This document provides prefaces and acknowledgments for the Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security. It discusses the need for concise summaries of cryptography and security topics for readers without time for lengthy texts. The second edition improves on the first by updating entries, expanding coverage, and making it available online. The editors thank all the contributors and acknowledge support from their publisher and development team.
This document provides prefaces and acknowledgments for the Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security. It discusses the need for concise summaries of cryptography and security topics for readers without time for lengthy texts. The second edition improves on the first by updating entries, expanding coverage, and making it available online. The editors thank all the contributors and acknowledge support from their publisher and development team.
This document provides prefaces and acknowledgments for the Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security. It discusses the need for concise summaries of cryptography and security topics for readers without time for lengthy texts. The second edition improves on the first by updating entries, expanding coverage, and making it available online. The editors thank all the contributors and acknowledge support from their publisher and development team.
This document provides prefaces and acknowledgments for the Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security. It discusses the need for concise summaries of cryptography and security topics for readers without time for lengthy texts. The second edition improves on the first by updating entries, expanding coverage, and making it available online. The editors thank all the contributors and acknowledge support from their publisher and development team.
Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security With Figures and Tables With Cross-references 1 3 Editors Henk C.A. van Tilborg Department of Mathematics and Computing Science Eindhoven University of Technology 3600 MB Eindhoven Te Netherlands Sushil Jajodia Center for Secure Information Systems George Mason University Fairfax, VA 22030-4422 USA ISBN 978-I-44I9-3903-8 e-ISBN 978-I-44I9-3906-3 DOI I0.I007/978-I-44I9-3906-3 ISBN Bundle: 978-I-44I9-3907-2 Springer New York Dordrecht Heidelberg London Library of Congress Control Number: 20II927738 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2003, 20II All rights reserved. Tis work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher (Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY I00I3, USA), except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer sofware, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafer developed is forbidden. Te use in this publication of trade names, trademarks, service marks, and similar terms, even if they are not identifed as such, is not to be taken as an expression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject to proprietary rights. Printed on acid-free paper Springer is part of Springer Science+Business Media ( Preface to the Second Edition A rich stream of papers and many good books have been written on cryptography and computer security, but most of them assume a scholared reader who has the time to start at the beginning and work his way through the entire text. Te goal of Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security, Second Edition is to make important notions of cryptography and computer security accessible to readers who have an interest in a particular keyword related to cryptology or computer security, but who lack the time to study one of the many books in these areas. Te second edition is intended as a replacement of Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security that was edited by one of us (Henk van Tilborg) and published by Springer in 2003. Te current edition provides a comprehensive reference to 730 topics in the broad feld of cryptology and computer security; compared to the frst edition the reader can fnd 300 new entries. Tis Encyclopedia improves on the earlier edition in several important and interesting ways. First, entries in the frst edition have been updated when needed. Second, it provides a broader coverage to the feld, and the new entries are mostly in the area of Information and System Security. Tird, computer technology has evolved drastically in the short timespan of just fve years. We have tried to make an efort to be comprehensive and include coverage of several newer topics. Fourth, the Encyclopedia is available not only as a printed volume but as an online reference work as well. Te online edition is available at Te title includes a list of entries and of authors. Te online edition is an XML e-Reference searchable version that allows cross-references. Te online edition will also allow us to make regular updates as new trends and terms arise. Henk C.A. van Tilborg, Sushil Jajodia Eindhoven and Fairfax August 20II Preface to the First Edition Te need to protect valuable information is as old as history. As far back as Roman times, Julius Caesar saw the need to encrypt messages by means of cryptographic tools. Even before then, people tried to hide their messages by making them invisible. Tese hiding techniques, in an interesting twist of history, have resurfaced quite recently in the context of digital rights management. To control access or usage of digital contents like audio, video, or sofware, information is secretly embedded in the data! Cryptology has developed over the centuries from an art, in which only fewwere skillful, into a science. Many people regard the CommunicationTeory and Secrecy Systems paper, by Claude ShannoninI949, as the foundationof modern cryptology. However, at that time, cryptographic research was mostly restricted to government agencies and the military. Tat situation gradually changed with the expanding telecommunication industry. Communication systems that were completely controlled by computers demanded newtechniques to protect the information fowing through the network. In I976, the paper NewDirections in Cryptography, by Whitfeld Dime and Martin Hellman, caused a shock in the academic community. Tis seminal paper showed that people who are communicating with each other over an insecure line can do so in a secure way with no need for a common secret key. In Shannons world of secret key cryptography this was impossible, but in fact there was another cryptologic world of public-key cryptography, which turned out to have exciting applications in the real world. Te I976 paper and the subsequent paper on