03 25 2014 - Brochures For Peer & Self-Assessment - Wikispaces

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A multiliteracy approach is more than using multimedia to learn language ...


Presented by: *Karen Orejarena *Natalia Pieros
Code: 26101031 Code: 26101270 Code: 26101090

REFERENCES: * Summey, D. (2013). Developing digital literacies. A framework for professional learning. USA: CORWIN A Sage company. *Rowsell, J & Walsh, M. (2011). Rethinking Literacy Education in New Times, Multimodality, Multiliteracies, & New Literacies *Tan, L. (2006). Literacy for the 21st Century. Singapore: Ministry of Education.

*Jennifer Snchez

Presented to:
Literacy and technology hold the power to impact not only the educational system but an entire society.

Yamith Fandio

New Literacies In A Digital World

The New Literacies are a concept in movement through different dimensions:

Rethinking Literacy Education In New Times

Is the way to find new ways to use new technologies and learning. Compound by: *New Literacies: -Situations -Subjectivities -Multiple text genres -new technologies - Economic, civic and personal participation in a world community All this with the end of engage students in learning by the use of: Blogs wikis Twitter facebook visual modes Using resour- sound modes ces such as: word modes animation modes, etc.

Literacy For The 21st Century

The development of a multiliteracy approach incorporates four critical aspects: 1.Situated Practice 2.Overt Instruction 3.Critical Framing 4.Transformed Practice *A critical literacy approach built within a pedagogy of multiliteracies is needed to teach students critical reading of multimodal texts having into account The four-tiered approach : 1. Coding Practices 2. Text-Meaning Practices 3. Pragmatic Practices 4. Critical Practices *ICT can be harnessed to support a social view of language learning: 1. Build authentic and collaborative learning environment 2. Provide scaffolds for enhancing learning 3. Provide the means to create multiple and multimodal representations of understanding


*Locating and filtering *Sharing and collaborating *Organizing and creating *Creating and generating *Reusingand repurposing -Emergent Literacies : * Computer Literacy * Cultural Literacy * Multimedia Literacy * Network Literacy * Social Literacy * Game Literacy * Visual Literacy * Web Literacy * Multiliteracies * Information Literacies * New literacies * Digital Literacy

* Multiliteracies: a pedagogy developed by the new London group (linguistic diversity) *Multimodality: How individuals make meaning with different kinds of models (communication) *digital communication: -Reading: respond to animated icons, hypertext, sound effects -writing: respond to written text as well as

DIGITAL LITERARCIES: RECONSTRUCTION LITERACY MEANING TRADITIONAL LITERACY : Teach the This new vision of literacy shows us the DYNAMIC CONCEPT OF LITERACIES on this part we can see the variety of literacies that this paradigm proposes: Computer Literacy :The ability to learn and use computers and related technology Cultural Literacy: A certain level of exposure and familiarity with the creative arts Game Literacy: Diverse gaming experience and the ability to interpret games in many contexts Media Literacy: Interpreting all meaning contained within media messages Multiliteracies: Communication uency across cultures, societies, and technological modalities Multimedia Literacy: Using multimedia tools to convey information effectively Network Literacy: Navigating, interacting, and discerning within virtual and human networks Social Literacy: Thriving in diverse social contexts, both online and offline Visual Literacy; Drawing meaning from visual depictions; also, to create such imagery Web Literacy; Handling content and collaboration safely and productively online Information Literacy; Locating, interpreting, organizing, and sharing information appropriately New Literacies; Online reading comprehension and learning skills; social adaptability Digital Literacy; Working intelligently with digital tools and data

structures for a high level of speak , read, listening and write this skills, method


was used for to know the function of the knowledge. NEW PARDIGM OF LITERACY : Teach in a for new

communicate digital world , taking in count different modes of communication (visual graphics, digital stuffs, genres of writing) At the same time it will give as a product a long diversity of text and discourses (MULTILITERACIES).


