The Innovation Imperative

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The Innovation Imperative

Attensa StreamServer:
Fueling Innovation. Transforming Knowledge. Making Connections.

By Damian Hayden
Principal Consultant, Life Sciences Attensa Enterprise Solutions Group

As economic realities force structural changes on the pharmaceutical industry, the requirement to innovate on innovation itself has become a strategic imperative. The need to find new and sustainable innovation models can no longer be ignored. But the systemic challenges dont stop there. The industrys renewed focus on health outcomes is giving rise to an rapidly expanding ecosystem of alliances and outsourcing models that add to the everincreasing abundance of information. And movements such as Open Innovation, Radical Collaboration and Pharma 3.0 require a very different approach to knowledge management. The answer, in part, lies in the ability to intelligently connect knowledge and people in ways previously thought impossible until now. Information has always been an asset, but now it needs to be viewed even more strategically: as a product itself; or in some cases, information as a service. Social business technologies promise highperformance collaboration but delivering highly personalized information, tailored to the unique needs of an individual employee, partner or customer into those collaborative workspaces supercharges innovation. The industry needs a strategy, a platform and a delivery partner to address these challenges. Four of the top ten pharmaceutical companies have already chosen Attensa as their solution. In this report, Damian Hayden examines the challenges and opportunities in pharmaceutical research and development. He demonstrates how Attensa StreamServer is an engine of innovation; and, how Information Specialists can implement structured innovation mechanisms through a combination of technology and knowledge management practices. Attensas Enterprise Solutions Group is eager to help you solve your most pressing knowledge management challenges and deliver greater value to all your stakeholders.

Scott Quick, Vice President Attensa Enterprise Solutions Group

Executive Summary The Innovation Imperative A Real World Perspective Brining people and ideas together Fueling Innovation The key to innovation is knowledge and how its used Transforming Knowledge Structured innovation and knowledge awareness Making Connections Information Professionals play a vital role in innovation Attensa StreamServer: An Engine for Innovation Use Case: Chemistry-Based Alerting Use Case: Regulatory Intelligence Use Case: Content Highlighting and Analysis Are You Ready to Innovate? 4

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Innovation is the key to improving health outcomes, yet an innovation productivity paradox exists in the drug industry. While pharmaceutical research and development investments continue to increase, fewer new molecular entities (NMEs) are making it to market. The pharmaceutical industry must find a more sustainable approach to innovation. This is what we call The Innovation Imperative. Central to this strategic imperative is understanding how to use knowledge differently than we have in the past. To view the ever-increasing abundance of information as an ally rather than a threat. To use new technologies to tap into the vast flows of internal and external knowledge in a way that brings new products to market faster and more cost effectively. One need only to look at the universe of peer-reviewed journal literature and wonder how any scientist can keep up with this deluge of information, let alone find and read the right reports to spur innovation. This is a formidable challenge, but Attensa StreamServer fills this critical innovation gap by intelligently connecting knowledge and people to improve current awareness, enhance collaboration and reinvigorate research and development efforts. In this report, we build the business case for Structured Innovation Mechanisms; and, provide three specific use cases illustrating how Information Specialists can deploy StreamServer to deliver immediate value for any life sciences research and development organization: Chemistry-Based Alerting An alerting profile on the subject of medicinal chemistry is showcased to demonstrate how StreamServer can help manage diverse information sources for a discovery team. This team can combine, for example, SciFinder email literature alerts with information from other feeds in a single collaborative discussion area that could be hosted using a tool with which the team is already familiar, such as Microsoft SharePoint, Jive or IBM Connections. Regulatory Intelligence Government regulations, guidelines, briefings and meetings notes are all available but from many different formats and in many different formats. Attensa StreamServer brings these wide-ranging information sources together to power regulatory intelligence related to, for example, clinical development and manufacturing or the post- marketing surveillance of drugs. Content Highlighting and Analytics Attensa StreamServer provides a number of ways for information professionals to highlight content for their internal customers to optimize the return on your content investments. When implemented within established work flows, Attensa can provide valuable insight on the consumption of information leading to a better understanding of the value of the content being made available.

Attensa StreamServer: An Engine for Innovation

Attensa StreamServer gathers, organizes and delivers personalized information tailored to the unique requirements of an individual employee, customer or partner a process that can be quickly repeated across workgroups, departments or an entire enterprise. Attensa delivers measurable value throughout the innovation value chain:

Challenge: Maximize the value of Intellectual Capital. Solution: Attensa StreamServer Intelligently connects knowledge and people more effectively to fuel innovation.

Challenge: Deliver new products to market more quickly and cost effectively. Solution: Attensa StreamServer provides new pathways to discover, share and transform existing knowledge into actionable insights.

