Mufon UFO Journal
Mufon UFO Journal
Mufon UFO Journal
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Walter N. Webb
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(ISSN 0270-6822) The MUFON UFO JOURNAL is published monthly by the Mutual UFO
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Bill Hamilton
has been an unprecedented year for sightings all day with her. That evening we had a local certified hyp-
and encounters in the Antelope Valley of Cali- notherapist, Miranda Cunha, regress Pam through the inci-
fornia embracing the cities of Palmdale, Lancaster, and dent. We discovered a mental block in the missing time period.
Rosamond. A few tidbits emerged from this session. It seems Pam believes
I was investigating the reports of sightings associated with that she may have been taken to a base inside the Tehachapis
a Northrop Skunkworks facility in the Tehachapi Mountains (the second case that reported this) and that she was cautioned
on the north side of the valley when I heard about two not to reveal what she knows. She felt very threatened by this
witnesses who had experiences of missing time. These two incident.
women, Pam and Jackie, lived within eyeball range of the This is just a brief recounting of only one of Pam's en-
facility and had experienced a number of strange events. In counters, but significant for its mention of human involve-
addition, Jackie, who could see the facility clearly from her ment and its disturbing implications. Pam is a good observer
property in the high desert, reported two daylight sightings. and very precise about her experiences. Jackie reports see-
In each case she contends that she witnessed a large disk as- ing Pam's yard enveloped in a fog that same night, but does
cend from the facility and move eastward along the base of not remember seeing the lights which may have been directed
the Tehachapis. Construction workers have informed me that downward and obscured by the fogscreen put out by the ob-
the facility itself has several underground levels. ject. Since that night Pam has also been buzzed by low-flying
On the evening of May 14, 1991, Pam had her strangest en- helicopters. One military helicopter hovered less than a hun-
counter ever. Shortly after 11:00 p.m. she reports that three dred feet over her yard. Her yard comprises two-and-a-half
"grays" appeared by her bedside and started to lift her off acres of desert property.
the bed. She lives in a large, custom-built pentagonal desert Since there have been some remarkable sightings over this
home that has one large room without partitions. The kit- area during the year and Pam's account raises many ques-
chen, bedroom and living room are open to one another. She tions, I would like to proceed by relating other events that
started to struggle with the grays — the four-and-a-half-foot enlarge the scope considerably.
category — when she spotted a human in the living room On May 28th, the night of a full moon, I went to a certain
area. A man, dressed all in black, was holding observation area in the Antelope Valley just west
a device that resembled a small TV and dan- SKYWATCHERS of the city of Lancaster and south of the Nor-
gling a cord. Pam heard the man say, "you have FLOCK TO thorp facility in the Tehachapi mountain range.
no electricity." ANTELOPE Joined by three other observers we saw our first
At this point she somehow freed herself from VALLEY aerial light emerge at the crest of the mountains
the entities and went to grab a light cord that south of us. The light was white with an amber
would switch on a light from her twelve-volt system. The light tinge. It moved west above the mountain ridge, reached a cer-
would not come on. She then yelled for her husband to tain point, then started strobing fluorescent red and white
awaken. Events then took a bizarre turn. lights.
Hearing her 100-pound Labrador barking in the yard, she As it continued to move west, then northwest, it began to
and her husband went to the north-facing kitchen window. jump and dance in erratic movements. When it reached the
Her attention was drawn to a man who lay prone on a pro- far end of the west valley I could see a silhouette against the
jecting part of the roof near a ladder. The man was dressed twilight blue sky. The object appeared to be boomerang-
in full-dress Air Force blues. The three grays were now on shaped with several strobe lights dancing around its perimeter.
the ground below the man as well as a K-9 sentry dog that This object suddenly and instantaneously vanished. A sec-
was poised to attack Pam's dog, Casey. In the sky over the ond and third object appeared above the same mountains and
yard there were a number of red lights. The man yelled to followed roughly the same pattern of activity except that they
the grays, "get her out of the house," while Pam yelled back, continued on their course to disappear in the distance. The
"don't kill my dog." wild "jumpers" were sometimes so erratic that normal air-
In the wake of this panic, Pam next remembers standing craft could not withstand the structural stresses that would
alone outside and behind their generator shack. The man, result from such rapid changes in motion.
the dog, the grays, and her husband were no longer in sight. On the following night, with thirteen other witnesses
Red lights were revolving above her and a thick fog was gathered at our desert observation post, I viewed a spectacular
emanating from ports set around the large craft hovering light show starting in the same way as the previous night.
above. Her next memory was that of awakening, seated on
her bed at 3:50 a.m. Hamilton is a MUFON Field Investigator from Glendale, California.
