Dentoalveoar Surgery

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Impacted Teeth
Gregory M. Ness, DDS Larry J. Peterson, DDS, MS^

Removal of impacted teeth is one of the most common surgical procedures performed by oral and maxillofacial surgeons, and most surgeons cite third molar removal as the operation most likely to humble them. Extensive training, skill, and experience are necessary to perform this procedure with minimal trauma. When the surgeon is untrained and/or inexperienced, the incidence of complications rises significantly.1-3 Determining the need for removal of asymptomatic teeth is no less problematic. In many situations this decision is made based on clinical experience and professional judgment; in others the decision is clear cut based on available scientific data. Contemporary medical and dental practices demand evidencebased decision-making, and the surgeon is called on more and more frequently to justify surgical procedures, including the removal of third molars. This chapter reviews and discusses the indications and contraindications for the removal of impacted teeth, the classification of impacted teeth and the determination of the degree of difficulty of surgery, the parameters of perioperative patient care, and the likely complications and their management following third molar surgery.

Development of the Mandibular Third Molar

The mandibular third molar is the most commonly impacted tooth. It also presents the greatest surgical challenge and invites the greatest controversy when indications for removal are considered. When the surgeon is determining whether a specific third molar will become impacted and whether it should be removed, he or she needs to have a clear understanding of the development and movement of the third molar between the ages of 7 and 25 years. A number of longitudinal studies have clearly defined the development and eruption pattern of the third molar.4-7 The mandibular third molar tooth germ is usually visible radiographically by age 9 years, and cusp mineralization is completed approximately 2 years later. At age 11 years, the tooth is located within the anterior border of the ramus with its occlusal surface facing almost directly anteriorly. The level of the tooth germ is approximately at the occlusal plane of the erupted dentition. Crown formation is usually complete by age 14 years, and the roots are approximately 50% formed by age 16 years. During this time the body of the mandible grows in length at the expense of resorption of the anterior border of the ramus. As this process occurs the position of the third molar relative to the adjacent teeth changes, with the third


molar assuming a position at approximately the root level of the adjacent second molar. The angulation of the crown becomes more horizontal also. Usually the roots are completely formed with an open apex by age 18 years. By age 24 years 95% of all third molars that will erupt have completed their eruption. The change in orientation of the occlusal surface from a straight anterior inclination to a straight vertical inclination occurs primarily during root formation. During this time the tooth rotates from horizontal to mesioangular to vertical. Therefore, the normal development and eruption pattern, assuming the tooth has sufficient room to erupt, brings the tooth into its final position by age 20 years. Most third molars do not follow this typical eruption sequence and, instead, become impacted teeth. Approximately half do not assume the vertical position and remain as mesioangular impactions. There are several possible explanations for this. The Belfast Study Group claims that there may be differential root growth between the mesial and distal roots, which causes the tooth to either remain mesially inclined or rotate to a vertical position depending on the amount of root development.78 In their studies they have found that underdevelopment of the mesial root results in a mesioangular impaction. Overdevelopment of the same root results in over-rotation of the third molar into a distoangular


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impaction. Overdevelopment of the distal root, commonly with a mesial curve, is responsible for severe mesioangular or horizontal impaction. The Belfast Group has noted that, whereas the expected normal rotation is from horizontal to mesioangular to vertical, failure of rotation from the mesioangular to the vertical position is also common. To a lesser extent, they documented worsening of the angulation from mesioangular to horizontal impaction and over-rotation from mesioangular to distoangular. These over-rotations from mesioangular to horizontal and from mesioangular to distoangular occur during the terminal portion of root development. A second major reason for the failure of the third molar to rotate into a vertical position and erupt involves the relation of the bony arch length to the sum of the mesiodistal widths of the teeth in the arch. Several studies have demonstrated that when there is inadequate bony length, there is a higher proportion of impacted teeth. 6910 In general, patients with impacted teeth almost invariably have largersized teeth than do those without impactions.10 Even when the tooth-bone relationship is favorable, a lower third molar that is positioned lateral to the normal position almost always fails to erupt.6 This may also be the result of the dense bone present in the external oblique ridge. A final factor that seems to be associated with an increased incidence of tooth impaction is retarded maturation of the third molar. When dental development of the tooth lags behind the skeletal growth and maturation of the jaws, there is an increased incidence of impaction. This is most likely a result of a decreased influence of the tooth on the growth pattern and resorption of the mandible. This phenomenon results in the rather counterintuitive observation that in a 20-year-old, an impacted third molar with partially developed roots is less likely to erupt than a similarly positioned tooth with fully developed roots.

Impacted versus Unerupted Teeth

Not all unerupted teeth are impacted. A tooth is considered impacted when it has failed to fully erupt into the oral cavity within its expected developmental time period and can no longer reasonably be expected to do so. Consequently, diagnosing an impaction demands a clear understanding of the usual chronology of eruption, as well the factors that influence eruption potential. It is important to remember that eruption of lower third molars is complete at the average age of 20 years but that it can occur up to age 24 years. A tooth that appears impacted at age 18 years may have as much as a 30 to 50% chance of erupting fully by age 25 years, according to several longitudinal studies.1113 It is fairly well established that the position of retained third molars does not change substantially after age 25 years,14 although there is some evidence of continued movement as late as the fourth decade.11 Many patients are evaluated for third molar removal in their late teens, and the surgeon must therefore attempt to discern the probable outcome of the eruption process based on more than tooth position alone. Numerous studies have evaluated the influence of various factors on the eruption potential of a lower third molar. Two factors consistently emerge as most prognostic: angulation of the third molar and space available for its emergence.1519 By age 18 to 20 years, lower third molars that are horizontal or strongly mesioangular have much less eruption potential than do those that are oriented more vertically. Distoangular teeth are intermediate in their likelihood to erupt fully. However, the strongest hope of future eruption lies with those third molars that can be seen radiographically to have space at least as wide as their crown between the distal of the second molar and the ascending mandibular ramus. At age 20 years, unerupted lower third molars that are

nearly vertical and have adequate horizontal space are more likely to erupt than to remain impacted. However, if the crownto-space ratio is > 1 or if the tooth orientation diverges substantially from vertical, the tooth is unlikely ever to erupt fully.

Indications for Removal of an Impacted Tooth

An impacted tooth can cause the patient mild to serious problems if it remains in the unerupted state. Not every impacted tooth causes a problem of clinical significance, but each does have that potential. A body of information has been collected based on extensive clinical experience and clinical studies from which indications for removal of impacted teeth have been developed. For some indications, there is lack of evidence-based data gained from long-term prospective longitudinal studies.

Pericoronitis Prevention or Treatment

When a third molar, usually the mandibular third molar, partially erupts through the oral mucosa, the potential for the establishment of a mild to moderate inflammatory response similar to gingivitis and periodontitis exists. In certain situations the patient may actually experience a severe infection, which may require vigorous medical and surgical treatment. The bacteria that are most commonly associated with pericoronitis are Peptostreptococcus, Fusobacterium, and Bacteroides (Porphyromonas).^'^^ Initial treatment of pericoronitis is usually aimed at debridement of the periodontal pocket by irrigation or by mechanical means, disinfection of the pocket with an irrigation solution such as hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine, and surgical management by extraction of the opposing maxillary third molar and, occasionally, of the offending mandibular third molar. Severe cases of pericoronitis with systemic symptoms may warrant antibiotic therapy.




Prevention of recurrent pericoronitis is usually achieved by removal of the involved mandibular third molar. Although operculectomy has been recommended for management of this problem, the soft tissue redundancy usually recurs owing to the relationship between the anterior border of the ramus and the fully or partially erupted mandibular third molar. Pericoronitis can occur whenever the involved tooth is partially exposed through the mucosa, but it occurs most commonly around mandibular third molars that have soft or hard tissue lying over the posterior aspect of the crown.23 Approximately 25 to 30% of impacted mandibular third molars are extracted because of pericoronitis or recurrent pericoronitis.14'24-27 Pericoronitis is the most common reason for removal of impacted third molars after age 20 years. With increasing age, the incidence of pericoronitis as an indication for removal of impacted teeth also increases.

tory markers at the distal of the second molar and around the third molar.28-30 In patients whose dental health is poor and who have partially erupted third molars, the periodontal condition around the second molar and partially erupted third molar can become extremely severe at an early age.

Orthodontic Considerations
The presence of the impacted third molar, especially in the mandible, may be responsible for several orthodontic problems. These problems fall into three general areas, which are outlined below. Crowding of Mandibular Incisors Perhaps one of the most controversial issues regarding mandibular third molars has been the issue of their influence on anterior crowding of mandibular incisor teeth, especially after orthodontic therapy. A variety of studies have been reported that support both sides of the controversy. Many of these studies have been reviews of small numbers of patients or of anecdotal information.31,32 More recent literature includes longitudinal reviews of orthodontically treated patients in larger numbers,33,34 and the preponderance of evidence now suggests that impacted third molars are not a significant cause of postorthodontic anterior crowding. In fact, anterior incisor crowding is associated with deficient arch length rather than the mere presence of impacted teeth. Obstruction of Orthodontic Treatment In some situations the orthodontist attempts to move the molar teeth distally, but the presence of an impacted third molar may inhibit or even prevent this procedure. Therefore, if the orthodontist is attempting to move the buccal segments posteriorly, removal of the impacted third molar may facilitate treatment and allow predictable outcomes. Interference with Orthognathic Surgery When maxillary or mandibular osteotomies

are planned, presurgical removal of the impacted teeth may facilitate the orthognathic procedure. Delaying removal of third molars until mandibular osteotomy, especially in mandibular advancement surgery, substantially reduces the thickness and quality of lingual bone at the proximal aspect of the distal segment, where fixation screws are usually applied. If third molars are to be removed in advance, suficient time must be allowed for the extraction site to fill with mature bone. On the other hand, following maxillary down-fracture a deeply impacted upper third molar is often easily approached superiorly through the maxillary sinus and may be safely removed in this manner without compromising the soft tissue vascular pedicle of the maxilla. Although these circumstances involve a small percentage of all impacted third molars, the surgeon must plan well in advance (6-12 mo) for patients undergoing these procedures.

Prevention ofDental Disease

Dental caries can occur in the mandibular third molar or in the adjacent second molar, most commonly at the cervical line. Owing to the patient's inability to effectively clean this area and because the third molar is inaccessible to the restorative dentist, caries in the second and third molars are responsible for extraction of impacted third molars in approximately 15% of patients.14,24-27 As with pericoronitis, the presence of caries and eventual pulpal necrosis are responsible for an increasing percentage of extractions with age. The presence of the partially impacted third molar and the patient's inability to clean the area thoroughly may result in early advanced periodontal disease. This is the primary reason for removal of approximately 5% of impacted third molars.14,24-27 Even young patients in otherwise good general periodontal health have a significant increase in periodontal pocketing, attachment loss, pathogen activity, and inflamma-

Prevention of Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors

In the impacted third molar that is left intact in the jaw, the follicular sac that was responsible for the formation of the crown may undergo cystic degeneration and form a dentigerous cyst. The follicular sac may also develop an odontogenic tumor or, in quite rare cases, a malignancy. These possibilities have frequently been cited as a reason for removal of asymptomatic teeth; although rare, when pathology occurs, it may pose a serious health threat.35 The general incidence of neoplastic change around impacted molars has been estimated to be about 3%.36'37 In retrospective surveys of large numbers of patients, between 1 and 2% of all third molars that are extracted are removed because of the presence of odontogenic cysts and tumors. 1424-27 These pathologic entities are usually seen in patients under age 40 years, suggesting that the risk of neoplastic change around impacted third molars may decrease with age.


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Root Resorption of Adjacent Teeth

Third molars in the process of eruption may cause root resorption of adjacent teeth. The general view is that misaligned erupting teeth may resorb the roots of adjacent teeth, just as succedaneous teeth resorb the roots of primary teeth during their normal eruption sequence. The actual occurrence of significant root resorption of adjacent teeth is not clear, although it may be as high as 7%.38 If root resorption is noted on adjacent teeth, the surgeon should consider removing the third molar as soon as it is convenient. In most cases the adjacent tooth repairs itself with the deposition of a layer of cementum over the resorbed area and the formation of secondary dentin. However, if resorption is severe and the mandibular third molar displaces significantly into the roots of the second molar, both teeth may require removal.

ful consideration. In older patients with tooth- or implant-borne fixed prostheses, asymptomatic deeply impacted teeth can be safely left in place. However, if a removable prosthesis is to be made and the bone overlying the impacted tooth is thin, the tooth should probably be removed before the final prosthesis is constructed.

Prevention ofJaw Fracture

Patients who engage in contact sports, such as football, rugby, martial arts, and some so-called noncontact sports such as basketball, should consider having their impacted third molars removed to prevent jaw fracture during competition. An impacted third molar presents an area of lowered resistance to fracture in the mandible and is therefore a common site for fracture.39-41 Additionally, the presence of an impacted third molar in the line of fracture may cause increased complications in the treatment of the fracture.

cians agree that if a patient presents with one or more of the above pathologic problems or symptoms, the involved teeth should be removed. It is much less clear what should be done prophylactically with teeth that are impacted before they cause these problems. Most of the symptomatic pathologic problems that result from third molars occur as a result of a partially erupted tooth. There is a lower incidence of problems associated with a complete bony impaction.

Contradictions for Removal of Impacted Teeth

The decision to remove a given impacted tooth must be based on a careful evaluation of the potential benefits versus risks. In situations in which pathology exists, the decision to remove the tooth is uncomplicated because it is necessary to treat the disease process. Likewise, there are situations in which removal of impacted teeth is contraindicated because the surgical complications and sequelae outweigh the potential benefits. The general contraindications for removal of impacted teeth can be grouped into three primary areas: advanced patient age, poor health, and surgical damage to adjacent structures.42

Teeth under Dental Prostheses

Before construction of a removable or fixed prosthesis, the dentist should make sure that there are no impacted teeth in the edentulous area that is being restored. If such teeth are present, the general recommendation is that they be removed before the final placement of the prosthesis. Teeth that are completely covered with bone, that show no pathologic changes, and that are in patients more than 40 years old are unlikely to develop problems on their own. However, if a removable tissueborne prosthesis is to be constructed on a ridge where an impacted tooth is covered by only soft tissue or 1 or 2 mm of bone, it is highly likely that in time the overlying bone will be resorbed, the mucosa will perforate, and the area will become painful and often inflamed. If this occurs, the impacted tooth will often need to be removed and the dental prosthesis either altered or refabricated. Each situation must be viewed individually, and the risks and benefits of removing the impacted tooth must be given care-

Management of Unexplained Pain

Occasionally patients complain of jaw pain in the area of an impacted third molar that has neither clinical nor radiographic signs of pathology. In these situations removal of the impacted third molar frequently results in resolution of this pain. At this time there is no plausible explanation as to why this relief of pain occurs. Approximately 1 to 2% of mandibular third molars that are extracted are removed for this reason.14,24-27 When a patient presents with this type of complaint, the surgeon must make sure that all other sources of pain are ruled out before suggesting surgical removal of the third molar. In addition, the patient must be informed that removal of the third molar may not relieve the pain completely.

Extremes of Age
Healing generally occurs more rapidly and more completely in younger patients; however, surgical removal of unerupted third molars in the very young is contraindicated. Although some clinicians report that removal of the tooth bud of the developing third molar at age 8 or 9 years can be accomplished with minimal surgical morbidity,43 the general consensus is that this is not a prudent approach. The original view was based on the belief that accurate growth predictions could be made and, therefore, that an accurate determination could be established regarding whether a given tooth would be impacted. If such a determination were the case, then the tooth bud could be removed

The preceding discussion has dealt with the indications for removal of symptomatic impacted third molars. Most clini-




relatively atraumatically in the very young patient. The evidence at this time, however, is contradictory to that opinion, and the general consensus is that removal of the tooth bud at this stage may, in fact, be unnecessary because the involved third molar may erupt into proper position. As a patient becomes older there is decreased healing response,44 which may result in a greater bony defect postoperatively than was present because of the impacted tooth. Additionally, the surgical procedure grows more and more difficult as the patient ages owing to more densely calcified bone, which is less flexible and more likely to fracture. As a patient ages, the response to surgical insult is tolerated less easily and the recuperation period grows longer. There is overwhelming clinical evidence to support the fact that the number of days missed from work and other normal activity following third molar extraction is much higher in the patient over age 40 years compared with patients under age 18 years. As a general rule, if a patient has a fully impacted third molar that is completely covered with bone, has no obvious potential source of communication with the oral cavity, and has no signs of pathology such as an enlarged follicular sac, and if the patient is over age 40, the tooth probably should not be removed. Long-term follow-up by the patient's dentist should be performed periodically, with radiography performed every several years to ensure that no adverse sequelae are occurring. If signs of pathology develop, the tooth should be removed. If the overlying bone is very thin and a removable denture is to be placed over that tooth, the tooth should probably be removed before the final prosthesis is constructed.

monary disease, and other health problems. Thus, the combination of advanced age and compromised health status may contraindicate the removal of impacted teeth that have no pathologic processes. Other factors may compromise the health status of younger people, such as congenital coagulopathies, asthma, and epilepsy. In this group of patients, it may be necessary to remove impacted teeth before the incipient pathologic process becomes fulminant. Thus, not only in the older compromised patient but also the younger compromised patient, the surgeon occasionally needs to remove symptomatic as well as asymptomatic third molars. The compromised medical status becomes a relative contraindication and may require the surgeon to work closely with the patient's physician to manage the patient's medical problems.

as a contraindication to removal of the impacted tooth.

Surgery and Perioperative Care Determining Surgical Difficulty

Preoperative evaluation of the third molar, both clinically and radiographically, is a critical step in the surgical procedure for removal of impacted teeth. The surgeon pays particular attention to the variety of factors known to make the impaction surgery more or less difficult. A variety of classification systems have been developed to aid in the determination of difficulty. The three most widely used are angulation of the impacted tooth, the relationship of the impacted tooth to the anterior border of the ramus and the second molar, and the depth of the impaction and the type of tissue overlying the impacted tooth. It is generally acknowledged that the mesioangular impaction, which accounts for approximately 45% of all impacted mandibular third molars, is the least difficult to remove. The vertical impaction (40% of all impactions) and the horizontal impaction (10%) are intermediate in difficulty, whereas the distoangular impaction (5%) is the most difficult. The relationship of the impacted tooth to the anterior border of the ramus is a reflection of the amount of room available for the tooth eruption as well as the planned extraction. If the length of the alveolar process anterior to the anterior border of the ramus is sufficient to allow tooth eruption, the tooth is generally less difficult to remove. Conversely, teeth that are essentially buried in the ramus of the mandible are more difficult to remove. The depth of the impaction under the hard and soft tissues is likewise an important consideration in determining the degree of difficulty. The most commonly used scheme for determining difficulty involves consideration of the soft tissues and partial or complete bony impaction. It is widely employed in part because it may be the most useful

Surgical Damage to Adjacent Structures

Occasionally an impacted tooth is positioned such that its removal may seriously compromise adjacent nerves, teeth, and other vital structures (eg, sinus), making it prudent to leave the impacted tooth in situ. The potential complications must be weighed against the potential benefits of surgical removal of the tooth. When fully developed, totally bone-impacted third molars are present around the inferior alveolar nerve; it may be best to leave that impacted tooth in place and not risk permanent anesthesia of the inferior alveolar nerve. In such situations the potential risk of development of pathologic problems would be relatively small, and, therefore, the advantage of removal of such a tooth would not outweigh the potential risks. Surgical extraction of impacted third molars can result in significant bony defects that may not heal adequately in older patients and, in fact, may result in the loss of adjacent teeth rather than the improvement or preservation of periodontal health. This also would be viewed

Compromised Medical Status

Patients who have impacted teeth may have some compromise in their health status, especially if they are elderly. As age increases, so does the incidence of moderate to severe cardiovascular disease, pul-


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indicator of the time required for surgery and, perhaps even more importantly, because it is the system required to classify and code impaction procedures to all commercial insurance carriers. Surprisingly, factors such as the angulation of impaction, the relationship of the tooth to the anterior border of the ramus, and the root morphology may have little influence on the time that surgery requires.45 Other factors have been implicated in making the extraction process more difficult. Roots can be either conical and fused roots or separate and divergent, with the latter being more difficult to manage. A large follicular sac around the crown of the tooth provides more room for access to the tooth, making it less difficult to extract than one with essentially no space around the crown of the tooth. Another important determinant of difficulty of extraction is the age of the patient. When impacted teeth are removed before age 20 years, the surgery is almost always less difficult to perform. The roots are usually incompletely formed and thus less bone removal is required for tooth extraction. There is usually a broader pericoronal space formed by the follicle of the tooth, which provides additional access for tooth extraction without bone removal. Because the roots of the impacted teeth are incompletely formed, they are usually separated from the inferior alveolar nerve. In contradistinction, removal of impacted teeth in patients of older age groups is almost always more difficult. The roots are usually completely formed and are thus longer, which requires more bone removal, and closer to the inferior alveolar canal, which increases the risk of postsurgical anesthesia and paresthesia. The follicular sac almost always degenerates with age, which makes the pericoronal space thinner; as a result, more bone must be removed for access to the crown of the tooth. Finally, there is increasing density and decreasing elasticity in the bone,

necessitating greater bone removal to deliver the tooth from its socket. In summary, the degree of difficulty of the surgery to remove an impacted tooth is determined primarily by two major factors: (1) the depth of impaction and type of overlying tissue and (2) the age of the patient. Full bony impactions are always more difficult to remove than are soft tissue impactions and, given two impactions of the same depth, the impaction in the older patient is always more difficult than the one in the younger patient. A corollary of surgical difficulty is difficulty of recovery from the surgery. As a general rule, a more challenging and timeconsuming surgical procedure results in a more troublesome and prolonged postoperative recovery. It is more difficult to perform surgery in the older individual, and it is harder for these patients to recover from the surgical procedure.

The technique for removal of impacted third molars is one that must be learned on a theoretic basis and then performed repeatedly to gain adequate experience. There is more variety in presentation of the surgical situation of impacted third molars than in any other dental surgical procedure. Therefore, extensive experience is required to master their removal. A variety of textbooks are available that describe in detail the technique for removal of the different types of impactions.46 47 In general, the surgeon's approach must gain adequate access to the underlying bone and tooth through a properly designed and reflected soft tissue flap. Bone must be removed in an atraumatic, aseptic, and non-heat-producing technique, with as little bone removed and damaged as possible. The tooth is then divided into sections and delivered with elevators, using judicious amounts of force to prevent complications. Finally, the wound must be thoroughly debrided mechanically and by irrigation to provide

the best possible healing environment in the postoperative period. The initial step in removing impacted teeth is to reflect a mucoperiosteal flap, which is adequate in size to permit access. The most commonly used flap is the envelope flap, which extends from just posterior to the position of the impacted tooth anteriorly to approximately the level of the first molar (Figure 8-1A and B). If the surgeon requires greater access to remove a deeply impacted tooth, the envelope flap may not be sufficient. In that case, a release incision is done on the anterior aspect of the incision, creating a three-cornered flap (Figure 8-1C and D). The envelope incision is usually associated with fewer complications and tends to heal more rapidly and with less pain than the three-cornered flap. The buccal artery is sometimes encountered when creating the releasing incision, and this may be bothersome during the early portion of the surgery. The posterior extension of the incision must extend to the lateral aspect of the anterior border of the mandibular ramus. The incision should not continue posteriorly in a straight line because the mandibular ramus diverges laterally. If the incision were to be extended straight, the blade might damage the lingual nerve. High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging has demonstrated that the lingual nerve may be intimately associated with the lingual cortical plate in the third molar region in 25% of cases and be above the lingual crest in 10%.48 The mucoperiosteal flap is reflected laterally to the external oblique ridge with a periosteal elevator and held in this position with a retractor such as an Austin or Minnesota. The most commonly used incision used for the maxillary third molar is also an envelope incision (Figure 8-2A and B). It extends posteriorly from the distobuccal line angle of the second molar and anteriorly to the first molar. A releasing incision is rarely necessary for the maxillary third molar (Figure 8-2C and D), although it




FIGURE 8-1 A, The envelope incision is most commonly used to reflect the soft tissue ofthe mandible for removal of an impacted third molar. Posterior extension ofthe incision should diverge laterally to avoid injury to the lingual nerve. B, The envelope incision is reflected laterally to expose bone overlying impacted tooth. C, When a three-cornered flap is used, the release incision is made at the mesial aspect of the second molar. D, When the soft tissue flap is reflected by means of a release incision, greater visibility is possible, especially at the apical aspect ofthe surgical field. Adapted from Peterson LJ. Principles of management of impacted teeth. In: Peterson LJ, Ellis E III, Hupp JR, Tucker MR, editors. Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery. 4th ed. St Louis: CV Mosby; 2003. p. 184213.

lingual nerve (Figure 8-3). A variety of burs can be used to remove bone, but the most commonly used are the no. 8 round bur and the 703 fissure bur. For maxillary teeth, bone removal is done primarily on the lateral aspect of the tooth down to the cervical line to expose the entire clinical crown. Frequently, the bone on the buccal aspect is thin enough that it can be removed with a periosteal elevator or a chisel using manual digital pressure. Once the tooth has been sufficiently exposed, it is sectioned into appropriate pieces so that it can be delivered from the socket. The direction in which the impacted tooth is divided is dependent on the angulation of the impaction. Tooth sectioning is performed either with a bur or chisel, but with the advent of high-speed drills, the bur is most commonly used because it provides a more predictable plane of sectioning. The tooth is usually divided three-quarters of the way through to the lingual aspect and then split the remainder of the way with a straight elevator or a similar instrument. This prevents injury to the lingual cortical plate and reduces the possibility of damage to the lingual nerve. The mesioangular impaction is usually the least difficult to remove. After sufficient bone has been removed, the distal half of the crown is sectioned off from the buccal groove to just below the cervical line on the distal aspect of the tooth. This portion of the tooth is delivered, and the remainder of the tooth is removed with a small straight elevator placed at a purchase point on the mesial aspect of the cervical line (Figure 8-4). An alternative is to prepare a purchase point in the tooth with the drill and use a crane pick or a Cryer elevator in the purchase point to deliver the tooth. The horizontal impaction usually requires the removal of more bone than does the mesioangular impaction. The crown of the tooth is usually sectioned from the roots and delivered with a Cryer

may be useful when the occlusal surface of the third molar is at or superior to the midportion of the second molar root. The second major step is bone removal from around the impacted tooth. Most surgeons use a high-speed low-torque airdriven handpiece, although a few surgeons still choose to use a chisel for bone removal. The most recent advance is the relatively high-speed high-torque electric drill, which has some significant advantages in reducing the time required for bone removal and tooth sectioning. It is

essential that the handpiece exhaust the air pressure away from the surgical site to prevent tissue emphysema or air embolism, and that the handpiece can be sterilized completely, usually in a steam autoclave. The bone on the occlusal, buccal, and cautiously on the distal aspects of the impacted tooth is removed down to the cervical line. The amount of bone that must be removed varies with the depth of the impaction. It is advisable not to remove any bone on the lingual aspect because of the likelihood of damage to the


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8-2 A, The envelope flap is the most commonly used flap for the removal of maxillary impacted teeth. B, When soft tissue is reflected, the bone overlying the third molar is easily visualized. C, Iftooth is deeply impacted, a release incision can be used to gain greater access. D, When the threecornered flap is reflected, there is greater visibility ofbone's more apical portions. Adapted from Peterson LJ, Ellis E III, Hupp JR, Tucker MR, editors. Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery. 4th ed. St Louis: CV Mosby; 2003.

elevator. The roots are then displaced into the socket that was previously occupied by the crown and are delivered into the mouth. Occasionally, they may need to be sectioned into separate portions and delivered independently (Figure 8-5). The vertical impaction is one of the more difficult ones to remove, especially if it is deeply impacted. The procedure for bone removal and sectioning is similar to that for the mesioangular impaction in that occlusal, buccal, and judicious distal bone is removed first. The distal half of the crown is sectioned and removed, and the tooth is elevated by applying a small straight elevator at the mesial aspect of the cervical line (Figure 8-6). The option of preparing a purchase point in the tooth is also frequently used, as for the mesioangular impaction.

The most difficult tooth to remove is one with a distoangular impaction. After the removal of bone, the crown is usually

sectioned from the roots just above the cervical line and delivered with a Cryer elevator. A purchase point is then prepared in the tooth, and the roots are delivered together or sectioned and delivered independently with a Cryer elevator (Figure 87). Extraction of this impaction is more difficult because more distal bone must be removed and the tooth tends to be elevated posteriorly into the ramus portion of the mandible. Impacted maxillary third molars are rarely sectioned because the overlying bone is thin and relatively elastic. In patients with thicker bone, the extraction is usually accomplished by removing additional bone rather than by sectioning the tooth. The tooth should never be sectioned with a chisel because it may be displaced into the maxillary sinus or infratemporal fossa when struck with the chisel (Figure 8-8). Once the impacted tooth is delivered from the alveolar process, the surgeon must pay strict attention to debriding the wound of all particular bone chips and other debris. The best method to accomplish this is to mechanically debride the socket and the area under the flap with a periapical curette. A bone file should be used to smooth any rough sharp edges of the bone. A mosquito hemostat is usually used carefully to remove any remnant of


8-3 A, After the soft tissue has been reflected, the bone overlying the occlusal surface of tooth is removed with a fissure bur. B, Bone on the buccal and distal aspects of impacted tooth is then removed with bur. Adapted from Peterson LJ, Ellis E III, Hupp JR, Tucker MR, editors. Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery. 4th ed. St Louis: CV Mosby; 2003.





8-4 A, When removing a mesioangular impaction, buccal and distal bone are removed to expose crown oftooth to its cervical line. B, The distal aspect ofthe crown is then sectioned from tooth. Occasionally it is necessary to section the entire tooth into two portions rather than to section the distal portion of crown only. C, After the distal portion of crown has been delivered, a small straight elevator is inserted into the purchase point on mesial aspect ofthird molar, and the tooth is delivered with a rotational and level motion of elevator. Adapted from Peterson LJ, Ellis E III, Hupp JR, Tucker MR, editors. Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery. 4th ed. St Louis: CV Mosby; 2003.

the dental follicle. Finally, the socket and wound should be thoroughly irrigated with saline or sterile water (30 to 50 mL is optimal).49 Within certain limitations, the more irrigation that is used, the less likely the patient is to have a dry socket, delayed healing, or other complications. The incision should usually be closed by primary intention. The flap is returned to its original position, and the initial resorbable suture is placed at the posterior aspect of the second molar. Additional sutures are placed as necessary.

Use ofPerioperative Systemic Antibiotics

One of the primary goals of the surgeon in performing any surgical procedure is to prevent postoperative infection as a result of surgery. To achieve this goal, prophylactic antibiotics are necessary in some surgical procedures. Most of these procedures fall into the clean-contaminated or contaminated categories of surgery. The incidence of postoperative infections in a clean surgery is related more to operator technique than to the use of prophylactic antibiotics. Surgery for the removal of impacted third molars clearly fits into the category of clean-contaminated surgery; however, the


8-5 A, During the removal of a horizontal impaction, the bone overlying the tooththat is, the bone on the distal and buccal aspects oftoothis removed with a bur. B, The crown is sectioned from the roots ofthe tooth and is delivered from socket. C, The roots are delivered together or independently with a Cryer elevator used with a rotational motion. The roots may need to be separated into two parts: occasionally the purchase point is made in the root to allow the Cryer elevator to engage it. D, The mesial root ofthe tooth is elevated in similar fashion. Adapted from Peterson LJ, Ellis E III, Hupp JR, Tucker MR, editors. Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery. 4th ed. St Louis: CV Mosby; 2003.


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8-6 A, When removing a vertical impaction, the bone on the occlusal, buccal, and distal aspects ofthe crown is removed, and the tooth is sectioned into mesial and distal portions. If the tooth has a fused single root, the distal portion of the crown is sectioned off in a manner similar to that depicted for a mesioangular impaction. B, The posterior aspect ofthe crown is elevated first with a Cryer elevator inserted into a small purchase point in the distal portion ofthe tooth. C, A small straight no. 301 elevator is then used to lift the mesial aspect ofthe tooth with a rotary and levering motion. Adapted from Peterson LJ, Ellis E III, Hupp JR, Tucker MR, editors. Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery. 4th ed. St Louis: CV Mosby; 2003.

exact incidence of postoperative infection is unknown. In the usual sense of the word, infection probably is a rare occurrence following third molar surgery. This means that it is unusual to see pain, swelling, and a production of purulence that requires incision and drainage or antibiotic therapy. The incidence of such infections is very low for most surgeons. In general, a competent

experienced surgeon would expect to have an infection rate in the range of 1 to 5% for all third molar procedures.50 It is difficult, and probably impossible, to reduce infection rates below 5% with the use of prophylactic antibiotics. Therefore, it is unnecessary to use prophylactic antibiotics in third molar surgery to prevent postoperative infection in the normal healthy

patient. Although the literature contains many articles that discuss the use of prophylactic perioperative antibiotics, there is essentially no report of their usefulness in the prevention of infection following third molar surgery.51,52 A more subtle type of wound healing problem that occurs after the surgical removal of the impacted mandibular third


8-7 A, For a distoangular impaction, the occlusal, buccal, and distal bone is removed with a bur. It is important to remember that more distal bone must be taken offthan for a vertical or mesioangular impaction. B, The crown ofthe tooth is sectioned off with a bur and is delivered with straight elevator. C, The purchase point is put into the remaining root portion ofthe tooth, and the roots are delivered by a Cryer elevator with a wheel-and-axle motion. If the roots diverge, it may be necessary in some cases to split them into independent portions. Adapted from Peterson LJ, Ellis E III, Hupp JR, Tucker MR, editors. Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery. 4th ed. St Louis: CV Mosby; 2003.




versus benefits becomes important. Although systemic antibiotics are effective in the reduction of postoperative dry socket, they are no more effective than are local measures. The increase of antibiotic-related complications, such as allergy, resistant bacteria, gastrointestinal side effects, and secondary infections, is not outweighed by the benefits. Therefore, the use of perioperative systemic antibiotic administration does not seem to be valid.

Use ofPerioperative Steroids

Just as the oral and maxillofacial surgeon desires to minimize the incidence of infection following third molar surgery, he or she also has a major interest in reducing the perioperative morbidity. The use of corticosteroids to help minimize swelling, trismus, and pain has gained wide acceptance in the oral and maxillofacial surgery community. The method of usage, however, is extremely variable, and the most effective therapeutic regimen has yet to be clearly delineated. There is little doubt that an initial intravenous dose of steroid at the time of surgery has a major clinical impact on swelling and trismus in the early postoperative period. However, if the initial intravenous dose is not followed up with additional doses of steroids, this early advantage disappears by the second or third postoperative day. Maximum control of swelling requires that additional steroids be given for 1 or 2 days following surgery. The two most widely used steroids are dexamethasone and methylprednisolone. Both of these are almost pure glucocorticoids, with little mineralocorticoid effect. Additionally, these two appear to have the least depressing effect on leukocyte chemotaxis. Common dosages of dexamethasone are 4 to 12 mg IV at the time of surgery. Additional oral dosages of 4 to 8 mg bid on the day of surgery and for two days afterward result in the maximum relief of swelling, trismus, and pain. Methylprednisolone is most commonly

given 125 mg IV at the time of surgery followed by significantly lower doses, usually 40 mg PO tid or qid, later on the day of surgery and for two days after surgery. High-dose short-term steroid use is associated with minimal side effects. It is contraindicated in the patient with gastric ulcer disease, active infection, and certain types of psychosis. The administration of perioperative steroids may increase the incidence of alveolar osteitis after third molar surgery, but the data are lacking as to the precise degree of increase.61-65

Expected Postoperative Course

Surgical removal of impacted third molars is associated with a moderate incidence of complications, around 10%.66,67 These complications range from the expected and predictable outcomes, such as swelling, pain, stiffness, and mild bleeding, to more severe and permanent complications, such as inferior alveolar nerve anesthesia and fracture of the mandible. The overall incidence of complication and the severity of these complications are associated most directly with the depth of impaction, that is, whether it is a complete bony impaction, and to the age of the patient.68-70 Because of factors already discussed, removal of impacted teeth in the older patient is associated with a higher incidence of postoperative complications, especially alveolar osteitis, infections, mandible fracture, and inferior alveolar nerve anesthesia. The removal of complete bony impactions is likewise associated with increased postoperative pain and morbidity and an increase in the incidence of inferior alveolar nerve anesthesia. Another determinant of the incidence of complications of third molar surgery is the relative experience and training of the surgeon. The less experienced surgeon will have a significantly higher incidence of complications than the trained experienced surgeon.12 After the surgical removal of an impacted third molar, certain normal physiologic responses occur. These include

8-8 Delivery of an impacted maxillary third molar. A, Once the soft tissue has been reflected, a small amount of buccal bone is removed with a bur or a hand chisel. B, The tooth is then delivered by a small straight elevator with rotational and lever types of motion. The tooth is delivered in the distobuccal and occlusal direction. Adapted from Peterson LJ, Ellis E III, Hupp JR, Tucker MR, editors. Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery. 4th ed. St Louis: CV Mosby; 2003.

molar is so-called alveolar osteitis or dry socket. This disturbance in wound healing is most likely caused by the combination of saliva and anaerobic bacteria. The use of prophylactic antibiotics in third molar surgery does, in fact, reduce the incidence of dry socket. Other techniques that reduce bacterial contamination of the socket, such as copious irrigation, preoperative rinses with chlorhexidine, and placement of antibiotics in the extraction socket, are also effective.53-60 Once again, the issue of risks


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such things as mild bleeding, swelling, stiffness, and pain. All of these are interpreted by the patient as being unpleasant and should therefore be minimized as much as possible. With experience, most oral and maxillofacial surgeons develop a clear understanding of third molar surgery's impact on their patients' lives. However, despite its extreme importance, this topic has received little significant study. Several authorities have published data on the short-term impact of third molar removal on quality of life.7172 As expected, third molar removal often has a profoundly negative impact for the first 4 to 7 days after surgery, but longer follow-up reveals improved quality of life, mostly resulting from the elimination of chronic pain and inflammation (usually pericoronitis). A large multicenter prospective study, the Third Molar Project, has recently produced detailed data on the postoperative quality of life in patients who undergo third molar removal.73 The performing surgeon must be intimately familiar with this information if he or she is to provide proper preoperative counseling.

The socket can also be packed with oxidized cellulose. Unlike the gelatin sponge, oxidized cellulose can be packed into the socket under pressure. In some situations microfibrillar collagen can be used to promote platelet plug formation. Patients who have known acquired or congenital coagulopathies require extensive preparation and preoperative planning (eg, determination of International Normalized Ratio, factor replacement, hematology consultation) before third molars are removed surgically.

Postsurgical edema or swelling is an expected sequela of third molar surgery. As discussed earlier, the parenteral administration of corticosteroids is frequently employed to help minimize the swelling that occurs. The application of ice packs to the face may make the patient feel more comfortable but has no effect on the magnitude of edema.74 The swelling usually reaches its peak by the end of the second postoperative day and is usually resolved by the fifth to seventh day.

more sensitive to postoperative pain than men76; thus, they require more analgesics. Analgesics should be given before the effect of the local anesthesia subsides. In this manner, the pain is usually easier to control, requires less drug, and may require a less potent analgesic. The administration of nonsteroidal analgesics before surgery may be beneficial in aiding in the control of postoperative pain. The most important determinant of the amount of postoperative pain that occurs is the length of the operation. Neither swelling nor trismus correlate with the length of time of the surgery. There is, however, a strong correlation between postoperative pain and trismus, indicating that pain may be one of the principal reasons for the limitation of opening after the removal of impacted third molars.77

Complications of Impaction Surgery Infection

An uncommon postsurgical complication related to the removal of impacted third molars is infection. The incidence of infection following the removal of third molars is very low, ranging from 1.7 to 2.7%. 78 Infection after removal of mandibular third molars is almost always a minor complication. About 50% of infections are localized subperiosteal abscess-type infections, which occur 2 to 4 weeks after a previously uneventful postoperative course. These are usually attributed to debris that is left under the mucoperiosteal flap and are easily treated by surgical debridement and drainage. Of the remaining 50%, few postoperative infections are significant enough to warrant surgery, antibiotics, and hospitalization. Infections occur in the first postoperative week after third molar surgery approximately 0.5 to 1% of the time. This is an acceptable infection rate and would not be decreased with the administration of prophylactic antibiotics.

Trismus is a normal and expected outcome following third molar surgery. Patients who are administered steroids for the control of edema also tend to have less trismus. Like edema, jaw stiffness usually reaches its peak on the second day and resolves by the end of the first week.

Bleeding can be minimized by using a good surgical technique and by avoiding the tearing of flaps or excessive trauma to the overlying soft tissue. When a vessel is cut, the bleeding should be stopped to prevent secondary hemorrhage following surgery. The most effective way to achieve hemostasis following surgery is to apply a moist gauze pack directly over the site of the surgery with adequate pressure. This is usually done by having the patient bite down on a moist gauze pad. In some patients, immediate postoperative hemostasis is difficult. In such situations a variety of techniques can be employed to help secure local hemostasis, including oversuturing and the application of topical thrombin on a small piece of absorbable gelatin sponge into the extraction socket.

Another postsurgical morbidity expected after third molar surgery is pain. The postsurgical pain begins when the effects of the local anesthesia subside and reaches its maximum intensity during the first 12 hours postoperatively.75 A large variety of analgesics are available for management of postsurgical pain. The most common ones are combinations of acetylsalicylic acid or acetaminophen with codeine and its congeners, and the nonsteroidal antiinflammatory analgesics. Women may be




One of the most frequent problems encountered in removing third molars is the fracture of a portion of the root, which may be difficult to retrieve. In these situations the root fragment may be displaced into the submandibular space, the inferior alveolar canal, or the maxillary sinus. Uninfected roots left within the alveolar bone have been shown to remain in place without postoperative complications.79 The pulpal tissues undergo fibrosis, and the root becomes totally incorporated within the alveolar bone. Aggressive and destructive attempts to remove portions of roots that are in precarious positions seem to be unwarranted and may cause more damage than benefit. Radiographic follow-up may be all that is required.

female patients who take oral contraceptives.8182 Its occurrence can be reduced by several techniques, most of which are aimed at reducing the bacterial contamination of the surgical site. Presurgical irrigation with antimicrobial agents such as chlorhexidine reduces the incidence of dry socket by up to 50%.2 Copious irrigation of the surgical site with large volumes of saline is also effective in reducing dry socket.49 Topical placement of small amounts of antibiotics such as tetracycline or lincomycin may also decrease the incidence of alveolar osteitis.83-86 The goal of treatment of dry socket is to relieve the patient's pain during the delayed healing process. This is usually accomplished by irrigation of the involved socket, gentle mechanical debridement, and placement of an obtundent dressing, which usually contains eugenol. The dressing may need to be changed on a daily basis for several days and then less frequently after that. The pain syndrome usually resolves within 3 to 5 days, although it may take as long as 10 to 14 days in some patients. There is some evidence that topical antibiotics such as metronidazole may hasten resolution of the dry socket.87 In summary, alveolar osteitis is a disturbance in healing that occurs after the formation of a mature blood clot but before the blood clot is replaced with granulation tissue. The primary etiology appears to be one of excess fibrinolysis, with bacteria playing an important but yet ill-defined role. Antimicrobial agents delivered by perioperative mouthrinses, topically placed in the socket, or administered systemically all help to reduce the incidence of dry socket. Mechanical debridement and copious saline irrigation of the surgical wound also are effective in reducing the incidence of dry socket. A rational approach may be to provide preoperative chlorhexidine rinses for approximately 1 week before surgery, irrigate the wound thoroughly with normal saline at the con-

clusion of surgery, place a small square of gelatin sponge saturated with tetracycline in the socket, and continue chlorhexidine rinses for 1 additional week. This combination approach should substantially reduce the incidence of dry socket.

Nerve Disturbances
Surgical removal of mandibular third molars places both the lingual and inferior alveolar branches of the third division of the trigeminal nerve at risk for injury. The lingual nerve is most often injured during soft tissue flap reflection, whereas the inferior alveolar nerve is injured when the roots of the teeth are manipulated and elevated from the socket. The generally accepted incidence of injury to the inferior alveolar and lingual nerves following third molar surgery is about 3%. 66-69,88-90 Only a small proportion of these anesthesia and paresthesia problems remain permanent. However, there is a significant incidence of some minor alterations of sensation after injury caused by third molar surgery. As many as 45% of nerve compression injuries, which are typical in third molar surgery, result in a permanent neurosensory abnormality.91 Inferior alveolar nerve injury is most likely to occur in specific situations. The first and most commonly reported predisposing factor is complete bony impaction of mandibular third molars. The angulation classifications most commonly involved are usually mesioangular and vertical impaction. In some cases, nerve proximity to the root is indicated by an apparent narrowing of the inferior alveolar canal as it crosses the root or severe root dilaceration adjacent to the canal. Other well-documented radiographic signs are diversion of the path of the canal by the tooth, darkening of the apical end of the root indicating that it is included within the canal, and interruption of the radiopaque white line of the canal.92 In surgically verified inferior alveolar nerve injuries, the presence of more than one of

Alveolar Osteitis
The incidence of alveolar osteitis or dry socket following the removal of impacted mandibular third molars varies between 3 and 25%. Most of the variation is most likely a result of the definition of the syndrome. When dry socket is defined in terms of pain that requires the patient to return to the surgeon's office, the incidence is probably in the range of 20 to 25%.2'80-87 The pathogenesis of alveolar osteitis has not been clearly defined, but the condition is most likely the result of lysis of a fully formed blood clot before the clot is replaced with granulation tissue. This fibrinolysis occurs during the third and fourth days and results in symptoms of pain and malodor after the third day or so following extraction. The source of the fibrinolytic agents may be tissue, saliva, or bacteria.80 The role of bacteria in this process can be confirmed empirically based on the fact that systemic and topical antibiotic prophylaxis reduces the incidence of dry socket by approximately 50 to 75%. The periodontal ligament may also play a role in the development of alveolar osteitis. The incidence of dry socket seems to be higher in patients who smoke and in


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these signs was highly sensitive but not highly specific for the risk of injury, whereas the absence of all of these signs had a strong negative predictive value.93 When they are noted on a preoperative evaluation of the radiograph, the surgeon should take extraordinary precautions to avoid injury to the nerve, such as additional bone removal or sectioning of the tooth into extra pieces, and the patient should be counseled in advance regarding his or her increased risk of nerve injury. When an injury to the lingual or inferior alveolar nerve is diagnosed in the postoperative period, the surgeon should begin long-term planning for its management including consideration of referral to a neurologist and/or microneurosurgeon. These issues are dealt with elsewhere in this textbook.

Rare Complications
The complications already discussed are the more common occurrences, accounting for the great majority of complications in surgery to remove impacted third molars. Several additional complications occur only rarely and are mentioned briefly. Maxillary third molars that are deeply impacted may have only thin layers of bone posteriorly separating them from the infratemporal fossa, or anteriorly separating them from the maxillary sinus. Small amounts of pressure in an errant direction can result in displacement of the maxillary third molar into these adjacent spaces. When a maxillary third molar is displaced posteriorly into the infratemporal fossa, the surgeon should try to manipulate the tooth back into the socket with finger pressure placed high in the buccal vestibule near the pterygoid plates. If this is unsuccessful, the surgeon can attempt to recover the tooth by placing the suction tip into the socket and aiming it posteriorly. If both of these maneuvers are unsuccessful in recovering the tooth, the most effective technique is to allow the tooth to undergo fibrosis and to return 2 to 4 weeks later to remove it. If the tooth is

asymptomatic, is not causing any restriction in jaw movement, and is not causing pain, the surgeon should consider leaving the tooth in place. If the decision is made to remove the tooth, three-dimensional localization of the tooth should be made before surgery is initiated. If the tooth is displaced into the maxillary sinus, retrieval is usually done by a Caldwell-Luc procedure at the same appointment. The surgeon should localize the tooth with at least a one-dimensional radiographic view and preferably a threedimensional study before performing the retrieval surgery.94 Fracture of the mandible during the removal of impacted mandibular third molars is a rare occurrence. The typical situation is a deeply impacted third molar, most commonly in an older individual with dense bone. The surgeon places excessive pressure on the tooth with an elevator in an attempt to deliver the tooth or tooth section into the mouth; the fracture occurs, and the remaining portion of the tooth is easily retrieved. The surgeon should then perform an immediate reduction and fixation of the fracture. If the surgeon has the experience and the armamentarium available, rigid internal fixation with miniplates is an excellent choice in this unfortunate situation. Wire fixation and application of intermaxillary fixation is an acceptable alternative. Late mandible fractures usually occur 4 to 6 weeks following extraction in patients over age 40 years.

ed because the healing response in older patients would likely result in a large persistent postsurgical defect. After third molar surgery, the bone height distal to the second molar usually remains at the preoperative level,95-97 although some studies have indicated a net gain in bone level after surgery.98 If the bone level on the distal aspect of the mandibular second molar is compromised by the presence of the third molar, it usually remains at that level following the healing of the bone. There is universal agreement that bone healing is better if surgery is done before the third molar resorbs the bone on the distal aspect of the second molar and while the patient is young.99-101 The greatest bony defect occurs in situations in which the third molar has resorbed extensive amounts of bone from the second molar in an older patient, which compromises bony repair and bone healing. The other periodontal parameter of importance is attachment level or, less accurately, sulcus or pocket depth. As with bone levels, if the preoperative pocket depth is great, the postoperative pocket depth is likely to be similar. In most studies the attachment level has been found to be at essentially the same level as it is preoperatively.95,102,103 In older patients with complete bony impactions, pocket depth and attachment levels may be significantly lower than preoperative levels. However, in patients younger than age 19 years, removal of complete bony impactions results in no compromise in attachment level or pocket depth. Initial healing after third molar surgery usually results in a reduction in pocket depth in young patients.97 The longterm healing in this group continues for up to 4 years after surgery, with continuing reduction in probable pocket depths.100 However, long-term follow-up of older patients clearly demonstrates that this longterm healing does not occur.98,100 Usually, the surgeon makes an attempt to mechanically debride the distal aspect of the second molar root area with a curette to encourage

Periodontal Healing after Third Molar Surgery

Two of the important reasons for removing impacted third molars is to preserve periodontal health or, in some situations, to treat a periodontitis that already exists.23 A relative contraindication to the removal of impacted third molars is a situation in which there is good periodontal health and a complete bony impaction in an older patient. Removal is contraindicat-




improved bone regeneration following third molar extraction. In summary, periodontal healing following third molar surgery is clearly best when the impacted tooth is removed before it becomes exposed in the mouth, before it resorbs bone on the distal aspect of the second molar, and when the patient is as young as possible.95-100,102,103 If the third molar is partially impacted and is partially exposed in the mouth, it should be removed as soon as possible. The reason for this is that there is already a deep and potentially destructive periodontal lesion that is difficult for the patient to maintain hygienically. Even if the patient is asymptomatic, the impacted tooth should be removed as soon as possible to allow the best periodontal healing after surgery as possible. In these situations the periodontal healing is compromised because of the fact that there was already a destructive lesion caused by the presence of the partially impacted third molar. The completely impacted third molar in a patient older than age 35 years should be left undisturbed unless some pathology develops. Removal of asymptomatic completely impacted third molars in these older patients results in pocket depths that are significant and the potential loss of alveolar bone on the posterior aspect of the second molar.

