be made is that the professor yielded only one good slide, a copy of which is printed on
is perhaps a too over-zealous defender of the ETH. This is the cover of the SOBEPS book. On page 418 we are told that
known to have affected his evaluations in the past. In 1988 an indepth investigation of this slide has yet to take place;
for instance, an analysis of a sound recording made by a ten- but the absence of background details in the picture, together
year-old UFO witness in France led Meessen to speculate with the fact that the young photographer threw away a sec-
about the propulsion systems that UFO pilots use. Unfor- ond photograph which he had taken during the sighting, create
tunately for him, it was later established that the recorded doubts about the authenticity of the evidence.
beeping sound had originated from an over-the-horizon radar Stimuli for most of the remaining photographic documents
transmitter, an interference phenomenon well-known to French varied from aircraft lights to reflections of sunlight in distant
radio amateurs. windows, and from bright stars and planets to xenon-lamps
One wonders if Meessen's personal convictions may not used by some discos. Many of these explanations came from
have influenced his analysis of the Belgium radar tapes as the ufologists themselves, SOBEPS members included.
well. As a matter of fact, the unexplained radar images acted As for the eyewitness accounts that are not backed up with
so spooky (impossible accelerations and sudden changes in physical evidence, they number several thousand and main-
altitude) that they remind one of false radar returns (due to ly describe incidents which occurred within an area 200 kms
meteorological conditions) or of distorted echoes from real long and 100 kms wide. About 5 to 10% of these cases are
targets (e.g., aircraft equipped with Stealth technology). But published in some detail in the book. Examination reveals
for Meessen the "only reasonable hypothesis" was that we that there is much less internal agreement in the descriptions
were dealing with "UFOs, of which the performances clear- than SOBEPS would like us to believe. Position and colour
ly indicate a non-terrestrial origin." of the lights are rarely identical. Features, such as protru-
sions, windows, domes and hatches always appear to be posi-

A s for Dr. Petit, it was he who introduced magneto- tioned at different sides of the objects.
hydrodynamics into ufology in the Seventies. Now, Furthermore, not only triangle, but rectangle, trapezoid,
with the publication of his latest book, Enquete sur diamond and boomerang-shaped objects were also reported.
des extraterrestres qui sontparmi nous - Le mystere des Um- In short, exactly those shapes that match designers' views of
mites (In Search of Extraterrestrials Who Are Among Us - what airplanes of the future should look like. Apparently, the
The Mystery of the Ummites), Petit has lost his last grain old flying saucer myth has put on a new face, perfectly in
of credibility. In this book Petit reveals that his scientific work line with modern trends in design. Also worthy of note is
at the CNRS was in reality dictated to him by the inhabitants the fact that only one or two witnesses mentioned daylight
of Umrno, a planet far beyond our own solar system. Well- objects.
read ufologists will remember that, dating back to 1965, the It is the opinion of the author that some kind of flying
Ummites have been held responsible for a series of mysterious machine did indeed manifest itself over our country on several
letters and documents sent to UFO researchers and scientists occasions between November 1989 and June 1991. This may
around the world. have been some kind of platform, balloon or giant glider (self
In fact, the Ummo virus seems to have affected other scien- propelled or carried by helicopter), or perhaps an experimental
tists at the Space Center as well and rumours have it that the airplane such as the F-117A Stealth Fighter, the A-12 Avenger
entire question will soon lead to some sort of purification. or the TR-3A Black Manta. To try to find out the exact origin
Another incident is bound to discredit the Center's reputa- and motive of these apparitions will be extremely difficult
tion even further. Last year, two journalists of a local French because of the extensive media coverage that seems to have
newspaper visited the headquarters of the Raelian Movement immensely influenced the reporting process.
in Albi, southern France. This UFO sect is led by a man who The only thing that remains certain, even in the midst of
claims to have travelled to distant planets and to have sat at a flap of major proportions, is the feet that it has proven almost
a table with personalities such as Moses, Jesus and Buddha. impossible to solidify eyewitness accounts with substantial
During their visit to the sect, the journalists ran into a research evidence.
member from the CNRS. Together with a doctor, a biologist
and an engineer, the man had just ordered pizza and ice cream MUFON 1991 INTERNATIONAL UFO
on the cult's premises! SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS
Returning to the Belgian flap, it should first be emphasized "UFOs: The Big Picture" 301 pages.
that the evidence gathered by SOBEPS is impressive in quan- Price: $20 plus $1.50 for postage and handling.
tity but not very convincing when considered as proof of Order From: MUFON, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, TX 78155-4099
unearthly manifestations. In fact, the photographic evidence

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 286 February 1992

By John White
Flights of angels came and we called them hordes of demons. do not overpower human will. Yes, one can point to the Angel
of Death, acting at God's command, to slay the firstborn of
— Whitley Strieber, Majestic of the Egyptians when the Hebrews were in captivity, but that
is the exception, not the rule. Any deaths which have occurred
he Rev. Barry Downing's commentary on the UFO in connection with alien abductions - and I'll discuss some

T experience ("The Rock of Ages Principle," MUFON

UFO Journal, May 1990) is important because it
further directs the attention of the ufological research com-
below - simply cannot be compared to that biblical cir-
cumstance. Abductees are not contemporary Pharaohs and
the god of the Bible is a god of love and life-enhancement.
munity to the religious implications of UFOs. His 1968 book, My interpretation contrasts radically with what Downing
The Bible and Flying Saucers, is a seminal work in the field. calls his "God hypothesis," while retaining a framework of
There he argues that some biblical passages are best under- religious concerns. And although it may seem that I am merely
stood in light of UFO research, including accounts of angels offering the simplistic Christian fundamentalism which Down-
or God's messengers. ing rightly rejects, I maintain there is an enlightened
However, while Downing's perspective is a highly plausi- fundamentalism - that is, grasp of true fundamentals - which
ble explanation for some ancient events, I do not find it ac- is congruent with that position but has greater depth and solidi-
ceptable as an explanation of contemporary abductions. I am ty because it is grounded in ufological data, metaphysical
especially concerned that he tries to convince us that "disguise understanding and spiritual insight. That is what I offer here.
and deception" should be regarded as benevolent. He says It is a "worst case scenario."
we may have to decide whether UFOs are good or evil, and Before proceeding further, however, I want to acknowledge
he opts for the "good" position, arguing that UFO reports, that my interpretation is also similar to some scare-mongering
including abductions, are best understood in light of the science fiction novels and movies. And I acknowledge that
biblical doctrine of angels. it has underpinning assumptions which are open to challenge.
I find Downing's position flawed because the Bible (To name just two: Are the alien abductions physically real
recognizes "fallen" angels who retained their superhuman events or psychological projections from the mythic-imaginal
capacities but turned from their allegiance to God. Since then, level of the human unconscious? Are the MJ-12 documents
their paranormal abilities have been used for evil rather than authentic?) Moreover, the data on which I build this scenario
good. Thus, the choice Downing would have us make with are few, tenuous and far from indisputable. The evidence for
regard to UFO entities is not a simple either-or. Both good my position is difficult to describe to an audience which is
and evil are possibilities, depending on the sort of angels with not psychologically sophisticated and parapsychologically
which one is dealing. educated. I've circulated a draft of this paper to a handful
Downing is well aware of the "fallen angel" perspective of UFO investigators and theorists. Some agree with me, in
on UFOs; his contribution to the 1980 Encyclopedia of UFOs whole or in part; others think that, as one put it, I am "com-
entitled "Demonic Theory of UFOs" is an excellent survey pletely off-base" and "lapsing into a kind of primitive super-
of the topic. Despite that, in "The Rock of Ages Principle" naturalism and infantile paranoia."
he arrives at what I regard as an unsupportable conclusion. Perhaps so. I acknowledge the possibility, but at this point
My response to it focuses on the phenomenon of alien ab- I'm not convinced to see things differently. Therefore I pre-
ductions and examines them in the light of biblical doctrine. sent this statement as an hypothesis for discussion of what
I disagree with Downing's interpretation for several reasons is a perplexing aspect of the UFO experience - and poten-
other than the one above. First, there is nothing in the Bible tially the most important. I welcome critical feedback in the
which indicates that God or God's messengers use deceit as interest of reality-testing. I don't claim to have the "final"
standard operating procedure. Due care for human limitations, answer to the UFO question. (I've said before that I think
yes - deceit, no. Only the primal adversary of God - called
Lucifer/Satan - does that and is therefore known as the Great John White is a well-known author, editor and literary agent, and
Deceiver. Second, nothing in the Bible indicates that contact host of the annual UFO Experience conference in New Haven, CT,
with God's messengers results in the wild stories and wounded near his home. His work covers a wide range of topics. He is the author,
for example, of What Is Enlightenment? and the editor of Psychic War-
psyches of contemporary abductees. God's messengers iden- fare: Fact or Fiction?, among many others.
tify themselves as such and state their purpose. They pre- The opinions expressed here are of course his own and do not in
sent their credentials without equivocation. Last of all, God's any way reflect those of MUFON or the editors of this Journal.
messengers show respect for the sanctity of human life and

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 286 February 1992

there is no single answer to that question.) And I am not
"locked in" to this hypothesis. I only claim that this state- SERVE YOU," I TAKE IT TO MEAN THEY HAVE SOMETHING LIKE
ment is the result of thoughtful observation and analysis by COOKBOOK RECIPES IN MIND
a seasoned investigator of the paranormal which draws out
reasonable implications and leads logically to a plausible con- I want to make clear that I am limiting this discussion to
clusion. I recognize, however, that a chain is no stronger than one class of UFO entities: gray abducting aliens. I am not
its weakest links and that this chain of logic has various weak condemning all gray aliens. I'm willing to believe there may
links. So I simply offer the following with sincerity, the most be good ones, just as there are good and bad people. And
rigorous thinking I can bring to it, and a wish to provoke fur- speaking more generally, my assessment of ufology's data
ther discussion and investigation along the lines I'm develop- leads me to conclude that Earth is probably one of the major
ing. Of course, it's possible to be sincere but deluded. I am crossroads of local space, with many alien life forms visiting
willing — indeed, eager — to be shown that is so in this case us. Some of them may indeed be motivated by vision and
because if I'm right, even partially, we're all in big trouble. values in keeping with our own most transcendent insights
and sacred wisdom. Others, however, are not — and that is
he thrust of UFO research is into the metaphysical, my point. If alien abductions are the work of angels, let us

