Desert Magazine 1946 November
Desert Magazine 1946 November
Desert Magazine 1946 November
Navajo raid on the Mexican settlement o\ Cubero, led by Manuelito, as envisioned by
Charles Keetsie Shirley, Navajo artist.
warriors. On the Rio Grande the Mexicans
cried when we stole their women and
burned their houses. I was among those
who attacked the supply trains coming to
Fort Defiance. And in the rocks behind
'*'•' " : * v my hogans are the scalps of the enemies I
have killed.
" 'Blood revenge for my nephews who
were killed near Wide Reeds, which the
Mexicans call Pueblo Colorado, has never
been taken. Women of my family are now
slaves weaving blankets for the Mexicans.
And in the last big ripening soldiers
burned my hogans and corn fields. With
you I have suffered!'
"With this the War Chiefs' faces grew
angry. A cloud passed between the sun and
the earth. As a misty red light came down
on the assembly a young warrior jumped
to the side of Nataleeth. With his bow in
his hand he stood there stripped and paint-
ed just as the warriors did before they at-
Hazarding an interruption I questioned,
Rock, three miles south of Fort Defiance. It was here in 1858 that Manuelito "Tell me something of this, Grandfather.
and his warriors attacked a wagon train supplying the fort. What did he look like?"
"All he wore was his breech clout. The
In the depths of the hogan the only light been for peace there would have been upper half of his face was painted white
came from two coals that gleamed like the digging-sticks, carrying-baskets and other while the lower was black. And across the
eyes of Nast/iii. the Wildcat. Shaking the domestic implements. front of his body were wide stripes of
turquoise in his buffalo-hide rattle, Nata- "Nataleeth lifted his hand as he rose to black, yellow and red. And on his feet
leeth, the medicineman-chief led the chant- speak, 'La, Brothers. It is seven seasons were moccasins painted black. And on the
ing from his seat on the westside of the since we held the Natch'it on the flats be- soles were painted snakes to give him the
chamber. low Tsegi'hotsosi, Thin Canyon, on the guile of that reptile.
"Against the north wall sat the aged and other side of Chinle. At this time the great "People whispered, ' 'Tis Naba jihlta,
fierce Yanbaa. the Woman Who Met the Nahabani, Man of War (now dead) called Warrior Grabbed Enemy.' This one who
Enemy. Beside this famed warrior were the us together to make war on the Mexicans was later known as Manuelito began to
six maidens who had returned with sacred and Bilakana (white) soldiers who were shout, 'We will stop this suffering. I, who
salt from Ashiih. And against the south building a fort at our sacred springs at was born in four days will lead the Navajo.
wall sat the chiefs and the six youths who Tsehootso. We will make war and drive these blue-
had accompanied the maidens." I was younger then. Agreeing to fol- eyed ones from Navajoland!'
"Between chants Natileeth instructed low the war trail I made medicine for the "Running around in circles the elo-
the girls and boys as to the significance of
their part in the ceremony, 'La! You have Fort Defiance today. It was founded in 1851 on the site of the sacred springs
been chosen from the best families of the known to the Navajo as Tsehootso. Meadow in the Rocks. It was their attack on
People. For eight nights you shall be told this fort ivhick eventually led to the complete subjugation of the Navajo.
the secrets of the Natch'it. the Powwow.
And on the ninth you shall dance for the
"Outside in the waning moonlight a
rose glow reached into the sky from the
fusing of a thousand fires. Awed and in-
tent the People listened to the faint sound
of the chanting. And even when the grey
announced the coming of dawn the Navajo
stood waiting to learn what the new day
would bring.
"When the sun reached five fingers
above the line made by the Tonitsa range,
Nataleeth opened the Assembly. Seated in
the center of the dance ground were the 24
chiefs of the tribe. On the north sat the
War Chiefs and on the south were the
Peace Chiefs.
"Lying between them was a pile of war
gear. There were bows and arrows, lances
with sharp metal points, shields with pic-
tures of lightning, rainbows, the sun and
other things. We knew then that the As-
sembly had been called for war. For had it
From this base camp in Palm wash m
the Borrego badlands, Henry Wilson
conducted many of his later-year
quests jor the Pegleg gold.
NOVEMBER, 1946 9
\ - ' % KOrocovo
^.""••^ i ^BOUNDARY—
spring in an almost inaccessible part of the has been coined into U. S. money, accord- Until this gold is rediscovered, if it ever
Santa Rosa mountains in 1920. It was good ing to good authority. In my opinion the is, the Pegleg deposit of black nuggets will
water which seeped from a wide ledge of story is in no sense a myth as in the case remain one of the unsolved mysteries of the
feldspar—the white ledge. of many of the lost bonanza tales. Southwest.
On one of the halfbreed's trips to the
desert he was met by Tom Cover, former
sheriff of Riverside county, who was hunt-
ing horse thieves. Cover and a friend
named Russell drove out to the desert some
SUNSETS Picture Contest
time after the halfbreed's death. At the Colorful sunsets are one of the many enchantments of the desert country.
place where they had seen the Indian they Often the cloud formations are so bizarre as to make excellent black and white
pictures—and those are the ones Desert Magazine is seeking for its November
separated, Russell driving the team to an prize contest.
appointed meeting place while Cover pro-
ceeded on foot. First prize is $10, and second $5. and for each non-winning picture accepted
for publication $2.00 will be paid. Pictures must reach the Desert Magazine office
Cover was never seen again. Russell re- by November 20, and the winning prints will be published in the January issue.
turned to Riverside and although Mrs.
Cover offered a reward of $5000 for the re- HERE ARE THE RULES
covery of her husband's body, no trace of it
1—Prints must be on black and white, 5x7 or larger, printed on
was ever reported. glossy paper.
In 1902 I went to Riverside and inter- 2—All entries must be in the Desert Magazine office by the 20th
viewed both Mrs. Cover and Russell. The of the contest month.
latter told me that when he and Cover sep- 3—Prints will be returned only when return postage is enclosed.
arated, the sheriff had a nugget of gold 4—Contests are open to both amateur and professional photo-
from the Pegleg mine, and a map of its lo- graphers. Desert Magazine requires first and full publication rights
of prize winning pictures only.
5—Time and place of photograph are immaterial except that
It wili! never be known how many lost they must be from the desert Southwest.
their lives in the search of this legendary 6—Judges will be selected from Desert's editorial staff, and
treasure, but according to the reports which awards will be made immediately after the close of the contest each
have come to me during the 46 years I have month.
been interested in this lost treasure, the 7—Each photograph submitted should be fully labeled as to
subject, time, place. Also as to technical data: shutter, speed, hour
number is very great. Water is scarce in of day, etc.
that region, and the terrain is so rugged as
to make travel impossible except to a man ADDRESS ALL ENTRIES TO PHOTO EDITOR. DESERT MAGAZINE.
with a sure-footed animal.
However, that such a deposit exists
hardly can be doubted in view of the recur-
ring evidence which has come to light
during the 94 years since Pegleg Smith EL CENTRO, CALIFORNIA
made the original discovery. Gold from it
NOVEMBER, 1946 11
Barbara Loomis photographing a horned symbol on the A section of the great "art gallery" at Canopy Rock in
wall of Indian canyon. Indian canyon.
The boys range from 14 to 17. Camp head- vacation for Desert Magazine's editor, and project of scientific importance to the mu-
quarters is at the old Gold King mine in I was glad to accept his invitation. An seum. His program was the mapping and
La Plata canyon, nine miles from Hes- added inducement was the fact that this recording of as many of the Indian writ-
perus, Colorado. group would be headed by Arthur Wood- ings, both petroglyphs incised in the rocks
Early last summer 32 boys from more ward, curator of history at Los Angeles and pictographs painted on the rocks, as
than a score of states arrived at the Gold museum, an experienced archeologist and could be covered in a 10-week period.
King where they were quartered in old an occasional writer for Desert. Since glyphs may exist in any canyon in the
mine buildings. They were divided in On the morning of August 7 our little vast Indian country that extends over four
three groups. One group with leader, caravan departed from Gold King on an of the Southwestern states, and there are
cook, packer and physician was assigned expedition that covered parts of Colorado, literally thousands of glyph sites which
to a high mountain camp to spend the time Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. One have never officially been mapped and re-
studying the arts of camp life, exploring, truck provided transportation for the 14 corded, the use of a troop of boys to search
climbing and nature study. A second boys in the party. Another truck was canyon walls and explore tributaries gave
group went to an old Indian site in Utah "chuck wagon." We had a jeep for scout- Woodward a wider range than is possible
and spent the time excavating prehistoric ing purposes. In addition to Woodward, for a normal field party. And the boys re-
ruins in quest of artifacts which might the adult members of the party were Bar- garded it as great sport. Their job was to
throw light on the culture of the ancients. bara Loomis, curatorial assistant at the Los locate the Indian art work, and if it was of
A third group went out to explore the Angeles museum, Dr. J. E. Hughes of sufficient importance, Woodward and
canyons in the Four Corners region in Shawnee, Oklahoma, in the role of camp Miss Loomis would follow up and take
search for petroglyphs and pictographs physician, Ray Jahn of the Chadwick Sea- pictures, make sketches, secure measure-
which would be photographed and meas- side school near Los Angeles as camp man- ments and other data to be assembled and
ured for future study. The assignments of ager and cook. Also, with us part of the studied later. With all the material be-
the groups were alternated so that eventu- time were Forbes Parkhill, writer for na- fore him, Woodward hopes in the months
ally all the boys had the opportunity to tionally known magazines, and Fran Hall, ahead to be able to discover patterns or ar-
participate in every phase of the general photographer. rive at conclusions which will penetrate the
program. Through arrangement between Ansel mystery now surrounding most of this an-
Ansel Hall wrote several months ago Hall and the Los Angeles museum, Arthur cient Indian art work.
