Comparative Studies of Low-Temperature Water-Gas Shift Reaction Over PT Ceo, Au Ceo, and Au Fe O Catalysts
Comparative Studies of Low-Temperature Water-Gas Shift Reaction Over PT Ceo, Au Ceo, and Au Fe O Catalysts
Comparative Studies of Low-Temperature Water-Gas Shift Reaction Over PT Ceo, Au Ceo, and Au Fe O Catalysts
Comparative studies of low-temperature watergas shift reaction over Pt=CeO2, Au=CeO2, and Au=Fe2O3 catalysts
Apanee Luengnaruemitchai a, Somchai Osuwan
, Erdogan Gulari
The Petroleum and Petrochemical College, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand b Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Received 27 September 2002; received in revised form 3 March 2003; accepted 13 March 2003
Abstract We studied catalytic low-temperature watergas shift (WGS) reaction over the Pt=CeO2 , Au=CeO2 and Au=Fe2 O3 catalysts. The activity of these catalysts was tested in the composition of 4% CO, 2.620% H2 O and helium in the range of 120360 C. It was found that CO and H2 O concentrations have signicant eects on the catalytic activity. The 1% Pt=CeO2 was substantially more active than other catalysts in the presence of 20% H2 O. The catalytic activity of these catalysts was compared in the presence of H2 and deactivation test was also performed. BET, XRD, SEM and TEM analyses give additional information on the morphological structure of investigated samples. 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Watergas shift reaction; Platinum; Gold; Ceria; Ferric oxide
1. Introduction Polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFC) are attractive for use in transportation applications. H2 produced from on board steam reforming of gasoline and diesel fuel is the most logical means powering the PEFCs. However, the H2 produced from reformed gas contains 10% CO. In general, watergas shift (WGS) reaction is the preferred reaction for CO removal. Conversion of CO by the
water gas shift (Eq. (1)) increases the hydrogen yield as well as getting reducing the CO concentration from 10% to 0:51% [1]. CO H2 O ! CO2 H2 ; DH 41:1 kJ mol1 1 There are two types of WGS catalysts which are commercially used. One is a high temperature shift catalyst, which consists of oxides of iron and chromium and is used at 400500 C to reduce the carbon monoxide to around 25%. The second one is a low temperature shift catalyst composed of copper, zinc oxide and alumina normally used between 200 and 400 C to reduce the CO concentration to 1%. The thermodynamics of the
Corresponding author. Tel.: +662-2184141-2; fax: +6622154459. E-mail address: (S. Osuwan).
1566-7367/03/$ - see front matter 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S1566-7367(03)00036-0
WGS reaction are well known in that at high temperatures the conversion is equilibrium limited and at low temperatures it is kinetically limited. Commercially a combination of the two catalysts is used with in between cooling. If more active low temperature shift catalysts can be found the conversion can then approach the equilibrium limit more closely. Extensive research, in particular during the past 10 years, has shown that ceria aects in a number of catalytic reactions. Cerium oxide or Ceria (CeO2 ) may exist in several oxidation states, due to the ease with which the oxidation state changes between +3 and +4. A number of functions have been ascribed to ceria, including promoting WGS activity [2], maintaining the dispersion of the catalytic metals [3] and stabilizing the surface area of the support [4]. In addition, it also promotes precious metal catalysts for WGS reaction [57]. Because of these benecial eects of ceria, we chose it as the support for Pt and Au WGS catalysts. We wanted to compare the activities of Pt and Au under similar conditions with similar supports. Gold based catalysts have gotten attention recently because of their catalytic activity in low temperature CO oxidation, catalytic combustion of hydrocarbons and potentially high activity for WGS reaction when supported on Fe2 O3 [811]. The Au=Fe2 O3 catalyst has been promoted as a good catalyst for low temperature WGS reaction due to a specic interaction between gold and ferric oxide support. According to literature data, many studies indicate that the commercial catalysts are sensitive to sulfur and chloride poisoning which has led to the development of high activity long lifetime and poisoning resistance. In our previous studies on selective CO oxidation in the presence of hydrogen, we found that the Pt=CeO2 solgel and Au=CeO2 co-precipitation catalysts exhibited high activity and selectivity. It is generally known that precious metals like Pt, Rh and Pd are not good shift catalysts because they are not easily oxidized by water. On the other hand, the oxidation of Ce2 O3 by water to give hydrogen is thermodynamically favorable [12]. The aim of this study was to compare our catalysts which exhibit high activity on selective CO oxidation and WGS activities with the reference
catalyst. We wish to summarize the features that we obtained on selective CO oxidation and low temperature WGS activities at 200250 C. In this paper we report the results of our characterization and activity studies of the low temperature WGS reaction on Pt=CeO2 and Au=CeO2 catalysts and their comparison to Au=Fe2 O3 catalyst.
