Saxophone Mouthpiece Comparison
Saxophone Mouthpiece Comparison
Saxophone Mouthpiece Comparison
Below is a brief list of Saxophone setups, listed alphabetically by player. Thanks to John Laughter for providing some of the info below. mail me with more information and !"ll put it up.
$lto ®ory ' or (, #ew )ork *eyer (, +ico , or La-o. *edium +eeds / 0ing Super ,1 alto
%annonball $dderley
&erald $lbright
2ukoff 23
*etal Beechler 3
Selmer 2, +ico *etal Beechler Justo $lmario or 4emke 5, La -o. or +eeds 4emke +eeds 4arold $shby &abe &ato Barbieri &ary Bart. *etal Selmer & -andoren $'( Lakey '89 or Beechler S7S
*etal Berg Larsen / Selmer *k -! *etal :rancios Louis, +ico Select or *edium La-o. +eeds / Selmer *k-! Super &on. ;, %opper or &renadilla <.;;1 tip=, +ico +eeds Beechler 5, Selmer %8, -an -andoren >9 2oren >9 reeds +eeds +ubber Berg Larsen ?(@,, -andoren +eeds *etal Selmer 2
Bob Berg
Jerry Bergon.i
Jay Beckenstein
4amiet Bluiett $rthur Blythe *eyer >3, -andoren >9 +eeds *etal Berg Larsen ?(@;, La-o. +eeds
Lawton *etal 3, -andoren >' +eeds / 0eilwerth SA/?1+ Lawton 5 La -o. *edium 4ard +eeds +unyon Bionix 78 +unyon Bionix 78 &uardala Brecker *odel, La-o. +eeds / Selmer *k-! Tenor +unyon *etal 6tto Link :lorida Super Tone *aster 98, +ico 9 +eeds +ubber Berg Larson 71@; $rnold Brilhart bolin Lawton *etal 38BB, +ico Blasticover +eeds *etal Berg Larsen ;91@1, +ico Blasticover >, +eeds / Selmer *k-! Tenor 2ukoff 2?, 2;; +ico Blasticover 6tto Link <?C= +ico +oyal 9 +ubber Berg Larson ?1@; Lawton 78BB
*ike Brignola
&uardala 7
Bete %hristlieb
6tto Link 38
John %oltrane *etal Selmer Jay %orre 4ank %rawford +onnie %uber ddie 2aniels Jay 2avidson 2ukoff &uardala ®ory '$/;7* +ico 9 ;@, +eeds / Selmer Super Balanced $ction >'9,xxx Barret Stock (, La-o. *edium +eeds
*etal 6tto Link ( star / +ico >' +eeds Berg Larsen ;;1
6tto Link 78 *etal 6tto Link 38 / Selmer *k-! Tenor &uardala *B Berg Larsen
Baul 2esmond 2ennis 2iblasio Lou 2onaldson BaDuito 2"+ivera %andy 2ulfer *alcolm E*ollyE 2uncan <$verage Fhite Band= +ichard lliott Bill vans 6tto Link 5
Lawton 78B *eyer (, +ico , +eeds *etal Selmer :, +ico 9 +eeds Saxworks, +ico Ja.. Select *edium filed +eeds 6tto Link #) 3, +ico Ja.. Select 9 or -an 2oren Java 9 +eeds / Selmer *k -; <;?(3= Strathon 78, Saxtech reeds, L$ Sax &uardala Studio *odel, -andoren +eeds / Selmer
Lawton 38B
*k-! Tenor 4erschel vans Lawrence :eldman Brandon :ields *ed :lory :rank :oster &ary :oster Selmer : 0enny &arrett -andoren 9 +eeds Stan &et. 2exter &ordon *etal Selmer %8 )anigasawa ( +B% ?(:, -andoren Java , ;@,, )amaha Selmer 4emke 9 +eeds / Selmer *k-! 6tto Link 78 -arious 6tto Links +!$ metal (, 4emke >9 +eeds *etal 6tto Link <.;(1 tip= La-o. *edium Soft +eeds *etal Berg Larsen ;91@1 6tto Link Super Tone *aster, refaced to ;, / Selmer Super Balanced $ction -andoren S,( Berg Larsen ;1(@; Selmer 2 #) *eyer 5 w@wedge 6tto Link E*aster LinkE 6tto Liink 3 / Selmer *k-! Tenor
*etal Beechler *etal :lorida 6tto 7, 4ard +ubber Link >3 / Selmer Berg Larsen *k-! Tenor ?1@, Brilhart (8 Lawton ;18B Lawton ;18B
Beechler hard 2ukoff metal rubber S(S, 0enny &orlick 27, 4emke >, 4emke >9 ;@, +eeds +eeds Johnny &riffin
Jimmy &iuffre
Scott 4amilton
%raig 4andy
John 4arle
Selmer S/71 %8, Selmer Soloist -andoren >9 Selmer Solist B or B, -andoren +eeds, *eyer S/71 %8, -andoren >9 +eeds (*, +ico +oyal >9 +eeds >9 +eeds