suggesting that a couple of weeks with the Woodward, while serving as group leader It soon becomes apparent to one en-
glyph hunters would make an interesting for the boys, was also engaged in a field gaged in this study that while there is con-
NOVEMBER, 1946 13
vanced and skilled artisans of their period. opy Rock where not less than 350 figures gun loaded with some mysterious concoc-
Arthur Woodward rejects the idea that remain clear and sharp on the well- tion which had the reputation of being a
they are the work of doodlers. But beyond protected wall, there were a number of less very potent getter-upper. Arthur never
that conclusion, he admits he is as much at conspicuous 'art galleries" which I record- used the gun, so no one ever knew just
sea as other students of Indian glyphs. In ed in my notebook as Nine Goats, Arrow- what was in it—but he did such an effec-
the months ahead when he has assembled head, Big Snake, Ladder and Maze glyphs. tive propaganda job that he merely had to
in his workshop the hundreds of photo- I merely used the most conspicuous figure bring the weapon out where the sleepy-
graphs s.nd measurements taken during the in each group to identify the location. eyed youngsters could see it, and there was
summer expedition, and has the time to The water in the creek was clear the day an immediate scramble to get clear of the
study and compare them with relation to we arrived there. But that night there were sleeping bags.
the geography of their occurrence, perhaps rains in the Blue mountains at the head- From Indian creek we returned to Mon-
much new light will be thrown on the mys- waters, and the next morning the stream ticello and followed State Highway 47
tery of these glyphs. was flowing a thick muddy mixture that south through Blanding, Mexican Hat,
We camped three days along Indian wasn't even fit for washing dishes. It never Monument valley, Kayenta and Tonalea to
creek. We struck pay dirt there. The can- cleared while we were there, so we hauled Tuba City, Arizona. It rained the night we
yon walls for a distance oi five miles along our drinking water from the headquarters camped in Monument valley. Those who
the stream carry hundreds of well pre- of the S. & S. cattle ranch down the canyon. did not have waterproof bedrolls found
served petroglyphs, and in two places we The boys scrambled over rocks, climbed shelter in or under the trucks. And when
found badly eroded pictographs in white walls, explored tributaries and had a great we reached Kayenta at midday water was
and red paint. time. Getting them up at 5:30 in the morn- coming down in sheets.
While the outstanding group is at Can- ing was never easy. But Arthur had a flip- That night we camped near the top of
Marsh pass, and the next day along the
road to Tonalea (Red Lake) we found the
Below—''Growing marks'' on the cliff below Shipaulovi. When a Hopi youth gets dips running full of water. At one point a
his mark inside the square it is a proud day—he has then become a man. bridge approach had gone out, and we had
to do some emergency road engineering to
build a passable detour. At another wash
the flood had brought down a great drift
of tumbleweeds and piled them squarely
across the road. The drift was seven feet
high and soggy with mud. The jeep tried
to crash through what appeared to be a
mere pile of weeds—and bounced back as
if it had hit a rubber wall. W e tried burning
the drift, but it was too wet. Then we tried
tearing it apart with shovels—and in the
end we built a detour around it. I would
not have believed this story if I had not
been through the experience.
At Tuba City we took a little-used road
that led off into a jumble of rimrock and
boulders, and after some search located
Willow Springs, a historic old waterhole
on the ancient Hopi salt trail. In the days
before traders brought salt in sacks and
cakes to the Indian country, the Hopi made
long treks to a rock-salt ledge deep in the
canyon of the Little Colorado.
The trail has not been used for many
years, but near Willow Springs are more
than a score of glyph-covered slabs and
boulders—relics of the days when every
Hopi salt pilgrim stopped here to incise
his own clan symbol as a permanent record
of his trip.
These glyphs probably cover a span of
many hundreds of years—some of the later
ones being incised over the more ancient
ones. One huge block-like boulder 22 feet
long and nine feet high is literally covered
with them, all four sides and the top.
According to tradition the traveler add-
• . - - ,
tailed report on these Hopi petroglyphs in and Hopi reservations to Hotevilla. The spent a pleasant hour with Chief Joe Seka-
the July, 1946, issue of The Plateau, quar- rains had been ahead of us there too, and kuku and then one of the younger Indians
terly publication of the Museum of North- we pulled a truck out of Dinnebito wash took us to the base of the mesa where are
ern Arizona, of which he is director. just before we reached the Hopi Third located the tribal "growing marks." For
From Willow Springs we took the road Mesa. many hundreds of years it was Hopi cus-
through Moenkopi and across the Navajo At Shipaulovi on the Second Mesa we tom for the Indian boys, as soon as they
The glyph hunters: Standing, left to right: Emile Behre of Baton Rouge, La.; Roger Hall, Mancos, Colo.; Paul B. Wiggin
Montclair N. ] ; Harold Lundberg Jr., Wilmette, III.; Alan D. Stuart, Royal Oak, Mich.; Arthur Woodward leader- Barbara
Looms Los Angeles museum; Dorm Schindler, Scarsdale, N. Y.; George Brunstetter, New York City; Ralph Condit Green-
wich Conn.; MikeMaule, El Monte, Calif. Seated: Ray Jahn, Chadwick Seaside School, Los Angeles, camp manager and cook;
Dr. j . b. Hughes, Shawnee, Okla.; Jack Pickering, Goshen, Ind.; John Anderson, Randolph, Minn.; Clay Doss, Bloomfield
Hills, Mich.; John Randal, New York City; Duncan McEyre, Colorado Springs, Colo.
animal and other forms on the sandstone
Today's generation of Indians is able to
throw little light on the origin or meaning
of the older glyphs except those at Willow
Springs. There are a few oldsters on the
Hopi mesas who traveled the old salt trail
and know the story of the clan symbols left
along the way. But for the most part the
glyphs of the ancients remain an unsolved
mystery, and Arthur Woodward will tell
you frankly that while his studies may
throw some new light on the subject, he
does not expect to discover any magic key
which will unlock the secret.
• • •
Wanted—Brains, not Rubber Stamps
Part of the red tape which previously
has encumbered the Indian service has
been tossed out the window by Secretary
of Interior Krug. The secretary not only
has given Indian Commissioner William
A. Brophy greater authority than previous
commissioners have enjoyed, but he has
Unidenti- jf ° S* made plain that wider discretionary pow-
ers are to be passed down the line to sub-
Moon ^ (T 0 ordinates. Here are some of the functions
which previously required secretarial ap-
proval, but which now have been delegated
symbols on the rocks at Willow Springs, identified by Edmund Nequatewa, a to field officials: Execution of contracts for
Hopi Indian. These drawings reprinted from the quarterly magazine, The Plateau, medical, nursing or hospital organizations,
through the courtesy of Dr. Harold S. Colton, director of the Museum of for social service, relief and child welfare;
Northern Arizona at Flagstaff. execution of leases for oil, gas and other
mineral rights covering restricted allotted
were old enough to climb down the trail, to days were spent in Canyon de Chelly where Indian lands; exchange of lands between
stand beside a vertical slab of rock while a the Navajo even today are inscribing crude Indians and non-Indians.
member of the family incised a mark show-
ing the height of the youngster. At peri- JALOPY JOE By Frank Adams
odic intervals through life new marks were
made showing growth to full-sized man-
hood. There are a number of these marker
rocks, and the wear of hundreds of inci-
sions indicates that the tradition continued
among the Hopi for many generations.
At many places around the Hopi mesas
are found the glyphs inscribed there by an-
cient members of the tribe. Along the trail
to Walpi is Tally Rock, where the Tewa
Indians, brought to Hopiland to protect its
residents against Apache marauders, kept
a record of the enemies slain by incising a
vertical mark on the rock lace for each vic-
tim. Dama Langley once told me she had
counted 180 marks on the Scoreboard.
Today's generation of Hopi youngsters
have been learning the ways of their white
neighbors. The fast disappearing glyphs
of the ancients are being replaced by crude-
ly scrawled initials and names, sometimes
incised, more often painted on the rocks.
Perhaps the picture writings of the ancients
and the ugly initial writing of the mod-
erns are prompted by the same exhibition-
ist urge in human nature. I do not know.
But I much prefer the art of the savages,
primitive though it may be.
During his summer trip Woodward and
his boys covered many glyph sites in addi-
tion to those I have mentioned. Several "It's takin' an awful lot o' air to get this thing blowed up tonight."
By MARSHAL SOUTH The runaway burros in 1937, before they were called Rhett
and Scarlet, packing ore down the trail from Lost Angel
mine. Left—C. L. Wood and "Stubbie." Right—George
~j~ HE AMERICAN desert is a big place and its dim Perry and "Jake."
/ mystery-haunted leagues sometimes seem limitless. Yet
it is astonishing how closely knit and interwoven its af-
He said we could have Rhett and Scarlet in return for giving
fairs are. In this respect it is like Africa which, especially in its
them a good home. Randall Henderson, Desert's editor, made
more primitive sections is so crossed and criss-crossed with na-
the long trip out to Ghost Mountain to drive me over to Thou-
tive grapevine lines of gossip and communication that the hasty,
sand Palms. Here I took over the burros from Paul and trekked
ill advised words which you thought you said in confidence and
them back over the 120 miles of road which separates Thousand
secrecy at one end of the country are likely to rise up and shout
Palms from Ghost Mountain.
at you—with many colorful additions—at the continent's other
extremity. You can't get away with anything—not for long It took Rhett and Scarlet quite a while to accustom themselves
anyway. to Ghost Mountain. It was a different country and there were
And you can't, indefinitely, get away with anything in the no palms and no running water. For a long time they were
desert. Even burros can't. And burros can be awfully foxy some- homesick. They did like Rider, Rudyard and Victoria though,
times. and the children fussed over them so much that finally they gave
These reflections are the result of a letter which came to me up pining over vanished days and settled down as part of our
the other day from Mrs. C. L. Wood of Long Beach, California. little family.