The issue of whether to remove impacted third molars has generated much controversy over the past three decades. The reason for this controversy has been the lack of long-term prospective studies that have followed up large groups of patients with impacted teeth to determine the eventual outcome of leaving impactions in situ. Recently there has been intense interest in establishing clear scientifically valid evidence regarding the role of third molar removal in patient health care, especially with respect to predicting the likelihood of eruption or the risk of future pathology in

asymptomatic patients. Ongoing studies are already greatly improving our knowledge in these areas, and significant advances may be expected to appear in the scientific literature for the next several years. Clearly, impacted third molars associated with or contributing to adjacent pathology require removal as early as is reasonably possible. The major controversy regarding proper care centers around asymptomatic unerupted third molars. It is clear that although incompletely erupted mandibular third molars will continue to erupt beyond age 18 or 20 years, in the vast majority of these situations, there will be a soft tissue or bone tissue flap over the distal aspect of the erupted third molar, which has the potential to cause recurrent pericoronitis. In fact, the tooth that is most likely to be involved in pericoronitis is the erupted vertically positioned third molar with a soft tissue flap (operculum) over the distal aspect of the tooth. Although most attempts at very early prediction of impaction and removal of tooth buds at age 8 or 9 years have now been generally abandoned, it is reasonable that by age 17 or 18 years the dentist and surgeon can reasonably predict whether there will be adequate room for the tooth to erupt with sufficient clearance of the anterior ramus to prevent soft tissue overgrowth (as in patients with large arch length and relatively small teeth). Soft tissue and bone tissue healing will occur at a maximum level if the surgery to remove impacted third molars is done as early possible. By age 17 years, if the diagnosis of inadequate room for functional eruption can be made, then the asymptomatic third molar should be removed. Even though the tooth may be completely covered with soft and hard tissue, removing the third molar at that age will eliminate the future pathologic potential and maximize the periodontal health of the second molar; these are important goals of the oral and maxillofacial surgeon.

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44. Amler MH. The age factor in human extraction wound healing. J Oral Surg 1977;35:193-7. 45. LarsenPE, Mesieha ZS, Peterson LJ, Beck FM. Impacted third molars: radiographic features used to predict extraction difficulty. J Dent Res 1991;70:551-7.






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75. Seymour RA, Blair GS, Wyatt FAR. Postoperative dental pain and analgesic efficacy. Br J Oral Surg 1983;23:298-303. 76. Seymour RA, Meechan JG, Blair GS. An investigation into post-operative pain after third molar surgery under local analgesia. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1985;23:410-8. 77. Pedersen A. Interrelation of complaints after removal of impacted mandibular third molars. Int J Oral Surg 1985;14:241-4.


Robinson PP. Observations on the recovery of sensation following inferior alveolar nerve injuries. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1988; 26:177-89. Rood JP. The radiological prediction of inferior alveolar nerve injury during third molar surgery. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1990;28:20-5.



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Pedersen A. Decadron phosphate in the relief of complaints after third molar surgery. Int J Oral Surg 1985;14:235-40. Beirne OH, Hollander B. The effect of methylprednisolone on pain, trismus, and swelling after removal of third molars. Oral Surg 1986;61:134-8. Bustedt H, Nordenram A. Effect of methylprednisolone on complications after removal of impacted mandibular third molars. Swed Dent J 1985;9:65-9.

78. Nordenram A, Grave S. Alveolitis sicca dolorosa after removal of impacted mandibular third molars. Int J Oral Surg 1983;12:226-31. 79. Knutsson K, Lysell L, Rohlin M. Postoperative status after partial removal of the mandibular third molar. Swed Dent J 1989;13:15-22. 80. Nitzan DNW. On the genesis of "dry socket." J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1983;41:706-10. 81. Sweet JB, Butler DP. The relationship of smoking to localized osteitis. J Oral Surg 1979;37:732-5. 82. Meechan JG, MacGregor IDM, Rogers SN, et al. The effect of smoking on immediate postextraction socket filling with blood and the incidence of painful socket. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1988;26:402-9. Swanson AE. A double-blind study on the effectiveness of tetracycline in reducing the incidence of fibrinolytic alveolitis. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1989;47:165-7. bacitracin cones in impacted third molar sockets. Int J Oral Surg 1973;2:279-83. Goldman DR, Kilgore DS, Panzer JD, Atkinson WH. Prevention of dry socket by local application of lincomycin in Gelfoam. Oral Surg 1973;35:472-4. 86. Hall HD, Bildman BS, Hand CD. Prevention of dry socket with local application of tetracycline. J Oral Surg 1971;29:35-7. 87. Mitchell L. Topical metronidazole in the treatment of "dry socket." Br Dent J 1984; 156:132-4. 88. Kipp DP, Goldstein BH, Weiss WW Jr. Dysesthesia after mandibular third molar surgery: a retrospective study and analysis of 1,377 surgical procedures. J Am Dent Assoc 1980;100:185-92. 89. Wofford DT, Miller RI. Prospective study of dysesthesia following odontectomy of impacted mandibular third molars. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1987;45:15-9. 90. Mason DA. Lingual nerve damage following lower third molar surgery. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1988; 17:290-4.


66. Nordenram A. Postoperative complications in oral surgery. Swed Dent J 1983;7:109-14. 67. Goldberg MH, Nemarich AN, Marco WP. Complications after mandibular third molar surgery: a statistical analysis of 500 consecutive procedures in private practice. J Am Dent Assoc 1985;111:277-9. 68. Bruce RA, Frederickson GC, Small CS. Age of patients and morbidity associated with mandibular third molar surgery. J Am Dent Assoc 1980;101:240-5. Osborn TP, Frederickson C, Small IA, Torgerson TS. A prospective study of complications related to mandibular third molar surgery. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1985; 43:767-9. 70. Hinds EC, Frey KF. Hazards of retained third molars in older persons: report of 15 cases. J Am Dent Assoc 1980;101:246-50. McGrath C, Comfort MB, Lo ECM, Luo Y. Changes in life quality following third molar surgerythe immediate postoperative period. Br Dent J 2003;194:265-8. Shafer DM, Frank ME, Gent JF, Fischer ME. Gustatory function after third molar extraction. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1999;87:419-28.

94. Oberman M, Horowitz I, Ramon Y. Accidental displacement of impacted maxillary third molars. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1986;15:756-8. 95. Osborne WH, Snyder AJ, Tempel TR. Attachment levels and crevicular depths at the distal of mandibular second molars following removal of adjacent third molars. J Periodontol 1982;53:93-5. 96. Meister F Jr, Nery EB, Angell DM, Meister RC. Periodontal assessment following surgical removal of mandibular third molars. Gen Dent 1986; 34-Apr:120-3. 97. Kugelberg CF, Ahlstrom U, Ericson S, Hugoson A. Periodontal healing after impacted lower third molar surgery. Int J Oral Surg 1985;14:29-40.


84. Nordenram A, Sydens G, Odegaard J. Neomycin-



98. Marmary Y, Brayer L, Tzukert A, Feller L. Alveolar bone repair following extraction of impacted mandibular third molars. Oral Surg 1985;60:324. 99. Ash MM Jr, Costich ER, Hayward JR. A study of periodontal hazards of third molars. J Periodontol 1962;33:209-19. 100. Kugelberg CF. Periodontal healing two and four years after impacted lower third molar surgery. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1990;19:341-5. 101. Kugelberg CF, Ahlstrom U, Ericson S, et al. The influence of anatomical, pathophysiological and other factors on periodontal healing after impacted lower 3rd molar surgery a multiple-regression analysis. J Clin Periodontol 1991;18:37-43. 102.Grondahl HG, Lekholm U. Influence of mandibular third molars on related supporting tissues. Int J Oral Surg 1973; 2:137-42. 103. Chin Quee TA, Gosselin D, Miller EP, Stamm JW. Surgical removal of the fully impacted mandibular third molar. J Periodontol 1985;56:625-30.



73. White RP, Shugars DA, Shafer DM, et al. Recovery after third molar surgery: clinical and health-related quality of life outcomes. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2003;61:535-44. 74. Forsgren H, Heimdahl AN, Johansson B, Krekmanov L. Effect of application of cold dressings on the postoperative course in oral surgery. Int J Oral Surg 1985;14:223-8.


Preprosthetic and Reconstructive Surgery

Daniel B. Spagnoli, DDS, PhD Steven G. Gollehon, DDS, MD Dale J. Misiek, DMD

Preprosthetic surgery in the 1970s and early 1980s involved methods to prepare or improve a patient's ability to wear complete or partial dentures. Most procedures were centered around soft tissue corrections that allowed prosthetic devices to fit more securely and function more comfortably. In severe cases bony augmentation was incorporated and included such procedures as cartilage grafts, rib grafts, alloplastic augmentation, visor osteotomies, and sandwich grafts. Patients who were poor candidates for surgery were often left with less-than-satisfactory results both functionally and esthetically. In the late 1970s Brnemark and colleagues demonstrated the safety and efficacy of the implant-borne prosthesis.1 In the 1990s implantology, distraction osteogenesis, and guided tissue regeneration significantly expanded the capabilities of today's reconstructive and preprosthetic surgeon. Genetically engineered growth factors will soon revolutionize our thoughts about reconstructive procedures. As a result, more patients are able to tolerate procedures because they are given increased freedom and satisfaction with regard to their prosthetic devices and, in many cases, undergo less-invasive techniques.

In spite of the fact that routine dental care has improved over the past century, approximately 10% of the population is either partially or completely edentulous and > 30% of patients older than 65 years are completely edentulous.2 Although these figures are predicted to decrease over the next several decades, the treatment of partial and total edentulism will never be completely eliminated from the oral and maxillofacial surgeon's armamentarium. Since the primary goal in preprosthetic reconstructive surgery is to eliminate the condition of edentulism, one must consider the etiology of the edentulous state when evaluating patients and planning treatment. In many cases the etiology of a patient's edentulism has a major bearing on the reconstructive and restorative plan. Edentulism arising from neglect of the dentition and/or periodontal disease often poses different reconstructive challenges than does that resulting from trauma, ablative surgery, or congenital defects. Although restoration of a functional dentition is the common goal, each specific etiology poses its own unique set of challenges. The goal of preprosthetic and reconstructive surgery in the twenty-first century is to establish a functional biolog-

ic platform for supportive or retentive mechanisms that will maintain or support prosthetic rehabilitation without contributing to further bone or tissue loss. This environment will allow for a prosthesis that restores function, is stable and retentive, preserves the associated structures, and satisfies esthetics.3

Characteristics of Alveolar Bone in the Edentulous Patient

Native alveolar bone responds to the functional effects (or lack thereof) caused by edentulism. Increased resorption owing to traditional methods of oral rehabilitation with complete and partial dentures often results in an overall acceleration of the resorptive process. The mandible is affected to a greater degree than the maxilla owing to muscle attachments and functional surface area.4 As a result, there is proportionally a qualitative and quantitative loss of tissue, resulting in adverse skeletal relationships in essentially all spatial dimensions (Figure 9-1). General systemic factors, such as osteoporosis, endocrine abnormalities, renal dysfunction, and nutritional deficiencies, play a role in the overall rate of alveolar atrophy. Local factors, including


Part 2:



FiGURE 9-1 The diagrams show patterns and varying degrees of severity of mandihular atrophy. A, Mandible shows minimal alveolar bone resorption. B, Cross-section of large alveolar ridge including mucosal and muscular attachments. C, Mandible shows severe loss of alveolar bone that has resulted in residual basal bone only. D, Cross-section shows resorbed alveolar ridge, with muscular attachments. Adapted from Tucker MR. Ambulatory preprosthetic reconstructive surgery. In: Peterson LJ, Indresano AT, Marciani RD, Roser SM. Principles of oral and maxillofacial surgery. Vol 2. Philadelphia (PA): JB Lippincott Company; 1992. p. 1104.

jaw function, vascular changes, increased physical demands owing to decreased mandibular plane angle, adverse prosthetic loading, mucosal inflammation, vascular changes, and the number and extent of previous surgeries involving mucoperiosteal elevation, also contribute to progressive alveolar bone loss.5 Although the factors contributing to bone loss and the resulting patterns are well understood, the rate of bone loss

varies significantly from individual to individual. The consistent factor is the overall duration of the patient's edentulous state.

Funcional Effects of Edentulism

The maxillomandibular relationship is altered in all spatial dimensions as a result of the loss of physiologic function and teeth. There is a progression toward

decreased overall lower facial height, leading to the typical overclosed appearance, decreased alveolar support for traditional prostheses, encroachment of muscle and tissue attachments to the alveolar crest resulting in progressive instability of convenional soft tissue-borne prosthetic devices, neurosensory changes secondary to atrophy, and an overall reduction in size and form in all three dimensions. These changes result in an overall decrease in fit and increase in patient discomfort with the use of convenional dentures. The prolonged effects of edentulism compounded with systemic factors and funcional physical demands from prosthetic loading produce atrophy that, in severe cases, places the patient at significant risk for pathologic fracture. As a result of the above effects, a goal-oriented approach to treatment is the most appropriate. The overall objectives include the following^: (1) to eliminate preexistent or recurrent pathology; (2) to rehabilitate infected or inflamed tissue; (3) to reestablish maxillomandibular relationships in all spatial dimensions; (4) to preserve or restore alveolar ridge dimensions (height, width, shape, and consistency) conducive to prosthetic restoration; (5) to achieve keratinized tissue coverage over all load-bearing areas; (6) to relieve bony and soft tissue undercuts; (7) to establish proper vestibular depth and repositioning of attachments to allow for prosthetic flange extension if necessary; (8) to establish proper notching of the posterior maxilla and palatal vault proportions; (9) to prevent or manage pathologic fracture of the atrophic mandible; (10) to prepare the alveolar ridge by onlay grafting, corticocancellous augmentation, sinus lift, or distraction osteogenesis for subsequent implant placement; and (11) to satisfy facial esthetics, speech requirements, and masticatory challenges. To satisfy these goals, a treatment plan directly addressing each existing condition is indicated. Such a plan should include correction of maxillomandibular relationship, restoration of ridge form and






soft tissue relationship including histologic type and condition, bone and/or soft tissue grafting/repositioning, options regarding implant-supported or -stabilized prosthetic treatment, immediate versus delayed implant placement, preservation of existing alveolar bone with implants, and correction or minimization of the effects of combination syndrome in cases involving partially edentulous patients. Prior to developing a plan one must consider the amount and source of bone loss. Common causes of primary bone loss include trauma, pathology such as periodontal disease, destructive cysts or tumors, and bone loss associated with extraction and alveoloplasty. Secondary bone loss, if not prevented, can follow all of the primary types listed above. Secondary maxillary/mandibular bone loss is an insidious regressive remodeling of alveolar and even basal bone that is a sequela of tooth loss. This secondary process is referred to as edentulous bone loss and varies in degree based on a number of factors. The pathophysiology of edentulous bone loss relates to an individual's characteristic anatomy, metabolic state, jaw function, and prior use of and type of prosthesis. Anatomically, individuals with long dolichocephalic faces typically have greater vertical ridge dimensions than do those with short brachycephalic faces. In addition, those with shorter faces are capable of a higher bite force. Metabolic disorders can have a significant impact on a patient's potential to benefit from osseous reconstructive surgery. Nutritional or endocrine disorders and any associated osteopenia, osteoporosis, and especially osteomalacia must be addressed prior beginning bone reconstruction.5 Mechanical influences on the maxilla and mandible have a variable effect on the preservation of bone. The normal nonregressive remodeling of bone essentially represents a balance between breakdown and repair that

maintains bone osteons, the functional unit of bone, and consequently the viability of bone shape and form. Bone requires stimulation often referred to as "the minimum essential strain" to maintain itself. Both insufficient strain and excessive loads can lead to regressive remodeling of bone, with the classic example being denture compression leading to an anterior-posterior and transverse deficient maxilla opposing a wide mandible that is excessive in its anterior-posterior dimension. Residual ridge form has been described and classified by Cawood and Howell7 (Figures 9-2 and 9-3) as follows: Class Identate Class IIpostextraction Class IIIconvex ridge form, with adequate height and width of alveolar process Class IVknife-edge form with adequate height but inadequate width of alveolar process Class Vflat-ridge form with loss of alveolar process Class VIloss of basal bone that may be extensive but follows no predictable pattern

tional, cognitive, and physical ability to participate with the reconstructive plan is crucial to the success of future restorations and overall patient satisfaction. The evaluation process should include a comprehensive work-up of the patient's predilection for metabolic disease, including serum calcium, phosphate, albumin, alkaline phosphatase, and calcitonin levels.5 Decreased renal function and the presence of a vitamin D deficiency should also be ruled out. The maintenance of bone mass requires a balanced calcium metabolism, a functional endocrine system, and physiologic loading of bone tissue. Secondary medical complications affecting edentulous patients include candidiasis, hyperkeratosis, fibrous inflammatory hyperplasia, dysplasia, papillomatosis, breathing changes, and diet compromise away from natural foods high in fiber and toward an increase in processed foods.

Hard and Soft Tissue Examination

A problem-oriented physical examination should include evaluation of the maxillomandibular relationship; existing alveolar contour, height, and width; soft tissue attachments; pathology; tissue health; palatal vault dimension; hamular notching; and vestibular depth. Identification of both soft tissue and underlying bone characteristics and/or deficiencies is essential to formulate a successful reconstructive plan. This plan should be defined and presented to the patient both to educate the patient and to allow him or her to play a role in the overall decision-making process with all members of the dental team. The soft tissue evaluation should involve careful visualization, palpation, and functional examination of the overlying soft tissue and associated muscle attachments (Figure 9-4). Retraction of the upper and lower lips help one identify muscle and frenum attachments buccally. A mouth mirror can be used lingually to

Modifications to this classification that may be relevant to contemporary reconstructive methods include subclassifications in II and VI: Class IIno defect, buccal wall defect, or multiwall defect or deficiency; and Class VImarginal resection defect or continuity defect.

Medical Considerations
During the patient evaluation process, particular attention to the patient's chief complaint and concerns is imperative; a thorough understanding of the past medical history is mandatory in the treatment and evaluation of any patient. A current or previous history regarding the patient's success or failure at maintaining previous prosthetic devices is also necessary. Careful attention to patient's func-


Part 2:

Dentoalveolar Surgery

Widest part of alveolar process Crest of alveolar process Incisive foramen

Greater palatine foramen

Widest part of alveolar proces s Crest o f alveolar proces s

Alveolar Basal

Greater palatine foramen Incisive f o r a m e n

9-5). Such abnormalities can lead to embarrassing and unexpected changes in the restorative plan at the time of mucoperiosteal reflection of the overlying soft tissue. If conventional prosthetic restorations are planned, attention to bony and soft tissue undercuts that oppose the prosthetic path of insertion must be addressed. Critical attention should be given to deficiencies in the palatal vault or buccal/lingual vestibule, defects in the alveolar ridge, and the presence of buccal, palatal, or lingual exostoses. During this evaluation process, final decisions should be made regarding the prognosis of any existing teeth and their role in the overall rehabilitation and contribution to the long-term success of the treatment plan. Finally, careful neurosensory evaluation of the patient with severe regressive remodeling may play a significant role in the determination of future grafting or repositioning procedures aimed at maintaining proper neurosensory function in conjunction with prosthetic rehabilitation.

Radiographic Evaluation

^^ 2 0

10 m m

0 mm





Greater palatine f o r a m e n m n o 0


o 10 s e 10 m m 0 mm II III IV V VI

9-2 Maxillary horizontal measurements (A). Classification ofresorption ofmaxillary alveolar ridge: anterior (B) and posterior (C). Adapted from Cawood JI, Howell RA.7

tent the floor of mouth to evaluate the mylohyoid-alveolar ridge relationship. Careful palpation with manipulation of both upper and lower alveolar ridges is the best diagnostic determinant of loose and

excessive soft tissue. One must be aware of occult bony abnormalities obscured by soft tissue excess, especially in cases where adequate alveolar ridge height and width is imperative for implant placement (Figure

To date, the panoramic radiograph provides the best screening source for the overall evaluation and survey of bony structures and pathology in the maxillofacial skeleton. From examination radiographs, one can identify and evaluate pathology, estimate anatomic variations and pneumatization of the maxillary sinus, locate impacted teeth or retained root tips, and gain an overall appreciation of the contour, location, and height of the basal bone, alveolar ridge, and associated inferior alveolar neurovascular canal and mental foramina.8 Calibration of radiographs for magnification is necessary to determine the spatial dimensions needed to plan implant restorations adjacent to neurovascular structures or the maxillary sinus, to determine defect size and shape in distraction osteogenesis, and to predict the necessary dimensions of planned augmentation materials.






Posteroanterior and lateral cephalometric radiographs can be used to evaluate interarch space, relative and absolute skeletal excesses or deficiencies existing in the maxilla or mandible, and the orientation of the alveolar ridge between arches. These are exceptionally useful when the presence of skeletal discrepancies may necessitate orthognathic correction to provide acceptable functional relationships for prosthetic rehabilitation. Cephalometric analysis in combination with mounted dental models helps one establish the planned path of insertion of future prosthetic devices as well as identify discrepancies in interarch relationships that affect the restorative plan (Figure 9-6).9 In recent years computed tomography (CT) has played an increased role in the treatment planning of complex cases. Detailed evaluation of alveolar contour, neurovascular position, and sinus anatomy is available for the subsequent planning of advanced implant applications. Zygomatic implants that obviate the need for sinus lifting can be used in cases involving edentulous atrophic maxillary sinuses (Figure 9-7). Careful evaluation of the path of insertion is easily accomplished using coronal CT examination of the maxillary sinuses. CT can also provide the clinician with information regarding bone quantity and volume as well as density (Figure 9-8). In many cases the combination of imaging modalities and mounted models with diagnostic wax-ups can be helpful in determining the reconstructive plan. These elements are also useful in the fabrication of surgical stents guiding implant placement or grafting procedures. Surgical stents fabricated from CT-based models combine esthetic and surgical considerations; bridge the gap between the model surgery and the operation; and allow cooperation between the surgeon, laboratory technician, periodontist, prosthodontist, and orthodontist, which results in a cost-effective prosthetic reconstruction with improved esthetic

Symphysis 3525 15 5 5 mm 15 mm


VL /

\) \ y


V) :


35 m JE 25 c i 15 < 5 s 5 D C 5 5 mm Molar 35 25 15 5 5 mm 15 mm

15 mm

i Kl ^^ tJ ^ V, vJ vV K)


9-3 Modified Cawood and Howell classification of resorption. The thicker line illustrates the amount ofattached mucosa, which decreases with progressive resorption. Adapted from Cawood JI, Howell RA.7

results (Figure 9-9). In addition, accuracy of the surgical procedure can be greatly increased with an overall decrease in the duration of the procedure.

Treatment Planning Considerations

The conventional tissue-borne prosthesis has given way to implant-borne devices that have proven superior in providing increased patient function, confidence, and esthetics. Preprosthetic surgical preparation of areas directly involved with device support and stability are of primary importance and should be addressed early in the treatment plan. Overlying soft tissue procedures need not be attempted until satisfactory positioning of underlying bony tissues is complete. As a general rule, one should always maintain excessive soft tissue coverage

where available until the final bony augmentation is complete. Complications such as dehiscence, loss of keratinized mucosa, and obliteration of vestibular depth can be avoided if respect is given to overlying soft tissue. Once bony healing is complete, if the overlying tissue is clearly excessive, removal of the excess soft tissue can proceed without complication. Using the classification of edentulous jaws according to Cawood and Howell,7 the reconstructive surgeon can plan treatment for his or her patients accordingly. Many excellent reconstructive plans achieve less-than-satisfactory results because of inadequate anesthetic management of the patient during the procedure. Although many procedures can be accomplished under local anesthesia or sedation, the clinician must have a low threshold to provide general anesthesia in a controlled


Part 2:

Dentoalveolar Surgery

The patient's overall health status, compliance potential, patience, and ability to maintain the final prosthesis/prostheses must be considered when planning reconstructive preprosthetic surgical procedures as well as future prosthetic rehabilitation. Moreover, a multidisciplinary approach involving the patient's input is imperative for long-term success and patient satisfaction.3

Principles of Bone Regeneration

9-4 A, Example ofmandible with muscular attachments at or near the crest ofthe ridge. Also note the absence offixed keratinized tissue over the alveolar ridge area^. B, Example of maxilla with in^adequate vestibular depth anteriorly, frenal attachments near the crest ofthe alveolar ridge, and flabby soft tissue over the alveolar ridge crest. Reproduced with permission from Tucker MR. Ambulatory preprosthetic reconstructive surgery. In: Peterson LJ, Indresano AT, Marciani RD, Roser SM. Principles of oral and maxillofacial surgery. Vol 2. Philadelphia (PA): JB Lippincott Company; 1992. p. 1107.

operative setting to allow for appropriate manipulation of the surgical site to achieve the necessary goals of the surgical procedure. Patient desires, health issues, surgeon comfort, and the magnitude of the deformity should all be considered when making decisions regarding anesthetic type. The loss of maxillary and mandibular bone can have mild to severe effects on an individual's well-being. Interestingly, the size of the defect does not always correlate with the level of debilitation perceived by the patient. Individuals missing a single anterior tooth with an associated buccal wall defect can feel quite compromised, whereas, although it is rare, we have encountered totally edentulous patients who live and function without even a removable denture. This variability underscores the need for the dental team to understand the patient's chief complaint and desired restorative goals. After obtaining a medical dental history and diagnostic database, time spent educating the patient about his or her problem may help the patient refine goals and make it easier to develop a satisfactory treatment plan. Since acceptable prosthetic reconstruction can be achieved with a variety of treatments that vary in complexity, invasiveness, time to completion, simplicity of

maintenance, functional attributes, esthetic attributes, and cost, it is reasonable to develop more than one treatment plan that can address the patient's needs.

There are many approaches available for reconstructing a deficiency or defective osseous anatomy of the alveolar portions of the facial skeleton. These include biologically viable autogenous bone grafts, nonviable homologous allogeneic or heterogeneic bone implants, recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2), and tissue regeneration by distraction histogenesis. These techniques can be used alone or in combination and

9-5 A, Evaluation of the bone in the mandible reveals contour irregularities of the anterior region and a vertical alveolar deficiency in the posterior mandible area bilaterally. B, Gross irregularities are evident along the maxillary alveolar ridge, with bilateral contour defects in the canine-premolar area. C, Mounted casts are used to evaluate mandibular alveolar ridge deficiency and anteroposterior skeletal deficiency of the mandible. Reproduced with permission from Tucker MR. Ambulatory preprosthetic reconstructive surgery. In: Peterson LJ, Indresano AT, Marciani RD, Roser SM. Principles of oral and maxillofacial surgery. Vol 2. Philadelphia (PA): JB Lippincott Company; 1992. p. 1106.






9-7 A, Preoperative computed tomography (CT) scan of the maxillary sinuses to allow for angulation and size measurement of a transantral implant restoration. B, The information gained from the CT evaluation is applied to the surgical placement of implants. C, Postoperative panoramic radiograph of the implant placement traversing the maxillary sinus.

9-6 A, Panoramic radiograph shows an apparently adequate alveolar ridge height. B, Lateral cephalometric radiograph of the same patient shows a concavity in the anterior area of the alveolar ridge, which produces a knife-edge ridge crest. This type of alveolar ridge deformity cannot be fully appreciated except on a cephalometric radiograph. Reproduced with permission from Tucker MR. Ambulatory preprosthetic reconstructive surgery. In: Peterson LJ, Indresano AT, Marciani RD, Roser SM. Principles of oral and maxillofacial surgery. Vol 2. Philadelphia (PA): JB Lippincott Company; 1992. p. 1107.

often are enhanced by the application of adjunct procedures such as rigid fixation and guided bone regeneration. The choice of a reconstructive technique is influenced by many variables, including the location, ridge relationships, dimensions of the defect, dimensions of underlying bone stock, soft tissue availability and viability, and esthetic goals. Beyond choosing a reconstructive technique, one must also consider inher-

9-8 Computed tomography-based imaging used to evaluate bone density, quality, contour, and volume. This information, which has cross-sectional tomographic and three-dimensional components, can be used to plan treatments for complex cases of implant placement. (Courtesy of SimPlant Technologies)

ent properties of facial bone and its natural growth and remodeling characteristics. For bone to grow or regenerate in direct pressure areas, it must go through an endochondral replacement process such as that in active long bones or the mandibular condyle. Areas of the skeleton that are under pressure must be covered by cartilagea tissue adapted to this function

because it grows interstitially; is minimally calcified, avascular, turgid, and nourished by diffusion; and does not require a membrane for nutrition. In contrast, bone cannot withstand significant pressure because of compression closure of the vascular bed in the periosteum. Because bone matrix is calcified, it must be vascularized to grow, regenerate, or be sustained. In


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FIGURE 9-9 A, Computer-generated surgical stent for implant placement. B, Clinical photograph of implants placed with the use of a computer-generated surgical stent.

addition, calcification of the matrix precludes interstitial growth, so bone can only grow by the appositional activity of its membranes. Periosteum has a dense connective tissue component and is structurally adapted to transfer tensile forces that are generated by muscles, tendons, and ligaments to bone. The majority of the facial skeleton is not under load during development; thus it does not require an endochondral phase, so it develops by an intramembranous process. In the natural state, alveolar bone is protected from load by the dentition and is actually stimulated by strain forces transferred to the alveolus via the periodontal ligament. Although technology to date has not been able to exactly replicate this interface, osseointegrated implants have a similar protective effect on underlying bone, native or reconstructed, and thus should be a component of all alveolar bone reconstructive plans.

Another aspect of facial bone growth and development relevant to reconstruction that needs to be clearly understood is the regional differences in periosteum activity that exist in association with facial bones. It is a misconception that the cortices of growing facial bones are produced only by periosteum. In fact, at least half of the facial bone tissue is formed by endosteum, the inner membrane lining the medullary cavity. Of great significance to the placement of alveolar ridge or alveolar defect bone grafts are the findings that about half of the periosteal surfaces of facial bones are resorptive in nature and half are depository. These properties exist because facial growth is a complex balance between deposition and resorption that adds to the size and shape of a bone while it is being displaced to achieve its final position and relationships to the bones of the facial cranial skeleton. One can study the works and diagrams of Enlow and colleagues to gain a better understanding of these concepts and the regional variations of naturally resorptive and depository surfaces of the facial skeleton.10 This understanding should help one better determine the most efficacious location for graft placement. For example, the anterior surface of the maxillary and mandibular alveolar ridges are resorptive and thus are best treated by the placement of interpositional grafts in association with the endosteal aspects of these bones, as seen in Figure 9-10. Interestingly, the periosteal lining of the maxillary sinus is also mostly resorptive. Successful bone grafting via the sinus lift technique has been demonstrated by numerous authors using a variety of graft techniques. It has been our experience that sinus lift grafts of autogenous cancellous bone, and bone induced to grow by rhBMP-2, secondarily treated with osseointegrated implants remodel over time. A follow-up of > 5 years of some of our patients has shown that the grafts become scalloped over the surfaces of the implants, similar to the relationship seen when natural roots extend above the floor of a pneu-

matized sinus. This finding suggests that the capacity for remodeling by the periosteal membrane exists even after the face is mature, and that viable bone established by autogenous grafts or rhBMP-2mediated induction responds to this process.11 Another concept of facial growth that bears relevance to contemporary methods of reconstruction is the functional matrix concept that has largely been described by Moss.12 This concept states that bone, itself, does not regulate the rate of bone growth. Instead, it is the functional soft tissue matrix related to bone that actually directs and determines the skeletal growth process. The vector and extent of bone growth are secondarily dependent on the growth of associated soft tissue. Bone, by virtue of its matrix maturity, gives feedback to this process by either inhibiting it or allowing it to accelerate. Thus, the volume of bone generated is based on genetic properties of the soft tissue and a mechanical equilibration between bone and its soft tissue matrix. These principles are visited when distraction forces are applied to osteotomized bone. In 1989 Ilizarov forwarded the theory of tension-stress applied to bone as a mechanism of lengthening bone. 1314 He stated that controlled mechanically applied tension-stress allows bone and soft tissue to regenerate in a controlled, reliable, and reproducible manner. During the latency phase of distraction, there is a periosteal and medullary revascularization and recovery. Simultaneously a relatively hypovascular fibrous interzone develops that is rich in osteoprogenitor cells and serves as a pseudo-growth plate. Adjacent and connected to the interzone are areas of hypervascular trabeculae aligned in the direction of the distraction. Osteoprogenitor cells in the interzone differentiate into osteoblasts and line the trabeculae. As distraction progresses, appositional bone growth enlarges the trabeculae. This underscores the idea that mechanical






9-10 Growth and remodeling field ofthe craniofacial skeleton. Resorptive fields are shaded and depository fields are free ofshading.

stress applied to the soft tissue matrix of osteotomized bone can reactivate these native growth processes. It is interesting to note that if the distraction device lacks sufficient mechanical stability or if the rate of distraction progresses too rapidly, the tissue established may mature very slowly or not at all. On the other hand, if distraction progresses too slowly, the regenerate may mature prematurely or there may be increased pain during the procedure. We have found that if there is recurrent pain associated with the activation of a distractor, a slight increase in the rate of distraction usually reduces the pain. In many ways distraction histogenesis recapitulates the process of native bone growth directed by the influence of the soft tissue matrix. Premature maturation of the matrix increases resistance to distraction necessitating increased distraction force and the perception of pain by the patient. This suggests that even the feedback role of the bone matrix is active during this process. In most

cases the net result of distraction histogenesis is the formation of a bone ossicle that is vascular and rich in osteolysis, has a shape similar to the native bone, and has an appropriate soft tissue envelope. Often distraction histogenesis alone is sufficient to regenerate deficient alveolar ridge anatomy. In other cases distraction can be used in association with bone grafting, especially when the associated bone stock is of lessthan-ideal shape or volume. In some cases, particularly in the posterior mandible, the distraction osteotomy can be extended beyond the area of intended implants so that the distraction process actually grows the bone needed for the graft. Bone grafts placed adjacent to regenerate typically mature very rapidly owing to the vascularity, cellularity, and high concentration of natural BMP in regenerate.

Vertical Alveolar Augmentation," 39, "Bony Reconstruction of the Jaws," 40, "Microvascular Free Tissue Transfer," and 43, "Reconstruction of the Alveolar Cleft." Nonetheless, some of the characteristics of grafts and bone implants pertinent to preprosthetic surgery are examined here. By far the most common graft type is the free autogenous viable bone graft. Since these grafts are from the patient, they do not elicit an immune-rejection response. Common areas for procurement include the maxilla, mandible, cranium, tibial plateau, iliac crest, and rib. The shape, form, and volume of the graft procured are linked to the defect to be reconstructed. These grafts are used as corticocancellous blocks or particulate cancellous grafts compacted and shaped by various membranes or trays. In many instances purely cancellous blocks or cancellous particulate bone is used again with membranes or trays or sandwiched in unloaded osteotomies or defects. A third form includes purely cortical grafts, primarily used to form a wall or strut in association with a defect that is simultaneously packed with particulate cancellous bone. Cortical grafts revascularize very slowly and have minimal to no cell survival; thus, they are not ideal for implant placement.15 Cancellous grafts have the greatest concentration of osteogenic cells, and the particulate form of these grafts has the greatest cell survival owing to better diffusion and rapid revascularization. These grafts must completely undergo a twophase mechanism of graft healing.16 Osteoblasts that survive transplantation proliferate and form osteoid. This process is active in the first 2 to 4 weeks, and the definitive amount of bone formed is related to the quantity of osteoid formed in phase one. Phase two starts around the second week after grafting, and although it peaks in intensity at approximately 4 to 6 weeks, it continues until the graft matures. The initiation of phase two is marked by osteoclastic cell activity within

Bone Grafts
Bone graft principles are discussed in Chapters 12, "Bone Grafting Strategies for


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the graft. Osteoclasts remove mineral, forming Howship's lacunae along the trabeculae. This resorptive process exposes the extracellular matrix of bone, which is the natural location of the bone-inductive glycoprotein BMP. Exposure of BMP initiates an inductive process characterized by chemotaxis of mesenchymal stem cells, proliferation of cells in response to mitogenic signals, and differentiation of cells into osteoblasts.17 Inducible cell populations may be local or distant from the graft site. Examples of local cell populations that may contribute to the graft include osteoprogenitor cells in the graft endosteum, stem cells of the transplanted marrow, or cells in the cambium layer of adjacent periosteum. Additional inducible pluripotent cells may arrive at the graft site with budding blood vessels. During phase two there is progressive osteoclastic resorption of phase one osteoid and nonviable graft trabeculae; this continues to expose BMP, which perpetuates the differentiation of osteoblasts, leading to the formation of mature vascular osteocyte-rich bone. This two-phase bone graft healing process is the one that most reliably and quickly can regenerate bone with characteristics suitable for implant placement. When choosing a bone graft, one must consider its ultimate purpose; since most grafts associated with preprosthetic surgery are designed to support implants, these grafts must provide the biologic environment necessary for osseointegration. Osseointegration is a biologic process, and its long-term success requires vascular osteocyte-rich bone. Another adjunct to preprosthetic bone reconstruction is the use of allogeneic bone. Since these grafts are nonviable, they are technically implants. Allogeneic bone is procured in a fresh sterile manner from cadavers of genetically unrelated individuals. American Association of Tissue Bank standards require that all donors be screened, serologic tests be performed, and all specimens be sterilized

and verified by culture prior to release. Processing of allogeneic bone is designed to achieve sterility and reduce immunogenicity. Bone cell membranes have both class I and II major histocompatibility complexes on their surfaces. These are the main sources of immunogenicity within allogeneic bone grafts. Allogeneic bone implants are processed to remove the organic matrix and only retain the mineral components; architecture is generally considered to be nonimmunogenic. Implants retaining both mineral and organic components or demineralized implants with only the organic component are washed and then lyophilized to reduce immunogenicity. In most cases this process reduces the immune response to clinically insignificant levels. In addition to this treatment, allogeneic bank bone is irradiated with y-rays, a process that assures sterility and further reduces antigenicity. Unfortunately, this requires 2 to 3 Mrad per radiation dose, which destroys BMP and thus the ability of these implants to be osteoinductive.18 Common applications of allogeneic bone implants for preprosthetic surgery include mandibles, iliac crest segments, and calcified or decalcified ribs that can be prepared and used as biologic trays for the placement and retention of cancellous bone grafts. Additional uses include mineral matrix or demineralized particulate implants used as osteoconductive graft extenders or for extraction-site shape and form preservation. Research on particle size suggests that particles in the range of 250 to 850 ^m are the most useful. Although the current carrier system used for rhBMP-2 bone induction is a collagen membrane, Becker and colleagues showed that BMP extracted from the bone can be added to particulate 200 to 500 ^m demineralized freeze-dried bone allografts obtained from four American tissue banks; this resulted in the transformation of noninductive particles to particles with osteoinductive properties.19 Heterogeneous bone grafts, or xenografts, are specimens trans-

ferred from one species to another. Implants of this type contain an organic component that would elicit a strong immune response; thus, they are not used in contemporary practice. Bovine implants that have undergone complete deproteinization to remove the organic component have been shown to be nonimmunogenic. These implants remain as an inorganic mineral scaffold that can be used for their osteoconductive properties as graft extenders or for extraction-site preservation. The above discussion has identified two reconstructive methods that can reliably restore bone with the characteristics necessary for maintaining osseointegrated implants. These methods include autogenous cancellous bone grafts and distraction histogenesis alone or with graft supplementation. A third approach alluded to above is the use of rhBMP-2.20 rhBMP-2 has been studied extensively in animal models, and human clinical trials in the areas of orthopedic surgery, spine surgery, and maxillofacial surgery have been ongoing during the past decade. rhBMP-2/ACS, which is the clinical combination of BMP with an absorbable collagen sponge carrier placed with a metal cage, received US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for spine fusion surgery in 2002. To date, US human clinical trials related to maxillofacial reconstruction include complete feasibility studies, safety and efficacy studies, and dose-response studies involving either alveolar ridge buccal wall defects or posterior maxillary alveolar bone deficiency at sinus lift bone sites. Safety has been established, and a dose of 1.5 mg/mL, the same dose used for spine fusion, was chosen for maxillofacial applications after completion of a sinus lift dose-response study. A 20-center study of pivotal sinus lifts is near completion; its dual end points include the evaluation of bone regeneration at end point one and the evaluation of 2-year loaded implant data at end point two. To date, a time frame for submitting this data for FDA approval has not been established.






At our center 9 patients were enrolled in the pivotal study, with 21 evaluated sinus lifts sites. All study sites were confirmed before treatment by CT scan to have 5 mm or less of natural bone. Six months after graft placement, comparative CT scans were obtained from all study sites and the presence of graft and graft dimensions were assessed. All sites had enough bone for placement of implants at least 4 mm in diameter and 12 mm high. Trephineprocured biopsy specimens obtained at the time of implant placement were used to verify the presence of homogeneous vascular osteocyte-rich bone with a normal trabecular and marrow-space architecture. At our center all 21 implants have remained functionally loaded for at least 36 months. These results are preliminary and may not reflect the findings of all centers. Similar to natural BMP, rhBMP-2/ACS has been shown to stimulate the cascade of boneregeneration events, including chemotaxis, induction of pluripotent cells, and proliferation. Our results to date show that this technique has the potential to significantly enhance patient care by providing an unlimited supply of nonimmunogenic sterile protein that can induce de novo

bone formation. Bone regenerated by this process has characteristics of bone desirable for implant placement (Figure 9-11). Hopefully, the discussion of host properties and regenerative or graft techniques in this section will aid one in determining the best graft for sites to be reconstructed as part of a preprosthetic surgical treatment plan.

Hard Tissue Recontouring Current Trends in Alveolar Preservation

As dental implants continue to grow in popularity and play a major role in prosthetic reconstruction, the need for traditional bony recontouring at the time of extraction has been de-emphasized. Current trends tend to lean toward preservation of alveolar bone and overlying periosteal blood supply, which enhances and preserves future bone volume. Alternatives to traditional alveoloplasty have emerged in an effort to maintain bone height and volume for the placement of implants to provide a stable platform for prosthetic reconstruction. Such alternatives include orthodontic guided tooth/root

extraction, conservative extraction techniques using periosteotomes to maintain alveolar continuity, immediate grafting of extraction sites, relief of undercuts using bone grafts or hydroxylapatite (HA) augmentation, and guided tissue regeneration. In cases where bony abnormalities or undercuts require attention, selective alveolar recontouring is indicated. Advances in implant technology have placed a greater emphasis on planning for alveolar ridge preservation. Beginning at the initial consultation, all extraction sites should be considered for implant reconstruction. Regardless of the reason for extraction (ie, pulpal disease, periodontal disease, or trauma), every effort should be made to maintain alveolar bone, particularly buccal (labial) and lingual (palatal) walls. However, even with alveolar bone maintenance, there can be unpredictable resorption in a short period of time.21 Multiple adjacent extractions may also contribute to extensive alveolar bone loss precluding implant reconstruction. Historically, techniques for alveolar ridge preservation were developed to facilitate conventional denture prostheses. HA materials were the first materials not

9-11 Stages of bone maturation are evident in these photomicrographs of autogenous bone grafts, autogenous grafts with bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), and distraction-regenerate.A, Autogenous tibial plateau with no filler was placed in this sinus lift site with < 5 mm of native bone, procured by trephine, and sampled at 6 months after the graft. Viable osteocyte-rich bone trabeculae are evident with normal marrow spaces with a few residual foci ofnonviable graft (x100 original magnification; hematoxylin and eosin stain). B, BMP was placed in an identical site to that shown in Figure A (x75 original magnification: hematoxylin and eosin stain). This specimen reveals viable trabeculae with normal haversian canals, de novo bone growth, and no nonviable components. C, Regenerate was procured at the time of the distractor removal at this mandibular distraction site. The regenerated growth represents woven bone with some mature haversian systems (x128 original magnification: hematoxylin and eosin stain).


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plagued by host rejection and fibrous encapsulation. Previously, the use of polymethyl methacrylate, vitreous carbon, and aluminum oxide had led to poor results. Root form and particulate HA both were adapted and successful in preserving alveolar ridge form.22 The obvious limitation with nonresorbable materials is that they preclude later implant reconstruction. Tricalcium phosphate is a resorbable ceramic that was originally thought would solve this problem, but it proved not to be truly osteoconductive as it promoted giant cell rather than osteoclastic resorption.23 This resulted in limited osteogenic potential. Another alloplast that has been used for this purpose is bioactive glass, which consists of calcium, phosphorus, silicone, and sodium, but, again, the biologic behavior of the replacement bone was never felt to be satisfactory for implant reconstruction.24 The gold standard for use for bony reconstruction anywhere has always been autogenous grafts. The dilemma with autogenous grafts involves donor site morbidity: whether from an intraoral or extraoral source, the additional surgery and inconvenience to the patient has precluded its general use. To avoid the use of a donor site, various allogeneic bone preparations have been advocated. Stringent tissue bank regulations have provided the public with greater confidence in the use of these materials. Anorganic bone has most recently been adapted for use in alveolar ridge preparation. Two products are currently available commercially. The first is a xenograft derived from a bovine source. The main advantage of this type of material is that it is available in an almost unlimited supply and is chemically and biologically almost identical to human bone. Minimal immune response is elicited because of the absence of protein; however, the resorption rate of bovine cortical bone is slow. In both animal and human studies, remnants of nonvital cortical bone have been shown to be present 18 months or

longer in the grafted site.25 A second product, derived from human bone, is processed by solvent extraction and dehydration. Animal studies have shown that there is nearcomplete remodeling with little or no remnant of the human anorganic bone left in the specimen.26 Both the deproteinized bovine bone and the solvent dehydrated mineralized human bone appear to have great potential in alveolar ridge preservation. These materials take a long time to resorb, so a ridge form is maintained over an extended period of time, and are resorbed and remodeled via an osteoclastic process that results in bone ideally suited for implant placement. The technique for alveolar ridge preservation at the time of extraction has been described by Sclar.27 Atraumatic extraction is essential. Preservation of buccal or labial bone may be facilitated by the use of microosteotomes, and, whenever possible, buccal or labial mucoperiosteal elevation is to be avoided or limited. The socket should be gently curetted and irrigated, and in the presence of periodontal infection, topical antibiotics may be helpful. Tetracycline powder mixed with the deproteinized bovine bone or the solvent dehydrated mineralized human bone may allow for the use of either of these types of bone in almost any clinical situation. It is not essential that the graft have complete watertight mucosal coverage. Collagen membrane is used to prevent spillage of the material from the socket, particularly in maxillary extractions. When temporary restorations are employed at the time of surgery, an ovate pontic provisional restoration helps to support the adjacent mucosa during soft tissue maturation. In selected instances immediate placement of implants in the extraction site can be done in conjunction with the use of these deproteinized bone preparations. Because of the slow resorptive nature of both of these bone preparations, they may be ideally suited for buccal or labial defects that would otherwise be grafted with autogenous cortical bone.