2. Experimental 2.1. Catalyst preparation 1% Pt=CeO2 catalyst was synthesized using the solgel method. The single step solgel catalysts were prepared by hydrolyzing a solution of Ce acetate and H2 PtCl6 6H2 O with NH4 OH. The reaction mixture was aged at 80 C and pH of 9.0 9.5 for an hour. Then, HNO3 was added until gelation. The catalysts were dried overnight at 110 C and calcined at 500 C for 5 h. The 1% Au=CeO2 was prepared using the coprecipitation from a mixture of HAuCl4 3H2 O, CeNO3 3 . 6H2 O and Na2 CO3 solution at room temperature and constant pH of 8.0. The precipitate was aged for an hour at room temperature. The precipitate was then ltered and washed with deionized water until there were no anions detectable in the wash. After washing, the catalysts were dried overnight at 110 C and calcined in air at 500 C for 5 h. In the case of 3% Au=Fe2 O3 catalysts, they were prepared using co-precipitation and depositionprecipitation methods [9]. For the co-precipitation method, FeNO3 3 6H2 O was used as a precursor. The depositionprecipitation catalyst was prepared by deposition of gold hydroxide by adding a solution of Na2 CO3 at 60 C and pH of 8. The precipitate was aged for 1 h, ltered and washed carefully until absence of excess anions. Then, samples were dried at 110 C and calcined at 400 C for 2 h. 2.2. Catalyst characterization Powder X-ray diraction (XRD) patterns were collected in air on a Rigaku Powder Diractome-
ter using CuKa radiation with a nickel lter. The BET surface area of the samples was analyzed by nitrogen adsorption with an Auto-sorb automated gas sorption analyzer. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) measurements were performed by using JEOL JSM-5410LV scanning microscope operated at 15 kV. The transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was carried out using a JEM 2010 operating at 200 kV in bright and dark eld modes. Crystallinity and crystal structure of the sample were evaluated from selected area electron diraction pattern. 2.3. Catalytic activity The catalytic activity tests of the catalysts in the WGS reaction were carried out at atmospheric pressure and in the temperature range of 120360 C in a U-tube pyrex reactor having an internal diameter of 6 mm. The catalysts were tested for their activities in a gas mixture typically containing 4% CO in He, saturated with water vapor. The temperature of the gas bubbler was controlled in order to obtain variable H2 O=CO ratio. The space velocity was 30,000 ml g h1 . The 1% Pt=CeO2 and 1% Au=CeO2 catalysts were pretreated at 110 C for 2 h in the O2 atmosphere. In the case of 3% Au=Fe2 O3 catalyst, the reduction of the sample was conducted at 250 C for 12 h in a hydrogen/helium mixture (1% H2 ). The reactant and product composition was analyzed by a gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with a thermal conductivity detector (TCD) and a 10 ft 1=8 in: stainless steel packed column lled with carbosphere.
Table 1 Surface area of the catalysts Catalyst 1% 1% 3% 3% Pt=CeO2 Au=CeO2 Au=Fe2 O3 Au=Fe2 O3 Preparation method Solgel Co-precipitation Co-precipitation Depositionprecipitation BET surface area (m2 g1 ) 55.0 124.1 345.0 79.5
3% Au=Fe2 O3 deposition-precipitation catalyst was slightly higher than that reported in the literature, which is 66:5 m2 g1 [10]. Fig. 1 shows the comparison of XRD patterns of Pt=CeO2 and Au=CeO2 catalysts. No evidence of metallic peaks was observed and it can be concluded that the average crystallite sizes of metals for both catalysts were smaller than 5 nm. The CeO2 crystallite sizes of the catalysts were determined from X-ray line-broadening using the Debye Scherrer equation. This gure also shows that the ceria support is highly crystalline with an approximate crystallite size of 34.8 and 14.5 nm for Pt=CeO2 and Au=CeO2 catalysts, respectively.
3. Results and discussion 3.1. Sample characterization The measured data of the BET surface areas of samples are listed in Table 1. The BET surface areas of the 1% Pt=CeO2 solgel, 1% Au=CeO2 coprecipitation and 3% Au=Fe2 O3 co-precipitation and depositionprecipitation catalysts are 55.0, 124.1, 345.0 and 79:5m2 g1 , respectively. In addition, it was observed that the surface area of
Fig. 1. XRD pattern obtained from the Pt=CeO2 solgel, Au=CeO2 co-precipitation catalysts.