As I slit it open out fell two photographs which caused me to sit But they were no good for packing burdens. The savage rocks
up suddenly. For there, looking up at me from the table top, of Ghost Mountain were a little too much even for burro pa-
were the unmistakable, long-eared countenances of our old-time tience. Some parts of the grade were altogether too steep. We
pets and faithful burden bearers Rhett and Scarlet. soon discovered that we could pack stuff on our own shoulders
There wasn't any mistake. You could pick out the disarming- with less grief than we could wrestle with the job of loading
ly innocent appearing faces of those two desert nomads from and unloading—and coaxing—our patient, panting little
among a million others at first glance. But what startled me was friends. We retired Rhett and Scarlet from the active list.
that they were in unfamiliar surroundings. They appeared to be Thenceforth their function became purely decorative. They
in the possession of other owners. There was a suggestion of didn't protest at this and they and the children got along very
strangeness and mystery about the whole matter. Eagerly I happily.
turned to the letter. Then came the event of our long trip through Utah, Nevada,
And there was the whole story. The good old desert "intelli- Arizona and New Mexico in search of another "Ghost Moun-
gence system" finally opened a dark chapter of mystery in the tain"—one with permanent water. We couldn't take Rhett and
lives of Rhett and Scarlet. Scarlet along. So we took them down to Everett and Lena
Campbell's property on the desert and turned them loose on the
For you may remember that there always has been a mystery cattle range near some flowing springs.
around Rhett and Scarlet. They had no beginning. They just
happened. Out of the thirsty shimmer of the desert mirages they Rhett and Scarlet had a good time there. But they were a little
came trudging one day to the shade and water of Paul Wilhelm's lonesome. Going back and forth to the springs for water with
Thousand Palms oasis. They were weary and the rustle of the just their own company didn't appeal to them. So they invented
palm fronds and the trickle of the little stream sang sweet music the practice of waiting around the waterhole until a small bunch
to their ears. They stayed on and they adopted Paul—or he of cattle had collected. Then they would calmly round up the
adopted them. They settled down and became part of Paul's obliging cows and steers and herd them along to the feeding
idyllic establishment. Every once in a while they would go off grounds. Thus they satisfied their craving for companionship.
on rambles. Sometimes they stayed away for three weeks or a When they wanted another drink they would take the cattle back
month. But they always came back—sometimes under their own to the waterhole with them.
power and sometimes having to be rescued by Paul from foolish It was a good game and one which they carried on for some
predicaments into which they had maneuvered themselves. time, as Everett Campbell told me, with amusement, after we
Paul's oasis to them was home. came back. But after a while they tired of that also. The desert
Then the war came. Paul expected to be called into the army. was wide. They were freeborn spirits. Why should they stop in
He was worried for the future of his long-eared pets. He learned one place. They decided to drift. They said goodbye to the
that we, on Ghost Mountain, were trying to find a couple of bur- Campbell ranch and vanished.
ros in the hope that they would solve our burden-packing prob- Then, after long wanderings, we ourselves came back from
lems. Through the Desert Magazine Paul got in touch with me. our unsuccessful search. Water or no water, there was only one
NOVEMBER, 1946 17
NEW MEXICO Old Dance is Revived . . . Stamp to Honor Gen. Kearny . . .
Chee Dodge Draws Golden Ticket ZUNI—For the first time since 1932, the SANTA FE—Postmaster Robert E. Hanne-
colorful Zurii Corn Dance was held here in Sep- gan was invited to take part in ceremonies here
GALLUP—Chee Dodge, veteran chairman of tember. Many of the Zufii children had never October \6 in connection with the issuance of a
the Navajo Tribal council, pot a golden ticket seen the dance, which is a religious ceremony of Gen. Stephen Watts Kearny commemorative
in the drawing for colors at the Window Rock thanksgiving for bountiful crops. Most of the stamp. Design of the stamp shows Gen. Kearny
agency in September. Sam Akeah, vice-chairman dancers are women, and they are required to reading his proclamation of occupancy as the
drew silver, and the third candidate for the tri- wear old-style deerskin moccasin-leggings. Stars and Stripes were raised over the Palace of
bal election drew green. Colored ballots are used the Governors 100 years ago. The new postage is
in the Indian elections because of the high il- a purple 3-cent stamp the size of a special deliv-
literacy rate among the Navajo. The general
Harmony at This Meeting . . .
ery stamp.
election was scheduled for October 16-17. SANTA FE—While lower basin states are
squabbling over the division of their share of
the water in the Colorado river, the upper basin Park Service Awaits Transfer . . .
group of five states has decided to make a com- ALAMOGORDO—While the national park
For Nice Things . . . plete survey of the water available to them with service is going ahead with plans for the opening
a view of securing maximum utilization. The of the spot where the world's first atomic bomb
• INFANTS' AND was exploded as a national monument, the war
CHILDREN'S WEAR upper basin commission met recently at Chey-
enne and requested John R. Ritter of the U. S. department has not yet made the property avail-
able for that purpose. In the meantime recom-
• MEN'S FURNISHINGS Bureau of Reclamation to make the survey. The
mendations have been made as to the boundaries.
« FINE LINENS commission is composed of Clifford Stone of Assurance has been given that the "Great
Colorado, L. C. Bishop of Wyoming, Ed. H. Ariste," the B-29 which dropped the second
Watson of Utah, Charles Carson of Arizona and atomic bomb on Nagasaki, eventually will be
OUSTER'S Thomas McClure of New Mexico. placed on display in the new monument.
TRUE OR FALSE Relax your body in a good comfortable
chair. Have a pencil to check the answers,
and prepare for some brain exercise that
will be fun for an active mind. Some of these questions will tax your memory,
SCENIC GUIDES . . . others your imagination—and probably you'll just guess at a few of them. But
The most complete travel guides ever they cannot put you in jail for that. This test covers a broad field of general know-
attempted. Attractive covers in full color. ledge of the desert Southwest, and if you get half of them right you are a smart
Descriptions, pictures and maps to lead tenderfoot. Fifteen indicates much better than an average knowledge of the desert,
you to the many scenic wonders of the
West. and 18 is a score that few even among the desert rats achieve. The answers are on
page 34.
Guides to Northern California and Ne-
vada are available now. More to come 1—Prairie dogs, ground owls and rattlesnakes often live together in the same
hole. True False-
PRICE $1.00 EACH 2—Turkeys were first brought to North America by the Spaniards.
True False
Address Scenic Guides 3—Billy the Kid was an Apache Indian chief. True False
Box 2S8 Susanville, California 4—The balsa was used by the Colorado river Indians for water transportation.
True False
5—The native Washingtonia palm of the desert was named in honor of George
Washington. True False
PRACTICAL PROSPECTING 6—Water in the Salton sea has a higher salt content than water in the Great Salt
Electronic Technique Lake. True False
7—Obsidian often goes by the name of volcanic glass. True False
When ore can no lonjror be found "in sipht"
prospectors must adopt scientific methods for 8—El Tovar Hotel and the Phantom ranch are located in the Carlsbad national
locating unseen mineral.
Such methods make up the science of geo-
park. True False
physical prospecting and with the full devel- 9—Old tires with smooth treads are better for travel in heavy sand than new
opment of electronic instruments the obsta-
cles of prohibitive cost and technical training treads. True False
have been eliminated for the lone prospector. 10—Prospectors have been known to locate hidden springs by following the
Such electronic locators induce, measure
and automatically record the vast differences course of wild bees in their flight. True False
in the physical property of electric conductiv-
ity between metal -bearing rock and barren 11—The famous Mormon battalion which was part of Kearny's Army of the West
surrounding masses, and have proved particu-
larly valuable for locating unseen mineralized
was organized in Salt Lake City. True False
areas, high-grade shoots and pockets, hidden 12—New Mexico's famous Shiprock is not visible from Albuquerque.
placer channels, and even buried treasures, if
properly handled by proved use techniques. True False
What these use methods are, how they are 13—Gen. Lew Wallace, author of Ben Hur, was once governor of New Mexico.
utilized with inexpensive, portable instru-
ments offering depth-finding ranges up to True False
250 feet, are explained in detail with photo- 14—The cliff houses built by the ancient Indians in the Southwest generally were
graphs and charts.
"Practical Prospecting" is an invaluable constructed of adobe bricks. True False
pocket-sized manual that should be in every
prospector's kit. The price is $1 postpaid from 1 5—The Dipodomys is a desert rodent. True False
SOUTHWEST PUBLISHING CO. 16—Aspen trees shed their leaves in winter. True False
P. O. Box 502 Phoenix, Arizona 17—Manhattan, Nevada, is famous for its gold dredging operations.
True False
18—Of the five completed dams in the lower Colorado river Laguna dam is the
WATER DIVINING . . . southernmost. True False
Easy to acquire the cert of Water Di- 19—Walpi is the name of a village on the Navajo reservation.
vining by following simple directions in True- False
this practical book of instructions. $1.50 20—"Jumping Cholla" is the common name of a species of desert lizard.
643, Pasadena, California. True False
petrified tree stumps described by Toney Richardson are rapidly disintegrating due to
exposure to rain and freezing temperatures.
/ / UBERT Richardson of Cameron bluish-grey, are known as The Sleeping The first one proved disappointing. The
y~7 trading post in north central Ari- Elephants. A mile farther on in a small condition of that stump prepared me for
zona first told me about the Petri- cove on the same side of the road, between the worst. As the accompanying photos
fied Tree stumps. He had visited them in larger, painted humps, are two natural show, the stone stumps now are breaking
the early summer of 1914 after Hosteen monuments named The Hat and Mush- into fragments.
Goldtooth, a Navajo, had told him about room Rock. On the west side of the road While this disintegration was noticeable
them and given directions for reaching a larger cove cuts into a once solid dome before 1941, the past few years seem to
them. of grey, blue and mauve. It is called Nudist have hurried the process along until today
Down through the years the area has Cove. the knolls are littered with pieces of wood
been visited by a number of white explor- The highway here climbs a saddle. Be- from the stumps.
ers, and considerable disintegration has yond, the bridge over Seven Mile wash In 1914 when Hubert Richardson first
taken place. Recently I decided to return comes into sight. Slowing down, I drove saw them, the stumps had emerged,
to the place and see how these ancient tree on to within half a mile of the bridge, then through erosion of the blue-grey earth,
stumps of stone had fared through the war turned off to the right on a little used Na- only a few years earlier. The petrified
years. vajo wagon road. Continuing two miles wood was still intact. Disintegration start-
On a golden sunny morning—the sun to the east, winding between great hunks ed slowly at first. But by 1935 it was under
always seems to be shining over this por- of remnants of Chinle shales, then veering way to such extent the sides of the stumps,
tion of the Painted Desert—I crossed the to the south, I came out on a slight prom- some as high as five feet above the base,
bridge over the Little Colorado river on ontory. were breaking down. The process seems to
U. S. Highway 89 at Cameron, and set out The panorama extending to the east and have been accelerated during the past four
the short distance northward. south seemed almost wholly bare of vege- years. Fragments, splinters and small
At a distance of two and a half miles tation. The old view looked familiar. Over blocks of wood now litter the base of the
from the bridge ocAir the first of a mass of the area were small knolls, each rising to a stumps, and are found over a wide area.
eroded humps of Chink shales. Those on peak. The summits of these knolls contain No doubt some of this breaking up has
the east side of the highway at this point, the petrified tree stumps. been helped along by man, yet the greater
NOVEMBER, 1946 19
Ghost Mountain in the whole desert. We were glad to come understand why so many prospects and mines are lost." They
home. argue that if you could locate a place once the:e is nothing in
the world to prevent your going right back to it. But it doesn't
At Banner, on our way home with the first load of household always work out that way. Old timers who know their desert
effects, the first person we met was Bill Mushet of Banner understand this and will never argue over the reason mines are
Queen ranch. We hardly had exchanged two dozen words when lost. But it is hard to convince other people that the desert can
Bill said, confidentially, Say, do you know I've got something play tricks.
of yours- " He was going to say more, hut at that moment I
happened to glance Lip and 1 saw the "Something." On the other The canyon of the olla is a sizable place. It is a giant slash be-
side of the fence were Rhetl ami Scarlet eating watermelon. They tween harsh thirsty hills. At the bottom of it there is a thin,
wore smirking grins of contentment on their deceptive coun- scribbled line of white which is the bleached sand that wind
tenances. and water have spread along the channel scoured by rare storms.