the RSA cryptosystem in I978 also showed something else: mathematicians and computer scientists had found an extremely interesting new area of research, which was fueled by the ever-increasing social and scientifc need for the tools that they were developing. From the notion of public-key cryptography, information security was born as a newdiscipline and it nowafects almost every aspect of life. As a consequence, information security, and even cryptology, is no longer the exclusive domain of research labo- ratories and the academic community. It frst moved to specialized consultancy frms, and from there on to the many places in the world that deal with sensitive or valuable data; for example the fnancial world, the health care sector, public institutions, nongovernmental agencies, human rights groups, and the entertainment industry. A rich stream of papers and many good books have been written on information security, but most of them assume a scholared reader who has the time to start at the beginning and work his way through the entire text. Te time has come to make important notions of cryptography accessible to readers who have an interest in a particular keyword related to computer security or cryptology, but who lack the time to study one of the many books on computer and information security or cryptology. At the end of 200I, the idea to write an easily accessible encyclopedia on cryptography and information security was proposed. Te goal was to make it possible to become familiar with a particular notion, but with minimal efort. Now, 4 years later, the project is fnished, thanks to the help of many contributors, people who are all very busy in their professional life. On behalf of the Advisory Board, I would like to thank each of those contributors for their work. I would also like to acknowledge the feedback and help given by Mihir Bellare, Ran Canetti, Oded Goldreich, Bill Heelan, Carl Pomerance, and Samuel S. Wagstaf, Jr. A person who was truly instrumental for the success of this project is Jennifer Evans at Springer Verlag. Her ideas and constant support are greatly appreciated. Great help has been given locally by Anita Klooster and Wil Kortsmit. Tank you very much, all of you. Henk C.A. van Tilborg Acknowledgments We would like to acknowledge several individuals who made this Encyclopedia possible. First and foremost, we would like to extend our sincerest thanks to the members of the editorial board and all the contributors for their hard work. Tanks are due to our publisher, Jennifer Evans, Editorial Director for Computer Sciences at Springer, for her enthusiasm and support for this project. We are grateful to Tina Shelton, our development editor at Springer, and her staf including Meetu Lall who assisted us with every aspect of preparing this Encyclopedia, from organizing the editorial workfow to dealing with editors and authors and various format-related issues in preparation of the fnal manuscript. Tank you very much, all of you. Henk C.A. van Tilborg, Sushil Jajodia Editors Eindhoven and Fairfax May 20II Editors Henk C.A. van Tilborg Department of Mathematics and Computing Science Eindhoven University of Technology Eindhoven Te Netherlands H.C.A.v.Tilborg, Henk C.A. van Tilborg is the Scientifc Director of the research school EIDMA (Euler Institute for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications) and the Eindhoven Institute for the Protection of Systems and Information EIPSI. He is a board member of WIC (Werkgemeenschap voor Informatie en Communicatietheorie). Dr. van Tilborg received his M.Sc. (I97I) and Ph.D. degree (I976) from the Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands. He was working as associate professor at the university, before he became a full professor in I992. During I986I992 he also served a part-time professorship at the Dutch Open University. He has also been a visiting professor at California Institute of Technology, the University of Pretoria and Macquarie University and visiting scientist at the IBM Almaden Research Center and Bell Laboratories. He has been involved in the organization of many international conferences. He was the program committee co-chair of ISIT-97 (IEEE International Symposium on Information Teory), Germany. He was Program Committee Member of WCCI999, WCC2003, WCC2003, WCC2007, and WCC2009 (Workshop on Coding theory and Cryptography). He has been the advisor of about 20 Ph.D. and 30 M.Sc. students in the area of coding theory and cryptography. Dr. van Tilborg has written three books, two on cryptology and one on coding theory. He is the (co-)author of more than I00 articles in leading journals and also holds two patents. He is the Associate editor of Designs, Codes and Cryp- tography and Journal of Combinatorics, Information & System Sciences. From April 2007December 2008 he was the Associate editor for the Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society. He is also the Advisory editor of Advances in Mathematics of Communications since I January 2007 and editor of the Asian-European Journal of Mathematics. Webpage: xii Editors Sushil Jajodia Center for Secure Information Systems George Mason University Fairfax, VA USA jajodia, Sushil Jajodia is University Professor, BDM International Professor, and the director of Center for Secure Information Systems in the Volgenau School of Engineering at the George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia. He served as the chair of the Department of Information and Sofware Engineering during I9982002. He joined Mason afer serving as the director of the Database and Expert Systems Program within the Division of Information, Robotics, and Intelligent Sys- tems at the National Science Foundation. Before that he was the head of the Database and Distributed Systems Section in the Computer Science and Systems Branch at the Naval Research Laboratory, Washington and Associate Professor of Computer Science and Director of Graduate Studies at the University of Missouri, Columbia. He has also been a visiting professor at the University of Milan, Italy; Sapienz University of Rome, Italy; Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge University, England; and Kings College,London, England. Dr. Jajodia receivedhis PhDfromthe University of Oregon, Eugene. Te scope of his current researchinterests encom- passes information secrecy, privacy, integrity, and availability problems in military, civil, and commercial sectors. He has authored six books, edited thirty sevenbooks and conference proceedings, and published more than 400 technical papers inthe refereed journals and conference proceedings. He is also a