Often hard and soft tissues of the oral region need to undergo recontouring to provide a healthy and stable environment for future prosthetic restorations. Simple alveolar recontouring after extractions consists of compression and in-fracture of the socket; however, one must avoid overcompression and over-reduction of irregularities. Current trends endorse a selective stent-guided approach to site-specific bony recontouring, eliminating bony abnormalities that interfere with prosthetic reconstruction or insertion. Multiple irregularities produce undercuts that are obstructions to the path of insertion for conventional prosthetic appliances. These obstructions need a more complex alveoloplasty to achieve desired results. In many cases the elevation of mucoperiosteal flaps using a crestal incision with vertical releases is necessary to prevent tears and to produce the best access to the alveolar ridge. During mucoperiosteal flap resection, periosteal and Woodson elevators are the most appropriate tools to prevent excess flap reflection, devitalization, and sequestrum formation. These conditions increase pain and discomfort for the patient and increase the duration needed before prosthetic restoration can proceed. The use of a rongeur or file for advanced recontouring is preferred to rotary instruments to prevent over-reduction. For large bony defects, rotary instrument recontouring is preferred. Normal saline irrigation is used to keep bony temperatures < 47C to maintain bone viability. Owing to the physiology of bone and current restorative options available, interseptal alveoloplasty is rarely indicated. The main disadvantage of this procedure is the overall decrease in ridge thickness, which results in a ridge that may be too thin to accommodate future implant placement.9 Removal of interseptal bone eliminates endosteal growth potential, which is necessary for ridge preservation. Therefore, if this technique is to be used,






one must be cognizant of ridge thickness and reduce the labial dimension only enough to lessen or eliminate undercuts in areas where implants are not anticipated. After hard tissue recontouring, excessive soft tissue is removed to relieve mobile tissue that decreases the fit and functional characteristics of the final prosthesis. Closure with a resorbable running/lock-stitch suture is preferred because fewer knots are less irritating for the patient.

area should be done at the conclusion of the procedure to verify the relief of the defect. The incision can be closed with resorbable sutures. In areas that require a large amount of graft material, scoring of the periosteum can assist in closure of soft tissue defects. In addition, the use of a resorbable collagen membrane can be used to prevent tissue ingrowth into the surgical site.

preferably a penicillinase-resistant penicillin such as an amoxicillin/clavulanate potassium preparation or a second-generation cephalosporin. The patient is instructed to take sinus medications including antihistamines and decongestants for approximately 10 to 14 days and not to create excessive transmural pressure across the incision site by blowing his or her nose or sucking through straws.

Treatment ofExostoses
Undercuts and exostoses are more common in the maxilla than in the mandible. In areas requiring bony reduction, local anesthetic should be infiltrated. This produces adequate anesthesia for the patient as well as an aid in hydrodissection of the overlying tissues, which facilitates flap elevation. In the mandible an inferior alveolar neurovascular block may also be necessary. A crestal incision extending approximately 1.5 cm beyond each end of the area requiring contour should be completed. A full mucoperiosteal flap is reflected to expose all the areas of bony protuberance. Vertical releasing incisions may be necessary if adequate exposure cannot be obtained since trauma of the soft tissue flap may occur. Recontouring of exostoses may require the use of a rotary instrument in large areas or a hand rasp or file in minor areas. Once removal of the bony protuberance is complete and visualization confirms that no irregularities or undercuts exist, suturing may be performed to close the soft tissue incision. If nonresorbable sutures are used, they should be removed in approximately 7 days. In areas likely to be restored with implants or implant-supported prostheses, irregularities and undercuts are best treated using corticocancellous grafts from an autogenous or alloplastic source. This can be done using a vertical incision only adjacent to the proposed area of grafting. A subperiosteal dissection is used to create a pocket for placement of the graft material. Visual inspection and palpation of the

Tuberosity Reduction
Excesses in the maxillary tuberosity may consist of soft tissue, bone, or both. Sounding, which is performed with a needle, can differentiate between the causes with a local anesthetic needle or by panoramic radiograph. Bony irregularities may be identified, and variations in anatomy as well as the level of the maxillary sinuses can be ascertained. Excesses in the area of the maxillary tuberosity may encroach on the interarch space and decrease the overall freeway space needed for proper prosthetic function. Access to the tuberosity area can be obtained easily using a crestal incision beginning in the area of the posterior tuberosity and progressing forward to the edge of the defect using a no. 12 scalpel blade. Periosteal dissection then ensues exposing the underlying bony anatomy. Excesses in bony anatomy are removed using a side-cutting rongeur. Careful evaluation of the level of the maxillary sinus must be done before bony recontouring is attempted in the area of the tuberosity. Sharp undermining of the overlying soft tissue may be performed in a wedge-shaped fashion beginning at the edge of a crestal incision to thin the overall soft tissue bulk overlying the bony tuberosity. Excess overlying soft tissue may be trimmed in an elliptic fashion from edges of the crestal incision to allow a tension-free passive closure (Figure 9-12). Closure is performed using a nonresorbable suture in a running fashion. Small sinus perforations require no treatment as long as the membrane remains intact. Large perforations must be treated with a tensionfree tight closure as well as antibiotics,

Genial Tubercle Reduction

The genioglossus muscle attaches to the lingual aspect of the anterior mandible. As the edentulous mandible resorbs, this tubercle may become significantly pronounced. In cases in which anterior mandibular augmentation is indicated, leaving this bony projection as a base for subsequent grafting facilitates augmentation of mandibular height. During conventional mandibular denture fabrication, this bony tuberosity as well as its associated muscle attachments may create displacement issues with the overlying prostheses. In these cases it should be relieved. Floorof-mouth lowering procedures should also be considered in cases in which genioglossus and mylohyoid muscle attachments interfere with stability and function of conventional mandibular prostheses. Bilateral lingual nerve blocks in the floor of the mouth are necessary to achieve adequate anesthesia in this area. A crestal incision from the midbody of the mandible to the midline bilaterally is necessary for proper exposure. A subperiosteal dissection exposes the tubercle and its adjacent muscle attachment. Sharp excision of the muscle from its bony attachment may be performed with electrocautery, with careful attention to hemostasis. A subsequent hematoma in the floor of the mouth may lead to airway embarrassment and lifethreatening consequences if left unchecked. Once the muscle is detached, the bony tubercle may then be relieved using rotary instrumentation or a rongeur. Closure is performed using a resorbable suture in a


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running fashion. The genioglossus muscle is left to reattach independently.

Tori Removal
The etiology of maxillary and mandibular tori is unknown; however, they have an incidence of 40% in males and 20% in females.28 Tori may appear as a single or multiloculated bony mass in the palate or on the lingual aspect of the anterior mandible either unilaterally or bilaterally. In the dentate patient they are rarely indicated for removal. Nevertheless, repeated overlying mucosal trauma and interference with normal speech and masticatory patterns may necessitate treatment. In the patient requiring complete or partial conventional prosthetic restoration, they may be a significant obstruction to insertion or interfere with the overall comfort, fit, and function of the planned prosthesis.

In the maxilla, bilateral greater palatine and incisive blocks are performed to achieve adequate anesthesia. Local infiltration of the overlying mucosa helps with hemostasis and hydrodissection that facilitates flap elevation. A linear midline incision with posterior and anterior vertical releases or a U-shaped incision in the palate followed by a subperiosteal dissection is used to expose the defect. Rotary instrumentation with a round acrylic bur may be used for small areas; however, for large tori, the treatment of choice is sectioning with a cross-cut fissure bur. Once sectioned into several pieces, the torus is easily removed with an osteotome. Care must be taken not to over-reduce the palate and expose the floor of the nose. Final contouring may be done with an egg-shaped recontouring bur (Figure 9-13). Copious irrigation is necessary throughout the pro-

cedure. Closure is performed with a resorbable suture. Presurgical fabrication of a thermoplastic stent, made from dental models with the defect removed, in combination with a tissue conditioner helps to eliminate resulting dead space, increase patient comfort, and facilitate healing in cases in which communication occurs with the nasal floor. Soft tissue breakdown is not uncommon over a midline incision; however, meticulous hygiene, irrigation, and tissue conditioners help to minimize these complications. Mandibular tori are accessed using bilateral inferior alveolar and lingual nerve blocks as well as local infiltration to facilitate dissection. A generous crestal incision with subsequent mucoperiosteal flap elevation is performed. Maintenance of the periosteal attachment in the midline reduces hematoma formation and maintains vestibular depth. Nevertheless, when large tori encroach on the midline, maintenance of this midline periosteal attachment is impossible. Careful flap elevation with attention to the thin friable overlying mucosa is necessary as this tissue is easily damaged. Small protuberances can be sheared away with a mallet and osteotome. Large tori are divided superiorly from the adjacent bone with a fissure bur parallel to the medial axis of the mandible and are out-fractured away from the mandible by an osteotome, which provides leverage (Figure 9-14). The residual bony fragment inferiorly may then be relieved with a hand rasp or bone file. It is not imperative that the entire protuberance be removed as long as the goals of the procedure are achieved. Copious irrigation during this procedure is imperative, and closure is completed using a resorbable suture in a running fashion. Temporary denture delivery or gauze packing lingually may be used to prevent hematoma formation and should be maintained for approximately 1 day postoperatively. Wound dehiscence and breakdown with exposure

9-12 A, Area of sojt tissue to be excised in an elliptic fashion over the tuberosity. B, Removal of tissue and undermining ofbuccal and palatal flaps completed. C, Final tissue closure.






of underlying bone is not uncommon and should be treated with local irrigation with normal saline.

Mylohyoid Ridge Reduction

In cases of mandibular atrophy, the mylohyoid muscle contributes significantly to the displacement of conventional dentures. With the availability of advanced grafting techniques and dental implants, there are fewer indications for the reduction of the mylohyoid ridge. In severe cases of mandibular atrophy, the external oblique and mylohyoid ridges may be the height of contour of the posterior mandible. In these cases the bony ridge may be a significant source of discomfort as the overlying mucosa is thin and easily irritated by denture flanges extending into the posterior floor of the mouth. As a result, reduction of the mylohyoid ridge may accompany grafting techniques to provide greater relief and comfort for subsequent restorations. Historically, this procedure has been combined with lowering of the floor of the mouth; however, with the advanced armamentarium available today, there are few, if any, indications for these procedures alone or in combination. Anesthesia is achieved with buccal, inferior alveolar, and lingual nerve blocks. A crestal incision over the height of contour is made, erring toward the buccal aspect to protect the lingual nerve. Subperiosteal dissection along the medial aspect of the mandible reveals the attachment of the mylohyoid muscle to the adjacent ridge. This can be sharply separated with electrocautery to minimize muscle bleeding. Once the overlying muscle is relieved, a reciprocating rasp or bone file can be used to smooth the remaining ridge. Copious irrigation and closure with particular attention to hemostasis is completed. Placement of a stent or existing denture may also aid in hemostasis as well as inferiorly repositioning the attachment. Again, these procedures are rarely indicated and are

FIGURE 9-13 A, Preoperative view of a maxillary torus with the midline incision indicated (dashed line). B, Removal of sectioned elements of the torus with an osteotome. C, Final smoothing of irregularities with a rotary bur. D, Final closure.

included here essentially for historic reference, not for routine use.

Soft Tissue Recontouring

With the eventual bony remodeling that follows tooth loss, muscle and frenum attachments that initially were not in a problematic position begin to create complications in prosthetic reconstruction and to pose an increasing problem with regard to prosthetic comfort, stability, and fit. Often these attachments must be altered before conventional restoration can be attempted. As dental implants become commonplace in the restoration of partially and totally edentulous patients, sur-

gical alteration of these attachments is indicated less often. Nevertheless, inflammatory conditions such as inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia of the vestibule or epulis, and inflammatory hyperplasia of the palate must be addressed before any type of prosthetic reconstruction can proceed. Obviously, any lesion presenting pathologic consequences should undergo biopsy and be treated accordingly before reconstruction commences. In keeping with reconstructive surgery protocol, soft tissue excesses should be respected and should not be discarded until the final bony augmentation is complete. Excess tissue thought to be unnecessary may be


Part 2:

Dentoalveolar Surgery

vestibular depth. This is accomplished with local anesthetic infiltrated into the proposed tissue bed, which is closed only if necessary with resorbable sutures.

Inflammatory Papillary Hyperplasia

Once thought to be a neoplastic process, inflammatory papillary hyperplasia occurs mainly in patients with existing prosthetic appliances.29 An underlying fungal etiology most often is the source of the inflammatory process and appears to coincide with mechanical irritation and poor hygiene practices. The lesion appears as multiple proliferative nodules underlying a mandibular prosthesis likely colonized with Candida. Early stages are easily treated by an improvement of hygiene practices and by the use of antifungal therapy such as nystatin tid alternating with clotrimazole troches intermittently. Nocturnal soaking of the prosthesis in an antifungal solution or in an extremely dilute solution of sodium hypochlorite helps decrease the overall colonization of the prosthesis. In proliferative cases necessitating surgical treatment, excision in a supraperiosteal plane is the method of choice. Many methods are acceptable, including sharp excision with a scalpel, rotary debridement, loop electrocautery as described by Guernsey, and laser ablation with a carbon dioxide laser.30-32 Because of the awkward access needed to remove the lesions, laser ablation is the method we employ. Treatment proceeds supraperiosteally to prevent exposure of underlying palatal bone. Subsequently, placement of a tissue conditioner and a denture reline is helpful to minimize patient discomfort.


9-14 A, Rotary trough exposes a mandibular torus and creates a cleavage plane between the torus and mandible. B, Osteotome shears the remaining attachment of the torus from mandible.

valuable after grafting or augmentation procedures are performed to increase the overall bony volume.

it maintains the vestibule and increases the width of the attached keratinized mucosa.

Hypermobile Tissue
When excess mobile unsupported tissue remains after successful alveolar ridge restoration, or when mobile tissue exists in the presence of a preserved alveolar ridge, removal of this tissue is the treatment of choice. Usually infiltrative local anesthesia can be performed in selected areas. Sharp excision parallel to the defect in a supraperiosteal fashion allows for removal of mobile tissue to an acceptable level. Beveled incisions may be needed to blend the excision with surrounding adjacent tissues and maintain continuity to the surrounding soft tissue. Closure with resorbable suture then approximates residual tissues. Impressions for prosthesis fabrication should proceed after a 3- to 4-week period to allow for adequate soft tissue remodeling. In cases in which denture flange extension is anticipated, the clinician must be careful to preserve the vestibule when undermining for soft tissue closure. Granulation is a better alternative if residual tissues cannot be approximated because

Fibrous Inflammatory Hyperplasia

Fibrous inflammatory hyperplasia is often the result of an ill-fitting denture that produces underlying inflammation of the mucosa and eventual fibrous proliferation resulting in patient discomfort and a decreased fit of the overlying prosthesis. Early management consists mainly of adjustment of the offending denture flange with an associated soft reline of the prosthesis. When there is little chance of eliminating the fibrous component, surgical excision is necessary. In most cases laser ablation with a carbon dioxide laser is the method of choice. When the treatment of large lesions would result in significant scarring and obliteration of the vestibule, sharp excision with undermining of the adjacent mucosa and reapproximation of the tissues is preferred. Again, maintenance of a supraperiosteal plane with repositioning of mucosal edges allowing for subsequent granulation is preferred over approximation of wound edges that results in the alteration of

Treatment of the Labial and Lingual Frenum Labial Frenectomy

Labial frenum attachments consist of thin bands of fibrous tissue covered with






mucosa extending from the lip and cheek to the alveolar periosteum. The height of this attachment varies from individual to individual; however, in dentate individuals frenum attachments rarely cause a problem. In edentulous individuals frenum attachments may interfere with fit and stability, produce discomfort, and dislodge the overlying prostheses. Several surgical methods are effective in excising these attachments. Simple excision and Z-plasty are effective for narrow frenum attachments (Figures 9-15 and 9-16). Vestibuloplasty is often indicated for frenum attachments with a wide base. Local anesthetic infiltration is performed in a regional fashion that avoids direct infiltration into the frenum itself; such an infiltration distorts the anatomy and leads to misidentification of the frenum. Eversion of the lip also helps one identify the anatomic frenum and assists with the excision. An elliptic incision around the proposed frenum is completed in a supraperiosteal fashion. Sharp dissection of the frenum using curved scissors removes mucosa and underlying connective tissue leading to a broad base of periosteum attached to the underlying bone. Once tissue margins are undermined and wound edges are approximated, closure can proceed with resorbable sutures in an interrupted fashion. Sutures should encounter the periosteum, especially at the depth of the vestibule to maintain alveolar ridge height. This also reduces hematoma formation and allows for the preservation of alveolar anatomy. In the Z-plasty technique, excision of the connective tissue is done similar to that described previously. Two releasing incisions creating a Z shape precede undermining of the flaps. The two flaps are eventually undermined and rotated to close the initial vertical incision horizontally. By using the transposition flaps, this technique virtually increases vestibular depth and should be used when alveolar height is in question.

9-15 A, Retracted lip exposes a frenal attachment. B, Isolation and excision of the frenal attachment. C, Complete excision revealing the underlying periosteum. D, Closure of undermined edges of the incision.

' Flaps for closing incision

Flaps for closing incision

FIGURE 9-16 A, Excision of a frenum with proposed Z-plasty incisions. B, Undermined flaps of the Z-plasty. C, Transposed flaps lengthening the incision and lip attachment.

Flaps for closing incision


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Wide-based frenum attachments may best be treated with a localized vestibuloplasty technique. A supraperiosteal dissection is used to expose the underlying periosteum. Superior repositioning of the mucosa is completed, and the wound margin is sutured to the underlying periosteum at the depth of the vestibule. Healing proceeds by secondary intention. A preexisting denture or stent may be used for patient comfort in the initial postoperative period.

Lingual Frenectomy
High lingual frenum attachments may consist of different tissue types including mucosa, connective tissue, and superficial genioglossus muscle fibers. This attachment can interfere with denture stability, speech, and the tongue's range of motion. Bilateral lingual blocks and local infiltration in the anterior mandible provide adequate anesthesia for the lingual frenum excision. To provide adequate traction, a suture is placed through the tip of the tongue. Surgical release of the lingual frenum requires dividing the attachment of the fibrous connective tissue at the base of the tongue in a transverse fashion, followed by closure in a linear direction, which completely releases the ventral aspect of the tongue from the alveolar ridge (Figure 9-17). Electrocautery or a

hemostat can be used to minimize blood loss and improve visibility. After removal of the hemostat, an incision is created through the area previously closed within the hemostat. Careful attention must be given to Wharton's ducts and superficial blood vessels in the floor of the mouth and ventral tongue. The edges of the incision are undermined, and the wound edges are approximated and closed with a running resorbable suture, burying the knots to minimize patient discomfort.

Ridge Extension Procedures in the Maxilla and Mandible Submucous Vestibuloplasty

In 1959 Obwegeser described the submucous vestibuloplasty to extend fixed alveolar ridge tissue in the maxilla.33 This procedure is particularly useful in patients who have undergone alveolar ridge resorption with an encroachment of attachments to the crest of the ridge. Submucous vestibuloplasty is ideal when the remainder of the maxilla is anatomically conducive to prosthetic reconstruction. Adequate mucosal length must be available for this procedure to be successful without disproportionate alteration of the upper lip. If a tongue blade or mouth mirror is placed to the height of the max-

illary vestibule without distortion or inversion of the upper lip, adequate labiovestibular depth is present (Figure 9-18). 9 If distortion occurs then maxillary vestibuloplasty using split-thickness skin grafts or laser vestibuloplasty is the appropriate procedure. Submucous vestibuloplasty can be performed in the office setting under outpatient general anesthesia or deep sedation. A midline incision is placed through the mucosa in the maxilla, followed by mucosal undermining bilaterally. A supraperiosteal separation of the intermediate muscle and soft tissue attachments is completed. Sharp incision of this intermediate tissue plane is made at its attachment near the crest of the maxillary alveolus. This tissue layer may then be excised or superiorly repositioned (Figure 9-19). Closure of the incision and placement of a postsurgical stent or denture rigidly screwed to the palate is necessary to maintain the new position of the soft tissue attachments. Removal of the denture or stent is performed 2 weeks postoperatively. During the healing period, mucosal tissue adheres to the underlying periosteum, creating an extension of fixed tissue covering the maxillary alveolus. A final reline of the patient's denture may proceed at approximately 1 month postoperatively.


9-17 A, Lingual frenum. attachment encroaching on an atrophic mandibular alveolus. B, Excision of the frenum. with undermining of mucosal edges. Note: Care must be taken to avoid causing damage to Wharton's ducts. C, Final closure of mucosal edges.






9-18 A mirror presses the vestibular mucosa to the desired height to evaluate the adequacy of lip mucosa. In this example, extension of the vestibular mucosa superiorly on the alveolar ridge does not result in thinning or intrusion of the lip. Reproduced with permission from Tucker MR. Ambulatory preprosthetic reconstructive surgery. In: Peterson LJ, Indresano AT, Marciani RD, Roser SM. Principles of oral and maxillofacial surgery. Vol 2. Philadelphia (PA): JB Lippincott Company; 1992. p. 1126.

and submucosa undermining to the alveolus is followed by a supraperiosteal dissection to the depth of the vestibule (Figure 9-21). The mucosal flap is then sutured to the depth of the vestibule and stabilized with a stent or denture. The labial denuded tissue is allowed to epithelialize secondarily. In the transpositional vestibuloplasty, the periosteum is incised at the crest of the alveolus and transposed and sutured to the denuded labial submucosa. The elevated mucosal flap is then positioned over the exposed bone and sutured to the depth of the vestibule (Figure 9-22). These procedures provide satisfactory results provided that adequate mandibular height exists preoperatively. A minimum of 15 mm is acceptable for the above procedures. Disadvantages include unpredictable results, scarring, and relapse.

fixed tissue attachments. As a result, these procedures are rarely used today.

Hard Tissue Augmentation

As stated previously, the overall goals of reconstructive preprosthetic surgery are to provide an environment for the prosthesis that will restore function, create stability and retention, and service associated structures as well as satisfy esthetics and prevent minor sensory loss. There are many classification systems of rigid deficiencies associated with many treatment options; nevertheless, each patient must be evaluated individually. When atrophy of the alveolus necessitates bony augmentation, undercuts, exostoses, and inappropriate tissue attachments should be identified and included in the overall surgical plan prior to prosthetic fabrication.

Maxillary Vestibuloplasty
When a submucous vestibuloplasty is contraindicated, mucosa pedicled from the upper lip may be repositioned at the depth of the vestibule in a supraperiosteal fashion. The exposed periosteum can then be left to epithelialize secondarily. Split-thickness skin grafts may be used to help shorten the healing period. In addition, placement of a relined denture may minimize patient discomfort and help to mold and adapt underlying soft tissues and/or skin grafts. Another option in this situation is laser vestibuloplasty. A carbon dioxide laser is used to resect tissue in a supraperiosteal plane to the depth of the proposed vestibule. A denture with a soft reline is then placed to maintain vestibular depth. Removal of the denture in 2 to 3 weeks reveals a nicely epithelialized vestibule that extends to the desired depth (Figure 9-20).

Mandibular Vestibuloplasty and Floor-of-Mouth Lowering Procedures

As with labial muscle attachments and soft tissue in the buccal vestibule, the mylohyoid and genioglossus attachments can preclude denture flange placement lingually. In a combination of the procedures described by Trauner as well as Obwegeser and MacIntosh, both labial and lingual extension procedures can be performed to effectively lower the floor of the mouth (Figure 9-23).36-38 This procedure eliminates the components involved in the displacement of conventional dentures and provides a broad base of fixed tissue for prosthetic support. Again, adequate mandibular height of at least 15 mm is required. Split-thickness skin grafting is used to cover the denuded periosteum and facilitate healing. Today, with the incorporation of endosteal implants and the fabrication of implant-borne prostheses, lingual and buccolabial flange extensions to stabilize mandibular prostheses are not necessary. Consequently, attention is directed toward preservation or preparation of the alveolus for implants rather than extension of the

Maxillary Augmentation
In the past, vestibuloplasties were the procedure of choice to accentuate the alveolus in the atrophic maxilla. Unfortunately, poor quality and quantity of bone combined with excessive occlusal loading by conventional prostheses continued to accelerate the resorptive process. Either augmentation or transantral implant cross-arch stabilization must be considered when anatomic encroachment of the palatal vault or zygomatic buttress and loss of tuberosity height affect overall fit and function of a conventional prosthesis. This section discusses conventional augmentation procedures of the maxilla to restore acceptable alveolar form and dimensions. There is a fourfold increase in resorption in the mandible compared with that in the maxilla, combination syndromes not withstanding. When severe resorption results in severely atrophic ridges (Cawood and Howell Classes IV-VI), some form of augmentation is indicated. Onlay, interpositional, or inlay grafting are the procedures of choice to reestablish acceptable maxillary dimensions.

Lip-Switch Vestibuloplasty
Both lingually based and labially based vestibuloplasties have been described.34,35 In the former an incision in the lower lip


Part 2: Dentoalveolar Surgery

Shallow submucosal tissue and muscle attachments

Submucosal incisions

Submucosal incision Mucosa Splint

FIGURE 9-19 Maxillary submucosal vestibuloplasty.A, Following the creation of a vertical midline incision, scissors are used to bluntly dissect a thin mucosal layer. B, A second supraperiosteal dissection is created using blunt dissection. C, Interposing submucosal tissue layer created by submucosal and supraperiosteal dissections. D, Interposing tissue layer is divided with scissors. The mucosal attachment to the periosteum may be increased by removal of this tissue layer. E, Connected submucosal and supraperiosteal dissections. F, Splint extended in to the maximum height of the vestibule, placing the mucosa and periosteum in direct contact. G, Preoperative appearance of the maxilla with muscular attachments on the lateral aspects of the maxilla. H, Postoperative view. A,B,E,F adapted from Tucker MR. Ambulatorypreprosthetic reconstructive surgery. In: Peterson LJ, Indresano AT, Marciani RD, Roser SM. Principles of oral and maxillofacial surgery. Vol 2. Philadelphia (PA): JB Lippincott Company; 1992. p. 1126-7. C,D,G,H reproduced with permission from Tucker MR. Ambulatory preprosthetic reconstructive surgery. In: Peterson LJ, Indresano AT, Marciani RD, Roser SM. Principles of oral and maxillofacial surgery. Vol 2. Philadelphia (PA): JB Lippincott Company; 1992. p. 1127.

Ridge Split Osteoplasty


response to transligamentary loading and maintains the alveolus during the dentate state. Replacement of this tissue allows for dental implant stimulation of the surrounding bone that can best mimic this situation and preserve the existing alveolus

procedures geared toward expanding the knife-edged alveolus in a buccolingual direction help is associated to with restore the crucial and endosteal component of the alveolus that preservation

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Preprosthetic and Reconstructive Surgery



9-20 Open submucosal vestibuloplasty. A, Submucosal dissection between two anterior vertical incisions followed by an incision on the crest ofthe alveolar ridge. B, Preoperative appearance ofthe maxilla; hydroxylapatite augmentation had been performed but resulted in inadequate vestibular depth. C, Intraoperative photograph after elevation ofthe mucosal flap and removal of submucosal tissue. D, Appearance at the time ofsplint removal. A adapted from and B-D reproduced with permission from Tucker MR. Ambulatory preprosthetic reconstructive surgery. In: Peterson LJ, Indresano AT, Marciani RD, Roser SM. Principles of oral and maxillofacial surgery. Vol 2. Philadelphia (PA): JB Lippincott Company; 1992. p. 1128.

and possibly stimulate future bone growth. Adequate dimensions, however, should exist that allow for a midcrestal osteotomy to separate the buccal and lingual cortices (Figures 9-24 and 9-25). A labial incision originates just lateral to the vestibule and continues supraperiosteally to a few millimeters below the crest of the alveolus. A subperiosteal flap then originates exposing the underlying crest. Copious irrigation accompanies an osteotomy circumferentially anterior to the maxillary sinus from one side to the other. Mobilization of the labial segment can be achieved

with careful manipulation with an osteotome, taking care to maintain the labial periosteal attachment. An interpositional cancellous graft can then be placed in the resulting defect, replacing the lost bony mass. Closure of the incision is away from the graft site and usually requires suturing of the flap edge to the periosteum with subsequent granulation of the remainder of the exposed tissue bed. Endosteal implants can be placed approximately 3 to 4 months later; waiting this length of time has been shown to increase overall long-term implant success.

Onlay Grafts When clinical loss of the alveolar ridge and palatal vault occur (Cawood and Howell Class V), vertical onlay augmentation of the maxilla is indicated. Initial attempts at alveolar restoration involved the use of autogenous rib grafts; however, currently corticocancellous blocks of iliac crest are the source of choice.39,40 In a similar approach to that described above, the crest of the alveolus is exposed and grafts are secured with 1.5 to 2.0 mm screws. Studies show increased success with implant placement in a secondstage procedure rather than using them as

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FIGURE 9-21 Kazanjian flap vestibuloplasty. A, An incision is made in the labial mucosa, and a thin mucosal flap is dissected from the underlying tissue. A supraperiosteal dissection is performed on the anterior aspect of the mandible. B, The labial mucosal flap is sutured to the depth of the vestibule. The anterior aspect of the labial vestibule heals by secondary intention. Adapted from Tucker MR. Ambulatory preprosthetic reconstructive surgery. In: Peterson LJ, Indresano AT, Marciani RD, Roser SM. Principles of oral and maxillofacial surgery. Vol 2. Philadelphia (PA): JB Lippincott Company; 1992. p. 1120.

FIGURE 9-22 Transpositional flap (lip-switch) vestibuloplasty. A, After elevation of the mucosal flap, the periosteum is incised at the crest of the alveolar ridge and a subperiosteal dissection is completed on the anterior aspect of the mandible. B, The periosteum is then sutured to the anterior aspect of the labial vestibule, and the mucosal flap is sutured to the vestibular depth at the area of the periosteal attachment. C, Elevation of the mucosal flap. D, Periosteal incision along the crest of the alveolar ridge. E, Mucosa is sutured to the vestibular depth at the area of the periosteal attachment. Note amount of vestibular depth extension compared with the old vestibular depth, which is marked by the previous denture flange. A^, B adapted from and C-E reproduced from Tucker MR. Ambulatory preprosthetic reconstructive surgery. In: Peterson LJ, Indresano AT, Marciani RD, Roser SM. Principles of oral and maxillofacial surgery. Vol 2. Philadelphia (PA): JB Lippincott Company; 1992. p. 1121.






sources of retention and stabilization of the graft and alveolus at the time of augmentation. Implant success ranges from > 90% initially and falls to 75% and 50%, respectively, at 3 and 5 years postoperatively.41-45 Implant success may be directly proportional to the degree of graft maturation and incorporation at the time of implant placement. As a result, 4 to 6 months of healing is an acceptable waiting period when longterm implant success may be affected. Interpositional Grafts Interpositional grafts are indicated when adequate palatal vault height exists in the face of severe alveolar atrophy (Cawood and Howell Class VI) posteriorly, resulting in an increased interarch space. Because this method involves a Le Fort I osteotomy, true skeletal discrepancies between the maxilla and mandible can be corrected at the time of surgery. The improvement of maxillary dimensions as a result of interpositional grafts may obviate the need for future soft tissue recontouring to provide adequate relief for prosthetic rehabilitation (Figure 9-26). Although early studies entertained the simultaneous placement of dental implants at the time of augmentation, recently several authors have demonstrated better success rates for implants placed in a second-stage procedure; this alleviates the need for excessive tissue reflection for implant placement and allows for a more accurate placement at a later date.41 A relapse of 1 to 2 mm has been demonstrated in interpositional grafts using the Le Fort I technique with rigid fixation.46-50 More data are needed to determine long-term overall success and relapse with these procedures. Sinus Lifts and Inlay Bone Grafts Sinus lift procedures and inlay bone grafting play a valuable role in the subsequent implant restoration of a maxilla that has atrophied posteriorly and is unable to accommodate implant placement owing to the proximity of the maxillary sinus to

9-23 Floor-of-mouth lowering. A, Mucosal and muscular attachments near the crest ofthe alveolar ridge. B, Inferior repositioning ofthe mucosal flap after the mucosal incision and sectioning ofmylohyoid muscle have been performed. C, Bolsters placed percutaneously to secure the flap inferiorly. D, Inferior mandibular "sling" sutures provide inferior traction on the mucosal flap. E, Buttons secure the mucosal flap sutures. F, Postoperative appearance ofthe floor-of-mouth extension. A,B,E,F reproduced with permission from Tucker MR. Ambulatory preprosthetic reconstructive surgery. In: Peterson LJ, Indresano AT, Marciani RD, Roser SM. Principles of oral and maxillofacial surgery. Vol 2. Philadelphia (PA): JB Lippincott Company; 1992. p. 1122-3. C,D adapted from Tucker MR. Ambulatory preprosthetic reconstructive surgery. In: Peterson LJ, Indresano AT, Marciani RD, Roser SM. Principles of oral and maxillofacial surgery. Vol 2. Philadelphia (PA): JB Lippincott Company; 1992. p. 1122.


Part 2:

Dentoalveolar Surgery

sinus-grafting procedures. They also have stated that in the literature there is an overall success rate ranging from 75 to 100%.51'52 As these procedures gain popularity and are routinely incorporated into mainstream preprosthetic surgery treatment plans, more accurate data and longterm follow-up will be available.

Treatment of Skeletal and Alveolar Ridge Discrepancies

Supraeruption of teeth and associated alveolar bone into opposing edentulous spaces in partially edentulous patients precludes prosthetic rehabilitation owing to functional loss of freeway space and the fact that the opposing arch cannot be restored without the extraction of the offending supraerupted dentition. With segmental alveolar surgery, these teeth can be repositioned to achieve a more appropriate relationship with the adjacent dentition and to increase the interarch space to allow for proper prosthetic restoration of the opposing dentition. A preoperative work-up should include a thorough extraoral and intraoral examination. Cephalometric analysis and study models should be obtained. Close communication with the restorative dentist is necessary to determine expectations regarding the final position of the toothbearing segment postoperatively. Mounted

9-24 A, Diagram shows bone cuts and the position ofthe buccal fragment a^er the osteotomy. The bone grafts are already in position. Adapted from Stoelinga PJW.61 B, Handpiece in position with small crosscut fissure bur performing osteotomy along the crest ofthe alveolar ridge. C, Osteotomy completed and buccal plate outfractured to complete ridge split. The defect is now ready for interpositional graft to maintain the increased buccolingual width. D, Completed ridge split with interpositional corticocancellous and allogeneic bone used to fill the defect and maintain the increased buccolingual dimension.

the alveolar crest. Incisions just palatal to the alveolar crest are created, followed by subperiosteal exposure of the anterior maxilla. A cortical window 2 to 3 mm above the sinus floor is created with the use of a round diamond bur down to the membrane of the sinus. Careful infracture of the window with dissection of the sinus membrane off the sinus floor creates the space necessary for graft placement; the lateral maxillary wall is the ceiling for the subsequent graft (Figure 9-27). Corticocancellous blocks or particulate bone may be placed in the resulting defect. Tears in the membrane may necessitate coverage with collagen tape to prevent extrusion and migration of particulate grafts through the perforations. Although implant placement can proceed simultaneously when 4 to 5 mm of native alveolus exists, we have found few cases where the

alveolus meets these requirements and therefore elect to place implants approximately 6 months later. Block and Kent have reported an 87% success rate with

FIGURE 9-25 A, Schematic drawing ofthe bone graft position in relation to the nasal floor. Note the reflected buccal periosteum after palatal incisions. B, Position of endosteal implants after the bone graft has healed. Adapted from Stoelinga PJW.61






FIGURE 9 - 2 6

the maxilla.

Graphic (A) and clinical presentation (B) of interpositional iliac crest grafts to

ate presurgical vertical and horizontal dimensions. This information should be combined with a cephalometric prediction analysis to determine the overall problem list and surgical treatment plan. Indexed surgical splints that can be rigidly fixed to the edentulous arches should be fabricated preoperatively at the time of model surgery; these splints aid in surgical repositioning of the maxilla, mandible, or both. Surgical procedures describing repositioning of the maxilla and mandible with rigid fixation are discussed in Chapter 56, "Principles of Mandibular Orthognathic Surgery" and Chapter 57, "Maxillary Orthognathic Surgery." Prosthetic reconstruction can usually proceed at 6 to 8 weeks postoperatively.

Mandibular Augmentation
models, model surgery to reposition the segment, and diagnostic wax-ups of the proposed opposing dentition help one to verify the feasibility and success of the future prosthetic reconstruction. Surgical splint fabrication is necessary to support and stabilize the segment postoperatively. Increased stability is obtained if as many teeth as possible are included in the splint to help stabilize the teeth in the repositioned segment. The splint can be thickened to the opposing edentulous alveolar ridge to prevent relapse and to maintain the new vertical alignment of the repositioned segment. Techniques for segmental surgery are discussed Chapter 57, "Maxillary Orthognathic Surgery," and in other texts. An adequate healing period of approximately 6 to 8 weeks should precede prosthetic rehabilitation. In totally edentulous patients with skeletal abnormalities that prevent successful prosthetic reconstruction owing to an incompatibility of the alveolar arches, orthognathic surgical procedures may create a more compatible skeletal and alveolar ridge relationship. This can aid the restorative dentist in the fabrication of functional and esthetic restorations (Figure 9-28). 46 During the evaluation and treatment planning stage, the restorative dentist should play a major role in determining the final position of the maxillary and mandibular arches. Clinical examination, radiographic and cephalometric examinations, and articulated models should be attained to determine appropriOne of the most challenging procedures in reconstructive surgery remains the reconstruction of the severely atrophic mandible (Cawood and Howell Classes V and VI). Patients exhibiting these deficits are characteristically overclosed, which creates an aged appearance, are usually severely debilitated from a functional perspective, and

9-27 A, Sinus lift procedure with an inward trapdoor fracture of lateral sinus wall. B, Graft material is placed on the floor of the sinus. The sinus lining should not be perforated during the elevation of the bone. Adapted from Beirne OR. Osseointegrated implant systems. In: Peterson LJ, Indresano AT, Marciani RD, Roser SM. Principles of oral and maxillofacial surgery. Vol 2. Philadelphia (PA): JB Lippincott Company; 1992. p. 1146.

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9-28 A and B, Preoperative views of a 52-year-old patient show severely collapsed circumoral tissues. C and D, The same patient 6 months postoperatively. Note the improvement ofthe sagging chin and support for circumoral muscles. Better support for the lower lip also favorably affects the position ofthe upper lip. The patient is not wearing dentures in any ofthe photographs. Reproduced with permission from Stoelinga PJW. 61

often present with significant risk for pathologic fracture of the mandible. Because the ideal graft should be vascularized and eventually incorporated into the host bone through a combination of osteoconduction and induction, autogenous bone grafts consistently meet these requirements and offer the most advantages to the reconstructive plan. Unfortunately, graft resorption and unpredictable remodeling have complicated grafting procedures; however, rigid fixation and later incorporation of dental implants have allowed for the needed stability postoperatively with regard to resorption and have promoted beneficial stimulation to preserve existing graft volume. Initially, mandibular augmentation with autogenous rib and ileum enjoyed little long-term success. However, recent incorporation of rigid fixation, delayed implant placement 6 months after grafting (allowing for the initial stage of graft resorption), guided tissue regeneration, and BMP have all contributed to increased success rates in onlay augmentation of the mandible.53-57 Inferior Border Augmentation Inferior border augmentation has been demonstrated using autogenous rib or composite

cadaveric mandibles combined with autogenous cancellous bone (Figure 9-29). 58-60 The following describes our technique for inferior augmentation of the atrophic mandible using the latter method. Incisions are placed as inconspicuously as possible from one mandibular angle to the other and proceed circumferentially

3 to 4 mm below the inferior border of the mandible and anteriorly to the contralateral side. The superficial layer of the deep cervical fascia is sharply dissected. The fascia is then incorporated in the reflection; a nerve tester is used to perform a careful evaluation for the marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve. Reflection


A 9-29 A, Cadaveric mandible tray rigidly fixed to an atrophic mandible with autogenous cancellous bone sandwiched between native and cadaveric bone. Note that bur holes have been created to facilitate the revascularization of the graft. B, Cadaveric tray filled with autogenous bone before insetting. C, Graft and cadaveric tray inset for inferior border augmentation.






superficial to the capsule of the submandibular gland allows dissection to the inferior border. Facial blood vessels are located and managed with surgical ties accordingly. The inferior border is exposed in a subperiosteal dissection with great care to avoid intraoral exposure. Cadaveric mandibular adjustment involves relieving the condyles and superior rami, thinning the bone to a uniform thickness of approximately 2 to 3 mm, and creating a scalloped tray to incorporate the autogenous bone. Repeated try-ins are necessary to evaluate the overall adaptation to the native mandible. Osseous interfaces as well as form and symmetry as they relate to the overall maxillomandibular relationship are evaluated. Once appropriate dimensions have been reached, the atrophic mandible fits securely inside the cadaveric specimen without creating a Class III appearance, and flap closure is attainable, bur holes are drilled throughout the specimen to facilitate vascularization. Autogenous bone is then obtained from the ileum, morselized, and placed in the cadaveric specimen. BMP soaked in collagen is placed in the recipient bed as well as in a layered fashion over the autogenous graft. The entire specimen is fixed rigidly to the native mandible using screw fixation posterior to the area of future implant placement and in the mandibular midline, where implants are usually not placed. Postoperatively patients can function with their preexisting prosthesis and enjoy increased stabilization of the mandible. When combined with implant placement at 4 to 6 months, this procedure results in an overall resorption rate of < 5% and is associated with low rates of infection and dehiscence intraorally owing to the maintenance of mucosal barriers during reconstruction. Pedicled and Interpositional Grafts Placement of pedicled or interpositional grafts in the mandible is based on the maintenance of the lingual periosteum.

The lingual periosteum maintains ridge form and its presence results in minimal resorption of the transpositioned basalar bone, as described by Stoelinga.61 Peterson and Slade as well as Harle described the visor osteotomy in the late 1970s (Figure 9-30).62'63 Unfortunately, labial bone grafting of the superiorly repositioned lingual segment was necessary to reproduce alveolar dimensions that were compatible with prosthesis use. Schettler and Holtermann and then Stoelinga and Tideman described a horizontal osteotomy with interpositional grafts to augment mandibular height, with repositioning of the inferior alveolar neurovascular bundle (Figures 9-31 and 9-32).64'65 Unfortunately, neurosensory complications and collapse of the lingual segment became significant disadvantages to this technique. With the incorporation of mandibular implants and the success of full mandibular prostheses that are supported by four or five anterior implants between mental foramina, many of these pedicled and interpositional procedures are in decline today.

Alveolar Distraction Osteogenesis

As alluded to previously, growing bone via the application of tension or stress has been

shown to be a viable solution to defects of the long bone, mandible, and midface. Application to alveolar bone has been limited only by technologic advancement in appliancesthe principles are still the same. Alveolar distraction offers some distinct advantages over traditional bonegrafting techniques. No donor site morbidity is involved, and the actual distraction process from the latency period through active distraction and consolidation is actually shorter than Phase I and Phase II bone remodeling and maturation. The quality of the bone grown in response to this tension/stress application is ideal for implant placement. The vascularity and cellularity of the bone promote osseointegration of dental implants. The greatest successes are related to the achievement of vertical graft stability. One of the biggest problems in alveolar bone grafting historically has been maintaining vertical augmentation of bone graft sites. When distraction is used, the transported alveolar segment does not undergo any significant resorptive process because it maintains its own viability through an intact periosteal blood supply. The intermediate regenerate quickly transforms into immature woven bone and matures through the normal processes of active bone remodeling. The sequencing of

FIGURE 9-30 Visor osteotomy devised by Harle F. Adapted from Stoelinga PJW61 and Harle F.63

9-31 Sandwich osteotomy designed by Schettler and Holtermann. Adapted from Stoelinga PJW61 and Schettler D and Holtermann W.64


Part 2:

Dentoalveolar Surgery

FIGURE 9-32 Sandwich-visor osteotomy according to Stoelinga and Tideman. A, Bone cut is outlined (dotted line). B, Cranial fragment is lifted, supported by bone struts, and secured by a wire tied in a figure ofeight. Adapted from Stoelinga PJW61 and Schettler D and Holtermann W.64

consisting of two bone plates and a distraction rod.66 A horizontal osteotomy is created, and the distraction rod is inserted from a crestal direction. The transport bone plate is then engaged and positioned on the transport section with a bone screw; the basal bone plate is engaged and likewise supported on the bone with a screw. There are some limitations with this device because the distraction rod may limit its use in areas where the vertical dimension of occlusion is compromised. The rod is also visible anteriorly, which may be an esthetic issue. Finally, the rod may interfere with future implant placement unless the implant can be placed directly into the site vacated by the rod. The Robinson Inter-Oss alveolar device was designed to be used in a onestage procedure in which the transport appliance actually becomes the implant when the regenerate has matured. Anatomic limitations require a fairly significant crestal bone height and width for use. A similar device, the ACE distraction dental implant system, allows for a distractor that can be placed and then replaced with a dental implant once the distraction has been completed. Again, this is a simple and easy implant to be placed, but anatomic constraints limit its use to certain situations. Both the ACE device and the Robinson Inter-Oss device have limitations in that they must be externally directed or the distraction may veer off course. Other devices available commercially that are similar to those above are the DISSIS distraction implant and the Veriplant. The Lead device mentioned above provides relatively rigid stabilization of the transport segment, but these other devices may violate one of the prime requirements of successful alveolar distraction, namely, rigid fixation of the transport segments. Extraosseous devices are much more successful and practical for distraction and rigid fixation of the segments. The Track Plus System manufactured by KLS Martin

events is crucial to maintaining the newly augmented bone and is definitely applicable in cases in which the alternatives are limited. Diagnosis and treatment planning of a typical case for alveolar distraction osteogenesis involves good clinical and radiographic examinations, primarily using panoramic radiographs. Anatomic structures such as adjacent teeth, the sinus floor, the nasal floor, and the inferior alveolar canal are all easily identifiable in these situations. It is rare that CT or other more sophisticated imaging studies are required. The prosthetic work-up for these cases is also important. The ideal placement of the new alveolar crest both vertically and buccolingually determines the success of the distraction. The final position of the alveolus determines the exact alignment of the transport device and how it should be positioned in the bone. The shape of the residual alveolar bone is also important to identify. Often vertical bone defects are accompanied by a significant horizontal bone loss. This bone loss must be dealt with either by further reduction of the vertical height to achieve adequate horizontal width or by some type of pre- or postdistraction bone graft augmentation to achieve an adequate width. Although the success rates with alveolar distraction are very high when cases are

properly planned, there are surgical pitfalls to be avoided to ensure that alveolar distraction succeeds. First and foremost is maintenance of the blood supply of the distracted or transported segment. Many times this is difficult when access to the osteotomies is limited. Although there is no minimum height or width for the transport segment, it should not exceed the distance across which the segment is being transported. Mistakes are often made related to the application of the distraction appliances. In the posterior mandible, the appliances are often inclined too far lingually for implant reconstruction. Similarly, in the anterior maxilla, an adequate labial projection of bone is difficult to achieve unless the appliance is proclined to transport the alveolus inferiorly and labially. Additionally, care must be taken when handling soft tissues at alveolar ridge distraction sites. Mucosal flaps maintained with a substantial vascular supply are necessary to achieve predictable wound healing. In addition, we recommend both periosteal and mucosal closure to prevent segmental dehiscence during the distraction process. There are both intraosseous and extraosseous devices that have been designed for alveolar distraction. The Lead R System device designed by Chin is a simple one







t"' *


W ^ f c

9-33 A, Atrophic mandible in preparation for alveolar ridge distraction. B, Distraction device in place. C, Bony regenerate at the distraction site is visible at the time of device removal.

and the bone plate device manufactured by Walter Lorenz Surgical are two devices that adhere to the principles of distraction and rigid fixation (Figure 9-33). After placement of a distraction device, a latency period must be observed, the duration of which is 4 to 7 days, depending on the age of the patient and the quality of tissue at the transport site. The latter is significant in patients who have previously undergone irradiation, multiple surgical procedures, or trauma, resulting in scar tissue and compromised blood supply. The active distraction period varies depending on the distance the segment is transported. Standard principles must be followed. The rate and rhythm of transport is 1 mm/d in divided segments0.25 mm four times a day is the most practical for appliances as well as the patient. The consolidation phase commences when the distraction is complete. Generally the consolidation period should be three times the length of the distraction period. The extraosseous appliances provide rigid fixation to promote faster maturation of the regenerated bone. At the conclusion of the consolidation phase, the appliance can be removed. Rather than

waiting for full mineralization of the regenerate, one can place the implants, which then provide further rigidity to the transport segment and allow for healing of both the implant and the immature regenerate simultaneously. The total treatment time is thus much shorter than with conventional bone grafting with either autogenous or allogeneic bone, and in most cases the appliance does not interfere with day-to-day function. Other than the inability to wear a transitional prosthesis, there is minimal disruption of the normal activity and diet. Morbidity is generally minimal and is related strictly to management of soft tissue flaps, maintenance of adequate transport segment blood supply, and proper positioning of osteotomies.

ideal environment for implant-supported and -stabilized prosthetic reconstruction.

