UCLA CS 31 Practice Final

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CS31: Introduction to Computer Science I

Spring 2011

Final Practice
TA: Brian Choi (schoi@cs.ucla.edu)
Section Webpage: http://www.cs.ucla.edu/~schoi/cs31
1. Assume the following variable declarations:
int foo = 0;
int *ptr = &foo;
Which of the following statements will change the value of foo to 1?
(a) ptr++;
(b) foo++;
(c) (*foo)++;
(d) (*ptr)++;
(e) (a) and (b) only
(f) (a) and (d) only
(g) (b) and (d) only (e) (c) and (d) only

2. What is the output of the following code segment if the input value is the last digit of your student ID?
int array[10] = {4, 6, 2, 3, -1, -3, 2, 2, -7, -9};
int index;
cin >> index; // Enter a digit here.
int *p = array + index;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
int hops = *p;
p += hops;
cout << *p << endl;

Copyright Brian Choi 2011. All Rights Reserved.



CS31: Introduction to Computer Science I

Spring 2011

4. Your high school friend who didn't make it to UCLA and settled for a university called U$C sent you the
following message through Facebook:
Hey, I wrote the following function, countMatches, which is supposed to compare two Cstrings and count the number of matching characters. Two characters match if they are
the same and if they appear in the same position in each string. For example,
countMatches("UCLA", "U$C", count); should set count to 1,
countMatches("Baseball", "ballpark", count); should set count to 2, etc.
I'm not supposed to create any local variable or square brackets, so I ended up submitting
the following code:
void countMatches(const char *str1, const char *str2, int &count)
count = 0;
while (*str1 != '\0' && *str2 != '\0')
if (*str1 == *str2)
But it doesn't work! Darn pointers! I asked my friends here at U$C and none of them know
how to solve this. Can you tell me what I did wrong, like you always did in high school?

You are too busy preparing for your finals, so you decided to copy and paste his message and just mark the
corrections. What is your message going to be? (Make the corrections above).

Copyright Brian Choi 2011. All Rights Reserved.

CS31: Introduction to Computer Science I

Spring 2011

5. Design the class Goldfish, which models a creature that is intelligent enough to remember
capacity characters at a time.
class Goldfish
Goldfish(int capacity);
void remember(char c);
void forget();
// Clears m_memory using dots('.')
void printMemory() const; // Prints the content of m_memory
char *m_memory;
to memory.
int m_amount;
// # of chars remembered.
int m_capacity;
// # of chars this fish can remember.

(a) Define the constructor. Dynamically allocate capacity-many characters to m_memory Initialize
m_memory with dot('.')s. If capacity is not positive, then set it to 3 by default. Remember to set
m_capacity. If capacity is greater than 10, set it to 10.
Goldfish::Goldfish(int capacity)
if (capacity < 1)
m_capacity = 3;
else if (capacity > 10)
m_capacity = capacity;

// Record the capacity.


= new =
m_amount = 0;

// Allocate memory.
// Initialize the amount of memory used.
// Fill in dots.

(b) Implement remember. Store the character c into m_memory. If you already have m_capacity
characters memorized, then discard the oldest character in m_memory to open up a free slot. (This is an
example of LRU (Least Recently Used) replacement.)
void Goldfish::remember(char c)
if (m_amount == m_capacity)
for (int i = 0; i < m_capacity - 1; i++)
m_memory[i] = m_memory[i + 1];
m_memory[m_amount] = c;

Copyright Brian Choi 2011. All Rights Reserved.

CS31: Introduction to Computer Science I

Spring 2011

(c) Implement forget. Clear memory by filling dot('.')s into memory.

void Goldfish::forget()
for (int i = 0; i < m_capacity; i++)
m_memory[i] = '.';
m_amount = 0;

(d) Implement the destructor.

delete[] m_memory;

To clarify, here is how a Goldfish object can be used:

int main()
Goldfish nemo(3);
return 0;
Copyright Brian Choi 2011. All Rights Reserved.

// prints "a.. "

// prints "abc"
// prints "bcd"
// prints "..."

CS31: Introduction to Computer Science I

Spring 2011

6. Well define Aquarium class, where Goldfish can live.

int MAX_FISH = 20;
class Aquarium
bool addFish(int capacity);
Goldfish *getFish(int n);
void oracle();
Goldfish *m_fish[MAX_FISH];
int m_nFish;

// Pointers to fish.
// Number of Fish.

(a) Define the constructor. Initially, there is no fish in the Aquarium.

m_nFish = 0;
: m_nFish(0)
(b) Implement addFish, which (dynamically) adds a new Goldfish into the Aquarium, with the
specified memory capacity. If the fish cannot be added because the Aquarium already has MAX_FISHmany fish residing, return false and dont add any. Otherwise, return true.
bool Aquarium::addFish(int capacity)
if (m_nFish >= MAX_FISH)
return false;

m_fish[m_nFish] = new Goldfish(capacity);

return true;

Copyright Brian Choi 2011. All Rights Reserved.