T where things are not always as they seem. Downing be clear about who they are: fallen angels or demonic entities.
sees UFOs — meaning, in these circumstances, the gray To get specific about what I think may be going on, con-
abducting aliens — as benevolent, superior beings who com- sider the humans and / or humanoids who have been reported
passionately take into account, through "disguise and decep- by abductees to be present on UFOs, apparently working with
tion," our inability to directly perceive their "vastly superior and for the aliens. There are many such reports, most notably
reality." In Downing's interpretation, that reality is traditionally that by Travis Walton. If the grays have been conducting a
known as the full glory of God. In my judgment, however, genetic experiment or an interspecies breeding program for
the gray abducting aliens are demonic and untrustworthy. "By at least several decades — which is what Budd Hopkins' work
their fruits ye shall know them," Jesus said about evaluating indicates — then there could be adult humans who have been
spiritual credentials. Saint Paul added that the fruits of the raised under alien control since infancy and who are
Spirit are peace, joy and love. Judging by the fruit of the gray thoroughly alien in their loyalties and psychology, although
abducting aliens, I see aspects to the UFO abduction ex- they certainly would be able to pass as "real" people. While
perience which indicate there may be profoundly sinister seeming to be ordinary citizens, they would nevertheless be
dimensions to it. I get a strong sense of conspiracy by the at least programmed, if not naturally inclined through
abductors — a vast, subversive plot of long duration and careful psychological bonding, to identify with the alien culture. Such
coordination which aims at nothing less than the complete people could have been raised in an off-world site —say,'a
enslavement of humanity. I see nothing about their words and base on the moon or Mars or even a gigantic "mother
deeds which indicates anything except lies, evasion, misdirec- ship"1 — and then reintroduced to human society, with suf-
tion, manipulation, exploitation and total disregard for human ficient training and ongoing support from aliens to make their
values, personal property and our concept of respect for the way into careers in many fields.
inviolability of personhood.
We humans consider kidnapping and violation of civil rights epending on the scope of the aliens' work — which
to be criminal, rape to be loathsome, brainwashing and mind
control to be heinous, lying to be despicable, deliberate in- D I take to be happening on an enormous scale since
abduction reports are .worldwide —the abducting
fliction of pain to be sadism, unauthorized surgical invasion aliens could have hundreds or even thousands of their peo-
and unauthorized impregnation of people to be monstrous, ple infiltrated into science, industry, finance, government,
mutilation of bodies to be savage, and damage to personal education, the military, etc., with some undoubtedly in posi-
property to be vandalism. The gray abducting aliens exhibit tions of great power and influence. These people, in turn,
such behavior — and possibly even murder (see footnote 4). could have recruited others to various degrees, creating in
On the other hand, I know of no behavior by them which classic fashion the "cells" of a resistance movement prepar-
is clearly intended to show respect for our physical or ing to overthrow the establishment. More likely, though, they
psychological personhood, property, civil rights, moral values would have made their true identity known only to other
and concern for truthful speech; the abducting aliens routinely "aliens among us" and committed true-human collaborators
violate all that. As I view the situation, it's a ghastly picture who have been voluntarily working with the aliens.
which emerges. It is not merely alien; it is profoundly evil How might the aliens begin to infiltrate and recruit? The
in precisely the sense given in the Book of Revelation and MJ-12 group offers a point of entry. A crashed flying saucer
other sacred scriptures which describe a battle between the would be "bait" to hook the military-government-scientific
forces of light and the forces of darkness for the salvation complex into contact. Of course, this infiltration activity would
or damnation of humanity and the planet. So when abduct- not be limited to the United States. If the aliens are doing
ing aliens allegedly say, "We're here to serve you," I take it it here, they're probably doing it elsewhere. If they've made
to mean they have something like cookbook recipes in mind. contact with MJ-12 or its successors — as the Project Aquarius,

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 286 February 1992

it, we can call it the "crock of ages principle" — meaning
WERE CONTINUALLY SUBJECTED TO BRAIN-WASHING BECAUSE, crock of you-know-what.) MJ-12 and its counterparts in other
WHILE THEIR BODIES HAD BEEN CAPTURED. THEIR MINDS HADNT. nations would be the starting point.
Here's where the plot thickens. In fact, it ties in with more
Project Snowbird, Project Sigma and Project Gamma reports mundane conspiracy theories in the political sphere which
indicate2 — we can be fairly certain they've contacted the allege that groups such as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers,
Soviet Union and other major powers. (Timothy Good's Above Trilateralists, Bilderbergers, Council on Foreign Relations and
Top Secret demonstrates a worldwide cover-up of the UFO others are the hidden powers and the secret establishments
phenomenon, although he doesn't take that to the extreme directing world affairs through international banking and con-
I do here.) However, being scheming, untrustworthy and bent trol of the media, education, science and military / political
on planetary domination, the aliens would not have told MJ-12 institutions in order to set up a one-world social order with
anything about their contact with other scientific and govern- themselves at the seats of power.
mental / military officials or groups they have contacted over There are some plausible arguments for the political con-
the decades. It wouldn't do to let each know about the others. spiracy theory made by responsible, credible thinkers and
Infiltration would be the hidden agenda behind their contact scholars such as Carroll Quigley and Antony Sutton; there
with MJ-12 and the governmental-military-scientific elite of are also some absolutely bozo claims made by head-for-the-
the world until the time is right to let all players know of the hills redneck survivalists and fringe Christian fundamentalists.
others' participation. I try to assess them all to see what looks viable, weighing
In the meantime, since "loose lips sink ships," the military- them against my standards of reason, logic and evidence. Now,
intelligence community would have undertaken counter- it's perfectly clear, thanks to the Iran-Contra affair, that in-
intelligence, disinformation and media influence programs ternational conspiracies can and do happen. The real ques-
to discredit anyone on the inside who might come forward tion is to what degree and how well coordinated and con-
to tell the truth and anyone on the outside who might sur- trolled they are by the alleged secret powers.
mise the truth. Thus, the ridicule and harassment which people Until the last few years, I pretty much dismissed the no-
who tell stories about ETs or UFOs encounter may have been tion of a generations-old international conspiracy to set up
started or aggravated by MJ-12 or its successors. Once the a one-world society controlled by international banking-
attitude "caught on" with the public, anyone who broached financial interests such as the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.
the subject was considered a lunatic and his / her claims or I reasoned that if there were one conspiracy, there would be
data disregarded. How could there be a "Hanger 18" at others, and the net result would be to negate or at least
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base or Alternative 3 - like col- neutralize each other. No one would gain total control or
onies on the moon and Mars when everyone knows that UFOs unassailable ascendancy. The vagaries of world affairs would
are sheer fantasy, hallucination or misperception? be too unpredictable; too many things could go wrong; peo-
In parallel with the aliens' infiltration movement would be ple wouldn't stay loyal to such a cause all their lives; evidence
Manchurian Candidate-like programming of the true-human of it simply couldn't be covered up forever.
abductees and collaborators, as well as alien-human hybrids Then the abducting gray aliens came into view, and the
produced through interspecies breeding. My thinking is this: situation took on a wholly different complexion.
If the grays' ultimate intention is world control, they have If the aliens have secretly planted their agents throughout
several ways to get there. Their last resort would be violent civilization for decades and if they are pursuing contact with
takeover, using open warfare. That would certainly unite true the top echelons of power around the world for purposes of
humans in opposition, and even if the grays conquered infiltration and subversion, then over the years they have been
humanity, we would continue to resist them by any and all playing out a hand which was strategized nowhere but in Hell.
means, even if our condition were reduced to the status of
POWs at a Hanoi Hilton. No, the aliens would seek a bloodless ook at MJ-12's roster. The members and their probable
takeover by conquering through deception, manipulation and
propaganda. Remember that American POWs in Korea and L successors lead straight into the heart of the most
disturbing "conventional" conspiracy theories about
Vietnam were continually subjected to brainwashing because international finance and military / political / scientific in-
their bodies were captured but not their minds. The aliens trigue. For example, consider the Skull and Bones Society
'Would recognize that and, in order to make their victory com- at Yale University. It is, from the political conspiracy theorists'
plete, try to indoctrinate us, through covert means, to accept point of view, the quintessential "evil empire" within the USA.
them as we walk down a garden path, rather than have to "re- George Bush, McGeorge Bundy, and a large number of the
educate" some five billion people in effect held captive as Trilateral Commission members and the Council on Foreign
POWs. Relations were tapped by this secret society while they were
So, the more intelligent approach to total control would be undergraduates at Yale and were bound by an oath of secrecy
to co-opt the human race — to subvert it through a cultural to be loyal to the "Bones" purpose. That purpose goes far
conditioning control system such as Jacques Vallee suggests beyond simple collegia! fraternity and the typical "good oF
in Messengers of Deception and Dimensions. (To be flip about boy" network's interests.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 286 February 1992

The conspiracy theorists say that the aim of all this is to
covertly create a new world order in which the secret establish- SOMETHING ELSE.
ment becomes the hidden power controlling global affairs — its
economy, science, industry, religion, education, technology, as they sought to do to others. A delicious irony is there —
etc., even while maintaining a facade of increasing freedom but don't laugh too loud about it because, if this hypothesis
and prosperity for the world's masses. Nationhood would is correct, the situation is appalling. It's the Book of Revela-
wither away, but political power would not. It would be con- tion coming true: a titanic war is being waged in "the
solidated behind a screen through the fraternal bonds of men heavens" — i.e., invisibly — between the powers of light and
(Skull and Bones presently excludes women) whose aims and the powers of darkness for the liberation or enslavement of
loyalty are not to any country or group, but only to their own all humanity.
supranational cabal. They would be "the power behind the I'll say more about the powers of light in a moment. For
throne." now, return to those alien-raised humans and humanoids. If
Imagine that such a conspiracy has been going on for the aliens are as knowledgeable about human psychology,
decades. That would explain U.S. State Department approval physiology and anatomy as UFO research indicates, then they
of high-technology transfer from American industry to the are wholly competent to "program" human beings and
Soviet Union, even when it ends up being used against humanoids to react in certain ways upon signal. Under hyp-
America in military situations — as has happened. It would nosis, abductee Betty Andreasson stated repeatedly in The
also explain multimillion dollar bank loans to the Soviet Union Andreasson Affair — Phase Two that she would reveal
with no assurances sought that they wouldn't be used to under- something in the future when the time is right as determined
write anti-American activities — as has happened. Then im- by the aliens; quite independently, her future husband, Bob
agine that the aliens not only know of the conspiracy and Luca, received exactly the same mental programming from
understand its operations, but have also cunningly planned abducting grays. All the hypnotists' skill could not retrieve
to co-opt it by pretending to establish friendly relations with the unrevealed information from Andreasson because there
it. What would be the nature of the directing intelligence was/is a second, deeper-level block in her mind to prevent
behind the aliens' scheme? It seems to me that the gray aliens people from learning the truth about the aliens' intention, even
alone are not smart enough or powerful enough to pull it off, after the primary block was removed and her abduction reveal-
despite their technological edge. They appear to be rather ed. The hypnotist, Fred Max, agrees with me on this point.
robotic or hive-like in their capacities. They appear to lack After speaking with him, I was gratified to see that Raymond
the intellectual creative flair for such scheming. A greater Fowler's The Watchers confirms and greatly elaborates on this
intelligence is required. I see it like this: point. Fowler initially titled the book The Andreasson
The alien abductors are glad to let the secret establishment Affair —Phase Three because it reveals much more about the
continue its work aimed at world domination because the Lucas' experience and their precise, profound programming
humans involved don't realize the danger they've gotten into by the aliens ("... they have been and are in control of all
by making what is in reality a diabolical pact — in the most the information stored within the deep recesses of Betty's
literal sense. The secret establishment thinks it's simply got mind" p. 128), as well as Fowler's own. On the basis of these
an edge by making contact with the aliens because the aliens further revelations, Fowler states, "They know more about
can provide advanced technology3 to help the power brokers our overall makeup than we do ourselves" (p. 183).
advance their scheme; all they have to do is let the aliens con- Think about the so-called medical exam given to abductees.
tinue with their "scientific" work of abducting people for "ex- Isn't is perfectly obvious now that the abduction-as-medical-
amination." But the aliens' intention is to be the power behind exam scenario is merely a cover for something else? How
the power behind the throne. And the MJ-12 successors played many skin samples do alien "scientists" need before they have
right into their hands. sufficient data? Why, as David Jacobs points out in a forthcom-
ing book, hasn't their data-gathering become more sophis-
FO conspiracy theorist John Lear says that a team ticated over the decades? It hasn't changed since Betty and