holder of eight patents and has several patent applications pending. He received the I996 IFIP TC II Kristian Beckman award, 2000 Volgenau School of Engineering Outstanding Research Faculty Award and 2008 ACM SIGSAC Outstanding Contributions Award, and 20II IFIP WG II.3 Outstand- ing Research Contributions Award. He was recognized for the most accepted papers at the 30th anniversary of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy. His h-index is 70 and Erdos number is 2. Dr. Jajodia has served in diferent capacities for various journals and conferences. He serves on the editorial boards of IET Information Security, International Journal of Information and Computer Security, and International Journal of Information Security and Privacy. He was the founding editor-in-chief of the Journal of Computer Security (I992 20I0) and a past editor of ACM Transactions on Information and Systems Security (I9992006) and IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. He is the consulting editor of the Springer International Series on Advances in Information Security. He has been named a Golden Core member for his service to the IEEE Computer Society, and received International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Silver Core Award in recognition of outstanding services to IFIP in 200I. He is a past chair of the ACM Special Interest Group on Security, Audit, and Control (SIGSAC), IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Data Engineering, and IFIP WGII.3 on Systems Integrity and Control. He is a senior member of the IEEE and a member of IEEE Computer Society and Association for Computing Machinery. Webpage: Editorial Board Carlisle Adams School of Information Technology and Engineering (SITE) University of Ottawa Ottawa Ontario Canada Friedrich L. Bauer Kottgeisering Germany Gerrit Bleumer Research and Development Francotyp Group Birkenwerder bei Berlin Germany Dan Boneh Department of Computer Science Stanford Univeristy Stanford, CA USA Pascale Charpin INRIA Rocquencourt Le Chesnay Cedex France Claude Crpeau School of Computer Science McGill University Montreal Quebec Canada Ernesto Damiani Dipartimento di Tecnologie dellInformazione (DTI) Universit degli Studi di Milano Crema (CR) Italy Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati DTI-Dipartimento di Tecnologie dellInformazione Universit degli Studi di Milano Crema Italy Marijke De Soete SecurityBiz Oostkamp Belgium Yvo Desmedt Department of Computer Science University College London London United Kingdom Somesh Jha Department of Computer Science University of Wisconsin Madison, WI USA Gregory Kabatiansky Dobrushin Mathematical Lab Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS Moscow Russia xiv Editorial Board Angelos Keromytis Department of Computer Science Columbia University New York, NY USA Tanja Lange Coding Theory and Cryptology, Eindhoven Institute for the Protection of Systems and Information, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Eindhoven The Netherlands Catherine Meadows U.S. Naval Research Laboratory Washington, DC USA, Alfred Menezes Department of Combinatorics and Optimization University of Waterloo Waterloo Ontario Canada David Naccache Dpartement dinformatique, Groupe de cryptographie cole normale suprieure Paris France Sukumaran Nair Department of Computer Science and Engineering Bobby B. Lyle School of Engineering Southern Methodist University Dallas USA Peng Ning Department of Computer Science North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC USA Christof Paar Horst Gortz Institute for IT Security, Chair for Embedded Security Ruhr-Universitatet Bochum Bochum Germany Stefano Paraboschi Dipartimento di Ingegneria dellInformazione e Metodi Matematici Universit degli Studi di Bergamo Dalmine, BG Italy Vincenzo Piuri Dipartimento di Tecnologie dellInformazione Universita degli Studi di Milano Crema (CR) Italy Bart Preneel Department of Electrical Engineering-ESAT/COSIC Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and IBBT Leuven-Heverlee Belgium Jean-Jacques Quisquater Microelectronics Laboratory Universit catholique de Louvain Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium Kazue Sako NEC Kawasaki Japan Pierangela Samarati Dipartimento di Tecnologie dellInformazione Universit degli Studi di Milano Crema Italy Editorial Board xv Berry Schoenmakers Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Eindhoven The Netherlands Sean W. Smith Department of Computer Science Dartmouth College Hanover, NH USA Angelos Stavrou Computer Science Department School Information Technology and Engineering George Mason University Fairfax, VA USA Patrick Traynor School of Computer Science Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA USA Sencun Zhu Department of Computer Science and Engineering Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA USA szhu@cse.psu.ed List of Contributors SAEEDABU-NIMEH Damballa |nc. Atlanta, GA USA NABIL ADAM Department of Management Sclence and |nformatlon Systems, C|M|C Putgers, The State Unlverslty of New 1ersey Newark, N1 USA CARLISLE ADAMS School of |nformatlon Technology and Lnglneerlng (S|TL) Unlverslty of Ottawa Ottawa, Ontarlo Canada MALEK ADJOUADI Department of Llectrlcal and Computer Lnglneerlng Plorlda |nternatlonal Unlverslty Mlaml Plorlda CHARUC. AGGARWAL |8MT. 1. watson Pesearch Center Hawthorne, N USA VIJAY ALTURI Management Sclence and |nformatlon Systems Department Center for |nformatlon Management, |ntegratlon and Connectlvlty Putgers Unlverslty Newark, N1 USA JIMALVES-FOSS Department of Computer Sclence Unlverslty of |daho Moscow, |D USA CLAUDIOA. ARDAGNA Dlpartlmento dl Tecnologle dell|nformazlone (DT|) Unlverslta degll Studl dl Mllano Crema (CP) |taly ROBERTO AVANZI Puhr-Unlversltat 8ochum 8ochum Germany GILDAS AVOINE Unlverslte cathollque de Louvaln Louvaln-la-Neuve 8elglum ALI BAGHERZANDI Donald 8ren School of Computer Sclence Unlverslty of Callfornla |rvlne, CA USA SUMANBANERJEE Department of Computer Sclences Unlverslty of wlsconsln at Madlson Madlson, w| USA ALEXANDER BARG Department of Llectrlcal and Computer Lnglneerlng Unlverslty of Maryland College Park, MD USA xvlll Llst of Contrlbutors PAULOS. L. M. BARRETO Department of Computer and Dlgltal Systems Lnglneerlng (PCS) Lscola Polltecnlca Unlverslty of Sao Paulo (USP) Sao Paulo 8razll FRIEDRICH L. BAUER Kottgelserlng Germany HOMAYOONBEIGI Pesearch Pecognltlon Technologles, |nc. orktown Helghts, N USA DAVIDELLIOTT BELL Peston vA USA STEVEN M. BELLOVIN Department of Computer Sclence Columbla Unlverslty New ork, N USA OLIVIER BENOT |ngenlco Peglon de Salnt-Ltlenne Prance DANIEL J. BERNSTEIN Department