Award & Settlement
Award & Settlement
Award & Settlement
I am very thankful to everyone who all supported me, for I have completed my project effectively and moreover on time. I am equally grateful to my teacher Dr Nuzhat Parveen Khan. She gave me moral support and guided me in different matters regarding the topic. She had been very kind and patient while suggesting me the outlines of this project and correcting my doubts. I thank her for her overall supports. Last but not the least, I would like to thank my seniors who helped me a lot in gathering different information, data and guiding me from time to time in making this project ,despite of their busy schedules ,they gave me different ideas in making this project unique.
Thanking you
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PROCEDURE FOR SETTLEMENT OF INDUSTRIAL DISPUTE ACT The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 provides procedure for settlement of industrial disputes, which must be followed in all public utility service, has been defined in section 2 (n) of the Act so as to include any railway, postal, telegraph or telephone service that supplies power, water and light to the public, any system of public conservancy or sanitation, any section of an industrial establishment on the working of which the safety of the establishment or the workmen arrived arrived been declared as such by the appropriate Government. As laid down in the Act a dispute should first go through the process of conciliation before it could be referred to the appropriate authorities for adjudication1. Where any industrial dispute exists or is apprehended, the Conciliation Officer may or where the dispute relates to a public utility service and a notice under Section 22 has been given shall hold conciliation proceedings in prescribed manner. Conciliation proceedings can be stated in case of dispute that actually exists or when there is reasonable ground to apprehend that an industrial dispute is likely to come into existence unless something is done to prevent or where both parties to dispute approach the Government separately for conciliation. Conciliation proceedings are deemed to have been started from the date on which a notice issued to the parties to appear before the conciliation officer who may meet them jointly or separately. The Conciliation Officer must submit his report to the Government within fourteen days of the starting of conciliation proceedings. During this period he tries to bring about a fair and amicable settlement between the parties to dispute. If a settlement arrived at, the Conciliation Officers will send a report to the Government along with a memorandum of settlement duly signed by both parties. This settlement come into force from the date agreed upon by the parties to dispute or in its absence the date on which it was signed by them and is binding for a period of six months unless agreed upon otherwise, and after the period afore said, until expiry of two months from the date on which a notice in waiting of the intention to terminate the settlement is given by one of the parties to the other party or parities to the settlement. Such a settlement is binding on all parties to the industrial dispute, to the employer, his heirs, successors or assignees and to the workmen employed in the establishment on the date of the dispute and all the persons who subsequently become employed therein. If no settlement is reached by the parties, the
Ajay Kumar Samantaray; Some reflections in Industrial Jurispedence; the scope of section 10 (1) of I.D. Act
1947; when a reference of Industrial dispute could be treated as invalid. Lab IC Jan 2007, p.7.
conciliation officer will submit his report to the appropriate Government stating the reasons for which he thinks no settlement could be arrived at as well as the facts of the case. Action by the Government On receipt of the report from the Conciliation Officer, the Government will come to a decision on whether the circumstances and the facts of the case as such to justify a further reference. The Government has to arrive at prima facie conclusion that the nature of the dispute justifies a further reference. If in the opinion of the Government, there is a scope of arriving at a settlement by further conciliation efforts, it may refer the case to the Board of Conciliation.
SETTLEMENT Ordinarily, Settlement means an agreement composing differences. But this word is used in a wider sense in the industrial dispute act, 1947. Section 2(p) defines means (i) settlement at arrived at in the course of conciliation proceeding and includes (ii) a written agreement between the employer and workmen arrived at otherwise than in the course of conciliation proceeding where (a) such agreement has been signed by the parties thereto in such manner as may be prescribed, and (b) a copy thereof has been sent to an officer authorized in this behalf by the appropriate government and the conciliation officer. From this definition it will appear that settlement is of two kinds namely (1) settlement at arrived at in the course of conciliation proceeding and (2) a written agreement relating to trade dispute between the employer and workmen arrived at otherwise than in the course of conciliation proceeding. In the case of the former a settlement is arrived at with the mediation of the conciliation officer. The statute casts a duty on the conciliation officer to take steps immediately if he apprehends an industrial dispute. For this purpose he is empowered to inspect any dispute which he deems necessary to inspect. It is his duty to see that the settlement which in his opinion is the right settlement is amicably arrived at between the parties.2 In the latter case a settlement within the meaning of this section is required to fulfill the following conditions. First, the written agreement between the employer and workmen relating to a dispute must be arrived at amicably, that is to say, the consent of the parties to the agreement is accorded freely and voluntary without any fear of favour. Secondly, the
B.K jobanputra vs. B.S kalekar AIR 1965 Bom 146, see Tata Chemicals Ltd. vs. Workmen AIR 1978 SC 828
agreement is to be signed by the parties to the dispute in the prescribed manner. For the employer the agreement shall be signed by the employer himself or by his authorized agent or when the employer is an incorporated company or other body corporate by the agent manager or other principal officer of the corporation. For the workmen the agreement shall be signed by any officer of a trade union of the workmen or five representatives of the workmen held for the purpose. In the case of the workmen in an industrial dispute under section 2A of the act, the agreement must be signed by the workman concerned.3 A works committee constituted under section 3 has no power to enter into an agreement with the employer on behalf of the workmen. Approval by the works committee does not amount to a settlement and cannot bind the workmen. The language of section 3(2) makes it clear that the works committee was not intend to supplant or supercede the unions for the purpose of collective bargaining4. Thirdly, the copies of the agreement must be sent to an officer authorized in this behalf by the appropriate government and the conciliation officer immediately. In Fabrial Gasosa vs. Labour commissioner5, it has been held that conjoint reading of Section 2(p) of the act and Rule 58 of the industrial dispute (central) rules, 1957 unmistakably shows that the settlement contemplated by the said provisions is a written settlement and not an oral settlement. A written settlement arrived at between the parties cannot be varied or modified except by a written settlement or a written memorandum duly signed by the parties incorporating the terms of understanding.