Challenge: Manage a vast array of information and sources. Solution: Attensa StreamServer centralizes the administration of content sources, libraries, users and groups.

I have always had a passionate interest in the role information professionals can have in bringing people and ideas together throughout an organization, to help educate and inform. I am truly excited to be partnering with Attensa, and to be supporting their customers in the biomedical sector.
Damian Hayden Principal Consultant, Life Sciences Attensa Enterprise Solution Group


I began my career working on medical research problems in the lab where I collaborated on discoveries that led to medical advancement. It was in these cooperative efforts I recognized the vital importance of effective knowledge sharing and the impact it can have on innovation. So with that in mind, I moved into Information Management and for nearly 20 years, Ive been fortunate to have had instrumental roles in leveraging knowledge for discovery and innovation in a variety of life sciences disciplines. As a Director of Information Management, Ive implemented ILS and KM practices and technologies at research sites around the globe to support the strategic R&D goals of a global biotechnology company. As a Knowledge Analyst, I helped users leverage published information to solve critical problems in their practice areas. As a Content Buyer, I controlled significant budgets and contracts including journals, databases and other subscription contracts. In the end, all these activities have one thread in common: to support what I call The Innovation Imperative. For my part, I believe weve entered a new era where were innovating on innovation itself. How we manage people, processes and intellectual capital is a big part of that new frontier. I hope you find this as compelling as I do and our recommendations valuable as you support discovery and innovation within your organization.

About The Author

Damian Hayden has extensive industry experience delivering and managing biomedical information. Mr. Hayden has served as an Information Specialist and Director of Information Services at Chiron Corporation; and more recently, in the capacity as a Manager and Knowledge Analyst within the global Knowledge Center at Novartis International AG. Mr. Hayden holds a Bachelor of Science in Genetics and a Masters of Library and Information Science from the University of Alberta. In 2012, Mr. Hayden partnered with Attensa to provide strategic consulting and product support for Attensas customers conducting life sciences research.

Innovation is the key to meeting medical need, yet an innovation productivity paradox exists in the drug industry. While pharmaceutical R&D investments continue to increase, fewer NMEs are making it to market. It is well acknowledged among industry leaders that investment alone does not assure a successful drug pipeline. Developing new ways not just improved ways to fight and prevent disease is an imperative for every company serving the biomedical marketplace.

This should be the golden period of medical innovation. I submit its our model. We need to innovate the innovative model.
Freda Lewis-Hall, CMO, Pfizer

Incredible technological advances have brought research into the 21st century, but significant clinical advances have yet to come. While laboratories are implementing ever-more sophisticated tools to generate biological data, and to screen, design and test candidate compounds, there is increasing burden and diversity of disease conditions in an aging, global population. In the US, treatment for just one disease, age-related dementia, is projected to cost $20 trillion over the next 40 years. The future of healthcare is dependent upon new, affordable medicines, for a wider variety of illness. The need has never been greater, and the medical arsenal has never been better equipped with tools and resources to deliver new medicines. but theyre not coming. New treatments are just not being developed on par with the research monies invested. And research capital is becoming scarcer (drugs worth $50 billion are coming off patent this year alone). The biomedical industry simply has to get better at innovation. And the key to innovation is knowledge, and how it is used. Expending capital to generate data and the knowledge it creates does not fuel innovation on its own. Knowledge needs to be used in such a way that it is transformed from factuality to practicality. Geoffrey Nicholson of 3M said Research is the transformation of money into knowledge. Innovation is the transformation of knowledge into money. It is the transformation of knowledge that is key to innovation and, to be innovators, researchers must use knowledge as more than just a point of reference. Malcolm Gladwell reminds us that while some innovators are those with new ideas, others bring new takes on old ideas. Gladwell famously states that Steve Jobs didnt invent anything and that his innovations were the result of his ability to leverage existing technologies in new ways to create breakthrough ideas and products that have, literally, reshaped our lives. Innovators must be willing to learn from outside of their domain and comfort zone; to collaborate widely, and to strive to apply knowledge in new ways so that disparate ideas become connected.

Knowledge Officers
Chances are, intellectual capital vital to your companys innovation initiatives, remains locked away in far too many silos, both inside and outside your organization. And social business software that promises high performance collaboration, actually creates even more silos, while lacking the interoperability to connect knowledge and people outside these systems. The solution is Attensa StreamServer, which intelligently delivers personalized information tailored to the unique needs of an individual or group from any source into and across collaborative workspaces to supercharge innovation. To see this in action, please read Regulatory Intelligence on page 11.