"We found (hem wandering in the desert," Bill explained. It is very quiet, down there in the bottom, and there is always a
"They needed water. So 1 just brought them home and the thin wind that comes stealing up out of the lowlands to sway the
boys—" The boys. Mike and Buzz, emerged from the house jus' green branches of the stunted catsclaws across the glass-smooth
at that moment. Anxiety was written all over their faces. (I surface of the age-polished rocks. Sometimes you see a silent
learned afterwards that they had been frantically going through bird, flitting like a shadow through the bushes. And sometimes,
their joint savings with the idea of making me an olfer for the on the clean carpet of sand, you will see the imprint of a coy-
burros on the spot- -anything to avoid losing their new pets.) ote's foot. But these traces of the presence of life are few. High
But they didn't have to say anything. I could see it in their eyes. above, tremendous, fantastic boulders teeter terrifyingly along
Especially in Buzz's eyes. So I just looked at Buzz and I looked at the precipitous rim. Black clefts and pools of shadow pattern
the two graceless watermelon munchers and I thought of the their immensity. Mostly the canyon of the olla is the haunt of si-
hard, hot rocks on Ghost Mountain and the scanty pickings of lence and the sun.
squaw tea and cholla. Then 1 looked at Bill. "You keep 'em," I I spent the best part of three hours in the canyon. But I did not
•;aid. "From now on this is their home. They belong to Mike find the cave. Three hours is not a long time, but it is a consid-
and Buzz. But for the Iove-of-pete don't feed them all the time erable period when you devote it to locating one little spot of
on watermelon. They'll ruin you." whose position you are absolutely certain. I would have guaran-
"Oh no, we won't," agreed Buzz happily. "Mostly we give teed that I could find that cave. I could have drawn you a map
them apples and peaches and oranges and green corn just stuff of it and 1 would have been willing to make a bet on my ability
like that." to go right there. But when I tried I failed. Yet the cave is no
myth. It is no dream wrought up of hardship and thirst. A very
And so that is how Rhett and Scarlet came to have a new home sizable olla came out of that cave. We hefted it out ourselves.
at the Banner Queen. Except when wanderlust grips them and And the olla was no dream either. It is still in existence. But the
they go off on a ramble. But they come back. They know a soft cave has vanished.
snap when they find it.
Of course there arc explanations. There are people who will
And now for the secret page which the letter and photographs try to tell you that giant, side wall boulders slip; that they cover
have revealed. up openings that previously existed. This may be true to a limit-
Rhett and Scarlet are not Rhett and Scarlet at all. They arc- ed extent. Perhaps once in a thousand times this explanation
lake and Stubbie. They are runaways. They are escapees from will be the correct one. But I am convinced that such a thing
the Lost Angel mine, away out in the desert north of Indio. rarely happens. It is more probable that we shall find the correct
Once, in 1937, they were peaceful burden bearers, packing ore answer in the confusing sameness of the desert and the hypnotic
down the desert trail from the mine. But they tired of a steady effect which this quality has upon the senses of the searcher. Dis-
job and security. So, after a year of ordered ways, they abandoned tances are vast and deceptive. Objects which appear near in re-
their post and lit out for the open desert. There was no reason ality are far off, while landmarks that are seemingly at a distance
for their going, save the call of the wild. They had had a good sometimes are relatively close. There is a sameness, even to the
job with an abundance of hay, oats and wild Iced, and they had very diversity of rocks, clefts, ridges and buttes. And in this maze
been the pampered pets of the miners. But freedom and love of the eyes of the searcher and his sense of direction alike are led
the open range is in their blood. They just had to go. As Mrs. astray. It is not "inefficiency," for seasoned desert dwellers are
Wood says in her letter, "We could never catch up with them, repeatedly subject to the same failure. It simply is a peculiar
and we decided that they loved the freedom of the desert as quality of the desert. Most of the "lost" mines really are lost.
much as we did." l hey are not myths. And every once in a while some newcomer
to the district -sometimes a tenderfoot—stumbles upon one
So now we know a little more of Rhett and Scarlet (they have-
of them and proves the old tale to have been the truth.
worn the names Paul gave them so long now that Jake and Stub-
bie might as well be laid aside). They are characters in their The pet population of Yaquitepec has increased. For the two
own right, and perhaps have earned a niche peculiarly their "back-handspringing" mice suddenly decided to set up house-
own among the famous of burroland. And, inasmuch as it was keeping and greatly to the joy of Rider, Rudyard and Victoria,
through seeing their portraits in Desert Magazine that their for- presented the world with quadruplets. For a while there was a
mer owners, the Wood's, recognized them, perhaps there may- great fluttering of excitement caused by fears that the proud
be other readers of Desert who, seeing these pictures, can trace
father might harm his diminutive offspring, so another cage was
back the Rhett and Scarlet history a little further. They are old—
hastily provided for him. Poor little father greymouse however
too old lo have to shoulder the burden of work any longer—
and undoubtedly there are long unrecorded years of their exist- pined so much and was so obviously unhappy at being separated
ence, prior to their sojourn at the Lost Angel mine which might from his mate and family that the children feared he might die
be of interest. of a broken heart. He was accordingly restored to the old home
-to his own joy and the joy of Mrs. Mouse and her babies. The
A while ago I made an excursion down into the big canyon little family is getting along famously. But there is a shadow in
where, years ago, we found the huge ancient olla in the cave. I
the offing. A shadow cast by arithmetic.
was curious to see if I could locate the cave again, for it is not
easy to do so ami I had failed on a previous attempt. Individu- Because, having done a little figuring, I am disturbed as to
als who are not familiar with the desert always find it hard to just where this mouse multiplication business is going to end.
NOVEMBER, 1946 21
river. Its ranges have been the scene of
more than one gun battle between oppos-
ing cattlemen. Coconino county officers
drove 15 Navajo families from it in 1898,
returning them across the river into the
Melgosa desert.
The Tuba City road once passed closer
to the stone tree stumps than it does today.
On this route near the stumps in 1931, a
youth hiking in the Melgosa lay down one
night to sleep. Having heard the old super-
stition that a rattlesnake would not cross a
rope, he placed one about himself. In the
morning hours before dawn an Indian
driving a truck ran over and killed him.
During the spring of 1897 Jim Parker,
northern Arizona cowboy turned train rob-
ber, killed Lee Norris, a deputy district at-
torney in a jail break at Prescott. Escaping
into the Grand Canyon and Gray mountain
regions, Parker dodged 100 pursuing offi-
cers for a month, and escaped into the
Melgosa desert only to be captured to the
north a week later.
Right where the petrified tree stumps
stand the Navajo procure bright colors for
their famed sandpaintings. Also they ob-
tain a greyish stone which when powdered
and mixed with water gives them a bril-
liant white body paint.
The tree stumps are near the extreme
northern rim of the Painted Desert, as it
ends a few miles to the north against the
reddish walls of Echo cliffs. The east and
south portion continues on through the
Little Colorado river basin beyond the
Petrified Forest 150 miles away.
In 1932 a rather exciting gold rush oc-
curred around the petrified tree stumps.
A prospector came out with samples of
gold which he claimed to have found in the
bluish grey mounds of the eroded Chinle
shales. Indeed he took along two bonafide
witnesses to observe his discovery. Half
the business places in Flagstaff were closed
Hubert Richardson, trader at Cameron. Arizona, who was first guided to the stone as clerks and owners made a run for the
tree stumps in 1914 by Hosteen Goldtooth, a Navajo Indian. Melgosa to stake claims. Within a week
the newly cut marker stakes could be seen
for miles up and down the vari-colored
part of it has been due to the elements. Al- cone towering to more than 1000 feet is
most all precipitation in the area falls dur- famed Shadow mountain.
ing the winter months. Water or melting No matter at what hour of the day it is On one claim a gold washing machine
snow settles in the cracks, and after night- viewed, or the position of the sun, there al- was brought in and set up against the side
fall freezes. A fragment is broken off, or ways appears to be shadows on this moun- of an enormous colored butte. Then some
else the beginning crack widens and goes tain. This phenomenon is due to the com- one belatedly remembered they had to
deeper. Undoubtedly in a few more years position and coloring matter of the slopes. have water to operate this machine to get
there will be hardly more than the stone Shadow mountain has been the locale for at out the fine particles of gold, if any. Water
tree roots in place. least two western novels, one by the late was one thing the Melgosa desert did not
The petrified tree stumps are in a por- Dane Coolidge and one by myself. have.
tion of the Painted Desert known locally Deeper in the southwest rises flat Meanwhile samples had been removed
as the Melgosa. Captain Melgosa for topped Gray mountain, over behind the from other claims. The first reports indi-
whom it was named, was one of Corona- village of Cameron and toward the Grand cated mercury, but no gold. The rush of
do's men. He passed through the area in Canyon on the south side of the Little eager seekers for sudden wealth began to
1540 with Don Lopez de Cardenas, to find Colorado river. Gray mountain has figured die down. Would-be miners drifted away
the Grand Canyon. in a number of important episodes of local in disgust. Today there are a few die-hards
To the cast and north a few miles, rising history. It was a guide for Cardenas from who believe there is gold in the buttes
against the azure blue sky, is a rim of Win- the Hopi villages toward the Grand Can- around the stone tree stumps. But there
gate and Navajo sandstones of the Juras- yon. But he missed the Hopi Salt trail are others who declare the old prospector
sic series. This is Ward terrace. On the somewhere and did not view the grandeur salted his original claim with a shotgun.
west side of the highway an old volcanic of the lower gorge of the big Colorado Bright colored pebbles from the Shina-
I /<!