The digital literacies The five digital literacies are expressed as action verbs, which point to methods of managing information and communication of all kinds in any context. They are as follows: Locating and filtering: involves finding and identifying resources and paring down those resources in order to arrive at exactly the information that is desired. sharing and collaborating: Brings communication into play and stretches a person to begin exploring the role of a producer of content. Builds upon the idea of the collective intelligence, where the global knowledge base grows exponentially due to collaboration, cooperation, and competition. Organizing and curating: Curating involves not simply categorizing, grouping, or sharing, but also editorializing, reviewing, rehashing, and even archiving. Creating and generating as digital literacies acknowledges the responsibility that every digital citizen holds as a content contributor in our 21st-century global society. Reusing and repurposing: Consider the fact that anyone with an intermediate level of technical ability can draw upon the premier online map services in order to develop their own web applications. The general idea is to use the known content and modify it to the needs of today
Understanding the Relationship Between the Digital Literacies

New Literacies in a Digital World The literacy builds upon the ability to read and write, but also it includes not only reading and writing but truly the ability to engage in all types of communication whether textual, graphical, auditory this involves not just communication but also managing the information that is transmitted by any communication medium. Digital literacies represent in whole the essential skills for managing information and communication in the rapidly changing and increasingly digital century world that is the 21st

3.1 Digital Literacies

The skills: management of information and communication in a revolutionary and changing world. Technology Skills Literacy

Friday, 21st/ 2014



4. Conclusion

Locating and Filtering Sharing and Collaborating Organizing and Curating Creating and Generating Reusing and Repurposing

literacies 3.2 Some emergent

In the 21st century educators must introduce new literacies into the teaching and learning process in the classroom. Moreover, students need to develop certain skills to understand the new communicational landscape of multimodality.
References: Summey, D. (2013). Developing digital literacies. A framework for professional learning.USA: CORWIN A sage Company. Rowsell J. Walsh M. Rethinking Literacy Education in New Times: Multimodality, Multiliteracies, & New Literacies



Mara Fernanda Reyes 26101038 Germinton Gonzlez G 26101051

=) How individuals make meaning with different kinds of modes =) The principle upon which digital environments work =) The purpose is find ways of using new technologies for literacy and learning...
ssroom practice 1.1 Modes -New cla

=) Is a unification of different fields in an interconnected world
p (1996) 2.1 New London grou

3) Critical framing: (Critical interpretation of social and cultural context.)

=) Develop the multiliteracy in four moments : 1) Situated practice: (Real life experience.)

4) Transformed practice : (Creation of new knwoledge)

2) Overt instruction: ( Conscious awareness of what is being learnt by discussing and analysing. )

Implies a new way of thinking and how people make meaning with language...Is not just about Reading and writing , is about Reading and writing in a digital world...

Literacy for the 21st Century

Overt instruction: understand how different modes of meaning work to present reality in the texts. Critical framing: is the critical interpretation

Traditionally literacy has changed because it prepares students for the 21 century learning trough the proliferation of Multim o d a l .

of the social and cultural context to makemeaning. Transformed practice: making-meaning in different contexts. Information and commutation technology have different roles and purposes like: Build authentic and collaborative learning environment, creates a mediation between students

acy l Liter a t i g i y New D Centur t s 1 2 for the

The advantages of new literacies using multimedia technology are that the process of reading depends on the criteria of the reader; the reader constructs her/ his understanding according his/her practices of reading.The students develop their critical eyeTeachers have to know that students dont know how to use and understand correctly the multimodal texts. Literacy should be aptly approaches as socially and culturally to understand different roles and practices of the reader. Students needs to have new and multiple literacies that prepares them for citizenship in a technological society.

Paula Andrea Can Luisa Fernanda Mora

a New Literacies in Digital World

Students can access to new media that allow them not only to consume but also to produce and collaborate in the

throug multiples modes:

takes account how individual make

Nowadays, the use of new literacies (set of abilities not only to write and read but also engage and managing information transmitted in all types of communication textual, graphical, auditory.) have a

development of new knowledge in this linked society. New digital literacies give a great help to students to improve

meaning with different kind of modes

on Literacy Educati

Multiliteracy is a pedagogy that

transformed ways of reconstructing and renegotiating our identities with

fundamental for teaching

value and Currently, educator is faced with the challenges of mediating the literacy read and

l e a r n i n g processes. The n o t p e i t r d digital world a f f e c t s e c a s t s i o t h e o n f ,

the use of multimodalities in communication. Nowdays, literacy education in the process of Reading and writing allows that

writing between traditional and digital media. Due to this the Teacher have to change their strategies to implement and planning their lessons using new technology based on every schools necessities and characteristics of o n l y

o u

a l s o

a f f e c t s

t h e

the context. New literacy education search envision new practices with technologies in a world community and converge as technologies change

complete society due to

this fact the o f

i m p l e m e n t a t i o n

information technology and communications in schools has led to a more dynamic learning

New Literacies In Education

Sergio Andrs Gonzlez William Romero. Miguel Salamanca

In this brochure, you will find detailed information about the way new literacies have turned into an important resource modern education based on three texts, which handle with new literacies topic.