*etal 6tto Link 4ard +ubber +on %oelho ;1(, -andoren +eeds Semer Soloist 2 <Short Shank refaced to 4 or !C=, La-o. *edium Soft +eeds #) *eyer (* $lexander Superial 9 ;@, +eeds &old Blated )anigisawa ??; 6tto Link ;,8, +ico Blasticover ' +eeds Berg Larsen . ;51@,, +ico Blasticover , +eeds *etal Brilhart Level/$ir >( 4ard +ubber Berg Larsen
Joe 4enderson
-incent 4erring
Blas Johnson *etal $+B >3, John 0lemmer )anigasawa >3 La-o. *edium 4ard +eeds 2ave 0o. Steve Lacey 6liver Lake 2on Lamphere %ouf 7 6tto Link ;, Selmer %ouf 38 +!$ 3 %ouf (8 *etal Beechler 3
%ouf 78 :reddy ®ory bony :rancois Louis ;18 Superial E2%E 9.( G ' and E%lassiDue +eedsSelmer Super Balanced $ction, silver plated +ousseau 6tto Link Selmer S/ 712 Berg
Joe Lovano
6tto Link ?8
Joe Lulloff
Selmer S/71 %8
Beechler 3 Bob *alach *etal Beechler 7, *etal Beechler -andoren 9 3 +eeds Bari Beter Bon.ol %lassic >31 / Beter Bon.ol -andoren blue %ustom >7( box reeds Berg Larsen / Bari +eed *eyer ( Berg Larsen ?(@1 $rbex 38 4ard +ubber :reddy ®ory / Selmer *k-! Tenor +B% ;(1*, +ico Ja.. Select ,4 Baritone sax reeds Selmer : w@6leg ligature *etal 6tto Link 78 / Selmer *k-! Tenor Berg Larsen ;;1@,, -andoren 9 +eeds / Selmer *k-! Tenor Branford *arsalis &uardala / Selmer *k-! Tenor Beter Bon.ol %ustom >;;1
ric *arienthal
Branford *arsalis
James *oody Lanny *organ &erry *ulligan Tommy #ewsom 2ick 6atts Scott Bage James 6ppenhiem <Boney James= %harlie Barker *aceo Barker 0en Beplowski Brilhart (C Brilhart bolin Beechler ( Selmer S 71 Folf Tane 3
&ale ( Leonard &ullota Brilhart (8 (8 Berg Larsen ?1@, 6tto Link 7 / Selmer *k-! Tenor 4ard +ubber 6tto Link &uardala 0ing@+GB, -andoren -;5 9 ;@, reeds 4ard +ubber 6tto Link 5
4ouston Berson
Lawton ;1 metal 4ard BergLarsen ;91@1 +ubber S*S -andoren Berg +eeds / Selmer Larsen *k-! Tenor ;;(@1
*eyer (
Bobby Borcelli Boots +andolph Selmer Soloist 4ard +ubber &, -andoren , +eeds, Selmer *ark -! Selmer
*eyer 5* $lexander Superial 2% 9 ;@, 2ukoff 2?, La -o. *ed +eeds *eyer #ew )ork HS$ 5 4ard +ubber, -andoren , ;@, +eeds, Selmer Balanced $ction 4ard +ubber 6tto Link *etal 6tto Link ?8 / Selmer +elacDuered Super Balanced $ction Tenor Saxophone <'7,111= *etal 6tto Link -andorenC Berg Larsen ;91@, Selmer S/71 %88 -andoren ( +eeds, Selmer *ark -! <gold plated=
Joshua +edman
Selmer S/ Selmer S/71 %8 71 %88 ESoloistE -andoren ( James +otter -andoren ' #oteI *r. +otter -andoren ( +eeds, +eeds, +eeds, Selmer uses >( Selmer *ark -!! Selmer *ark -! -andorens as *ark -! Efinished blanks and adJusts them significantly before playingE Selmer S/71 *arc +usso 2avid Sanborn )anigisawa ? *eyer 5, +ico Blasticover +eeds 2ukoff 23, 2? 2ukoff 2?
*etal Selmer
$ndy Shepard Bari Fayne Shorter Lew Tabakin 4ard +ubber 6tto Link ;1 4ard +ubber 6tto Link ;1 / Selmer *k-! Tenor 6tto Link 5 / +ico >' +eeds / Selmer *k-! Tenor
Selmer %8 Selmer %8 Selmer %8 James Hmble *organ 9% -andoren 9 ;@, -andoren 9 ;@, -andoren 9 ;@, %hris -adala Junior Falker Selmer %8 *eyer 3 6tto Link 7 / Selmer *k-! Tenor *etal Lawton / Selmer *k -! Superial 9 ;@, G E2%E 9 G 9.( :lorida 6tto Link Super Tone *aster, Selmer *0-! Tenor *eyer ( -andoren $9( +unyon ? Lawton ?8, Barone *etal *etal 6tto Link ;9KC / ;51 tip opening *etal 6tto Link ?, +ico 9 ;@, +eeds 2ukoff 78 Sugal, 0eilwerth Black #ickel Brilhart Level $ir Brilhart Level $ir 5 5 Selmer 2, Finslow ligature, -andoren >' reeds / Selmer *ark -! *eyer (, La -o.
Bennie Fallace
Sadao Fatanabe Bobby Fatson rnie Fatts Ben Febster 0irk Fhalum dgar Finter
Baul Finter
Bhil Foods
medium reeds &eorge )oung Lester )oung +eturn to index. Beechler / Selmer *k -! 6tto Link E*aster LinkE