——W3fs^\\ /
HERE'S the West you've dreamed about
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Wi ments of 12 Correspondence Cards or
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iently reached
by air, rail or
\J per box postpaid. Space for personal
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Slteet or P 0 Box City Stale
NOVEMBER, 1946 23
Independence, California . . .
Ore from the old Modoc mine in Argus range
GAid MtitUUj, . . soon will be moving to Utah smelters according
to Leo Baccoccina, who recently has leased the
lead, silver and zinc property. Believed to have
been opened originally by Mexican miners, the
Tonopah, Nevada . . . Tucson, Arizona . . . Modoc has not been worked since 1890. At thai
Closed down since 1943 the Ni Mine Values ranging from S5Ji to SI60 a ton m time Chinese labor was used and charcoal kilns
formerly operated by Dese i Silver, Inc., are to gold and silver are reported from the new gold were constructed in Wildrose canyon. The char-
be reop< rding t Harry I I . H u g h e s , strike in the Baboquivan range southwest of this coal was freighted by mule team across Pana-
presiden general ma lager of the Nivloc . The mine, located two miles from the Alh- mmt valley to a crude smelter.
company Betw een 1938 a id I 94 3 this proper- mme of the Tom Reed Gold Mining com- • • •
ty was s u] to be An/on. 's largest silver pro- V. was located by Alfred and Fred Ybarra Tombstone, Arizona . . .
ducer. L d F. I r lynor is VIC • president and William Ferguson. The ore lies in a fissure
superint ndent and James J. (H tk is secretary- i in a broad band of red conglomerate. Southwestern Mines, Inc., is reported to have
if the impany. secured a lease and option on 23 patented claims
of the Great Western mines in the Dragoon
Roswell, New Mexico . . . mountains at Courtland, 25 miles from Tomb-
Ajo, Arizona . . . Twenty-four wells in the Caprock field 40 stone. Announcement of the deal was made re-
A 64-ounce nugget of quartz-gold of which miles east of here have been sold to the Consum- cently by Vincent Riccatdi of Phoenix. President
m o r e t h a n h a l f w a s g o l d , is r e p o r t e d to h a v e ers Cooperative association of Amanllo, Texas, and general manager of Southwestern is A. J.
b e e n t a k e n o u t r e c e n t l y by Ora M a c k e y in t h e for over S 1,000,000 according to officials of the Daugherty, vice-president and general manager
Covered W e l l s district. Malco company which included 12 of its wells of Hoosier Veneer company at Indianapolis.
in the deal. Daugherty plans to move to Douglas.
• • •
Bishop, California . . . Panamint City, California . . .
Sierra Mines expects to install a 500-600 ton Battle Mountain, Nevada . . .
reduction plant at Bodie to replace the Roseclip Drillings are in progress to determine American Silver corporation of Los Angeles
mill destroyed by fire five months ago, accord- whether or not there are still ore bodies in the has been restoring the old road to this once fam-
ing to S. B. McCluskey, manager. A subsidiary old Tuscarora camp sufficient to justify big ous ghost city preparatory to the reopening of
of the American Goldfields Development com- mining operations. Utah Construction company two silver mines. Considerable clearing and re-
pany, Sierra Mines controls a number of proper- has obtained a lease and option on the property tnnbering in the shafts and tunnels will be ne-
ties in the historic Bodie field, and is doing the exploration work. cessary before mining operations can start.
Beatty, Nevada . . .
Due to the inaccessibility of their recent gold
strike. Leo Montoya and Frank Oleniczck are
packing high grade ore from their Bare moun-
tain mine out on their backs. A recent 900-pound
FOOD FOR THE HUNGRY shipment ran $350 to the ton, and they have
1600 more pounds on the dump at the foot of
the trail ready to be shipped. They report that
they recently have opened up another vein which
The runs high m silver.
A battery is where spare elec-
tricity is stored for use when you
need it.
HALLMARK OF GENUINENESS ON Don't wait until your battery ex-
NAVAJO AND PUEBLO SILVER pires like a lease. Have it tested
Only genuine Indian handmade silver Jewelry oi good craftsmanship. regularly at your Shell Service
sound construction and ornamented with typical Navajo or Station.
Pueblo designs bears this mark.
If the battery is low, the Shell
man will be glad to take your order
for a recharge.
In this way you will always have
UNITED&INDIAN sure reserve energy — safe deposit
volts, as they say.
TRADERS ASSOCIATION So if you want to start some-
thing, and that something is your
automobile, be sure to have that
OR&nniZCE> FOR m P€RJ>€TUATIOn S»PR0T€CTIOn little black box inspected regularly
OF HflnDmfiD€ inomn ARTS ADD CROFTS at The Sign of the Shell.
NOVEMBER, 1946 25
Service for Desert Travelers . . .
NOVEMBER, 1946 27
People write and ask me how to build their avocation into a vocation. Since they won't move
own lapidary machinery because "the commer- to the Atlantic coast where the professional gem
cial machinery costs too much." They little re- cutting centers are we predict that the growing
alize that if such inquiries were properly an- gem cutting trade in America (now the world's
swered it would take many hours even if I knew largest) eventually will move to the Pacific side
how to reply. It happens that I am one of the of the country. This movement already has be-
world's worst mechanics. I'm not quite as bad gun with the projected building of the first dia-
as the fellow who never did solve the intricacies mond cutting plant west of New York. It will be
Entirely made in the EX factory by of putting the top back on the toothpaste tube built at Pasadena in the near future by Lazare
skilled mechanics. but the lathe is as deep a mystery to me as atomic Kaplan & Sons, cutters of the famed Jonkers
energy. The only thing I know about my own diamond. The new plant will be equipped to
True running, and will last a life time. automobile is that I once succeeded in changing cut $50,000,000 worth of diamonds a year and
12 inch saw. a tire all by myself. On the whole I believe that will employ 200 cutters. Only about 15 skilled
the great majority of gem cutters are in the workers will be brought from New York to su-
The gem machine you have been same category and that they should not attempt pervise instruction of amateur gem cutters, most
waiting for. to build their own machinery. They may succeed of whom will be drawn from the ranks of the
Only seconds required to change from in creating something at less cost but they cre- disabled veteran who must sit at his work.
one operation to another. ate something that pleases them only and has lit- • • •
tle resale value when they are through with it.
Start with the best and you make If you live in the vicinity of Banning, Cali-
I believe that most of the lapidary machinery fornia, and are interested in joining a new lapi-
no mistake. on the market today is good machinery and that dary society forming there drop a postal to
See your lapidary dealer or write direct it is relatively inexpensive. Some of it is not George Buckner at Banning and tell him so. He
for Bulletin A. sturdy and in purchasing it is wise to see and will notify you when an organization meeting
examine it before buying if that is possible. I will take place.
also believe that most of the lapidary machinery • • •
RX LABORATORY being built is the result in almost every case of
1143 Post Ave. Torrance, Calif. Just as I had decided to take a real vacation
ideas that have been contributed by the combin- in the Four Corners region where Colorado,
ation home mechanic and amateur gem cutter Utah, New Mexico and Arizona all meet, the
working out ideas and short arts in his shop. preliminary reports appear of Randall Hender-
Professional lapidaries are grinding gems al- son's month's sojourn in that section. This
most exactly as they did a century ago except that area is said to be the greatest untapped section
they have applied electricity. In some gem cut- for gem hunters in the country. I expect to see as
ting centers in Germany they don't even use that much of it as one can see from an automobile
but men still lie on their bellies to grind gems at but I realize that is not the way to see it. I was
water wheels just as their grandfathers did more impressed with a statement made to me recently
than a century ago. It is the amateur gem cutter by a train companion who said "there's only
who is responsible for the fine array of good one way to see the world and that's on horse-
ARIZONA AGATES, jaspers, and petrified
wood in fine gem and fine picture gem will
7c a Word — — Minimum $1.00
be available in the rough soon. We are work-
ing five claims now and will open a sixth in
November. Orders will be filled as of Decem-
ber 1, 1946. We have no price list. Just send
ARIZONA AGATES: Moss, small beautiful HUNGRY! Satisfy your craving for candy with- the amount you wish to spend. Good mine run
pieces, 85c lb. Lovely Pink banded, solid Blue out sugar. We have caramel crystals of Wul- comes at $3-00 per pound in five pounds or
Agates or Dendritic, red veined, mustard fenite on matrix that will make your mouth less; 100 pounds sells for $175. Large orders
Jasper, 50c lb. APACHE TEARDROPS, In- water. $1.00 to $15.00. Green apples you sold and filled on contract only. All gem sold
dian Gems, stones Y2, % or 1 inch are 15 for crave? See our apple green Californite. It cuts, in the rough is sold as mine run and shows
$1.00; $2.00; $3-00. All material in the polishes, and looks like jade. $3.50 a pound. moss, ferns, flowers, and pictures. This comes
rough. Minimum order $1.00. Postage EX- Collectors' items — Descloizite — rare and in many bright beautiful shades of reds,
TRA. Also other mineral specimens. Mary- beautiful silvery-tipped grey-brown crystals. greens, purples, golden—in fact just about
Ann Kasey, Box 230, Prescott, Arizona. Choice specimens $1.00 to $7.50. Higginsite all colors. Orders will be numbered as they
specimens 75c to $10.00. Aurichalcite speci- come in and filled as soon as the stock is
ATTENTION is called to the new location of mens $2.00 to $7.50. Water-bubble Selenite ready. Satisfaction is guaranteed or your
Swisher's Rock and Novelty Shop, at 4719 crystals. Some have more than one bubble. money refunded. Chas. E. Hill, 2205 N . 8th
So. Hoover St., Los Angeles 37, Calif. The $1.00 to $5.00. Glauberite crystal clusters Street, Phoenix, Arizona.
place for rare novelties. Petrified Woods, 25c. Calcite crystal groups 50c to $5.00. Opal
mine minerals, Agates, Geodes, etc. Beau- from Mexico— clear, amber, and cherry, in INDIAN RELICS, Curios, Coins, Minerals,
tiful costume jewelry made from lovely Petri- matrix. Not fire opal. 25c to $25.00. Amber Books, Old Buttons, Old Glass, Old West
fied Wood. When visiting Los Angeles call calcite from Mexico. Crystal groups from 10c Photos, Weapons, Catalogue 5c. Lemley An-
on us. Swisher's, 4719 So. Hoover St., Los to $3.00. No orders less than $1.00, please. tique Store, Osborne, Kansas.