AWARD Award means an interim or final determination of any industrial dispute or of any question relating thereto. The determination must be by any Labour court, Industrial Tribunal, or National Tribunal. It includes an arbitration award made under section 10-A. The definition of award falls in two parts. The first part covers a determination, final or interim, of any industrial dispute. The second part takes in a determination of any question
Rule 58 of the industrial dispute (central) rules, 1957. These rules extends to all industrial dispute in respect of
North Brook Jute Co. Ltd vs. Their Workmen AIR 1960 SC 879 1997 Lab IC 912
relating to an industrial dispute. But the basic postulate common to both the parts of definition is the existence of an industrial dispute, actual or apprehended. The determination contemplated by definition is of the industrial dispute or a question relating thereto on merits. In order to be an award a determination must be an adjudication of a question or point relating to an industrial dispute which has been specified in the order of reference or is incidental thereto, and such adjudication must be one on merits.6 Interim Award Awards include final as well as an interim determination. The tribunal can grant only such interim awards which they are competent to grant at the time of final award, because the relief, which the tribunal has no right to grant at the time of final determination, shall be outside its authority at any stage of the proceedings. The legislature has not defined the word interim award occurring in Section 2(b) of the Act. There are, however, series of cases which endeavor to delineate the expression. In Thakur Yugal Kishor Sinha vs. State of Bihar7, the High Court of Patna adopted the meaning given in the Oxford Dictionary, namely, a temporary or provisional arrangement, adopted in the meanwhile. The court accordingly held that manifestly, the word interim in such a context must mean provisional or temporary arrangements, made in a matter of urgency and subject to a final adjustment or complete determination of the dispute. Publication of the Industrial Award Section 17(1) of the Act, which deals with the publication of the award by the appropriate government provides: . every arbitration award and every award of a Labour Court, Tribunal or National Tribunal shall, within a period of thirty days from the date of its receipt by the appropriate Government, be published in such manner as the appropriate Government thinks fit. The aforesaid provisions raise several issues: (i) whether the provisions of Section 17 are mandatory or directory? (ii) What will be the effect of withholding the publication of the award? (iii) Whether the publication of the award after the expiry of statutory period of 30 days would make the award invalid or unforceable? (iv) Does the interim award need to be
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Cox and Kings (Agents) Ltd. vs. Their Workmen, AIR 1977 SC 1666 (1950) LLJ 539. This view was followed in Punjab National Bank vs. A. N Sen, (1952) 1 LLJ 371.
published? (v) Whether the award will be taken to have been published on the date of notification of the government or on the date on which such notification appeared in the gazette? In Sirsilk Ltd vs. Government of Andhra Pradesh8, the Supreme Court was faced with the problem as to what would happen in a situation where the settlement was arrived at between the parties to a dispute on which an award has been given by the Industrial Tribunal but was not published. The Supreme Court solved the problem by directing the government to withhold the publication of the award in view of the settlement. The government of the Andhra Pradesh referred certain disputes between the management of Sirsilk Ltd and its workmen to the industrial tribunal for adjudication. The industrial tribunal gave its award and sent it to the government for publication. Before the government published it, the parties came to a settlement on the issues. They asked the government not to publish the award. The government asserted its inability to withhold the publication in view of the mandatory provisions of Section 17 of the Act. Thereupon, the parties filed a writ petition before a High Court, praying that the government be directed not to publish the award. The High Court held that the provisions of Section 17 were mandatory and that the government could not withhold its application. The parties appealed to the Supreme Court. Justice Wanchoo, in the course of the judgment, observed: Though Section 17(1) is mandatory and the Governmentis bound to publish the award received by it from an Industrial Tribunal, the situation arising in a case like the present is of an exceptional nature and requires reconciliation between Section 18(1) and Section 18(3), and in such a situation the only way to reconcile the two provisions is to withhold the publication of the award, as a binding settlement has already come into force in order to avoid possible conflict between a binding settlement under Section 18(1) and a binding award under Section 18(3). The Supreme Court accordingly directed the government not to publish the award.