In contrast, the sample of Au=Fe2 O3 shows diffraction patterns which mainly correspond to amorphous ferrihydrite or comprise the poorly crystalline phases of ferrihydrite and a-Fe2 O3 (hematite). The morphological dierences between the catalysts observed by SEM which is not shown here that the Pt=CeO2 solgel catalyst shows a porous morphology. Au=CeO2 co-precipitation catalyst is in the form of highly crystalline akes and Au=Fe2 O3 depositionprecipitation catalyst is amorphous and appears to consist of nonporous aggregates of primary spherical particles of 1000 diameter. The SEM result of Au=CeO2 catalyst A is conrmed by the XRD result, which shows that the crystallinity of CeO2 in this catalyst is higher than that of Pt=CeO2 catalyst and amorphous patterns of Au=Fe2 O3 catalyst. Basinka et al. [13] found that the most important parameter whose inuence on the catalyst activity in WGS reaction is the mean size of particle of metallic ruthenium. In this work, XRD and SEM could not identify the metallic particles of our catalysts. Because of the sensitivity of XRD analysis only to crystallites larger than 5 nm. However, no obvious correlation in the literature was observed between the particle size of metal crystallites and catalyst activity in WGS reaction. It was concluded by Tabakova et al. [14] that the catalytic activity of gold/metal oxide catalysts depends strongly not only on the dispersion of gold particles but also on the nature and textural structure of the supports. The Pt and Au crystallite size of Pt=CeO2 and Au=CeO2 catalysts could be clearly observed in TEM images as shown in Fig. 2. The crystallite size distribution of the Pt=CeO2 appears to have two very close peaks with 30% of the crystallites counted having a size of 6 nm and 15% having a size of 10 nm. The average crystallite size of Pt=CeO2 was about 7.5 nm. For Au=CeO2 , it was about 4 nm and quite homogenous in size. XRD measurements did not show any detectable Pt and Au crystallites. However, the existence of Pt and Au particles on CeO2 support was veried by using EDS focusing on the regions containing highly contrast spots under transmission electron microscope.
Fig. 2. TEM of metal particles (dark spots) on the CeO2 surface; (a) Pt=CeO2 ; (b) Au=CeO2 .
3.2. Catalytic activity The catalytic activity of Pt=CeO2 , Au=CeO2 , and Au=Fe2 O3 catalysts was examined in this work. The catalytic activity expressed as the percentage of the CO conversion in the WGS reaction versus reaction temperature was carried out with a feed stream typically consisting of 4% CO, 2.6% H2 O and helium and the results are shown in Fig. 3. The Au=Fe2 O3 depositionprecipitation catalyst is very active in comparison to all other catalysts examined and reached a maximum CO conversion of 34% at 320 C. The lowest activity is shown by highly crystalline ceria containing Au=CeO2 catalyst. This catalyst gave a maximum conversion of 9% at 320 C. It is clearly seen that the activity of the catalysts is related to the kind of
Fig. 3. Temperature dependence of the catalytic activity of the sample studied; (j) Pt=CeO2 solgel; (r) Au=CeO2 co-precipitation; (d) Au=Fe2 O3 depositionprecipitation; (t) Au=Fe2 O3 co-precipitation; ( ) thermodynamic equilibrium.
Fig. 4. Eect of water on the catalytic activity of the Pt=CeO2 solgel catalyst; (d) 2.6% water; (j) 20%water.
support used and there is no relation between activity and surface area [13]. Interestingly, when comparing the eect of preparation method on Au=Fe2 O3 catalyst, it was found that depositionprecipitation gave higher CO conversion than co-precipitation. This has been explained by Andreeva et al. [10] as depositionprecipitation method giving a weaker interaction between gold particles and the support making it more favorable for catalysis. In contrast, co-precipitation method gave gold cluster formation which became inaccessible to catalysis. The lowest activity is shown by highly crystalline ceria containing Au=CeO2 catalyst. This result disagrees with Tabakova et al. [14] who observed that the lowest activity is shown by the amorphous catalyst. 3.3. Eect of water vapor concentration WGS reaction is thermodynamically unfavorable at elevated temperatures. In order to achieve high conversion, additionally excess steam is used to drive the reaction thermodynamically. We tested the dependence of activity on water vapor
concentration by increasing the water vapor in the feed stream to 20%. It is clearly seen from Fig. 4 that the water vapor content signicantly enhanced the catalytic performance of Pt=CeO2 catalyst in the temperature range of 200360 C. The maximum CO conversion increased from 18% to 85% at 360 C. The results are consistent with a PGM=CeO2 interaction resulting in enhanced WGS activity [2]. When water is present, CO conversion is higher. On the other hand, the water content has slightly less of an eect on the activity of Au=CeO2 and moderately inuenced Au=Fe2 O3 catalysts in the reaction temperature range of 300 360 C. With 20% water content the maximum conversion increased from 8% to 15% and 33% to 53% for Au=CeO2 and Au=Fe2 O3 catalysts, respectively, which are not shown here. In the literature, the water content is crucial for the activity of commercial CuOZnO catalysts [15]. The promoting eect of water vapor on CeO2 can be explained as oxidation of the CeO2 support by water [16]. The water in hydroxide form may play an important role as a good oxidant in WGS reaction. Holmgren et al. [16] speculated that CO reacts with OH to produce CO2 and H2 in the WGS reaction on Pt/CeO2 catalyst by using FTIR.