1. Brnemark PI, Hansson B, Adell R, et al. Osseointegrated implants in the treatment of the edentulous jaw. Experience from a 10-year period. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Suppl 1977;16:1-132. 2. Weintraub JA, Burt BA. Oral health status in the United States: tooth loss and edentulism. J Dent Educ 1985;49:368-78. 3. Cawood JI, Stoelinga JPW, et al. International research group on reconstructive preprosthetic surgeryconsensus report. Int J Oral Maxiliofac Surg 2000;29:139-62. 4. Tallgren A. The continuing reduction of residual alveolar ridges in complete denture wearers: mixed longitudinal study covering 25 years. J Prosthet Dent 1972;27:120-32. 5. Bays RA. The pathophysiology and anatomy of edentulous bone loss. In: Fonseka R, Davis W, editors. Reconstructive preprosthetic oral and maxillofacial surgery. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders; 1985. p 19-41. 6. Starshak TJ. Oral anatomy and physiology. In: Starshak TJ, Saunders B, editors. Preprosthetic oral and maxillofacial surgery. St. Louis: Mosby; 1980. 7. Cawood JI, Howell RA. A classification of the edentulous jaws. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1988;17:232-6. 8. Crandal CE, Trueblood SN. Roentgenographic

With the evolution and success of dental implant technology, guided tissue regeneration, and genetically engineered growth factors such as BMP, current indications for grafting and augmentation are usually related to facilitation of implant placement. Time-honored reconstructive procedures including bone grafting and augmentation are also evolving to create the


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findings in edentulous areas. Oral Surg 1960;13:1342. Ochs MW, Tucker MR. Preprosthetic surgery. In: Peterson LJ, Ellis E, Hupp J, Tucker M, editors. Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery. 4th ed. St Louis: Mosby; 2003. p. 248-304. Enlow DH, Kuroda T, Lewis AB. The morphological and morphogenetic basis for craniofacial form and pattern. Angle Orthod 1971;41:161-88.

osteoclast resorption of bone substitute biomaterials used for implant site augmentation: a pilot study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2002;17:321-30. 26. Alexopoulou M, Semergidis T, Sereti M. Allogenic bone grafting of small and medium defects of the jaws. Presented at the XIV congress of the European Association for Cranio-Maxiliofacial Surgery. 1998 September 1-5; Helsinki, Finland. 27. Sclar AG. Preserving alveolar ridge anatomy following tooth removal in conjunction with immediate implant placement. The Bio-Col technique. Atlas Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am 1999;7(2):39-59. 28. Kalas S. The occurrence of torus palatinus and torus mandibularis in 2,478 dental patients. Oral Surg 1953;6:1134-43. Bhaskar SN. Synopsis of oral pathology. 7th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 1986. 30. Guernsey LH. Reactive inflammatory papillary hyperplasia of the palate. Oral Surg 1965;20:814-27. Starshak TJ. Corrective soft tissue surgery. In: Sharshak TJ, Saunders, B, editors. Preprosthetic oral and maxillofacial surgery. St. Louis: Mosby; 1980. Hartwell CN Jr. Syllabus of complete dentures. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger; 1968. Obwegeser H. Die Submukose Vestibulumplaspik. Dtsch Zahnarztl Z 1959;14:629-38. Kazanjian VH. Surgical operations as related to satisfactory dentures. Dent Cosmos 1924;66:387-91. Keithley JL, Gamble JW. The lip-switch: a modification of Kazanjian's labial vestibuloplasty. J Oral Surg 1978;36:701-07. 36. Trauner R. Alveoloplasty with ridge extensions on the lingual side of the lower jaw to solve the problem of a lower dental prosthesis. Oral Surg 1952;5:340-8. MacIntosh RB, Obwegeser HL. Preprosthetic surgery: a scheme for its effective employment J Oral Surg 1967;25:397-415. Richardson D, Cawood JI. Anterior maxillary osteoplasty to broaden the narrow maxillary ridge. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1991;20:343-8. 39. Terry BC, Albright JE, Baker RD. Alveolar ridge augmentation in the edentulous maxilla with the use of autogenous ribs. J Oral Surg 1974;32:429-34. 40. Terry BC. Subperiosteal onlay grafts. In: Stoelinga PJW, editor. Proceedings Consensus Conference: 8th International Congress Conference in Oral Surgery. Chicago: Quintessence International; 1984. 52. 53. 49. 48. 46.

fixed with screw implants for the treatment of severely resorbed maxillae. Radiographic evaluation of preoperative bone dimensions, postoperative bone loss, and changes in soft tissue profile. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1996;25:351-9. 42. Vermeeren JI, Wismeijer D, van Wass MA. One-step reconstruction of the severely resorbed mandible with onlay bone grafts and endosteal implants. A 5-year follow-up. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1996;25:112-5. 43. Nystrom E, Lundgren S, Gonne J, Nilson H. Interpositional bone grafting in LeFort I osteotomy for reconstruction of the atrophic edentulous maxilla. A two stage technique. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1997;26:423-7. 44. Keller EE, Eckerd SE, Tolman DE. Maxillary antral and nasal one stage inlay composite bone graft. A preliminary report on 30 recipient sites. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1994;52:438-48. implants and onlay bone grafts to the atrophic edentulous maxilla. A three year longitudinal study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1996;25:25-9. Bell WH, Profit WR, White RP Jr. Surgical correction of dentofacial deformities. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders; 1980. Piecuch J, Segal D, Grasso J. Augmentation of the atrophic maxilla with interpositional autogenous bone grafts. J Maxillofac Surg 1984;12:133-6. Cawood JI, Stoelinga PJW, Brouns, JJ. A reconstruction of the severely resorbed, Class VI in maxilla. A two step procedure. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1994;23:219-25. Piecuch JF, Silverstein K, Quinn PD. Bone grafts in preprosthetic surgery. Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Knowledge Update, Vol II. Chicago (IL): American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons; 1998. p. 11-31 50. Locher MC, Sailer HF. Results after a LeFort I osteotomy in combination with titanium implants: sinus inlay method. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am 1994;6:679-88. 51. Block MS, Kent JN. Sinus augmentation for dental implants: the use of autogenous bone. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1997;55:1281-6. Thoma KH, Holland DJ. Atrophy of the mandible. Oral Surg 1951;4:1477-81. Curtis T, Ware W. Autogenous bone graft procedures for atrophic edentulous mandibles. J Prosthet Dent 1977;38:366-79. Saunders B, Cox R. Inferior border rib grafting for augmentation of the atrophic edentulous mandible. J Oral Surg 1976;34:897-900. Davis WH, Delo RI, Ward WB. et al. Long term


11. Wozney JM. The bone morphogenetic protein family and osteogenesis. Mol Reprod Dev 1992;31:160-7. 12. Moss ML. The primary role of functional matrices in facial growth. Am J Orthod 1969;55:566-77. Ilizarov GA. The tension-stress effect on the genesis and growth of tissues. Clin Orthop 1989;238:249-81.




Ilizarov GA, editor. Transosseous osteosynthesis. Germany: Springer-Verlag; 1992. 15. Sullivan WG, Szwajkun PR. Revascularization of cranial versus iliac crest bone grafts in the rat. Plast Reconstr Surg 1991;87:1105-8. 16. 17. Burchardt H. The biology of bone graft repair. Clin Orthop 1983;174:28-42. Reddi AH, Weintroub S, Muthukumaran N. Biologic principles of bone induction. Orthop Clin North Am 1987;18:207-12. Hosney M. Recent concepts in bone grafting and banking. J Craniomandib Pract 1987; 5:170-82. Becker WM, Urist M, Tucker L . Human demineralized freeze-dried bone: inadequate induced bone formation in athymic mice. A preliminary report. J Periodontol 1995;66:822-8. Wozney JM, Rosen V, Celeste A, et al. Novel regulators of bone formation: molecular clones and activities. Science 1998;42:1528-34. Dean OT. Surgery for the denture patient. J Am Dent Assoc 1936;23:124-32. Kent JN, Jarcho M. Reconstruction of the alveolar ridge with hydroxyapatite. In: Fonseca R, Davis W, editors. Reconstructive preprosthetic oral and maxillofacial surgery. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1985. p. 853-936. 23. Wiltfang J, Schlegel K, Schultze-Mosgau S, et al. Sinus floor augmentation with betatricalciumphosphate (beta-TCP): does platelet-rich plasma promote its osseous integration and degradation? Clin Oral Implants Res 2003;14:213-8. 24. Stvrtecky R, Gorustovich A, Perio C, Guglielmotti MB. A histologic study of bone response to bioactive glass particles used before implant placement: a clinical report. J Prosthet Dent 2003;90:424-8. Taylor JC, Cuff SE, Leger JP, et al. In vitro

45. Astrand P, Nord PG, Brnemark PI. Titanium


32. 33. 34.






21. 22.





41. Nystrom E, Ahlqvist J, Kahnberg KE, Ronsenquist JB. Autogenous onlay bone grafts








ridge augmentation with rib graft. J Maxillofac Surg 1975; 3:103-6. Bell WH, Buche W, Kennedy J III, et al. Surgical correction of the atrophic alveolar ridge: a preliminary report on a new concept of treatment. Oral Surg 1977;43:485-98. Baker RD, Connole PW. Preprosthetic augmentation grafting: autogenous bone. J Oral Surg 1977;35:541-51. Quinn PD. The atrophic mandible: an alternative to superior border grafting. In: Worthington P, Evans J, editors. Controversies in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders; 1994. p. 460-6.

border grafting and implants: a preliminary report. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1992;7:87-93. 60. Miloro M, Quinn PD. Prevention of recurrent pathologic fracture of the atrophic mandible using inferior border grafting: report of two cases. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1994;52:414-20.


Harle F. A follow up investigation of surgical correction of the atrophied alveolar ridge with visor osteotomy. J Maxillofac Surg 1979;7:283-93. Schettler D, Holtermann W. Clinical and experimental results of a sandwich-technique for mandibular alveolar ridge augmentation. J MaxiUofac Surg 1977;5:199-202. Stoelinga PJW, Tideman H. Interpositional bone graft augmentation of the atrophic mandible: a preliminary report. J Oral Surg 1978;36:30-2. Chin M. Alveolar distraction osteogenesis. In: Samchucov ML, Cope JB, Cherkashin AM, editors. Craniofacial distraction osteogenesis. St. Louis: Mosby; 2001. p. 387-92.




61. Stoelinga PJW. Preprosthetic reconstructive surgery. In: Peterson LJ, Indresano AT, Marciani RD, Roser SM, editors. Principles of oral and maxillofacial surgery. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott Co; 1992. p. 1169-207. 62. Peterson LJ, Slade E. Mandibular ridge augmentation by a modified visor osteotomy: a preliminary report. J Oral Surg 1977;35:999-1004.




Quinn PD, Kent JN, MacAfee KA. Reconstructing the atrophic mandible with inferior

C H A P T E R 10

Michael S. Block, DMD Ronald M. Achong, DMD, MD

History of Dental Implants

Replacement of lost dentition has been traced to ancient Egyptian and South American civilizations.1 In ancient Egyptian writings implanted animal and carved ivory teeth were the oldest examples of primitive implantology. In eighteenth and nineteenth century England and colonial America, poor individuals sold their teeth for extraction and transplantation to wealthy recipients.2 The clinical outcomes of these transplanted dentitions were either ankylosis or root resorption. Continued research prolonged allotransplant survival but did not appreciably improve predictability. In 1809 Maggiolo placed an immediate single-stage gold implant in a fresh extraction site with the coronal aspect of the fixture protruding just above the gingiva.3 Postoperative complications included severe pain and gingival inflammation. Since then various implant materials were used ranging from roughened lead roots holding a platinum post to tubes of gold and iridium.3-6 Adams in 1937 patented a submergible threaded cylindrical implant with a ball head screwed to the root for retention for an overdenture in a fashion similar to that done today.7 Up to this point implant success was marginal with a maximum longevity of only a few years. Strock placed the first long-term endosseous implant at Harvard in 1938.8 This implant was a threaded cobalt-

chrome-molybdenum screw with a coneshaped head for the cementation of a jacket crown. The implant remained stable and asymptomatic until 1955, at which time the patient died in a car accident. Strock wrote, "The histological sections of implants in the dog study showed remarkable complete tolerance of the dental implant and the pathologist report so indicated to our gratification." Strock demonstrated for the first time that metallic endosteal dental implants were tolerated in humans, with a survival rate of up to 17 years.8 Due to inadequate alveolar bone height in certain sites of the jaws, subperiosteal implants were developed. In 1943 Dahl placed a metal structure on the maxillary alveolar crest with four projecting posts.9 Multiple variations to this initial design were fabricated but these devices often resulted in wound dehiscence. Blade implants were introduced by Linkow and by Roberts and Roberts.1011 There were numerous configurations with broad applications, and the implants became the most widely used device in implantology in the United States and abroad (Figure 10-1). A two-staged threaded titanium rootform implant was first presented in North America by Brnemark in 1978.12 He showed that titanium oculars, placed in the femurs of rabbits, osseointegrated in the femurs of rabbits after a period of healing. Two-staged titanium implants

were first placed in patients in 1965 and studies showed prolonged survival, freestanding function, bone maintenance, and significant improvement in benefit-to-risk ratio over all previous implants.13 This breakthrough has revolutionalized maxillofacial reconstruction. Subsequently, various implant designs have been manufactured and research in implantology has grown exponentially. The frontiers of implantology are rapidly being advanced and esthetics continue to be an integral part of this progress.

Implant Materials and Surface

Implant materials have undergone a number of different modifications and developments over the past 40 years. Commercially pure titanium has excellent biocompatibility and mechanical properties. When titanium is exposed to air, a 2 to 10 nm thick oxide layer is formed immediately on its surface.14 This layer is bioinert. However, strength issues with pure titanium have led manufacturers to use a titanium alloy to enhance strength of the implant. Most abutments are made of titanium alloy. The use of alloy significantly increases strength, which can be an issue with small-diameter and internal connections. Titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V) is becoming the metal of choice for endosseous dental implants.


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Dentoalveolar Surgery

10-1 A, Blade implants. B, Subperiosteal implant. C, Threaded implants with smooth titanium or hydroxylapatite-coated surface.

contact values at 5 weeks of 72.4% for the acid-etched surface, 56.8% for TPS, 54.8% for grit-blasted, and 48.6% for machined surface implants.19 Reduced healing times have been documented which are believed to result in the need for less time from implantation to loading and better results in poorer-quality bone.20 Despite the success with machined smooth titanium implants, the use of a roughened surface has been substituted by all manufacturers and clinicians as the current surface of choice. With rare exceptions most endosseous implants have a roughened surface texture.

Several attempts have been made to improve implant anchorage in bone by modifying the surface characteristics of titanium implants (Figure 10-2). In order to enhance the bone connection to the implant, a thin coating of hydroxylapatite (HA) has been plasma-sprayed onto a roughened and prepared titanium implant. HA coatings usually range from 50 to 70 ^m and are applied to the implant surface with plasma-spray technology.15 A pressurized hydrothermal postplasma-spray increases the crystalline HA content from 77 to 96%, with an amorphous content of 4%. This coating offers an improved bone adhesion as shown in several studies.16,17 Because of the success in orthopedics with roughened titanium surfaces for endosteal appliances, dental implant manufacturers have modified the titanium surface either by adding titanium to the surface through plasma-spray technology or by reduction procedures involving etching and blasting the surface. The titanium plasma-sprayed surface was the first rough titanium surface introduced into implant dentistry. The titanium plasma-sprayed (TPS) surface process is characterized by high-velocity molten drops of metal being sprayed onto the implant body to a thickness of 10 to 40 ^m.18 Its original intent was to obtain a greater surface area for

bone attachment. TPS implants demonstrated satisfying long-term results in fully and partially edentulous patients. Roughened titanium surfaces can also be produced by reduction techniques such as sand- or grit-blasting, titanium oxide blasting, acid etching, or combinations of these techniques. In 2000 Cordioli and colleagues reported mean bone-to-implant

Surgical Protocol Generic for All Implants Placement without Trauma to the Soft and Hard Tissues
Heat generation during rotary cutting is one of the important factors influencing the development of osseointegration. It is widely accepted that heat increases in proportion to drill speed, and that by extension,

FIGURE 10-2 A, Titanium plasma-sprayed surface at high magnification. B, Acid-etched titanium surface at low magnification. C, Hydroxylapatite-coated surface at low magnification.



high-speed drilling causes physiologic damage to bone. In 1983 Eriksson and Albrektsson demonstrated the occurrence of irreversible histologic damage in the rabbit tibia when heat exposure at a temperature of 47C was longer than 1 minute.21 An even greater injury occurred after heating the bone to 53C for 1 minute, and heating to temperatures of 60C or more resulted in permanent cessation of blood flow and obvious necrosis that showed no sign of repair over followup period of 100 days.21 Minimal heat during implant site preparation has been recommended to achieve optimal healing conditions. Although the relationship between speed and heat generation is still under debate, the consensus has been to recommend speeds of less than 2,000 rpm with copious irrigation for preparation of implant sites.21 In 1986 Eriksson and Adell showed that the Brnemark drilling system had a mean maximum temperature of 30.3C during drilling, with a maximum temperature of 33.8C.22 The duration of maximum temperature never exceeded 5 seconds. Watanabe and colleagues measured heat distribution to the surrounding bone with three different implant drill systems, in 1992.23 Generation of heat in the presence or absence of irrigation when drilling with spiral or spade-type drills was observed in the pig rib via thermography. The maximum temperature generated without irrigation was significantly greater than with irrigation for each drill. The heat generated continuously spread to the surrounding bone even after the bur or drill was removed from the bone, and the original temperature returned in about 60 seconds. The spiral drill required the longest time to generate heat, with gradual increase of temperature. The round bur and cannon or spade drill could finish cutting in a short time, with rapid generation of heat. Maximum temperature without irrigation was higher than with irrigation for any drill. With irrigation at proper speed, minimal

heat was generated. When cortical bone was prepared using the spiral drill, irrigation decreased the maximum temperature by 10C or more. It is recommended by all manufacturers that the bur be moved up and down while preparing the implant site, to allow accessibility of irrigation to the cutting edges of the bur, neutralizing heat generation and removing bone debris.

Time for Integration

Historically a nonloading healing period of machined-surfaced dental implants has been 4 to 6 months for the mandible and 6 months for the maxilla.24 The 4- to 6-month recommendations were made to prevent the development of a fibrous encapsulation of the implant fixtures that occurs with premature loading. These early recommendations for implant surgical protocol were developed based on clinical observations and not necessarily based on an understanding of the biologic principles of implant integration. The original Brnemark protocol has been greatly modified due to the advances in implant microtopographic surfaces and design. In recent years histologic and experimental studies have shown that specifically designed microtopographic implant surfaces can result in increased bone-toimplant contact at earlier healing times than obtained with machined-surface implants. Over the years histologic and clinical studies investigating early and immediate implant loading revealed that implants can be placed into function earlier than previously recommended. In 1998 Lazzara and colleagues evaluated the efficacy of loading Osseotite dental implants at 2 months to determine the effect of early loading on implant performance and survival.25 The cumulative implant survival rate was 98.5% at 12.6 months. The cumulative postloading implant survival rate was 99.8% at 10.5 months. Testori and colleagues investigated the clinical outcome of 2 months of loaded Osseotite implants placed in the posterior jaws, with

a follow-up period of 3 years.26 The overall cumulative implant survival rate after functional loading was 97.7% in the mandible and 98.4% in the maxilla. Cooper and colleagues investigated the early loaded implants in clinical function without risking the result of osseointegration.27 They demonstrated a 96.2% implant survival rate with loaded unsplinted maxillary anterior single-tooth implants 3 weeks after one-stage surgical placement.27 The majority of the tapered threaded implants were placed in type 3 bone with a minimal length of 11 mm. The mean change in marginal bone level was 0.4 mm with a mean gain in papilla length of 0.61 mm at 12 months. In a recent report unsplinted implants placed by a single-stage procedure were successful when loaded by a mandibular overdenture prosthesis.28 Further developments in implant surfaces will greatly reduce integration time (Figure 10-3).

Key Reasons for Failure

Endosseous dental implants have been used successfully throughout the past few decades. Unfortunately implants are not always successful. Improper implant placement can result in a framework design that compromises esthetics and distribution of force on implants. Endosseous implants distribute occlusal load best in an axial direction, but if the occlusal load is in a lateral direction, many damaging stresses, including shear stresses, are generated directly at the crest of bone. Lazzara proposed that off-angle implant positioning requiring over 25 of angle correction will cause an implant to fail.29 Overheating bone during placement will result in a fibrous tissue against the implant surface rather than the bone. Placing implants into bone of poor quality without consideration to the mechanical forces of loading can result in early or late failure. Lack of bone contact at the time of placement is also a factor leading to lack of integration or marginal


Part 2:

Dentoalveolar Surgery

o 3

Smooth machined titanium



SLA ITI System


10-3 Chart showing relative healing times for different implant surfaces. HA = hydroxylapatite; SLA type = sandblasted and acid-etched.

ing appropriate follow-up hygiene care.31 Implants placed into thin ridges or that had dehiscence of their surface did not uniformly gain bone attachment levels during the healing period. Labial bone implant defects should be grafted with particulate hydroxylapatite. In the posterior maxilla, vertical bone loss seems to be due to excessive cantilever-type forces placed on the implants. The use of sinus grafting is recommended to provide adequate bone support in the atrophic posterior maxilla. The presence of keratinized gingiva strongly correlated with bone maintenance in the posterior mandible. Consequently, implant surgical techniques should preserve all keratinized gingiva. Most patients who receive implants for dental restorations have lost teeth due to caries or periodontal disease. Patients need to maintain meticulous oral hygiene. If pocket probing greater than 3 mm around the implant occurs, additional antibacterial solution application or pocket elimination is recommended for hygiene purposes.

integration. The presence of infection when placing an implant can lead to suboptimal healing and eventual lack of integration, infection within a week of placement, or lack of bone formation that results in early failure after loading. Keratinized gingiva has been shown to promote soft tissue health around teeth. However, around dental implants, the presence of keratinized gingiva may or may not be important for preservation of crestal bone. Krekeler and colleagues suggested that there is a strong correlation of keratinized gingiva with implant failure and the absence of an adequate band of keratinized mucosa surrounding the abutment.30 This suggested relationship was based on the ability of the keratinized mucosa to withstand bacterial insult and ingression, which can lead to periimplantitis. Clinical trials with HA-coated implants indicate that the presence of keratinized gingiva is important for longterm success of endosseous implants. There was a significant relationship

between implant survival and crestal bone level maintenance with posterior mandible implants in the presence of a 1 to 2 mm thick band of attached keratinized gingiva.31 The early Brnemark reports indicate that crestal bone levels were not affected by the presence of keratinized gingiva in the anterior mandible, although the presence of transient gingivitis was increased in patients without the protective effect of keratinized gingiva. Thus, keratinized gingiva is important for overall periimplant health.31 Procedures to create and preserve keratinized gingiva are recommended when placing and exposing implants. When placing a one-stage implant, incision design should result in keratinized gingiva labial to the implant. The most important factors for implant success, identified by Block and Kent in 1990, are surgery without compromise in technique, placing implants into sound bone, avoiding thin bone or implant dehiscence at the time of implant placement, established balance restoration, and ensur-

Wound Healing
Bone healing is a physiologic cascade of events in which complex regenerative processes restore original skeletal structure and function. Bone is generated by two separate mechanisms: endochondral and membranous bone formation. Endochondral bone formation occurs at the epiphyseal plates in long bones and condylar head of the mandible and accounts for growth in length.32 It entails the laying down of a preformed cartilaginous template, which is gradually resorbed and replaced by bone. Membranous bone formation or primary bone healing requires differentiation of mesenchymal cells into osteoblasts, which produces osteoid. The osteoid is then mineralized to form bone.32 This type of bone formation occurs in the calvaria, most facial bones, the clavicle, and the mandible. Osseointegration belongs to the category of primary bone healing. The word osseointegration was defined as "a direct structural and functional connection



between ordered, living bone and the surface of a load carrying implant."24 Wound healing consists of three fundamental phases: inflammation, proliferation, and maturation. The induction of bone formation at surgical interfaces reflects a major alteration in cellular environment. These crucial events involve an inflammatory phase, a proliferative phase, and a maturation phase.

the bone marrow via monoblast differentiation. Macrophages can be activated by products of activated lymphocytes and the complement system. Macrophages have the ability to ingest inflammatory debris by phagocytosis and to digest such particles by releasing hydrolytic enzymes.32

Phase Three: Maturation Phase

After the establishment of a wellvascularized immature connective tissue, osteogenesis continues by the recruitment, proliferation, and differentiation of osteoblastic cells.32 Differentiated osteoblasts secrete a collagenous matrix and contribute to its mineralization. Osteoid-type bone within a vascularized connective tissue matrix becomes deposited at dental implant surgical interfaces.16 Eventually this matrix envelops the osteoblastic cells and is subsequently mineralized. This cell-rich and unorganized bone is called woven bone. Loading of the dental implant stimulates the transformation of woven bone to lamellar bone. 16 Lamellar bone is an organized bone displaying a haversian architecture. Bone remodeling occurs around an implant in response to loading forces transmitted through the implant to the surrounding bone. The lamellae around the implant are remodeled according to the exposed load, which with passage of time, shows a characteristic pattern of well-organized concentric lamellae with formation of osteons in the traditional manner.16 Under normal circumstances healing of implants is usually associated with a reduction in the height of alveolar marginal bone. Approximately 0.5 to 1.5 mm of vertical bone loss occurs during the first year after implant insertion.35 The rapid initial bone loss is attributed to the generalized healing response resulting from the inevitable surgical trauma, such as periosteal elevation, removal of marginal bone, and bone damage caused by drilling.

Phase Two: Proliferative Phase

Microvascular ingrowth from the adjacent bony tissues during this phase is called neovascularization.35 Cellular differentiation, proliferation, and activation result in the production of an immature connective tissue matrix that is later remodeled. The local inflammatory cells (fibroblasts, osteoblasts, and progenitor cells) proliferate within the wound and begin to lay down collagen.36 This combination of collagen and a rich capillary network forms granulation tissue with a low oxygen tension. This hypoxic state, combined with certain cytokines such as basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and platelet-derived growth factor, is responsible for stimulating angiogenesis. bFGF seems to activate hydrolytic enzymes, such as stromelysin, collagenase, and plasminogen, which help to dissolve the basement membranes of local blood vessels.32 Reestablishment of local microcirculation improves tissue oxygen tension and provides essential nutrients necessary for connective tissue regeneration. Local mesenchymal cells begin to differentiate into fibroblasts, osteoblasts, and chondroblasts in response to local hypoxia and cytokines released from platelets, macrophages, and other cellular elements.32 These cells begin to lay down an extracellular matrix composed of collagen, glycosaminoglycans, glycoproteins, and glycolipids. The initial fibrous tissue and ground substance that are laid down eventually form into a fibrocartilaginous callus. The initial bone laid down is randomly arranged (woven type) bone.36 Woven bone formation clearly dominates wound healing at this point for the first 4 to 6 weeks after surgery.

Phase One: Inflammatory Phase

Bone healing around implants results in a well-defined progression of tissue responses that are designed to remove tissue debris, to reestablish vascular supply and produce a new skeletal matrix. Platelet contact with implant surfaces causes liberation of intracellular granules that, when released, are involved in the early events associated with tissue injury.33 Release of adenosine diphosphate, serotonin, prostaglandins, and thromboxane A2 promotes platelet aggregation, resulting in a hemostatic plug. Platelets continue to degranulate during the formation of the hemostatic plug and release constituents that increase vascular permeability (serotonin, kinins, and prostaglandins) and contribute to the inflammatory response accompanying tissue injury.33 Acute wound healing consists of a cellular inflammatory response dominated mainly by neutrophils. Migration of the neutrophils to the site of injury generally peaks during the first 3 to 4 days following surgery.34 These cells are attracted to the local area by chemotactic stimuli and then migrate from the intravascular space to the interstitial space by diapedesis. The role of these cells is primarily phagocytosis and digestion of debris and damaged tissue. Digestion of tissue is feasible via the release of digestive enzymes such as collagenase, elastase, and cathepsin.34 By the fifth day macrophages predominate and remain until the reparative sequence is completed.32 These cells are derived from circulating monocytes that originate from

Options for the Edentulous Mandible

Options for patients with an edentulous mandible include a conventional denture, a tissue-borne implant-supported prosthesis, or an implant-supported prosthesis (Figure 10-4).


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Radiologic Examination of the Edentulous Patient

Radiologic evaluation of the patient prior to placing implants is focused on the determination of vertical height and the slopes of the cortices in relation to the opposite arch. A panoramic radiograph is the baseline radiograph used to evaluate the implant patient. The lateral cephalogram is useful to demonstrate the slopes of the cortices of the anterior mandible and the skeletal ridge relationships of the mandible to the maxilla, and to provide a simple and inexpensive radiographic assessment of anterior alveolar height. Additional radiographic techniques include the use of complex motion tomography or reformatted computed tomography (CT) scans. CT has a less than 0.5 mm error when reformatted cross-sectional images are examined. As clinical experience increases most surgeons agree that there is less need for these more expensive radiographic techniques for preparation of placing implants. CT scans are becoming popular in combination with models of the bone for accurate treatment planning and the fabrication of final prostheses prior to the actual surgical procedure.

V^ ^ J

F 10-4 A, Two-implant bar for clip overdenture retention. B, Two-implant locator for overdenture retention. C, Hybrid prosthesis retained by five implants. D, Panoramic radiograph showingposition of five implants for hybrid prosthesis. E, Milled bar for fixed/removable prosthesis. F, Inner aspect of prosthesis showing metal substructure with plunger attachments. G, The patient pushes the plunger attachments to engage the milled bar and thus retains the prosthesis to the bar. C, D reproduced with permission from Block MS. Color atlas of dental implant surgery. Philadelphia (PA): W.B. Saunders Company, 2001. p. 5.

Incision Design Considerations

Based on the location of the muscle attachments and the height of the mandible, the surgeon makes the decision regarding which incision to use to expose the bone and subsequently place implants into the edentulous mandible. If the attachment of the mentalis muscle is 3 mm or more labial to the location of the attached gingiva on the alveolar crest, a crestal incision can be used. If the mentalis muscle is in close proximity to the alveolar crest, resulting in mobile unattached gingiva directly against the implant abutment, a "lipswitch" vestibuloplasty is performed to inferiorly reposition the muscle attachments.

Physical Examination of the Edentulous Patient

The depth of the vestibule and the mentalis muscle attachments are noted to determine the necessity of a vestibuloplasty. The width of keratinized gingiva on the alveolar crest and the distance from the alveolar crest to the junction of the attached and unattached mucosa are noted. Identification of the mental foramen by digital palpation is useful to deter-

mine subsequent implant location. In a relaxed vertical position of the jaws, the relationship of the anterior mandible to the maxilla is observed to determine the benefits of positioning the implants to correct or mask a Class II or Class III skeletal jaw relationship. Alveolar ridge palpation will determine the slopes of the labial and lingual cortices and the alveolar height. The location of the genial tubercles should also be noted.



Two Implants
In general, when placing two implants for an overdenture, one should take into consideration the potential need for additional implants at a later time. Some patients enjoy the overdenture prosthesis but may complain of food getting caught under the denture, mobility of the prosthesis when speaking, swallowing, or chewing, and a desire to eliminate changing clips, O rings, or locator-type attachments. These patients may then desire the retention of a fixed or fixed-removable prosthesis. For these patients three additional implants may be placed to result in a total of five implants in the anterior mandible, which is sufficient to support an implant-borne prosthesis. Taking this into consideration when placing two implants into the anterior mandible, locating the implants 20 mm apart, each 10 mm from the midline of the mandible, allows for later implant placement if needed. Implant placement at the correct height in relation to the alveolar crest is crucial. If the implant is placed such that the cover screw is superficial to the adjacent bone, a chance of incisional dehiscence or mucosal breakdown may occur. It is advantageous to countersink implants in the anterior mandible sufficiently (1 to 2 mm depending on the type of external or internal connection of the specific implant used) to allow the height of the cover screw to be in a flush relationship with the adjacent alveolar bone. The surgeon should follow the guidelines for the specific implant system being used. For one-stage implants temporary healing abutments are placed as recommended by the manufacturer. Accidental loading from poorly relined dentures can lead to trauma to the implants and eventual loss. Thus it is prudent to excessively relieve and use appropriate soft liners for the transitional denture during the healing period. The anterior mandible may have a dense cortical plate with an abundant

marrow space, or it may have very minimal marrow with an abundance of cortical bone. The smaller the mandible, the more cortical bone and less cancellous bone is available. When encountering very dense bone it is important to periodically clean the drill bits to keep the cutting surfaces clean of debris during the preparation of the implant site. For coated implants a threadformer type of bur is used to create threads in the bone. For self-tapping implants the surgeon may need to use a slightly larger bur than is customarily used in other areas of the mouth. For example, rather than using a 3.0 mm bur prior to self tapping a 3.75 mm implant, a 3.25 mm diameter drill may be necessary to allow for ease of implant insertion into very dense bone.

tions are marked in a similar manner anterior to the two distal locations. If a fifth implant is to be used, then a mark is made in the midline of the mandible. By using the caliper, the implant bodies are placed a sufficient distance apart to ensure adequate space for restoration and hygiene. The use of CT-generated models of the mandible can result in surgical templates that can be secured to the jaws with pins or the implants themselves, resulting in precise implant location by preoperative planning. As the planning process matures with CT-generated applications and templates, incisions will be needed less often. After the implant locations are identified, the first drill in the implant drilling sequence is used. If available a surgical stent is placed in order to correctly locate the implants in relation to the teeth. For Class III mandibles the implants can be angled slightly lingually, for Class II mandibles the implants can be angled slightly anteriorly, and for Class I mandibles the implants are placed vertically in relation to the inferior border of the mandible. Regardless of the angulation of the implants, the crestal location of the implants is the same, with the implants exiting the crest midcrestally without excessive labial or lingual location.

Four or More Implants

Four or more implants are placed when considering an implant-borne prosthesis. Implant-borne prostheses include hybrid screwed-retained, crown-and-bridge type, or fixed/removable with milled bars and retentive devices (see Figure 10-4). The incision design is similar for placement of four or more implants into the anterior mandible. The subperiosteal reflection should be sufficient to expose the lingual and labial cortices and the mental foramen bilaterally. After the periosteal reflection is completed, the surgeon has an excellent view of the operative site, the contours of the bone, and the location of the mental foramen. A caliper is used to mark the alveolar ridge at no less than 5 mm anterior to the mental foramen. This distance is usually the anterior extent of the nerve, as it loops forward in the bone prior to exiting the bone at the mental foramen. A small round bur is used to place a depression in the bone to locate the implant site on one side of the mandible. A similar mark is placed on the opposite side of the mandible, no less than fivemm anterior to the mental foramen. The caliper is then set to 7 or 8 mm and the next implant loca-

Augmentation of the Atrophic Mandible

If the patient is in satisfactory health for a bone graft harvest procedure, the indication for bone augmentation of the anterior mandible is a patient with less than 6 mm of bone height. Patients with greater than 6 mm of bone height can do well with implants without bone augmentation.37 Most clinicians will use iliac crest corticocancellous blocks to augment the height in an atrophic mandible. The procedure can be performed through either an intraoral or an extraoral incision, depending on clinician preference (Figure 10-5). The placement of implants at the time of bone graft placement is also


Part 2:

Dentoalveolar Surgery

10-5 A, Iliac crest corticocancellous block graft augmentation of the atrophic mandible, through an extraoral approach with simultaneous placement of two implants. B, Panoramic radiograph offinal prosthesis retained by two overdenture attachments. Reproduced with permission from Block MS. Color atlas of dental implant surgery. Philadelphia (PA): W.B. Saunders Company, 2001. p. 28.

ly or within the vestibule. The crestal incision places the incision over the bone graft, but it also allows the surgeon to have the best chance to avoid incisional dehiscence secondary to vascular insufficiency. A vestibular incision places the incision away from the bone graft; however, blood supply to the edge of the vestibular incision travels through the dense fibrous tissue over the crest and thus may be prone to breakdown secondary to vascular insufficiency. Both of the intraoral incisions and their subsequent release will result in obliteration of the vestibule, which will require secondary soft tissue grafting. One should note that the mental foramen is often palpable on the alveolar crest, with some portion of the inferior alveolar nerve dehisced from the mandible secondary to resorption of the alveolar crest bone. The bone grafts are harvested and trimmed as necessary. The goal of the graft should be to restore the mandible to approximately 15 mm of vertical height; however, for a 3 mm mandible, gaining this amount of bone may be excessive. For the extremely small 1 to 5 mm tall mandible, restoring the mandible to 10 to 13 mm is considered a great success. Two or three pieces of corticocancellous bone blocks are trimmed and placed over the superior aspect of the mandible. The edges are smoothed and the grafts are stabilized in position with screws placed through the grafts, engaging the inferior border of the mandible. If implants are placed at the time of graft placement, the clinician must weigh the possibility of partial graft resorption and subsequent implant failure. Implants can be placed 4 months after the graft was performed, and combined with a simultaneous vestibuloplasty. The disadvantage of using an extraoral approach is the scar that results and difficulty placing implants at the time of graft placement. Most implants, when placed into a bone graft performed through an extraoral incision, are flared to the labial aspect. The advantages of using an extrao-

ral approach to graft the atrophic mandible include avoidance of intraoral incision breakdown, avoidance of an intraoral communication with the bone graft and potential infection, maintenance of the vestibular attachments, which may eliminate the need for vestibuloplasty, and ease of reflection of the inferior alveolar nerve from the alveolar crest without incising over the nerve (Figure 10-6). These advantages often are significant and offer the patient the least chance of incisional dehiscence; hence, this approach is the method of choice for these authors. From this approach bone grafts can be placed in either block or particulate form, with implants used as "tent poles" to maintain space over the graft.38 Most clinicians will allow at least 4 months to healing of the iliac crest corticocancellous bone graft prior to placing implants. Iliac crest corticocancellous

clinician dependent. If implants are placed at the time of bone graft placement, then the patient's time to restoration is decreased, the graft can be secured to the mandible with threaded implants, and the shorter time to functional loading may prevent graft resorption. The disadvantages of placing implants at the time of bone graft placement include possible partial resorption of the graft and exposed portions of the implants, which is difficult to treat, malposition of the implants due to lack of proper angulation at placement, which can be technically challenging from an extraoral approach, and potential lack of integration secondary to poor graft remodeling. Technically the graft procedures are similar, with the exception of the surgical preparation of the sites for the implants. Intraoral incisions for placement of blocks of bone can be made either crestal-

10-6 A, Atrophic mandible in a 75-year-old female. B, A 5-year follow-up radiograph of 10 mm long implants placed without bone graft. Reproduced with permission from Block MS. Color atlas of dental implant surgery. Philadelphia (PA): W.B. Saunders Company, 2001. p. 29-30.



grafts heal well but start resorbing after 3 to 4 months, so the surgeon may need to place the implants at 3 months, depending on consolidation and remodeling of the bone graft, which is determined radiographically. If necessary a split- thickness dissection can be made intraorally and a palatal or split-thickness dermis or skin graft can be placed to restore some semblance of vestibule. At the time of vestibuloplasty, rigid fixation screws can be removed and implants placed, engaging the inferior border of the mandible. When simultaneously performing a vestibuloplasty with implant placement, one should countersink the implants below the level of the periosteum so that the graft can lay flush and not be tented up off the host tissue bed by the dome-like prominence of the cover screws of implants.

Placement of Implants into Atrophic Mandibles without Grafting

The majority of patients with atrophic mandible with less than 10 mm of bone height and at least 5 to 6 mm of height are not good candidates for bone grafting secondary to health-related issues. For these patients four implants can be placed, with 1 to 2 mm of the implant through the inferior border of the mandible, and 1 to 2 mm supracrestal as necessary. It is important to gently prepare the bone with new sharp drills and pretap these bones since they can be brittle and have minimal blood supply. The implants should be placed to avoid labial protrusion (see Figure 10-6).37

A panoramic radiograph and a physical examination are often all that are required to delineate satisfactory bone bulk for the placement of implants into the maxilla. From the panoramic radiograph one can estimate the amount of vertical bone available throughout the entire maxilla. Occasionally a reformatted CT scan is obtained to confirm the presence of bone prior to implant placement. If cross-sectional radiography is planned, using a radiopaque stent at the time of the radiography significantly increases the amount of information gathered. The teeth in the patient's prosthesis are made radiopaque by using a radiopaque material, typically 20 to 30% barium sulfate combined with clear acrylic so that the teeth are included in the cross-sectional image. This provides information concerning the relationship of the bone to the desired teeth.

Parel's classification of the edentulous maxilla is useful for conceptualization of the prosthetic plan (personal communication, 1991). The Class I maxilla involves the patient who seems to be missing only the maxillary teeth, but has retained the alveolar bone almost to its original level (Figure 10-7). The Class II maxilla has lost the teeth and some of the alveolar bone, and the Class III maxilla has lost the teeth and most of the alveolar bone to the basal level. For the Class I patient a fixed restoration, borne by implants, can be fabricated because the patient has adequate alveolar bone for support of the soft tissues and is missing only the teeth. There is usually greater than 10 mm of bone height in both the anterior and posterior maxilla. For a fixed crown-and-bridge restoration, implants need to be placed within the confines of the teeth of the planned restoration. The implants should be

Options for the Edentulous Maxilla

Treatment planning for the edentulous maxilla is usually initiated at the restorative dentist's office. This includes establishment of the patient's goals of what he/she desires at the completion of implant therapy. Once these goals are established the surgeon is seen and an assessment of bone availability is performed.
FIGURE 10-7 A, Edentulous Class I maxilla treatment planned for fixed crown-and-bridge maxillary prosthesis. Reproduced with permission from Block MS. Color atlas of dental implant surgery. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 2001. p. 65. B, Final anterior dentition demonstrating excellent gingival contours on implants in the endentulous maxillary patient. Reproduced with permission from Block MS. Color atlas of dental implant surgery. Philadelphia (PA): W.B. Saunders Company, 2001. p. 66. C, Milled bar for implant-retained fixed/removable prosthesis. D, Fixed/removable prosthesis retained by "swing-lock" attachments to the milled bar. Reproduced with permission from Block MS. Color atlas of dental implant surgery. Philadelphia (PA): W.B. Saunders Company, 2001. p. 19.


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Dentoalveolar Surgery

placed to avoid the embrasure regions in order to promote esthetics and oral hygiene. For a fixed crown-and-bridge restoration, the implants should be placed 3 mm apical to the gingival margin of the planned restoration in order to allow the restorative dentist to develop a natural emergence of the crowns from the gingiva. If the Class I patient desires a tissueborne overdenture on four implants because of financial constraints, then the design of the overdenture bar must be such as to avoid excessive space-occupying designs, since the patient is missing only their teeth, not the alveolus. The Class II patients rarely can be esthetically managed with a fixed crownand-bridge prosthesis since they require the labial flange of the maxillary prosthesis to support the nasal-labial soft tissues. In order to distinguish the need for acrylic to support the soft tissues, it is useful to duplicate their maxillary dentures and remove the labial flange, leaving only the teeth. The resultant soft tissue profile with the modified duplicated maxillary denture will easily help the implant team and patient decide on a treatment plan. If the patients look good without the flange of their denture, indicating sufficient nasal-labial support, a fixed crown-and-bridge restoration can be fabricated using pink porcelain or acrylic to decrease apical gaps from lost alveolar bone. In addition the deficiency of alveolar bone necessitates placing the implants more apical than is ideal, resulting in excessively long teeth, teeth with pink acrylic, a removable lip "plumper," or a hybrid-type prosthesis with space between the prosthesis and the implants. A fixed crown-and-bridge, fixed/ removable (spark erosion or milled prosthesis), or removable overdenture-type prosthesis may be prescribed. The implantborne fixed and fixed-removable prostheses require at least six, or preferably eight, endosseous implants to adequately support a maxillary implant-borne prosthesis. The

exception is the use of the Zygomaticus implant fixtures. These prostheses require posterior maxillary vertical height of bone for implants placed in the first molar region. The removable prosthesis requires two to four implants placed into the anterior maxilla to support a bar that has retentive vertical stress-breaking attachments. Edentulous maxillary prostheses are usually fabricated with cross-arch stabilization of the left and right implants. Cross-arch stabilization significantly increases implant survival long term.

Placement of Four Implants into the Anterior Maxilla

For the patient with adequate anterior vertical bone height, and for whom a treatment plan has been made for anterior implants for overdenture support, four implants can be placed. It is recommended to place at least four implants for a tissuesupported overdenture in the maxilla. Four implants in the anterior maxilla are used to support a rigid bar, often combined with vertical stress-broken attachments placed at the distal aspects. Implants for overdentures are typically placed with their centers slightly palatal to the crest to avoid dehiscence and thin bone over the facial aspect of the implants. The incisive canal should be avoided as a site for implant placement. Specifically, implants for overdentures are place in the canine and premolar locations, dependent on the availability of bone. An implant can be placed in the lateral incisor position if necessary. However, implants placed in the central incisor locations complicate the prosthetic rehabilitation since the presence of the abutments and a bar near the midline may result in excessive palatal bulk in the denture, which may be bothersome to the patient.

to chew all textured foods without the prosthesis depending on the tissues for support, then a sufficient number of implants is required to resist the forces of mastication. For these patients it is recommended to use six to eight implants for an implantsupported fixed or fixed/removable prosthesis, with an adequate number of implants located posteriorly to support the molars. Eight implants in the anterior and posterior maxilla are used to support a suprastructure for a totally implantborne restoration with tissue contact only for speech. If a bar-type structure is planned, the implants should be placed within the confines of the borders of the planned prosthesis, and not labial or outside the borders of the teeth. The implants should be placed to avoid impingement of the teeth in the overdenture and to allow space for the fabrication of the bar. For many of these implantborne cases, implants are placed from the canine region extending posteriorly, with a minimal number of implants placed into the incisal region. This pattern of placement makes the design of the anterior portion of the prosthesis easier. The implants for fixed/removable overdentures are typically placed with their centers slightly palatal to the crest in order to avoid dehiscence and thin bone over the facial aspect of the implants. The implants can be positioned from second molar to central incisor; however, most restorative dentists prefer to avoid of the central incisor and second molar sites. The second molar site can be used in select cases, but it does make the placement of screws, abutments, and transfer copings difficult. In addition the bars may need the space of the second molar site for attachments, depending on the prosthetic design of the retentive bar.

Placement of Eight Implants without a Graft

If the goals of the patients are to have a denture or prosthesis that will enable them to have a palateless prosthesis and allow them

Placement of Eight Implants with Sinus Grafts

Patients who have received a treatment plan or an implant-borne restoration but who



have insufficient vertical bone for the placement of implants in the maxilla posterior to the canines are considered for a combination of sinus grafting and implant placement. The sinus grafts can be performed as one surgery, followed 6 to 12 months later with implant placement, or the sinus graft can be performed and the implants placed at the time of the sinus graft. If the sinus graft is performed prior to implant placement, the surgeon should verify that bone has formed within the graft. We and our colleagues perform sinus grafting with immediate placement of implants. Currently, the recommended sinus graft material is autogenous bone, harvested from the jaws, tibia, or iliac crest. If necessary the autogenous bone volume can be augmented with demineralized bone in a ratio not to exceed 1:1. Hydroxylapatite-coated implants are used for immediate placement into sinus grafts.

ical loading that the restoration and hence implants will feel. Canine guidance or group function is usually present and can affect the position of the implants. Canine discursion is recommended when placing posterior implants for fixed restorations. The ideal single premolar or molar restoration has a balanced occlusion that will result in atraumatic forces upon the implant. Singletooth implants should be placed such that the implant is under the working cusp of the tooth, to avoid excessive cantilever forces. Maximal length implants should be used whenever possible. Short implants in the posterior jaws tend to have less long-term survival than longer implants. The crown-to-root ratio needs to be addressed. Complete treatment planning, which includes knowledge of the final restoration, will increase success and limit complications.

The surgical incision is made slightly palatal to the crest, with vertical releasing incisions flaring into the vestibule in order to keep the base of the flap wider than the crestal incision width. Full-thickness subperiosteal labial and palatal flaps are reflected to expose the crest and to provide visualization of the vertical cortices of bone. The implant should be placed with its axis parallel to the occlusal forces, with the emergence of the implant angling to meet the buccal cusps of the mandibular teeth.

Multiple Implant-Borne Restorations for the Posterior Maxilla

Since these restorations commonly involve the distal teeth, assessment of the availability of bone in relation to the sinus is critical. If 10 mm of bone is not available, then a sinus augmentation is indicated. If two long implants can be

Single- and Multiple-Unit Restorations

There are different surgical concerns when placing single- or multiunit restorations in the anterior maxilla or other areas where esthetics are less of a concern. Placement of implants into premolar and molar locations can usually be performed with less concerns of papilla and root eminence morphology (Figure 10-8).

Premolar or Molar Restorations

Diagnosis and treatment planning will indicate whether there is sufficient space and bone available for implant placement. Periapical radiographs are necessary for single-tooth restorations to confirm that the roots of the adjacent teeth do not impinge in the space that will be used by the implant. If root angulation is a problem, then preoperative orthodontics will need to be performed prior to implant placement, or a fixed bridge can be made rather than placement of an implant. Careful attention should be directed to the final restorations and the mechan-

10-8 A, This patient required a single implant for replacement of a premolar in the maxilla. A tissue punch was used to access the crestal bone. The implant site was prepared and the implant placed through this circular soft tissue hole. This implant has an internal connection. B,Afixed abutment was placed immediately into the implant and prepared. A provisional crown, not in occlusion, was fabricated. C, This is the final crown. Note the excellent soft tissue reaction to the crown, abutment, implant complex.


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Dentoalveolar Surgery

placed without the need for a sinus graft, along with sinus elevation of a third site by the use of osteotomes, then 8 mm of bone for the third implant is acceptable. However, the use of osteotomes to elevate the sinus floor by 2 mm is not a procedure that has abundant scientific validation. Therefore the patient must be apprised of the risks and potential failure. When in doubt a sinus elevation is performed. The mechanics of the final restoration need to be taken into consideration when placing multiple implants for a full quadrant restoration. There are patients who have sufficient vertical bone but are deficient in the width projection of the bone. After maxillary teeth are extracted for a variety of reasons, facial bone resorption can occur, leaving the palatal bone intact, with the alveolus thin and deficient. Placing the implant in the ideal position may result in facial bone dehiscence. For the thin ridge in the posterior maxilla, with sufficient bone height, several surgical options are available. These include the use of particulate bone grafting with membrane coverage, the use of onlay bone grafts harvested from the symphysis or ramus, and ridge expansion using osteotomes or osteotomies.