of Computer Sclence Unlverslty of |lllnols at Chlcago Chlcago, |lllnols USA CLAUDIOBETTINI Dlpartlmento dl |nformatlca e Comunlcazlone (D|Co) Unlverslta degll Studl dl Mllano Mllano |taly BIR BHANU Center for Pesearch ln |ntelllgent Systems Unlverslty of Callfornla Plverslde, CA USA KAIGUI BIAN Department of Llectrlcal and Computer Lnglneerlng vlrglnla Tech 8lacksburg, vA USA FRDRIQUE BIENNIER L|LSP |NSA de Lyon vllleurbanne Prance ELI BIHAM Department of Computer Sclence Technlon |srael |nstltute of Technology Halfa |srael ALEX BIRYUKOV PDLP, Campus Llmpertsberg Unlverslty of Luxembourg Luxembourg JOACHIMBISKUP Pakultat fur |nformatlk Technlsche Unlversltat Dortmund Dortmund Germany SOMA BISWAS Department of Llectrlcal and Computer Lnglneerlng Center for Automatlon Pesearch Unlverslty of Maryland College Park, MD USA J. BLACK Department of Computer Sclence 8oulder, CO USA Llst of Contrlbutors xlx G. R. BLAKLEY Department of Mathematlcs Texas A&M Unlverslty TX USA GERRIT BLEUMER Pesearch and Development Prancotyp Group 8lrkenwerder bel 8erlln Germany CARLOBLUNDO Dlpartlmento dl |nformatlca ed Appllcazlonl Unlverslta dl Salerno Plsclano (SA) |taly PIEROA. BONATTI Dlpartlmento dl Sclenze Plslche Unlverslta dl Napoll Pederlco || Napoll |taly DANBONEH Department of Computer Sclence Stanford Unlverlsty Stanford, CA USA ANTOONBOSSELAERS Department of Llectrlcal Lnglneerlng Katholleke Unlversltelt Leuven Leuven-Heverlee 8elglum LUC BOUGANIM |NP|A Pocquencourt Le Chesnay Prance BRIANM. BOWEN Department of Computer Sclence Columbla Unlverslty New ork, N USA GILLES BRASSARD Department |PO Unlverslte de Montreal Montreal, Quebec Canada VLADIMIR BRIK Department of Computer Sclences Unlverslty of wlsconsln at Madlson Madlson, w| USA GERALDBROSE HPL Softwaretechnlk GmbH 8onn Germany DAVIDBRUMLEY Llectrlcal and Computer Lnglneerlng Department Department of Computer Sclence Carnegle Mellon Unlverslty Plttsburgh, PA USA MARCOBUCCI Pondazlone Ugo 8ardonl Poma |taly MIKE BURMESTER Department of Computer Sclence Plorlda State Unlverslty Tallahassee, PL USA LAURENT BUSSARD Luropean Mlcrosoft |nnovatlon Center Aachen Germany CHRISTIANCACHIN |8MPesearch - Zurlch Puschllkon Swltzerland xx Llst of Contrlbutors TOMCADDY |nfoGard Laboratorles San Luls Oblspo, CA USA JONCALLAS PGP Corporatlon Menlo park, CA USA ALESSANDROCAMPI Dlpartlmento dl Llettronlca e |nformazlone Polltecnlco dl Mllano Mllano |taly PATRIZIO CAMPISI Department of Applled Llectronlcs Unlverslta degll Studl Poma TPL Pome |taly RANCANETTI The 8lavatnlk School of Computer Sclences Tel Avlv Unlverslty Pamat Avlv, Tel Avlv |srael HAKKI C. CANKAYA Department of Computer Lnglneerlng |zmlr Unlverslty of Lconomlcs |zmlr Turkey EBRU CELIKEL CANKAYA Department of Computer Sclence and Lnglneerlng Unlverslty of North Texas Denton, TX USA CHRISTOPHE DE CANNIRE Department of Llectrlcal Lnglneerlng Katholleke Unlversltelt Leuven Leuven-Heverlee 8elglum ANNE CANTEAUT Pro[ect-Team SLCPLT |NP|A Parls-Pocquencourt Le Chesnay Prance GUOHONGCAO Moblle Computlng and Networklng (MCN) Lab Department of Computer Sclence and Lnglneerlng The Pennsylvanla State Unlverslty Unlverslty Park, PA USA SRDJANCAPKUN System Securlty Group Department of Computer Sclence LTH Zurlch Zurlch Swltzerland CLAUDE CARLET Departement de mathematlques and LAGA Unlverslte Parls 8 Salnt-Denls Cedex Prance WILLIAMD. CASPER Hlgh Assurance Computlng and Networklng Labs (HACNet) Department of Computer Sclence and Lnglneerlng 8obby 8. Lyle School of Lnglneerlng Southern Methodlst Unlverslty Houston, TX USA ANNCAVOUKIAN |nformatlon and Prlvacy Commlssloners Oce of Ontarlo Toronto, ON Canada DAVIDCHALLENER Applled Physlcs Laboratory 1ohns Hopklns Unlverslty Laurel, MD USA Llst of Contrlbutors xxl PASCALE CHARPIN |NP|A Pocquencourt Le Chesnay Cedex Prance RAMA CHELLAPPA Center for Automatlon Pesearch Department of Llectrlcal and Computer Lnglneerlng Unlverslty of Maryland College Park, MD USA BEE-CHUNGCHEN ahoo! Pesearch Mountaln vlew, CA USA YUCHEN Department of Llectrlcal and Computer Lnglneerlng Plorlda |nternatlonal Unlverslty Mlaml Plorlda CHEN-MOUCHENG Department of Llectrlcal Lnglneerlng Natlonal Talwan Unlverslty Talpel Talwan YOUNGB. CHOI Department of Natural Sclence, Mathematlcs and Technology School of Undergraduate Studles Pegent Unlverslty vlrglnla 8each, vA USA HAMIDCHOUKRI Gemalto Compagny MIHAI CHRISTODORESCU |8MT.1. watson Pesearch Center Hawthorne, N USA STELVIOCIMATO Department of |nformatlon Technologles Unlverslta degll Studl dl Mllano Crema (CP) |taly ANDREWCLARK |nformatlon Securlty |nstltute Queensland Unlverslty of Technology 8rlsbane Queensland Australla DANNY DE COCK Department of Llectrlcal Lnglneerlng-LSAT/COS|C K.U. Leuven and |88T Leuven-Heverlee 8elglum SCOTT CONTINI Sllverbrook Pesearch New South wales Australla DEBBIE COOK Telcordla Applled Pesearch Plscataway New 1ersey USA SCOTT E. COULL Ped1ack, LLC. Sllver Sprlng, MD USA CLAUDE CRPEAU School of Computer Sclence McGlll Unlverslty Montreal, Quebec Canada LORRIE FAITHCRANOR School of Computer Sclence Carnegle Mellon Unlverslty Plttsburg, PA USA xxll Llst of Contrlbutors ERIC CRONIN C|S Department Unlverslty of Pennsylvanla Phlladelphla, PA USA SCOTT CROSBY Department of Computer Sclence Plce Unlverslty Houston, TX USA MARY J. CULNAN |nformatlon and Process Management Department 8entley Unlverslty waltham, MA USA FRDRIC CUPPENS LUSS| Department TLLLCOM 8retagne Cesson Sevlgne CLDLX Prance NORA CUPPENS-BOULAHIA LUSS| Department TLLLCOM 8retagne Cesson Sevlgne CLDLX Prance REZA CURTMOLA Department of Computer Sclence New 1ersey |nstltute of Technology (N1|T) Newark, N1 USA ITALODACOSTA Department of Computer Sclences Georgla |nstltute of Technology Parls, Atlanta USA JOANDAEMEN STMlcroelectronlcs Zaventem 8elglum ERNESTO DAMIANI Dlpartlmento dl Tecnologle dell|nformazlone (DT|) Unlverslta degll Studl dl Mllano Crema (CP) |talla SABRINA DE CAPITANI DI VIMERCATI Dlpartlmento dl Tecnologle dell|nformazlone (DT|) Unlverslta degll Studl dl Mllano Crema (CP) |taly MARIJKE DE SOETE Securlty48lz Oostkamp 8elglum ALEXANDER W. DENT |nformatlon Securlty Group Poyal Holloway Unlverslty of London Lgham, Surrey UK YVO DESMEDT Department of Computer Sclence Unlverslty College London London UK YEVGENIY DODIS Department of Computer Sclence New ork Unlverslty New ork USA JOSEP DOMINGO-FERRER Department of Computer Lnglneerlng and Mathematlcs Unlversltat Povlra l vlrglll Tarragona Catalonla JING DONG Department of Computer Sclence Purdue Unlverslty west Lafayette, |N USA Llst of Contrlbutors xxlll GLENN DURFEE San Pranclsco, CA USA CYNTHIA DWORK Mlcrosoft Pesearch, Slllcon valley Mountaln vlew, CA USA