CS31: Introduction to Computer Science I

Spring 2011

(c) Implement getFish, which returns the pointer to the nth Goldfish that is added. Return NULL if
there is less than n fish in the Aquarium, or if n is an invalid position.
Goldfish* Aquarium::getFish(int n)
if (n < 0 || n >= m_nFish)
return NULL;

return m_fish[n];

(d) Implement the destructor. Remove all dynamically allocated objects.

for (int i = 0; i < m_nFish; i++)
delete m_fish[i];
Make sure you understand why you cant do delete[] m_fish;.

(e) Implement oracle. It prints the memory of ALL Goldfish in the Aquarium. You can use the
member function printMemory of Goldfish class for this purpose. Once everything is printed, reset
(i.e. clear) all Goldfishs memories using forget function.
void Aquarium::oracle()
for (int i = 0; i < m_nFish; i++)
Why not m_fish[i].printMemory(), or m_fish[i].forget()? That is, why would using
dots(.), instead of arrows (->), be wrong?

Copyright Brian Choi 2011. All Rights Reserved.

CS31: Introduction to Computer Science I

Spring 2011

7. Design BankAccount class, which lets the account owner to deposit and withdraw money using a
password. The class you write should meet the following requirements:
1) There should be no default constructor.
2) There should be only one constructor, which takes in the initial balance in dollars, and the password. The
password is an integer, most likely 4 digits, but we wont enforce that limit here (which means it can even be
negative). The initial amount, however, must not be negative, if it is negative, set it to $0.00 by default. Your
BankAccount class should be able to keep track of the balance up to the last cent.
3) It should support two operations, deposit and withdraw. Both must be Boolean functions. One
must specify the amount of money he wants to deposit/withdraw, and the password. If the password is
incorrect, the return value must be false. Also, for withdraw, if the requested amount exceeds the
current balance or is negative, return false and do not change anything. If the deposit amount is negative,
do not change the balance and return false.
4) Add a Boolean function setPassword, which takes in two passwords the original password and the
new password. If the original password does not match, return false and do not change the password. If
the original password is correct, update the password with the new password.
5) Provide an accessor function balance, which accepts the password. If the password is correct, return
the balance. If not, return -1.
6) You can create private member functions and variables as you wish.
A possible usage of this class looks like this:
BankAccount ba(500, 1234);

// initial amount: $500, password: 1234

cout << "$" << ba.balance(1234) << endl;

// prints $500.00

cout << "$" << ba.balance(2345) << endl;

// prints $-1

ba.deposit(25, 1234);

// deposit $25

cout << "$" << ba.balance(1234) << endl;

// prints $525.00

ba.withdraw(500, 2345);

// should return false

ba.withdraw(1000, 1234);

// should return false

ba.withdraw(100, 1234);

// make the withdraw

cout << "$" << ba.balance(1234) << endl;

// prints $425.00

ba.setPassword(1234, 2345);

// change the password

ba.withdraw(300, 2345);

// make the withdraw

Copyright Brian Choi 2011. All Rights Reserved.

CS31: Introduction to Computer Science I

Spring 2011

Solution to (a)~(f). Your solution did not have to include the helper function checkPwd.
class BankAccount
BankAccount(double initAmt, int pwd);
double balance(int pwd) const;
bool deposit(double amt, int pwd);
bool withdraw(double amt, int pwd);
bool setPassword(int oldPwd, int newPwd);
double m_balance;
int m_password;
bool checkPwd(int pwd) const; // Helper function.
BankAccount::BankAccount(double initAmt, int pwd)
: m_password(pwd)
if (initAmt > 0)
m_balance = initAmt;
m_balance = 0;
double BankAccount::balance(int pwd) const
if (checkPwd(pwd))
return m_balance;
return -1;
bool BankAccount::deposit(double amt, int pwd)
if (checkPwd(pwd) && amt >= 0)
m_balance += amt;
return true;
return false;

Copyright Brian Choi 2011. All Rights Reserved.

CS31: Introduction to Computer Science I

Spring 2011

bool BankAccount::withdraw(double amt, int pwd)

if (checkPwd(pwd) && amt >= 0 && amt <= m_balance)
m_balance -= amt;
return true;

return false;

bool BankAccount::setPassword(int oldPwd, int newPwd)

if (checkPwd(oldPwd))
m_password = newPwd;
return true;

return false;

bool BankAccount::checkPwd(int pwd) const

return m_password == pwd;

(g) Write a (global) function called getNewAccount which takes in a password as the only parameter and
returns a pointer to a dynamically created BankAccount instance with $10 in it.
BankAccount* getNewAccount(int pwd)
return new BankAccount(10, pwd);

Copyright Brian Choi 2011. All Rights Reserved.

// $10 bonus award!