Restorative Options for Single-UnitRestorations in the Anterior Maxilla

Esthetic implant restorations represent a challenge to reproduce normal-appearing restorations with normal-appearing soft tissue profile and integrity. Most implant sites that require esthetics have deficiencies in the ideal bone and overlying soft tissue, and must be enhanced with a variety of surgical techniques. A tooth may be missing because of lack of tooth development, caries, external or internal resorption of teeth following trauma, root canal complications, bone loss from periodontal disease, or recent dentoalveolar trauma. Each of these etiologies has secondary

effects on the proposed implant site. It is common to find a deficiency in labial bone with loss of the previous root eminence form of the ridge. In addition, the overlying soft tissue at the level of the alveolar crest may be thin, resulting in a lack of stippling, variations in gingival color, and increased translucency resulting in parts of the implant and abutment showing through the gingiva. The majority of anterior maxillary single-tooth sites present with inadequate bone and soft tissue, requiring both bone and soft tissue augmentation. The height of the papilla reflects the underlying crestal bone height on the adjacent teeth.37 Careful assessment of the bone levels on the adjacent teeth enables the surgeon and restorative dentist to inform patients of the realistic expectations of retaining or creating papilla for an esthetic singletooth restoration. The presurgical assessment, using the esthetic tooth wax-up, results in the ability of the surgeon to estimate the height and width of a bone graft, if one is indicated. For severe bone deficiency, which prevents implant stabilization, a bone graft should be placed at least 4 months prior to implant placement, allowing future implant placement in the ideal location horizontally and vertically. When the deficit of the bone is such that the implant can be placed and is mechanically stable, with a portion of its surface exposed through the bone, then a hard tissue particulate graft is placed at the same time as the placement of the implant. The material used for grafting depends on the extent of the implant bone fenestration. Autogenous bone is used for larger fenestrations, with a gradual increase in hydroxylapatite used as the implant bone dehiscence decreases in size.

detail of gaining access to the underlying bone is critical for obtaining a perfect result, without ablation of the papilla or vertical scars from poor incision design and technique. If there is 5 mm from the contact point of the teeth to the crestal bone of the adjacent tooth, then the use of sulcular incisions is indicated. If there are papillae present but the teeth are long, with an excess of 5 mm between the contact point to the crestal bone of the adjacent tooth, then the patient needs to be warned that papillae may not be present after implant placement. When necessary, vertical incisions should be beveled to allow for esthetic scar healing. When the bone anatomy permits, the use of a tissue punch and avoidance of incisions will allow for no scars and no loss of papilla. Angulation of the implant should result in the axis of the implant being oriented to emerge slightly palatal to the incisive edge of the planned restoration. If placed at or anterior to the incisive edge of the tooth, there may be difficulty in developing the emergence profile of the restoration. If the implant is placed too far labial, with the anterior edge of the implant at the edge of the gingival margin of the planned tooth, then with addition of the abutment and porcelain, the gingival contour will be excessive and gingival recession results. As the platform (ie, diameter of the implant) increases, the clinician must be cautious to ensure that the labial edge of the implant is not excessively labial, or emergence of the crown will be compromised and will result in an obese crown form. Most restorations require more than 1 mm of clearance from the labial surface of the implant to the eventual clinical crown, secondary to development of the emergence profile of the restoration from the subgingival portion of the implant restoration. The depth of the implant in relation to the planned gingival margin is also critical. If the implant is placed too shallow, with 2 mm or less from the top of the implant to the gingival margin, then several adverse

Incision Considerations for Esthetic Sites

When placing an implant in the central incisor location, careful attention to the



events can occur. The metal from the implant may be visible through the gingival margin. Because the distance from the top of the implant to the gingival margin is minimal, metal showing through the gingiva is difficult to camouflage. A minimal distance between the gingival margin and the top of the implant may also result in difficulty in adjusting the margins of the abutment, with porcelain extending to the implant itself. It is then difficult to develop a natural appearance since the gingival margin region of the restoration is excessively bulked or round in shape. The use of ceramic abutments may help in these adverse situations. However, proper implant placement is a simple means to avoid these problems.

Immediate Loading and One-Stage Protocol

The evolution of implant-related therapies in the modern era was based on the work of Brnemark and colleagues, who scientifically validated the process of placing an implant into bone, waiting a period of time for bone to heal to the implant, followed by long-term functional loading.13 During the 1970s and early 1980s a onestage threaded titanium plasma-coated implant was used for overdenture retention with immediate loading. The "Swiss screw" was placed into the anterior mandible and had excellent long-term success. Other one-stage implant systems were slow to develop, but as they have emerged with data to support a one-stage process (ie, with no need for exposure surgery), the concept of a one-stage

endosseous implant therapy has gained credibility. The Strauman system has longterm data indicating that a one-stage unloaded implant system can work in all areas of the mouth, in distinction to the Swiss screw and the Brnemark protocols.14 Recently, more interest has arisen for placement of implants into the esthetic zone of the maxilla, with either immediate loading or the use of a healing abutment that mimics the natural shape of the tooth. The hypothesis is that by placing a healing abutment with natural contours, the soft tissue response will be enhanced, potentially resulting in a more esthetic final restoration. Treatment planning for a one-stage or immediately temporized anterior maxillary restoration begins with a list of contraindications. If a tooth is present and needs to be extracted, a one-stage exposed implant placement at the time of extraction will require the following: No purulent drainage or exudate from the site Excellent gingival tissue quality without excessive granulation tissue Lack of periapical, uncontrolled radiolucency Adequate bone levels circumferentially without the need for additional soft or hard tissue grafting

The clinician has several options (Table 10-1). At the time of tooth extraction, if there are any of the contraindications present as described above, either a graft can be placed into the extraction socket, or no

graft is placed. The decision to avoid a graft is based on the thickness of the labial bone and the prior healing patterns of the patient, if known. However, in our institution, an anterior extraction site without a socket graft is more prone to labial bone resorption and hence less-than-ideal bone is available at the time of implant placement. If a graft is placed into the socket, then after 3 to 6 months, depending on the material placed, the implant can usually be placed in an ideal location. If there is ideal bone and soft tissue present at the time of extraction, an implant can be placed at the time of extraction. The clinician should decide prior to extraction if a provisional restoration is to be placed at the time of implant placement, or if the implant is to have a healing abutment placed for a one-stage protocol, or submerged for a two-stage protocol. Preoperative planning for immediate temporization after implant placement involves fabrication of a surgical guide that precisely locates the implant in one position. The surgeon must work closely with the restorative dentist to ensure that the planned placement of the implant will indeed be able to be performed. The restorative dentist should be available during surgery to guide the surgical placement and be able to adapt the temporary restoration after implant placement. After the implant is placed and the orientation approved by the restorative dentist, the abutment is placed, and removed as necessary so that changes in its height and contours can be accomplished outside

Table 10-1 1 Procedure

Opt lons When Extracting Anterior Maxillary Tooth Adjunctive Treatments No graft; wait 8 wk Immediate placement of implant Graft extraction site; wait 4 mo for implant placement Advantage " Short time to implant placement Less time for overall treatment Provides ideal placement site Disadvantage " Labial bone loss and need for adjunctive tissue grafts Increased chance for infection; may not have ideal bone support upon placement Extended time for treatment | 1

Extract tooth Extract tooth Extract tooth


Part 2:

Dentoalveolar Surgery

of the mouth. The abutment and temporary crown may be prepared on a model prior to surgery in selected cases. The abutment is placed and tightened to the implant and the temporary crown completed. The occlusion should be relieved to avoid loading the implant during the healing period. In some patients who may be prone to loading the implant because of athletics, weight lifting, or their occlusion, an anatomic healing abutment or a custom healing abutment can be placed in order to preserve the morphology of the gingiva, without the presence of a tooth form. Procedures performed during the integration or healing period are delayed until implant integration has occurred, in order to avoid disturbance of this critical aspect of implant success. Approximately 2 months after the implants have been placed, the patients are seen by the restorative dentist and surgeon to decide, based on the esthetic set-up, whether the implant site requires additional augmentation of the ridge. The goal is to achieve a convex ridge profile and develop the site's shape to allow for the restoration to emerge from the gingiva, similar to a natural tooth. Our experience indicates that 70% of the implant sites that required hard tissue grafts also benefited from subepithelial connective tissue grafts placed 3/2 months after implant placement.


Shulman LB. Transplantation and replantation of teeth. Laskin: Oral and maxillofacial surgery. Vol 2. St. Louis (MO): C.V. Mosby Co.; 1985. p. 132-6. Driskell TD. History of implants. J Calif Dent Assoc 1987;15:16-25. Bonwell, AC. First District Dental Society. In: Greenfield EG, editor. Implantation of artificial bridge abutments. Dent Cosmos 1913;55:364. Greenfield EJ. Implantation of artificial crown

implants: current status and future developments. Int J Oral MaxiUofac Implants. 2000;15:15-46. 19. Cordioli G, Zajzoub Z, Piatelli A, ScaranoA. Removal torque and histomorphometric study of four different titanium surfaces. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2000;15:668-74. 20. Cochran DL, Buser D, ten Bruggenkate C, et al The use of reduced healing times on ITI implants with a sandblasted and acidetched (SLA) surface: early results from clinical trials on ITI SLA implants. Clin Oral Implants Res 2002;13:144-53. Eriksson RA, Albrektsson T. Temperature threshold levels for heat-induced bone tissue injury: a vital-microscopic study in the rabbit. J Prosthet Dent 1983;50:101. Eriksson RA, Adell R. Temperatures during drilling for placement of implants using the osseointegration technique. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1986;44:4-7.

3. 4.


and bridge abutments. Dent Cosmos 1913;55:364. 6. Harris SM. An artificial tooth. Dent Cosmos 1887;55:433. 7. Adams PB, inventor. Anchoring means for false teeth. US patent 2,112,007. 1938 March 22. 8. Strock EA. Experimental work on a method for the replacement of missing teeth by direct implantation of a metal support into the alveolus. Am J Orthodont Oral Surg 1939;25:457-72. 9. Dahl GSA. Om impijlighenten for implantation i Keken au metaliskelett som has eller rention for fastoc eller avatagbara prostesor. J Odontol Tidskr 1943;51:440. 10. Linkow LI. The blade-vent: a new dimension in endosseous implants. 1968;11:3-12. 11. Dent Concepts



23. Watanabe F, Tawanda Y, Komatsu S, Hata Y. Heat distribution in bone during preparation of implant sites: heat analysis by realtime thermography. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1992;7:212-9. 24. Adell R, Lekholm U, Brnemark PI. Surgical procedures. In: Brnemark PI, Zarb GA, Albrektsson T, editors. Tissue integrated prostheses: osseointegration in clinical dentistry. Chicago (IL): Quintessence Publishing Co. Inc.; 1985. p. 211-32. 25. Lazzara R, Porter S, Testori T, et al. A prospective multicenter evaluation loading of Osseotite implants two months after placement: one-year results. J Esthet Dent 1998;10(6):280-9. 26. Testori T, DelFabbroCH, Feldman S, et al. A multicenter prospective evaluation of 2months loaded Osseotite implants placed in the posterior jaws: 3 year follow-up results. Clin Oral Implants Res 2001;12:1-7. Cooper L, Felton D, Kugelberg C, et al. A multicenter 12 month evaluation of singletooth implants restored 3 weeks after 1 stage surgery. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2001;16:182-92. 28. Cooper LF, Scurria MS, Lang LA, et al. Treatment of edentulism using Astra Tech implants and ball abutments to retain mandibular overdentures. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1999;14:646-53. 29. Lazzara RJ. Esthetic and restorative benefits of non-axillary loaded implants. Implant Dent 1995;4:282-3. Krekeler G, Schilli W, Diemer J. Should the exit of the artificial abutment tooth be positioned in the region on attached gingival? Int J Oral Surg 1985; 14:504-8.

Roberts HD, Roberts RA. The ramus endosseous implants. J South Calif Dent Assoc 1970;38:571-7. Proceedings of the Toronto Consensus Development Conference on Dental Implants. J Prosthet Dent 1983;49:50.



Brnemark PI. Introduction to osseointegration. In: Brnemark PI, et al, editors. Tissue integrated prostheses. Chicago (IL): Quintessence Publishing Co. Inc.; 1985. p. 29.

14. Schenk RK, Buser D. Osseointegration: a reality. Periodontology. 2000;17:22-35. 15. Sykaras N, Iacopino A, Marker V, et al. Implant materials, design and surface topographies: their effect on osseointegration [review]. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2000; 15:675-90. 16. Buser D, Schenk RK, Steinemann S, et al. Influence of surface characteristics on bone integration of titanium implants. A histometric study in miniature pigs. J Biomed Mater Res 1991;25:889-902. 17. Thomas KA, Kay JF, Cook SD, Jarcho M. The effect of surface macrotexture and hydroxylapatite coating on the mechanical strengths and histologic profiles of titanium implant materials. J Biomed Mater Res 1987;21:1395-414. 18. Brunski JB, Puleo DA, Nanci A. Biomaterials and biomechanics of oral and maxillofacial 27.

The successful restoration of the patient with dental implants can result in a change in dental function and health, with a happy patient. The basis for the use of dental implants is initiated by the normal sequence of wound healing, the translation of surface engineering to implant design, and evidence-based trials that verify and confirm efficacy of treatment methods.

1. Lemons J, Natiella J. Biomaterials, biocompatibility and peri-implant considerations. Dent Clin North Am 1986;30:3-23.





Block MS, Kent JN. Factors associated with soft and hard tissue compromise of endosseous implants. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1990; 48:1153-60. Feinberg SE, Steinberg B, Helman J. Healing of traumatic injuries. In: Fonseca RJ, Walker RV, Betts NJ, Barber HD, editors. Oral and maxillofacial trauma. Vol 1. 2nd Ed. Philadelphia (PA): WB Saunders Co.; 1997. p. 13-59. 34.

AT, Marciani RD, Roser SM, editors. Principles of oral and maxillofacial surgery. Philadelphia (PA): JB Lippincott; 1992. p. 3-18. Black J. Reaction of biological molecules with biomechanical surfaces. In: Black J, editor. Biologic performance of materials. Fundamentals of biocompatibility. New York (NY): Marcel Dekker; 1981. p. 45. implants in the treatment of the edentulous jaw. Int J Oral Surg 1981;10:387-416.


Cooper LF. Biologic determinants of bone formation for osseointegration: clues for future clinical improvements. J Prosthet Dent 1998;80:439-49. Higuchi KW, Block MS. Current trends in implant reconstruction. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1995;Suppl 1:7-19. Marx RE, Shellenberger T, Winsatt J, Correra P. Severely resorbed mandible: predictable reconstruction with soft tissue matrix expansion (Tent Pole) grafts. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2002;60:878-88.




35. Adell R. A 15 year study of osseointegrated

33. Shetty V, Bertolami CN. The physiology of wound healing. In: Peterson LJ, Indresano

C H A P T E R 11

Soft Tissue Management in Implant Therapy

Anthony G. Sclar, DMD

Soft Tissue Integration

The term soft tissue integration describes the biologic processes that occur during the formation and maturation of the structural relationship between the soft tissues (connective tissue and epithelium) and the transmucosal portion of an implant. Although experimental and clinical research have only recently begun to focus on improving our understanding of the factors that can affect this soft tissue environment, our current knowledge indicates that the maintenance of a healthy soft tissue barrier is as important as osseointegration itself for the long-term success of an implant-supported prosthesis. As such, the implant surgeon must be well acquainted with various surgical techniques and approaches for successfully managing periimplant soft tissues in commonly encountered clinical situations. Furthermore, when an inadequate quantity or quality of soft tissue is available to secure a stable periimplant environment, the implant surgeon must know the principles and techniques to successfully reconstruct these components. This chapter focuses on basic principles and surgical techniques to manage and, when indicated, reconstruct periimplant soft tissues to enhance the longterm predictability and esthetic outcomes achieved in implant therapy.

Flap Management Considerations

The primary goal of implant soft tissue management is to establish a healthy periimplant soft tissue environment. This goal is accomplished by obtaining circumferential adaptation of attached tissues around the transmucosal implant structures, thereby providing the connective tissue and epithelium needed for the formation of a protective soft tissue seal.1 In addition, when implant therapy is performed in esthetic areas, re-creating natural-appearing soft tissue architecture and topography at the prosthetic recipient site is often necessary. To achieve these goals, the surgeon must carefully preserve and manipulate existing soft tissues at the implant site and perform soft tissue augmentation, when indicated. The quantity, quality, and positioning of the existing attached tissues relative to the planned implant emergence should be evaluated prior to implant surgery. The flap should be designed to ensure that an adequate band of attached, good-quality tissue is always available lingual or palatal to the planned implant emergence. Designing the flap in this fashion is practical because subsequent correction of soft tissue problems occurring in lingual and palatal areas is difficult. Preoperative evaluation using a surgical template helps the

surgeon visualize whether adequate tissue quality and volume are available in the area critical for prosthetic emergence. The surgeon can then decide where the incisions will have to be made or how the existing soft tissues must be manipulated with specific surgical maneuvers to establish a stable periimplant soft tissue environment in each individual case.

Design for Submerged Implant Placement

When placing a submerged implant, the buccal flap must be designed to preserve both the blood supply to the implant site and the topography of the alveolar ridge and mucobuccal fold. The access flap is outlined by a pericrestal incision and one or more linear or curvilinear vertical releasing incisions that extend onto the buccal aspect of the alveolar ridge. The pericrestal incision is beveled to the lingual or palatal aspects (Figure 11-1). The incision is initiated over the lingual or palatal aspects of the ridge crest, and the scalpel blade is angled to make contact with the underlying bone. Typically, linear vertical releasing incisions are used in edentulous situations and curvilinear beveled incisions are used in partially edentulous situations. In either case, reflection of the buccal flap exposes the


Part 2: Dentoalveolar Surgery

f i g u r e 11-1 Beveled pericrestal incisions: the black arrows represent the path ofthe palatal and lingual beveled pericrestal incisions recommended for submerged implant placement in the maxilla and mandible. The blue arrows represent the buccal beveled incisions recommended for abutment connection and nonsubmerged implant placement in the maxilla and mandible. Adapted from Sclar A.3

entire ridge crest and provides ample access for implant instrumentation. This is accomplished with minimal lingual or palatal flap elevation, thus preserving periosteal circulation and providing attached tissue to anchor the buccal flap during subsequent wound closure. The stability of the postoperative wound complex is improved, and the topography of the alveolar ridge and mucobuccal fold is preserved. As a result, wound dehiscence is decreased and the use of a provisional prosthesis during the osseointegration period is facilitated.

Design for Abutment Connection and Nonsubmerged Implant Placement

Except for the location and bevel of the pericrestal incisions, the same flap design is used for an abutment connection to submerged implants as for placement of nonsubmerged implants (see Figure 11-1). The pericrestal incision is initiated in a position that ensures the maintenance of approximately a 3 mm apicocoronal dimension of attached lingual tissue or good-quality palatal mucosa (free of rugae) for re-adaptation around the emerging implant structures. The quantity and position of the existing soft tissues guide the location of the incision. In gen-

eral, this incision is located closer to the midcrestal position than the one made for submerged implant placement. The scalpel blade is held so as to create a buccal bevel to facilitate abutment connection and implant placement while preserving periosteal blood supply by minimizing the need for a lingual or palatal flap reflection. Additionally, the buccal bevel maximizes the amount of attached tissue reflected with the buccal flap (see Figure 11-1). As suggested above, by adjusting the location and bevel of pericrestal incisions and precisely locating linear or curvilinear vertical releasing incisions, the implant surgeon is equipped with practical flap designs for submerged implant placement, abutment connection, and nonsubmerged implant placement in edentulous and partially edentulous and esthetic case types (Figures 11-2-11-6).

most part, by the apicocoronal dimension of the attached tissue remaining on the buccal flap margin. There are three distinct soft tissue surgical maneuvers that are commonly used during abutment connection or nonsubmerged implant placement to achieve the desired outcome of obtaining primary closure with circumferential adaptation of attached tissues around emerging implant structures: resective contouring, papilla regeneration, and lateral flap advancement. Although the minimum width of attached tissue necessary to establish a stable periimplant soft tissue environment has yet to be established, the following guidelines for using each of the soft tissue maneuvers provide consistent results in most clinical situations. It is important to note that the use of a specific maneuver is based primarily on the apicocoronal dimension of the attached tissue remaining along the buccal flap margin at each implant site. A combination of these surgical maneuvers is often indicated because the width of attached

Surgical Maneuvers for Management of Periimplant Soft Tissues

Once the flap has been outlined in a manner that ensures an optimal lingual and palatal soft tissue environment, the surgical maneuvers that are used for managing the resulting buccal flap during abutment connection and nonsubmerged implant placement can be determined, for the

11-2 The flap design for implant placement in the edentulous mandible incorporates a midline vertical releasing incision and distal vertical releasing incisions made well beyond the area planned for the implant placement. The black arrow indicates the location of the pericrestal incision used for submerged implant placement. The location of the incision used for abutment connection and nonsubmerged implant placement is indicated by the straight blue arrow. Adapted from Sclar A.3

Soft Tissue Management in Implant Therapy


11-3 The flap design for implant placement in the partially edentulous mandible is outlined by pericrestal and curvilinear beveled vertical releasing incisions. The black arrow indicates the location of the pericrestal incision used for submerged implant placement. The location of the incision used for abutment connection and nonsubmerged implant placement is indicated by the straight blue arrow. Adapted from Sclar A.3

11-4 The flap design for implant placement in the edentulous maxilla incorporates paramidline vertical releasing incisions and distal vertical releasing incisions made well beyond the area planned for the implant placement. The black arrow indicates the location of the pericrestal incision used for submerged implant placement. The location of the incision used for abutment connection and nonsubmerged implant placement are indicated by the straight blue arrow. Adapted from Sclar A.3

maneuver facilitates primary closure and circumferential adaptation around the transmucosal implant structures while preserving an adequate band of attached tissue around the emerging implant structures. In addition, attached mucosa is taken from the top of the ridge and moved in a buccal direction while approximately 3 mm of attached lingual or palatal tissues is preserved. A fine scalpel is subsequently used to sharply dissect the tissues to create pedicles in the buccal flap, which are passively rotated to fill the interimplant spaces (Figure 11-8). Passive adaptation of the pedicles in the interimplant space may require reverse cutback incisions made away from the base of the pedicle. The tissues are sutured, avoiding tension within the pedicles, usually using a figure-ofeight horizontal mattress suture. Alternatively, a simple interrupted suture passed through the buccal flap in a fashion that

tissue remaining on the buccal flap varies as a result of necessary adjustments made in the path of the crestal incision to maintain an adequate width of attached tissue on the lingual or palatal flap. Resective Contouring When the width of the gingival tissues remaining on the buccal flap is 5 to 6 mm, resective contouring facilitates circumferential adaptation of the soft tissues around the emerging implant structures. A fine scalpel blade held in a round handle is used to perform a gingivectomy on the buccal flap corresponding in shape and position to the anterior-most abutment or nonsubmerged implant neck. After resective contouring the tissue is adapted around the emerging implant structure; this process is then repeated sequentially around each implant (Figure 11-7). The contoured flap is then repositioned apically and secured around the abutments with a suture passing through each interimplant area, and additional sutures are placed to close the curvilinear releasing incisions.

Papilla Regeneration When the width of the gingival tissues remaining on the buccal flap is 4 to 5 mm, use of the papilla regeneration maneuver is indicated. Advocated by Palacci and colleagues,2 this

f i g u r e 11-5 The flap design for an implant placement in the partially edentulous maxilla is outlined by pericrestal and curvilinear beveled vertical releasing incisions. The black arrow indicates the location of the pericrestal incision used for submerged implant placement. The location of the incision used for abutment connection and nonsubmerged implant placement is indicated by the straight blue arrow. Adapted from Sclar A.3

11-6 The flap design for esthetic implant therapy is outlined by pericrestal and curvilinear beveled releasing incisions. The vertical legs of the releasing incisions are made in the adjacent interdental areas, thereby providing the opportunity to camouflage within interdental grooves and the mucogingival junction. This flap design incorporates greater amounts of mucosal tissues, improving the overall elasticity of the flap. When combined with tension-releasing cutback incisions, coronal advancement is facilitated without an embarrassment of circulation to the flap margin. The flap design is exaggerated by moving the releasing incisions farther away from the site when reconstruction of largevolume esthetic ridge defects is necessary or for implant placement at sites where vestibular depth is inadequate. Adapted from Sclar A.3


Part 2: Dentoalveolar Surgery

5-6 mm

4-5 mm

11-7 Resective contouring maneuver. When the apicocoronal dimension ofthe attached tissue remaining on the buccal flap used for the abutment connection or a nonsubmerged implant placement is between 5 and 6 mm, resective contouring is used to facilitate circumferential adaptation of the soft tissues around the emerging implant structures. Adapted from Sclar A.3

11-8 Papilla regeneration maneuver. When the apicocoronal dimension of the attached tissue remaining on the buccal flap used for an abutment connection or a nonsubmerged implant placement is between 4 and 5 mm, the papilla regeneration maneuver is used to facilitate circumferential adaptation ofthe soft tissues around the emerging implant structures. Adapted from Sclar A.3

f i g u r e 11-9 Lateral flap advancement maneuver. When the apicocoronal dimension of the attached tissue remaining on the buccal flap used for an abutment connection or a nonsubmerged implant placement is between 3 and 4 mm, lateral flap advancement is used to facilitate circumferential adaptation ofthe soft tissues around the emerging implant structures. Adapted from Sclar A^.3

passively advances the pedicle into the interimplant space is effective in many situations. Care must be taken to avoid placement of the suture through the pedicle as this would reduce circulation to the pedicle. Another variation of this technique uses pedicles created in the palatal flap, which can also be rotated to fill the interimplant spaces, and is especially useful in maxillary situations where thick palatal tissues exist.3 Lateral Flap Advancement When the width of the gingival tissues remaining on the buccal flap is 3 to 4 mm, the use of the lateral flap advancement maneuver facilitates primary closure and circumferential adaptation of attached tissues around the emerging implant structures (Figure 11-9).3 This maneuver is especially suited for completely edentulous or posterior partially edentulous implant case types, where an adequate band of attached tissue exists adjacent to the implant site. Attached tissues available from adjacent areas are simply repositioned to obtain primary closure with attached tissues around the emerging implant structures. This maneuver requires that the flap be designed to extend beyond the area of

implant placement to include the attached tissues present in adjacent edentulous areas. As the closure progresses, the flap advances, resulting in primary closure around the implants and the creation of a denuded area that will heal by secondary intention at the distal extent of the dissection. This surgical maneuver is useful in edentulous situations and in Kennedy Class I and II partially edentulous situations.

Rationale for Soft Tissue Grafting with Implants

The rationale for soft tissue augmentation around dental implants is related to the need for soft tissue around natural dentition. In general, experienced clinicians agree that an adequate zone of attached tissue around a natural tooth or implant prosthesis is desirable to better withstand the functional stresses resulting from mastication and oral hygiene. Moreover, a certain amount of attached tissue is needed to withstand the potential mechanical and bacterial challenges presented by esthetic restorations that extend below the free gingival margin. Potential mechanical challenges include tooth preparation, soft tissue retraction, impression procedures,

cementation of provisional and permanent restorations, removal of implant healing abutments, replacement of healing abutments with permanent abutments, taking of implant-level impressions, and placement of provisional and permanent implant restorations. After the final restoration the intracrevicular esthetic restorative margins may continue to present a permanent inflammatory challenge to the surrounding soft tissue attachment apparatus. Some implant practitioners believe that the microgap at the site of the abutment connection to two-piece implants may present a similar challenge. Whether these challenges result in an initial apical displacement of the marginal tissues or possibly even progressive loss of attachment depends on multiple factors, including the following3: Age of the patient General health of the patient Host resistance factors Effects of systemic medications Periodontal phenotype Technique and effectiveness of oral hygiene Frequency and technique of professional oral hygiene care

Soft Tissue Management in Implant Therapy


Operative technique Choice of restorative materials Initial location of restorative margin vis-a-vis circumferential biologic width requirements Prominence of the implant position in the alveolus Pre-existing bony dehiscence Design and surface characteristics of the implant Depth of implant placement Thickness and apicocoronal dimension of the attached tissue

Because multiple factors influence the health of the marginal tissues, prospective or retrospective experimental or clinical studies are difficult to design and conduct, much less interpret. Certainly, studies that primarily consider the apicocoronal dimension of attached tissue and its effect on marginal soft tissue health, without considering the other factors, are inconclusive at best. Therefore, the rationale for soft tissue augmentation around natural dentition or a dental implant prosthesis should be based on clinical experience rather than on results from experimental or clinical studies.3

esthetic area, soft tissue augmentation is indicated prior to implant placement. In most instances this can be accomplished with an epithelialized palatal mucosal graft, which quickly provides an improvement in the quality of the soft tissues. Similarly, in esthetic areas, smallvolume soft tissue esthetic ridge defects can be corrected simultaneously with submerged or nonsubmerged implant placement with subepithelial connective tissue grafting, whereas large-volume soft tissue esthetic ridge defects are most predictably reconstructed prior to implant placement with a series of subepithelial connective tissue grafts. Large-volume soft tissue defects can also be corrected with the use of a vascularized interpositional periosteal connective tissue (VIP-CT) flap, which, in ideal circumstances, allows for predictable reconstruction synchronous with implant placement.

Principles of Oral Soft Tissue Grafting

The first principle of oral soft tissue grafting is that the recipient site must provide for graft vascularization. It is understood that free grafts initially survive by plasmatic diffusion and are subsequently vascularized as capillaries and arterioles form a vascular network providing the permanent circulation for the graft. When a recipient site is partially avascular (eg, a denuded root surface, an exposed implant abutment, or an area recently reconstructed with a block bone graft), the dissection should be extended to provide a peripheral source of circulation to support the free graft over the avascular or poorly vascularized areas. Although pedicle grafts and flaps maintain their blood supply, it is also good surgical practice to prepare a recipient site that can contribute circulation to ensure optimal results in the event of a reduction of circulation to a portion (most commonly, the margin) of the pedicle graft or flap. The second principle of oral soft tissue grafting is that the recipient site must pro-

Clinical Guidelines for Soft Tissue Augmentation

When the apicocoronal dimension of attached tissue remaining on the buccal flap will be < 3 mm, the surgeon should consider soft tissue augmentation. Other factors to consider include tissue thickness, tissue quality, the presence of soft tissue inflammation or pathology, the type of implant restoration planned, and the esthetic importance of the site. In a nonesthetic area the surgeon can use the various surgical maneuvers described above to obtain primary closure and then reevaluate the need for soft tissue grafting based on the health and volume of periimplant attached tissues obtained after initial healing. In contrast, when the total width of attached tissue present is < 3 mm in an

vide a means for rigid immobilization of the graft tissue. Initial graft survival requires that the graft be immobilized and intimately adapted to the recipient site. Mobility of the graft during initial healing can interfere with its early nourishment through plasmatic diffusion or can disrupt the newly forming circulatory supply to the graft, resulting in excessive shrinkage or sloughing of the graft. The third principle is that adequate hemostasis must be obtained at the recipient site. Active hemorrhage at the site prevents the intimate adaptation of the graft to the recipient site. Hemorrhage also interferes with the maintenance of the thin layer of fibrin between the graft and recipient site, which serves to physically attach the graft to the recipient site and provides for the plasmatic diffusion that initially nourishes the graft before its vascularization. Preparation of a recipient site with a uniform surface enhances the intimate adaptation with the graft. The periosteum is generally considered to be an excellent recipient site for oral soft tissue grafts because it fulfills all of the requirements discussed above. In addition, decorticated alveolar bone can support and nourish a free soft tissue graft, although immobilizing the graft at the site is more troublesome. The fourth principle of oral soft tissue grafting involves the size and thickness of the donor tissue. The donor tissue must be large enough to facilitate immobilization at the recipient site and to take advantage of peripheral circulation when root or abutment coverage is the goal. The graft also must be large enough and thick enough to achieve the desired volume augmentation after secondary contraction has occurred. In addition, the donor tissue should be harvested to ensure a uniform graft surface that facilitates intimate adaptation to the recipient site. Thicker grafts (> 1.25 mm) are especially useful for root and abutment coverage when graft healing over the central portion of the avascular surface is characterized by necrosis. The


Part 2: Dentoalveolar Surgery

necrotic graft is gradually overtaken by granulation tissue from the periphery and ultimately forms a scar. Thicker grafts are better able to maintain their physical integrity during this process, which can take as long as 4 to 6 weeks. In summary, harvesting a graft that is too small or too thin should be avoided by evaluating the donor site prior to surgery and by applying the foregoing principles during recipient- and donor-site surgery. Although failure to adhere to these surgical principles may not result in the loss of the soft tissue graft, increased complications such as inadequate volume yield, graft sloughing, wound breakdown, infection, and patient discomfort can be expected.

zontal incision is made through the interimplant papilla coronal to the desired final tissue position. This facilitates abutment coverage with the gingival graft. When gingival grafting is performed at second-stage surgery or simultaneously with nonsubmerged implant placement, the horizontal incision is made at the mucogingival junction, and any existing gingival tissues are

repositioned to the lingual or palatal aspect of the implants (Figure 11-10A). This step is extremely important when implants are placed in the mandible because subsequent lingual soft tissue defects in this area are difficult to correct. A split-thickness dissection is then carried apically to create a uniform periosteal site. In the edentulous mandible, care must be taken to avoid damage to the

Epithelialized Palatal Graft Technique for Dental Implants General Considerations

The use of an epithelialized palatal graft for the treatment of a mucogingival defect has enjoyed a long history of predictable success.4-6 This versatile technique can be used not only to increase the dimensions of attached tissue around the natural dentition and dental implants but also as a predictable method for covering denuded root or abutment surfaces. Although the term free gingival graft is a misnomer, it is commonly used to describe the transfer of epithelialized tissue harvested from the palate. When the contemporary surgical technique is used as described below, thick split-thickness grafts (> 1.25 mm) or fullthickness grafts are preferred around both natural dentition and dental implants.

C 11-10 Surgical technique for gingival grafting simultaneous with abutment connection or nonsubmerged implant placement. A, A full-thickness horizontal incision is made at the mucogingival junction, and a partial-thickness vertical releasing incision is made at the midline. B, Fullthickness elevation of the flap lingually exposes the ridge crest and allows repositioning of the keratinized tissues lingually for abutment connection or nonsubmerged implant placement. C, Splitthickness dissection on the buccal aspect of the alveolar ridge provides a recipient site for rigid immobilization of the donor graft, which is adapted around the emerging implant structures and secured to the lingual tissues and to the periosteum peripherally. The dissection is limited distally to avoid unwanted injury to the mental nerve. Adapted from Sclar A.3

Contemporary Surgical Technique

The surgical technique for gingival grafting around dental implants is essentially the same as the technique used around natural dentition.3-7 When gingival grafting is performed after implant abutment connection or delivery of the final restoration, a hori-

Soft Tissue Management in Implant Therapy


mental nerve with the vertical releasing incisions that typically outline the mesial and distal extents of the recipient site in the dentate patient. Instead, in these instances a midline vertical releasing incision and sharp dissection are used to create an adequate recipient site (> 5 mm apicocoronal dimension) with a half-moon shape, as shown in Figure 11-10B. Subsequently, the mucosal flaps are excised and residual elastic or muscular tissue are removed with tissue scissors or nippers. When working in a severely atrophic mandible, the mucosal flaps are preserved and sutured to the periosteum at the base of the dissection. The technique for graft immobilization is the same regardless of whether gingival grafting is performed around natural dentition, at second-stage surgery for submerged implants, or at the time of nonsubmerged implant placement. The graft is sutured to each papilla or interimplant area coronally

and then to the periosteum peripherally to rigidly immobilize the graft at the recipient site (Figures 11-10C, 11-11, and 11-12). The following graft immobilization pressure is applied with a moistened saline gauze for 10 minutes. Although a periodontal dressing is not necessary for the recipient site, a protective dressing for the donor site is recommended. Gingival grafting is indicated prior to implant placement in the severely atrophic maxilla or mandible that is < 10 mm in height and has < 3 mm of attached tissue. In this clinical situation the surgeon should avoid significant dissection of the palatal or lingual tissues. Instead, a large recipient bed is created on the buccal aspect of the site, extending far enough apically from the midcrest to re-create the buccal vestibular fold. The graft is then harvested and rigidly immobilized with sutures placed approximately 5 mm apart to avoid unnec-

essary trauma and hematoma formation at the periphery. During subsequent implant surgery, a 3 mm or greater portion of the mature grafted tissue is repositioned lingually, providing good-quality gingival tissue for wound closure over submerged implants and circumferential adaptation of attached tissue around emerging implant abutments or nonsubmerged implants.

Subepithelial Connective Tissue Grafting for Dental Implants General Considerations

The subepithelial connective tissue graft is an extremely versatile procedure that can be used to enhance soft tissue contours around the natural dentition and dental implants (Figures 11-13-11-15). The procedure combines the use of a free soft tissue autografi harvested from the palate

f i g u r e 11-11 A, Preoperative view offour submerged implants ready for abutment connection. The amount of attached tissue is inadequate to ensure a stable periimplant soft tissue environment. B, Split-thickness dissection is performed to create a uniform periosteal recipient site. C, Full-thickness elevation of the attached tissues exposes the implants for abutment connection; the existing keratinized tissue has been repositioned to the lingual aspect of the emerging abutments. D, A palatal mucosal graft (gingival graft) is harvested from each side of the palate. E, The grafts have been contoured for precise adaptation around the abutments and secured to the lingual tissues and periosteum peripherally. F, This 2-month postoperative view demonstrates a tremendous volume yield from the gingival graftingprocedure. A stable periimplant soft tissue environment has been obtained. Reproduced with permission from Sclar A.3


Part 2: Dentoalveolar Surgery

11-12 A, Preoperative view of a partially edentulous mandibular site planned for simultaneous gingival grafting with the placement of nonsubmerged implants. B, Gingival graft adapted around the transmucosal portion of nonsubmerged implants and secured to the lingual tissues and the periosteum peripherally. C, Final restoration in place. Note that a healthy periimplant soft tissue environment has been created. Reproduced with permission from Sclar A.3

f i g u r e 11-13 A and B, Progressive soft tissue recession involving the mandibular bicuspids and a first molar tooth was successfully corrected with a root coverage procedure using a subepithelial connective tissue graft. Reproduced with permission from Sclar A.3

that is interposed beneath a partialthickness pedicle flap at the recipient site (ie, open approach). Alternatively, the graft can be secured in a split-thickness pouch prepared at the recipient site (ie, closed approach). The graft is harvested internally from the palate, resulting in a partialthickness donor-site pouch that allows for primary closure and thus a more comfortable palatal wound. Because the graft is positioned between the periosteum and a partial-thickness cover flap or pouch at the recipient site, it enjoys the advantage of a dual blood supply to support graft revascularization. Because of the abundant blood supply available for healing, the connective tissue graft is less technique sensitive, easier to perform, and more predictable than the gingival graft. The connective tissue graft also results in superior color matching and esthetic blending at the recipient site. The subepithelial connective tissue graft can be used during initial implantsite development prior to implant placement or simultaneous with submerged implant placement for the correction of small-volume soft tissue esthetic ridge defects. Similarly, the connective tissue graft can be performed simultaneous with an abutment connection or nonsubmerged implant placement to reconstruct these small-volume soft tissue defects or for the correction of soft tissue recession defects that develop in the recall period. Finally, whenever a large-volume soft tissue esthetic ridge defect is present, a series of connective tissue grafts is usually required for reconstruction of these esthetic ridge defects prior to implant placement.3

f' A

Surgical Technique: Donor-Site Surgery

The technique for harvesting subepithelial connective tissue grafts from the premolar region of the palate has two variations: the single-incision approach and the dualincision approach.78 In either case, the donor-site surgery begins with a fullthickness curvilinear incision made

f i g u r e 11-14 A, The progressive soft tissue recession around this lateral incisor implant restoration jeopardized its long-term success. B, A subepithelial connective tissue graft was performed via a closed pouch recipient site, resulting in the restoration of soft tissue esthetics and stability for this patient with a thin scalloped periodontium. Prophylactic soft tissue grafting would have prevented the recession from occurring and is indicated when intracrevicular restorations are planned for patients who present with thin periodontal tissues. Reproduced with permission from Sclar A.3

Soft Tissue Management in Implant Therapy


C 11-15 A, Preoperative view of central incisor implant site with a small-volume soft tissue esthetic ridge defect. B, An open flap approach involving full thickness dissection at the ridge crest and partial thickness dissection on the buccal aspect ofthe alveolar ridge was used for the implant placement and synchronous subepithelial connective tissue grafting. Coronal advancement ofthe cover flap enabled further soft tissue volume enhancement via submersion ofthe one-piece nonsubmerged implant, thus expanding the "soft tissue envelope." C, Following conservative exposure and insertion of a custom abutment and provisional restoration, the soft tissues were allowed to stabilize prior to the delivery ofthe final restoration, which demonstrates pleasing soft tissue esthetics. Reproduced with permission from Sclar A.3

through the palatal tissues approximately 2 to 3 mm apical to the gingival margin of the premolars (Figure 11-16A). This incision can be made perpendicular to the surface of the palatal tissue, or it can be slightly beveled. When it is made perpendicular to the palatal tissues, the thickness of the coronal portion of the graft is maximized; however, this usually prevents passive primary closure. In contrast, beveling the first incision limits the thickness of the coronal portion of the graft but, in many cases, enables a passive primary closure. When using the dual-incision approach, a partial-thickness curvilinear incision is then made approximately 2 mm apical to the first incision to complete an ellipse (Figure 11-16B). This incision defines the thickness of the subepithelial connective tissue graft to be harvested. The incision should be approximately 1 mm deep to ensure adequate thickness of the remaining cover tissue and to minimize the incidence of sloughing at the donor site. The scalpel is then oriented parallel to the surface of the palatal tissue, and sharp dissection is used to create a rectangular pouch. The apical extent of the dissection is determined by the height of the palate. The mesiodistal extent of the dissection is determined by the length of the first and second incisions, which, in turn, are


11-16 Subepithelial connective tissue grafting donor-site surgery via a dual-incision approach. A, The occlusal view demonstrates the location and orientation ofthe full-thickness and partial-thickness incisions. B, The cross-sectional view demonstrates the pathways ofthe incisions for donor-site harvest via the dual-incision approach. The shaded area represents the resultant donor graft, consisting ofboth connective tissue and periosteum. Adapted from Sclar A.3

determined by the overall size of the palate and the width of the premolars. The scalpel blade is then used to complete the outline of the donor connective tissue graft with incisions that pass through the underlying connective tissue and periosteum just short of the mesial and distal extent of the pocket. Unnecessary trauma to the overlying palatal tissues is thus avoided when the scalpel is turned perpendicular to the surface of the

donor tissue. A Buser periosteal elevator and membrane-placement instrument are then used to carefully begin subperiosteal elevation of donor tissue at the coronal aspect of the dissection. Once the coronal aspect of the graft has been elevated, it is carefuHy supported with tissue forceps and the subperiosteal elevation is extended to the apical portion of the pouch. Next, gentle traction is placed on the elevated tissue with forceps,


Part 2: Dentoalveolar Surgery

and a horizontal incision is made through the apical aspect of the donor tissue from within the pouch. The harvested tissue, which contains epithelium, connective tissue, and periosteum, is then transferred with tissue forceps to the recipient site or temporarily placed on sterile gauze moistened with saline. If the graft is submerged under the recipient's site flap, curved Iris tissue scissors should be used to remove the epithelial tissue. Hemostasis is then obtained at the donor site by placing an absorbable collagen dressing, such as CollaPlug, and applying pressure with saline-moistened gauze. The donor site is closed using interrupted 4-0 chromic gut sutures on a P3 needle passed through the interproximal areas. The single-incision technique differs in that only one incision is used to establish access to both the subperiosteal and subepithelial planes of dissection. This approach begins with a full-thickness curvilinear incision, as described above. Next, the scalpel is reoriented within the incision until it is parallel to the surface of the palatal tissue. Subepithelial dissection that parallels the external surface of the palatal tissue is accomplished to create a rectangular pouch. After making the first incision, the surgeon may find it useful to perform subperiosteal elevation coronally. This improves visualization of available soft tissue thickness (Figure 11-17), thereby aiding the surgeon to establish the appropriate subepithelial plane of dissection. The remainder of the surgical procedure is identical to the procedure described above for the dual-incision technique. The advantage of the dual-incision approach is that it is easier to perform. Since the thickness of the donor tissue is defined by the second incision, the result is the harvesting of a graft of uniform thickness. The disadvantage of this approach is that primary closure is seldom possible, and, therefore, the palatal wound can be uncomfortable. Nevertheless, this approach is usually recommended for the novice surgeon. Although harvesting a donor graft of

uniform thickness is technically more challenging when the single-incision approach is used, primary closure of the palatal wound results in greater patient comfort. As a result, most experienced surgeons prefer this approach.

Surgical Technique: Recipient-Site Surgery

Preparation of the recipient site involves either the elevation of a split-thickness flap through supraperiosteal dissection (open technique) or a supraperiosteal dissection, which avoids vertical releasing incisions to create an envelope or pouch (closed technique). The decision of which technique to use when grafting around a natural tooth or an implant restoration depends on several factors. The open technique allows direct visualization during dissection, which ensures the preparation of a uniform recipient site. This approach also allows for significant coronal advancement when vertical soft tissue augmentation is needed over an exposed root or abutment surface. The vertical releasing incisions used in the open technique sacrifice some circulation. However, the use of a curvilinear beveled flap with tension-releasing cutback incisions avoids embarrassment of circulation to the flap margin and allows for greater coronal flap advancement than do traditional trapezoidal flaps that require periosteal releasing incisions to allow even limited coronal advancement. In contrast, the closed technique avoids the need for vertical incisions, thus preserving the blood supply to the site and optimizing esthetic results. However, as a "blind" technique, it can be technically more demanding. Also, because it does not allow for significant coronal advancement of the cover flap, this technique is of limited use when significant vertical soft tissue augmentation is needed, and it is contraindicated whenever vestibular depth limits the preparation of an adequately sized recipient site. In general, the closed recipient site is preferred when the abut-

f i g u r e 11-17 Subepithelial connective tissue grafting donor-site surgery via the single-incision approach. The cross-sectional view demonstrates the pathways of the incision and the dissection for the donor-site harvest. The shaded area represents the resultant donor graft consisting of both connective tissue and periosteum. Adapted from Sclar A.3

ment or root exposure is < 4 mm apicocoronally or when there is a significant risk of sloughing of the cover flap because of poor vascularity at the site. Closed Technique The technique for closed recipient-site preparation is the same whether it is performed around a natural tooth or an implant restoration. A horizontal incision is extended to the mesial and distal aspects of the soft tissue defect just coronal to the level of the root or abutment coverage desired (Figure 11-18). Using a no. 15C scalpel, the surgeon makes this incision at a right angle to the epithelium at a depth of approximately 1 mm. The horizontal incisions not only mark the graft's final coronal position but also facilitate the pouch dissection and subsequent immobilization of the graft. Next, the scalpel is oriented parallel to the tissue surface, and the horizontal incisions are extended into the sulcus to create the entrance to the recipient site. The splitthickness dissection is extended apically beyond the mucogingival junction at the

Soft Tissue Management in Implant Therapy


11-18 Closed "pouch" technique for the preparation of a recipient site for a subepithelial connective tissue graft to improve soft tissue contours around a natural tooth or an implant restoration. A, Split-thickness dissection (shaded area). B, Graft mobilization apically and coronally. Adapted from Sclar A.3

mesial and distal aspects of the site before crossing the midline. To ensure that the recipient site can contribute adequate peripheral blood supply to sustain the graft, the dissection must extend well beyond the width of the soft tissue defect being corrected. As a general rule, the width of the recipient site should be three times that of the exposed root or abutment, which can be accomplished by extending the defect mesially and distally. The surgeon must take care to avoid perforating or tearing the overlying tissues with the scalpel; a meticulous technique is required to ensure a uniform recipient-site surface. The blunt end of a membraneplacement instrument is then used to probe the resultant pouch and confirm that the dissection is complete. Occasionally, strands or webs of tissue extending from the overlying tissues to the periosteum are detected in the apical extent of the dissection. If not released with sharp dissection, these tissue strands prevent proper positioning and passive adaptation of the connective tissue graft within the pouch. A periodontal probe is then used to measure the dimensions of the recipient pouch and to guide the surgeon in the donor harvest, and pressure is applied with salinemoistened gauze to obtain hemostasis. Once the recipient site has been prepared and the donor tissue has been har-

vested, the donor tissue should be intimately adapted and rigidly immobilized at the recipient site. When a closed recipient site is used, the dimensions of the donor connective tissue should closely match those of the recipient-site pouch. Curved Iris tissue scissors are used to size the graft prior to securing it in the pouch. The graft should always be oriented so that the periosteal side faces down at the recipient site. A 4-0 chromic suture on a P3 or FS2 needle is used to place a horizontal mattress suture that enters the apical portion of the recipient pouch, engages the graft, and exits the pouch apically. This suture is used to gently "pull" the graft into the recipient pouch and secure the graft apically, thereby resisting subsequent coronal displacement. First, the suture needle is passed through the vestibular mucosa into the recipient pouch and retrieved with forceps. The suture needle is then passed through the connective tissue side of the graft and back through the periosteal side of the graft. Next, the membrane-placement instrument is used to identify the apical extent of the recipient site, and the suture needle is passed back through the mucosal tissue to exit the pouch several millimeters lateral of where it entered. A fine hemostat is clamped across equal lengths (approximately 7.5 cm) of the suture material, and suture scissors are used to cut away the remaining suture and needle.