ENFORCEMENT OF SETTLEMENT AND AWARD In order to ensure compliance of settlement and award, the Industrial Disputes (Amendment) Act, 2010 specifically provides in Section 11 (9) that every award made or issued or settlement arrived at by or before a labour Court or Tribunal or National tribunal shall be executed in accordance with the procedure laid down for execution of order and decree of a civil court under Order 21 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. Further Section 11 (10) imposes an obligation upon the labour Court or Tribunal or National tribunal as the case may be to transmit any award, order or settlement to a civil court having jurisdiction and such civil court shall execute the award or settlement as if it were a decree passed by it. The settlement arrived at through the intervention of a conciliation officer or board of conciliation and an award are enforceable by their own force and by the coercive machineries under the Act.9
Effect of Non-publication of the Industrial Award within the Prescribed Period The Supreme Courts decision in Remington Rand of India vs. The Workmen10, throws interesting light on this question. In this case, the award was made by the industrial tribunal on 5 October 1966. It was received by the appropriate government on 14 October 1966. But it was published in the Kerala Gazette on 15 November 1966. On these facts, the appeal was preferred against the award of industrial tribunal. The appellant raised an objection, inter alia, that the award was inoperative and unforceable as it was published after the expiry of the period fixed by Section 17(1). The Supreme Court, it appears, in an attempt to justify the delay in the publication of the award overruled the objection. Speaking for the Court, Justice Mitter observed: Section 17(1) makes it obligatory on the Government to publish the award. The limit of time has been fixed as showing that the publication of the award ought not to be held up. But the fixation of the period of 30 days mentioned therein does not mean that the publication beyond that time will render the award invalid The Court accordingly held that the provision as to the time limit in Section 17(1) was merely directory and not mandatory.
Enforcement of an award- An award may be enforced in the following ways: 1. The aggrieved party may apply to Appropriate Government for prosecuting the defaulting party under Section 29 or Section 31 of this Act. 2. Where any money is payable by the employer to a workman, the workman may move the Appropriate Government for recovery of the money due to him under the award. 3. The party in whose favour the award has been granted may file a suit and obtain a decree, which shall be enforced by execution under the provisions of the Civil Procedure Code.11 Where the interim order did not determine any part of the Industrial Dispute or any other question relating thereto but only determined whether the Industrial Tribunal has been properly constituted to which the industrial dispute could be referred for adjudication such order cannot be said to be an award defined in Section 2(b).12 Collective Bargaining as a method of Settlement of Industrial Disputes Collective bargaining as such is one of the most developed in Indian history since independence, and deserves the attention of all who are concerned with the preservation of industrial peace and implement of industrial productivity. In the laissez faire the employers enjoyed unfettered rights to hire and fire. They had much superior bargaining power and were in a position to dominate over the workmen. There are some routine criticism of the adjudicatory system i.e., delay, expensive Governmental interference in referrals and uncertain outcome. Therefore the parties to the industrial dispute are coming closure to the idea that direct negotiations provide better approach to resolving key deference over wages and other conditions of employment.13 The system of collective bargaining as a method of settlement of industrial dispute has been adopted in industrially advanced countries. The common law emphasis to individual contract of employment is shafted to collective agreement negotiated by and with reprehensive groups.14
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Bharat Bank Ltd. v. Their Employees, AIR 1950 SC 188 A.C.E.S Corpn. v. Workmen, AIR 1971 P & H 274. Sunil Yadav; collective bargaining: A mode for the settlement of Industrial disputes, LLJ. III, 2008, p.p. 23-
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The application and interpretation of such agreements are also in collective manner. In United States of America the workers have the right to organize and bargain collectively. In Japan the right to collective bargaining is guaranteed under their Constitution. Collective bargaining in India is of late development and therefore in view of the above circumstances, the legislature in order to establish and maintain harmony and peace between labour and capital came out with a legislation named The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 which provides for the machinery for the settlement of industrial disputes.15 This act has two main objects, first is the investigation and the second is the settlement of industrial disputes which exist or likely to exist for the amicable settlement of the industrial disputes, one of the method is collective bargaining. Concept and Meaning of Collective Bargaining The expression collective bargaining has been defined by deferent persons in different manners. Sydney and Beatrice webb were the persons coined the expression Collective Bargaining. First of all its analysis reveals that it is made up two words collective implies group action through its unions of representatives and bargaining implies haggling and or negotiating. Talking together or negotiations about a contract between the representatives of management and workers.16 The Encyclopedia of Social Sciences defines collective bargaining as a process of decision and negotiations between two parties, one or both of who is a group of persons acting in concert more significantly. It is the procedure by which an employer or employers and a group of employees agree upon the conditions of work.17 The International Labour Organization has defined collective bargaining as Negotiations about working conditions and terms of employment between an employer, a group of employers or one or more employers, organization, on the one hand, and one or more representative workers, organizations or the other, with a view to reaching agreement.18
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6 S.C. Srivatsava: Industrial Relations and Labour Law, 1996, p. 239. S.K. Bhatia: Collective Bargaining Theory and Practice of Effective Industrial Relations, 1985. Encyclopedia Social Sciences Vol. No. 3 P.628 9 ILO, Collective Bargaining A Workers Education manual Geneva, 1960, p.3
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According to Ludwing Teller Collective Bargaining is an agreement between a single employer or an association of employers on the one hand and labour union on the other hand which regulate the terms and conditions of employment.19 The Supreme Court has also laid down that collective bargaining is a technique by which dispute between labour and capital are resolved amicably by agreement rather than by question.20
Parties to Collective Bargaining Two parties namely management and workers are required for collective bargaining. Management may represent itself alone or may be represented through employers association or federation of employers. Workers will be represented either through a union or workers federation. The above two parties are directly involved in the process of collective bargaining. However it is relevant and essential to mention here that a representative of public should also involve in collective bargaining to represent and safeguard the interest of the public at large.21 Subject matter of Collective Bargaining The International Labour Organization has divided the subject matter of collective bargaining into two categories. That, which set out standards of employment, which are directly applicable to relations between an individual employer and worker. That, which regulate the relation between the parties to the agreement themselves and have no bearing on individual relations between employers and workers.22
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0 Ludwing Teller: Labour Disputes and Collective Bargaining, Vol. 1, p.476. Karnal Leather karam Chary Vs. Liberty Footwear Company, 1990, LIC 301. Bartram F Will Cox, a Sketch of the Federal Law of Labour in the United States, Aligarh Law Journal, 1965,
p. 39.