CS31: Introduction to Computer Science I

Spring 2011

8. I've got a brilliant start-up idea here -- we never use our coins, and they just keep piling up on our desks.
How about we build a machine that accepts all these coins, and gives you bills that amount to the same
dollar value? Let me call this machine "CoinMoon". Don't you think it'll be a successful business?
class CoinMoon
void addDollar();
void addQuarter();
void addDime();
void addNickel();
void addPenny();
void giveMeBills();


Add a dollar coin to the machine.

Add a quarter to the machine.
Add a dime to the machine.
Add a nickel to the machine.
Add a penny to the machine.
Print what the user will get.
See the example below.

// TODO: Add private variables here.
int totalInCents;


Here's one way of using it.

CoinMoon cm;
// Currently $1.00.
// Currently $1.25.
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
// Add 10 dimes, such that the total becomes $2.25.
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
// Add 32 pennies, such that the total becomes $2.57.
cm.giveMeBills(); // Produces the following output.


dollar bill(s)

Note that the total number of coins that are returned by the machine must be minimal. Also, once
giveMeBills()is called, the machine returns to the original state and starts anew.
Copyright Brian Choi 2011. All Rights Reserved.


CS31: Introduction to Computer Science I

Spring 2011

Define all member functions of CoinMoon, such that the machine works as intended. Do not add or
change the public members. You are free to add private members as needed.
: totalInCents(0)
void CoinMoon::addDollar()
totalInCents += 100;
void CoinMoon::addQuarter()
totalInCents += 25;

void CoinMoon::giveMeBills()
int dollars = totalInCents / 100;
totalInCents %= 100;
int quarters = totalInCents / 25;
totalInCents %= 25;
int dimes = totalInCents / 10;
totalInCents %= 10;
int nickels = totalInCents / 5;
totalInCents %= 5;
int pennies = totalInCents;
cout <<
cout <<
cout <<
cout <<
cout <<

void CoinMoon::addDime()
totalInCents += 10;
void CoinMoon::addNickel()
totalInCents += 5;

dollars << " dollar bill(s)"

quarters << " quarter(s)"
dimes << " dime(s)" << endl;
nickels << " nickel(s)"
pennies << " pennie(s)"

totalInCents = 0;

... what? Someone has capitalized on this idea already?

Copyright Brian Choi 2011. All Rights Reserved.


CS31: Introduction to Computer Science I

Spring 2011

9. Implement the class Hotel, as declared below, which keeps track of the reservation status of each room
in a hotel. Each room can be RESERVED, OCCUPIED, or EMPTY, and this information is stored in a 2dimensional array, where each row represents a floor, and each column represents a room. Each room is
represented by an integer (e.g., 425). For example, the status of room 425 is stored in m_rooms[4][25].
const char RESERVED = 'R';
const char OCCUPIED = 'O';
const char EMPTY = 'E';
const int FLOORS = 20;
const int ROOMSPERFLOOR = 50;
class Hotel
bool reserve(int roomNum);
bool cancel(int roomNum);
bool checkIn(int roomNum);
bool checkOut(int roomNum);
int numEmpty(int floor) const;
// More private members here, if necessary.
bool validNum(int roomNum);
bool changeState(int roomNum, char from, char to);
// EMPTY the rooms.
for (int i = 0; i < FLOORS; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < ROOMSPERFLOOR; j++)
m_rooms[i][j] = EMPTY;

Implement other functions below.

bool Hotel::reserve(int roomNum)
return changeState(roomNum, EMPTY, RESERVED);
bool Hotel::cancel(int roomNum)
return changeState(roomNum, RESERVED, EMPTY);

Copyright Brian Choi 2011. All Rights Reserved.


CS31: Introduction to Computer Science I

Spring 2011

bool Hotel::checkIn(int roomNum)

return changeState(roomNum, RESERVED, OCCUPIED);
bool Hotel::checkOut(int roomNum)
return changeState(roomNum, OCCUPIED, EMPTY);
int Hotel::numEmpty(int floor)
if (floor < 0 || floor >= FLOORS)
return -1;
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ROOMSPERFLOOR; i++)
if (m_rooms[floor][i] == EMPTY)
return count;
// Write helper functions down here if necessary.
// Check if the room number is valid.
bool Hotel::validNum(int roomNum)
int floor = roomNum / 100;
int room = roomNum % 100;
return (floor >= 0 && floor < FLOORS) && (room >= 0 && room < ROOMSPERFLOOR);
// Change the reservation state from "from" to "to", only if the room is in the
// specified "from" state.
bool Hotel::changeState(int roomNum, char from, char to)
// Change the room specified by roomNum from one state to another.
if (validNum(roomNum) && m_rooms[roomNum / 100][roomNum % 100] == from)
m_rooms[roomNum / 100][roomNum % 100] = to;
return true;
return false;

Copyright Brian Choi 2011. All Rights Reserved.


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