Subsequently, the surgeon uses the clamped suture material to slowly pull the graft into the recipient pouch, taking care not to tear the overlying tissue. The paddle end of the membrane-placement instrument is used like a shoehorn to guide the graft into the entrance of the recipient pouch. The flat portion of the instrument is moistened with saline and placed between the graft and the overlying tissue as the graft is gently pulled into the pouch. This technique prevents bunching of the graft at the entrance of the recipient pouch as well as excessive stretching of, and damage to, the overlying tissues. The spiked end of the membrane-placement instrument is then used to gently "push" the graft further into the pouch entrance, while the clamped suture material is used to "pull" the graft apically. A triple tie secures the graft in the pouch. The graft is secured coronally, either with interrupted sutures that pass through the graft and interproximal tissues (see Figure 11-18) or with a sling suture. Interrupted sutures in the papillary area are then used to secure the cover tissue pouch. Additional sutures can be carefully placed to approximate the coronal margins of the pouch in an effort to cover more of the exposed graft. Nevertheless, because significant coronal advancement of the overlying tissues is not possible, a portion of the graft will remain uncovered. Whenever possible, it is recommended that two-thirds or more of the graft be secured within the recipientsite pouch. Gentle pressure is applied over the graft site with saline-moistened gauze for a minimum of 10 minutes. Open Technique Again, the technique for open recipient-site preparation is the essentially the same whether it is performed around a natural tooth or an implant restoration, or to improve soft tissue contours during implant-site development. This approach is useful for a moderate amount of vertical soft tissue augmentation, making it applicable for abutment coverage


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procedures and for improving soft tissue contours during implant-site development or when performed over a submerged implant (Figure 11-19). The dissection begins by outlining the recipient site with partial-thickness horizontal and vertical incisions using a no. 15C scalpel blade on a round handle. The horizontal incision, which is performed first, extends mesial and distal to the soft tissue defect at a level just coronal to the final soft tissue position desired after augmentation. Exaggerated curvilinear beveled incisions with tensionreleasing cutback incisions are then initiated apically well beyond the mucogingival junction to outline the cover flap. Next, sharp dissection is used to elevate a split-thickness

flap. The dissection is initiated coronally with a no. 15C scalpel blade. Flap elevation is continued apically under direct vision with sharp dissection under tension, which is carefully maintained with the use of micro-Adson tissue forceps. The goal is to maximize the thickness of the overlying tissue flap, leaving only a thin layer of immobile periosteum. When coronal advancement of the cover flap is performed, the adjacent papillary areas are de-epithelialized with a fresh no. 15C scalpel. This further extends the wound margin, thereby reducing flap retraction and greatly enhancing incision line esthetics. It also eliminates the possibility that the undersurface of the coronally advanced flap will be coapted over

an epithelial surface, which would prevent initial wound healing and could result in dehiscence along the incision. The dimensions of the recipient site are then measured with a periodontal probe, and hemostasis is obtained by applying gentle pressure with saline-moistened gauze. Once the donor graft has been harvested, it is usually trimmed to be slightly smaller than the open recipient site. This facilitates immobilization of the graft and suturing of the cover flap into position without unwanted engagement of the underlying graft, which can cause graft dislodgment secondary to swelling or retraction of the cover flap. Whether grafting around natural dentition or an implant restoration(s), the graft is first secured coronally with sutures passed through the adjacent papillary areas using a 4-0 chromic gut suture on a P3 needle. Alternatively, sling sutures can be used for this purpose. Next, the graft is secured laterally and apically to the periosteum with additional sutures. The goal is to gently stretch the tissue, thus improving its adaptation to the recipient site. Next, the cover flap is secured coronally with interrupted sutures passing through the papillae. These sutures should pass through the facial flap and the de-epithelialized papillary tissue and then return under the contact points, where they are tied facially. Alternatively, a sling suture can be used. In this case, the suture passes through the flap and the papillary tissue on the first pass; it then passes under the contact points as it returns to the facial aspect, where it is tied. Depending on the thickness of the cover flap tissue, 4-0 or 5-0 chromic gut suture on a P3 needle is used. Next, the cover flap is secured laterally. The use of exaggerated curvilinear beveled incisions to outline the cover flap not only extends the recipient site, providing additional circulation to sustain the graft, it also facilitates immobilization of the graft and closure of the cover flap. The suture needle should be perpendicular to the beveled incision as it passes


11-19 Open flap technique for the preparation of a recipient site for a subepithelial connective tissue graft to improve soft tissue contours at an implant site. This approach is useful at the time ofabutment connection (A and B) and over a submerged implant (C and D). Adaptedfrom Sclar A.3

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through the tissue. It also should be oriented in an apicocoronal direction as it is passed through the flap and adjacent tissue. A single pass is recommended to ensure precise positioning of the cover flap. The attached tissue contained in the flap is first precisely repositioned and secured with sutures placed laterally. The sutures then are placed apical to the mucogingival junction. When performed as part of implantsite development or when grafting over a submerged implant, the recipient site is extended further onto the palatal or lingual surface of the alveolar ridge via splitthickness dissection, and the graft is secured in a similar fashion before closing the cover flaps, as described above. Moistened saline gauze is used to apply gentle pressure at the site for 10 minutes; a periodontal dressing is not usually needed.

Vascularized Interpositional Periosteal Connective Tissue Flap General Considerations

The vascularized interpositional periosteal connective tissue flap (VIP-CT) flap is an innovative technique that provides for reconstruction of large-volume soft tissue esthetic ridge defects with a single procedure.3 In addition, the pedicled blood sup-

ply derived from the connective tissueperiosteal plexus within the flap provides the biologic basis for predictable simultaneous hard and soft tissue grafting procedures during esthetic implant-site development, even at compromised sites. Additional advantages of the technique include negligible postoperative soft tissue shrinkage; enhanced results realized from hard tissue grafting procedures owing to the supplemental source of circulation and the contribution to phase-two bone graft healing provided by the mesenchymal cells transferred with the flap; and, when hard and soft tissue site-development procedures are necessary, a reduction in treatment time and patient inconvenience. Although the amount of horizontal soft tissue augmentation obtained with the VIP-CT flap is consistently greater than that obtained with free soft tissue grafting techniques, the amount of vertical soft tissue augmentation typically obtained exceeds that obtainable even when several free soft tissue grafts are performed, which has allowed the re-creation of positive gingival architecture, even in situations where previous hard and soft tissue site development techniques have fallen short. This technique has also proven useful in the treatment of compromised sites in which existing soft tissues were poor in quality

and severely scarred, rendering them inadequate to support required hard tissue implant-site development (Figure 11-20). It is a predictable means of resubmerging an implant in the anterior area when an unexpected soft tissue dehiscence compromises the final esthetic result. The volume of tissue transfer routinely obtained with the VIP-CT flap has also allowed the camouflaging of small-volume combination hard and soft tissue ridge defects, as well as the correction of largevolume soft tissue defects simultaneously with implant placement (Figures 11-21 and 11-22), as previously discussed. Of greatest significance, this technique provides the implant surgeon with a proven technique for predictable simultaneous hard and soft tissue esthetic implant-site development at compromised anterior sites with large-volume combination esthetic ridge defects (Figure 11-23). These enhanced results are directly related to maintenance of intact circulation to the flap and decreased postsurgical contraction.

Surgical Technique
As in the previously described techniques, the surgeon begins by outlining and preparing the recipient site and then proceeds to donor-site preparation. An exaggerated

11-20 Use of the vascularized interpositional periosteal connective tissue (VIP-CT) flap to restore soft tissue volume and health at a severely compromised site. A, Preoperative view of a severely compromised lateral incisor site following a failed bone graft that resulted in the loss of col and papilla on the adjacent central incisor and severely scarred and inelastic soft tissue cover at the site. B, A VIP-CT flap was performed to provide sufficient volume of good-quality tissue to support the subsequent bone graft. C, The final result after subsequent bone grafting demonstrates the complete reconstruction of natural ridge contours and the successful restoration of the adjacent col and papilla, a remarkable result that is not always obtainable even with the VIP-CT flap. Reproduced with permission from Sclar A.3


Part 2: Dentoalveolar Surgery

f i g u r e 11-21 Use ofthe vascularized interpositional periosteal connective tissue (VIP-CT) flap for the correction of a small-volume combination hard and soft tissue esthetic ridge defect. A, Preoperative view of a maxillary canine site with a ridge lap pontic attempting to disguise an obvious ridge contour defect. B, After implant placement, a VIP-CT flap is rotated and interposed underneath the donor- and recipient-site flaps, which are closed primarily. C, The final restoration demonstrates a natural esthetic emergence and successful camouflaging of the small-volume combination esthetic ridge defect. Reproduced with permission from Sclar A.3

curvilinear beveled flap design is used at the recipient site. Abbreviated vertical releasing incisions are extended over the alveolar crest onto the palatal surface at both the mesial and distal aspects of the recipient site. This allows full exposure of the ridge crest for

hard tissue grafting or implant placement. The palatal incision at the distal aspect of the recipient site parallels the gingival margin on the oral aspect of the adjacent tooth (Figure 11-24A). After recipient-site preparation, donorsite preparation begins by extending this incision horizontally to the distal aspect of the second premolar. To facilitate subsequent closure of the donor site, the orientation of this incision should be slightly beveled and follow a path approximately 2 mm apical to the free gingival margins of the canine and premolar teeth (see Figure 11-24A). Sharp dissection is then used internally to create a split-thickness palatal flap in the premolar area. The subepithelial dissection is carried mesially toward the distal aspect of the canine. The surgeon should be careful to maintain an adequate thickness of the palatal cover flap to avoid sloughing. In most cases the dissection has to be deeper in the area of the palatal rugae to avoid perforating the cover flap. Next, a vertical incision is made internally through the connective tissue and periosteum at the distal extent of the subepithelial dissection, as far apically as is possible without damaging the greater palatine neurovascular structures. This incision defines the margin of the flap. Using a Buser periosteal elevator and a membrane-placement instrument, the surgeon then carefully elevates the resultant periosteal-connective tissue layer, beginning in the second premolar area and working toward the anterior extent of the dissection. Usually, this careful subperiosteal dissection yields intact periosteum on the undersurface of the pedicle, which aids in subsequent rigid immobilization of the graft. Furthermore, intact periosteum potentially provides osteoblastic activity if applied over a bone graft when simultaneous hard and soft tissue site development is performed. A second incision is then initiated under tension internally at the apical extent of the previous vertical incision and extended horizontally anterior to

the distal aspect of the canine. The outline of the periosteal-connective tissue pedicle is now complete. Limiting the incisions to the anatomic landmarks given ensures that the margin of the pedicle is safely harvested from the palatal area, where the thickest amount of connective tissue is available, without risk of damage to adjacent neurovascular structures. Next, a Buser periosteal elevator is used to carefully elevate the periosteal-connective tissue pedicle and undermine the full thickness of the palatal mucosa and periosteum at the base of the pedicle, just beyond the midline of the palate (Figure 11-24B). This subperiosteal elevation or undermining

f i g u r e 11-22 Use ofthe vascularized interpositional periosteal connective tissue (VIP-CT) flap for the correction of a large-volume soft tissue esthetic ridge defect simultaneous with a submerged implant placement. A, Preoperative view of a lateral incisor implant site with removable partial denture with a tissue-colored flange used to disguise the large-volume soft tissue defect at the site. B, The final restoration demonstrates a natural emergence and soft tissue esthetics following the implant placement and synchronous use ofthe VIP-CT flap. Typically, several free soft tissue grafts are necessary to restore a largevolume soft tissue defect. Reproduced with permissionfrom Sclar A.3

Soft Tissue Management in Implant Therapy


11-23 Simultaneous reconstruction of a large-volume combination hard and soft tissue esthetic ridge defect for the replacement offour maxillary incisors. A, Preoperative view of the compromised site secondary to multiple interventions leading to tooth loss and a previously failed attempt at bone graft reconstruction. B, Intraoperative view following rigid fixation of corticocancellous block bone grafts and condensation of particulate bone graft material. The vascularized interpositional periosteal connective tissue (VIP-CT) flaps have been prepared and are ready for rotation over the block bone graft, thereby improving the volume of the soft tissue in the areas critical for prosthetic emergence and supplementing the circulation of the soft tissue cover for enhanced bone graft healing. C, Nonsubmerged central and lateral incisor implants were placed after 4 months of healing with customized tooth-form healing abutments. The final restorative abutments, pictured in this clinical photograph, were delivered a^er an additional 4 months. Note that use of the VIP-CT flap simultaneous with the block bone grafting procedure resulted in a significant vertical soft tissue augmentation and the restoration of the natural soft tissue architecture at the site. D, The final restorations are harmonious in appearance, and pleasing gingival esthetics are evident. Reproduced with permission from Sclar A.3

begins at the distal aspect of the dissection in the area of the second premolar and is carried anteriorly toward but short of the incisive foramen so as to avoid compromise to the neurovascular structures in this area. Doing so provides additional elasticity at the base of the pedicle to allow passive rotation to the recipient site without the need for a tension-releasing cutback incision. Essentially, the two distinct planes of dissection performed define the interpositional periosteal-connective tissue pedicle flap without disrupting its cir-

culation. The subepithelial plane is superficial to the greater palatine vessels but deep enough to avoid sloughing of the palatal cover flap. The subperiosteal plane is deep to the greater palatine vessels and is limited anteriorly and posteriorly to avoid damage to the neurovascular structures as they course through the palate. Tension-releasing cutback incisions extended into the base of the pedicle flap are rarely necessary when subperiosteal undermining is performed. When unavoidable, these relaxing incisions are initi-

ated at the pivot point of flap rotation along the line of greatest tension. Although the line of greatest tension is the radius of the rotation arc created by the apical horizontal incision, the pivot point may not coincide with the termination of that incision. This is because the periosteal undermining causes a favorable displacement of the flap's pivot point and in most cases allows for tension-free rotation of the flap into the maxillary anterior area without the need for a tension-releasing cutback incision. Nevertheless, when a tension-


Part 2: Dentoalveolar Surgery

11-24 Surgical technique for the vascularized interpositional periosteal connective tissue (VIP-CT) flap. A, Occlusal view ofincisions that outline the donor and recipient sites. Note that the preparation of the recipient site involves de-epithelialization of the adjacent col and papillary areas. B, After split-thickness recipient-site preparation, de-epithelialization of the attached tissue on the buccal aspect of the ridge as well as the adjacent col and papillary areas is performed, and implant placement is completed. Subsequently, the VIP-CT flap is developed via subepithelial and subperiosteal dissections performed within the bicuspid region of the palate. C, Subperiosteal undermining is extended to the midline, allowing the flap to passively rotate to the midline, where it is secured to the de-epithelialized areas and periosteum at a split-thickness recipient site, or over a block bone graft when simultaneous reconstruction is performed. Adaptedfrom Sclar A.3

releasing cutback incision is necessary despite undermining, the surgeon must be careful to limit the length of the incision to avoid embarrassing the circulation. An intraoperative assessment of the area of greatest tension will guide the placement of releasing incisions. Next, the flap is rotated into the recipient site and rigidly immobilized with sutures placed apically and/or laterally (Figure 11-24C). Alternatively, the flap can be secured directly to a block bone graft using sutures passed through transosseous perforations in the bone graft. An absorbable collagen dressing, such as CollaPlug, is used as an aid to hemostasis and to eliminate dead space in the donor harvest area. Finally, the donor and recipient sites are closed primarily with absorbable sutures, and gentle pressure is applied with saline-moistened gauze for 10 minutes.

Oral Soft Tissue Grafting with Acellular Dermal Matrix General Considerations
Acellular dermal matrix (AlloDerm) has been used as an alternative to harvesting autogenous epithelialized palatal grafts and

subepithelial connective tissue grafts in periodontal surgery since 1996. AlloDerm grafts are composed of freeze-dried allograft skin processed to remove all immunogenic cellular components (epidermis and dermal cells), leaving a useful acellular dermal matrix for soft tissue augmentation. AlloDerm can be used to increase the width of attached tissue around the natural dentition and implants, obtain root or abutment coverage, and correct small-volume soft tissue ridge defects. The advantages of using AlloDerm include the elimination of donor-site surgery for greater patient comfort, unlimited tissue supply, excellent handling characteristics, and decreased surgical time. Disadvantages include greater secondary shrinkage and slower healing at the recipient sites when used as an onlay graft or when complete coverage of an interpositional AlloDerm graft is not obtainable. Predictable root or abutment coverage requires coverage of the AlloDerm graft with good-quality cover flap tissue.

Surgical Technique
The surgical technique for using AlloDerm is essentially the same as that described

above for the gingival and subepithelial connective tissue grafts. The AlloDerm graft must be rehydrated for 10 minutes before use. Two distinct sides of the AlloDerm graft are identified by applying the patient's blood to each surface and rinsing with sterile saline. The connective tissue side will retain the red coloration, whereas the basement membrane side will appear white. The connective tissue side contains preexisting vascular channels that allow for cellular infiltration and revascularization. When used as an onlay graft to increase the width of attached tissues, the connective tissue side should be oriented toward and intimately adapted to the recipient site (Figure 11-25). When used for root or abutment coverage, the basement membrane side of the graft should be oriented toward the exposed root or abutment (Figure 11-26). The basement membrane side of the AlloDerm graft facilitates epithelial cell migration and attachment. Wherever possible, the author recommends preparing a larger recipient site (6-8 mm apicocoronal dimension) and immobilizing a larger AlloDerm graft compared to what is used when an autogenous gingival graft is performed.

Soft Tissue Management in Implant Therapy


This chapter provides the implant surgeon with the basic information necessary for successful management of periimplant soft tissues in the most common clinical scenarios. In addition, it presents principles of oral soft tissue grafting and surgical details of the most commonly used oral soft tissue grafting techniques. However, as limited information concerning the indications, advantages, and expected outcomes of the individual surgical approaches and techniques has been presented, further study by the reader is encouraged.

B tjji


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11-25 Use of AlloDerm (a freeze-dried allograft skin processed to remove all immunogenic cellular components [epidermis and dermal cells]) to increase the width of attached tissue around an implant restoration. A, Intraoperative view of the use of an AlloDerm graft simultaneous with the placement offour nonsubmerged implants in an edentulous mandible to improve the periimplant soft tissue environment and to eliminate mobile mucosal tissues in the area, while increasing vestibular depth. B, The 2-month postoperative view demonstrates a sufficient area of attached nonmobile periimplant soft tissues to ensure a healthy soft tissue environment and ample access for oral hygiene maintenance. Reproduced with permission from Sclar A.3

1. Schroeder A, van der Zypen E, Stich H, Sutter F. The reaction to bone, connective tissue, and epithelium to endosteal implants with titanium-sprayed surfaces. J Maxillofac Surg 1981;9:15-25. 2. Palacci P, Ericsson I, Engstrand P, Rangert B. Optimal implant positioning and soft tissue management for the Brnemark System. Chicago: Quintessence Publishing Co.; 1995. p. 59-70. 3. Sclar A. Soft tissue and esthetic considerations in implant therapy. Chicago: Quintessence; 2003. p. 52-54. 4. Sullivan HC, Atkins JH. Free autogenous gingival grafts, I. Principles of successful grafting. Periodontics 1968;6:121-9. 5. Gordon HP, Sullivan HC, Atkins JH. Free autogenous gingival grafts, II. Supplemental findings^histology of the graft site. Periodontics 1968;6:130-3. 6. Sullivan HC, Atkins JH. Free autogenous gingival grafts, III. Utilization of grafts in the treatment of gingival recession. Periodontics 1968;6:152-60.

11-26 Use of AlloDerm (a freeze-dried allograft skin processed to remove all immunogenic cellular components [epidermis and dermal cells]) for root- or abutment-coverage procedures. A, Preoperative view of generalized progressive periodontal soft tissue recession treated with AlloDerm grafts. B, The postoperative view demonstrates successful root coverage at sites amenable to such a result and an increased width of attached tissue at those sites not amenable to complete root coverage.

This offsets the additional shrinkage observed with AlloDerm onlay grafts. Improvement has been observed in the rate of incorporation of AlloDerm onlay and interpositional grafts when plateletrich plasma (PRP) is incorporated into the surgical protocol.3 In these instances the AlloDerm graft is first rehydrated in nonactivated anticoagulated PRP solution

prior to its immobilization at the recipient site. Subsequently, activated PRP is used topically at the recipient site as a growth factor-enriched wound dressing. Whenever PRP is used with AlloDerm or autogenous soft tissue grafts, care must be taken to avoid the formation of a PRP blood clot between the soft tissue graft and the periosteal recipient site or the cover flap.3


Langer B, Calagna L. The subepithelial connective tissue graft: a new approach to the enhancement of anterior cosmetics. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 1982; 2(2):23-34. 8. Reiser C, Bruno JF, Mahan PE, Larkin LH. The subepithelial connective tissue graft palatal donor site: anatomic considerations for surgeons. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 1996;16:131-7.

C H A P T E R 12

Bone Grafting Strategies for Vertical Alveolar Augmentation

Ole T. Jensen, DDS, MS Michael A. Pikos, DDS Massimo Simion, DDS Tomaso Vercellotti, MD, DDS

Strategies to increase alveolar vertical dimension fall into six general categories: (1) guided bone graft augmentation, (2) onlay block grafting, (3) interposition alveolar bone graft, (4) alveolar distraction osteogenesis, (5) iliac corticocancellous augmentation bone graft, and (6) the sinus bone graft. The difficulty in gaining and maintaining alveolar vertical augmentation is well established in the literature, but the various procedures that have been used have been complicated by relapse and resorption.1-3 Augmentations without the placement of implants generally resorb unless a nonresorbable grafting material such as hydroxylapatite is used.4-6 This chapter reviews the indications and contraindications for the above procedures, all of which have found their niche in oral and maxillofacial surgery reconstruction using osseointegrated implants. Alveolar vertical defects have been classified according to the size of the defect.7 Deficiencies can range from 1 or 2 mm to more than 20 mm in height. In general monocortical grafts or guided bone graft augmentations are useful for smaller augmentations. Interpositional grafts work

well for moderate-sized defects, whereas distraction osteogenesis is reserved for more extensive alveolar defects. Large bone mass deficiencies, where there is not enough bone to distract, require iliac bone graft reconstruction, though a vertical gain of 10 mm is dificult to achieve in these settings. Finally, there is the sinus bone graft, which functions as an "endosteal" expansion of alveolar vertical bone mass.

Guided Bone Graft Augmentation

Vertical bone augmentation of deficient alveolar ridges can be obtained with guided bone regeneration techniques. These techniques allow vertical augmentation of up to 10 mm both in the posterior and anterior maxilla and mandible. A barrier membrane is placed and stabilized with tacks or screws in order to protect an autogenous bone graft usually harvested from the retromolar area in the mandible. The membrane is maintained in the site completely covered by the soft tissues for a period of at least 6 months. The implants can be placed either at the time of bone regeneration or at the membrane removal surgery.

Figure 12-1 illustrates a posterior mandible atrophy in which 7 mm of vertical bone height is required. After full thickness flap elevation, a couple of 10 mm long tenting screws have been placed in order to avoid the membrane collapse toward the bone ridge. The cortical bone has been perforated with a round bur (see Figure 12-1A). Autogenous bone chips have been placed and covered with a titanium-reinforced expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) membrane (see Figure 12-1B). After 6 months of uneventful healing, a mucoperiosteal flap has been elevated (see Figure 12-1C), and the membrane has been removed to expose the regenerated bone (see Figure 12-1D). Two Brnemark implants have been placed (see Figure 12-1E). Figure 12-1F and 12-1G show the final porcelain-fused-to-metal prosthesis and the periapical x-ray after 3 years of occlusal loading.

Mandibular Block Autografts for Localized Vertical Ridge Augmentation

Mandibular block autografts have been used extensively for alveolar ridge augmentation with great success and include


Part 2:

Dentoalveolar Surgery

figure12-1 A, An edentulous posterior mandible is flapped open, and perforations are made through the cortex in preparation for the bone graft. "Tent pole" bone screws are placed at the desired height, up to 10 mm. B, Reinforced membrane is tacked into place. C, Six months later, the membrane is exposed. D, Bone formation after membrane removal. E, Placement of two dental implants. F, Final restoration. G, Periapical x-ray after 3 years ofloading.

Typically, there is loss of alveolar bone height in the posterior maxilla and mandible secondary to periodontal disease and after tooth removal. Tooth loss results in buccal plate compromise and a reduction in alveolar width. This bone resorption process continues in a medial direction until a knife-edged ridge forms. This may then result in a deficiency of alveolar height that would preclude implant placement. The cortical plate may be minimal or absent, further complicating implant placement. Finally, occlusal forces are greater in the posterior than in the anterior area of the mouth, necessitating appropriate surgical and prosthetic treatment planning for long-term implant success. Treatment planning in these areas must include solutions to reduce stress. A primary plan includes increasing the number of implants. No pontics are used, so one implant per buccal root is the treatment planned for each case. In addition, no cantilevers are allowed. Splinting of all crowns is also indicated for biomechanical force distribution. Occlusal considerations include eliminating lateral interferences during any excursive movements. The final factors involved in decreasing undesirable stress to the implants are interrelated. They include increasing the bone density and maximizing the diameter of implants. These two goals are accomplished with mandibular block grafts. The quality of bone from the ramus buccal shelf is typically type 1, and the symphysis normally exhibits type 2 and occasionally type 1 quality bone. These grafts create areas for the use of larger diameter implants that increase the surface area over which the stresses of occlusal forces are distributed.1718 the mouth where this type of deficiency occurs. This section focuses on posterior maxillary and mandibular reconstruction in a staged manner prior to implant placement. Implants are placed in a submerged or nonsubmerged mode after appropriate healing time with the block grafts. There are four key principles that should be followed for mandibular block graft success. First, recipient site preparation must be done to allow access for trabecular bone blood vessels and osteogenic cells, which is critical for predictable bone incorporation. Also, platelet release from

the symphysis and ramus buccal shelf as donor sites.8-16 The vertically deficient ridge presents the greatest challenge for reconstruction, and success with these grafts can be achieved with defects of up to 6 mm. The posterior maxilla and mandible are the most common areas of


Grafting Strategies for

Vertical Alveolar Augmentation


damaged blood vessels produces plateletderived growth factor and transforming growth factor (TGF-P), which accelerate wound healing. Site preparation facilitates intimate adaptation of the graft to its underlying bony bed. Second, two-point fixation of each block is important to prevent microrotation of the graft resulting in incomplete bone incorporation. Low-profile self-tapping screws are recommended. Third, primary closure without tension of the wound site is critical to prevent dehiscence, which is the primary complication of monocortical block grafts. Careful attention to undermining the flap will allow for complete relaxation prior to closure. Prosthesis contact with the ridge is not allowed for the entire duration of healing. Finally, implant placement must follow graft incorporation and should never be done simultaneously. This staging provides predictable bone volume and optimal bone density to be created prior to stage 1 surgery. The symphysis can provide a range of dense cortical cancellous bone ranging from 4 to 11 mm, in contrast to a typical ramus buccal shelf block graft that is 3 to 4 mm. These grafts can be used for predictable horizontal augmentation of 5 to 7 mm and vertical augmentation of up to and including 6 mm.

border of the mandible. This allows for good visualization of the entire symphysis, including both mental neurovascular bundles. It also provides easy retraction at the inferior border and results in a relatively dry field. Contrast this with the vestibular approach, which results in more limited access, incomplete visualization of the mental neurovascular bundles, and more difficulty in superior and inferior retraction of the flap margins. Also, there is typically bleeding secondary to the mentalis muscle incision resulting in the need for hemostasis. Finally, wound dehiscence from the sulcular approach is rare. The vestibular incision can result in wound dehiscence and scar band formation. A 702 L tapered fissure bur in a straight handpiece is used to penetrate the symphysis cortex via a series of holes that outline the graft. It is important to not encroach within 5 mm of the apices of the incisor and canine teeth as well as the mental neurovascular bundles. Also, the inferior osteotomy is made no closer than 4 mm from the inferior border. All holes are then connected to a depth of at least the full extent of the bur flutes (7 mm). The graft is then harvested using straight and curved osteotomes or modified bone spreaders. The donor site is packed with gauze soaked in either saline or plateletpoor plasma. Closure of the site is done after graft fixation and includes a particulate graft. This graft is not critical to the esthetic outcome; however, grafting of the donor site to allow for a secondary block harvest can be done.

Symphysis Block Graft Harvest

A sulcular incision design is preferred for the symphysis block graft harvest as opposed to the more conventional vestibular design. This approach can be safely used if the periodontium is healthy and no crowns are present in the anterior dentition. Also, a highly scalloped thin gingival biotype is contraindicated. The incision begins in the sulcus from second bicuspid to second bicuspid. An oblique releasing incision is made at the mesial buccal line angle of these teeth and continues into the depth of the buccal vestibule. A full thickness mucoperiosteal flap is reflected to the inferior

Ramus Buccal Shelf Block Graft Harvest

A full thickness mucoperiosteal incision is made distal to the most posterior tooth in the mandible and continues to the retromolar pad and ascending ramus. An oblique release incision can be made into the buccinator muscle at the posterior extent of this incision. The incision con-

tinues in the buccal sulcus opposite the first bicuspid where an oblique release is made to the depth of the vestibule. A full thickness mucoperiosteal flap is then reflected to the inferior border allowing for visualization of the external oblique ridge, buccal shelf, lateral ramus and body, and mental neurovascular bundle. The flap is further elevated superiorly from the ascending ramus and includes stripping of the temporalis muscle attachment. There are three complete osteotomies and one bone groove that need to be prepared prior to graft harvest. A superior osteotomy is created with a 702L fissure bur in a straight handpiece. It begins opposite the mandibular second molar and continues posteriorly to the ascending ramus approximately 4 to 5 mm medial to the external oblique ridge. The length of this osteotomy depends on the graft size. The anterior extent of this bone cut can approach the distal aspect of the first molar, depending on the anterior location of the buccal shelf. A modified channel retractor is used for ideal access to the lateral ramus body area to allow for two vertical bone cuts. The osteotomies begin at each end of the superior bone cut and continue inferiorly approximately 12 mm. All osteotomies just barely penetrate cortical bone. Finally, a no. 8 round bur is used to create a groove connecting the inferior aspect of each vertical osteotomy. The graft is then harvested using modified bone spreaders that are malleted along the superior osteotomy. The graft will fracture along the inferior groove and should be carefully harvested so as to avoid injury to the inferior alveolar neurovascular bundle. The sharp ledge that is created at the superior extent of the ascending ramus is then smoothed with a large round fissure bur. Gauze moistened with either saline or platelet-poor plasma is then packed into the wound site. Closure of the donor site can be done after graft fixation.


Part 2:

Dentoalveolar Surgery

Case 1
A healthy 59-year-old white female was referred for implant evaluation. Clinical and radiographic examination revealed a missing right maxillary second bicuspid and all molars (Figure 12-2A). The edentulous space exhibited a deficiency in alveolar height of approximately 4 mm, along with minimal sinus pneumatization precluding the need for sinus grafting (Figure 12-2B and C). The treatment plan included vertical bone augmentation using a right ramus buccal shelf block graft prior to implant placement for a three-unit fixed bridge.

The recipient site was exposed via a full thickness buccal flap reflection (Figure 12-2D). Site preparation included slight decortication and perforation prior to block grafting (Figure 12-2E). A right ramus buccal shelf graft was harvested in the conventional manner (Figure 12-2F-H) and contoured to size (Figure 12-2I and 12-2J). Platelet-rich plasma was then placed on the recipient site prior to block graft fixation (Figure 12-2K and L). Particulate demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft was mortised superior to the graft (Figure 12-2M), and

additional platelet-rich plasma was placed over the graft complex (Figure 122N). Primary closure without tension was accomplished prior to particulate grafting and administration of plateletrich plasma. A posterior vertical release incision was also made to allow for advancement of the full thickness flap (Figure 12-2O and P). Five months later the site was reentered revealing excellent block incorporation (Figure 12-2Q). Implants were placed in a nonsubmerged mode because of the excellent type 1 quality bone (Figure 12-2R and S).

12-2 A, Clinical photograph indicating edentulous right posterior maxilla. B, Radiograph depicting vertical deficiency and minimal sinus pneumatization. C, Model depicting vertical alveolar deficiency. D, Full thickness buccal flap reflection. E, Site preparation including decortication and perforation. F, Right ramus buccal shelf block graft harvest. G, Ramus buccal shelf graftcortical surface. H, Ramus buccal shelf graftmarrow surface. I, Contouring of block graft.


Grafting Strategies for

Vertical Alveolar Augmentation









12-2 ( c o n t i n u e d ) J, Block graft contoured within confines ofsurgical stent. K, Platelet-rich plasma applied to recipient site. L, Screw fixation completed. M, Particulate demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft mortised. N, Platelet-rich plasma impregnated collagen covering entire wound site. O, Buccal flap release. P, Tension-free primary closure. Q, Excellent block graft incorporation at 5 months. R, Stage 1 surgery. S, Stage 1 nonsubmerged implant placement completed.

Case 2
A healthy 62-year-old white female was referred for implant evaluation. This patient was unhappy with her existing bilateral distal extension partial denture and desired fixed prosthetic work in both edentulous areas (Figure 12-3A and

B). Clinical and radiographic examination revealed missing mandibular molars bilaterally (Figure 12-3A-C). Also noted was a vertical deficiency of more than 5 mm in the right posterior mandible and 4 mm in the left posterior edentulous mandible. The treatment

plan included vertical ridge augmentation of the right side with a symphysis graft and of the left side with a right ramus buccal shelf block graft. The right edentulous site was exposed, appropriate crestal decortication and perforation was done, and a symphysis block


Part 2:

Dentoalveolar Surgery

12-3 A, Right posterior edentulous mandible. B, Left posterior edentulous mandible. C, Radiograph indicating bilateral posterior mandibular vertical deficiency. D, Block graft fixation with platelet-rich plasma application. E, Block graft fixation. Note butt joint at anterior recipient donor interface. F, Excellent block graft incorporation at 5 months. (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE)

graft was fixated to the crest (Figure 12-3D and E). Platelet-rich plasma was applied to the recipient site prior to graft fixation. Five months later both sites were reentered and revealed no evidence of bone resorption (Figure 12-3F and G). The right side revealed vertical augmentation of 5 mm. Three threaded Spline implants were placed in a nonsubmerged mode because of the excellent type 1 quality bone (Figure 12-3H and I). The left edentulous space was augmented 4 mm with a right ramus buccal shelf block graft in the same fashion and three threaded implants were also placed nonsubmerged (Figure 12-3J-L). Both sites were ultimately grafted with epithelial palatal tissue for enhanced keratinized gingiva (Figure 12-3M and N), and three-unit fixed bridgework was fabricated for each site (Figure 12-3O). Mandibular block autografts for vertical alveolar ridge augmentation are predictable and offer many advantages. These grafts are primarily cortical in nature, exhibit minimal resorption, and tend to

incorporate exceptionally well with recipient bone in a relatively short time. They also maintain post-implant placement bone volume and retain their radiographic density to the augmented site. Despite the many advantages block grafts offer for alveolar ridge augmentation, there are complications with posterior mandibular autografts when used for horizontal and vertical augmentation. Morbidity with this grafting protocol is associated with both donor and recipient sites. This includes experience with 434 grafts harvested between August 1991 and December 2002: 208 symphysis grafts and 226 ramus buccal shelf grafts. Symphysis donor site morbidity includes intraoperative complications such as bleeding; mental nerve injury; soft tissue injury of cheeks, lips, and tongue; block graft fracture; and potential bicortical harvest. Bleeding episodes are intrabony and can be taken care of with cautery, local anesthesia, and collagen plugs. Injury to the mental neurovascular

bundle is avoidable with proper surgical technique, especially in the use of the sulcular approach for bone harvest. Block fracture and bicortical block harvest can also be prevented by following good surgical technique. Pain, swelling, and bruising occur as normal postoperative sequellae and are not excessive in nature. Use of platelet-rich plasma has decreased overall soft tissue morbidity. Infection rate is minimal (< 1%). Neurosensory deficits include altered sensation of the lower lip, chin (temporary 19%; permanent < 1%), and dysesthesia of the anterior mandibular dentition (transient 53%; permanent < 1%). No evidence of dehiscence was seen using the sulcular approach. The ramus buccal shelf harvest can also result in intraoperative complications including bleeding, nerve injury, soft tissue injury, block fracture, and mandible fracture. Intrabony bleeding and soft tissue bleeding can be handled with cautery. Injury to the inferior alveolar neurovascular bundle and the lingual neurovascular


Grafting Strategies for

Vertical Alveolar Augmentation


f i g u r e 12-3 ( c o n t i n u e d ) G, Excellent block graft incorporation at 5 months. H, Stage 1 implant surgery. I, Nonsubmerged implant placement. J, Ramus buccal shelf block graft with fixation. K, Radiograph indicating block graft in fixation. L, Completed stage 1 nonsubmerged implant placement. M, N, Completed epithelial palatal graft. O, Completed restorations.

bundle can be avoided with proper soft tissue manipulation and meticulous osteotomy preparation. Block fracture is also an avoidable problem with proper surgical technique. Postoperative morbidity includes trismus (approximately 34%) but is certainly transient and can take up to 2 weeks to resolve. Pain, swelling, and bruising are typically mild to moderate and, again, are minimal with use of platelet-rich plasma. Infection rate is less than 1%. Altered sensation of the lower lip or chin occurs approximately 8% of the time, with less than 1% being permanent. Altered sensation of the lingual nerve has also been reported but has been transient

only. No incidence of altered sensation of mandibular dentition has been found. Infection rate is less than 1%. Recipient site morbidity includes trismus, bleeding, pain, swelling, bruising, infection, neurosensory deficits, bone resorption, dehiscence, and graft failure. Trismus can be expected, as the surgical protocol for reconstruction of the posterior mandible includes manipulation of the posterior mandibular musculature. Incidence is less than 40% and is transient. Bleeding of the recipient bed is intentional secondary to meticulous site preparation (decortication and perforation), but excessive bleeding, although rare, can occur sec-

ondary to both intrabony and soft tissue vessel transection. Pain, swelling, and bruising are mild to moderate and are minimized with platelet-rich plasma. Infection rate is less than 1% and is usually secondary to graft exposure. Nerve neurosensory deficits can occur secondary to site preparation and block fixation because normal anatomy is violated. Dehiscence and graft failure (approximately 2.5%) are seen secondary to soft tissue closure with tension or prosthesis contact with the graft site. (Strong recommendation: avoid the use of any type of prosthesis secondary to posterior mandibular block graft reconstruction.) Finally, block graft resorption at


Part 2:

Dentoalveolar Surgery

stage 1 surgery is minimal (0 to 1.5 mm) but can be excessive if dehiscence of the graft occurs. In summary, overall morbidity of mandibular block autografts for atrophic posterior mandibular reconstruction is minimal. Most complications are preventable. Those that occur can be handled predictably with minimal adverse effects to the patient.

Interpositional Bone Graft

The interpositional bone graft is placed between a mobilized segmental osteotomy and the basal bone. A typical vertical gain is 4 or 5 mm in the maxilla but 5 to 10 mm in the mandible. The indication for the procedure is an alveolar defect where there is insufficient vertical height for placement

of implants such as in the anterior maxilla or in the posterior mandible when a stable vertical augmentation is required, usually over a three- or four-tooth segment. Figure 12-4A to C illustrates an anterior maxillary defect treated with interpositional grafting. Figure 12-4D shows a posterior mandibular deficiency with 6 mm of bone available above the inferior alveolar nerve. An osteotomy was done (Figure 12-4E) through a vestibular incision to maintain both lingual and crestal blood supply. An interpositional cortical bone graft harvested from the ramus was placed at the osteotomy site, raising the alveolus about 7 mm (Figure 12-4F). The raised segment rotated slightly lingually, but this was compensated for by using a bone plate to

establish both the final vertical height and the crestal axis of the osteotomized segment (Figures 12-4G and H).

Alveolar Distraction osteogenesis

A deficient alveolus can be distracted to improve vertical dimension for implant placement. Sufficient width (5 mm) and vertical height (8 to 10 mm) of a distraction site are needed in order to ensure sufficient (5 x 5 mm) bone mass of the segment to be translated. Figure 12-5A to G illustrates a case where severe atrophy of both soft and hard tissues left a significant alveolar retrognathia and a vertical defect of at least 10 mm (see Figure 12-5A and B). Using a

c ^ ^ K i [i 1 ii w^B

4 V\
D E 12-4 A, A temporary bridge demonstrates a vertical deficiency. B, An alveolar segmented osteotomy using a 5 mm interposed block combined with particulate autografi. C, The final dental restoration 1 year later. D, Posterior alveolar atrophy. E, An alveolar osteotomy curves upward posteriorly and stays above the nerve. F, A cortical graft is placed to ensure vertical height. G, Particulate autograft is used with a bone plate to establish the desired alveolar position. H, X-ray findings of "sandwich" bone graft.

Bone Grafting Strategies for Vertical Alveolar Augmentation


12-5 A, Severe maxillary vertical deficiency. B, Marked alveolar retrognathia. C, Distraction osteotomy. D, Placement of biphase distraction device. E, Two weeks after distraction. F, Implants are exposed a total of 8 months after the distraction surgery. G, H, Final restoration. I, J, Implant findings 1 year after restoration indicating a stable bone pattern.

vestibular approach, a flared osteotomy was made (see Figure 12-5C). Then a biphase distractor plate was placed in order to gain vertical and horizontal displacement (see Figure 12-5D). Following a vertical distraction of 12 mm (see Figure 12-5E), horizontal movement was achieved by tightening the nut on the horizontally placed screws for a 5 mm horizontal movement. Four months later,, implants were placed (see Figure 12-5F). The final restoration was placed an additional 4 months later. A 1-year postrestorative finding is shown in

Figure 12-5G to J, indicating a stable bone pattern and reasonable esthetic restoration.

Iliac Corticocancellous Grafting

When the jaw is too deficient to do monocortical grafting or osteotomies, bone graft augmentation with iliac corticocancellous graft is needed. Major grafting is usually required when bone mass needs to be expanded in order to gain enough bone for osseointegration. Figure 12-6A to G shows a patient who had severe maxillary atrophy in

which iliac bone graft was combined with sinus augmentation and Le Fort I advancement. Figure 12-6A shows the preoperative finding of severe bone loss including maxillary retrognathia. A 5 mm maxillary advancement with a Le Fort I osteotomy fixated with resorbable bone plates was done. The anterior reconstruction relied on onlay corticocancellous block graft supported by particulate marrow. Graft preservation strategies such as barrier membrane and titanium mesh may be helpful, but in this case a cortical


Part 2:

Dentoalveolar Surgery

12-6 A, Preoperative edentulous maxilla with severe atrophy. B, The down-fractured maxilla with preserved sinus and nasal membranes. C, The advanced maxilla augmented laterally and vertically around the arch. D, Six months after grafting the area is exposed for implants indicating modest shrinkage of the graft, still adequate for implant placement. E, Implant exposure 6 months later (1 year after the initial iliac graft). F, G, The final prosthesis and restoration. H, Implant findings 2 years a^er placement into iliac graft indicating a stable bone loss pattern to 1st and 2nd screw thread.

graft was placed laterally, which minimizes the need for a barrier membrane. Figure 12-6B shows the down-fractured maxilla, where both sinus and nasal membranes are elevated and preserved. The advanced maxilla augmented laterally and vertically around the arch is shown in Figure 12-6C. Figure 12-6D shows the augmentation 6 months after grafting just prior to implant placement. Figure 12-6E shows exposure of the implants 6 months after that for a total of 1 year of bone graft consolidation. A final fixed-hybrid restoration is shown in Figure 12-6F and G. Two years after dental restoration bone levels remained stable, but there is some variation in graft consolidation and resorption within the graft (Figure 12-6H). Prosthetic loading (temporary dentures) degraded the final vertical augmentation dimension, but not significantly. Typically, 6 to 8 mm of vertical gain is judged a success in the severely atrophic case. The sinus intrusion osteotomy can be done on the day of extraction if the wound is clear of soft tissue and infection. In the case shown in Figure 12-7A, the intrusion was done with a bone graft and implant placement 6 weeks after the dental extraction. At this stage epithelial closure of the wound was present, and a residual infection had resolved. A bone graft was taken from the mandible and intruded into the sinus floor using an osteotome. Bone graft was also placed into defects within the extraction socket. Figure 12-7A to C show the sinus grafting and implant procedure. Figure 12-7D show the final bone graft consolidation 1 year after final restoration. The lateral sinus graft is done through a Caldwell-Luc approach by elevating the

Sinus Bone Graft

The sinus bone graft is well established as one of the most stable vertical augmentation procedures in the surgeon's armamentarium. Three techniques are used, including: 1. 2. 3. Sinus intrusion osteotomy Lateral approach sinus membrane elevation Alveolar augmentation combined with sinus elevation (shown above)


Grafting Strategies for

Vertical Alveolar Augmentation


f i g u r e 12-7 A, B, An osteotome intrusion and simultaneous implant placement. C, D, The intrusion osteotomy with simultaneous bone graft and implant placement leads to a final restoration with a bone graft level well above the apex ofthe implant 1 year after final restoration.

sinus membrane in order to preserve a "closed wound." Bone graft material is packed against the sinus floor, taking care to remove all soft tissue that might be present there. This approach can be used for both simultaneous and delayed implant placement. Barrier membranes are usually not required but benefit over the grafted site if a large "window" is made. Small windows and the use of autogenous bone as graft material generally lead to primary osseous healing of the osteotomy site. The use of piezoelectric surgery is helpful in avoiding perforation of the membrane. The technique is particularly helpful in areas where a robust thickness of bone is present or when the membrane is extremely thin. The advantage of using this technology is that piezoelectric surgery does not "cut" soft tissue, so sinus membrane perforation is much less likely to occur. Figure 12-8 demonstrates the piezoelectric procedure leading to elevation of the membrane without perforation. After grafting, the period for consolidation of the bone graft varies with the grafting material used. Allogeneic bone actually slows down the consolidation

process. The use of combination grafts including bovine xenograft, algipore, or various other alloplasts all form bone adequate for osseointegration.18 Though bone quality varies considerably as shown by human trephine biopsy

results of the various grafting materials, the capabilities of the sinus graft to gain enough bone to form load-bearing osseointegration are remarkable. The 5-year failure rate of implants by almost any grafting technique is less than 20%.19'20 Though grafting material must be osseoconductive, inductivity is not required in order for bone to form. The sinus floor grows bone with blood clot alone. Whatever the technique, bone migrates "endosteally" up the side of the implant. If only a few millimeters of migration occurs, in addition to the residual bone, there is often enough gain to form and maintain osseointegration. Therefore, the principal success of the sinus grafting is not one of implant macro- or microarchitecture or even the type of graft material, be it alloplast, allograft, or autograft, but the intrinsic bone-forming capacity of the sinus floor itself and to a lesser degree the investing sinus membrane.21 In cases of severe atrophy the surgeon must make every effort to use the best available technique and bone graft material

12-8 A, B, Piezoelectric sinus window made by instrumentation that does not disturb the membrane. C, The membrane is elevated without perforation.


Part 2:

Dentoalveolar Surgery

possible in a highly compromised site. This setting argues for the use of particulate bone marrow harvested from the tibia or ilium and possibly adjuncts such as platelet-rich plasma.

term bone ingrowth and residual microhardness of porous block hydroxyaptite implants in humans. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1998;56:1297-301. 5. Tinti C, Parma-Benefenati S. Vertical ridge augmentation: surgical protocol and restrospective evaluation of 48 consecutively inserted implants. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 1998;18:434-43. 6. Nystrom E, Kahnberg K-E, Gunne J. Bone grafts and Branemark implants in the treatment of the severely resorbed maxilla: a two year longitudinal study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1993;8:45-53. 7. Jensen OT, Shulman L, Block M, Iacono V. Report of the sinus consensus conference of 1996. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1998;13 Suppl:11-45. Misch CM, Misch CE, Resnik R, et al. Reconstruction of maxillary alveolar defects with mandibuar symphysis grafts for dental implants: a preliminary procedural report. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1992;7:360-6.

chin grafts as donor sites for maxillary bone augmentation: part II. Dent Implantol Update 1996;7:1-4. 14. Pikos MA. Alveolar ridge augmentation with ramus buccal shelf autografts and impacted third molar removal. Dent Implantol Update 1999;4:27-31. Pikos MA. Block autografts for localized ridge augmentation: part I. The posterior maxilla. Implant Dent 1999;8:279-84. Pikos MA. Block autografts for localized ridge augmentation: part II. The posterior mandible. Implant Dent 2000;9:67-75. Bidez MW, Misch CE. Force transfer in implant dentistry: basic concepts and principles. Oral Implantol 1992;18:264-74. Kummer BKF. Biomechanics of bone: mechanical properties, functional structure, functional adaptation. In: Fung YC, Perrone H, Anliker M. Biomechanics: foundations and objectives. Englewood Cliffs (NJ): PrenticeHall; 1972. p 273.

The difficulty of treating alveolar vertical defects requires the surgeon to be skilled in all of the above modalities. In skilled hands, various approaches can be used in treating the same type of defect. In most cases defect sites are not strictly vertically deficient. Skill in alveolar width augmentation, or combined treatment, is needed as well. With all of these measures, the ultimate restorative goal is to obtain orthoalveolar form, a concept that now encompasses a broad array of surgical innovation.






1. Davis WH, Delo RI, Ward B, et al. Long term ridge augmentation with rib graft. J Maxillofac Surg 1975;3:103-6. 2. Baker RD, Terry BC, Connole PW. Long term results of alveolar ridge augmentation. J Oral Surg 1979; 37:486-91. Keller EE. The maxillary interpositional composite graft. In: Worthington P, Branemark P-I, editors. Advanced osseointegration surgery: application in the maxillofacial region. Chicago: Quintessence; 1992. p. 162-74. Ayers R, Simska S, Nunes C, Wolford L. Long-

9. Misch CM. Comparison of intraoral donor sites for onlay grafting prior to implant placement. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1997;12:767-76. 10. Sindet-Pedersen S, Enemark H. Reconstruction of alveolar clefts with mandibular or iliac crest bone grafts: a comparative study. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1990;48:554-8. 11. Pikos MA. Buccolingual expansion of the maxillary ridge. Dent Implantol update 1992; 3:85-7. Pikos MA. Facilitating implant placement with chin grafts as donor sites for maxillary bone augmentation: part I. Dent Implantol Update 1995;6:89-92. Pikos MA. Facilitating implant placement with

19. Jensen OT, Greer R. Immediate placement of osseointegrating implants into the maxillary sinus augmented with mineralized cancellous allograft and Gore-Tex: secondstage surgical and histological findings. In: Laney WR, Tolman DE, editors. Tissue integration in oral, orthopedic, and maxillofacial reconstruction. Chicago: Quintessence; 1992. p 321-33. 20. Jensen OT, Ueda M, Laster Z, et al. Alveolar distraction osteogenesis. Select Readings Oral Maxillofac Surg 2002;10:1-40. Jensen OT, Sennerby L. Histologic analysis of clinically retrieved titanium microimplants placed in conjunction with maxillary sinus floor augmentation. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1998;13:513-21.