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The first category includes subjects like wages, working hours, overtime, holidays with pay and period of notice for termination of contract. The second category includes provisions for enforcement of collective bargaining, method of settling individual disputes, reference to conciliation and arbitration, reorganization of union as bargaining agent for the workers, undertakings not to resort to strike or lockout during the period and procedure for negotiations of new agreements. However in India the parties are free to decide the subject matter subject to the limitation imposed by the laws. For instance, the contracts must be in conformity with Factories Act, 1948, Minimum Wages Act, 1948, Payment of Wages Act, 1936 etc. These acts prescribe safety precautions, health measures, amenities, conditions of employment, minimum wages, payment of wages etc.23 Objectives of Collective Bargaining There are certain objective which are required to be achieved by collective bargaining contracts. International Confederation of Free Trade Union has enumerated the following objectives in this regard: To establish and build up union recognition as an authority in the work place; 1. To raise workers standard of living and win a better share in companies profit; 2. To express in practical terms the workers desire to be treated with due respect and to achieve domestic participation in decision affecting their working conditions; 3. To establish orderly practices for sharing in these decision and to settle disputes which may arise in day to day life of the company. 4. To achieve broad general objectives such as defending and promoting the workers interest throughout the country.24 The main objective collative bargaining is to settle down the disputes or deference between the parties in respect of employment, no employment and conditions of services of the members of the union. Collective bargaining is that arrangement whereby the wages and
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K.M.Pillai, Labour and Industrial Law, 2005, p.48. Marysur, Collective Bargaining, 1965, p.4.
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conditions of employment of workers are settled through their union or by some of them on behalf of all of them.25 Preparation for negotiation It is necessary that the bargaining terms of the management and the labour should be selected with proper care and prudence. It is generally desired that negotiation must have sufficient knowledge for participating in bargaining process. Management should form the most popular and effective team of its own. It is also advisable to form a small team because the large members on both sides become unwieldy. It is the duty of the chief negotiator to evolve a strategy of action and the tactics to be adopted during the negotiations. Each member of the team must know the role to be played by him. Negotiations may commence at the instance of either party i.e., management and labour. For having effective participation in the negotiations with the management the union of workers is required to have full information regarding the financial situation of the company, the attitude of management towards various issues, as resolved in past negotiations and the attitudes and desires of the workers. Before the actual negations begin, the parties should hold separate meetings of their own sides to decide their attitudes on various issues, to draft the terms of their demands and to limit concessions they are prepared to make.26 The negotiations between the management and union are the second stage of collective barging. This stage is excessively a complicated one. It requires a protracted and complex interchange of ideas combining argument, horse-trading, bluff, cajolery and threats.27 The representatives of management listen carefully and observe the reactions of the other members of union during the presentation of the case by the union. Act of listing and registering what is being said across the table as well as remembering the context in which the key words and phrases have been employed can mean the deference of success and failure.28 All the points raised by the union are subsequently to be met by the management in a crucial, peaceful and effective manner.
25 26 27 28
.K.Puri: An Introduction to labour and Industrial Laws, 1992, p. 526. Indian Law Institute, Labour Law and Labour Relations, 1968, p. 30 Van D. Kennedy, Union, Employees and Government (1966) p.115 Mahesh Chandra, Industrial Jurisprudence, 1976, p- 3
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Negotiations also play important role during the course of bargaining process. They keep on bargaining as long as the other party continues to do so in good faith and there appears to be a change of settlement. It there is an agreement between the management and the union, the union members must accept or reject the agreement by majority vote. In case the agreement is rejected by the union, negotiating terms return to the bargaining table to negotiate. Again if there is no agreement between the parties, negotiations are said to have broken down. Drafting of Agreement The Third Stage of Collective Bargaining process is the drafting of an agreement. The importance of drafting of agreement cannot be under estimated as it involves great deal of skill and prudence. Drafting of agreement must be in such a manner as to respect the real intention of the parties. The provisions mentioned in the agreements are supposed to be clear and definite and should explicitly cover the subject matter in accordance with the intent of the agreement. Vagueness and ambiguity should be avoided. The language of the agreement should be simple and comprehensive so as to reflect the real intent of agreement and to avoid legal ambiguity. Lastly the agreement is finalized for signature by the parties, the duration of the agreement vary from agreement to agreement. Implementation of the Agreement A collective agreement is useless unless it is implemented in its true letter and spirits. In the United Kingdom these agreements are considered gentlemens agreements without legal force. In India collective bargaining agreement can be enforced under Section 18 of Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, as a settlement arrived between the workers and the employers. Under Section 18 (1) of ID Act, 1947, a settlement arrived at by an agreement between the employer and workmen otherwise than in the course of conciliation proceedings are binding only on the parties to the agreement. Therefore it is evident that a settlement enforceable under ID Act, 1947, does not automatically extend to workers employed in the industrial establishment concerned who are not a party to the settlement. It is not necessary that each individual worker should know the implications of the settlement since a recognized union, which is expected to protect the legitimate interest of labour and enters into a settlement in the best interest of the labour. This would be normal rule; there may be exceptional cases where there may allegations of malafides, fraud or even corruption or other inducement. But in the absence of such allegations such settlement in the course of collective bargaining is entitled to due weight and consideration.