U amalgamated from MJ-12 and the CIA have had a

longtime joint venture in which hidden underground
bases for alien activity play a part. He also says the team is
Barney Hill were abducted in 1961. Why the now-stereotyped,
unvarying and well-rehearsed routine for thousands of ab-
ductees? While performing — in the sense of theatrical
now scared of that alliance because they have begun to realize acting —their seemingly elementary examination of ab-
the magnitude of the deadly game into which they've been ductees, the aliens demonstrate that they actually have a deep
suckered. From the perspective of this hypothesis, that makes and highly detailed knowledge of human psychology,
sense. Just as they and their fellow conspirators see their physiology and anatomy. Abductee reports show that the aliens
"final" victory nearing — i.e., global affairs are tending well can completely control the human nervous system. When
for the establishment of a one-world order, exactly as the con- aliens want to abduct them, abductees are routinely paralyzed
spirators have been working for over decades — the aliens instantly and placed in suspended animation. When they are
trump them and in effect the secret establishment itself on alien examination tables and report feeling pain from some
becomes secretly, subtly but inescapably enslaved, exactly operation, the mere touch of an alien hand can block the

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 286 February 1992

person's perception of pain. Reports also show that aliens can Taking the widest possible view of the situation, I will say
effect instant healings, alter memory, distort a person's sense that, in my judgment, we humans are not alone against forces
of time, and perform precise surgical operations on the brain of darkness. I also see benign and even benevolent "alien in-
and visceral organs, not to mention the wide range of telligences" here as well — forces of light — trying to assist
gynecological procedures they employ. I conclude that the us in this struggle for psychobiological integrity, spiritual ad-
alien "medical exam" is a sham and a cover for something vancement and true planetary unity — not a new world order
else, namely, brainwashing and mind control. but a new world community. We are "surrounded by angels,
For what purpose? I suspect this: the alien-humans would unaware." These agents of godliness seek in gentle, non-
undoubtedly be programmed to rise up violently in armed coercive ways to guide us, protect us and enlighten us.
warfare if the aliens felt it necessary to achieve their aims in ex- For example, the beings of light whom people meet dur-
tremis. Imagine hundreds of thousands of Manchurian Can- ing a near-death experience (NDE) are providing tremendous
didates, each programmed to assassinate or otherwise support for humanity. The light-beings' nature is clearly evi-
eliminate designated leaders and officials so that the aliens' dent by the effect they have upon human lives. Completely
hand-trained agents can come forward. Is that far out? Not unlike the abducting grays, the NDE light-beings produce no
in the shadowy — or should I say gray? — world of political traumatic or ambiguous consequences on humanity. People
intrigue, subversion and life-or-death struggle for conquest who meet them while in the near-death state report later that
of Planet Earth.4 they sensed only unconditional love and forgiveness for their
misdeeds radiating wordlessly from these spiritual entities,

W here would all the alien-humans come from?

Many would have been bred in vitro from sperm
and ova, or raised from fetuses, as Budd Hopkins'
research indicates. But many others could have been obtained
along with heightened understanding of life. Abducting aliens
induce fear and longlasting anxiety, disturbing dreams, in-
tellectual confusion and a disturbed personality in their vic-
tims; NDE light-beings have an aftereffect which brings people
the easy way — by kidnapping children. An estimated one a sense of ultimate peace, cosmic goodness, reverence for
million children are missing in the United States each year. life, deepened spirituality, concern for fellow humans and the
Where could they all go? If just one percent of them were environment — a general revaluing of materialistic, egotistic
abducted by aliens, that's a sizable population to work with lifestyle in the name of God and Love.5 Here in America alone,
at off-world bases. according to a Gallup poll, an estimated 14,000,000 people
If you grant the plausibility of this admittedly fantastic have undergone an NDE. If America is at the leading edge
scenario so far, it then makes sense to say that the grays are of a millennial demonic invasion directed by the "Prince of
not the "ultimate" type of beings contacting us in this mat- Darkness," as I'm postulating, it is also the site of an even
ter. The grays are alien, and perhaps they're extraterrestrial. greater number of transformative, uplifting, inspiring en-
(I present the case for grays as extraterrestrials in "ET or counters with entities traditionally called angels, saints and
MT? A Response to Kenneth Ring," Mufon UFO Journal, enlightened teachers. And, like UFO abductions, such ac-
July 1989. That statement was deliberately devoid of the con- tivity is happening around the globe. Altogether, this indicates
siderations made here.) They may also be what J. Allen Hynek a colossal support system of metaphysical forces which in-
called metaterrestrial. Whatever the case, it appears there is tend salvation — spiritual freedom — for humanity, building
another "race" behind the abducting gray aliens, directing in opposition to what I have posited as a hellish plot aimed
their activities. This "race" is not merely "alien" — it is evil. at complete enslavement of humanity and Planet Earth.
It is truly sinister, malevolent and unswervingly committed In conclusion, I must acknowledge that some abductees
to the damnation of all humanity — and it is definitely not disagree strongly with my hypothesis. They regard their ab-
extraterrestrial. ductors' behavior as benevolent and intended for human bet-
These intelligences have been characterized in ancient scrip- terment. (In The Watchers, Fowler explicitly equates the ab-
tures and sacred traditions as native to Earth, diabolic, hostile ducting aliens with the NDE light-beings.) I do not deny that
to our very existence as free people and intent upon abductees, on the far side of their traumatic experience, often
dominating us totally — physically, mentally and spiritually. demonstrate psychological gains, and occasionally even ex-
St. Paul spoke of humanity contending with "powers and prin- traordinary physiological health gains, as in the case of John
cipalities." My reason, research and personal experience lead Salter of North Dakota. All that does not negate my posi-
me to conclude that such entities are onto logically real, albeit tion. I attribute such transformation — such real benefits —
paraphysical. I see the hand of such intelligences behind much to the innate human urge to health and the bodymind's self-
of the UFO phenomenon. I will even name the chief entity, reparative capability rather than to the aliens' noble inten-
using its Judeo-Christian appellation: Lucifer/Satan. To say tions. Holocaust survivors are stronger for what they've been
more than that in a meaningful manner, however, would take through, but they don't thank Hitler for it. Likewise, recover-
far more space than I have here. I am prepared to get into ing alcoholics don't thank the bottle. And while I'm men-
the issue of Lucifer/Satan and its nature, purpose and role tioning the Nazis, I remind readers that the last attempt to
in the UFO experience, but that will depend on my assess- "improve" the human race through a genetic breeding pro-
ment of the response to this article. gram such as the aliens apparently have was engineered by

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 286 February 1992

tion, camera and film that JPL, after using computer enhancement of the
THE ABDUCTING ALIENS COME TO US UNDER THE COVER OF photo, could offer only two explanations. The man who submitted the photo
DARKNESS, BUT THEY NEVER TELL US WHY. THE WHOLE THING IS said he saw a UFO passing in front of the moon. The guide said JPL would
AS SUSPICIOUS AS A TROJAN HORSE. not confirm it but was convinced there definitely was something real in
the photo. The only trouble was that they couldn't tell if it was a small
Adolph Hitler and the Third Reich. object about two feet in front of the camera or something 1,000 miles long
To put it simply: I am concerned here with spiritual discern- at a distance of 100,000 miles from Earth. A mother ship?
ment and denouncement of evil, concerned with truth,
freedom and public safety. Downing's stance — that all ETs 2) These projects were reported by Jerome Clark in fate magazine (April
1988) in the last of his four-part article on crashed UFO retrievals.
are from God — is representative of a widely held view whose
variations range from "ancient astronauts" through "Space 3) Another implication of this scenario is that MJ-12 or its successors
Brothers" to "saviors from space."6 I see that as one which had access to UFOs through their alien contacts. If so, it must be assumed
unwittingly "glorifies the devil" by giving legitimacy to alien that (1) MJ-12 or its successors took advantage of that to visit the moon
abductions. Legitimacy goes beyond merely establishing their and other planets in our solar system long before the Apollo 11 moon land-
ing in 1969, and (2) the NASA space exploration program is a gigantic
reality; it passes into the moral dimension and makes or im- boondoggle whose real purpose is to be another secret conduit for fund-
plies a public judgment of the aliens' benevolence and ing military/intelligence projects which are intended to be kept from scrutiny
trustworthiness. This gives aid and comfort to "the enemy," by Congress and the public.
who, the Bible tells us, disguises itself as an "angel of light."
Yes, we called those flights of angels "hordes of demons" 4) I do not mean to have people regard all abductees with suspicion and
fear, which might lead to a modern witch hunt against them. My sym-
because they really are that — fallen angels. pathy for them is genuine and strong, and I trust that this essay makes
And lest I be accused of thinking in simplistic black-and- that clear. I say this because Betty Andreasson Luca and Bob Luca, who
white, good-or-evil, us-vs.-them terms of Christian fundamen- are friends of mine, do not agree with me concerning the possibility of
talism, I hasten to say that is not so, as readers of my book Manchurian Candidate programming of themselves and others. They do
The Meeting of Science and Spirit (Paragon House, 1990), not believe the grays are evil, including their abductors, and have asked
me to refer people to two quotations from Raymond Fowler's books about
will see. What is so is this: in keeping with Jesus' teaching them. Betty points to her statement from The Andreasson Affair as evidence:
about the proper attitude toward others, I regard the gray ab- "He [Quazgaa, leader of the alien abductors] says my race won't believe
ducting aliens and all other life forms with unconditional love. me until much time has passed - our time... They love the human race.
However, unconditional love is different from respect. My They have come to help the human race" (pp. 110-11, Bantam edition). Bob
respect is entirely conditional; it must be earned. Uncondi- points to his statement in The Andreasson Affair—Phase Two: "[Fred Max,
hypnotist] Why do they need to meet other people?" [Bob] "Prepare us
tional love is directed at personhood; respect is directed at for something good. Going to be for mankind" (p. 40, Prentice-Hall edi-
behavior. The abducting aliens have not earned my respect. tion). Since our conversation, The Watchers (Bantam, 1990) has been
I judge their behavior — not their personhood — to be un- published, and it amplifies their position greatly.
worthy of it. I am not casting them out of my heart; I am The Watchers also reveals that the 1977 automobile accident in which
using my critical faculties to discriminate behavior from be- Betty Andreasson lost two sons was "foreseen" by the aliens, who told
her of it three days before their death. However, they claimed they could
ingness and to condemn the sin, not the sinner. not intercede or do anything about it. Moreover, they suppressed Betty's
The abducting aliens always come to us under cover of conscious knowledge of it until afterward. I cannot accept that situation
darkness. They never tell us precisely why they abduct us. as simple precognition by the aliens. Parapsychological studies of precogni-
The whole thing is as suspicious to me as a Trojan Horse, tion indicate that warnings can be given in order to alert people to im-
so I'm simply voicing my concerns. If the aliens change their pending danger and thereby avert tragedy; that, if anything, is the biological
purpose of extrasensory perception: survival. Common sense leads to the
ways — if they reveal themselves in the light of day, une- same conclusion. So why should the aliens refuse to let Betty recollect
quivocally state their business and allow us to convince their warning before it was too late? Moreover, since the aliens have legen-
ourselves of their benevolence — I'll welcome them into dary capability for tracking people and likewise have technology capable
human society. But until they present themselves to us in of controlling our own, they were not powerless to intercede; ufology
unambiguous circumstances and without veiled intent, until abounds with stories of vehicles' electromagnetic systems being overrid-
den. Last of all, since they are masters of mind control, capable even to
they present themselves as trustworthy visitors to Earth-who the point of programming precisely timed and exact behavior in people,
do not violate and harm its human inhabitants, I shall con- I reluctantly conclude that the aliens knew about Betty's sons' death in
tinue to regard them as cunning, predatory creatures from advance because they deliberately engineered the "accident." That can be
a nether world bent on evil-disguised-as-good. And whether described quite simply as murder. The aliens also told Betty that her
they ultimately prove to be physical, paraphysical or religious faith would bring her through the tragedy. That proved true, but
it was not thanks to the aliens. It seems to me that the situation had the
metaphysical will have no bearing on that conclusion. effect of conditioning Betty - and, through her, Fowler and his readers
- to the notion that the aliens are allied with her spiritual outlook, thus
Notes making even death an acceptable action in support of the aliens' hidden
agenda. I therefore regard the situation as profoundly deceitful. It cleverly
1) In 1972, while visiting the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, and completely undermines Betty's spiritual sensibilities.
California, I learned from my tour guide - a JPL employee - that the facility
had analyzed many UFO photographs. The guide told me that JPL had 5) For details, see Kenneth Ring's Life at Death (Morrow, 1980) and Heading
explained away all of them except one. That one, he said, was taken by Toward Omega (Morrow, 1984), Charles Flynn's After the Beyond (Prentice
a man who provided such good information about the time of day, loca- Hall, 1986) and George Ritchie's Return from Tomorrow (Chosen, 1978).