Pressure on R&D staff to deliver new products to market more quickly and cost effectively increases at a breathtaking pace. So to does the daunting task of staying up-to-date on the most relevant information. Yet current awareness remains at the center of traditional innovation practices. Attensa StreamServer provides researchers with new pathways to discover, share and transform existing knowledge into actionable insights. For example, by leveraging the StreamServers SmartStream feature, structured alerts can replace outdated current awareness processes so scientists can exploit the adjacent possible and drive to better results faster. For related information, please read Chemistry-Based Alerting use case on page 10. Innovation is not just a lucky accident. Innovation is fostered by a disciplined process that sorts through many ideas to connect a small number. Innovative environments need to be structured where knowledge is used optimally, environments in which an institutional culture can evolve that values the inherent value of all knowledge available. This is what Freda Lewis-Hall, Pfizers Chief Medical Officer, proposes for a new model of innovation to address stagnated biomedical R&D: a collaborative means of working which can leverage the knowledge we have in a new and meaningful way. She calls this improved model of innovation meta-collaboration. Its all about making connections with existing possibilities. Its how innovation works.

Innovation is knowledge that is coming from unexpected places. Well outside the center, and from below.
Rosabeth Moss Kanter Harvard Business School

Consider for example, PCR, a technology that ultimately revolutionized biomedicine. This elegant and novel idea did not become a prospective industry changing innovation until its inventor thought to use a heat-tolerant polymerase in the mix. This polymerase, Taq DNA Pol, characterized from flora found in bubbling hot springs, had been described in the literature long before Kerry Mullis conceived of PCR. The real breakthrough in making PCR a simple and cost-effective technology was when his group transformed this bit of public knowledge from the factual to the practical: they learned of the characteristics of the enzyme from an article on the edges of their subject focus, its availability from a public depository, and cloned the polymerase for use in the lab. The invention of PCR demonstrates also the concept of the adjacent possible. First coined by theoretical biologist Stuart Kauffman to describe the evolution of life, Steve Johnson builds upon the idea in his recent book Where Good Ideas Come From. Innovators are those who maintain a constant, vigilant watch for the adjacent possible: useful knowledge lying just on the edge of the future possibilities. Interestingly, Taq DNA Pol was never patented, because of the prior art publication of its characterization. It was necessary for PCR to work, but wasnt required for the PCR patents. PCR also provides a good example then of the ideals of Open Innovation, and Open Science (e.g., web services such as ResearchGate, FigShare and Faculty of 1000). Open Innovation is akin to the idea of Meta-collaboration. Defined as a distributed model of industry innovation, Open Innovation is the use of purposive inflows and outflows of knowledge to accelerate innovation (Program in Open Innovation, UC Berkeley). It is the recognition that the real problems are bigger than any one of us, and that the next big thing will arise from knowledge and collaboration beyond an institutions walls.

Scientists, clinicians, researchers and decision-makers seek your advice to identify the critical knowledge they need. Through this ongoing collaboration, you have your finger on the pulse of the evolving information needs of your company. Now, with Attensa StreamServer, you are uniquely positioned to drive innovation to new and sustainable levels. This explosion of content combined with the proliferation of delivery locations presents a formidable challenge but with Attensa StreamServer centralized administration of content sources, libraries, users and groups, you can increase the return on content investments and fuel innovation by delivering only the most relevant information, personalized to your customers individual needs. Given todays innovation imperative; the unprecedented access to information; and, more powerful knowledge management tools, its essential to reexamine some fundamental assumptions about how knowledge and people are connected. Ask yourself:

Competitive advantage comes from being in the flow of knowledge, not stockpiling it.
Hagel, Brown and Davison The Power of Pull: How Small Moves, Smartly Made, Can Set Big Things In Motion

Take, for example, journal literature. There are more than 1.2 million STM peer-reviewed articles published annually yet individual scientists are able to read only about 400 articles per year (King et al 2009). In a recent BMJ article (Fraser 2010), the authors realized it would take a cardiologist 20 years to read the papers in her field, doing nothing else. And they figured the chance of two cardiologists reading the same article in one year is 1 in 79. How can any scientist be sure to find and read the right few hundred of the few million articles available to them, or learn what a colleague has found interesting in the literature the knowledge that can most effectively spur them towards that ah-ha moment?

Is your department systematizing innovation? Are your information services recognized as a core component of the innovation environment? Are your systems and practices effectively connecting disparate ideas? How can you improve the effectiveness of the subscription content you provide to internal customers?

On page 9, we provide an overview on how to use Attensa StreamServer as an Engine for Innovation. And on pages 10-12, three specific use cases illustrate how you can deploy StreamServer to deliver immediate value for your organization.