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After analyzing the concept of collective bargaining comprehensively, it can be concluded that it is the technique that has been adopted by unions and management for comprising their conflicting interests. Industrial harmony and improving labour management relations are the ultimate objective of collective bargaining. It helps in removing and settlement of many minor and major disputes or differences. Therefore, its role in conflict resolutions is significant and remarkable. It does not involve bitterness between the parties and unnecessary expenditure. It differs from arbitration where the solution is based on a decision of a third party, while arrangements resulting from collective bargaining usually represent the choice or compromise of the parties themselves. It is also relevant and pertinent to highlight here that collective bargaining is a quick and efficient method of settlement of industrial disputes and avoids delay and unnecessary litigation. Mr. V. V. Giri, the former President of India and a strong champion of collective bargaining had the courage to say that adjudication was enemy number one of the industry and working class. During the process of collective bargaining the union leaders are expected to play a constructive role by adopting a rational approach to the socio-economic effects and the consequences of their extreme demands. The teams representing both the parties must be strong, balanced and should be small. They should be the persons of open hearts and should try their best to come to the solution which is acceptable to all. Every system has its advantages and disadvantages and collective bargaining is not an exception to it. Trade Union as well as employers are concentrating their attention on this method of solution for industrial disputes, because through this mode the dispute is solved amicably by a mutual discussion between the parties. Therefore, it can be said that this system helps in establishing harmonious relationship between the labour and capital and is considered a step towards industrial democracy. SETTLEMENT MACHINERY OF INDUSTRIAL DISPUTE The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947,29 reflects this very concern of the State and thus justifying a strong need for the intervention of the State in modern industrial disputes. State intervention in industrial relations is essentially a modern development. With the emergence of the concept of welfare state, new ideas of social philosophy, national economy and social justice sprang up with result that industrial relation no longer remains the concern of labour and
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management alone.30The concern of state in matters relating to labour is a product of its obligations to protect the interest of industrial community, while at the same time fostering economic growth in almost all countries.31 The state has assumed powers to regulate labour relations in some degree or the other. In some, it has taken the form of laying down bare rules or observance by employers and workers; in others, the rules cover a wider area of the rules. So far as our country is concerned, State intervention in labour matters can be traced back to the enactment of the Employers and Workmens Disputes Act 1860 which provided for the speedy disposal of the dispute relating to the wages of workmen engaged in railways, canals and other public works by Magistrates.32 In 1947, the Government of India passed the Industrial Disputes Act under which machinery for the preventions and settlement of the disputes was outlined. The Act as amended in 1956 has set up machinery for settlement of disputes. The present system of establishing industrial peace and to settle industrial disputes is as under: The Works Committee In the case of any industrial establishment in which one hundred or more workmen are employed or have been employed on any day in the preceding twelve months, the appropriate Government may by general or special order require the employer to constitute in the prescribed manner a Works Committee consisting of representatives of employers and workmen engaged in the establishment so however, that the number of representatives of workmen on the Committee shall not be less than the number of representatives of the employer. The representatives of the workmen shall be chosen in the prescribed manner from among the workmen engaged in the establishment and in consultation with their trade union, if any, registered under the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926 (XVI of 1926). It shall be the duty of the Works Committee to promote measures for securing and preserving amity and good relations between the employer and workmen and, to that end to comment upon matters of their common interest or concern and endeavour to compose any material difference of opinion in respect of such matters.
30 31 32
Hindustan Antibiotics Vs. its workmen A.I.R. (1967) SC. p.948 Workmen of Dimakachi Tea Estate Vs. Dimakachi Tea Estate, AIR 1958, SC p.353 Aditya Swaroop: Grievance settlement authorities; emerging trends, LLJ, II, 2008 p.17.