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 286 February 1992

6) Another example is Fowler's interpretation of the Lucas' abduction
experiences. He asks in The Watchers, "Are highly advanced beings from IN OTHERS' WORDS/Lucius Parish
outer space god's agents of creation on this and other planets?" (p. 206).
He concludes the answer is yes; "Watcher," he tells us, is translated from-
the Chaldean word for a class of angelic beings responsible for watching The proliferation of video camcorders in recent years has
over the affairs of humanity (p. 214). Somewhat similarly, G. Cope accounted for an increasing number of "homegrown"
Schellhom's Extraterrestrials in Biblical Prophecy (Honus House: Madison, videotapes of UFOs. An article dealing with this subject ap-
Wisconsin, 1989), concludes, "It would appear that the present mission pears in the November 1991 issue of Videomoker. The author,
of the large group of assorted extraterrestrials now operating near earth Allan Lundell, believes that "a concerted group effort of cam-
is a standby mission, or as the Gospel of Matthew put it, a gathering of
eagles, 'Wherever the body is, there the eagles will be gathered together' corder trackers could lead to a genuine breakthrough in com-
(Mt 24:28). "Schellhorn, like Strieber, Fowler and Downing, indiscrim- prehending the UFO experience."
inately lumps together all ETs as divinely motivated. There is a double Avon Books has recently brought out The UFO Report edited
irony in Schellhom's use of this biblical quotation. First, the more accurate by Timothy Good. This is the same as The UFO Report 1990,
translation is "a gathering of vultures," as the Revised Standard Version originally published in England. With luck, Avon will even-
notes, since eagles are not carrion-eaters who look for corpses. Second,
and even more important, the quotation comes in the context of Jesus' tually release both the 1991 and 1992 editions as well. The
enumeration of signs to distinguish false messiahs from the true one. A annual volumes are very good summaries of worldwide UFO
gathering of vultures, Jesus clearly indicates, is a sign of false messiahship activity.
- i.e., deception. Despite this and several other flaws in Schellhom's work, For those who have followed the case of Bob Lazar, a new
his book is a very useful survey of biblical events which might be better videotape is available which gives the story of Area 51 in Bob's
understood as encounters with extraterrestrial societies.
own words. The Lazar Tape... and Excerpts from the Govern-
ment Bible is available from Tri-Dot Productions, Ltd. (1324
S. Eastern, Las Vegas, NV 89104) for $29.95, plus $3.50
shipping / handling.
A British videotape, Cropcirde Communique, is available
Calendar of from Linda M. Howe's LMH Productions (P.O. Box 538,
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006-0538). This is a 75-minute pro-
UFO Conferences duction which presents the major investigators of the crop
for 1992 circle phenomenon, their theories concerning the activity, etc.
It includes beautiful aerial shots of the major 1990-91 events,
as well as footage of a small white disk-like object moving
March 13,14,15, & 16 — Second Annual National New through the crop near Barbury Castle, site of one of the most
Age and 'Truth About UFOs" Conference - astonishingly complex formations of 1991. This video is
Doubletree Hotel, San Diego, California.
available for $35.00 postpaid for U.S. orders. Copies of other
books, videos and video transcripts are also available from
March 20, 21 & 22 — The 3rd UFO/ET Alien and LMH Productions, including Linda's own tapes, A Strange
Abduction Congress - Days Inn, Bordentown, New Harvest and Earth Mysteries: Alien Life Forms (2-tape set).
Jersey. (Pat J. Marcattilio, 609-888-1358) Full details are available upon request.

April 3,4 & 5 — Fourth Annual Ozark UFO Conference

- Inn of the Ozarks, Eureka Springs, Arkansas.
(Lou Farish, 501-354-2558)
Alien Abductions Video
May 1,2 & 3 — Exploring Unexplained Phenomena IV -
Nebraska Center, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, A new 90-minute videocassette is now available from
Nebraska. (Scott Colborn, 402-483-7284) CUFOS - the Center for UFO Studies. Titled Alien Ab-
ductions, it looks both backward and forward at the ab-
May 23, 24 & 25 — International Symposium on UFO duction syndrome, and includes many rare film clips
Research - Red Lion Inn, Denver, Colorado. from the earliest day of the UFO phenomenon. Cur-
(Carol Wagner, 303-482-3731) rent investigators interviewed include Jerome Clark,
Budd Hopkins, Dr. Michael Swords, Mark Rodeghier,
July 10, 11 & 12 — MUFON 1992 International UFO Walter Webb and others.
Symposium -The Doubletree Hotel, Albuquerque,
To order, send a check or money order in the amount
New Mexico. (Teresa Brito-Asenap, 505-247-4082)
of $23 to CUFOS: 2457 West Peterson, Chicago, IL,

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 286 February 1992

By Victoria Lacas

fter meeting with Soviet building officials and a rep-
resentative of the Russian Orthodox Church, Dr. Rima
E. Laibow and General Albert Stubblebine (Ret.) held
preliminary talks with the Deputy of the Ministry of Defense
Building in Moscow. The meeting centered on plans to design,
finance and build a model city for St. Petersburg, Russia.
Dr. Laibow, a leading child and adult psychiatrist, is founder
of The Center for Treatment and Research of Experienced
Anomalous Trauma (TREAT). The model city's organiza-
tional plan specifies methods and applications to deal with
the extreme Soviet problem of alcoholism, which is a crip-
pling factor in Russia's productivity.
Drs. Rima Laibow and Vladimir Azhaaha in Moscow.
Dr. Laibow also presented a paper at the 2nd All Union
Scientific Conference on UFOs organized by the SOYUZ
UFO Center in Moscow. The three-day conference was pre- least one aspect of alleged abductions. She proposed a study
sided over by Dr. Vladimir G. Azhazha, internationally of morning-after urine analysis of UFO abductees. The body
recognized as one of Ufology's leading scientists. Dr. produces a substance in the urine as a result of traumatic
Azhazha's "invitation only" conference heard from Russia's stress. Such collected data would be invaluable. She urged
scientific community on the physical, mathematical and researchers to make repeat abductees aware that this would
theoretical aspects of Ufology. be one viable step in confirming the reality of a biological
Dr. Laibow spoke about her ongoing psychiatric work with stress state having taken place. Questions from the audience
abductees. Laibow also criticized past unscientific approaches centered on U.S. claims of alien/human births, the so-called
to Ufology's artifacts. Laibow generated audience excitement "Star Children." Laibow said she hopes that DNA testing will
by stating "all my information was, is and will continue to be made available for such children and adults.
be publicly available to you." She told the standing-room-only Later, Dr. Azhazha proposed an exchange of information
crowd of well over 300 that she continues to exchange UFO- between SOYUZ and TREAT on the subject of Direct Con-
related materials with Russian researchers, and called for strict tact. Dr. Laibow agreed to formally co-sponsor an Interna-
laboratory testing and freely published results. tional UFO Conference with SOYUZ. The three-day event
Yuri Lubkow, Ph.D., a leading Soviet researcher with ex- will be held in St. Petersburg, Russia in September. Dr.
cellent relationships with the Soviet government and UFO Azhazha intends to invite a large number of Soviet specialists
researchers alike, has promised Dr. Laibow "metal-like balls" on Direct Contact. TREAT'S co-sponsorship will enable U.S.
from the Voronezh landing. The Voronezh case, ridiculed by and European scientists the opportunity to attend and for
the U.S. press when TASS first reported it, is considered to TREAT to help shape the direction of the conference. Laibow's
be one of the strongest cases in Russia. Lubkow and Laibow TREAT IV Conference — The Range of the Anomalous —
have agreed to collect, under strict scientific guidelines, UFO will be held April 9-12, 1992 in Atlanta, Georgia, sponsored
landing soil samples from 10 sites in Russia in the spring of by the Department of Philosophy of Georgia State University.
1992. A Clinicians' Workshop scheduled for April 8th and llth
Laibow also received for analysis a rock from a UFO crash will be devoted to Russian anomalies. Leading Russian ex-
site at Dalnagorsk supplied by Sergei Kuzionov, Ph.D., of perts studying the vast number of Big Foot sightings, UFO
the Leningrad State Technical University, and a member of landings and contacts, and extra-sensory research have ac-
the Council of Association for Anomalous Phenomena cepted invitations to present papers. The general public's in-
Research. Dr. Laibow was also given two large hardened soil terest in previous TREAT "by invitation only" conferences
samples from a UFO landing site in Middle Asia, presented has lead Dr. Laibow to open the 1992 Conference to the public.
to her by Andrew Poiarkow, a UFO researcher connected with
an ESP laboratory in Moscow.
Dr. Laibow cautioned her Soviet audience to be wary of Lacas is a State Section Director for MUFON, based in Westchester
hypnotically-induced abduction reports conducted by non- County, New York.
clinically trained investigators. She advised researchers to keep
in mind that biological evidence is available to confirm at