WESLEY EDDY verlzon/NASA Glenn Pesearch Center Cleveland, Ohlo USA THOMAS EISENBARTH Department of Mathematlcal Sclences Plorlda Atlantlc Unlverslty CARL M. ELLISON New ork, USA WILLIAMENCK Department of Computer Sclence and Lnglneerlng The Pennsylvanla State Unlverslty Unlverslty Park, PA USA PAUL ENGLAND Mlcrosoft Corporatlon Pedmond, wA USA AARONESTES Department of Computer Sclence and Lnglneerlng, Lyle School of Lnglneerlng Southern Methodlst Unlverslty Dallas, TX USA MARTINEVISON Porenslc Sclence Program Unlverslty of Toronto Mlsslssauga, ON Canada SERGE FENET L|P|S UMP 5205 Unlverslte Claude 8ernard Lyon ! vllleurbanne cedex Prance DAVIDFERRAIOLO Natlonal |nstltute of Standards and Technology Galthersburg, MD USA MATTHIEU FINIASZ LNSTA Prance CAROLINE FONTAINE Lab-ST|CC/C|D and Telecom 8retagne/|T| CNPS/Lab-ST|CC/C|D and Telecom 8retagne 8rest Cedex 3 Prance SARAFORESTI Dlpartlmento dl Tecnologle dell|nformazlone (DT|) Unlverslta degll Studl dl Mllano Crema (CP) |taly DARIOV. FORTE Pounder and CLO DPLabs Crema/CP |taly and Unlverslty of Mllano Crema |taly MATTHEWK. FRANKLIN Computer Sclence Department Unlverslty of Callfornla Davls, CA USA xxlv Llst of Contrlbutors KEITH B. FRIKKEN Department of Computer Sclence and Software Lnglneerlng Mlaml Unlverslty Oxford, OH USA TIME. GNEYSU Department of Llectrlcal Lnglneerlng and |nformatlon Technology Puhr-Unlverslty 8ochum 8ochum Germany ERNST M. GABIDULIN Department of Padlo Lnglneerlng Moscow |nstltute of Physlcs and Technology (State Unlverslty) Dolgoprudny, Moscow reglon Pussla ALBANGABILLON Laboratolre Gepasud Unlverslte de la Polynesle Pranalse Tahltl Prench Polynesla PHILIPPE GABORIT XL|M-DM| Unlverslty of Llmoges Prance MARTIN GAGN Department of Computer Sclence Unlverslty of Calgary Calgary Canada VINODGANAPATHY Department of Computer Sclence Putgers, The State Unlverslty of New 1ersey Plscataway, N1 USA PIERRICK GAUDRY CNPS |NP|A Nancy Unlverslte vandoeuvre-les-Nancy Prance JOHANNES GEHRKE Department of Computer Sclence Cornell Unlverslty |thaca, N USA DANGORDON |DA Center for Communlcatlons Pesearch San Dlego, CA USA ELISA GORLA Department of Mathematlcs Unlverslty of 8asel 8asel Swltzerland LOUIS GOUBIN versallles St-Quentln-en-vellnes Unlverslty Prance VENU GOVINDARAJU Center for Unled 8lometrlcs and Sensors (CU8S) Unlverslty at 8ualo (SUN 8ualo) Amherst, N USA TYRONE GRANDISON |ntelllgent |nformatlon Systems |8M Servlces Pesearch Hawthorne, N USA MARCOGRUTESER wlreless |nformatlon Network Laboratory Department of Llectrlcal and Computer Lnglneerlng Putgers Unlverslty North 8runswlck, N1 USA GUOFEI GU Department of Computer Sclence and Lnglneerlng Texas A&M Unlverslty College Statlon, TX USA Llst of Contrlbutors xxv QIJUN GU Department of Computer Sclence Texas State Unlverslty-San Marcos San Marcos, Texas USA JORGE GUAJARDO 8osch Pesearch and Technology Center North Amerlca Plttsburgh USA YANLI GUO |NP|A Pocquencourt Le Chesnay Prance STUART HABER HP Labs Prlnceton New 1ersey USA HAKANHACIGIM S NLC Pesearch Labs Cupertlno, CA USA HELENA HANDSCHUH Computer Securlty and |ndustrlal Cryptography Pesearch Group Katholleke Unlversltelt Leuven Leuven - Heverlee 8elglum DARREL HANKERSON Department of Mathematlcs Auburn Unlverslty Auburn, AL USA CLEMENS HEINRICH Prancotyp-Postalla GmbH 8lrkenwerder Germany TOR HELLESETH The Selmer Center Department of |nformatlcs Unlverslty of 8ergen 8ergen Norway NADIA HENINGER Department of Computer Sclence Prlnceton Unlverslty USA JEFF HOFFSTEIN Mathematlcs Department 8rown Unlverslty Provldence, P| USA BIJIT HORE Donald 8ren School of Computer Sclence Unlverslty of Callfornla |rvlne, CA USA DWIGHT HORNE Department of Computer Sclence and Lnglneerlng Southern Methodlst Unlverslty Dallas, TX USA RUSS HOUSLEY vlgll Securlty, LLC Herndon, vA USA JEAN-PIERRE HUBAUX School of Computer and Communlcatlon Sclences Lcole Polytechnlque Pederale de Lausanne Lausanne Swltzerland MICHAEL T. HUNTER School of Computer Sclence Georgla |nstltute of Technology Atlanta, GA USA xxvl Llst of Contrlbutors MICHAEL HUTH Department of Computlng |mperlal College London London UK SANGWONHYUN Department of Computer Sclence North Carollna State Unlverslty Palelgh, NC USA HIDEKI IMAI Chuo Unlverslty 8unkyo-ku Tokyo 1apan SEBASTIAANINDESTEEGE Department of Llectrlcal Lnglneerlng-LSAT/COS|C Katholleke Unlversltelt Leuven and |88T Leuven-Heverlee 8elglum JOHNIOANNIDIS Google, |nc. New ork, N USA ARUN IYENGAR |8M Pesearch Dlvlslon Thomas 1. watson Pesearch Center orktown Helghts, N USA COLLINJACKSON CyLab, Department of Llectrlcal and Computer Lnglneerlng Carnegle Mellon Unlverslty Moett Pleld, CA USA TRENT JAEGER Systems and |nternet |nfrastructure Securlty Lab Pennsylvanla State Unlverslty Unlverslty Park, PA USA GOCE JAKIMOSKI Llectrlcal and Computer Lnglneerlng Stevens |nstltute of Technology Hoboken, N1 USA MARTIN JOHNS SAP Pesearch CLC Karlsruhe SAP AG D-/6!3! Karlsruhe Germany ANTOINE JOUX Laboratolre Prlsm Unlverslte de versallles Salnt-Quentln-en-vellnes versallles Cedex Prance MARC JOYE Technlcolor Securlty & Content Protectlon Labs Cesson-Sevlgne Cedex Prance MIKE JUST Glasgow Caledonlan Unlverslty Glasgow, Scotland UK STEFANKPSELL |nstltute of Systems Archltecture Department of Computer Sclence Technlsche Unlversltat Dresden Germany GREGORY KABATIANSKY Dobrushln Mathematlcal Lab |nstltute for |nformatlon Transmlsslon Problems PAS Moscow Pussla BURT KALISKI Oce of the CTO LMC Corporatlon Hopklnton, MA USA Llst of Contrlbutors xxvll BRENT BYUNGHOONKANG Department of Applled |nformatlon Technology and Centre for Secure |nformatlon Systems The volgenau School of Lnglneerlng George Mason Unlverslty Palrfax, vA USA VIVEK KANHANGAD 8lometrlcs Pesearch Centre Department of Computlng The Hong Kong Polytechnlc Unlverslty Hung Hom Kowloon Hong Kong TIMOKASPER Horst Grst |nstltute for |T Securlty Puhr Unlverslty 8ochum STEFANKATZENBEISSER Securlty Lnglneerlng Group Technlsche Unlversltat Darmstadt Darmstadt Germany ANGELOS D. KEROMYTIS Department of Computer Sclence Columbla Unlverslty New ork, N USA GEORGE KESIDIS Computer Sclence & Lnglneerlng and Llectrlcal Lnglneerlng Departments Pennsylvanla State Unlverslty Unlverslty Park, PA USA AGGELOS KIAYIAS Department of Computer Sclence Lnglneerlng Unlverslty of Connectlcut Storrs, CT USA DANIEL KIFER Department of Computer Sclence and Lnglneerlng Penn State Unlverslty Unlverslty Park, PA USA JOHANNES KINDER Pormal Methods ln Systems Lnglneerlng Technlsche Unlversltat Darmstadt Darmstadt Germany ENGINKIRDA |nstltut Lurecom Sophla Antlpolls Prance AMIT KLEIN Trusteer Tel Avlv |srael LARS R. KNUDSEN Department of Mathematlcs Technlcal Unlverslty of