I had arrived at Pam's place the next morning and spent
A s for Dr. Petit, it was he who introduced magneto- tioned at different sides of the objects.
hydrodynamics into ufology in the Seventies. Now, Furthermore, not only triangle, but rectangle, trapezoid,
with the publication of his latest book, Enquete sur diamond and boomerang-shaped objects were also reported.
des extraterrestres qui sontparmi nous - Le mystere des Um- In short, exactly those shapes that match designers' views of
mites (In Search of Extraterrestrials Who Are Among Us - what airplanes of the future should look like. Apparently, the
The Mystery of the Ummites), Petit has lost his last grain old flying saucer myth has put on a new face, perfectly in
of credibility. In this book Petit reveals that his scientific work line with modern trends in design. Also worthy of note is
at the CNRS was in reality dictated to him by the inhabitants the fact that only one or two witnesses mentioned daylight
of Umrno, a planet far beyond our own solar system. Well- objects.
read ufologists will remember that, dating back to 1965, the It is the opinion of the author that some kind of flying
Ummites have been held responsible for a series of mysterious machine did indeed manifest itself over our country on several
letters and documents sent to UFO researchers and scientists occasions between November 1989 and June 1991. This may
around the world. have been some kind of platform, balloon or giant glider (self
In fact, the Ummo virus seems to have affected other scien- propelled or carried by helicopter), or perhaps an experimental
tists at the Space Center as well and rumours have it that the airplane such as the F-117A Stealth Fighter, the A-12 Avenger
entire question will soon lead to some sort of purification. or the TR-3A Black Manta. To try to find out the exact origin
Another incident is bound to discredit the Center's reputa- and motive of these apparitions will be extremely difficult
tion even further. Last year, two journalists of a local French because of the extensive media coverage that seems to have
newspaper visited the headquarters of the Raelian Movement immensely influenced the reporting process.
in Albi, southern France. This UFO sect is led by a man who The only thing that remains certain, even in the midst of
claims to have travelled to distant planets and to have sat at a flap of major proportions, is the feet that it has proven almost
a table with personalities such as Moses, Jesus and Buddha. impossible to solidify eyewitness accounts with substantial
During their visit to the sect, the journalists ran into a research evidence.
member from the CNRS. Together with a doctor, a biologist
and an engineer, the man had just ordered pizza and ice cream MUFON 1991 INTERNATIONAL UFO
on the cult's premises! SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS
Returning to the Belgian flap, it should first be emphasized "UFOs: The Big Picture" 301 pages.
that the evidence gathered by SOBEPS is impressive in quan- Price: $20 plus $1.50 for postage and handling.
tity but not very convincing when considered as proof of Order From: MUFON, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, TX 78155-4099
unearthly manifestations. In fact, the photographic evidence
T where things are not always as they seem. Downing be clear about who they are: fallen angels or demonic entities.