Angeles, Calif. Postage not included. GEMARTS COM- GILDE GEM CUTTER. We now offer this
PANY, 4286 Marlborough, San Diego 5, compact portable outfit to the home cutter.
BEAUTIFUL CARNEI.1AN and Moss Agate Calif.
in designs. Cabochon cut matched sets for Write for details and new catalog listing over
rings and brooches, ready for mounting. $5.00 one hundred varieties of rough. Also all kinds
AGATE RING cabochons—$8.00 and $10.00 of supplies. Gem Exchange, Bayfield, Colo.
per set postpaid. Agnes Mick, Box 1, Morris- per dozen. Agate Jewelry—Wholesale only
town, Ariz. —Approvals. Men's cast SS Rings set with BARGAIN BUNDLES—Assorted rough cut-
NOTICE to fluorescent collectors. I have many Montana agates. Custom Cutting and mount- ting material—Agates, Jasper, Geodes, Var-
beautiful fluorescent specimens now in stock. ing. North West Gem Shop, Box 305, Ta- iscite, Turquoise, Chrysocolla, Petrified
Each one tested before being sent out for coma 1, Wash. Wood, Obsidian, etc., 5 lbs. $3.50, 10 lbs.
color and beauty. 10 nice sized, all different, $6.00, 20 lbs. $10.00. Assorted sawed cut-
$5.00. jack the Rockhound, Box 86, Carbon- BARGAIN ASSORTMENT — Fluorescent — ting material—20 sq. in. $3.50, 50 sq. in.
dale, Colo. One chunk dumortierite. One chunk Fine $7.00, 100 sq. in. $12.00. Agate, Jasper,
Sun Valley Calcite, pink. One chunk dolomite Chrysocolla, Variscite, Turquoise, Wood,
ANY ONE wishing to buy Petrified Wood from new find in Indiana. One chunk Nevada Rhodonite, Obsidian, Opal, etc. Please in-
write William Hutton, Green River, Wyo. selenite. One chunk shellite from Canada. clude postage. Send for price list of cutting
One chunk Texas pink calcite, one of the material, minerals, specimens, jewelry, etc.
FOR SALE—Cabochon blanks, Rose Quartz, most phosphorescent minerals. One chunk John L. James, Tonopah, Nevada.
Moss Agate, Jade, Palm Root, Jasper, Poppy calcite in limestone new material from In-
Jasper, Polka Dot Agate, Tiger Eye, Petrified diana. One chunk lovely flaming calcite, new 100 GOOD GRADE ancient Indian arrowheads
Wood and Labradorite. Name your wants, material. One chunk Old Mexico tribolumin- $4.00, 1000 $30.00. Tomahawk, hoe, discoi-
we will supply them. $1.75 per dozen. The escent sphalerite. One chunk molybdenite dal, axe and 20 arrowheads $5.00. Large flint
Agate Nook, 6206 Santa Fe Ave., Huntington from Ontario, Canada, very fine. One chunk knife, large spearhead, game ball, celt and
Park, Calif. norbergite, rare, from New Jersey. One chunk 20 stemmed scrapers $5.00. 100 blemished
Virgin Valley Opal, lovely soft green. One spearheads $10.00. 100 fine arrowheads
20 ASS'ORTED colorful specimens including chunk willemite, from New Jersey. One $10.00, 100 slightly blemished stemmed
Amethyst crystals, Agates, Chalcedony Roses. chunk franklinite, calcite, and willemite. All scrapers $4.00. 100 beautiful sea shells
Jasper, Geodes, Copper specimens and for $3.00 plus postage on 5 pounds. West $10.00. List free. Lears, Box 569, Galveston,
others. Generous size. $1.50 postpaid. Trager Coast Mineral Co., P. O. Box 331, La Habra, Texas.
Mick, Box 1, Morristown, Ariz. California. Mailing address. Shop location,
1400 Hacienda Blvd., La Habra Heights, WANTED: TO BUY and sell crystals and
EASY INSTRUCTIONS for cutting and polish- superbly colorful rare minerals, strictly top
ing cabochons with description of necessary California. Open every day but Monday.
Thousands of specimens, as well as cutting grade. Sam Parker, 2160 East Van Buren,
equipment sent postpaid for $1.00. Western Phoenix, Arizona.
Lapidary Supply, 117 23rd St., Manhattan material. From Los Angeles, come by Whit-
Beach, Calif. tier Blvd. to Highway 39, turn north to 1400.
From Pasadena or vicinity come by way of WANTED: Excellent crystallized specimens,
Valley Blvd. to Highway 39, turn south to outstanding cutting material for wholesale
CABOCHONS—Cut from numerous types of trade. Send specimen samples and prices.
semi-precious stones, suitable for jewelry 1400. Phone 81707.
Jack Frost, 59 E. Hoffer St., Banning, Cali-
making or collections. Prices very reasonable. fornia.
Rough sliced materials—Including Horse MINERAL SETS—24 Colorful Minerals (iden-
Canyon agates, Fine gem quality silicified tified) in l x l compartments—Postage paid, "PERRY DRILL"—New model. Drill youl
rhyolite, Palmwood. etc. 10 to 25c square $3.50. Prospector's Set of 50 Minerals (iden- own pendants, beads, buttons, etc., for pleas-
inch. W. J. Kane Lapidary, 1651 Waller St., tified in lxl compartments in cloth rein- ure or profit. For professionals or amateurs.
San Francisco 17, Calif. forced sturdy cartons. Postage paid $5.75. Drills fast—none better at any price. $14 00.
Elliott's Gem Shop, 26 Jergins Arcade, Long L. E. Perry, 111 N. Chester, Pasadena 4, Calif.
Beach 2, Calif.
weathered, oddly honeycombed breccia of SPECIAL MAIL OFFER: 20 square inches
translucent chalcedony and opalite with ig- $2.50 brings you prepaid six rare and beautiful agates, jaspers, petrified woods, etc. (not
neous matrix. Dazzling lemon-yellow fluor- crystallized Arizona minerals. Vanadinite, trimmings). Enough for 50 cabochons. $2.50
escence in colorful contrast with deep indigo Dioptase, Wulfenite, Willemite, Chrysocol- postpaid. Fred's Gem Shop, Hansen, Idaho.
blue of matrix. One of varied fluorescent la, Azurite. Specimens l'/2 x 2 or larger.
chalcedonies, opalites, and agate in stock. Wiener Mineral Co., Box 509, Tucson, Ari- LARGE ASSORTMENT of good quality gem
3x3" $1.50; 3x4" $2.50: 4x5" $4.50. Three zona. stones. Prices in the rough run from $2.00
larger choice specimens $5.50. $6.50 and per pound up. Sawed slabs, assorted $3-50
$10.00. New Fluorescent Price List Mailed on MONTANA MOSS AGATES in the rough for per pound up. One pound of slabs will cut
Request. Frank Duncan &: Daughter, Box 63, gem cutting, $1.00 per lb. plus postage. El- dozens of excellent cabochons. Send for ap-
Terlingua, Texas. liott's Gem Shop, 26 Jergins Arcade, Long proval selection of beautiful cabochons. Cus-
Beach 2, California. tom silversmithing and lapidary work esti-
MINERAL SETS- Selected specially for Pros- mates on request. Sterling silver sheet and
pectors. 50 mineral specimens mounted, iden- MINERALS, GEMS, COINS, Bills, Old Glass, wire in small quantities. I purchase good
tified and pocket booklet describing each Books, Stamps, Fossils, Buttons, Dolls, quality gem stone in the rough. Correspon-
specimen. In cloth reinforced carton. Postpaid Weapons, Miniatures, Indian Silver Rings dence invited. Satisfaction or money-back
$4.00. Old Prospector, Box 21R98, Dutch and Bracelets. Also Mexican. Catalogue 5c. guarantee. Paul F. Fryer, Walpole St., Dover,
Flat, Calif. Cowboy Lemley, Las Cruces, New Mexico. Mass.
Heber H. Clewett, physics instructor Pomona
Materials Are Still Scarce! . . . high, was speaker at September meeting of Po- HEIRLOOMS OF THE FUTURE . . .
mona Valley mineral club. In his talk on quartz
oscillator plates he stated that only a small pro- Marvin's fine handicrafted sterling
TIUI1U vlf
Hoped to find where gold was hiding. oviu EWPMMFCOSEATTLE ? Wash-I
7" •(4.75 $4.00 As he roamed along he sang a song ' INC.
Bracelets, Rings, Necklaces, Earrings Price (less belts) $19.50
3 Belts 120. 220. 320 Grit 1.00
and Brooches 1 Woven polishing belt _. 1.95
Shipping weight 15 lbs.
CHOICE COLORS AND PICTURES LAP UNIT All alum, construction except
alloy steel bevel gears and sealed bal!
Write for Folder with Prices bearings. With 8" dia. "MEEHANITE'
Wholesala and Retail Lap plate. Ideal for lapping flat speci-
ELLIOTT'S GEM SHOP Price $28.50 — Shipping weight 20 lbs.
26 Jergins Arcade Long Beach 2, Calif. Prices are F.O.B. Pasadena. California
Entrance Subway at Ocean and Pine
Open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Daily ALTA ENGINEERING C O . -
P. O. Box 1149 Pasadena 20. Calif.
NOVEMBER, 1946 33
It is reported that Glen Waters is forming a
club in Rochester, Minnesota. Another report SPECTROGRAPHIC
has it that clubs are forming in Duluth and
other areas. ANALYSIS . . .
• • • will detect valuable metals in your mineral
Program subject for September 12 meeting of samples. Rare metals are easily detected even
in extremely small amounts.