Denmark Lyngby Denmark CETIN KAYA KO College of Lnglneerlng and Natural Sclences |stanbul Sehlr Unlverslty Uskudar |stanbul Turkey FRANOIS KOEUNE Mlcroelectronlcs Laboratory Unlverslte cathollque de Louvaln Louvaln-la-Neuve 8elglum HUGO KRAWCZYK |8MT.1. watson Pesearch Center N USA xxvlll Llst of Contrlbutors ALEXANDER KRUPPA Pro[et CACAO LOP|A vlllers-les-Nancy Cedex Prance KRZYSZTOF KRYSZCZUK |8M Zurlch Pesearch Laboratory (DT|) Lausanne Swltzerland MARKUS KUHN Computer Laboratory Unlverslty of Cambrldge Cambrldge UK KAORUKUROSAWA Department of Computer and |nformatlon Sclences |barakl Unlverslty Hltachl-shl 1apan RUGGERO DONIDA LABATI Dlpartlmento dl Tecnologle dell|nformazlone Unlverslta degll Studl dl Mllano Crema (CP) |taly PETER LANDROCK Cryptomathlc UK JEAN-LOUIS LANET XL|M, Department of Mathematlcs and Computer Sclence Unlverslty of Llmoges Llmoges Prance TANJA LANGE Codlng Theory and Cryptology Llndhoven |nstltute for the Protectlon of Systems and |nformatlon Department of Mathematlcs and Computer Sclence Technlsche Unlversltelt Llndhoven Llndhoven The Netherlands GREGOR LEANDER Department of Mathematlcs Technlcal Unlverslty of Denmark Lyngby Denmark ADAMJ. LEE Department of Computer Sclence Unlverslty of Plttsburgh Plttsburgh, PA USA ELISABETH DE LEEUW Slemens |T Solutlons and Servlces 8.v. Zoetermeer The Netherlands KRISTEN LEFEVRE Department of Llectrlcal Lnglneerlng and Computer Sclence Unlverslty of Mlchlgan Ann Arbor, M| USA ARJEN K. LENSTRA Laboratory for cryptologlc algorlthms - LACAL School of Computer and Communlcatlon Sclences Lcole Polytechnlque Pederale de Lausanne Swltzerland REYNALDLERCIER |nstltut de recherche mathematlque de Pennes Unlverslte de Pennes ! Pennes Cedex Prance PAUL LEYLAND 8rnlkat Llmlted Llttle Shelford Cambrldge UK STANZ. LI Center for 8lometrlcs and Securlty Pesearch |nstltute of Automatlon Chlnese Academy of Sclences 8el[lng Publlc Pepubllc of Chlna Llst of Contrlbutors xxlx NINGHUI LI Department of Computer Sclence Purdue Unlverslty west Lafayette, |ndlana USA MINGLI Department of Llectrlcal and Computer Lnglneerlng worcester Polytechnlc |nstltute worcester, MA USA BENOT LIBERT Mlcroelectronlcs Laboratory Unlverslte cathollque de Louvaln Louvaln-la-Neuve 8elglum MYEONGL. LIM Department of Applled |nformatlon Technology and Centre for Secure |nformatlon Systems The volgenau School of Lnglneerlng George Mason Unlverslty Palrfax, vA USA SHINYOUNGLIM School of Health and Pehabllltatlon Servlces Unlverslty of Plttsburgh Plttsburgh, PA USA MOSES LISKOV Department of Computer Sclence The College of wllllam and Mary wllllamsburg, vA USA DONGGANG LIU Department of Computer Sclence and Lnglneerlng The Unlverslty of Texas at Arllngton Arllngton, Texas USA ZONGYI LIU Seattle, wA USA GIOVANNI LIVRAGA Dlpartlmento dl Tecnologle dell|nformazlone (DT|) Unlverslta degll Studl dl Mllano Crema (CP) |taly STEVE LLOYD Sphyrna Securlty |ncorporated Steve Lloyd Consultlng |nc. Ottawa, ON Canada MICHAEL E. LOCASTO Department of Computer Sclence George Mason Unlverslty Palrfax, vA USA WENJING LOU wlreless Networklng and Securlty Department of Llectrlcal and Computer Lnglneerlng worcester Polytechnlc |nstltute worcester, MA USA HAIBINGLU Department of Management Sclence and |nformatlon Systems, C|M|C Putgers, The State Unlverslty of New 1ersey Newark, N1 USA BODOMLLER Google Swltzerland GmbH Zurlch Swltzerland ASHWINMACHANAVAJJHALA ahoo! Pesearch Santa Clara, CA USA EMANUELE MAIORANA Department of Applled Llectronlcs Unlverslta degll Studl Poma TPL Pome |taly xxx Llst of Contrlbutors HEIKOMANTEL Department of Computer Sclence TU Darmstadt Darmstadt Germany DAVIDE MARTINENGHI Dlpartlmento dl Llettronlca e |nformazlone Polltecnlco dl Mllano Mllano |taly HENRI MASSIAS Unlverslty of Llmoges Prance LEE D. MCFEARIN Department of Computer Sclence and Lnglneerlng Southern Methodlst Unlverslty Dallas, TX USA DAVIDMCGREW Poolesvllle, MD USA CATHERINE MEADOWS U.S. Naval Pesearch Laboratory washlngton, DC USA SHARADMEHROTRA Donald 8ren School of Computer Sclence Unlverslty of Callfornla |rvlne, CA USA ALFRED MENEZES Department of Comblnatorlcs and Optlmlzatlon Unlverslty of waterloo waterloo, Ontarlo Canada DANIELE MICCIANCIO Department of Computer Sclence & Lnglneerlng Unlverslty of Callfornla San Dlego, CA USA EVANGELIA MICHELI-TZANAKOU Department of 8lomedlcal Lnglneerlng Putgers - The State Unlverslty of New 1ersey Plscataway, N1 USA JONATHANK. MILLEN The M|TPL Corporatlon 8edford, MA USA JELENA MIRKOVIC |nformatlon Sclences |nstltute Unlverslty of Southern Callfornla Marlna del Pey, CA USA FRANOIS MORAIN Laboratolre dlnformatlque (L|X) Lcole polytechnlque Palalseau Cedex Prance THOMAS MORRIS Department of Llectrlcal and Computer Lnglneerlng Mlsslsslppl State Unlverslty Mlsslsslppl State, MS USA HAROLDMOUCHRE Polytech Nantes Unlverslte de Nantes, |PCCyN Nantes Prance NICKY MOUHA Department of Llectrlcal Lnglneerlng Katholleke Unlversltelt Leuven Leuven-Heverlee 8elglum DAVIDNACCACHE Departement dlnformatlque, Groupe de cryptographle Lcole normale superleure Parls Prance Llst of Contrlbutors xxxl DANIEL NAGY Department of Computer Sclence LLTLCPPT Pesearch Group Ltvs Lorand Unlverslty 8udapest Hungary PADMARAJ M. V. NAIR Department of Computer Sclence and Lnglneerlng School of Lnglneerlng Southern Methodlst Unlverslty Dallas, TX USA DALIT NAOR Department of Computer Sclence and Applled Mathematlcs welzmann |nstltute of Sclence Pehovot |srael GEORGE NECULA Llectrlcal Lnglneerlng and Computer Sclence Unlverslty of Callfornla 8erkeley, CA USA ALESSANDRONERI Department of Applled Llectronlcs Unlverslta degll Studl Poma TPL Pome |taly KIMNGUYEN 8undesdruckerel GmbH 8erlln Germany PHONGNGUYEN Departement dlnformatlque Lcole normale superleure Parls, Cedex 05 Prance PENG NING Department of Computer Sclence North Carollna State Unlverslty Palelgh, NC USA CRISTINA NITA-ROTARU Department of Computer Sclence Purdue Unlverslty west Lafayette, |N USA ANITA OCHIEANO vlsa |nternatlonal Poster Clty, CA USA TAE OH School of |nformatlcs Pochester |nstltute of Technology Pochester, N USA FRANCIS OLIVIER Department of Securlty Technology Gemplus Card |nternatlonal Prance ARKADIUSZ OROWSKI |nstltute of Physlcs Pollsh Academy of Sclences warsaw Poland and Department of |nformatlcs wULS - SGGw warsaw Poland ALESSANDROORSO College of Computlng - School of Computer Sclence Georgla |nstltute of Technology Atlanta, GA USA AKIRA OTSUKA Pesearch Center for |nformatlon Securlty Natlonal |nstltute of Advanced |ndustrlal Sclence and Technology Tokyo 1apan xxxll Llst of Contrlbutors CHRISTOF PAAR Lehrstuhl Lmbedded Securlty, Gebaeude |C 4/!32 Puhr-Unlversltaet 8ochum 8ochum