sees UFOs — meaning, in these circumstances, the gray To get specific about what I think may be going on, con-
abducting aliens — as benevolent, superior beings who com- sider the humans and / or humanoids who have been reported
passionately take into account, through "disguise and decep- by abductees to be present on UFOs, apparently working with
tion," our inability to directly perceive their "vastly superior and for the aliens. There are many such reports, most notably
reality." In Downing's interpretation, that reality is traditionally that by Travis Walton. If the grays have been conducting a
known as the full glory of God. In my judgment, however, genetic experiment or an interspecies breeding program for
the gray abducting aliens are demonic and untrustworthy. "By at least several decades — which is what Budd Hopkins' work
their fruits ye shall know them," Jesus said about evaluating indicates — then there could be adult humans who have been
spiritual credentials. Saint Paul added that the fruits of the raised under alien control since infancy and who are
Spirit are peace, joy and love. Judging by the fruit of the gray thoroughly alien in their loyalties and psychology, although
abducting aliens, I see aspects to the UFO abduction ex- they certainly would be able to pass as "real" people. While
perience which indicate there may be profoundly sinister seeming to be ordinary citizens, they would nevertheless be
dimensions to it. I get a strong sense of conspiracy by the at least programmed, if not naturally inclined through
abductors — a vast, subversive plot of long duration and careful psychological bonding, to identify with the alien culture. Such
coordination which aims at nothing less than the complete people could have been raised in an off-world site —say,'a
enslavement of humanity. I see nothing about their words and base on the moon or Mars or even a gigantic "mother
deeds which indicates anything except lies, evasion, misdirec- ship"1 — and then reintroduced to human society, with suf-
tion, manipulation, exploitation and total disregard for human ficient training and ongoing support from aliens to make their
values, personal property and our concept of respect for the way into careers in many fields.
inviolability of personhood.
We humans consider kidnapping and violation of civil rights epending on the scope of the aliens' work — which
to be criminal, rape to be loathsome, brainwashing and mind
control to be heinous, lying to be despicable, deliberate in- D I take to be happening on an enormous scale since
abduction reports are .worldwide —the abducting
fliction of pain to be sadism, unauthorized surgical invasion aliens could have hundreds or even thousands of their peo-
and unauthorized impregnation of people to be monstrous, ple infiltrated into science, industry, finance, government,
mutilation of bodies to be savage, and damage to personal education, the military, etc., with some undoubtedly in posi-
property to be vandalism. The gray abducting aliens exhibit tions of great power and influence. These people, in turn,
such behavior — and possibly even murder (see footnote 4). could have recruited others to various degrees, creating in
On the other hand, I know of no behavior by them which classic fashion the "cells" of a resistance movement prepar-
is clearly intended to show respect for our physical or ing to overthrow the establishment. More likely, though, they
psychological personhood, property, civil rights, moral values would have made their true identity known only to other
and concern for truthful speech; the abducting aliens routinely "aliens among us" and committed true-human collaborators
violate all that. As I view the situation, it's a ghastly picture who have been voluntarily working with the aliens.
which emerges. It is not merely alien; it is profoundly evil How might the aliens begin to infiltrate and recruit? The
in precisely the sense given in the Book of Revelation and MJ-12 group offers a point of entry. A crashed flying saucer
other sacred scriptures which describe a battle between the would be "bait" to hook the military-government-scientific
forces of light and the forces of darkness for the salvation complex into contact. Of course, this infiltration activity would
or damnation of humanity and the planet. So when abduct- not be limited to the United States. If the aliens are doing
ing aliens allegedly say, "We're here to serve you," I take it it here, they're probably doing it elsewhere. If they've made
to mean they have something like cookbook recipes in mind. contact with MJ-12 or its successors — as the Project Aquarius,
fter meeting with Soviet building officials and a rep-
resentative of the Russian Orthodox Church, Dr. Rima
E. Laibow and General Albert Stubblebine (Ret.) held
preliminary talks with the Deputy of the Ministry of Defense
Building in Moscow. The meeting centered on plans to design,
finance and build a model city for St. Petersburg, Russia.
Dr. Laibow, a leading child and adult psychiatrist, is founder
of The Center for Treatment and Research of Experienced
Anomalous Trauma (TREAT). The model city's organiza-
tional plan specifies methods and applications to deal with
the extreme Soviet problem of alcoholism, which is a crip-
pling factor in Russia's productivity.
Drs. Rima Laibow and Vladimir Azhaaha in Moscow.