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There are Joint Committees of employers and employees for the purpose of promoting good relations between the parties. The Committees attempt to remove causes of friction between employers and workers in the day-to-day working of the factory. They provide a forum for negotiations between employers and workers at the factory level. The Government may direct industrial establishments with 100 or more workers to constitute such works committees. In Kemp & Company Ltd., Vs. their Workmen33 thatThe Works Committees are normally concerned with problems arising in the day to day working of the concern and the functions of the Works Committees are to ascertain the grievances of the employees and when occasion arises to arrive at some agreement also. But the function and the responsibility of the Works Committees as their very nomenclature indicates cannot go beyond recommendation and as such they are more or less bodies who in the first instances endeavour to compose the differences and the final decision rests with the union as a whole. Short comings: The scope of the Works Committee as in Sec. 3 (ii) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 is vague. Besides health, safety, welfare and human relations, the committees advise on a number of technical matters and are kept posted with the undertaking position of trade, sale and account sheets. This gives a great recognition and satisfaction to members, and they are also enabled to formulate, their opinion more objectively. In India the scope and functions of the works committees are so limited. Conciliation Officer This is the second agency or authority created by proceedings34.The appropriate Government has been authorized to appoint one or more Conciliation Officers for mediating and promoting the settlement of industrial disputes. A Conciliation Officer can be appointed either for a specified area or for a specified industry or industries. In order to bring about a right settlement of a dispute, a Conciliation Officer is given wide desecration. Whereas, it is obligatory on the parties involved in the dispute to appear before him, is summoned, but they are not bound to accept his point of view.
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(1995) I LLJ, 48, p.53 Industrial Disputes Act 1947, Section 4 & 12 read along with the Central rules 7, 8 and 9.
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Duties of Conciliation Officers: A Conciliation Officer may take appropriate steps for inducing the parties to a fair and amicable settlement of the dispute. If a settlement is arrived at during conciliation proceedings, he must send a copy of the report and the memorandum of the settlement signed by the parties to appropriate Government or an officer authorized by it. In case no settlement is arrived at, he is required to send to appropriate Government, full report of the steps taken by him to resolve the dispute, and the reasons on account of which a settlement could not be arrived at. The Conciliation Officer is required to submit his report within fourteen days of the commencement of the conciliation proceedings, but the time for the submission of the report may be extended further on the written request of the parties to the dispute. Where a settlement is not reached, the appropriate Government, after considering the report of the conciliation officer, may refer the dispute to a Board of Conciliation or Labour Court or Industrial Tribunal or National Tribunal as the case may be. Board of Conciliation Section 5 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 provides for creation of Board of Conciliation which is simply an extension of conciliation officers work.35 Unlike a Conciliation Officer, the board may not be a permanent body and can be set up as the occasion arises. It comprises of two or four members representing parties to the dispute in equal numbers And a chairman who has to be an independent person. The Board has the status of a Civil Court and can issue summons and administer oaths. The members representing the parties are to be appointed on the recommendations of the parties concerned, but in case of their failure to make such recommendations, the appropriate Government must appoint on its own, persons representing the parties. References of Disputes to Board of Conciliation Where the appropriate Government is of the opinion that any industrial dispute exist or is apprehended, it may at any time, by order in writing, refer the dispute to a Board of Conciliation for promoting settlement. In case the parties to an industrial dispute make an
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application in the prescribed manner whether jointly or separately, for a reference of the dispute to a Board of Conciliation, the appropriate Government is required. On being satisfied that the persons making such an application represent the majority of each party to make the reference accordingly. Where the dispute is referred to the Board, the appropriate Government may prohibit the continuance of any strike or lock-out in connection with such dispute which may be in existence on the date of reference. Duties and Powers of the Board When a dispute has been referred to the Board of Conciliation, it may take suitable steps to induce the parties to come to a fair and amicable settlement. If settlement is arrived at, the board is required to send a report and a memorandum of the settlement signed by the parties to the disputes to the appropriate Government. If no such settlement is arrived at, the Board is required to the appropriate Government a full report setting forth the proceedings and steps taken by the board for ascertaining the facts and circumstances relating to the disputes and bringing about a settlement and the reasons on account of which a settlement could not be arrived at, and also its recommendations for the determination of the dispute. The board is required to submit report within two months of the date of the reference of the dispute or within shorter period as determined by the appropriate Government. The appropriate Government may extend the time of the submission of the report to a period of not exceeding two months in the aggregate. The date of the submission of the report may also be extend to such date as may be agreed on in writing by all parties to the dispute. The report of the Board of Conciliation writing and is to be signed by all members of the board but any member may record any minute of dissent from a report or from any of its recommendation. Every report together with any minute of dissent has to be published by the appropriate Government with in a period of 30 days from the date of its receipt. Period of Operation A settlement comes into operation on the date agreed upon by the parties to the dispute and in case no date is agreed upon, the date on which the memorandum of the settlement is signed by the parties to the depute, a settlement is binding for such period as is agreed upon, for a period of six months from the date which the memorandum of settlement is signed by the parties to the dispute.