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 286 February 1992

Looking Back with Bob Gribble

February 1952 • On the second, radar operators aboard sky between 8 and 9 p.m. Then seven men of a radar crew
the aircraft carrier Philippine Sea picked up an unidentified in an Air Defense detachment at Ellington saw the UFO and
high-speed UFO off the east coast of Korea. The object was tried unsuccessfully to pick it up on the radar scope. Lt. J.
first detected at a distance of 25 miles and when it closed R. Poole said it moved across the sky and disappeared in 45
to 20 miles it made a wide turn to the east, on a course directly seconds. It looked like a star. He estimated its height at 40,000
away from the carrier. As excerpted from a message to the to 50,000 feet and its speed at 2000 MPH, judging by its size
Commander, Naval Forces Far East, sent by the Philippine and the lack of sound. He said Cornell looked at the object
Sea, the report on the speed and unusual separation into two through binoculars and reported it looked white and "seemed
objects of this UFO contact stated: "Measured speed 10 miles to have some fire coming out of the back end." (The Caller,
per-minute (600 MPH) for first minute, 15 miles per minute Corpus Christi, TX, 2/28/57)
(900 MPH) for second minute, 30 miles per minute (1800
MPH) for third minute. Opened as two contacts five to 12 1967 • At 3:40 a.m. on the second, Mrs. Ed Winn open-
miles apart." ed the front door of her home to check on weather condi-
Three signal observers on the deck of the ship sighted the tions. "I didn't believe what my eyes were looking at," she
UFO visually and reported independently to the bridge that said. Just a few feet over the television antenna of a neighbor's
they could detect three exhaust flames. However, no aircraft house was an object "as big, every bit as big, as my living
at that time was capable of the incredible speeds attained by room," Mrs. Winn said. She said it remained motionless, mak-
the UFO and no conventional aircraft were reported in the area. ing not a sound. Mrs. Winn described the UFO as having
The estimated altitude of the object was 52,000 feet; it faded a silver dome, encircled about two-thirds of the way down
from the radar scope at a distance of 110 miles. with a flange, which appeared to be a soft green fluorescent
A letter classified Secret was sent by the Far East Com- light. Around the dome she said she could see what appeared
mander to the Chief of Naval Operations, enclosing a track to be windows. After 20 minutes, with neither Mrs. Winn
chart of the UFO in question and stating, in part: "Enclosure nor the "thing" making a move, the mysterious craft began
(1) is forwarded for information and evaluation. This is pro- to move slowly away. (The American, W. Frankfort, IL,
bably the first instance of a visual and radar contact on a high 3/4/67)
speed aerial target being made simultaneously in the Far East."
The Pentagon issued a press release on the 20th announcing • Mrs. James Thompson had a strange experience about
that an investigation of the UFO encounters in the Korean 10 p.m. on the 13th. She was driving in Bigfork, Montana
war zone was "full scale," adding that top officials in when the engine in her pickup truck stalled and all of the
Washington were being briefed on the case (The Hynek UFO lights went out. Mrs. Thompson got out of the vehicle and
Report, by Dr. J. Allen Hynek; UFOs: A History, 1952, by noticed a light above. "It was so bright I couldn't even look
Loren Gross) at it." Her two small children, Karen, 4, and Alan, 5, were
with her. Mrs. Thompson got back into the pickup, sat for
• 1957 A challenging Radar-Visual case occurred at Lin- awhile and told her children to look at the bright object. She
coln Air Force Base, Nebraska, on the 13th. UFOs were wasn't able to gauge the distance, but when the object veered
visually observed by three control operators and by the Direc- to the right the engine started strangely without her pressing
tor of Operations, who was in town to supervise a wing mis- the starter. Mrs. Thompson said she could feel heat from the
sion. Objects were also observed on radar by two separate greenish-blue lighted object which moved over toward the trees
radar installations for three to five minutes. The UFOs were and changed color to reddish-orange. It seemed circular in
about five to six miles behind an airliner and moving twice shape. The object was in sight for about 10 minutes. (Hungry
as fast. One of the objects separated in two and another made Horse News, Columbia Falls, MT, 2/24/67)
a 180-degree turn. The radar operators estimated that the
UFOs were about the size of a B-47 bomber. They appeared 1972 • An unexpected encounter with a mystery light on
to stand still and then speed up and rush away. (The UFO Ex- the evening of the 26th on the outskirts of Lamed, Kansas,
perience: A Scientific Inquiry, by Dr. J. Allen Hynek) left Johnnie Beer, a high school junior, shaken and frighten-
ed. Young Beer told his parents that a big, white light ap-
• An Unidentified Flying Object swept across the skies of peared in front of his car as he was leaving Larned around
Houston, Texas on the 27th. The object was reported to Ell- 9 p.m., headed for the farm home. "Johnnie said the light
ington Air Force Base by F. J. Cornell of the Ground Observer lowered down in front of the car and kept about 100 yards
Corps, who said he saw it make several sweeps across the ahead," Mrs. Beer reported. "He said it frightened him and

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 286 February

he slowed down and speeded up, but the object kept right above a concrete bath that the cows were forced to walk
in front of him. When Johnnie turned north at Riverside through to disinfect them. By then Tonna and his dog, a
School, the object circled and traveled in front of him," 60-pound black and brown police dog, had run back to the
she said. "As he turned west to the farm the light turned west side of the barnyard and climbed back over the fence.
again and followed him into the farmyard where it hovered The light from the craft illuminated the whole barnyard and
over the corral. Tonna said he felt attracted to it. Tonna and Topo walked a
"Johnnie said he ran into the house and closed the doors , few feet toward the UFO and it made another turn and began
and drapes but when we arrived home about a half hour later, moving toward them. It came to a stop about 60 feet from
we didn't see anything," Mrs. Beer added. "But the next mor- them and Topo ran toward it to attack it and protect Tonna,
ning, the bottom two wires of the corral fence looked like but stopped and sat on a small mound about 15 feet from the
they had been cut and twisted up in a pile in the corral, and object and looked up at it and howled.
several of our milk cows had burn spots on their backs." The When the object started moving toward Tonna, he noticed
hair in the burn spots was singed to the skin. (Tiller & Toiler, six beams of light, three on each side "like small wings."
Lamed, KS, 2/28/72) At that point, Tonna said, he felt electric shocks which went
all through his body and a very intense heat hit him. He flung
1977 • When Madison County Sheriffs Deputy Kenneth an arm up over his face to shield his eyes. He said he felt
Creel left on routine patrol on the evening of the second, attracted to the light and couldn't move. "I don't know if I
he didn't expect to find his attention completely focused on couldn't move or didn't want to," he said.
a UFO. Deputy Creel first saw the object west of Flora, After several minutes the object began moving away, turn-
Mississippi, near the county line. He was with Constable ing from its original bright orange color to red. It increased
James Luke at the time. "It looked like an evening star its speed as the color changed and when it got to the forest
or something," said Creel, but it kept getting brighter and about a half mile to the south, it was out of sight. When the
bigger." Creel contacted the Mississippi Highway Patrol disc left, the generator, which powers 20 lights in the barn-
with his car radio. When the strange object came within yard area, started running again but didn't produce any elec-
some 200 yards of his car, Creel said he "stopped and cut tricity because the wires were burned out. The whole inci-
my engine and my lights to listen." What he heard was a whir- dent lasted about 10 minutes and Tonna's 19-year-old son,
ring sound "like a blender, like it was straining, when you Tulio, who was a second year veterinary student at the Univer-
first put ice in it." sity in Salto, witnessed the whole episode from the house.
"The thing came right over the car," said Creel, "like it Following the UFO encounter the dog would not eat or
was being piloted. It hovered over us, about 20 or 30 feet drink. He moved around normally but stayed in the house
up, for more than a minute." There was light coming out from all day, which was unusual. On the morning of the third day
little windows. The craft was about 30 to 40 feet in diameter after the incident,' Topo was found dead on the same mound
and perfectly round. By this time Highway patrolman Louis where he had sat and howled at the disc. An autopsy was per-
Younger had driven his patrol car within a short distance of formed at the ranch by a veterinarian who teaches at the North
the UFO and reported seeing the same craft. Then the thing University in Salto. The doctor would not discuss the case
just picked up and took off. (The Madison County Herald, but he did let Tulio make a copy of the autopsy report which
Canton, MS, 2/17/77) said, in part:
"The hair along the animal's spine was sticky but completely
• About 4 a.m. on the 18th, Angel Maria Tonna, a 52-year- hard. The fat under the skin was found on the outside. The
old rancher who lived on a farm nine miles south of Sal to, fat is normally solid, so to get to the outside it had to be melted
Uruguay, and his foreman, Juan Manuel Fernandez, were driv- and come through the pores. Once it was outside it solidified
ing about 80 cows into the barn for milking when all of the again. The animal was exposed to a very high temperature
barnyard lights went out. Then a bright light appeared on the that can't be reached naturally by the dog. All the blood vessels
east end of the barn. Tonna jumped over the fence and ran had been bleeding very much and all the capillaries were
toward the source of the light at the far end of the barn. His broken. The rupture of the blood vessels was caused by an
dog Topo was with him. "Then I heard a noise," he said, increase in temperature that couldn't be natural. The liver,
and he saw a fiery disc like two plates placed face-to-face normally dark and red, was completely yellow, caused by a
hovering a short distance above the ground behind the barn. high fever. All the blood vessels were yellow, too. With all
He stood and watched until he noticed that the cows "were the blood vessels broken, the animal started bleeding inside
going crazy" and all the dogs were barking. and lost so much blood that 48 hours later the amount of blood
At this point the disc began to move in a southerly direc- he had circulating was insufficient and he died of a heart at-
tion, breaking off the branches of a tree near the barn. The tack. When we took the skin off the dog, we didn't see any
object displayed a rocking motion as it flew, and stopped and marks. He didn't have any bruises or anything, nor was the
hovered over some trees about 100 yards south of the barn hair burned. The conclusion was that something very hot
at an altitude of about 60 feet. It stayed there only a moment, caused this."
then moved east another 75 yards or so, and stopped On the morning after the incident, the underside of Mr.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 286 February 1992

Tonna's right arm, which he had put up to shield his eyes,
began hurting. Several days later, Dr. Bruning Herrera, a
friend of the Tonna's, and a physician in Salto, paid the fami- The Bennewitz Affair
ly a personal visit. Tonna confided that he wasn't feeling well
and Herrera examined him. He found that the underside of Government cover-up; disinformation; UFO abductions;
Tonna's right arm was very red and after being told about alien underground bases; secret treaties with extrater-
the UFO incident, decided the irritation was caused by some restrials; plots to take over and enslave planet Earth;
kind of radiation. Eventually the ailing arm cleared up with Dulce, New Mexico; Groom Lake/Area 51, Nevada;
no lingering aftereffects. Later, Tonna and his farmhands strange goings-on at Kirtland AFB; secret agents; covert
found a dozen or more mysterious dark green circles in operations; mysterious radio transmissions; grey aliens;
pastures some distance from the house and farm buildings. blond aliens; and much, much more, all part of one of
Most measured about 35 feet across, while several were nearly the most fantastic stories you will ever read.
200 feet across. One 35-foot circle about two miles from the When William Moore told only a small part of this
farmhouse had three circular impressions forming a triangle story at the 1989 MUFON Symposium in Las Vegas,
in the center of the ring, the impressions being about 10 feet it created an uproar that continues today. Since that time,
apart. The small rocks inside the circle were darker on the rumors, allegations, accusations, claims and counter-
top than on the sides and bottoms, and appeared to have been claims have so bombarded the UFO grapevine that no
burned. (The APRO Bulletin, August 1977. The APRO story one knows what to believe. Now Moore, producer-
was based on a 34-page report written by investigative reporter director Jaime Shandera, and ex-Special Agent of the
Bob Pratt following his on site investigation of a major UFO USAF's Office of Special Investigations Richard Doty,
'flap' in Uruguay in 1977. Pratt is a former editor of the Mufon three of those most in a position to know what really
UFO Journal.) happened and what the government's involvement was,
have joined forces to tell their tale. The Scientist, the
1982 • Aubre Brogden was driving home along Vermont Government and UFOs; Personal Recollections of the
36 from St. Albans at about 9 o'clock on a clear mid-February Paul Bennewitz Affair goes straight to the heart of the
night. "I was about a mile and a half out of Bakersfield, Ver- government's involvement with UFOs. It's an upsetting
mont when I saw a large, white light moving slowly, quite and revealing story that is going to raise a lot of
low in the sky," she said. "At first I thought it was a plane eyebrows. If you thought the controversy was about to
about to land, so I flashed my car headlights to warn it off blow over, think again.
the road. And then it started coming towards me." As the ob- The special pre-publication price (good through
ject got closer, Brogden was able to discern it was triangular January 30th, 1992) is only $15 prepaid. Price after
in shape. Then she lost sight of the object. When she turned publication will be $16.95, plus an additional $2 postage
into her driveway she was a little more than taken aback by and handling. To reserve your copy, send $15 by check
the sight of the glowing triangle in her own backyard. "It or money order to The Fair-Witness Project, 4219 W.
was just hovering there, about 25 feet away from me," she said. Olive Avenue, #247, Burbank, CA, 91505. Books will
"I got out of the car, picked up my two bags of groceries be shipped immediately upon publication (anticipated
and started toward the house. It was obviously watching me." date, Feb., 1992).
Feeling fairly panicked, Brogden then began running for the — BUI Moore
house, and in the process dropped her grocery bags. "I looked
down at the bags, then up at the sky. The thing was then mov-
ing right over my head, making absolutely no sound. And
it was much bigger than I'd thought; maybe as big as a foot-
ball field." She ran in the house and locked the door. The
UFO moved away noiselessly. She would not go outside for
the groceries. The next morning the UFO was nowhere to
be seen and the groceries had frozen onto the snow. (The Free
Press, Burlington, VT, 2/22/83)