Dr. Laibow also presented a paper at the 2nd All Union
Scientific Conference on UFOs organized by the SOYUZ
UFO Center in Moscow. The three-day conference was pre- least one aspect of alleged abductions. She proposed a study
sided over by Dr. Vladimir G. Azhazha, internationally of morning-after urine analysis of UFO abductees. The body
recognized as one of Ufology's leading scientists. Dr. produces a substance in the urine as a result of traumatic
Azhazha's "invitation only" conference heard from Russia's stress. Such collected data would be invaluable. She urged
scientific community on the physical, mathematical and researchers to make repeat abductees aware that this would
theoretical aspects of Ufology. be one viable step in confirming the reality of a biological
Dr. Laibow spoke about her ongoing psychiatric work with stress state having taken place. Questions from the audience
abductees. Laibow also criticized past unscientific approaches centered on U.S. claims of alien/human births, the so-called
to Ufology's artifacts. Laibow generated audience excitement "Star Children." Laibow said she hopes that DNA testing will
by stating "all my information was, is and will continue to be made available for such children and adults.
be publicly available to you." She told the standing-room-only Later, Dr. Azhazha proposed an exchange of information
crowd of well over 300 that she continues to exchange UFO- between SOYUZ and TREAT on the subject of Direct Con-
related materials with Russian researchers, and called for strict tact. Dr. Laibow agreed to formally co-sponsor an Interna-
laboratory testing and freely published results. tional UFO Conference with SOYUZ. The three-day event
Yuri Lubkow, Ph.D., a leading Soviet researcher with ex- will be held in St. Petersburg, Russia in September. Dr.
cellent relationships with the Soviet government and UFO Azhazha intends to invite a large number of Soviet specialists
researchers alike, has promised Dr. Laibow "metal-like balls" on Direct Contact. TREAT'S co-sponsorship will enable U.S.
from the Voronezh landing. The Voronezh case, ridiculed by and European scientists the opportunity to attend and for
the U.S. press when TASS first reported it, is considered to TREAT to help shape the direction of the conference. Laibow's
be one of the strongest cases in Russia. Lubkow and Laibow TREAT IV Conference — The Range of the Anomalous —
have agreed to collect, under strict scientific guidelines, UFO will be held April 9-12, 1992 in Atlanta, Georgia, sponsored
landing soil samples from 10 sites in Russia in the spring of by the Department of Philosophy of Georgia State University.
1992. A Clinicians' Workshop scheduled for April 8th and llth
Laibow also received for analysis a rock from a UFO crash will be devoted to Russian anomalies. Leading Russian ex-
site at Dalnagorsk supplied by Sergei Kuzionov, Ph.D., of perts studying the vast number of Big Foot sightings, UFO
the Leningrad State Technical University, and a member of landings and contacts, and extra-sensory research have ac-
the Council of Association for Anomalous Phenomena cepted invitations to present papers. The general public's in-
Research. Dr. Laibow was also given two large hardened soil terest in previous TREAT "by invitation only" conferences
samples from a UFO landing site in Middle Asia, presented has lead Dr. Laibow to open the 1992 Conference to the public.
to her by Andrew Poiarkow, a UFO researcher connected with
an ESP laboratory in Moscow.
Dr. Laibow cautioned her Soviet audience to be wary of Lacas is a State Section Director for MUFON, based in Westchester
hypnotically-induced abduction reports conducted by non- County, New York.
clinically trained investigators. She advised researchers to keep
in mind that biological evidence is available to confirm at
February 1952 • On the second, radar operators aboard sky between 8 and 9 p.m. Then seven men of a radar crew
the aircraft carrier Philippine Sea picked up an unidentified in an Air Defense detachment at Ellington saw the UFO and
high-speed UFO off the east coast of Korea. The object was tried unsuccessfully to pick it up on the radar scope. Lt. J.