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Settlement is binding A settlement arrived at in course of conciliation proceedings is binding on i. ii. iii. All parties to the industrial disputes. All other parties summoned to appear in the proceedings as parties to the dispute. Where such parties is employer, his heirs and successors of the establishment to which the dispute relates. iv. Where such parties composed of workmen all persons who were employed in the establishment or part of the establishment, as the case may be to which the dispute relates. Court of Inquiry The appropriate Government is empowered to constitute a Court of inquiry as occasion arises, for the purpose of inquiry in to any matter appearing to connect with or relevant to an industrial dispute. Generally Court of Inquiry is constituted when no settlement is arrived at as a result of efforts made by the Conciliation Board. A Court of Inquiry is required to enquiry into the matter referred to it and report appropriate Government ordinarily within a period of six months from the commencement of its inquiry. The report of inquiry is to be in writing and sign by the all members but any of its members is free to record any minute of dissent from any office recommendations. The idea of Court Inquiry is new in this Act and has been borrowed from the British Industrial Court Act, 1919.Under the British Act, the Minister-in-charge can constitute a Court of inquiry to enquire into and report on the causes and circumstances of any trade dispute together with its own recommendations. The report should be given vide publicity to rouse public interest in the matter in order to prevent any irrational step on the part of the parties for fear of public condemnation. Setting of a Court of Inquiry is at the discretion of an appropriate Government. The Government can refer any single or more matter connected or relevant to the dispute or can refer whole to the Court which can be set up irrespective of consent of parties to dispute. Usually, the Courts of Inquiry comprise one person. In case it has more than one member one of them will be nominated as Chairmen usually. The Court of Inquiry has to submit its report within six months. After receiving the report of the Court of Inquiry, the Government may refer the dispute to one of the adjudication authorities or Labour Courts or Industrial Tribunal or National Tribunals as the case may be.
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Labour Court Labour Court is one of the adjudication authorities set up under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 it was introduced by amending Act in 1956. Setting up of a Labour Court is at the discretion of the Government. It is the one man Court presided over by a person who has held either a judicial position in India for not less than seven years or who has been a presiding officer of Labour Court constituted under any state act for not less than five years. The function of labour Court is to adjudicate on matters referred to it are listed in the schedule II appended to the Act, which includes; The propriety or legality of an order passed by an employer under the standing orders; Discharge or dismissal of workmen including re- instatement of or grant of relief to workmen wrongfully dismissed; Withdrawal of customary concession or privilege. Illegality or otherwise of a strike or a lock out. All matters other than those provided in the Third Schedule appended to the Act.
Tribunals or Industrial Tribunals An Industrial Tribunal may be set up by the appropriate Government on a temporary or permanent basis for a specified dispute for industry. As a whole the Tribunal comprises of one person only. The qualifications for appointment as Presiding Officer of an Industrial Tribunal are that the candidate should have been or is judge of a High Court or has held the post of Chairman or Labour Appellate Tribunal for not less than two years or he is or has been judge or Additional District judge for a period not less than three years. Generally, industrial disputes of major importance or industrial disputes which are important to the industry as a whole are referred to the industrial tribunals. Thus appropriate Government may constitute one or more Industrial Tribunals for the adjudication of industrial disputes relating to any matter as specified either in second schedule mentioned above or in the third schedule appended to the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 which includes ; a. Wages, including the period and mode of payment. b. Contribution paid or payable by the employer to an any provident or pension fund or for the benefit of the workmen under any law for the time being in force;
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c. Compensatory and other allowances. d. Hours of work and intervals. e. Leave with wages and holidays. f. Starting alteration or discontinuance. g. Classification by grades; h. Withdrawal of any customary concession or change usage; I. Introduction of new rules of discipline or alteration of existing rules, except in so far as they are provided in standing orders; j. Rationalization, standardization or improvement of plant or techniques which is likely to lead retrenchment of workmen. k. Any increase or reduction in the number of persons employed or to be employed in any occupation or department or shift not occasioned by circumstances over which the employer has no control; National Tribunals Labour Courts and Industrial Tribunals are to be constituted by the appropriate Government, which may either the State Government, or the Union Government depending upon their respective jurisdiction over various industries. National Tribunals can be set up by the Central Government. They are to be constituted for the adjudication of the industrial disputes, which in opinion of the Central Government involve questions of national importance or are of such a nature that industrial establishments situated in more than one State are likely to be interested in or affected by, such disputes. The Central Governments can make a reference to the National Tribunal. Where any reference is made to made National Tribunal, then notwithstanding anything contained in the Act, no Labour Court or Tribunal has jurisdiction to adjudicate upon any matter which is under adjudication before it. If the mater under adjudication of National Tribunal is pending before a Court or Tribunal the proceedings relating to that matter which are pending before them will be deemed to have been quashed. State Governments are