Basis Texts

Intercultural Communication I

1. New Literacies in a Digital World 2. Rethinking Literacy education in New

Times:: Multimodality, & New Literacies

Pie de imagen o grfico.

3. Literacy for the 21st Century

What are New Literacies?

New literacies are a set of resources which allow either students as teachers to acquire the skills for managing information and communication in the 21st century (Digital world).


Literacy For the 21st Century

The term literacy is pluralized, or otherwise known as multiliteracies to incorporate new forms of literacies such as visual literacy, media literacy and computer literacy to our classroom specifically using the ICT.

. What are the literacies?

1. Digital Literacies:

The advent of ICT has changed our world and the way info is communicated. The role if ICT in 21st century literacy is : 1. to build authentic and collaborative leaning environement 2. 3. Provide a framework for enhancing learning Provide the means to create multiple and multimodal representations of understanding
Why New Literacy is important in Education 1. New ways of teaching and learning by using digital resources; such as, blogs, wikis &, social networks. The process of Reading and writing on screen allows using / creating modern texts for educational aims (Hyper texts include images, layout, sounds, videos and so on) Outcome in Communication:

They are the five literacy

means that depend on technological sources.


and filtering: To find and identify accurately the proper information -Sharing & Collaborating: To share our knowledge as producers, to the ones who may need it -Organizing and Curating : To classify and analyze resources and content -Creating and Generating: To contribute in making contents that allow generating meaning -Reusing & Repurposing: to gather info from different sources, in order to create new contents



New literacy allows SYNCHRONY that means the possibility of having an instantly communication




is not about the technology; it s about sharing knowledge and information, communicating efficiently, building learning communities and creating a culture of professionalism in schools. These are the key responsibilities of all educational leaders . Marion Ginapolis


Names: Paola Romero. Code: 26101037. Diana Ramrez. Code: 26101077. Subject: Intercultural Communication. Teacher: Yamith Fandio

L a S al l e U ni v e r si t y. M a rc h - 20 14

New literacies in a digital worrld. Dustin Summey.

1. The impact of technology in society and education system. The goals of this text is to improve the 21st century teachers professionalism and assimilate digital literacies into the curriculum; based on every schools necessities and characteristics of the context 2. Literacy as the set of abilities not only to write and read but also engage and managing information transmitted in all types of communication (textual, graphical, auditory).

Rethinking literacy education in new times: Multimodality, multiliteracies, and new literacies. Jennifer Rowsell.
The term new literacies is a shift of the way of making meaning according to the new, that is the current approaches, methods, context, etc. for meaning makers. Literacy education of the 21st century needs of a pedagogy; such as, multimodality that accepts multiplicity and diversity by using different modes or resources (blogs, wikis, podcast, etc.) for meaning making. New literacies promote collaboration, problemsolving, creativity and investigation attitudes among students and teachers for the classroom learning.

L i t e r ac y f o r t h e 2 1 s t c e n t u r y.
Ly n de Ta n.

3. Digital literacies which are the multiple skills for managing information and communication in the increasingly digital world.

T h e a d v e n t o f I CT h a s c h a n g e d o u r w or l d a n d t h e w a y i n f o r ma t i o n i s c o mmu n i c a t e d . T h e s e c h a n g e s h a v e re v o l u t i o n i z e d t h e n o t i o n of literacy such that literacy t o d a y t a ke i n t o a c c o u n t t h e w i d e r s o c i a l , e c o n o mi c , a n d c u l t u r a l c o n t e x t P g e . 8



These three instruments allow you to view the before and after literacy was the prior static and dynamic now, both the teacher, student, social, cultural play an important role. The abilities that teachers and students must renew or implement in their classrooms. renovation that is reflected in the conception of new technologies, where you see the change between printed texts or where students can just follow instructions given by the text and the text on the screen, where students can be more autonomous, dynamic, they can create and develop their knowledge in the way that they want.

Literacies and Technology

Teacher: Yamith Fandio Students: Lina Baquero Sindy Bernal La Salle university, Bogot, Colombia.

New Literacies in a dig ital World

It refers to modern education, impacts on the education system and society, based on practical strategies and skills to inform and communicate. Here you will find five digital literacies:

Rethinking Literac y Education in New Times: Multimodality, Multiliteracies, & New Literacies

Literac y for the 21st Century

Digital Literacies




New technologies have integrated all the multiliteracies not only to develop all the skills and learn but also for have an impact on society.

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