Germany PASCAL PAILLIER CryptoLxperts Parls Prance STEPHEN M. PAPA Hlgh Assurance Computlng and Networklng Labs (HACNet) Department of Computer Sclence and Lnglneerlng 8obby 8. Lyle School of Lnglneerlng Southern Methodlst Unlverslty Houston, TX USA PANOS PAPADIMITRATOS School of Computer and Communlcatlon Sclences Lcole Polytechnlque Pederale de Lausanne, Lausanne Swltzerland STEFANOPARABOSCHI Dlpartlmento dl |ngegnerla dell|nformazlone e Metodl Matematlcl Unlverslta degll Studl dl 8ergamo Dalmlne, 8G |taly JUNG-MINJERRYPARK Department of Llectrlcal and Computer Lnglneerlng vlrglnla Tech 8lacksburg, vA USA JACQUES PATARIN versallles St-Quentln-en-vellnes Unlverslty Prance BRYAND. PAYNE |nformatlon Systems Analysls Sandla Natlonal Laboratorles Albuquerque, NM USA CLAUDE CRPEAU School of Computer Sclence McGlll Unlverslty Montreal, Quebec Canada TORBEN PEDERSEN Cryptomathlc rhus Denmark GERARDOPELOSI Dlpartlmento dl Llettronlca e |nformazlone (DL|) Polltecnlco dl Mllano Mllano |taly and Dlpartlmento dl |ngegnerla dell|nformazlone e Metodl Matematlcl (D||MM) Unlverslty of 8ergamo Dalmlne (8G) |taly GNTHER PERNUL LS fur wlrtschaftslnformatlk | -|nformatlonssysteme Unlversltat Pegensburg Pegensburg Germany CHRISTIANE PETERS Department of Mathematlcs and Computer Sclence Technlsche Unlversltelt Llndhoven The Netherlands CHRISTOPHE PETIT Mlcroelectronlcs Laboratory Unlverslte cathollque de Louvaln Louvaln-la-Neuve 8elglum FABIENA. P. PETITCOLAS Mlcrosoft Pesearch Cambrldge UK Llst of Contrlbutors xxxlll BENNY PINKAS Department of Computer Sclence Unlverslty of Halfa Halfa |srael KONSTANTINOS N. PLATANIOTIS The Ldward S Pogers Sr. Department of Llectrlcal & Computer Lnglneerlng and Knowledge Medla Deslgn |nstltute Unlverslty of Toronto Toronto, ON Canada ANGELIKA PLATE Dlrector, ALX|S Securlty Consultants 8onn Germany FERNANDO L. PODIO |TL Computer Securlty Dlvlslon/Systems and Lmerglng Technologles Securlty Pesearch Group Natlonal |nstltute of Standards and Technology (N|ST) Galthersburg, MD USA DAVIDPOINTCHEVAL Computer Sclence Department Lcole normale superleure Parls Prance MICHALIS POLYCHRONAKIS Department of Computer Sclence Network Securlty Lab Columbla Unlverslty New ork, N USA DENIS V. POPEL Algorlthms Pesearch Corporatlon Charlottesvllle, vA USA BART PRENEEL Department of Llectrlcal Lnglneerlng-LSAT/COS|C Katholleke Unlversltelt Leuven and |88T Leuven-Heverlee 8elglum NIELS PROVOS Google |NC Mountaln vlew, CA USA JEAN-JACQUES QUISQUATER Mlcroelectronlcs Laboratory Unlverslte cathollque de Louvaln Louvaln-la-Neuve 8elglum RADMILORACIC Department of Computer Sclence Unlverslty of Callfornla Davls, CA USA MOHAMEDOMAR RAYES Department of Computer Sclence and Lnglneerlng 8obby 8. Lyle School of Lnglneerlng Southern Methodlst Unlverslty Dallas, TX USA KUI REN Ublqultous Securlty & PrlvaCy Pesearch Laboratory (UblSeC Lab) Department of Llectrlcal and Computer Lnglneerlng |lllnols |nstltute of Technology Chlcago, |L USA JONAS RICHIARDI Lcole Polytechnlque Pederale de Lausanne LPPL - ST| |8| Lausanne Swltzerland xxxlv Llst of Contrlbutors MORITZ RIESNER Department of |nformatlon Systems Unlverslty of Pegensburg Pegensburg Germany VINCENT RIJMEN Department of Llectrlcal Lnglneerlng/LSAT Katholleke Unlversltelt Leuven Heverlee 8elglum RONALDL. RIVEST Department of Llectrlcal Lnglneerlng and Computer Sclence Massachusetts |nstltute of Technology Cambrldge, MA USA MATTHEWJ. B. ROBSHAW Orange Labs |ssy Moullneaux, Cedex 9 Prance ARNONROSENTHAL The M|TPL Corporatlon 8edford, MA USA ARUN ROSS Department of Computer Sclence and Llectrlcal Lnglneerlng west vlrglnla Unlverslty Morgantown, wv USA SCOTT A. ROTONDO Oracle Corporatlon Pedwood Shores, CA USA JUNGWOO RYOO Dlvlslon of 8uslness and Lnglneerlng Penn State Altoona Altoona, PA USA KAZUE SAKO NLC Kawasakl 1apan MALEK BEN SALEM Department of Computer Sclence Columbla Unlverslty New ork, N USA GUIDOSALVANESCHI Department of Llectronlc and |nformatlon Polytechnlc of Mllan Mllano |taly PAOLOSALVANESCHI Department of |nformatlon Technology and Mathematlcal Methods Unlverslty of 8ergamo Dalmlne, 8G |taly PIERANGELA SAMARATI Dlpartlmento dl Tecnologle dell|nformazlone (DT|) Unlverslta degll Studl dl Mllano Crema (CP) |taly DAVIDSAMYDE |ntel Corporatlon Santa Clara, CA USA SUDEEP SARKAR Computer Sclence and Lnglneerlng Unlverslty of South Plorlda Tampa, PL USA ROBERTO SASSI Department of |nformatlon Technologles Unlverslta degll Studl dl Mllano Crema (CP) |taly Llst of Contrlbutors xxxv BRUCE SCHNEIER 8T London UK BERRY SCHOENMAKERS Department of Mathematlcs and Computer Sclence Technlsche Unlversltelt Llndhoven Llndhoven The Netherlands MATTHIAS SCHUNTER |8MPesearch-Zurlch Puschllkon Swltzerland JRGSCHWENK Horst Grtz |nstltute for |T Securlty Puhr Unlverslty 8ochum 8ochum Germany EDWARDSCIORE Computer Sclence Department 8oston College Chestnut Hlll, MA USA FABIOSCOTTI Dlpartlmento dl Tecnologle dell|nformazlone Unlverslta degll Studl dl Mllano Crema (CP) |taly NICOLAS SENDRIER Pro[ect-Team SLCPLT |NP|A Parls-Pocquencourt Le Chesnay Prance EHAB AL- SHAER Cyber Defense and Network Assurablllty (CyberDNA) Center Department of Software and |nformatlon Systems College of Computlng and |nformatlcs Unlverslty of North Carollna Charlotte Charlotte, NC USA BASIT SHAFIQ C|M|C Putgers, The State Unlverslty of New 1ersey Newark, N1 USA ADI SHAMIR The Paul and Marlene 8orman Professor of Applled Mathematlcs welzmann |nstltute of Sclence Pehovot |srael MICAHSHERR Department of Computer Sclence Georgetown Unlverslty washlngton, DC USA IGOR SHPARLINSKI Department of Computlng Paculty of Sclence Macquarle Unlverslty Australla ROBERT SILVERMAN Chelmsford, MA USA RICHARDT. SIMON Harvard Medlcal School Center for 8lomedlcal |nformatlcs Cambrldge, MA USA GREG SINCLAIR The volgenau School of Lnglneerlng and |T Centre for Secure |nformatlon Systems George Mason Unlverslty Palrfax, vA USA GAUTAMSINGARAJU The volgenau School of Lnglneerlng and |T George Mason Unlverslty xxxvl Llst of Contrlbutors RADU SION Network Securlty and Applled Cryptography Lab Department of Computer Sclence Stony 8rook Unlverslty Stony 8rook, N USA BEN SMEETS Department of |nformatlon Technology Lund Unlverslty Lund Sweden SEANW. SMITH Department of Computer Sclence Dartmouth College Hanover, NH USA ALAN D. SMITH Department of Management and Marketlng Pobert Morrls Unlverslty Plttsburgh, PA USA JEROME A. SOLINAS Natlonal Securlty Agency Pt Meade, MD USA ANURAG SRIVASTAVA Department of Applled |nformatlon Technology and Centre for Secure |nformatlon Systems The volgenau School of Lnglneerlng George Mason Unlverslty Palrfax, vA USA MUDHAKAR SRIVATSA |8M Pesearch Dlvlslon