Information Professionals
Attensa StreamServer helps you manage a vast array of information and sources through its centralized administration of content sources, libraries, users and groups. It also provides a number of ways information can be highlighted for your customers, targeted to groups and analyzed for readership important features for increasing the return on content investments. Not only can you aggregate, filter and share information, but your consumers can rate its value by ranking, commenting and sharing recommendations with colleagues activities which can be tracked and analyzed by Attensa. StreamServer provide queries, reports and charts that show who is subscribing to what content; how frequently they access this; how long they spend reading it and whether they are active in commenting on or sharing this content. For related information, please read Content Highlighting and Analysis use case on page 12.


Attensa helps drive innovation by enhancing knowledge awareness far beyond whats commonly available today. Attensa StreamServer gathers, organizes and delivers personalized, relevant information tailored to the unique requirements of an employee, customer or partner. This dynamic process can be quickly and easily repeated for individuals within projects, practice communities or departments. Rich sharing, publishing and analytics improve collaboration between researchers, sparking discovery and creating new insights.

Attensa StreamServer

A single point of access for content from any external or internal source

Relevant information is combined and insights are added

Knowledge awareness and group collaboration are improved

Disparate external and internal sources and from various types such as email alerts and RSS feeds are aggregated. Integration with enterprise directory services help manage users, groups and delivery methods, which makes connecting knowledge and people efficiently repeatable and highly scalable. External Source Examples Journal TOCs (Preconfigured sets and user-added) Literature (PubMed, Ovid, SciFinder) News, newsletters (WSJ, Scrip, Reuters) Databases (Evaluate Pharma, Prous Integrity. IDRAC) Social Media (Twitter, F1000, ResearchGate) Internal Source Examples News (Project, Division, Company) Reports (CI, Projects, Meetings) Literature (Product and Marketing, Shared Articles) Databases (Product and Project) Social Media (Yammer, Internal Blogs, SharePoint)

Filtering tools organize articles into the appropriate topics. Libraries manage a centralized index of subject-specific resources or topics that match individual interests. Information Professionals can combine information, add insights and route content to an individual or group quickly and easily. Feedback loops help transform information into knowledge.

Personalized, relevant information is delivered automatically via email digests or into collaborative workspaces to improve knowledge awareness. Readers can select articles, curate topics, add insights and share value-added content with colleagues quickly and easily. Attention analytics power comprehensive reporting and content recommendations to supercharge innovation.

Use Case

The use of Attensa for a groups current awareness broadens the scope of content any one member of the group would have. Not only does Attensa help integrate and connect internal and external knowledge and collaboration, but it can do so with multiple alerting formats. One of the most valuable features of StreamServer is its SmartStream feature, which provides the ability to aggregate email alerts as well as RSS feeds. (Attensa also provides a conversion service for other content sources that may not deliver updates via email or RSS). Most publishers distribute updates via RSS, but some publishers have not adopted this standard, still preferring to use email.

Attensas StreamServer can read SciFinder email alerts, and incorporate the data into the groups overall project feed. Each project member can highlight knowledge of interest from the alert and add commentary, which can be automatically shared with the project team.

A chemistry-based alerting project can be used to demonstrate this functionality. A research team screening compounds as inhibitors of a particular receptor or enzyme may be interested to know about all literature concerning the compounds within these chemical and drug classes. They may want to stay well informed of any publication pertaining to these compounds in any context: competitor activity, synthesis, toxicity, pharmacology, etc. This discovery group will need to have chemical structure and keyword-based alerts coming from a source such as SciFinder. SciFinder is the most extensive database of chemical information, indexed from journals, conference papers and patents. Unlike most popular I&A services, SciFinder search alerts are not available as RSS feeds, only via email. However, Attensas StreamServer can read SciFinder email alerts, and incorporate the data into the groups overall project feed. The team will also want to include subject and structure-based alerts from drug pipeline databases, in-house competitive analyses, project papers and many other sources. Some of these will be available via RSS formatted feeds and others may need to be received via email. All of this content can be incorporated into a single overall alert in Attensa. Each project member can highlight knowledge of interest from the alert and add commentary, which can be automatically shared with the project team. Or, different individuals could act as curators, each reviewing alerts from different sources, selecting and reposting articles as necessary to the project alert. For example, a practitioner in the competitive intelligence department could curate alerts as they are received from pipeline or patent databases, with commentary regarding competitors intellectual property and related drug development. A chemist could curate alerts from SciFinder for the relevance of new articles to the drug scaffold the group is working on. All of this curated content can be incorporated into a single overall alert in Attensa. And of course, all members of the group could comment on the commentary, to keep the conversations going, related to the knowledge identified.