C H A P T E R 13

The Zygoma Implant

Sterling R. Schow, DMD Stephen M. Parel, DDS

Severely resorbed edentulous maxillae present very complex problems for the surgeon and restorative dentist.1 Lack of internal osseous stimulation and nonphysiologic crestal bone loading results in continued resorption of an already atrophic edentulous maxilla. The end result is an inability to use a conventional full denture prosthesis. In 1999 Dr. Per-Ingvar Brnemark and colleagues introduced the zygoma implant (P-I Brnemark, personal communication, 1999). In their initial study over a 10-year period, 110 implants were placed. Each patient had an additional two to four conventional implants placed in the anterior maxilla, which was restored with cross arch stabilization. Of the zygoma fixtures placed and restored in the initial study, only two were lost in the first year of occlusal loading, and three failed in the subsequent 8 years for a long-term success rate of > 95%. The availability of the zygoma implant has provided a viable alternative for treatment of patients with extreme resorption of the edentulous maxilla or large pneumatized maxillary sinuses.1,2 Before the introduction of this fixture, implantsupported or -retained fixed or removable prostheses in the atrophic maxilla could only be considered after extensive ridge preparation. This preparation usually included major autologous bone grafting, prolonged treatment times, long-term

inability to wear any prosthesis, and a higher failure rate for conventional implants placed in large bone grafts.

Zygoma Implant
The zygoma implant is an extended-length (30-52.5 mm) machined titanium fixture that is placed through the crestal (slightly palatal) aspect of the resorbed posterior maxilla transantrally into the compact bone of the zygoma. In addition to two to four conventional fixtures in the anterior maxilla, initial stability of this elongated fixture is assured by its contact with four osseous cortices (Figure 13-1) 3-5 : 1. 2. 3. 4. At the ridge crest The sinus floor The roof of the maxillary sinus The superior border of the zygoma

preferably four anterior standard implants are needed in combination with bilateral zygoma implants. In partial or incomplete maxillectomy patients when additional implants can be placed in other sites such as the

The zygoma implant provides posterior maxillary anchorage when the existing osseous structures do not allow standard implant placement. The alternative in this situation includes bone graft augmentation (sinus lifts and onlay grafts) with their attendant costs, discomfort, prolonged treatment times, and higher complication rates. The zygoma fixture is suggested in the following circumstances: When full maxillary edentulism is accompanied by advanced posterior resorption that would otherwise require grafting. At least two and

13-1 A, Schematic representation of minimal recommended zygoma and standard implant fixtures for restoration with cross-arch stabilization and fixed restoration. B, Schematic representation of ideal zygoma and standard implant fixtures for restoration with cross-arch stabilization and fixed restoration.


Part 2:

Dentoalveolar Surgery

Severe Atrophy
Although most of these patients will essentially be graft candidates, there are some who, because of history or physical circumstances, cannot or will not undergo these procedures. A history of consistent graft failure or a systemic compromise that contraindicates grafting are examples of mitigating factors that may require considering an alternative approach such as use of the zygoma implant (Figure 13-5A-D). Experience to date with these patients is not extensive, but early indications of implant survival are seen as encouraging, even with the most severely compromised maxillae (Figures 13-5E and 13-6). Prosthesis design for the severely atrophic maxilla with implant support may be influenced by the relative size dispar ity between the two jaws. Most such atrophy results in an undersized maxilla relative to the corresponding mandible, even in cases where both arches are equally resorbed. Cantilever considerations and implant stress distribution may mandate the use of an overdenture prosthesis rather than a fixed restoration in order to manage occlusal alignment and lateral spacing (Figure 13-7).

f i g u r e 13-2 Most edentulous maxilla patients with a history of denture use will have some degree of moderate atrophy as depicted here. Grafting procedures for augmenting existing bone levels is a commonly recommended therapy for patients with this level of bone loss.

piriform sinus, orbital rims, palatal shelves, or pterygoid plates to support cross-arch stabilization.

While the zygoma implant is most often used in cases of moderate to severe atrophy, it can be considered a valuable procedure for any patient in need of posterior maxillary implant support with or without significant atrophy. The ability to avoid grafting in many patients, along with the continuous use of an interim maxillary prosthesis also makes the zygoma implant approach appealing as a treatment option.

13-4 A, The completed fixed partial denture, facial view. B, Occlusal view illustrating the cantilever dimensions and screw retention sites.

Inadequate Posterior Support

Occasionally patients will present with adequate bone for anterior or premaxil-

lary implants but have sinus extensions that eliminate the potential for posterior implants without augmentation (Figure 13-8). If such grafting is indicated but countermanded by patient request or health considerations, the zygoma approach can be equally effective.

Moderate Atrophy
The majority of patients who present with a medium- to long-term history of denture wear will have a moderate degree of atrophy (Figures 13-2 and 13-3). This category of denture experience constitutes the majority of patients who seek implant therapy to reverse the effects of continuing bone loss and prosthesis instability. Many will be candidates for grafting procedures, such as sinus augmentation or block onlay techniques, as a means of creating additional osseous structure to allow enough implant sites for predictable support. The ability to avoid such grafting is one of the principal benefits of considering the zygoma implant alternative (Figure 13-4).

Syndrome Patients
Another less frequent indication for the zygoma approach can present in patients with various anodontias from syndromes such as cleidocranial dysostosis or ectodermal dysplasia. Radiographs may show either impacted and unerupted teeth or missing dentition, resulting in growth patterns of the maxilla that are disrupted and minimized (Figures 13-9 and 13-10). These individuals often present with insufficient bone for adequate numbers of implants and can be difficult to graft because of space or soft tissue limitations. Zygoma implants can be valuable in these instances when combined with conventional fixtures to provide the basis for

13-3 Posterior bone volumes are inadequate for conventional fixture placement, making this patient a candidate for grafting. This prospect was eliminated by the use of zygoma implants. Stable anterior implants are also required to complete the cross-arch effect.

The Zygoma Implant


13-5 A, Severe maxillary atrophy is demonstrated on this survey film. The patient had a history of several failed onlay bone graft procedures. B, At one point, these implants were placed in graft and native bone. All failed, with a resultant destruction of functional support bone. C, Maxillary dimensions from continuous lateral atrophy resulted in a residual anatomy that did not require sinus invasion for implant placement. Even though this is unusual, it did not affect the structural integrity of the implants. D, Implants were placed on either side of the two zygoma fixtures for stability. E, All implants were successfully integrated and were positionally suitable for prosthesis construction.

long-term prosthetic support at a relatively early age (Figures 13-11 and 13-12).

Acquired and Congenital Defects T ^ ^ )|1

f* Maxillary defects created by secondary intervention, such as tumor removal or by trauma, can often be treated with zygoma A 13-6 A, A definitive restoration has been functioning for over 5 years with no evidence ofsignificant implant challenge. B, Radiographically, the 5-year follow-up shows normal bone response.

implant therapy to provide retention for an obturating prosthesis (Figures 13-13). Similarly, congenital defects such as an unrepaired adult cleft palate (which are

13-7 A, An overdenture bar splint was constructed with lateral extensions to keep the retentive elements aligned with the occluding surfaces. B, The undersurface of the overdenture illustrates the mechanical retention provided. C, Frontal view of the finished prosthesis.


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Dentoalveolar Surgery

for implant placement or zygoma use. For many, however, the ability to use remote bone anchorage with implants around the defect periphery can create excellent supplemental retentive possibilities for these often large and otherwise poorly supported prosthetic devices.

Immediate Loading
Literature citations supporting the possibility of immediate loading of maxillary implants increasingly support this concept.6-9 The criteria for attempting this approach are generally the same as for immediate loading anywhere in the oral cavity: adequate initial stability, good bone receptor sites, and initial cross-arch splinting with rigid materials (Figure 13-14A and B). In situations where these criteria can be met, the survival prospects for both conventional and zygoma fixtures appear to be equivalent to the rates attained with the delayed approach. The benefits in patient comfort, convenience, and enhanced function make this a desirable option in appropriately selected cases (Figure 13-14C-F).

f i g u r e 13-8 AA^, This patient initially presented with good bone and five anterior implants, which had not been loaded, opposing an intact restored lower dentition. His physical stature presented the possibility ofheavy loading potential to the upper arch, and grafts were recommended posteriorly for additional implantplacement. B, The patient refused grafting, so 52 mm zygoma implants were placed bilaterally to provide the necessary support posteriorly.

increasingly rare owing to early surgical closure) can often be treated with conventional implants in combination with zygoma fixtures to support a removable prosthetic appliance. Situations such as these are rarely the same because of the wide variations in residual soft tissue and bone anatomy, and each case will require careful individual planning to assess the potential

f i g u r e 13-11 A, The arches were treated with a staged approach, which included mandibular extractions, implant placement, and immediate loading of several fixtures. The maxilla was debrided at the same time, with no implant placement. Tooth bud removal was incomplete. B, Eventual maxillary implant placement after healing included zygoma fixtures bilaterally in lieu of grafting procedures.

Partial Edentulism
The original concept of the zygoma implant, used with anterior implants and cross-arch stabilization, would theoretically not have application for posterior maxillary partial edentulism (Figure 13-15A). In practice, however, there is potential for using the zygoma implant through the sinus, with additional fixtures on either side, to support a fixed partial denture (Figure 13-15B-E). This approach has not been thoroughly investigated, and clinical trials do not provide enough longevity to make a definitive statement regarding the efficacy of this technique. Being able to gain strong intermediate support through sinus areas that would otherwise have to be grafted does have enough merit, however, to warrant further investigation.

Other than the most obvious contraindications, such as systemic compromise or sinus disease, there are only two specific situations that would complicate the use of the zygoma implant or make it unnecessary. First, where adequate maxillary bone exists for implant placement in numbers

f i g u r e 13-9 This ectodermal dysplasia patient presents with partial anodontia and associated findings typical of this syndrome.

13-10 The effects oflong-term overdenture use without adequate caries control are evident intraorally.

The Zygoma



be considered preprosthetically, to create an adequate osseous base for effective cross-arch stabilization.

The most significant complication to zygoma implant therapy is the loss of the implant (Figures 13-16A-C). Our experience to date indicates this is a relatively infrequent occurrence, but the impact on the original treatment plan is significant. Without this support element, posterior anchorage may be severely compromised and cantilever extensions to the first molar region may overstress the remaining components. Correcting the resultant imbalance using a zygoma approach will require a healing period for bone regeneration in the original site and eventual

13-12 Both constructions used porcelain-fused-to-metal technology. A, The completed maxillary fixed partial denture. B, Frontal view of both restorations in occlusion.

and positions to support a prosthetic appliance, the zygoma implant is not needed. The second situation is where there is not enough premaxillary support for at least two stable implants with good potential longevity. Differential diagnosis, in

fact, often depends more on the volume and condition of anterior bone than existing posterior anatomy to determine whether some edentulous patients may be candidates for this procedure. In such instances, bone-grafting procedures should

f i g u r e 13-13 A, Gunshot trauma created significant maxillomandibular discontinuities. B, Reconstructive efforts over several years have resulted in effective osseous restructuring in both arches. C, Traditional anatomic landmarks are difficult to identify, and normal arch contours are significantly disrupted in the repaired maxilla. D, While anchorage in the zygoma was adequate, absence of alveolar bone was noted on one side. The ability to use zygoma implants in this situation was significantly advantageous. E, Maxillomandibular relationships were lateralized as depicted by the mounted casts ofeach arch. While not ideal, this was still a workable situation. F, Radiographic view of the completed prosthesis. G, Clinical view, in occlusion, of the completed rehabilitation. Lateral jaw relationship discrepancies required a lingual cantilever and crossbite on the lower bridge.


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but preferably four anterior maxillary conventional implant fixtures, which are joined to the zygoma fixtures with a cast base. The patient must have pathologyfree maxillary sinuses and have acceptable soft tissues in the area in which the implants will be placed. The patient's treatment planning should be completed before insertion of the implants for both the maxillary and mandibular arches. Patients should be physically and medically stable enough to withstand a surgical procedure approximately 2 hours long and to tolerate a general anesthetic or deep intravenous sedation. The patient's mandibular range of motion must be adequate to provide access for placement of fixtures 30 to 52.5 mm long transpalatally in the area of the zygomatic buttress. The opposing mandibular teeth, if present, may limit access to the site of the zygoma fixture placement. If using deep sedation, local anesthesia in the mandibular arch, as well as in the surgical site itself, is advisable.


Presurgical Assessment: Radiographic

Adequate radiographic examination is needed prior to surgery to identify or rule out sinus or other pathology and to evaluate the osseous anatomy of both the zygoma and maxilla. The thickness of the remaining alveolar bone inferior to the sinus in the second premolar-first molar region should be sufficient to provide some support for the long implant near the abutment connection. The apex of the sinus just lateral to the orbital floor should be identified and the quality and quantity of the bone that will support the apical end of the zygoma implant evaluated. The anterior maxillary alveolus should also be evaluated to determine if enough residual bone is available to place two to four anterior implants. Panoramic, periapical, cephalometric, and plain tomography or computerized exposures are all helpful in this evaluation.

f i g u r e 13-14 A, These five anterior and two zygoma implants were loaded immediately with a reinforced resin bridge converted from the original denture. B, The cantilever extensions are limited at the provisional stage, but the reinforced bridge provides a rigid cross-arch effect. This prosthesis was delivered immediately following surgery. C, Radiographically, all implants appear integrated at 5.5 months. The provisional fixed partial denture has not been removed during that time period. D, The soft tissue response viewed at removal of the provisional prosthesis shows relatively good epithelial recovery. The deep tissue response in the zygoma regions results from the long-term resin connection subgingivally. E, The definitive prosthesis was completed approximately 8 months after stage I surgery. F, Radiographically all implants appear well integrated and functioning normally.

replacement of a second implant. Interim therapy may include the use of a provisional restoration on the remaining integrated implants but should not include a cantilever extension on the affected side (Figure 13-16D). To date, this rescue approach has proven effective in the two instances that we have experienced in zygomatic implant failure. Both have ultimately been restored to com-

plete function using both the original and rescue zygoma fixtures for posterior support (Figure 13-16E-G).

Presurgical Assessment: Clinical

Current use of the zygoma implant dictates ultimate restoration with cross-arch stabilization of the fixtures with additional implants. Adequate bone must be available to place and retain at least two

The Zygoma Implant


13-15 A, Sinus graft procedures were recommended for this patient, but were declined. As an alternative approach, zygoma implants were considered for the support needed to create fixed partial dentures bilaterally. B, The zygoma fixtures are augmented mesially and distally with conventional implants. A delayed approach to restoration was used. C, The radiographic presentation immediately after stage I surgery. D, The completed right-side fixed partial denture was constructed using porcelain-fused-to-metal technology. E, The occlusal view shows the bilateral restorations, each with a central zygoma implant.

f i g u r e 13-16 A, An impression coping has been attached to the zygoma implant at the final impression appointment. B, It was noted that there was rotational instability ofthis fixture with movement of the coping. C, The implant was removed without resistance. There was no sign of bone adherence to any of the implant surface. D, A provisional restoration was created for interim use while the failure site healed and during the healing period for another zygoma implant. The cantilever extension to the affected side has been reduced to only premolar occlusion. E, Occlusal view of the completed restoration on healthy zygoma implants bilaterally. F, Frontal view of ceramometal restoration. G, Radiographic view. The right side zygoma implant side shows an integrated replacement fixture.


Part 2:

Dentoalveolar Surgery

Surgical Protocol
Surgery for zygoma implant placement is best performed using deep intravenous sedation or a general anesthetic. Local anesthesia with vestibular infiltration, second-division nerve blocks, and percutaneous blocks or infiltration lateral and superior to the zygomatic notch just lateral to the orbital rim should be administered. Bilateral inferior alveolar nerve blocks are also helpful if the procedure is performed with sedation because significant retraction of the tongue, lower lip, and mandible are needed to ensure adequate access for the procedure. A crestal incision, placed slightly to the palatal aspect of the ridge in the first molar-second bicuspid region is made from the right- to left-tuberosity regions with bilateral releasing incisions at the incision ends. A releasing incision at the maxillary midline is also helpful for flap development and retraction. The lateral maxilla is exposed by elevating fullthickness mucoperiosteal flaps sufficient to visualize the zygomatic buttress from ridge crest to the superior surface of the zygoma at the zygomatic notch, just lateral to the orbit. The anterior maxilla is exposed to the piriform rims to avoid tearing the flap during retraction and to allow placement of conventional anterior maxillary implants. The entire lateral surface of the zygomatic buttress is exposed using a palpating finger extraorally at the zygomatic notch to ensure that the dissection is not directed into the orbital floor. During the dissection, the infraorbital nerve should be identified and protected. A fissure bur, usually a 703 or 702, in a straight surgical handpiece is used to make a "slot" exposure vertically in the lateral wall of the sinus near the height of the zygomatic buttress.3 The slot should parallel the planned course of the zygoma implant just medial to the lateral sinus wall. The slot should extend from near the sinus floor at the planned site of implant placement superiorly to near the roof of

the sinus. Preparation of the slot in the sinus wall allows the surgeon to visualize directly the passage of all drill preparations and implant insertion through the lateral sinus. When preparing the slot, the schneiderian membrane in the sinus is removed to allow good visualization and to prevent its interference with site preparation and implant insertion. If portions of the membranes are "picked up" by the implant and carried into the implant preparation in the body of the zygoma, they could interfere with osseointegration. A series of long drills are used for incremental preparation of the implant site. The zygoma implant varies in length from 30 to 52.5 mm (Figures 13-17 and 13-18). The apical two-thirds of the implant is 4 mm in diameter and the alveolar one-third is 5 mm in diameter. The initial drill is a round bur, which is used to start the implant preparation at the second bicuspid-first molar area as near the crest of the residual alveolar ridge as possible usually slightly to the palatal aspect. The surgeon must preserve enough bone lateral to the site to fully surround the alveolar portion of the implant. The round bur is directed through the sinus floor and through the lateral sinus superiorly following the axis of the lateral wall slot preparation to the top of the sinus where it indents the site of the preparation in the zygoma body. The slot preparation allows direct visualization of the passage of the drill and the subsequent instrumentation and implant insertion (Figures 13-1913-21). A custom-designed zygoma retractor with a toe-out tip is kept in position over the zygomatic notch throughout the site preparation to provide good visualization and protect the surrounding anatomy. The retractor also has a midline marker that parallels the site preparation and assists in orientation of the drills in the proper direction (see Figure 13-20). Subsequent drills to complete the preparation are, in sequence, long 2.9 mm diameter twist drills, a 2.9 mm to 3.5 mm pilot drill,

and a 3.5 mm twist drill. The preparation is carried through the body of the zygoma, through the cortical bone of the sinus roof, and through the cortex at the superior border of the zygoma body at the notch. The soft tissues at the superior portion of the preparation are protected by the zygoma retractor (Figure 13-22). Each fissure bur has incremental markings from 30 to 52.5 mm, which help the surgeon determine the needed implant length. When the

13-17 Zygoma implant armamentarium. From left to right: zygomatic retractor, round bur, 2.0 mm fissure bur, depth gauge, 3.5 mm pilot drill, 3.5 mm twist drill, 50 mm zygoma implant, mandrel and cover screw drivers, manual implant driver, final depth gauge chuck, chuck changer.

13-18 Zygoma implant. Apical twothirds of implant is 4 mm in diameter. Alveolar one-third is 5 mm in diameter. Note 45-ang abutment platform.

The Zygoma



f i g u r e 13-19 Diagrammatic representation of zygoma fixture placement from original protocol. Implant fixture platform is positioned palatal to alveolar crest. Fixture passes along lateral wall of maxillary sinus into the zygomatic body. Implant stabilization is supported by four cortical plates of bone and apically in the dense zygomatic body.

in the anterior maxilla. Premounted implant carriers are already attached to the zygoma implants for handling of the fixture with the handpiece. The implant is inserted with copious irrigation, directly visualizing its passage through the lateral sinus through the slot preparation (Figure 13-23). During insertion, the implant must stay in the same plane as the drills in order to ensure its engagement in the preparation site at the zygoma body. The slot preparation should be extended superiorly far enough to allow visualization of the preparation. When site preparation has been adequately performed, the handpiece will stall when the apical portion of the implant engages 2 to 3 mm of dense zygomatic bone. When this occurs, a manual driver is used to complete implant insertion. Proper angulation of the abutment platform is determined by placing a screwdriver in the implant carrier screw head and seating the implant until the screwdriver is perpendicular to the crest of the edentulous ridge. The implant carrier is removed and a cover screw is placed (Figure 13-24). After placement of the zygoma implants, two to four regular platform Mark III or Mark IV Nobel Biocare implants are placed in the anterior maxilla (Figure 13-25). The flaps are repositioned and sutured. The maxillary denture is relieved, hollowed out at the implant emergence sites, and soft-lined with a tissue conditioner. Prior to closure, implantlevel impressions are made. This allows for fabrication of a rigid bar to be placed at second-stage surgery about 6 months later. The patient's denture prosthesis is relined as often as is necessary over the 6-month osseointegration period. At second-stage surgery, the cast rigid bar is attached to the implant fixtures, providing immediate cross-arch stabilization. The denture is further hollowed out and relined or a transitional fixed prosthesis is constructed and attached. Four to 6 weeks later, after the soft tissues are healed,

13-21 Laboratory model illustrating the "sinus window" in the zygomatic buttress. The window allows visualization of the drills and implant as they pass through the lateral portion of the maxillary sinus.

f i g u r e 13-22 Surgical view ofexposed implant site. The zygoma retractor is in position, the sinus slot is developed and the initial penetration of the round bur at the site of implant insertion has been completed.

13-20 Zygoma retractor positioned on anatomic model. The ventral surface of the retractor is scored in the midline, vertically, to assist the surgeon in directing the drills and implant parallel to the retractor.

preparation is complete, final determination of implant length is made using the zygoma implant depth gauge. Lastly, if the residual alveolar bone is substantial, a 4 mm twist drill is used to complete the alveolar portion of the preparation. If the residual alveolar bone is spongy, this step is usually eliminated. The zygoma implant has an angulated abutment platform. The 45 angulation allows the platform of the implant to emerge in the same plane as that of the conventional implants that will be placed

13-23 Surgical view of zygoma implant being inserted using a modified "sinus slot" technique. The sinus window is narrower and larger. Through the slot, the implant preparation can be visualized in the zygomatic body as the implant enters. The 45 abutment platform will be nearly centered on the alveolar crestnot to the palatal side.


Part 2:

Dentoalveolar Surgery

Prosthetic Procedure Healing Phase

The maintenance of the zygoma implant patient is an ongoing process from the completion of stage I surgery through the entire healing phase (Figure 13-26). As noted earlier, the existing or provisional upper denture can be modified for immediate use (Figures 13-27-13-30), giving the patient a continuous esthetic presentation. There will be some significant limitations for functional use, such as changes in retention or chewing capability, but the option of having teeth throughout the entire process is usually far more appealing than the transitional periods of no prosthesis use that accompany many graft procedures.

Protective Splinting
One of the unique features of these implants is the strength they provide when used with splinting and cross-arch stabilization. When used or loaded independently, however, it is felt that the off-axis load transfer can be detrimental and possibly counterproductive for maintenance of osseointegration.10 Immediately following stage II surgery, or exposure of all implants with abutment connections, it is recommended that some protective measures be used to prevent independent stress transfer from the denture base to the implants individually. To this end, the current protocol calls

f i g u r e 13-24 Zygoma implant fully inserted. Note the cover screw on the abutment platform positioned near the crest of the alveolar process. The implant "hugs" the lateral wall of the sinus.

impressions are made and the definitive prosthesis is constructed.

S^i /1IV
figure 13-26 Immediately after implant placement cover screws are attached to all of the fixtures used in the maxillary arch, and the tissues are sutured to create a watertight primary closure. This radiograph shows the implant positions immediately after placement.

f i g u r e 13-25 Near ideal positioning of the zygoma implants. A, Presurgical panoramic radiograph. B, Postsurgical panoramic radiograph. C, Posterior-anterior radiograph. D, Lateral head radiograph.

13-27 The patient's original denture is hollow ground in the area of the premaxillary ridge crest and distally onto the alveolar ridge and palatal mucosa areas where the two zygoma implants will eventually exit. It is also important to relieve the intaglio surface of the labial flange to prevent unnecessary apical pressure in the vestibular area.

The Zygoma



for splinting all of the newly exposed implants with a soldered bar within 24 hours of abutment connection (Figures 13-31 and 13-32). This is accomplished by making an impression immediately after the abutments are delivered and sending it to the dental laboratory for rapid turnaround (Figure 13-33). A gold bar of approximately 2 mm in diameter is bent to 13-28 Denture conditioning material is mixed and allowed to set for approximately 8 to 10 minutes, at which time it will have a viscous consistency. The material is carefully applied to the borders of the modified denture and is then placed in the mouth and allowed to set while border molding.

13-31 Radiographic analysis at approximately 5 months ofhealing shows the implants in both arches appear to be osseointegrated. Clinical validation of successful osseointegration is completed once the implants have been exposed and abutments have been connected.

contour so that it touches a set of gold cylinders attached to the abutment analogs on the cast (Figure 13-34). With a microwelding device the bar and cylinders can be soldered together and within a short time period a passive protective splint can be fabricated. The bar splint is delivered, usually the next day, and the denture is hollow ground to allow complete seating without bar interference (Figure 13-35). At this time, a complete soft liner can be applied to the upper prosthesis to enhance comfort and retention (Figures 13-36 and 13-37). The bar splint may not be necessary in situations where the patient is not wearing an upper prosthesis, but for all other cases where continuous denture wear is desirable, the bar splint

13-29 With border molding movements intraorally, the conditioning material is physiologically formed to create a peripheral seal. Any excess material is removed from the chamber so that no pressure is placed on the areas immediately over the implant sites.

13-32 Abutments are selected at stage II surgery with as low a profile as possible in order to minimize extension of the provisional splint into the denture base area. In this case two 3 mm standard abutments have been selected for the right side, both of which terminate at the gingival tissue. The left side implants are covered with healing abutments since the tissue depth there is too shallow for 3 mm connections.

protocol should be used.

Final Prosthesis Construction

Final impressions can be made following an adequate healing period, usually 3 to 4 weeks (Figures 13-38-13-40). The procedure for this and ensuing steps is the same as for all

f i g u r e 13-30 At the time of stage II surgery the patient should present with well-healed maxillary mucosal surfaces and may occasionally exhibit a proliferative reaction into the denture base chamber space as seen here. This excess tissue is not detrimental.

f i g u r e 13-33 A, Tapered impression copings (right side) and fixture level impression copings (left side) are placed according to fixture and abutment locations at the time of stage II surgery. B, The tapered impression copings are transferred into the impression in their appropriate sites and the completed impression is sent to the laboratory.


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fixed bridge construction on implants. Jaw relation records are obtained using implant-stabilized record bases and wax rims (Figure 13-41). The try-in with teeth follows the trial set-up done in the labora-

tory, and patient approval of the esthetic presentation is confirmed (Figures 1342-13-44). Silicone putty indexes are made of the approved wax-up and are used to provide a matrix for creation of a metal bar

structure (Figures 13-45 and 13-46). Following a second try-in appointment for evaluation of passive fit and esthetics, the prosthesis is processed with heat polymerizing resin (Figure 13-47). Delivery is

13-34 The surgical cast is poured in dental stone, and appropriate gold cylinders are attached to the abutment and fixture level replicas. The gold bar is bent to a shape that contacts each gold cylinder, and the connection is completed with a soldering procedure using a microwelding torch.

13-37 Soft tissue conditioning material can then be used over the entire denture base area to create tissue contact and a peripheral seal retention.

13-40 The master cast should be an absolute replica of the patient's presentation intraorally. It is usually necessary to use a verification jig to assure that the positions and orientation of the individual implant components are duplicated from the mouth.

f i g u r e 13-35 The protective splint is delivered within 24 to 48 hours of stage II surgery and serves to provide immediate protection and cross-arch stabilization of all of the implants during the final bridge construction.

13-38 Following several weeks ofhealing, final impressions are made using square impression copings, which will eventually be joined together with a low distortion resin material prior to impressing.

13-41 Stabilized record bases are used to record the centric jaw relation position at the patient's appropriate vertical dimension of occlusion.


( ^ W i


^ B
13-42 The mounted casts should be an articulated representation of the patient's jaw relationships.

13-36 The previous denture conditioning material is removed from the patient's denture, and a disclosing material is used to identify any areas of excessive contact against the denture base.

13-39 The final impression is made using a custom tray, to control material thickness, and an open top technique, which allows the individual copings to be picked up rather than transferred into the impression material.

The Zygoma



accomplished using appropriate screws and screw torques to provide even and complete seating (Figures 13-48 and 13-49). The bar structures are generally waxed and cast in precious metals but can also be

milled from solid blocks of titanium with excellent passive fit properties (Figures 13-50-13-54). 1 1 In select situations, such as minimal interocclusal distance or high load forces, it may be beneficial to use a

porcelain-fused-to-metal restoration. The procedure for constructing these prostheses is essentially the same up to the point of the patient-approved wax-up. The metal substructure will be designed to provide

13-43 The teeth are waxed to contour in positions dictated by the record base procedure and are sent to the clinic for try-in and patient approval.

For greatest accuracy, the casting technique for these long-span restorations usually requires a runner bar and multiple sprue attachments to minimize distortion.

13-49 Radiographically, the definitive restoration appears to fit passively with all implants functioning successfully after 4 years.

13-44 Final approval for esthetic display, occlusion, and vertical dimension are all obtained at this clinical visit.

f i g u r e 13-47 Using the buccal index, teeth are waxed to the gold casting for try-in. it is usually desirable to have a second try-in appointment to verify the casting accuracy intraorally and to obtain final approval for esthetics.

13-50 An alternative to the gold-casting technique is available using Procera technology that allows the creation of a metal substructure out of a single piece of machined titanium.

13-45 The cast framework design is based on available space and tooth position as dictated by the wax set-up from the trial denture base. These dimensions are captured using a buccal index that keys to the master cast.

13-48 The completed restoration has been processed and is delivered using the manufacturer's recommended torque at each of the screw sites. The screw access holes can be covered with provisional materials for an interim period but will eventually be filled with cotton over the screws and a composite cover at the surface.

13-51 By entering scanning information into a computer bank, computerized lathes with precisely controlled cutting heads attack the titanium blank to create the milled bar structure.


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Dentoalveolar Surgery


tecture from the hybrid denture tooth design. It may be especially advantageous to use the milled titanium technology for these restorations, since they do not tend to distort through the thermocycling phases of veneering to the same degree as the precious metal alloy cast substructures (Figures 13-55 and 13-56).

13-52 The milling process is completed at the fit surfaces with a very precise secondary cutting tool that creates fit tolerances in the range of single digit microns. These frameworks are very lightweight and fit with a degree of precision that is difficult to duplicate with conventional casting procedures.

The placement of implants and restoration of the extremely atrophic maxilla is a challenge to both the surgeon and prosthodontist. If conventional implants are to be used exclusively in this setting, extensive bone grafting is usually needed before implant insertion and usually includes sinus lifts and onlay grafts with large amounts of donor bone required. The inconvenience, prolonged treatment, costs, potential complications, lower implant success rates, and donor site morbidity are important considerations. This is further compounded by the patient's inability to wear a prosthesis for extended periods of timea factor that keeps many patients from pursuing treatment. With the zygoma implant, bone grafts often may be avoided, treatment time is shortened, donor sites are unnecessary, and the patient may continue to wear a transitional prosthesis. This results in greater patient acceptance while providing the patient with a well-tolerated, stable, and esthetic fixed or removable prosthesis at completion of treatment. The advantages of considering the zygoma implant include the following: 1. Donor site morbidity is reduced or eliminated entirely. Treatment time is markedly reduced or eliminated entirely. Bone graft survival and consolidation are not considerations. The total number of implants to support a prosthesis is reduced. The treatment is more affordable and less invasive than alternative treatments.

figure 13-55 This porcelain-fused-to-metal fixed partial denture was indicated on the zygoma and standard implants because of the restricted vertical space available for bridge construction.

f i g u r e 13-56 The principal advantage of the Procera titanium framework approach over conventional porcelain-fused-to-gold technology is the apparent absence of distortion as the porcelain is veneered through multiple firing cycles. The integrity of fit does not seem to be affected with these titanium restorations to the same degree as that found in comparable gold alloy ceramic restorations.

13-53 The completed restoration illustrated here uses the same hybrid denture tooth processing concept as previously illustrated, with the exception that the bar structure is now titanium rather than cast alloy.

The disadvantages of the zygoma implant include the following: 1. Technically demanding surgery should only be performed by welltrained surgeons capable of dealing with any surgical situation or complications that might arise 2. Risk of injury to adjacent structuresthat is, orbit, orbital contents, facial nerve, lacrimal apparatus, infraorbital nerve 3. Risk of postoperative sinusitis, although less than with sinus lift procedures 4. Fixture failurealthough rare, more difficult to retreat

13-54 Procera technology can also be used to create porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations with a degree ofpassivity that is equivalent to that found with resin processing on cast substructures.

2. 3. 4. 5.

support for the veneering material and will therefore have a completely different archi-

The Zygoma




Surgical access difficultdeep sedation or general anesthetic required

treatment alternative for many patients with atrophic edentulous maxillae.

As with all properly planned and executed implant prosthetic procedures, extensive coordination between the surgeon and the prosthodontist is necessary before initiating treatment. Ideally, the prosthodontist should be available at surgery. Similarly, the surgeon should become familiar with the prosthetic needs and techniques involved with fixture positioning and restoration. Finally, patient education, preparation, evaluation, and informed consent are major parts of the procedure and its ultimate success. Patient understanding, before treatment is initiated, should include the need for meticulous hygiene and maintenance. The zygoma implant, when understood and appropriately used, provides a

1. Bedrossian E, Stumpel L, Beckely M, Indersana T. The zygomatic implant: preliminary data on treatment of severely resorbed maxillae. A clinical report. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2002;17:861-5. 2. Bedrossian E, Stumpel LJ. Immediate stabilization at stage II of zygomatic implants: rationale and technique. J Prosthet Dent 2001;86:10-4. 3. Stella JP, Warner MR. Sinus slot technique for simplification and improved orientation of zygomaticus dental implants: a technical note. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2000;15:889-93. 4. Parel SM, Brnemark PI, Ohrnell LO, Svensson B. Remote implant anchorage for the rehabilitation of maxillary defects. J Prosthet Dent 2001;86:377-81. Higuchi KW. The zygomaticus fixture: an alternative approach for implant anchorage in


the posterior maxilla. Ann R Australas Coll Dent Surg 2000;15:28-33. 6. Schnitman PA, Wohrle PS, Rubenstein JE, et al. Ten-year results for Brnemark implants immediately loaded with fixed prostheses at implant placement. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1997;12:495-503. 7. Jalfin RA, Kumar A, Bermann CL. Immediate loading of implants in partially and fully edentulous jaws: a series of 27 case reports. J Periodontol 2000;71:833-5. Salama H, Rose LF, Salama M, Betts NH. Immediate of bilaterally splinted titanium root-form implants in prosthodontics - a technique reexamined: two cases. Int J Periodontol Rest Dent 1995;15:344-60. 9. Tarnow DP, Emtiaz S, Classi A. Immediate loading of threaded implants at stage 1 surgery in edentulous arches: ten consecutive case reports with 1- to 5-year data. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1997;12:319-24. 10. Zhao R, Skalak R, Brnemark PI. An analysis of a fixed prosthesis supported by the zygomatic fixture. (In press). 11. Parel SM. The single-piece milled titanium implant bridge. Dent Today 2003;21:106-8.

C H A P T E R 14

Implant Prosthodontics
Thomas J. Salinas, DDS

Biomechanical Considerations Periimplant Biology

Considerations for tooth replacement with osseointegrated dental implants include the biologic principles of soft and hard tissues of adjacent teeth to the implant site. The placement of an implant between two periodontally healthy teeth is a unique situation whereby the bone and soft tissue is maintained in part by the teeth. Original studies by Waerhaug and Gargiulo and colleagues showed the width of the dentogingival complex surrounding natural teeth approaching 3 mm.1,2 Comparably, a similar study by Cochran and colleagues assimilated the periimplant tis-

u /\

3 - 4 mm

14-1 Osseointegrated implantplaced at a depth of 3 to 4 mm for biologic width and emergence profile.

sues to a similar dimension. Based on these principles, the suggested depth of placement of an implant below the free margin of soft tissue is approximately 3 to 4 mm (Figure 14-1).3 This distance provides room for biologic width, proper emergence of restoration, and esthetics and also should allow for remodeling of the soft tissue and bone, which occurs between 6 months and 1 year.4 It has been postulated by some that the type of periodontium influences how extensive this remodeling process is. In other words, thin scalloped gingiva recedes more extensively than does thick nonscalloped gingiva.5,6 Restorative interfaces with metal should be kept below the free margin of tissues in anticipation of this remodeling. Tarnow and colleagues have shown that there is a relationship of the underlying bone to soft tissue in the interdental spaces between natural teeth.7 Also a relationship from both implant to natural tooth and implant to implant as well has been demonstrated.8 Therefore, the distance suggested from the side of the implant to the adjacent tooth should be about 2 mm to avoid horizontal bone loss affecting the adjacent tooth. Similarly, Tarnow and colleagues showed the critical distance between implant surface and implant surface approached about 3 mm before the mutually destructive process of lateral bone resorption accelerated each other's processes (Figure 14-2). Typically, each implant loses peri-

2 mm

3 mm

2 mm

14-2 Suggested minimum distances of implant to natural tooth and implant to implant.

implant bone within the first year and then stabilizesone criterion of success as outlined by Albrektsson and colleagues.9

Patient Factors
Soft tissue evaluation prior to implant placement is critical for long-term success and maintenance. A sufficient volume of keratinized and fixed tissue is needed to properly maintain hygiene around an implant, just as it is needed around a natural tooth. Occasionally it may be necessary to incorporate subepithelial connective tissue or full-thickness soft tissue grafts to prospective implant sites. When restoring single missing teeth, the interproximal bone between the remaining


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teeth is a good prognostic indicator of the likelihood of creating and preserving interdental papilla. Generally, the distance from the residual alveolar bone to the contact area of the restoration can be assessed on a periapical film. The likelihood of having a papilla is depicted in Table 14-1. Bone volume is best assessed by radiographic techniques, although a rudimentary estimate can be made clinically by palpation and inspection. Assessing a patient for mandibular implant reconstruction may include intraoral/extraoral palpation as well as panoramic, occlusal, and lateral cephalometric radiographs. Single-tooth replacement in the esthetic zone also can be assessed by comparison of the bony topography of the adjacent teeth as well as periapical/panoramic radiographs. Bone is a scaffold for soft tissue, and it is typical for bone loss to occur on a scale of 0.2 mm/yr after implant placement. Therefore, it is not unusual that soft tissue recession occurs in this period of time. This recession should be anticipated, especially when considering placing implants in the esthetic zone and elsewhere. It is well documented that local and systemic factors such as cigarette smoking have a deleterious effect on the long-term success of dental implants.1013 It is also well documented that smoking decreases bone density.14 In one study failure rates of implants placed in type 4 bone approached 35% in smokers; placement of implants into types 1, 2, and 3 bone of smokers resulted in a failure rate approaching 3%.15 Although osteoporosis can be a negating
Table 14-1 Potential of Creating/ Preserving Papilla Distance from Bone to Contact Area (mm) Chance of Creating Papilla (%,

factor to bone density, this disease seems to affect the hip and spine of those afflicted. No clear correlation can be demonstrated that osteoporosis is a contraindication to the placement of dental implants.16 Periodontal disease is a local factor that should be under control to avoid adverse effects of a unique population of microbiota affecting these diseased sites.17-19 Bruxism is another local factor that can compromise long-term success. Generally, bruxism promotes micromovement of the implant bone interface. In bone types 3 and 4, bruxism may have a more pronounced effect on the long-term osseointegration. Off-axis and lateral loading of dental implants by bruxism or other parafunctional forces can be deleterious in the long term with respect to accelerated bone loss and prosthetic failure. Self-awareness and occlusal splint therapy may provide appropriate protection. If these factors cannot be controlled preoperatively, alternative treatment should be considered. Radiation to the head and neck in excess of 50 Gy is considered a contraindication to dental implant placement in most cases. There are instances in which the radiation has created a significant degree of xerostomia, which is incompatible with retaining natural teeth or stabilizing prostheses. Given the risks of osteoradionecrosis, hyperbaric oxygen should be considered if placement of implants would significantly improve the oral health and quality of life in these individuals.20-22 However, there are several studies that refute the benefit of hyperbaric oxygen to the long-term survival of dental implants.23,24 Standard protocol suggested by Marx and Ames is 20 preoperative dives and 10 postoperative dives.25 Systemic factors such as diabetes, connective tissue diseases, autoimmune diseases, and HIV are considered relative contraindications to treatment with osseointegrated implants.26-31 If these dis-

ease processes are well controlled, it may be advisable to treat the patient to improve the overall quality of life. Chemotherapy given to patients during osseointegration has not been shown to be subtractive in success.32-34

Radiographic Evaluation
Periapical radiographs are an excellent way to evaluate single missing teeth since they depict a minimally magnified amount of bone and root topography. Adjacent root angulation, pulp chamber size, periodontal defects, interproximal bone, and residual pathology are some of the factors critical to the treatment planning of single-tooth implant restorations (Figure 14-3). Occlusal radiographs for mandibular arch assessment also can give an appreciation of the size of the inner and outer cortices as well as the position of the mental foramina (Figure 14-4). It may be also feasible to incorporate a radiographic marker on the patient's denture to give a perspective of the relationship of the mental foramina to the overlying prosthesis. This can be done with either lead foil from a film packet taped to the underside of the patient's denture or a stainless steel wire attached with sticky

14-3 Presurgical planning for placement of an implant into site no. 10. Minimal magnification is noted from the periapical radiograph.

Implant Prosthodontics


14-4 Occlusal radiograph gives the relative position of mental foramina and the taper ofmandible.

wax to the buccal or occlusal portion of the mandibular denture. Panoramic radiographs are excellent screening examinations that give a broad perspective on the inferior alveolar canal, maxillary sinus, mental foramina, and nasal floor; they are used for treatment planning of single and multiple missing teeth. The panoramic film generally has a magnification factor of about 25%, which should be anticipated on the work-up to gain a better appreciation of the actual position of vital structures and the size of implant to be selected. Methods of standardizing the magnification factor include the use of knowndiameter stainless steel shots incorporated in a vacuum-formed stent worn at the time of radiography (Figure 14-5). This varies from patient to patient, by location, and also with the machine used. Panoramic radiographs are also useful for verifying complete seating of impression and restorative components. Use of this film over a standard periapical radiograph is preferable since the incident beam of the tube is more likely to be perpendicular to the long axis of the implant. Also, many edentulous patients have a shallow floor of mouth and flat palatal vault owing to resorption. It is far easier to obtain a perpendicular view of the implant platform in these circumstances, which is critical to the accurate performance in the treatment stages.

Lateral cephalograms assess the maxillomandibular relationship as well as that of the maxilla and mandible to the cranial base. A lateral cephalogram may give an appreciation of the concavity of the lingual surface of the anterior mandible vitally important to surgical consideration of implants in the anterior mandibular area. Development of anticipated implant occlusion is well assessed with lateral cephalography, which becomes especially useful when recreating anterior guidance and posterior occlusal schemes (Figure 14-6). Linear tomography is a useful adjunct when considering a single-tooth implant or definitive positioning of the inferior alveolar canal, concavity of the nasal fossa, and the maxillary sinus. This feature is an extension of most modern panoramic radiographic units. It gives a three-dimensional perspective of the primary radiograph, which can help one anticipate grafting procedures or select an implant length and configuration (Figure 14-7).

14-6 Lateral cephalograms may assist in the work-up for determining maxillomandibular relationships and occlusal schemes.

Computed tomography (CT) can be helpful when considering maxillary rehabilitation with a full complement of implants or when other craniofacial landmarks are planned for use. CT may be used in conjunction with computerized technology to aid implant placement. These images may be reformatted to construct a three-dimensional image of the selected part of the craniofacial skeleton. CT scans are useful in assessing the health of the maxillary sinus prior to augmentive procedures (Figure 14-8). A radiographic or imaging stent can be used when there is a need to join the prosthetic information to the bony topographic information. In creating these stents, acrylic resin can be mixed with 30% or less barium sulfate as a radiographic marker to create the contour of the intended restoration. Some denture teeth are true to anatomic form and create a radiopaque appearance when included in the stent. As an alternative, access channels can be filled with gutta-percha as a radiographic marker. If verified radiographically, this imaging stent may double as a surgical stent.

B 14-5 A and B, Five-millimeter stainless steel shots in vacuum-formed stent to calculate the magnification factor.

Surgical Stents
Fabrication of surgical stents for implant placement should be part of every case since the placement is permanent and


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14-7 Linear tomograms give cross-sectional data when used with other films and radiographic stents.

irrevocable after integration. Planning of each case includes the collection of all diagnostic data as previously mentioned. Once this data has helped create a thorough treatment plan, fabrication of a surgical stent can begin from the diagnostic models and other information from the work-up.35 Construction of prostheses begins with a confirmation of occlusal relationships and the need to direct occlusal forces over the long axes of the implants. This becomes exceptionally critical when a fixed restoration is to be used. On this basis, a site is selected and a stent made to guide the surgeon at placement (Figure 14-9). This information may also be translated from radiographic findings to a surgical stent in the position of the mental foramina (previously described). This information can be used to place implants far enough away from the foramina and each other to be mechanically advantageous. Again, parallelism is of paramount importance if a stud-retained overdenture is used. This stent can be as simple as a vacuum-adapted thermoplastic sheet over an edentulous cast or a clear processed duplicated denture. Implant-supported overdenture construction may incorporate the use of the surgical stent to keep the implant fixtures away from the peripheral confines of the prosthesis. This may be beneficial to avoid encroaching on the peripheral seal in

either esthetic or functional areas. Also, occlusal forces may be better directed over the long axes of the implants. The stent can be either a duplicate of a diagnostic wax-up in clear resin or simply a duplicate of the patient's denture, if acceptable. A stent may be critical in this situation since it will be supported with a splinted structure in which cantilevering may be used. Implant hybrid dentures mandate the use of a surgical stent since the occlusal access channels are desired to be through the posterior teeth and the lingual aspects of the anterior teeth. In these situations a slot can be created through these areas to provide the surgeon with latitude in site selection. A clear processed duplicate of the patient's denture may be the best technique in surgical stent design. Surgical stent design for fixed prostheses is mandated in that selection of a specific prosthetic design may be entirely dependent on implant position and orientation. In the esthetic zone the cemented design may be the preferred method of prosthesis, and placement of an implant in an orientation just palatal through the incisal edge is optimal. Also, the implant platform should be approximately 3 to 4 mm below the free edge of the gingival margin. Two vital pieces of information contained on a surgical stent are the occlusal/incisal plane and gingival margin of the proposed restoration (Figure 14-10). To obtain this information a wax-up

f i g u r e 14-9 Stent used to place the implants within the confines of the denture base.

f i g u r e 14-10 Surgical stent showing proposed gingival margin and incisal/occlusal plane. (Surgery performed by Michael S. Block, DMD)

is performed in the desired occlusal position. Once completed, this model should be duplicated into another cast. A vacuumadapted stent can be made on this duplicate cast. The matrix can be trimmed with a hot knife and rotary instrument. Guide channels can be created with old surgical drills or laboratory burs. The constant access diameter of these stents is based on the concentric enlargement of each succeeding drill diameter. These stents are usually easily made, are cost effective, are self-retaining, and do not require prefitting. Since these stents fit well, it is only necessary to extend the stent two to three teeth on either side of the edentulous spaces for partially dentate cases.

Crown-to-Implant Ratio
14-8 Three-dimensional reconstruction with computer software manipulation of computed tomographic data of a patient with a maxillectomy.

Ideally, a crown-to-implant ratio of 1:1 or less is desired (Figure 14-11). For this reason, the minimum length needed approaches 10 to 12 mm since the clinical crown

Implant Prosthodontics


14-11 Ideal crown-to-implant ratio occurs when X < Y.


One additional consideration is that, unlike natural teeth, implants have no proprioception. In fact, many patients restored with dental implants have a significantly increased bite force within the first year.39-41 In partially dentate cases, the implant restoration should have equal or slightly less occlusal loading than the natural tooth (Figure 14-12). Also, the occlusal contacts should preferably be placed over the platform of the implant to minimize the possibility of screw loosening. Although this often may not be possible, it should be striven for to minimize complications.