Status Report VI by Leonard H. Stringfield
(July 1991 - 142 pages) is now available from
MUFON in Seguin, Texas
for $17 plus $1.50 for postage and handling. Aleksandr Umyarov

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 286 February 1992

Dear Editor: In the December issue of the MUFON
Two articles in recent issues of the MUFON
Journal require comment. In the November
LETTERS Journal, Forest Crawford writes about his in-
teresting and controversial "Ask the Aliens"
issue, Ann Druffel titles her piece " 'Missing Fetus' Case research program. Unfortunately, he does not explain exact-
Solved," and though her research is commendable, her use ly how and where the abductees involved in this research were
of the word "solved" is highly misleading. Like Ms. Druffel, able to question the aliens. How much of this information
I also have firsthand knowledge of the "Morgana" case, though was channelled in the traditional way? How much was "in-
I've never spoken to the "Dr. Levine" who conducted the D&C tuited"? How much arrived in a dreamlike state and how much
on the patient. Neither Ms. Druffel nor I have spoken to "Dr. was elicited during abductions, while the receiver was
Holland," the perinatologist whose "crown/rump" physically aboard a UFO? The degree of validity we ascribe
measurements of what he called a "fetus" are supportive of to such messages will undoubtedly be affected by these
the original missing fetus interpretation of the data. circumstances.
Despite the fact that many other missing fetus cases remain In a special report I wrote and distributed last year to the
truly inexplicable, Dr. Levine presented Ms. Druffel with an members of IF, the Intruders Foundation, I dealt with the prob-
apparently plausible medical explanation for this particular lem of alien deception. In one important example, two young
report. But in her piece on Morgana and her family, Ms. Druf- women, arriving home inexplicably late from a party in
fel also outlined an extraordinary list of their previous UFO Washington D.C., remembered having come upon a brightly-
experiences — entities in their bedrooms, paralysis, ground lit, six-car pile-up of wrecked automobiles, with no occupants,
traces, a small, mysterious, untraceable "nurse" in the hospital witnesses or emergency vehicles in sight.
room just before the D&C, and so on — all of which may Subsequently, investigation, hypnotic regression and sim-
help to resolve this case in a less prosaic fashion than Ms. ple common sense revealed that there never had been an aban-
Druffel's readers have been led to expect. doned six-car pile-up in the middle of a deserted intersec-
As one might imagine, Dr. Levine has virtually no tion at two that morning. What had happened is this: a vir-
knowledge of these phenomena, and so quite naturally he re- tually identical but false image had been, as it were, fed into
jects any UFO cause for the "no fetal parts" reports from the minds of the two young women as a screen memory to
the pathologist. Since he feels he has a plausible prosaic ex- conceal the abduction of one of them. They were both made
planation for the missing fetus, he prefers his theory to any to remember the brightly-lit, hovering UFO as a string of
UFO-connected "paranormal" explanation. He may well be wrecked, passengerless cars, all with their headlights ablaze.
right. He may also be quite wrong. Given all the circumstances Similarly, identical but deceptive "answers" to religious,
of the ongoing Morgana case, we simply do not know for cosmic or merely technical questions may very well be
certain what actually happened. placed in the minds of various abductees, leading us wrongful-
Morever, with one of Dr. Levine's assertions I take strong ly to infer the truthfulness of this special information. Chan-
exception. He states that any "physician" encountering a nelled material of all kinds is notoriously unreliable, whether
[missing fetus] would be anxious to talk about the case, it comes from the "Ishtar Command," from Billy Meier, from
because legally and medically he'd want to show that he did small, gray humanoids, or even from Marlin Fitzwater
not do anything wrong." In fact, obstetricians are a very com- himself.
mon target for malpractice suits, and it has not been easy for Mr. Crawford could construct an equally persuasive arti-
them to prove to a jury of laymen that they bear no personal cle based soley upon various statements and answers to UFO
responsibility when pregnancy-related tragedies occur. questions received by the public from U.S. government
Therefore, it seems to me that something as final and incom- sources. And, like the information he has presented from
prehensible as the disappearance of a patient's fetus while alleged alien sources, it will probably contain a tangled web
she was under a doctor's care might easily precipitate a defen- of disinformation, truth and outright lies. The safest course
sive medical coverup rather than a spate of truth-telling. is this: never believe a thing you are told by either an alien
Over the years, the thousands of letters I've received sug- or a government source. Each side has demonstrated a capaci-
gest that the mysterious paranormal experiences of military ty for deception, and each has a vested interest in controlling
officers, airline pilots, doctors, police, scientists and other what we perceive as truth. Instead, each of us must develop
mainstream professionals are more often covered up than a personal, highly critical truth-detecting system, and refuse
"eagerly talked about" to colleagues, employers and superior to defer automatically to either alien or government
officers. "authorities."
In fact, certain details of the Morgana case — details which — Budd Hopkins
involve Dr. Levine and which unfortunately I cannot disclose
— support that assertion quite specifically. In the light of these Dear Editor:
many and various uncertainties, I hope that Ann Druffel, my In response to my friend and colleague Budd Hopkins, I
respected colleague and friend, will join me in asserting that would like to note several factors in the Van Klausen case:
this intriguing case, as it stands, remains most definitely 1.) Morgana Van Klausen has a good deal of conscious
unsolved. memory concerning her entity experience and most research-

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 286 February 1992

ers feel that hypnotic regression in such cases is unwise. not a listed press agency.
Morgana, at present, prefers to let things lie. She has used Today deputy editor Lloyd Turner said that MBF Services
resistance techniques to discourage further entity contact and was "just an agency that handled the details for us, that's all
is now leading a normal life. ... just an ordinary press agency, a freelance agency ... they
2.) While hypnosis sometimes helps recover memories, there put us in touch with these people [Doug & Dave] so they own
is always the danger of confabulation (unconscious embellish- the copyright." This conversation was taped and cannot be
ment). Any "memories" which surface will probably be a mix- disputed. However, further inquires to Today caused such em-
ture of truth and unconscious invention, no matter how skilled barrassment that reporter Graham Brough stated on November
the hypnotist and how sincere the subject. Hypnotic regres- 4, when put on the spot by Pat Delgado at a meeting, "that
sion, at best, is a supplemental tool. There is also the possibility MBF Services was just a joke. We made it up." Quite clearly
of telepathic leakage between hypnotist and subject. This has either Brough or Turner is lying.
been established in parapsychological experiments, and I plan The suspicion that the Doug & Dave story is part of a
to write more about this in the future. deliberate disinformation campaign remains as strong as ever,
3.) Budd writes, "Despite the fact that many other 'missing but it will be exceedingly difficult to pin the scam on any
fetus' cases remain truly inexplicable ..." as if these cases are visible government agency. This is something which we an-
fact. There is no case in the literature where a true "missing ticipated, and obviously Today are not going to tell us the
fetus" has been verified. I wrote "Missing Fetus Solved" to truth of the matter. Some other reporters are interested, but
persuade other researchers to document suspected "missing of course dog doesn't eat dog. Moreover, most of the press
fetus" cases. Only when such claims are proven, can they be in this country still treat the Circles with derision, like they
accepted as fact. have always treated UFOs. Even the remarkable discovery
4.) Dr. Levine's statement that true "missing fetus" cases of 13 radioisotopes, which do not occur naturally, in a
would promptly be written up in medical journals surprised Wiltshire pictogram by Michael Chorost and Marshall Dudley
me as much as it did Budd. Such cases would be interesting seems to be of no interest to the impenetrably skeptical British
anomalies, but they have to be proven to exist before any credi- Press!
ble case can be made that "UFO entities" cause them. — George Wingfield
5.) Witnesses who think they have a "missing fetus" situa- Shepton Mallet, Somerset
tion need the perserverance and fortitude displayed by Morgana
Dear Editor:
Van Klausen. The fact that my co-investigator on this case,
In Bob Oechsler's article in the Jan. 1992 issue, he complains
Georgeann Cifarelli, is a physician's wife was most helpful.
because J.R. Johnson did not contact him to get Oechsler's
She knew how patients can obtain copies of their medical
comments before publicly criticizing his so-called research
records. Physicians are obliged to provide copies if patients
with Adm. B.R. Inman. Oechsler, in publishing a counterfeit
request them and give written permission. This task shouldn't
letter purportedly written to me by a nonexistent USAF of-
be left to investigators. It is the witnesses' job; it is also their
ficer ("Maj. Thomas Shively") without trying to contact me
job to persuade their physicians to consult with researchers
to try to verify its authenticity, is guilty of that which he ac-
and to assure them they will not file malpractice claims.
cuses Johnson. Oechsler also read the letter at an earlier UFO
6.) To my mind, the case of Morgana's "missing" fetus is
conference and implied it was authentic.
solved; all the best evidence indicates it was a missed abor-
Even cursory examination of the letter reveals that its
tion, misunderstood by the witness because of the physicians'
"Department of the Air Force" letterhead is significantly
imprecise terminology and incomplete explanations. If
fainter than the typewritten text, showing the letterhead is a
evidence to the contrary is later proved to exist, I will be the
hoax photocopy. And there are serious discrepancies in the
first one to say so. The investigation of Morgana's many ex-
contents, as I detailed in my letter of Dec. 24 to Oechsler,
periences continues, and we cannot predict the future.
to which he has not responded as of Jan. 11.
— Ann Druffel Oechsler claims that "Maj. Thomas Shively" is a pseud-
onym, to protect the identity of the USAF officer. I have
Dear Editor:
challenged him to produce authentic USAF letter in which the
Following my piece in the December Journal of the English
writer has used a pseudonym to protect his/her identity. And
Hoax Update (written Sept. 21), I think some further updating
I've offered to pay him $50 for each such example he can pro-
is needed. The elusive "MBF Services" still cannot be
vide to support his claims.
positively identified despite early indications of a connection
- Philip Klass
with "MBF Consultancy" which has a registered address
Washington, D.C.
in Shepton Mallet. The Director of this MBF, Dr. Andrew
Clifford, whose scientific research is largely for the British (Interested parties can find additional comments on the hoax-
Ministry of Defense and is of a confidential nature, has since ing of ' 'official'' government documents in general, and the
then denied to me that he has any connection with "MBF "Oechsler case" in particular, in the current issue of Just
Services" or with the Today newspaper, where Doug & Dave's Cause, no. 30, December 1991, subscriptions $15 US, $20
'confession' first appeared. Certainly "MBF Services" is foreign: Box 218, Coventry, CT, 06238 - Editor.)