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debarred from referring the matter under adjudication of National Tribunal to any Labour Court or Industrial Tribunal. The National Tribunal consists of one person only to be appointed by the Central Government. A person who is qualified for appointment as the Presiding Officer of a National Industrial Tribunal. He is or has been a judge of a High Court. He has held the office of the chairman or any other member of the Labour Appellate Tribunal constituted under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 for a period of not less than two years. The Central Government may also appoint two assessors to advise the National Tribunal. The Presiding Officers of Labour Courts, Tribunals or National Tribunals should be independent persons, below the age of 65 years and with no interest in the industry whose dispute be heard. Reference of disputes to adjudication authorities: The appropriate Government may refer the dispute to a Labour Court Tribunal or National Tribunal for adjudication. The Labour Court is empowered to adjudicate upon matter specified in Second Schedule and an Industrial Tribunal on those specified in Second or Third Schedule. Thus, any matter which is important for the industry as a whole and is listed in schedule ii or schedule iii maybe referred for adjudication to a Tribunal or Industrial. However, where a dispute relates to a matter specified in the third schedule, and is not likely to affect more than one hundred workmen, the appropriate Government may refer it to a Labour Court. In case a dispute involves any question of national importance or is of such nature that industrial establishment situated in more than one state or likely to be interested in or affected by the dispute, the Central Government may at any time refer the dispute or any relevant matter related to the dispute to the National Tribunal. If the parties to an industrial dispute make a request in the prescribed manner to refer the dispute to a Labour Court, Tribunal or National Tribunal the appropriate Government is required to make such reference, but it may refuse to do so, if it is satisfied that the persons applying for the reference do not represent the majority of the party. RECOMMENDATIONS OF FIRST AND SECOND COMMISSION ON LABOUR
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Recommendations of First National Commission on Labour The first National Commission on Labour (1966-69) with Dr. Gajendra Gadkar, the former Chief Justice of India as its Chairman made comprehensive investigation in almost all the problems relating to labour. It had made a series of recommendations to promote industrial peace. The National Commission on Labour recommends to constitute the Industrial Relation Commission for the settlement of industrial disputes, besides the setting of labour Court which would be entrusted with the judicial functions of interpretation and enforcement of all labour laws, awards and agreements. Structure of Industrial Relation Commission: (i) There should be a National Industrial Relation Commission appointed by the Central Government for industries for which that Government is the appropriate authority. The National Industrial Commission would deal with such disputes which would deal with questions of national importance or which are likely to affect or interest establishments situated in more than one state. i.e. disputes which are at present dealt with by National Tribunal. (ii) There should be an Industrial Relation Commission in each state for the settlement of disputes which the state Government is the appropriate authority. (iii) National/State Industrial Relation Commission will have three main functions. (a) Adjudication in industrial disputes (b) Conciliation and (c) Certification of unions as representative unions. (iv) The Commission should be constituted with a person having prescribed judicial qualifications and experience as its President and equal members, the non-judicial posts, but should be otherwise eminent in the field of industry, labour or management. (v) The functions relating to certification of unions, the representative unions will vest with a separate wing of the National/ State industrial Relation Commission.
On 15, October 1999, the Government of India set up the Second National Commission on Labour Mr. Ravindra Varma as the Chair person. The main purpose of this Commission was: a) To suggest rationalization of existing laws relating to labour in organized sector, and b) To suggest an umbrella legislation for ensuring a minimum level of protection to the workers in the unorganized sector. The Commission recommends that it is necessary to provide a minimum level of protection to managerial and other employers too, against unfair dismissals or removals. This has to be brought adjudication by Labour Court or Labour Relation Commission or Arbitration. Central Laws relating to Labour Relations are currently the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, the Trade Union Act, 1926, and the Industrial Employment Act, 1946. In addition, there is Sales Promotion Employees Act, 1976 and some other Acts for particular trades or employments. The National Commission on Labour recommends that all these laws are judicially constituted into a single law called the Labour Management Relations. The Commission is of the view that changes in the labour laws be accompanied by a welldefined social security package that will benefit all workers, be they in the organized or unorganized sector and should also cover those in administrative managerial and other categories which have been excluded from the purview of the term worker. The Commission recommends that in case of socially essential service like water supply, medical service, sanitation, electricity and transport, when a dispute not settled through mutual negotiations there may be a strike ballot as shows that 51 percentage of workers are infavour of a strike, it should be taken that strike has taken place, and dispute must forthwith be referred to compulsory arbitration. Between arbitration and adjudication, the better of the two and would like, the system of arbitration to become the accepted mode of determining dispute which is not settled by parties themselves. The Commission envisages a system of Labour Courts, Lok - Adalaths and Labour Relation Commission is the integral adjudicatory system in labour matters. The system will not only deal with matters arising out of employments relations but also trade disputes in matters such as wages, social security, safety and health, welfare and working conditions and so on. Labour Relations Commissions should be established at the state,
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central and national level to settle disputes. System of Lok Adalaths has been recommended by the commission to be pursued to settle disputes speedily.
CONCLUSION As it is explicit from the very objective of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 which provides that this act has been enacted to provide for investigation and settlement of Industrial Disputes and for maintaining industrial harmony. In the furtherance of its objects various authorities have been put forth to settle the dispute. It provides for conciliation, adjudication and settlements, and regulates the rights of parties and the enforcement of awards and settlements. When a reference is made of an industrial dispute under Section 10 or Section 10A or an industrial dispute is raised under Section 2A (where individual dispute is deemed to be an industrial dispute), the legal process springs into action. An Industrial Tribunal/ Labour Court, under Section 15, have a duty to adjudicate industrial dispute referred to it expeditiously and submit its award to the appropriate Government after a regular hearing.
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Labour Law and Industrial Law, by S.N. Mishra, Central Law Publication, 25th edition, 2010 Labour Law, by Avtar Singh Handbook of Industrial Law, by N.D. Kapoor Labour Law, by S.C. Jain
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