Thomas 1. watson Pesearch Center orktown Helghts, N USA WILLIAMSTALLINGS 8rewster, MA USA FRANOIS-XAVIER STANDAERT Mlcroelectronlcs Laboratory Unlverslte Cathollque de Louvaln Louvaln-la-Neuve 8elglum ANGELOS STAVROU Computer Sclence Department School |nformatlon Technology and Lnglneerlng George Mason Unlverslty Palrfax, vA USA GRAHAMSTEEL Laboratolre Speclcatlon et verlcatlon |NP|A, CNPS & LNS Cachan Prance MARK STEPHENS SMU HACNet Labs School of Lnglneerlng Southern Methodlst Unlverslty Nacogdoches, TX USA ANTON STIGLIC |nstant Loglc Canada ALEX STOIANOV |nformatlon and Prlvacy Commlssloners Oce of Ontarlo Toronto, ON Canada SALVATORE J. STOLFO Department of Computer Sclence Columbla Unlverslty New ork, N USA SCOTT D. STOLLER Department of Computer Sclence Stony 8rook Unlverslty Stony 8rook, N USA Llst of Contrlbutors xxxvll NARY SUBRAMANIAN Department of Computer Sclence The Unlverslty of Texas at Tyler Tyler, TX USA KUNSUN |ntelllgent Automatlon, |nc. Pockvllle, MD USA BERK SUNAR Department of Llectrlcal and Computer Lnglneerlng worcester Polytechnlc |nstltute worcester, MA USA LAURENT SUSTEK |nslde Secure Prance Atmel Prance ANDREWBENG JINTEOH School of Llectrlcal and Llectronlc Lnglneerlng onsel Unlverslty Seodaemun-gu, Seoul Korea EDLYNTESKE Department of Comblnatorlcs and Optlmlzatlon Unlverslty of waterloo waterloo, Ontarlo Canada NICOLAS THRIAULT Departamento de Matematlca Unlversldad del 8io-8io Talca Chlle ACHINT THOMAS Center for Unled 8lometrlcs and Sensors (CU8S) Department of Computer Sclence and Lnglneerlng Unlverslty at 8ualo (SUN 8ualo), The State Unlverslty of New ork Amherst, N USA EMMANUEL THOME |NP|A Lorralne Campus Sclentlque v|LLLPS-LLS-NANC CLDLX Prance MITCHELL A. THORNTON Department of Computer Sclence and Lnglneerlng Department of Llectrlcal Lnglneerlng Lyle School of Lnglneerlng Southern Methodlst Unlverslty Dallas, TX USA MEHDI TIBOUCHI Laboratolre dlnformatlque de lLNS Lcole normale superleure Parls Prance KAR-ANN TOH School of Llectrlcal and Llectronlc Lnglneerlng onsel Unlverslty Seodaemun-gu, Seoul Korea ASSIA TRIA CLA-LLT| Prance ERANTROMER Computer Sclence and Artlclal |ntelllgence Laboratory Massachusetts |nstltute of Technology Cambrldge, MA USA SEANTURNER |LCA, |nc. Palrfax, vA USA SHAMBHUUPADHYAYA Department of Computer Sclence and Lnglneerlng Unlverslty at 8ualo The State Unlverslty of New ork 8ualo, N USA xxxvlll Llst of Contrlbutors SALIL VADHAN School of Lnglneerlng & Applled Sclences Harvard Unlverslty Cambrldge, MA USA JAIDEEP VAIDYA Department of Management Sclence and |nformatlon Systems, C|M|C Putgers, The State Unlverslty of New 1ersey Newark, N1 USA HENK C. A. VANTILBORG Department of Mathematlcs and Computlng Sclence Llndhoven Unlverslty of Technology Llndhoven The Netherlands MAYANKVARIA Computer Sclence and Artlclal |ntelllgence Laboratory (CSA|L) Massachusetts |nstltute of Technology Cambrldge, MA USA MARC VAUCLAIR 8U |dentlcatlon, Center of Competence Systems Securlty NXP Semlconductors Leuven 8elglum HELMUT VEITH |nstltute of |nformatlon Systems Technlsche Unlversltat wlen wlen Austrla V. N. VENKATAKRISHNAN Department of Computer Sclence Unlverslty of |lllnols at Chlcago Chlcago, |L USA CHRISTIANVIARD-GAUDIN Polytech Nantes Unlverslte de Nantes, |PCCyN Nantes Prance MARIONVIDEAU Unlverslte Henrl Polncare, Nancy !/LOP|A and ANSS| Parls Prance B. V. K. VIJAYAKUMAR Department of Llectrlcal and Computer Lnglneerlng Carnegle Mellon Unlverslty Plttsburgh, PA USA DANWALLACH Department of Computer Sclence Plce Unlverslty Houston, TX USA COLIND. WALTER |nformatlon Securlty Group Poyal Holloway Unlverslty of London Surrey UK XIAOFENG WANG School of |nformatlcs and Computlng |ndlana Unlverslty at 8loomlngton 8loomlngton, |N USA MICHAEL WARD Product Securlty Chlp Centre of Lxcellence MasterCard worldwlde waterloo 8elglum NICHOLAS C. WEAVER |nternatlonal Computer Sclence |nstltute 8erkeley, CA USA Llst of Contrlbutors xxxlx ANDR WEIMERSKIRCH escrypt |nc. Ann Arbor, M| USA WILLIAMWHYTE Securlty |nnovatlon wllmlngton, MA USA MICHAEL J. WIENER Molecular Physlology and 8lologlcal Physlcs Unlverslty of vlrglnla Charlottesvllle, vA USA JEFFREY J. WILEY Department of Computer Sclence and Lnglneerlng 8obby 8. Lyle School of Lnglneerlng Southern Methodlst Unlverslty Dallas, TX USA WILLIAME. WINKLER Statlstlcal Pesearch Dlvlslon U.S. 8ureau of the Census washlngton, DC USA BRIANWONGCHAOWART Department of Computer Sclence Unlverslty of Plttsburgh Plttsburgh, PA USA BRECHT WYSEUR Nagravlslon S.A. Kudelskl Group Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne Swltzerland XIAOKUI XIAO School of Computer Lnglneerlng Nanyang Technologlcal Unlverslty Slngapore WENYUAN XU Department of Computer Sclence and Lnglneerlng Unlverslty of South Carollna SC Columbla ATSUHIRO YAMAGISHI |T Securlty Center |nformatlon-Technology Promotlon Agency 8unkyo-ku, Tokyo 1apan YI YANG Department of Computer Sclence and Lnglneerlng Pennsylvanla State Unlverslty Unlverslty Park, PA USA BO-YINYANG Pesearch Pellow Nankang Talpel Talwan XIAOWEI YANG Department of Computer Sclence Duke Unlverslty Durham, NC USA QIUSHI YANG Department of Computer Sclence Unlverslty College London London UK YI YANG Department of Computer Sclence Pennsylvanla State Unlverslty Unlverslty Park, PA USA SVETLANA N. YANUSHKEVICH Department of Llectrlcal and Computer Lnglneerlng Schullch School of Lnglnerlng Unlverslty of Calgary Calgary, Alberta Canada xl Llst of Contrlbutors BULENT YENER Department of Computer Sclence Pensselaer Polytechnlc |nstltute Troy, N USA SACHIKOYOSHIHAMA |8M Pesearch-Tokyo amato, Kanagawa 1apan SHUCHENGYU Department of Llectrlcal and Computer Lnglneerlng worcester Polytechnlc |nstltute worcester, MA USA FENG YUE School of Computer Sclence and Technology Harbln |nstltute of Technology Harbln Chlna WENSHENG ZHANG Department of Computer Sclence College of Llberal Arts and Sclences |owa State Unlverslty Ames, |A USA DAVIDZHANG 8lometrlcs Pesearch Centre, Department of Computlng The Hong Kong Polytechnlc Unlverslty Hung Hom, Kowloon Hong Kong SENCUNZHU Department of Computer Sclence and Lnglneerlng Pennsylvanla State Unlverslty Unlverslty Park, PA USA ZHICHAOZHU Department of Computer Sclence and Lnglneerlng The Pennsylvanla State Unlverslty Unlverslty Park, PA USA PAUL ZIMMERMANN Team Caramel, 8atlment A LOP|A/|NP|A vlllers-les-Nancy Cedex Prance ROBERT ZUCCHERATO 9 Carle Crescent Ontarlo Canada WANGMENG ZUO School of Computer Sclence and Technology Harbln |nstltute of Technology Harbln Chlna MARY ELLENZURKO |8M Software Group Lotus Llve Securlty Archltecture and Strategy westford, MA USA
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