Fig. 5. Eect of CO upon the catalytic activity of the Pt=CeO2 solgel catalyst; (d) 0.5% CO; (j) 1.0% CO; (t) 2.0% CO; (r) 4.0% CO.
Fig. 6. Deactivation test of the Pt=CeO2 solgel, Au=CeO2 coprecipitation, and Au=Fe2 O3 depositionprecipitation catalysts; (d) Pt=CeO2 ; (j) Au=CeO2 ; (t) Au=Fe2 O3 .
From FTIR measurements, it was seen that Pt facilitates the formation of carbonates. 3.4. Eect of CO concentration The eect of the CO concentration on the catalytic activity of Pt=CeO2 solgel catalyst in the WGS reaction was studied and is illustrated in Fig. 5. In this experiment, the concentration of CO was varied from 0.5% to 2%, water concentration was 2.6% the rest being helium. As shown in Fig. 5, there is a signicant eect of CO concentration in the temperature range of 160250 C. CO conversion increases with an increase in the reaction temperature over Pt=CeO2 solgel catalyst. However, CO conversion decreases with increasing CO concentration in the feed. At 0.5% CO in the feed, CO conversion reaches a maximum of 95% at temperature of 250 C. The decrease with increasing CO concentration is most likely due to the well-known poisoning eect of CO on Pt sites. Similar eect was also observed on Au=CeO2 and Au=Fe2 O3 catalysts. 3.5. Deactivation test The catalytic stability of Pt=CeO2 , Au=CeO2 and Au=Fe2 O3 catalysts which showed the maxi-
mum activity was tested for 48 h at the temperature of 360, 360 and 320 C, respectively. The catalytic stability was carried out with a feed stream typically consisting of 2% CO, 20% H2 O and helium. The result of the catalytic stability is shown in Fig. 6. It is seen that Pt=CeO2 catalyst showed good stability compared to the other two catalysts. The stability of Au=CeO2 catalyst was dramatically decreased from conversion of 60% to about 10% within 48 h. In the spent catalyst, the XRD and TEM results indicated an average size of Au catalyst was increased from 4 to 5.5 nm and this is considered to be the reason for the deactivation for the Au catalyst after long time of operation. The higher average size of the Au particles after reaction was expected because Au particles agglomerate into bigger sizes.
4. Conclusions The catalytic activity of Pt=CeO2 , Au=CeO2 and Au=Fe2 O3 catalysts has been investigated for low temperature WGS reaction. We nd that the crystallinity of the reducible oxide support negatively eects the activity of the catalyst. The
activity of metal/cerium oxide catalysts strongly depends on type of metal with Pt being a much more active catalyst than Au. These ndings indicate that Pt as well as CeO2 plays an important role in this reaction. We also observed that water had a positive eect on the Pt=CeO2 catalysts and a moderate positive eect on the Au=CeO2 and Au=Fe2 O3 catalysts. In addition, it was found that CO concentration greatly aected the activity of Pt=CeO2 , Au=CeO2 and Au=Fe2 O3 catalysts. Our investigations on gold-based catalytic systems clearly demonstrated the Fe2 O3 is not the most suitable supports for WGS reaction which was found by Andreeva et. al [810]. The catalytic activity and stability tests show that activity of the gold-containing catalysts is decreasing during the catalytic tests. The eect of addition of about 40% of H2 into the gas mixture was also examined. A low WGS activity in the presence of H2 is also exhibited by the Au-containing catalysts. Accordingly, the Pt supported on CeO2 catalysts seemed to be appropriate for the WGS reaction at moderate reaction conditions and high H2 O=CO in comparison with the Au catalysts in the presence and absence of H2 .
Thailand. The authors thank the TRF for scholarship funding of Ms. Apanee Luengnaruemitchai.
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Acknowledgements This work was made possible through nancial support from Thailand Research Fund (TRF),