first detected at a distance of 25 miles and when it closed R. Poole said it moved across the sky and disappeared in 45
to 20 miles it made a wide turn to the east, on a course directly seconds. It looked like a star. He estimated its height at 40,000
away from the carrier. As excerpted from a message to the to 50,000 feet and its speed at 2000 MPH, judging by its size
Commander, Naval Forces Far East, sent by the Philippine and the lack of sound. He said Cornell looked at the object
Sea, the report on the speed and unusual separation into two through binoculars and reported it looked white and "seemed
objects of this UFO contact stated: "Measured speed 10 miles to have some fire coming out of the back end." (The Caller,
per-minute (600 MPH) for first minute, 15 miles per minute Corpus Christi, TX, 2/28/57)
(900 MPH) for second minute, 30 miles per minute (1800
MPH) for third minute. Opened as two contacts five to 12 1967 • At 3:40 a.m. on the second, Mrs. Ed Winn open-
miles apart." ed the front door of her home to check on weather condi-
Three signal observers on the deck of the ship sighted the tions. "I didn't believe what my eyes were looking at," she
UFO visually and reported independently to the bridge that said. Just a few feet over the television antenna of a neighbor's
they could detect three exhaust flames. However, no aircraft house was an object "as big, every bit as big, as my living
at that time was capable of the incredible speeds attained by room," Mrs. Winn said. She said it remained motionless, mak-
the UFO and no conventional aircraft were reported in the area. ing not a sound. Mrs. Winn described the UFO as having
The estimated altitude of the object was 52,000 feet; it faded a silver dome, encircled about two-thirds of the way down
from the radar scope at a distance of 110 miles. with a flange, which appeared to be a soft green fluorescent
A letter classified Secret was sent by the Far East Com- light. Around the dome she said she could see what appeared
mander to the Chief of Naval Operations, enclosing a track to be windows. After 20 minutes, with neither Mrs. Winn
chart of the UFO in question and stating, in part: "Enclosure nor the "thing" making a move, the mysterious craft began
(1) is forwarded for information and evaluation. This is pro- to move slowly away. (The American, W. Frankfort, IL,
bably the first instance of a visual and radar contact on a high 3/4/67)
speed aerial target being made simultaneously in the Far East."
The Pentagon issued a press release on the 20th announcing • Mrs. James Thompson had a strange experience about
that an investigation of the UFO encounters in the Korean 10 p.m. on the 13th. She was driving in Bigfork, Montana
war zone was "full scale," adding that top officials in when the engine in her pickup truck stalled and all of the
Washington were being briefed on the case (The Hynek UFO lights went out. Mrs. Thompson got out of the vehicle and
Report, by Dr. J. Allen Hynek; UFOs: A History, 1952, by noticed a light above. "It was so bright I couldn't even look
Loren Gross) at it." Her two small children, Karen, 4, and Alan, 5, were
with her. Mrs. Thompson got back into the pickup, sat for
• 1957 A challenging Radar-Visual case occurred at Lin- awhile and told her children to look at the bright object. She
coln Air Force Base, Nebraska, on the 13th. UFOs were wasn't able to gauge the distance, but when the object veered
visually observed by three control operators and by the Direc- to the right the engine started strangely without her pressing
tor of Operations, who was in town to supervise a wing mis- the starter. Mrs. Thompson said she could feel heat from the
sion. Objects were also observed on radar by two separate greenish-blue lighted object which moved over toward the trees
radar installations for three to five minutes. The UFOs were and changed color to reddish-orange. It seemed circular in
about five to six miles behind an airliner and moving twice shape. The object was in sight for about 10 minutes. (Hungry
as fast. One of the objects separated in two and another made Horse News, Columbia Falls, MT, 2/24/67)
a 180-degree turn. The radar operators estimated that the
UFOs were about the size of a B-47 bomber. They appeared 1972 • An unexpected encounter with a mystery light on
to stand still and then speed up and rush away. (The UFO Ex- the evening of the 26th on the outskirts of Lamed, Kansas,
perience: A Scientific Inquiry, by Dr. J. Allen Hynek) left Johnnie Beer, a high school junior, shaken and frighten-
ed. Young Beer told his parents that a big, white light ap-
• An Unidentified Flying Object swept across the skies of peared in front of his car as he was leaving Larned around
Houston, Texas on the 27th. The object was reported to Ell- 9 p.m., headed for the farm home. "Johnnie said the light
ington Air Force Base by F. J. Cornell of the Ground Observer lowered down in front of the car and kept about 100 yards
Corps, who said he saw it make several sweeps across the ahead," Mrs. Beer reported. "He said it frightened him and
Status Report VI by Leonard H. Stringfield
(July 1991 - 142 pages) is now available from
MUFON in Seguin, Texas
for $17 plus $1.50 for postage and handling. Aleksandr Umyarov