Full-Arch Restorations
length frequently approaches this measurement. Standard implant diameters with shorter lengths have been shown to have a high failure rate.36,37 Often, replacement of teeth in a compromised site gives rise to single or multiunit restorations that have poor or unfavorable crown-to-implant ratios. If the restoration participates in anterior guidance, it should be splinted to other implants. If the restoration participates in posterior occlusion, it should be protected by natural canine teeth to limit lateral loads in excursions. If it is placed in conjunction with other implants in the posterior, it may be splinted for mutual support. Full-arch reconstructions of the maxilla should be based on placement of 8 to 10 implants splinted for cross-arch stability.42,43 Reasonable length implants (> 12 mm) should be considered especially in the posterior maxilla as shorter implants into this relatively soft bone have been shown to do poorly in the long term.44 The maxillary sinuses may preclude placement of a full complement of implants, and sinus augmentation or perhaps the use of extended-length implants into the zygomatic bones bilaterally may allow an optimum force distribution for full-arch prostheses (Figure 14-13). Full-arch reconstruction of the mandible can involve different considerations as the mandible is a dynamic bone

that flexes and rebounds as it opens and closes. Traditionally, mandibular full-arch reconstruction has involved placement of four to six implants between the mental foramina with a minimal cantilever to the posterior.45 The greater the anterior posterior spread, the greater the amount of cantilever possible. On average, a 16 mm distal cantilever is permitted (Figure 14-14). To avoid using a cantilever, it may be necessary to place implants distal to the mental foramen. In such a case, division of the prosthesis into two components prevents unfavorable stress transfer. Another option is to use the distal fixtures for vertical support and not engage the abutment-implant junction with an abutmentcoping screw.46 This allows some flexure of the mandible without transferring stress to the prosthesis and/or implants. Prosthetic screw or implant failure may result if a solid prosthetic connection spans the splinted first molar regions.

Implant Selection
Historically, osseointegrated dental implants were introduced in their original configuration as a machined parallel walled screw. The implant possessed a platform with a 4.1 mm diameter, an external hex implant platform (originally used to drive the implant into position), and a 3.75 mm diameter body; this has been the most common implant type placed worldwide (Figure 14-15). The original applications were

There are several axioms in implant dentistry relating to occlusion: Avoid lateral component forces whenever possible.38 Establish occlusal forces along the long axis of the implant. For added stability, splint implants when possible. When restoring occlusion of an entire arch, favor the weaker of the two arches. (In other words, an implant-borne restoration opposing a complete denture should be restored with bilateral balanced occlusion.)

f i g u r e 14-12 Contact of the implant occlusion should be over the platform of the implant and slightly less intense than that of natural teeth.

14-13 Full-arch reconstruction using two zygomatic implants and three endosseous implants.


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Cantilevering is about 16 mm.

piloted for the edentulous patient, and limited restorative options were available in the first years of its introduction. In later years the use of surface-textured press-fit type implants also became popular because their surgical installation was simplistic and achieved earlier integration into softer types of bone (Figure 14-16). At this time the connection of abutments or prostheses to the surface of the implant was characterized as a butt-joint connection. Abutment stability with single- and multiple-tooth replacement using standard externally hexed implants has a history of cyclic fatigue with abutment screw loosening.4748 As extended applications developed for the use of replacements for single and multiple teeth and with immediate loading, an increased need for secure abutment connections, esthetic versatility, and improved

surgical stability in trabecular bone became more apparent. Significant mechanical improvement in abutment and screwretained components occurred in the early 1990s and markedly decreased complications.49 Current trends are toward the use of tapered macroretentive implant configurations, based on the fact that tapered screwtype implants have increased surgical stability in soft bone. An example of these types of implants is shown in Figure 14-17. With these trends it is apparent that internal connections are preferable for fixed tooth replacement since abutment screw loosening appears significantly less with internal connections than with butt-joint implants. The Morse taper, a cone within a cone attachment mechanism, is a feature of some implant systems that allow the abutment-prosthetic connection to facilitate installation and to maintain stability (Figure 14-18). This taper creates a seating effect of the connection to the internal aspects of the implant; therefore, fewer lateral stresses are transferred to the abutment screw, resulting in a less frequent incidence of screw loosening and fracture. Morse tapers are measured in percentage units that reflect the shaft length relative to the radius of the shaft. Thus, if for every centimeter of shaft the radius increases 0.01 cm, this would by definition be a 1% Morse taper. Most

Morse tapers are anywhere from 0 to 7%, and dentistry most commonly employs the 4 to 7% series. Use of specific implants resistant to the problems of abutment screw loosening and immediate stability is probably more critical in cases of single missing teeth or in which a cemented implant crown and bridge are planned. The traditional parallel walled screw continues to enjoy success in the general population of edentulous patients restored with implants50'51; the vast majority of prospective and retrospective studies have concluded that this specific implant is highly successful for restorations in edentulous patients.52-54 Long-term development has resulted in an increased number of components for edentulous applications. The development of an extensive armamentarium of abutment connections and restorative components currently exists for restoration with esthetic fixed prostheses. Many well-known systems have this versatility available, which is especially important when considering implant restorations in the esthetic zone. It is advisable for the surgeon to become familiar with the restorative components available when treatment planning for implants cases. Consideration of the components makes it easier to select the appropriate system for both surgical installation and restoration.



Standard externally hexed implant.



Press-fit cylinder-type implant.



Tapered-wall screw implant.

Implant Prosthodontics




Morse taper internal connection.

Implant Components
There is a wide array of dental implant components for impression procedures, laboratory fabrication, and direct restorative dentistry. The various types of osseointegrated implants are discussed above. Abutments are simply transmucosal extensions for the attachment of prostheses. Abutments can be used to provide a restorative connection above soft tissues and to provide for the biologic width. Abutments can be used for attachment of

screw-retained or cemented connections and can be made of metal or ceramic. The most commonly used abutment material is machined titanium, which has been shown to be strong and resistant to plaque retention, and to react favorably to soft tissues. Titanium abutments have been used historically for the attachment of screw-retained connections. Two of these types of abutments are shown in Figure 14-19. Titanium abutments are also used in many cases in which a cemented prosthetic connection is desired. With thin gingiva, the gray hue of these abutments can be problematic in esthetic areas. Cast yellow gold has been used for abutment connections owing to its blend with translucent gingival tissues. Although no hemidesmosomal attachment is found with cast alloys or dental porcelain,55 yellow gold creates a warm appearance in esthetically critical areas. In esthetic areas ceramic abutments have also been used in cemented designs for single and multipleunit crowns (Figure 14-20). Similar to titanium, these abutments manifest a biologic attachment. The material used in

14-20 A and B, Aluminum oxide cemented abutment with an all-ceramic crown. (Prostheses prepared in collaboration with Avishai Sadan, DMD)

A 14-19 A, Premachined abutment for screw-retained restorations. B, Abutment for cementretained restorations.

these products has been mainly aluminum oxide and zirconium. The decision to use an abutment for screw-retained restorations can be made based on the depth of tissue. Generally 3 mm or more of tissue depth necessitates the use of an abutment. As with any restorative procedure, biologic width is the driving force between the alveolar bone and the prosthetic margin. If the tissue depth is < 3 mm, biologic width is probably created from a portion of the implant; therefore, the prosthesis may be connected directly to the implant, bypassing the need for an abutment. If the restorative dentist is unsure of which abutment to use, a fixture level impression can be recorded and the selection process completed in the laboratory. Impression procedures used for dental implants are based on transferring either the abutment position or the implant position to the laboratory. If abutments are to be used for a screwretained restoration, an impression


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Abutment master cast Laboratory replica


B 14-21 A, Abutment transfer impression using closed-tray technique. B, Abutment transfer impression using open-tray technique.

coping is placed on the abutment and either a closed- or an open-tray technique can be used (Figure 14-21). The open-tray technique is considerably more accurate and is indicated for multiple splinted units. At this point an abutment analog or replica is attached in the impression and a cast is poured in the laboratory to simulate the oral situation. If no abutment is to be used or if a cemented design is to be employed, a fixture level impression with an impression post can be made in a similar open- or closed-tray technique. Subsequently an implant analog or replica is attached to the impression post in the impression and simulated gingival material is placed; then a cast is poured to create a soft tissue master model (Figure 14-22). The simulated gingival material allows the dentist or technician to select an appropriate abutment and/or design the prosthesis while preserving the actual position of the gingiva.

tions for periodontal/endodontic treatment or extraction. Other factors that require assessment prior to consideration for either restoration or extraction are the remaining coronal tooth structure, root fracture, and restorative space. The decimated tooth may have only one wall of the coronal structure missing. Horizontal deficits of this type can be restored by using intracoronal anchorage methods (ie, elective endodontics or post and core). However, vertical deficits that encroach upon the biologic width may necessitate crown elongation to provide enough tooth structure necessary for a ferrule or exter-

nal bevel, which provides encasement of remaining tooth structure. A 2 mm amount of coronal tooth structure has been shown to improve long-term structural resistance to failure56-58; in total, biologic width plus a 2 mm ferruled tooth structure necessitates about 4 to 5 mm of suprabony tooth structure. If this is not available, it may be created by either orthodontic extrusion or crown elongation, which may sometimes create unfavorable crown-to-root ratios or furcation exposure. In this scenario it may be prudent to consider extraction and either replacement with a fixed partial denture (FPD) or a single-tooth implant-supported restoration. The longevity of an FPD has been examined by a number of studies and is favorable over extended periods of time.59-61 Much of the literature indicates standard FPD survival to be in the high eightieth percentile at 10 years and seventieth percentile at 15 years.62,63 However, typical complications occurring are related to endodontics, recurrent caries, periodontal factors, and failures in retention. Single-tooth implant studies reveal complications as well.64-67 The incidence of complications for single-tooth implant restorations appears to be significant in comparison with other types of implant prostheses68; however, in comparison with

Single-Tooth Replacement The Nonrestorable Tooth

Replacement of a single missing tooth should start with an evaluation of the periodontium and structural support. Periodontal defects, periapical pathology, bone loss, mobility, and pain are indicaA

14-22 A, Implant level transfer impression using open-tray technique. B, Implant level transfer impression using closed-tray technique.




other implant restorations, the implant single crown is the most successful. If sufficient bone, soft tissue, and restorative dimension exist, replacement with an implant-supported single-tooth restoration is considered the standard of care and should be offered to the patient.6970 The success of removable prostheses relies on the combination of retention, support, and stability, which can be deficient. Implant dentistry today is rooted historically from treatment of mandibular edentulism,7172 which is currently the most predictable form of dental implant therapy.73-76 This success is primarily owing to the high degree of success of osseointegration in the anterior mandible.53 A conventional mandibular prosthesis should be evaluated for retention, support, and stability. Difficulty with speech, swallowing, and mastication should be considered when evaluating prostheses. Patient acceptance of conventional prostheses may be contingent on stability and comfort when masticating. A patient's chief complaint should be closely scrutinized and correlated with the clinical examination to help formulate the proper treatment; the complaint is the foundation for a wide array of considerations that determine avenues possible for a candidate considering treatment with osseointegrated implants. Many of these considerations help to determine which imaging studies, preparatory treatment, and number of ancillary procedures are needed; if the treatment goals are feasible; and what time and cost commitment is involved. Treatment should be targeted at specific goals to achieve a predictable outcome that addresses the patient's functional and/or esthetic problem. The treatment may encompass several different routes paying attention to time, cost, longevity, and levels of invasiveness. The amount of keratinized/fixed tissue, vestibular depth, available bone, and opposing occlusion are all important factors to consider prior to implant treatment (ie, natural dentition, edentulous arch,

and implant-borne occlusion). It may be appropriate to recommend only an implant-retained overdenture for a favorable mandibular arch. However, mandibular arches with limited support, vestibular extension, and extensive bone resorption may require an implant-borne prosthesis.

The Esthetic Zone

Esthetic considerations encompass additional complex concerns such as gingival display, proportion of teeth in the esthetic zone, and bone density support. The esthetic zone is generally considered to be the maxillary anterior area. When considering replacement of a single tooth in the esthetic zone, the adjacent dentition should also be evaluated for proportionality and position. From a frontal plane the lateral incisor should be about two-thirds the width of the central incisor. Likewise, the width of the canine when viewed from the same vantage point should be about two-thirds the width of the lateral incisor, and so on. The width-to-length ratio of esthetically pleasing central incisors should be about 66 to 80%.77 The axioms are ranges found in nature and are considered pleasing to the human eye. If these proportions are not present, they may be created by surgical periodontics, restorative dentistry, orthodontics, and, if appropriate, osseointegrated implants. Occasionally, replacement of maxillary or mandibular canines may present a compromise in either occlusion or esthetics for the functional goal of eliminating lateral forces on the restoration/ implant. Esthetic and/or functional correction may dictate the need for pretreatment orthodontics, endodontics, periodontics, and concurrent restorative dentistry. A complete examination that includes diagnostic models, radiographs, and clinical photographs can be invaluable. Esthetic considerations for removable prosthodontics may be a concern for lower edentulous arches when restoring the facial contours typically lost in

mandibular resorption. This is especially true when restoring the skeletal Class II patient. The use of a flange may be necessary to eliminate the labiomental fold usually apparent in these cases. Likewise the use of a flange in the edentulous maxillary arch may be beneficial to restore upper lip support as well as the esthetic integrity so critical to this area. A functional lingual maxillary alveolar seal is essential for correct labiodental consonant production; in cases of advanced resorption of the maxilla, an overdenture may be the appropriate treatment.

Cemented Single Units

Cemented prostheses may be preferable to screw-retained designs for single-unit crowns in the anterior areas. They tend to provide minimized bulk of the restoration. Overcontoured bulky restorations are not hygienic and are detrimental to the maintenance of periimplant tissues. The axis of implant placement should be aimed through the incisal edge for standarddiameter implants (Figure 14-23). This results in predictable esthetics and manageable soft tissues. If a comparably wider implant is placed (4.3, 5.0, or 6.0 mm) in an esthetic site, the long axis should traverse just palatal through the incisal edge. Errors in placement to the facial of the incisal edge produce not only difficulties with angulation correction, but also a soft

14-23 Long axis of implant placement through the incisal edge of the stent for cementretained prostheses. (Surgery performed by Michael S. Block, DMD)


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tissue problem because the bone support in this area is lost owing to the osteotomy (Figure 14-24). Errors in placement too far palatally create ridge-lapping and hygiene difficulties. The superior/inferior placement of the implant platform should be 3 to 4 mm below the anticipated free gingival margin. The use of a surgical stent in placement aids in creating an optimal site for implant restoration. The choice of cemented restorations for a posterior tooth is plausible and becomes especially useful when angulation in placement is less than ideal. However, the resistance and retention form of the abutment should be sufficient to resist dislodgment. The choice of specific abutments can be planned in advance if placement is based on an ideal scenario. Anatomy should not dictate placement of the implant position, but rather the placement should be based on restorative parameters. This information can be obtained by the use of surgical stents, which may provide critical information about where to develop the occlusion and where to recreate the emergent path as the restoration exits the gingival sulcus.



A and B, Implant placed too far facially resulting in compromised periimplant soft


Screw-Retained Single Units

The treatment plan for replacement of a single tooth with screw retention is the professional preference of the restorative dentist. There are advantages and disadvantages to using this design for single and multiple missing teeth (Table 14-2). Screw-retained prostheses are simplistic

to retrieve, easy to trial fit, and can be shaped to the desired emergence with either porcelain or metal. This design also eliminates the uncertainties of loosening and incomplete debris removal associated with cemented prostheses. However, using screw-retained prostheses requires strict attention to placement and confines the axis of the implant through the desired area of emergence within the restoration. Screw retention for single units in the esthetic area may be problematic with respect to hygiene as these sites frequently have a full complement of bone and soft tissue on adjacent teeth (Figure 14-25). This can create an almost unavoidable situation of ridge lapping to provide the palatal access channel needed. Screw-retained prostheses are especially useful in the posterior dentition as retrievability is much easier than with the cemented prosthetic design, and a controlled degree of retention is afforded as well.

Restorations for the Partially Edentulous Patient: FPDs

FPDs require the first assessment of site planning as with other types of restorations. It is of prime importance to understand that the implant bridge should be supported entirely by dental implants. Combining the support with natural teeth has been shown to involve prosthetic complications and intrusion of the abutment teeth for a number of reasons.78,79 Although these studies may use the specific scenario of a three-unit FPD supported by a natural tooth and implant, other studies have advocated strategic teeth in combination with implants for full-arch prostheses.80,81 It is prudent to keep the restoration supported entirely by dental implants to avoid problems concerning abutment fracture, screw loosening, tooth intrusion, malocclusion, and other complications.82,83 Designing the FPD to be screw retained as opposed to cement retained is largely based on personal

Table 14-2

Screw Retention versus Cement Retention Advantages Disadvantages Cement Retention Esthetic Angle correction possible Less bulk of restorationin anterior areas Built in load indicator by two interfaces Screw Retention Implant placement critical Screw access channel visible Deep channels should be sealed Cement Retention Cement removal subgingivally Abutment selection critical in anterior Provisional restoration needed in anterior Cost factor with abutment/restoration Problematic retrievability

Screw Retention Retrievability Porcelain emergence Cost effective Elimination of cement retrieval




14-25 Screw-retained restorations in the esthetic area require more attention to placement orientation and hygiene.

preference but may be tailored to what can be serviced and maintained most easily.

FPDs in the Esthetic Zone

Placement of multiunit restorations in the anterior maxilla should bring to mind several anatomic considerations for surgical planning: Length of the residual alveolar ridge to the nasal floor Buccolingual width of the bony ridge to provide for implant placement Available bone for angulation of implants to provide for either screw retention or cement retention Participation of the restoration in anterior guidance

Anterior FPDs or any restoration in the esthetic zone should first begin with a diagnostic wax-up or template (Figure 14-26).

This will give an idea as to the incisal edge position as well as the available restorative dimension, and should be verified in the patient's mouth to correspond with facial landmarks such as the center of the face and interpupillary line. Also, a proportional relationship should exist from the central incisor to the canine from an anterior perspective. This proportionality becomes critical in esthetically prominent areas. The wax-up may also indicate how much tissue has been lost as a result of the missing teeth, soft tissue, and associated alveolar process. In these cases it may be necessary to consider horizontal or vertical bone augmentive procedures as a first phase followed by placement of implants in a second phase. In some cases it may not be feasible to perform bone grafting owing to local or systemic factors. Making precision detachable bridgework that replaces teeth, soft tissues, and alveolar bone may be more predictable in these circumstances. If the surgical workup determines implant placement will be done concomitantly with or without a bone graft, the diagnostic wax-up should be used to fabricate a surgical guide or stent for implant placement. If a bone graft is necessary, the surgical guide references the incisal edge and gingival aspect of the future restoration to aid in establishing the proper amount and positioning of the bone graft (Figure 14-27). Superior/inferior positioning of implants is virtually the same as for single units, described above. However, the mesiodistal assessment of restorative space should be done first to determine the

14-27 Surgical stent gives an indication of the location and amount of tissue loss.



A and B, Diagnostic cast and wax-up ofmissing maxillary anterior teeth.

appropriate implant number and dimension to be placed. Using a 2 mm rule from each adjacent tooth and a 3 mm rule from implant to implant, the appropriate implant number and dimension can be calculated (see Figure 14-2). If the available space does not allow an appropriate number of implants or encroachment upon the implant-implant proximity, either restorative dentistry and/or orthodontics may be indicated. Occasionally, use of a cantilevered bridge design can be advantageous where space constraints or insufficient bone prohibits placement. If it becomes necessary to cantilever the FPD either mesially or distally, a screw-retained design permits a framework that better withstands the cyclic loading of occlusion and subsequent problems with porcelain fracture or other material failure. Screw-retained prostheses require an entirely passive fit. It is considerably more difficult to create a passive-fitting screw-retained framework than a cemented framework that has intimate fit with the supporting abutments. Conversely, it becomes occasionally necessary to perform angle correction as there is frequent disparity between the long axes of tooth to the long axis of bone available in the anterior maxilla. An intimate fit of FPDs is far easier to achieve with a cemented prosthetic design than with a screw-retained restoration. The subtle inaccuracies of impression making, alloy casting, and


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porcelain application make the simultaneous and coincident fit of screw-retained FPDs difficult; thus, a cemented prosthetic design is a more appropriate choice. With a cemented design, the creation of a surgical stent is critical for accurate placement and esthetic success of the implant restoration. After placement and uncovering of the implants, it is prudent to create provisional restorations to develop soft tissues.84 Only in this way can an acceptable esthetic outcome become predictable in the esthetic zone.



A and B, Screw-retained prosthesis permits hygiene access.

FPDs in the Anterior Mandible

Placement of multiple-unit restorations in the anterior mandible requires similar forethought as with the anterior maxilla. Placement of multiple implants in the anterior mandibular area presents a unique challenge in that one-to-one replacement of teeth with implants can create proximity concerns (Figure 14-28). Tarnow and colleagues have outlined the pattern of bone loss to be about 3 mm from the edge of the implant to an adjacent implant.8 Therefore, placement of implants closer than 3 mm to each other creates accelerated bone loss patterns in these areas. This pattern seems to be somewhat less (about 2 mm) when the implant abuts a natural tooth. Since the anterior mandible is mostly composed of dense compact bone, an implant-to-tooth replacement ratio of 1:2 may be acceptable

as long as the crown-to-implant length ratio is 1:1. Gingival adaptation in the anterior mandible is not as critical as it is in the anterior maxilla because phonetics are primarily made in relation to the maxilla. Screw-retained designs for FPDs in the anterior mandible seem to work well (Figure 14-29). Implant proximity should also be assessed prior to placement for hygiene procedures as the placement of even an appropriate number of smalldiameter implants in this area can create hygiene difficulties.

FPDs in the Posterior Maxilla

Placement of implants in the posterior maxilla requires sufficient bone buccally and lingually as well as inferior to the maxillary sinus. In general, 12 mm of bone in actual height is the minimum required for a macroretentive screw-type implant to adequately support occlusal forces. After the loss of a tooth in the posterior maxilla, this required dimension might not be available (Figure 14-30). Progressive enlargement of the maxillary sinus is often seen after tooth loss as well as residual ridge resorption. Diagnosis of either of these problems helps one determine the appropriate treatment. If pneumatization has taken place, sinus augmentation procedures can be indicated either with concomitant or delayed implant placement. Residual ridge resorption or traumatic destruction of alveolar bone by trauma or periodontal disease may also have taken place. In these cases, onlay bone

grafting may be a more appropriate treatment (Figure 14-31). The decision to replace a posterior maxillary quadrant with individual crowns versus fewer splinted implants acting as an FPD may be related to the length of implant or the presence of natural canine teeth with cuspid-protected occlusion (Figure 14-32).85 In general, horizontal forces acting on implants are considered destructive.86,87 It is desirable to use these implants as a vertical stop in the chewing cycle. If lateral components of the chewing cycle are unavoidably placed on the implant restorations, they should be splinted together. Other strategies place the implants in a slightly staggered configuration from buccal to lingual and then splint them together. Screw-retained designs seem to allow retrievability and offer advantages for modifying hygiene and performing reparative ceramometal procedures.

FPDs in the Posterior Mandible

As with the posterior maxilla, tooth loss for an extended time can result in residual ridge resorption. In such cases onlay bone grafting may provide an appropriate bone volume for implant installation. A limiting factor for implant placement in the posterior mandible is not only residual ridge resorption but also relative position of the inferior alveolar canal. Panoramic radiographs may give a full appreciation of the position of the inferior alveolar canal. In some patients this may assume a relatively high position making placement of

f i g u r e 14-28 Placement of two implants in strategic locations to permit hygiene access and force distribution.




can have significant adverse nerve injury (Figure 14-33).88

Cantilevered FPDs
Cantilevered fixed prostheses may be used in implant dentistry provided there is adequate length to the supporting implants and limited distance to the cantilever. This may be especially useful when there is an insufficient amount of bone or when significant site morbidity may result. Posterior cantilevering probably is a more common scenario, typically owing to a greater availability of bone in the anterior area of the jaws. Anterior cantilevering may be used in areas where posterior anchorage is superior to anterior anchorage (Figure 1434). Cantilevering requires that a framework be connected at a maximum clamp force; such stability is best achieved with screw-retained frameworks. Occlusal contact created on the pontic should be very light to coincident.

14-30 Alveolar bone loss resulting in the need for an onlay bone graft prior to implant placement.



Anterior cantilever fixed partial


14-31 Cranial onlay bone graft in the posterior maxilla. (Image courtesy of Leon F. Davis, DMD, MD)

Restorations for the Edentulous Patient Implant-Retained Overdentures

implants of reasonable length impossible. In these cases lateral positioning of the inferior alveolar nerve with implant placement may be the only option for treatment other than a removable partial denture. Nerve repositioning is an effective adjunct in implant placement, but the technique

Those over 65 years of age are said to represent a significant proportion of the US population, and the average life expectancy has risen by 30 years since 1900.89 This is due mostly to the increase in medical advances and critical care. A sizable portion of this group is edentulous or partial-

ly dentate in at least one arch.90 Many in this age group have difficulty wearing mandibular complete dentures owing to poor support and retention precipitated by advanced bone resorption, xerostomia, loss of attached keratinized tissue, and neuromuscular degeneration. The use of implants for these edentulous patients has been shown to actually preserve existing bone as opposed to results with conventional dentures.91 Increased support and anchorage can be improved with the use of at least two osseointegrated implants in the anterior mandible. The use of stud attachments connected to the implants can be a cost-effective measure to improve retention, stability, and support (Figure 14-35). If a stud-retained denture is planned, the implants should be as parallel

14-32 Individual fixed units protected from canine rise in lateral excursions.

f i g u r e 14-33 Placement oftwo implants in the posterior mandible after inferior alveolar nerve transpositioning.


14-35 Stud-retained overdenture using O-ring attachments.


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as possible to avoid premature wear of the attachment mechanism. The vertical height of the attachment should be considered as some edentulous mandibular arches do not provide > 4 mm of restorative dimension for the mandibular denture. Preoperative planning calls for the evaluation of the patient's present difficulty. Reasonable esthetics, occlusion, and extension should be evaluated first. If these factors seem to be appropriate, panoramic radiographs and possibly an occlusal radiograph are helpful in determining the position of the mental foramina. A prime objective is to place at least two implants as far apart as possible within this area. The anterior loop of the inferior alveolar nerve can extend as far forward as 7 mm prior to exiting the mental foramen; thus, consideration should be given to proper site selection.92 A radiographic marker such as a piece of foil taken from a film packet or a standardized stainless steel shot can be secured to the patient's denture and placed in the mouth prior to panoramic and/or occlusal radiography. This will give an indication of the correct site selection for implants in the anterior mandible. After the site has been selected, an open channel can be created in the stent to allow surgical latitude. Either duplication of the patient's denture or a wax trial tooth subsequently processed in clear acrylic resin can be helpful in determining the position. In general, tapered arch forms with extensive resorption may direct placement of implants in close proximity to each other. In other words, implants placed < 20 mm apart may not be mechanically advantageous for use independently as stud attachments. In these cases, it may be desirable to connect the implants with a bar attachment to create a wider base of anchorage (Figure 1436). There are several reasons to plan the implant-retained denture for a bar attachment. First, short (10 mm or less) implants or implants placed in cancellous bone or types 3 and 4 bone, not typically

seen in the anterior mandibular area, may be better supported by the splinting effect of a bar attachment. Second, non-parallel implants create different paths of insertion, which subsequently serve to wear and disable the stud attachment prematurely. In these cases the bar attachment can correct this problem by providing a single path of insertion. Third, implants placed in close proximity to each other may provide better anchorage to the overdenture if a bar attachment is incorporated that places the attachment mechanism at a wider base than the interimplant distance. There are some spatial considerations of using a bar attachment that should be evaluated prior to treatment planning. The vertical height needed for a bar attachment can approach 11 mm. This measurement is taken from the occlusal plane to the highest point of the alveolar process. This distance will provide for the height of the bar (2 to 4 mm), 2 mm under the bar for maintenance of hygiene, and at least 7 to 8 mm of restorative material in the overdenture (usually acrylic resin) (Figure 14-37). Implant-retained overdentures for the maxilla should always incorporate the use of bar attachments. The literature cites poor long-term success for lone-standing implants supporting overdentures in the maxilla. A minimum of four implants in the anterior maxilla splinted with a bar seems to be appropriate treatment. When-

4-5 mm 2 - 4 mm 1 - 2 mm

14-37 Minimum clearances nee a bar-attached overdenture.


ever possible, cross-arch stabilization is preferred for maxillary implant-retained or supported overdentures. In these cases it may be prudent to also incorporate full palatal coverage to assist with some residual load transfer to the hard palate. The prosthetic treatment of these implant cases is assimilated to the Kennedy Class I partially edentulous arch in that stressbreaking attachments and stress distribution to the soft tissue support posteriorly are important considerations.

Implant-Supported Overdentures
Implant-supported overdentures may be indicated when a patient has significant difficulty in all factors of support, retention, and stability. Anatomically there may be cause to suspect that extensive resorption has taken place that has resulted in the loss of alveolar structure. Consequently, implant anchorage can be used to aid in the support and retention of overdenture prostheses. Historically, most of the literature available on implant-supported restorations in the mandible has been planned for four to six implants intraforaminally.93 94 More contemporary literature suggests the use of four widely spaced implants in this region opposing an edentulous arch with equally successful rates.9596 The strategy for using implants in the anterior mandibular

14-36 Bar-retained denture using distal attachments to widen the retentive base.




area allows segments to be cantilevered posteriorly in accordance with the anteroposterior spread of the implants.97 On average, this equates to 10 to 20 mm or to the area of the lower first molar.98,99 The decision to extend the cantilever can be based on the arch form of the fixtures, fixture length, anterior cantilevering, natural maxillary dentition, and parafunctional habits.100 Favorable factors for extension of the cantilever are a tapered arch with long fixtures, no anterior cantilevering, edentulous maxillary arch, and no parafunctional activity. The most posterior implant supports a load typically of compression in comparison to the anterior fixtures, which are placed under tension. Also, the mandible may be viewed as a dynamic bony structure undergoing flexure.101 This can approximate 2 mm at the mandibular angle upon maximum opening. For this reason, implants placed distal to the foramen should not be rigidly connected to the contralateral side.102 103 Implants planned for support of a prosthesis in the edentulous maxilla should involve at least eight fixtures. This may require the use of sinus augmentation or extended-length implants into the zygomatic process. The use of cantilever extensions in the maxilla should be limited to 10 mm.104 Attachment mechanisms for implantsupported overdentures can range from the simple to the sophisticated. Bar-clip attachments are a cost-effective and predictable means of connecting implants. More sophisticated milled-bar and plunger attachments can be precision methods in telescopic placement of a removable prosthesis. The milled bar can be machined to a 2 taper, allowing a precise path of placement (Figure 14-38). The underside of this overdenture has a cast metallic housing that acts as a guide over the milled-bar attachment (Figure 14-39). Usually this restoration contains either plunger or swivel attachments that lock the overdenture as it comes to complete placement over the bar attachment. This

14-38 Bar attachment milled to a 2 taper for implant-supported overdenture.


technique is very effective but can allow a small degree of micromovement. An additional method of electrical discharge machining, also known as spark erosion, can be used in these cases; it results in a precise fit between the superstructure and bar. This technology, which results in an essentially detachable fixed bridgework, may be prohibitive in costs. This three-level treatment in an edentulous patient has predictable results.

radiography. Access to channel location and cantilevering and maintenance of hygiene would be the resultant problems if used in these patients. Recently, application of this immediate-load and immediaterestoration technique has become popular. Prefabricated versions of the technique have also enjoyed widespread success. Chapter 13, "The Zygoma Implant," elaborates on this topic. Of course, a full-arch ceramometal restoration could also be used in these circumstances in which a minimal restorative dimension exists. In this circumstance screw-retained prostheses would offer stable occlusal support while allowing some degree of posterior cantilevering. Treating patients with an edentulous maxilla is dependent upon a number of factors. The primary determining factor is

Fixed Detachable Prostheses

One alternative treatment method for an edentulous mandible is the use of a hybrid denture also known as a fixed removable restoration. This restoration contains a screw-retained metal framework with a veneer of acrylic resin and denture teeth, thus earning the term hybrid. Such restorations are fixed and are not removable by the patient; however, they do allow adequate room for oral hygiene procedures (Figure 14-40). As might be expected, no denture flange is present and a minimum vertical restorative space of 15 mm is necessary for structural integrity and hygiene access. Placement of implants for a hybrid denture must incorporate the use of a surgical stent as the exit sites for the access channels are critical. The surgeon may be cautioned against using a hybrid denture in those patients with a skeletal Class III or severe Class II relationship as revealed by cephalometric

14-39 Precision detachable overdenture with attachments for engaging the bar. (Prostheses courtesy ofNorthshore Dental Laboratory, Lynn, MA)



Mandibular hybrid denture.


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one of available space. Generally, the more space available (13+ mm vertically), the more indication there is for an overdenture prosthesis. Incipient resorption or minimal space availability (9-12 mm vertically) may indicate the use of a ceramometal design (Figure 14-41). Implantsupported maxillary overdentures are frequently used in cases of moderate to severe resorption as they replace not only missing mastication and esthetics but also phonetic physiology as well. Speech production may rely heavily on adaptation of the prosthesis to the palatal gingiva. This is best accomplished with an overdenture prosthesis to seal this linguoalveolar area phonetically. Attachment mechanisms for the maxillary implant-supported overdenture are the same for the mandibular overdenture with the exception of plunger or locking attachments placed palatally (Figure 14-42).

preserve what bone remains.105,106 The use of tapered implants in these sites has become popular to obliterate the socket defect while being firmly anchored in the majority of the bony walls. A word of caution is advised for those teeth that have drifted or are not in an ideal location as tooth position influences implant position. Indications for placement into a recent extraction socket are freedom from infection and reasonable orientation of the existing tooth. Ways of facilitating this technique may incorporate orthodontic extrusion to create a smaller socket in the bone, facilitating extraction, and overcorrecting bone apposition to recreate missing architecture (Figure 14-43).107 The extrusion should take place slowly, usually over 3 to 6 months.

14-43 Orthodontic extrusion of a nonrestorable tooth to aid with migration of the soft/hard tissue as well as atraumatic root removal.

Surgical Installation Stability

Installation of implants into bone usually is characterized by minimizing the inherent gap between the implant and bone surface. Although this can be accomplished with both screw-type and press-fit implants, parallel- and tapered-walled screws are uniquely suited to providing firm stability at surgical placement.108-110 This becomes an important consideration when achieving osseointegration under placement either in an extraction site, where a provisional restoration will also be inserted, or where other implants will be joined for an immediate-load prosthesis.

Contemporary Techniques Immediate Placement

Immediate placement of implants into extraction sockets has been considered for some time. Although it has been performed successfully, inflammation and infection should be eradicated for predictable osseointegration to occur. Considerations for using immediate placement capitalize on the osteogenic potential of a recent extraction site and the chance to

For immediate placement after extraction, the socket should be obliterated by the implant and/or grafting materials. Micromovement in excess of 50 to 75^m has been shown to inhibit osseointegration to a fibrous tissue deposition instead of bone apposition111; therefore, occlusion placed on a provisional restoration during the critical period of osseointegration must be carefully controlled to eliminate this scenario. Interproximal contact with adjacent teeth should also be eliminated. If this modality is desired, a more controlled technique of protecting the occlusion with a centric relation splint orthotic may be appropriate. Immediate loading for single teeth mandates more data before it can be recommended for routine use. However, controlled immediate loading of multiple connected implants in the anterior mandible has been favorably surveyed and can be cautiously recommended as long as there are careful control of occlusion and passive splinting frameworks.112

Immediate Restoration
Immediate restoration of a single-tooth implant may be incorporated in the esthetic zone (Figure 14-44). The indications are freedom from occlusal overload and lateral forces. Sometimes, it is difficult to control occlusion, and the creation of an occlusal splint may be a prudent way to protect the implant while osseointegration

f i g u r e 14-41 Full-arch ceramometal fixed prosthesis cemented on custom fixed abutments. (Prostheses courtesy Steven LoCascio, DDS )

f i g u r e 14-42 Swivel latches placed to the palatal aspect for a maxillary spark erosion overdenture prosthesis.





B 14-44 A and B, Nonrestorable fractured tooth replaced with an immediate implant.

takes place (Figure 14-45). The advantages of immediate restoration are the establishment and preservation of the periimplant tissues. It is easier to preserve this tissue than to recreate it by using a staged approach. Usually provisional restorations are placed upon single or multiple units during osseointegration.

Immediate Load
Single-Tooth Prostheses Studies of immediately loaded single-tooth implants are not widespread. However, data taken from a selected number of studies indicate an 85% success rate on single-tooth prostheses in the anterior maxilla and other areas.113-115 More data are needed before this can be recommended as a standard treatment. Protection of the implant from overloading is critical as osseointegration is interrupted at 50 to 150 ^m of repeated movement. 111116 Therefore immediately loaded implants should be kept free from interproximal contacts as deflection mesiodistally can also promote micromovement. Fixed or Overdenture Prostheses The use of splinted implants immediately loaded in the mandibular anterior region has been discussed by Schnitman and colleagues,117 Henry and Rosenberg,118 Randow and colleagues,119 and others.120 Results indicate a favorable response. In fact, the Novum System (Nobel Biocare,

Yorba Linda, CA) is a prefabricated immediate-load fixed denture system that enjoys widespread success (Figure 14-46).121 The Novum System is discussed in Chapter 13, "The Zygoma Implant." Controlled loading of splinted implants in the mandible using other techniques has produced favorable results, especially when the installation torque exceeds 45 Ncm. Passive retentive bar attachments are the requisite because loading is accomplished more effectively with mutual support of multiple implants.

these patients are treated for malignant neoplasms of the lip, tongue, oropharynx, mandible, maxilla, soft palate, larynx, external ear, orbit, and external nose. To successfully eradicate disease, these tumors are treated with multimodal therapy of tumor ablative surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. The highest incidence of this disease afflicts those individuals with significant risk factors of excessive use of alcohol and tobacco, and other factors such as ultraviolet light exposure and infection with human papillomavirus. A common site of development of squamous cell carcinoma is seen in the lower lip and ventrolateral tongue. Occasionally, this disease expands by direct extension to involve structures of the mandible and maxilla.

Mandible Defects
Resection of a portion of the mandible may be necessary to control disease and may create a discontinuity defect. Since the mandible is so integral to oral physiology, it is desirable to preserve function as much as possible. If a marginal mandibulectomy is performed, the remaining mandible may be reconstructed with osseointegrated dental implants. Preservation of the inferior alveolar nerve may preclude placement if there is minimal bone available above the canal position to stabilize implants (Figure 14-47). In these cases

Maxillofacial Prostheses
Patients treated for tumor ablative surgery of the oropharyngeal area may have a significant deficit of anatomic structures necessary for oral function. The incidence of oral cancer approaches about 5% of all new cancers diagnosed in the US general population.122 A significant number of

14-45 Use of occlusal splint to protect an immediately placed implant/restoration in site no. 9. Note that the splint is relieved from contacting tooth no. 9.

14-46 Novum restoration (Nobel Biocare, Yorba Linda, CA) installed into an edentulous mandible.


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14-47 A, Mandible with insufficient supracanal height for implant installation. B, Iliac crest graft to mandible stabilized by placement of osseointegrated implants. (Surgery performed by Michael Miloro, DMD, MD)

either nerve transposition or onlay bone grafting may serve to provide osseointegrated rehabilitation. If mandibular continuity is not preserved with resection, it may be desirable to reconstruct the area with an autologous or alloplastic graft. Autologous grafts offer a greater volume of viable bone with progenitor cells capable of creating a more favorable environment for osseointegration. Nonvascularized or vascularized osteomyocutaneous flaps can be used for reconstruction. In previously operated fields it may be preferable to use a vascularized flap that may offer a secure opportunity for the graft to remain viable since the blood supply is preserved. The iliac crest has been used with some degree of success for mandibular defects and some maxillary defects as well. Introduced by Hidalgo, the use of fibular grafts has also shown a promising degree of success in reconstruction of these complex mandibular defects. 123124 Being a non-weight-bearing bone, the fibula is of reasonable dimension to functionally and cosmetically reconstruct the mandible. Bicortical stability for concomitant or delayed implant placement can be also well obtained at surgical installation, and long-term success has been observed (Figure 14-48). 125 The choice of whether to use either a sectional overdenture design or a screw-retained fixed prosthesis may be based on the amount of tissue missing, the function of

the tongue, peri-oral scarring, and adjacent/opposing occlusion. Frequently, the crown-to-implant ratio is seen to be > 1:1 (Figure 14-49). Passive splinting of these implants is crucial to their longterm success, and close attention must be paid to development of the occlusal scheme. Occasionally, it may be necessary to perform soft tissue revision procedures if the skin pedicle is thick or if a greater vestibular depth is needed. This ensures soft tissue health and visibility for hygiene procedures.

ful with the incorporated use of implants.127128 This technique may be used on a nondefect side where a unilateral or posterolateral defect of the opposite side is present. Splinting of approximately four or five implants with a stress-breaking bar is generally suggested and provides the patient with a retentive stable prosthesis that may offer improved support as well (Figure 14-50). Recently the use of zygomatic implants has been suggested as an alternative to sinus lifting.129,130 The implant protocol for zygomatic implants mandates bilateral placement, and preservation of the defect side of the infraorbital rim may improve surgical stability.131 Both of the techniques require a screwretained bar attachment to be made with the obturator (Figure 14-51).

Craniofacial Defects
Resection of portions of the craniofacial skeleton for disease control can result in

Maxillary Defects
The maxilla may require resection for tumor control, which creates a host of problems related to speech and esthetics. Traditional resection of the maxilla involves an infrastructure procedure, or may involve the medial portion or a total removal of the maxilla. Infrastructure maxillectomies are used to control incipient disease of the oral cavity and have been classified by Aramany based on frequency of occurrence.126 Obviously, the more teeth, bone, and soft tissue available, the easier prosthetic rehabilitation can be employed. However, edentulous patients requiring this operation may have significant difficulty in obtaining stability with their prosthesis, and in these cases a consideration for the use of implants is warranted. The use of sinus augmentation has been well documented and deemed to be success-

14-48 Implants placed into a vascularized fibula graft to the mandible. (Surgery performed by Perry Johnson, MD, and Michael Miloro, DMD, MD)

14-49 Mandibular fixed partial denture supported by a vascularized fibular graft in the patient viewed in Figure 14-48.




f i g u r e 14-50 A and B, Implants placed in the nondefect side of a sinus-lifted maxilla. Reproduced with permission from Salinas TJ, Guerra LR, Rogers WA. Aesthetic considerations for maxillary obturators retained by implants. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 1997;9:265-76.

both functional and esthetic defects. These defects may not be suited to plastic surgical reconstruction owing to local or regional factors. Traditional roles for prostheses are to replace architecture with alloplastic materials that mimic the color and textures of adjacent skin. A method of retaining these prostheses can be attachment by medical-grade adhesives, which may be unpredictable in holding and irritate underlying soft tissues. In such instances the use of osseointegrated technology can provide similar anchorage used intraorally. The rates of success in the craniofacial skeleton of implants are also well documented and should be planned out with specialized imaging.132-134 Threedimensional reconstruction techniques may provide valuable information to maximize success of placement exclusively in the confines of intended site selection. The temporal bone is probably the best predictable site for the placement of implants in comparison to frontal nasal areas.135 This is true even if radiation has been used to treat malignant tumors in this area. The choice of a minimum of two splinted implants in the temporal bone can serve well to provide a bar-retained prosthesis. Work-up should include computed tomographic images with 2 mm axial cuts while a radiographic stent is worn (Figure 1452).136 This should affirm site selection as well as placement into sound bone. Boneanchored hearing aids (BAHAs) can be

used as well in treating patients with Treacher Collins syndrome or other forms of auditory agenesis. Placement of implants into frontal nasal bone is possible with the use of specialized computer software to delineate the frontal sinus, anterior cranial fossa, orbit, and other vital structures adjacent to proposed site selection. Extraoral anchorage can in some cases assist with anchorage of an intraoral prosthesis as well (Figure 14-53).

cases may be appropriate for osseointegrated implants. This becomes critical when consideration is given to the relative risks of complications after radiotherapy to the head and neck. As with any oncologic case, radiation therapy may be incorporated to improve long-term survival. Because of absorptive changes in the osseous tissues, osteoblast populations are typically affected by dosages exceeding 50 Gy. The possibility of creating osteoradionecrotic wounds increases with bone manipulation above this dosage. However, osseointegrated implants have been successfully employed in previously radiated fields without undue complications.137 Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been objectively shown to reduce the risk of osteoradionecrotic complications in both the craniofacial skeleton and intraoral regions.138 As with any hypoxic wound, increasing oxygen tension above 40 PO2 in comparison to a nonradiated control site increases the likelihood of healing. With this increase of O2 concentration comes angioneogenesis and the subsequent effect of pleuripotential cell differentiation into osteoblasts.

Radiotherapy Concerns
Unlike elective implant placement, there are particular concerns when providing a patient with osseointegrated anchorage in cases in which optimal oral function is essential following tumor ablative surgery. Judicious use of interdisciplinary preoperative planning helps in deciding which

Complications Soft Tissue Complications

Soft tissue complications with dental implants can be seen in areas where the quantity of keratinized soft tissue is



A and B, Implant-retained obturator using two zygomatic and onepterygoid implant.


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Dentoalveolar Surgery

surgically prior to making a restoration or even placing the implants.

Radiographic Bone Loss

Bone loss is expected with the placement of any implant; however, this loss should not exceed 1.5 mm in the first 12 to 18 months. Bone loss in excess of this value exposes a significant portion of the implant surface, making hygiene procedures difficult. If the choice of implant is a machined titanium screw, this problem is less than with implants having a textured surface, but in either case it is desirable to see bone loss of no more than 0.2 mm/yr. Evaluation of implants in edentulous patients by panoramic radiography may be more formidable than when using periapical examinations. However, partially dentate patients may benefit from periapical radiographs made with a silicone putty standardized bite block. In this way radiographs would be standardized at each exposure, allowing interpretation at a consistent incident beam angle.

loads should be carefully selected. Although strong, ceramic materials are used with caution in areas of high stress application. Pre-machined abutments used for screw-retained restorations can usually be replaced if they fracture.

Porcelain Fracture
Porcelain fracture is sometimes seen with implant prostheses owing to dynamic fatigue or contact overload.140 Proprioceptive feedback is not present with implant restorations and impacts during the chewing cycle should be slightly less than those of natural teeth. This can be verified using 0.001-inch stainless steel shimstock.

Resin Base Fracture

Resin base fractures are fairly common occurrences because of unfavorable stress distribution, occlusal overload, and a lack of proprioception. The incidence can range from 1 to 16% over 5 years.141 Ways to combat this problem are to reinforce the base with a cast metallic housing.141

Screw Loosening
Abutment and prosthetic screw loosening can be a recurrent problem seen often with single-tooth restorations. The incidence of screw loosening is sizable in cases restored with standard external hex platforms and gold screws. A method of reducing screw loosening is to use a new abutment or prosthetic screw, torque once to the recommended torque application, wait 5 minutes, and then torque again.139 In these circumstances screw loosening is minimized. Repeated loosening of screws should bring to mind occlusal overload, heavy contact in lateral excursions, or implant mobility.

Patients restored with osseointegrated implants should receive regular and frequent follow-ups in the first year following implant placement. Factors to evaluate

14-52 Stent (A) and computed tomography scan showing site selection (B) for implant placement into temporal bone.

minimal. As with natural teeth, implant restorations rely on attached and keratinized tissue for long-term maintenance. Soft tissues may also be compromised in sites where implant angulation is not ideal in an esthetic area. Finally, soft tissue depths surrounding implants exceeding 5 to 6 mm may present problems with long-term maintenance. This can be especially true for areas grafted with soft tissues or in osteomyocutaneous flaps where dermis is quite thick. In these cases it may be wise to reduce the soft tissue thickness

Abutment Fracture
Abutment fracture is a relatively uncommon occurrence but can be problematic, particularly for cemented restorations. Material choices for implants subjected to heavy occlusion or unavoidable lateral

14-53 Facial and intraoral prosthesis anchored with two zygoma and three endosseous implants.




include bone loss, mobility, and pain. Clinical examination should include light percussion and gentle evaluation of soft tissue, which may include a standardized periimplant probing using nonmetallic standardized force probes. Radiographic evaluation includes both periapical and panoramic radiographs. If the restoration is screw retained, it can be removed every 2 years, cleaned, and resecured, or cleaned in position. Cleaning of implant and titanium abutment surfaces should be done with either gold or polyethylene (Teflon) instruments so as not to scratch these biologically critical surfaces and make them prone to plaque accumulation (Figure 1454).142 Any scratches or crevices created by this or other processes impose a nidus for plaque and calculus accumulation. After cleaning, polishing with either toothpaste or a light prophylaxis paste is recommended. Since a perimucosal seal exists between the implant and abutment and tissue, it is not suggested that cemented restorations be removed routinely as this may jeopardize the integrity of the restoration and surrounding tissues. However, if the restoration is retrievable, the prosthesis and/or attachment should be removed every 18 to 24 months for debridement, inspection, and polishing.143 If abutment or coping screws have been torqued previously, it is generally suggested that they be replaced to avoid future fatigue fracture.

Success Criteria
Historically, the criteria of success have involved one of quantification of pain, mobility, and peri-implant radiolucency. These criteria were established by Albrektsson and colleagues and remain one of the standards in long-term evaluation of dental implants.144 Recently additional criteria have been added for the assessment of hard and soft tissue responses. Marginal bone loss of < 4 mm or probing depth of < 4 mm and a crevicular fluid flow rate of < 2.5 mm are considered indicators of success.141 Mobility, if present, should be tested on an individual basis to best assess a true measure. Therefore, removing the prosthesis (especially if it is splinted with other implants) and gently percussing with either a blunt instrument or a standardized torque instrument will give an indication of mobility. Other methods involved the use of Periotest instruments or nanodevices that promote radiofrequency response from the osseointegrated implant to give an indication of mobility.

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14-54 The use of polyethylene-tipped instruments facilitates plaque removal from titanium implant surfaces.




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Implant Prosthodontics


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