Use Case

Biomedical R&D is one of the most regulated areas of commercial and scientific activity and must draw on a huge volume and variety of published information. Indexing and abstracting services such as PubMed, SciFinder, and Ovid help make this information widely available and provide reliable search capabilities However, information produced by government agencies is another matter as government regulations, guidelines, briefings, meetings notes, etc. come from a wide variety of sources and in a wide variety of formats. Attensa is the perfect application to keep up with this regulatory information and related alerts and to provide a subject-specific indexing and abstracting service for this information.

Attensa can act as a subject-specific indexing and abstracting service on its own, with regulatory information, or any topic. Its library feature can be leveraged to bring very wide-ranging resource alerts together such as government health agencies and regulatory newsletters, all of which can be further filtered.

Attensas Library feature can be leveraged to aggregate alerts from government agencies such as the FDA, EMEA, MHRA, and WHO and commercial subscription resources such as FDC Reports, Scrip, Reuters Health and FDANews into a framework for regulatory intelligence. These alerts can be aggregated and filtered enabling the tracking of regulations related to, for example, clinical development and manufacturing; launch and post-marketing surveillance of drugs; multi-country filing; preparing for committee meetings and inspections and staying current on regulatory changes. Not only are very many feeds brought together for further mining, but Attensas collaboration tools can be leveraged to provide a platform for sharing analysis for regulatory intelligence activities. Having an efficient and timely process to funnel and filter information about any potential regulatory hurdle enables the organization to react and plan in more innovative and patient-centric ways. Attensa provides multiple delivery mechanisms for this information including branded email digests; a web interface; a SharePoint web part; a format optimized for mobile devices, and an API enabling custom integration. Attensa can also be provide customized alerting from a single platform, eliminating the need to have multiple publishing tools to support various applications, formats and devices.

Use Case


Attensa StreamServer provides powerful ways to analyze and highlight content to your internal customers to help achieve the best return on your content investments. Because Attensa is implemented within dynamic work flows not within a static platform such as a web portal, it is viewing and analyzing a living model of the flow of knowledge within your organization.

Attensa can act as a subject-specific indexing and abstracting service on its own, with regulatory information, or any topic. Its library feature can be leveraged to bring very wide-ranging resource alerts together such as government health agencies and regulatory newsletters, all of which can be further filtered.

Information can be directed to consumers in a number of ways. Typically the information services department will set up pre-defined feeds to customer groups in the form of a Daily Briefing containing newly subscribed content, user tips, comments and training information. Information specialists can also make recommendations directly to project teams or individuals not only for new articles of interest but also for competitive analysis, multimedia events, conferences etc. Attensa StreamServers built-in recommendation engine will find and recommend this content based on prior patterns of consumption while features such as More Like This and our Twitterlike collaboration streams, enable users to post short messages and links to others subscribing to these feeds. In these ways information specialists can leverage Attensa to become more active members of research and development project teams and to participate in and add-value to the flow of knowledge. Attensas name is derived from the notion that focusing readers attention on key information is the crux of success in any knowledge enterprise. StreamServer not only maximizes this focus, it also enhances productivity by minimizing distractions of email by, for example, consolidating alerts into a single, consistently format that makes information easy to find . This one feature alone can achieve dramatic reductions in disruptions and gains in productivity, as users spend far less time searching and managing their inbox content. Attensa StreamServer helps researchers focus on whats new and important in many valuable ways. Not only can information be more effectively aggregated, filtered and shared but consumers can rate its value by ranking, commenting and sharing recommendations with colleagues, activities which can be tracked and analyzed by Attensa power users and system administrators. Attensas analytics functions provide queries, reports and charts that show who is subscribing to what content; how frequently they access this; how long they spend reading it and whether they are active in commenting on or sharing this content. This data can be analyzed in many ways including by user, group, article read count, and frequency of comments, sharing and bookmarking. In summary, Attensa provides the knowledge based KPIs and analytics key to the success of any knowledge-based organization.


Because were ready to invest right along side you. Attensas Innovation Readiness Assessment is a 40 hour workshop designed to help you build the business case for improving knowledge awareness in your organization. When youre ready, call us at 1-971-340-2000 ext 475.

About Attensa
Attensa is an emerging leader in a new breed of information management systems. Recognized leaders in life sciences, legal and technology in the U.S. and Europe use Attensa StreamServer to connect knowledge and people to drive better results in less time. To request a demonstration of Attensa StreamServer, please visit or call U.S. 971.340.2000 ext 475 or UK +44 203.318.5284 ext 475.

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