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 286 February 1992

Dear Editor: Anderson identified the lead archaeologist as Dr. Buskirk.
Here is my response to John Carpenter's suggestion in the He even supplied an indentikit sketch of Buskirk. We found
September 1991 MUFON UFO Journal ("Gerald Anderson: Dr. Buskirk and he has said repeatedly that he was not on the
Truth vs. Fiction") that Don Schmitt and I have not spent Plains of San Agustin in July 1947. That means either Ander-
enough time investigating the Anderson story. son or Buskirk is fabricating, and I'm betting that Dr. Buskirk
While it is true that I have never met Gerald Anderson, and is telling the truth. He has the documentation to back up his
that I only spoke to him once, it is not true that we never at- claim, and he has living witnesses to his version.
tempted any follow-up interviews. We made several attempts Anderson also said that the archaeologists were from the
and left messages but he didn't return the calls. And he never University of Pennsylvania. We asked if he was sure and he
answered the letters. We also asked Stanton Friedman for tran- said that he thought so. Carpenter's comment is splitting hairs.
scripts, which he promised but never sent. We were thus forced It was Anderson who introduced the University of Pennsylvania
to advance the investigation in other arenas. It is not true that into the discussion, and he has reinforced it since then.
we spent very little time investigating Gerald's account. We Dr. Buskirk was working out of the University of New Mex-
have more than 70 sources on the case, including nearly every ico. In fact, there were no field teams from the University
living archaeologist who was on the Plains of San Agustin dur- of Pennsylvania working in New Mexico in 1947. This is
ing the summer of 1947. another area where Anderson's story does not check out.
Carpenter suggests that our tape is only 26 minutes long, Doesn't that raise a few eyebrows?
and has even supplied a copy of Anderson's phone bill "prov- There are no first hand witnesses to anything on the Plains
ing" this. The problem here is that my tape of the interview in the summer of 1947. We have interviewed (or been pro-
runs 51 minutes, and since I have the tape to prove it, it sug- vided with copies or notes of interviews with) every living
gests the bill Anderson submitted was doctored. archaeologist from the Plains. There is not a single one who
While Carpenter is so busy stepping on the ants he has remembers or who saw anything. Not one. Robert Drake,
missed the elephants about to run over Anderson, Friedman working with Wesley Hurt and Dan McKnight, remembers
and him. This means, quite simply, that he has attempted to hearing a cowboy tell of a crash, but both Hurt and McKnight
divert the discussion to points of trivia, overlooking the ma- remember nothing of that. Besides, Drake's information is
jor discrepancies in the Anderson story. second hand.
First, Barney Barnett told others that he was the first on the Dave Farr owns the ranch where Anderson claims the ship
crash site and watched the archaeologist approach. Anderson crashed. In 1947, Farr lived 11 miles away and he knows
placed him there last. Barnett mentioned the archaeologists nothing of it. He spoke to more than 30 long time residents
but never said a word about a family with two small children. of Horse Springs and not one had any first hand knowledge.
And finally, Barnett placed the crash site either to the north- One man from Magdalena seems to remember someone talk-
west of Magdalena or between Magdalena and Datil and not ing about it some time ago.
near Horse Springs which is more than 60 miles away. (We One of the things that Carpenter does that I don't under-
believe that Barnett was actually on the Corona site.) stand, is change my transcript to reflect what he wants to
Second, Carpenter changes the date of the event to suit his believe. Anderson told me that the eyes were milky blue, im-
current scenario. The diary submitted by Anderson clearly puts plying that they were light blue. Carpenter quotes from the
the date of the event as July 5. The diary kept by Ruth Barnett transcript (not the tape itself) "not blue like blue in human
shows that it was impossible for Barnett to have been there eyes." Finish the quote, John! "... not blue like blue in human
on July 5, and since Anderson said he saw Barnett on the site, eyes, but blue like (long pause) sort of a milky blue." There
there is a major problem. Next we are told it was July 3, but is no trouble understanding him on the tape, but Carpenter
Barnett was in the office and not on the Plains then. Now, changes the words because he doesn't want to have to answer
we are told it was July 2. If Anderson was there, why is the the question of the changing eye color. (Note that Carpenter
diary date wrong? has a copy of our transcript, but has yet to send us any of
Speaking of the diary, it is interesting that no one mentions his information.)
that the paper was available in 1947, but the ink was no older It was Anderson who talked about blood and I did ask him
than 1974. Rather than have this suggest'another discrepancy, a leading question, a perfectly acceptable interrogation techni-
we are told that it is a copy of the "real" diary. If it was not que. I did it on purpose and he walked right into the trap,
produced as the "real" diary in the first place, why would it telling me that the blood was red.
be tested? And who laboriously copies a diary in the era of I freely admit that I put in the moaning comment where
the Xerox machine? it clearly did not belong. The oozing blood is the result of
There are other problems with this diary that Carpenter con- a typographical error. But these are minor points compared
veniently overlooks. For example, the diary clearly states they to the major discrepancies that have developed in the Ander-
were close to Magdalena when they found the ship. Anderson son story. Anderson told me that three.-were dead and one
found a site near Horse Springs. Why would the diary list a was injured. Now he is saying that two were dead, one dying
site more than 60 miles away when Horse Springs was less and one uninjured. Anderson told me that the eyes were milky
than a mile from the site? blue, but now both he and Carpenter insist that he said murky

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 286 February 1992

blue, without ever having heard my tape. Anderson said that Dear Editor:
Barnett was the last to arrive, but Barnett told others he was Being a recent newcomer to MUFON (February '91), a
first. Anderson described a patch worn by the soldiers he saw, long-time associate of — and occasional analyst for —
but we have not been able to find any American military unit CUFOS, and modest supporter of FUFOR, I am led to this
to have ever worn such a patch. Anderson told me that there comment:
was no dome on top and now says that there was. Anderson I'm troubled by what I perceive to be an intensifying
claimed that they had been in search of moss agate, but the destructive trend. It's my impression that in recent years the
experts in New Mexico, including Robert Weber (notice that ranks of UFOlogy, traditionally sporting an unalloyed mix
Carpenter and crew never name names but we always do?), of conflicting individual hypotheses and conclusions, are in-
say that moss agate is not available there. The dates Ander- creasingly resorting to personal allegations and rebuttals
son supplied for the events don't track, and the diary blew couched in vituperative and deprecatory tones.
up when the ink was found to be no older than 1974. Ander- In recent issues of the MUFON Journal, for instance, ongo-
son (according to Friedman) was asked on the polygraph ex- ing interchanges laced with personal animus pit Schmitt/Ran-
am if he had ever seen Dr. Buskirk after 1947 and answered dle against Shandera, and Shandera against Schmitt/Randle;
no. We've put them in the same high school. (Carpenter also, Beckjord vs. Stacy, Stacy vs. Beckjord, Walters and Mac-
wonders how we could know what was asked, because, ac- cabee vs. the Salisberrys, the Salisberrys vs. Maccabee, Good
cording to him, neither he nor Friedman had access to the vs. Johnson, and Hopkins vs. Strieber — to mention just a
particular questions. Friedman told us he had been asked.) few at random.
When some of these points were raised, Friedman answered This is not to deprecate the essential need to identify er-
that there was disinformation in the diary. Does this make rors and unwarranted conclusions appearing in published
any sense? Who would write a diary and put in "disinforma- works. Certainly exposure and correction of error in the
tion?" Isn't that just a fancy way of saying that the diary is endless search for elusive truth is a paramount mission of
filled with fabrication? Would the disinformation include the UFOlogy. But must we do it through personal invective? Many
temperature in Albuquerque on July 4, 1947? According to of the "versuses" noted above are far more subjective than
the diary, it was "110 degrees no shade." The weather records objective. They're rife with condescension and wounded ego;
show that it was only 95. with derisive personal attacks on scholarship and defensive
Carpenter has suggested that we were premature in releas- retorts in support of pet hypotheses — even going so far as
ing our information but that's not the case. We carried out an to question one's veracity because of minor grammatical and
extensive investigation trying to verify the facts as outlined typographical lapses. This begins to resemble the personal
by Anderson and have been unable to do so. There is no first attacks resorted to by some of UFOlogy's most vocal critics
hand corroboration to his story and the facts he's given do when objective argument fails them. And it consumes much
not track with the independent sources available. valuable and limited space in our publications; space that
Carpenter has said that he wants "to preserve the truth and would better be used more objectively.
correct the record." I suggest that he do it. Look at the ma- Clearly no one has all the answers. And no one will, so
jor discrepancies and answer some of those major questions. long as those who have disparate elements of the truth jealous-
It is Anderson who must prove the veracity of his statements, ly guard their own turfs in an adversarial way. How can you
because he is the one diverting from the norm. If these can't unite with another researcher in seeking the collective truth
be adequately addressed, then the only possible conclusion when you have antagonized him? Perhaps if we were to put
is that Anderson was never there. cooperation above competition and controversy, for a change,
Yes, I freely admit that I called the Anderson story a hoax we would all benefit. Although absolute objectivity is im-
on a Kansas City radio station (KCMO) in June 1991. Just possible to achieve, we can come much closer than we're now
to set the record straight, I do not deny I said it. I deny that doing.
my conclusion was hasty and I wouldn't have expressed it — R.H. Coddington
publicly except that Carpenter and his team had already Richmond, VA
published several articles about Anderson. Why are they
allowed the privilege of publication, but we are not supposed
to ask our difficult questions or announce our conclusions? Letters of comment should be neatly typed and doublespaced. They
The interesting thing here is that I don't have to conceal can be addressed either to MUFON, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, TX
my sources. I name all the names. Let Carpenter do the same 78155 or to Box 12434, San Antonio, TX 78212. The editors reserve
the right to edit letters for publication.
so that free-thinking, intelligent individuals can search for
the truth themselves. I have nothing to hide because I have
been very careful. Let them, Carpenter, Anderson and Fried-
man do the same. Let's just see who is right.
— Kevin D. Handle
Cedar Rapids, LA

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 286 February 1992

ing false UFO reports when low in the sky. Arcturus is
THE NIGHT SKY the 3rd brightest nighttime star (after Sirius and Canopus).
By Walter N. Webb The Big Dipper climbs high in the NE, turning its bowl
almost upside down. The Pointer Stars on the end of the
bowl point nearly to Polaris the North Star.
March 1992
Bright Planets (Evening Sky): END NOTES
Little Mercury, nearest planet to the Sun, may be seen at Our feature article this issue was originally going to be
its best evening appearance of the year during the first half a lengthy report by Michael Chorost and Marshall
of the month. Look for a tiny orange dot low in the western Dudley detailing the discovery of 13 radionuclides in
sky after sunset. a crop circle near Beckhampton, England. But last
Brilliant Jupiter (magnitude -2.5), in Leo, rises in the E minute number crunching (and checking) has forced us
around sunset and advances westward across the southern to postpone it until a later date. Instead, readers will
sky during the night. find John White's "Aliens Among Us — A UFO Con-
spiracy Hypothesis in a Religious Mode."
Bright Planets (Morning Sky): Personally, this editor finds such theories almost whol-
Saturn (0.8) joins Venus (-3.9) and Mars (1.2) in the early ly untenable and unprovable, for reasons too long and
dawn, all quite low in the ESE. The lunar crescent lies above complex to enter into in the short space available. Suf-
Mars on the 1st, to the left of Venus on the 2nd, and above fice it to say that few issues are more inherently con-
Saturn on the 29th. Saturn and Mars are less than half a troversial than UFOs and alleged abductions, but that
degree apart on March 6. among that small handful religion certainly ranks as a
Jupiter sets in the West around sunrise. top contender. We don't see what is to be gained by layer-
ing a hypothetical "Satan" atop an already confusing
Asteroid Vesta situation, but so be it. Some readers are no doubt in-
A minor planet or asteroid should be barely visible to the terested in this particular viewpoint and here they have
naked eye in a dark rural sky for several weeks around its it, and in great depth at that. If White's article stimulates
opposition date. Vesta, 4th asteroid discovered and the 2nd some rigorous thinking on the subject, fine; we hope
largest (335 miles), is exactly opposite the Sun on March it does. But if the issue of religion itself — and per-
8. At this time it brightens to magnitude 6.1 and is about sonal interpretations of same — become the central issue
125 million miles from Earth. The dim object on the 8th of focus, then the Journal may bow out of this one ear-
is located at R.A. llh 38m, Dec. +14° 41' (2000 coor- ly. We have enough problems trying to decide what a
dinates). This places Vesta in Leo not far from the star UFO is without trying to arbitrate the religious beliefs
Denebola, the lion's tail. The asteroid's motion against the of our readers!
stars can be followed with binoculars from night to night. Controversy reigns supreme in this issue's letters col-
Sky & Telescope will publish a finder chart to help locate umn, too. We applaud Mr. Coddington's comments in
the starlike object. particular, and wish we could see an easy way out. Un-
fortunately, given the nature of the beast, nothing presents
Moon Phases:
itself as a ready solution. Give and take must remain an
New moon — March 4 integral part of the process of interpreting, and perhaps
First quarter — March 11 even of discovering, the multivaried UFO phenomenon.
Any attempt to eliminate different points of view about
Full moon — March 18 this or that particular case (or witness, or photo, etc.)
Last quarter — March 25 is obviously doomed to failure from the start. But while
we can't ask everyone to march in lock-step behind a
The Stars: single hypothesis or approach, we can ask that those with
During midevening hours the bright stars of winter slide variant views couch their objections in civil, courteous
into the SW, while the springtime constellations ascend the language. We can ask that researchers confine their
eastern heavens -- Leo the Lion (with temporary resident remarks to the investigation and not the investigator. And
Jupiter), Bootes the Herdsman, and Virgo the Maiden. In we can ask that individuals continue to share their find-
this 1st month of spring, the sky is full of blazing stars; ings and let the facts speak for themselves.
ten Ist-magnitude stars can be counted at 9 PM. We can argue for cooperation and against personal
Rising in the NE about 7:30 PM in midmonth, orange-tinted discordance, and we do so now.
Arcturus, in Bootes, is one of those celestial objects caus-

