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3/3/09 Bill Doba Base 4-3 Hard to find D tackles In order to be a decent stud you need a tackle, weak

tackle don't get blown off the ball Ends were outside linebackers thletes go to 9 tech, let hi! !ake so!e "lays #iddle $ine backer couldn't get reached by the center %ill inside foot on outside foot based on nu!ber & 'orners ("layed co)er *+ "laying ,uarters Don t co)er u" your athletic Ends fast end at a 9, %. 3, /.0, E1 'o)er * allows linebackers to run and free safety can fill /kinnies get cut back Ideally your stud should be strong tackle 2lay with s"eed .ackles should "enetrate 3un through flesh ttack If D tackle !akes the "lay its a 4&, if he kee"s the! off the linebackers 5& Drill E)eryone runs to the ball 'ondition now condition later 6ick out the loafers 'reates "eer "ressure didn't like "ursuit drill 2ut cones on a sideline first su""ort "layers hit the first 3 cones the other 7 find a cone .hud %ra" 8u!bered 9one co)erage 'olored #an co)erage 8a!ed 'o!bo #an/9one If the end heard a nu!ber he could "lay harder and he knew he had outside color he could "lay safer to kee" outside $inebacker i! out call aka B$::D

Base Blitz

'ity Blit9 Blue Blue is corners are !aned u" with 0 and & Ends get 3 out of backfield Brown is double tights Black is single back %hite 'o)erage *4%hite4Blue ;ree 'o)erage .hree line backers has two backs <carry all shallow drags to ne=t defender If & goes down field so!eone is co!ing across ll good linebackers ha)e good )ision 6ey line to back /na" eyes out after recogni9e "ass $ook !idway between not head on a swi)el eyes on a swi)el, s"lit the difference on base co)erage wanted will to collision 7 yards on the outside shoulder if "lay is co!ing your way you ha)e hel" fro! the !ike if flow is away collide on the inside shoulder 6ey recei)er, then eyes to ,uarter back don't sho)e, !ight "ush hi! into his route Drill > /te" and look short ste", see hi! co!ing, !o)e your eyes to the other side see what will is doing carry drag don't ?u!" will, !ike bust your ass @ & things to !oti)ate you ha)e to care they ha)e to get better 3eal big on eyes on drill work eyes on a swi)el all great linebacker has great )ision Aision is !ore i!"ortant than ste"s ;or inside run drill line backers fly to ball

bring safety to inside run drill ha)e the! fill and look for re)erse Bi!!y Bohnson Cet good athletes $et the! !ake "lays Bust get it done Eyes follow your hands As< %ishbone 6ill it by "enetration and kill !esh "oint :"tionD no "ass "rotection ;ree safety would key backside guard would shuffle then "lay "itch 'ould ha)e ;/ walk to line of scri!!age E As< ;le= bone /tay in 'o)er * key & %ant to know how to kill so!ething best understand it, da"ting to e)ery week Eli!inate your co)erage nu!bers Ha)e checks .aught 3 ad?ust!ents in co)er *, with blue, white and red blit9 6ee" it si!"le, good athletes will !ake "lays Do what your kids can do, and do it well Ca!e 2lan ;or!ation tendencies 2ersonal .endencies 0st "ossession/0st and 00 totally different &4F, &#, &4/, 34$, 34/ 2ersonnel grou"ing in different colu!ns $ook at 3un to 2ass to /creen E)erything ran strong is e)en, weak is odd 2ut in base calls and blit9 to for!ations $ook close first cou"le series, youGll get on a roll and wont need it after a while D line one ar! elbow "ull swat the! across if they work across the face 6nee to the ground gi)es you "ower angles, you ha)e to roll your hi"s

6ee" a s!all ego, ne)er e!barrass the kid, listen to your kids 3 .e!"os of "ractice 3ed :ffense would slow it down, defense is laying on the! killing Hellow 8or!al Creen .wo !inute drill /"ecial tea!s in the !iddle, to gi)e your scout tea! a break .iffin :hio, Da)e 0* fakes, ran 749 and all were successful 6ick off co)erage ran no lanes 2ressure the kicker, go through "unt block funda!entals ;or kickoff attack the ass, tells you where your going Hou "ractice real long you teach kids how to $:E 6ey back ti" of the ball, when the back ti" !o)es you !ust go !ost i!"ortant keys to tackling hands are high if hands are high chest u" head u" atte!"t to s,uee9e ball carrying ar! near foot near shoulder co!e to balance non ball hand garbing cloth 3un through the "erson, fuck your hi"s being s,uare #ight ha)e the !ost !is tackles but 00 "eo"le are there !aking "lays on the ball 2ower .ackle one ste", !ake contact ball carrier go where e)er the fuck he wants :"en ;ield 8o running o)er the guy 'oaching is telling a kid to do the sa!e thing 00 different ways and one of the! will sink in I Ceis!an Don't get your ego in)ol)ed

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