San Fernando Valley Mineral and Gem society Complete qualitative analysis only $4.00
was minerals of Cornwall. Kilion and Margaret per sample. Prices for quantitative analysis
Ben.susan presented a joint lecture on the min- and research sent on request.
erals and mining industry of the English coun- SEND SAMPLES PREPAID TO—
Black Petrified Wood. 5-10 lbs., lb $2 Ninety members and guests of Orange Belt SPECTRO-CHEMICAL
Colored Wood. 5-10 lbs., lb. $1 Minera logical society met at the home of Mr. LABORATORY
and Mrs. I. V. Graham, San Bernardino, August
Ricolite, striped serpentine, lb. 50c 11 for a covered dish dinner. Members recounted 2891 So. Robertson Blvd.
Black Obsidian, lb. ...50c vacation experiences. Mrs. H. Clark, president, LOS ANGELES 34, CALIFORNIA
Snowillake Obsidian, lb. 50c gave several polished specimens for prizes, and
Garnets, pyrope, cutting quality, oz. ..50c a desert painting donated by a member was
raffled. All enjoyed the grab boxes. September GENUINE HANDMADE
Colorado Plume Agate, per slab $1 to $30 meeting was scheduled for Pinetum, Sylvan STERLING SILVER JEWELRY
Other materials too numerous to men- park, Redlands, final outdoor gathering of the WHOLESALE ONLY
tion, also, cabinet specimens, cut stones, season. Each member was requested to bring Rough Cutting Material—Petrified Palm,
silver jewelry, fluorescent materials, polished specimens for display. A "rock rush" Petrified Cat-tails, Bloodstone
was planned to complete the evening's fun. PRICES ON REQUEST
mineral books, lapidary work, gold and
silver work to order. • • • A. J. GARDNER
North Hollywood high school, night school, Box 265 Needles, Calif.
THE COLORADO GEM CO. has announced a class in mineralogy, which
BAYFIELD, COLO. started September 16.
• • •
As Mineralogical Society of Arizona, Phoe- Lapidary Supplies
nix, opened its twelfth year of continuous ac-
DRILL GEMS . . . tivity, with more than ten times the membership & Equipment
with which the first year ended, it was an- PLENTY OF GOOD CUTTING ROCK
. . . DRILL JEWELRY nounced that the aim of adding at least one new
member at each meeting during last year was "The answer to PRECISION work—is a
MIDGET DRILLER again achieved.
• • •
A Universal Drilling Machine East Bay Mineral society, Oakland, has full POLY PRODUCTS ARBORS—
A Real Instrument . . . schedule for October activity, including illus- D3 Heavy Duty for 10" wheels $27.50
trated talk on Goose Lake meteor by Earle G. D12 Junior for 8" wheels ... 22.50
Linsley. of Chabot observatory (October 3), C2 Universal single end yg" 9.00
field trip October 6 for volcanic bubbles and C2 Universal single end y4" 10.00
petrified wood, and on October 17 an unusual SARTWELL Automatic Drill $29.50
program presented by Don Clark, who will RX Complete Lapidary Unit $125.00
show his pictures of Arabia set to music—a pic-
ture which was shown at a command perform- All Items are F.O.B. BelHlower
ance for the royal family of Arabia during CARBORUNDUM BRAND ABRASIVES
United Nations conference in San Francisco. FELKER DI-MET SAW BLADES
Sterling Silver Ring & Pendant
TRUE OR FALSE ANSWERS Silver and Gold Chains
Questions are on page 26 XMAS is just around the corner, make
your selection early
1—False. Rattlesnakes and ground owls
sometimes usurp the prairie dog's HELPFUL TIPS ARE FREE
holes, but they never live at peace.
2—False. Turkeys are native of North ABERCROMBIE'S AGATE SHOP
America. 335 So. Lakewood Blvd.. BelHlower, Calif.
3—False. Billy the Kid (William H.
Bonney) was born in New York
City in 1859.
4—True. 5—True. Miners and
Departure Sealed Ball Bearings, Jacobs Key
6—False. Salinity of Saltern Sea .355 per "| Prospectors
Tightening Chuck, 3 Drilling Blocks, Motor
cent, Great Salt Lake 19.558 per
cent. The percentages vary from r } INSTANTLY
Pulley and Belt . . .
year to year, these figures being jP IDENTIFY
$37.50 Without Motor taken from D. T. McDougal's The URANIUM
Salton Sea. MERCURY
Use any sized motor. We furnish the pulley
for yotir motor free. Give your motor shaft 7—True. MINERA LIGHT SCHEEUTE
dia. and R.P.M. when you order. Deposit re- 8—False. El Tovar and Phantom ranch DETECTS U R A N I U M WILLEMITE
quired with oriler—Balance P.P. (C.O.D.). and other valu-
Circular on request. are in Grand Canyon national park. "The available methods for delecting
9—False. Good treads are best for sand. uranium lacked one or more of (he de- able Orel with
sired characteristics. Etentually, however,
DIAMOND DRILL POINTS 10—True. a meihod was worked out that is prob- MINERALIGHT
ably more specific and sensitive than the
NO TUBES — NO PASTE 11—False. The Mormon battalion was usual qualitative methods for. uranium. <?<«J jfidd.H
recruited while the Mormons were Since uranium is rnosi susceptihle to
For Drilling Agate, Ruby and Sapphire short-wave ultra-violet light, the lamp
Very Fast. camped in Iowa enroute to their used in this work was the MINER-
ALIGHT V-41 . . . which emits short-
3/64 (0.045) Dia $ 7.50 promised land in Utah valley. •wave ultra-vielct fays at 2,537" Angstrom FREE
1/16 (0.062) Dia 8.50 12—True. 13—True. units."*
|| A four-color II
2/MM (0.078) Dia 9.00 14—False. Cliff houses generally of MINERALIGHT
3/MM (0.118) Dia 10.00 Copies of the full report, "Fluorescence Test Catalogue
The 1/16 Size is the All Purpose Size
stone, with mud as mortar. for Uranium," are available from the Bureau WRITE DEPT.T
15—True. 16—True. of Mines. Office of Mineral Reports, Wa= lODAtl
Prompt Delivery ington, D. C.
17—True. 18—True.
Post Paid, Cash with Older or C.O.D.
19—False. Walpi is a Hopi village.
20—False. Jumping cholla is a species of
1312 East Fourth St. Sterling, III
HILTON & GREB GEM SHOP Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Anderson of Snyder,
J. W. Greb, past president of Gem Col- New York, vacationed briefly in Phoenix dur-
lector's Club of Seattle and one of the ing September. Mr. Anderson, member of Buf-
founders and directors of the Northwest falo Museum of Science, is responsible for loan
Federation of Mineralogical Societies, of Mineralogical Society of Arizona traveling
has taken over the rock, mineral and collection to the Buffalo museum, where it has
gem business of John W. Hilton east of been on display for three months. He also is a
Indio, California. leader in the amateur lapidary class sponsored
Greb's rocks and minerals from the by the museum, one of the largest programs of
Northwest, combined with Hilton's large its kind in the country.
and representative collection from the • • •
Southwest and Mexico make this one of At October 5 meeting of Marquette Geolo-
the largest and most comprehensive dis- gists association, Chicago, Frank L. Fleener of
plays in the West. Future announce- the Joliet Mineralorists spoke on fossils, their
ments will list special offerings from nature and implication. Among honored guests
month to month. In the meantime we in- were Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Montague and Ben
vite correspondence and visitors. Bagrowski of the Wisconsin Geological society.
Shop on Highway 99, 11 miles south- • • • FELKER D I - M E T
east of Indio, at Valerie Jean's corner. Meeting of Midwest Federation of Geological
Address Thermal, California. M O D E L DH
Societies was scheduled for October 19-20 at
Minneapolis. Tentative program included busi-
ness meeting, mineral exhibit, lectures, sight- Most practical, economical cut-off
seeing tours, field trips and a banquet. saw yet developed for amateur
• • • Lapidary use!
Marion Speers, of Western Trails museum,
Huntington Beach, and recently elected presi-
dent of West Coast Mineral society, was speaker WRITE FOR PARTICULARS
at September meeting of Long Beach Mineralo-
gical society. Watch next month's announce-
ment of new Felker Di-Met UNI-
World's Largest Diamond Mine LAP. A complete, compact lapi-
Reported Found in Tanganyika dary machine with both vertical
Diamond mine with a surface area eight times and horizontal spindle positions in
greater than the world's largest previously one unit!
known diamond mine has been discovered at
Mwadui, near Shiryanga lake in Tanganyika,
department of land and mines announced from
Dar es Salaam, Africa, September 26. Owner of
mine was said to be Dr. J. T. Williamson, na- MANUFACTURING COMPANY
tive of Canada and graduate of McGill univer-
1128 Border Avenue
SEND FOR LITERATURE 15 sity. Production for this year was estimated at
LAPIDARY ENGINEERS more than $8,000,000 and the mine surface re- TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA
portedly has been only scratched.
NOVEMBER, 1946 35
Coronado to the present.
In the section, More or Less Heroes,
which includes Coronado, Escalante and
Ives, one of the best realized chapters is
the wistfully beautiful story of Padre
Garces, whom he calls the Little Man with
the Big Cross. Row Your Boat is an eight
chapter section giving highlights of man's
struggle with the Colorado river, from the
little known Virginian, William Henry
ROMANCE OF SOUTHWEST'S unfolded, with emphasis on the personali- Ashley, through the expeditions of Powell,
GREAT RAILROAD UNFOLDED ties that built it—Colonel Cyrus K. Holli- the Kolb brothers, Clyde Eddy and more
In the style that makes history interest- day especially. All of the detailed trials, recent explorers and adventurers. He does
ing to all ages, SANTA FE, The Railroad tribulations and triumphs of the railroad not pretend a complete story of river men,
That Built an Empire, is the complete story are dramatically, and often humorously, but rather has chosen some of the most dra-
of the building of the famous Atchison, reported. matic or the most significant, giving them
Topeka and Santa Fe line. The author, Random House, New York., 465 pp., rather detailed attention, thereby more
James Marshall, begins his story back in appen., index, 32 pages photographs. effectively arousing curiosity about the en-
early Pueblo days when the West knew $3.50. tire story.
only short foot trails, before the introduc- —Aliton DuBois
Grand Canyon "characters" and trail
tion of the horse. Against this background, NEW BROCHURE ON SOUTHWEST guides, tourists and dude wranglers are
the history of the great Santa Ye is quickly HOME CONSTRUCTION pictured with deft and humorous words
A hundred pages of designs and details which will be especially appreciated by
for Southwestern homes make up a new those who have visited the Canyon. His so-
brochure, MODERN SPANISH-PUEB- journ in the Land of the Sky Blue Water,
A VIVID S t LO HOMES, designed and written by where "nothing ever happens" covers sev-
William Lumpkins, a native Southwest eral amusing chapters about the Havasupai
NOVEL ABOUT architect. Forty-one plans with perspective Indians.
drawings and details, from small economi-
CALIFORNIA'S EARLY cal houses to four bedroom units. It con- The author chose a tremendous sub-
tains a foreword on the historical develop- ject—filled with eons and centuries, with
DAYS history and adventure—and he has pro-
ment of the adobe house in the Southwest,
illustrations and discussions of such details duced a book that to the general reader will
by a well-known be convincing and realistic.
as fireplaces and doors. A page descrip-
Duell, Sloan and Pearce, New York,
California newspaperman tion of each house plan faces the illustra-
1946. Maps, index, 312 pp. $3.75.
• • •
Ed Ainsworth Construction plans and specifications on
all the designs are available from Western BOOK BRIEFS . . .