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 286 February 1992

MESSAGE, Continued "Operation Right to Know will offer at the White House
sidewalk demonstration site a comprehensive briefing package
Ozark UFO Conference
for educational use by journalists and other interested per-
The Fourth Annual Ozark UFO Conference will be held sons. Briefing material will reflect different aspects of UFO
April 3, 4 and 5, 1992 at the beautiful Inn of the Ozarks in events and of the investigations into them. No particular point
Eureka Springs, Arkansas, starting at 1:00 p.m. on Friday of view characterizing the exact nature of the cover-up, and
and concluding at noon on Sunday, April 5. Of the 10-12 of the alien presence, will be adopted by Operation Right
speakers planned, the following have been confirmed: Lin- to Know.
da Moulton Howe, John Altshuler, M.D., George "It is the intent of Operation Right to Know to operate
Wingfield, Norman Oliver, Forest Crawford, Jorge Mar- in legal, non-disruptive manner and that all activities organized
tin, John Salter, Elton and Kandy Turner, Antonio shall remain free of hostile behaviors and fanatical agendas."
Huneeus and Steven Greer, M.D.
The registration fee for the entire conference is $35 per
person for advance registrations (through March 30, 1992). Ed Komarek, Jr.
Payment at the door will be $40 per person. Advance registra- Route 3, Box 1076,
tion payments should be made payable to "Ozark UFO Con- Thomasville, GA 31792
ference Fund" and mailed to: Route 1, Box 220, Plumerville,
Mike Jamieson
AR 72127. Additional information may be obtained by call-
554 Randolph St., #2
ing (501) 354-2558.
Napa, CA 94559
Over a hundred rooms have been allocated at the Inn of
the Ozarks for the conference with special rates of $36 per The organizers have a written permit from the Washington,
night for single occupancy and $42 for double occupancy. DC Chief of Police to conduct the educational table display.
Rooms may be reserved by writing to the Inn (P. O. Box 431, In order to evaluate the impact of this demonstration upon
Eureka Springs, AR 72632) or by calling (501) 253-9768. the printed media, I am inviting and encouraging every reader
Please advise the reservation desk that you are attending the to send me all newspaper clippings, identifying the newspaper,
Ozark UFO Conference in order to obtain the special rates. city and date. May I thank you in advance for your help?
As in previous years, a shuttle service will be available bet-
Current Case Log
ween the Inn and the Fayetteville Airport, for the benefit of
air travelers. Please indicate on your registration form or ad- The Current Case Log initiated by Dan Wright several
vise the Inn desk if you need this service. years ago has been reinstated by Donald M. Ware, Eastern
Regional Director. These are summarized recent UFO in-
Operation Right to Know
vestigations that are rated significant and of definite interest
Operation Right to Know is a unique experiment that will to members to show continued UFO activity. The four regional
be conducted in Washington, D.C. to further publicize UFOs directors accepted the responsibility for screening and
and urge the U.S. government to disclose additional UFO evaluating the reports in their regions from the state direc-
secrets. tors when Dan Wright took a temporary leave of absence near-
The most convenient format to share with our readers is ly a year ago. Mr. Wright is going to devote his primary time
to quote from an advanced flyer announcing the event. Under to computerizing the MUFON UFO file starting this month,
no circumstances, whatsoever, could MUFON support this therefore he will not be involved in the evaluation of reports.
demonstration, however we will be very curious to know how Since Don Ware has been the only regional director fulfill-
effective such an ambitious, innovative program was in achiev- ing this responsibility, there are probably several reasons why
ing its goal and the degree of acceptance by the public and the other three have not done so. (1) The state directors are
media. not screening the reports submitted to them; (2) The state
"A demonstration promoting a greater public inquiry into directors may not be forwarding investigated reports to their
the UFO mystery and urging the disclosure of government regional directors; (3) The regional directors are not currently
UFO secrets has been scheduled for March 21 through March processing the reports as received; and (4) If they are pro-
31, 1992 on the sidewalk across the street from the White cessing the reports currently, they are not submitting the com-
House, Washington, D.C. pleted reports and summarized current case log to MUFON
"Operation Right to Know is organized by private citizens headquarters.
and operates independently of all UFO organizations. The Readers are asking the question why only eastern states in-
message presented by Operation Right to Know asserts that vestigated reports are being published in the Journal. This
there is a high-level cover-up of information and encourages problem can be corrected by having all State Directors and
the disclosure of that information. It is suspected that a small Regional Directors review the established procedures and
number of persons at the highest level of government have responding accordingly. If there is a question about the pro-
been granted need-to-know access to information confirm- cedure please contact Walt Andrus. Thank you for your
ing the presence of extraterrestrial visitors on this planet. We cooperation.
feel that fact can be safely disclosed to the public.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 286 February 1992

to Galveston County. Steven A. Morrow (Nacogdoches, TX)
DIRECTOR'S MESSAGE: is a new State Section Director for Nacogdoches, Cherokee
and Angelina Counties. Other new State Section Directors
MUFON News by Walt Andrus volunteering their leadership talent this month are Clark E.
Bowen (Tonopah, NV) for Nye County; Kenyon A. Spencer
(Aurora, CO) for Adams, Clear Creek and Summit Coun-
ties; Jon Dahlheim (Yellowstone Park, WY) for Park and
The theme for the MUFON 1992 International UFO Sym- Teton Counties; John M. Hayes (Kingman, AZ) for Mohave
posium is "UFOs: The Ultimate Mystery of the Millennia." County; Joseph A. Tackett (Ferndale, MI) for Oakland
Hosted by MUFON New Mexico, the conference will take County; and Allen and Darleen Dunkin (Riverbank, CA)
place the weekend of July 10, 11 and 12 at the Doubletree Co-State Section Directors for Tuolumne County.
Hotel in downtown Albuquerque. New Mexico State Direc-
New Consultants and Research Specialists
tor Teresa Brito Asenap is the symposium chairperson. Major
meetings will be held in the nearby convention center, which New Consultants this month are Ralph J. Laguardia, M.D.
is attached to the hotel by enclosed walkways. (Lebanon, CT) in Medicine; Carl L. Snare, Jr., Ph.D. (Long
Two-hundred rooms have been blocked for July 10 and 11, Beach, CA) in Business Management; Carl E. Stephens,
and 60 rooms for July 9 and 12. The special group rates for Ph.D. (Winnipeg, Manitoba) in Psychology; George S. Har-
the symposium are single or double occupancy at $60 per ris, D.D.S. (Menominee, MI) in Orthodontics; and Samuel
night. Reservations are now being accepted by calling the P. Faile, Ph.D. (Cincinnati, OH) in Solid State Science.
Doubletree Hotel at (505) 247-3344 and advising the reser- Research Specialists volunteering their expertise this month
vations desk that you will be attending the MUFON 1992 UFO are Richard M. Spangler, M.S. (Loveland, CO) in Elec-
Symposium in order to obtain the group rate. trical Engineering; Brad Merrill, M.S. (St. Petersburg, FL)
Speakers already confirmed are Stanton T. Friedman in Sociology; Don Aoki,M.S. (Mountain View, CA) in Com-
(Canada), Philippe Piet van Putten (Brazil), Richard F. puter Science; and Lee Katchen, M.S. (Potrero, CA) in
Haines, Ph.D., Budd Hopkins, Richard M. Neal, M.D., Physics.
J. Antonio Huneeus, Linda Moulton Howe (keynote Gloria Anna Colon (Dallas, TX), former State Director
speaker), Jacques Valiee, Ph.D., Montague Keen (England) for Puerto Rico, volunteered to be a translator for Spanish.
on crop circles and Clifford E. Stone. We anticipate receiv-
Field Investigator Exam
ing the names of two speakers from Moscow selected by Pavel
Popovich, President of the Soviet UFO Association, which Shirley A. Coyne, Director of Field Investigator Training,
will complete the speaking program. proudly announced that 22 Field Investigator Trainees had
Registrations for the entire symposium are now being ac- successfully completed the examination during December 1991
cepted at $50 per person for five sessions on Saturday and and will be reclassified to Field Investigators. Both New Mex-
Sunday. The reception on Friday evening at 6 p.m. is $5 ex- ico and California each had five people passing the 100 ques-
tra. When making your advance registration, if your last name tion exam. Congratulations to each of these investigators for
starts with A-M, please write to MUFON-NM, P.O. Box upgrading their role in ufology.
14956, Albuquerque, NM 87191, or if N-Z, write to MUFON-
NM, P.O. Box 7191, Albuquerque, NM 87194, with a check The Top Ten
or money order payable to "MUFON 1992 UFO Symposium."
American Airlines has again been selected as our official Your Director hereby apologizes to Shirley and George Coyne
carrier for the 1992 symposium with special group rates from for an error in the ranking of the state membership lists.
the 48 continguous states and Hawaii. Another group rate ap- Michigan at 98 ranked 8th and was thus ahead of VA, WA
plies to Canada. Individual reservations may be booked and NJ. We are indebted to Tom Stults for posing the ques-
through the American Airlines Meeting Service Desk toll free tion about Michigan's position. Shirley is to be congratulated
number 1-800-433-1790 and identifying the symposium ac- for the progress in Michigan since she became the State
count number Star #S02727L. Director.
New Officers Cosmic Collision
Juan Eduardo Failla, living in Olivos, Buenos Aires, "Cosmic Collision: The U.S. Military Retrieval and Cover-
Republic of Argentina, has accepted our invitation to become Up of a UFO" is the working title for the forthcoming book
the MUFON Representative for Argentina. Mr. Failla is a by Stanton T. Friedman and Don Berliner published in hard-
radio producer/writer, an English and German translator, and back by Paragon and scheduled for a July 1992 release. Since
is active in three Argentinian UFO groups, C.I.U., R.A.O., the release date will occur simultaneously with the MUFON
and R.I.P.O. He was highly recommended by Alejandro 1992 International UFO Symposium, plan to hear Stan clarify
Agostinelli when we recently conferred in Sao Paulo, Brazil. some of the discrepancies in the Roswell Crash investigation
A member since 1985 and a State Section Director, An- previously published.
thony A. Neugebaurer (Texas City, TX) has been reassigned Continued on page 23

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 286 February 1992

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