Plan Service, Santa Fe, New Mexico. University of California Press an-
S2.00. nounces that Ordeal by Hunger, the story
GRAND CANYON SITS of the Donner party by Dr. George R.
FOR ITS PORTRAIT Stewart, professor of English on the
Berkeley campus, will be reissued shortly
Edwin Corle, in his newest book in a centennial edition.
LISTEN, BRIGHT ANGEL, has put ge- • • •
ology and history into the best-seller class. One of the valuable documents of the
He has written about the Cyclopean birth Donner Party, who were snowbound in the
and growth of the Grand Canyon and Sierras in 1846-47, has been published by
about the four centuries during which men Dr. George R. Stewart, professor of Eng-
have known the canyon, in such a way that lish, University of California, under im-
a reader will ask for more geology and his- print of Book Club of California. Entitled
tory—of that kind. Diary of Patrick Breen, the book presents
It is true historians and possibly geolo- text and facsimile of the original, with ad-
PAUL JORDAN - SMITH SAYS: gists will find some faults. But there is no ditional notes by Dr. Stewart.
"Ainsworth missed nothing of doubt this book will awaken a deeper and
California's amazing early his- more active interest in Canyon Country and Two books of the late W. A. Chalfant,
tory. That of itseli would carry the entire Southwest than has heretofore Tales of the Pioneers and Outposts of Civi-
the delighted reader through elicited ohs and ahs of tourists as they have lization, are being combined in a single
gone down Bright Angel and other trails volume entitled Sagebrush and Mining
these exciting pages: delayed
via muleback. Tales, according to Stanford University
romance quickens his pace . . . There are moments, especially when Press. Foreword for the new book was
It is easy to see that EAGLES Corle is writing of persons and events written by Horace M. Albright, former di-
FLY WEST will be one of the which have become idealized in general rector of national park service.
most eagerly read novels the literature, when his tone sounds superfi- • • •
Pacific Coast has produced in cial. But when analyzed one realizes he is Another in the long line of stories on Su-
many a long day." using the idiom of the day. Perhaps for perstition Mountain and its lost treasures
that very reason his places, events and peo- is a booklet, True Story of Jacob Walzer
$3.00 at your bookstore ple seem so real. He looks at them from the and his Famous Hidden Gold Mine, writ-
viewpoint of a 20th century man who tries ten by Charles Frederick Higham of Phoe-
MACMILLAN to see through the silk screen of glamor nix, and published by McMath, El Paso, at
which has veiled historic figures from $1.00.
BY E D W I N C O R L E . . .
2. D E S E R T C O U N T R Y . . .
Fourth large printing. . . . $3.00
4. BURRO ALLEY . . .
Merle Armitage has designed a new edition limited to 1500 numbered
and signed copies of Mr. Corle's exceptional novel of Santa Fe.
. . . $5.00
A o l i l U U K DUUAo ELLER
NOVEMBER, 1946 37
(Lu5t Hatween Ifou and Me
A--S-A' ,£^
ESPITE all the advances being made by scientific man in- could readjust themselves to new conditions—in other words,
eluding the harnessing of atomic energy, the physical the radicals—came through the test and survived. Not always,
structure and mental equipment of the species homo however. Sometimes they became too radical, and perished. But
sapiens has not changed much in the past 500,000 years, nor will the conservatives were doomed, without exception. Change is
it change radically in the next half million years, according to the an immutable law.
view of anthropologists. Bearing on this subject the San Diego The ancient dinosaur was a conservative. He could not adapt
Museum of Man in a recent issue of its monthly bulletin, offers himself to changing conditions—and that was the end of the
the following estimate: dinosaur.
"His head will not get much bigger, although it may become The scientist, in the true sense of the word, is a radical. He ac-
rounder. The brain will not become much bigger, although it cepts no precedents as his final authority. His mind is eager and
has possibilities of becoming more specialized. Stature of some curious—he seeks ever a new and better way to achieve the end
human groups appears to have increased but they may be due to he has envisioned.
better diet and medical care rather than any real evolutionary I wish our schools were doing a better job of instilling in our
changes. children the eager open-minded approach to our social, political
"One of man's weak spots, the lumbar region of the back and economic problems which the scientist uses so effectively in
could stand some improvement and may in time develop the dealing with material problems. I would teach the students that
needed reinforcement. Any expanded muscular development of nothing man-made is too sacred to be changed—not even the
the 'superman' type is unreasonable because the present frame- constitution of the United States. That constitution was written
work would not stand the strain. Man's feet are weak and need by men who were radicals in their day.
improvement to support man's present weight. Wisdom teeth My generation has made a rather bad mess of things. There
and little toes are going out for lack of use. are too many human dinosaurs among us. The solution for our
"There is a general tendency to the loss of body hair. In fact confused world is in the adaptibility of youth—youngsters who
the Caucasoids, particularly whites in Europe and the Americas, have been taught that it is within their power to take the re-
seem to be following the lead of the Negroids and Mongoloids sources and scientific knowledge of this earth, and with a some-
and going them one better by losing the hair on their heads as what different mould than their mothers and fathers have used,
well. Man has not changed a great deal in the last 500,000 to re-create a social order in which they will regain their heri-
years except in the development of the brain, and it is doubtful tage of security, freedom and happiness.
if he will change much in the next 500,000 years. All this de- * * *
pending on whether we become too efficient at annihilating one With this issue, Desert Magazine starts its 10th year. It is
another, and man is not around in 501946 A. D. to take a good just a youngster yet, but it has been through a few years of de-
look at himself." pression and a war—and a lot of headaches caused by the short-
* * •» age of paper. We had to take another cut in our paper quota this
The Creator has given us a beautiful and bountiful earth. In month, but I think we will be back to our 48-pages-or-more next
the soil and the rocks are all the resources man needs for a full month. Let's hope it will be for keeps.
rich life. And in the hearts and minds of humans is the potential The things of the desert thrive on adversity. Also, they like
genius necessary to use these natural resources to the end that plenty of space. They don't like to be crowded. And that is Des-
there may be security, freedom and happiness for all. ert Magazine's problem too. We must find bigger quarters for
Who then, is responsible for the misuse of these resources— our growing staff of editors and printers and circulation girls.
the misdirection of these human talents? You say it is the presi- When we erected the present building in 1939 we thought it
dents, the premiers, the dictators, the capitalists, the labor rack- would serve our needs permanently. But we were wrong. We
eteers. But there is neither vision nor understanding in such an underestimated the numbers and enthusiasms of that strange
answer. tribe of humans who can see beauty in pastel-colored rocks and
In a democracy, stupid or dishonest leadership merely is a who find peace and strength—and poetry—in a land once feared
measure of the intelligence and courage of those who select that and shunned by their ancestors.
leadership. And so, plans are in the making for a new and much larger
Who, then, is at fault for the confusion we see in America to- publishing plant, to be started as soon as building materials are
day? My friends, the paleontologists, can show you a very prob- available. There we will have ample space, not only for the staff
able answer to that question out on the mesas and in the can- and printing equipment, but also for friends to call in and say
yons of the land that is called desert. Nature has a law that is "hello" and enjoy the botanical gardens and the desert exhibits
inviolate. It is the law of adaptation. The arid region of the which are to be a very important part of the new project.
Southwest is sprinkled with the fossils of plant and animal life Inscribed on the door of Desert's publishing plant in El Cen-
that became extinct because it could not change—it could not tro, California, is an invitation: "Friend or Stranger, you are
adapt itself to a world that never stands still. welcome here!" We are going to take that sign with us when
The lesson we can learn from this is that those forms which we move.
NOVEMBER, 1946 39
Gift-Packed Dates
Desert Candy DEGLET NOORS—
The Deluxe Gift
CRIME OF THE DESERT ** ~ « S S : : : : : : : : : * lil
2y4 POUNDS S2.00 <T° One Address) 13 20
(Each includes Date Milk Shake and ASSORTED RARE VARIETIES-
Date Butter Cake Recipes) 3 POUNDS , n n (DELIVERED PREPAID)
(DELIVERED PREPAID) 5 p Q U N D S '.'. \ ' . ' . . ' . \ . % 5 S
Creamed date butter and honey. Use it 12 1-POUND PACKS Pitted Deglet Noor Dates, original
for date milk shakes, for desserts and (To One Address) . . . 1320 plump tenderness preserved in rich, de-
cooking, as a spread, and for mixing (DELIVERED PREPAID) liriously Date Flavored Brandy Syrup
with nuts and fruits molded into un- n
, ,. for pudding or sundae topping, desserts,
cooked home candies. For good cooks | Y t n e l m e s t dates go into these packs,
and hostesses a culinary "must " therefore orders are accepted subject to the cocktails, etc.
available supply of best grades.
(To One Address) 13 20
Made of dates, roasted almonds, pineap-
ple or orange, raisins and honey. A date
delicacy supreme in the history of Valerie
Jean. A grand food for children and gift for
all occasions.
4 POUNDS PITTED DATES-Postpaid $2.90
A firm date for cooking, salads, and just
good eating.